On The Wicked Ways Of Man


I came back as a homeless man

And you locked me in a cage

The guards beat me ferociously

My Father was consumed with rage.


When next He sent me back to you

I walked across desert sand

A drone was sent to kill me

And I was back in my Father’s hand.


I was sent once more to shed some light

On the wicked ways of man

You once again, paid me no heed

since I had the deepest tan.


No more will I come for you

Your sins have damned you all

And when you die, you’ll not come here

In hell on your knees, you’ll crawl.

Written by,

Shelby I. Courtland

©2015 Shelby I. Courtland

 This one is for the Christians because you guys have just finished patting yourselves on your goddamn back  and screaming and yelling about how “He is risen!” etc., etc., and then got on with the business of hating on your foreign neighbors, got on with the business of playing fake ass do-gooders when you’re really taking all of the tithes that you bilk from the blind sheep and using it to purchase your fancy vehicles and take your grand vacations. I’ve watched as you beseeched the public for funds to feed the homeless, only to turn around and fill your pantries and freezers with the choicest meats and delicacies and gave to the poor and hungry, outdated shit and you smiled all day long over what your hypocritical ass was doing. Oh, you’ll get yours, indeed you will.

And if you are sitting somewhere expecting an announcement that Jesus has come back, are you serious? There will be no trumpet announcements and “Gather ye!” messages. Your biblical Jesus was poor and humble and walked the earth in a robe and if you truly believe that He will arrive driving a Cadillac Escalade with an Armani suit on, are you for real? You faithless shits wouldn’t know Jesus if he walked right through you. You wouldn’t even feel Him because you are dead inside. The only thing you care for is material shit and to see people who you think are your enemies, dead. You chase after ever more elusive highs because your sad and pathetic little world is really not doing it for you, is it? No, it’s not and that is why you have to deaden the awareness because you are not really living, you are just pretending because that is expected of you and you need stronger drugs and more alcohol to get you through the day because no one can know that you are not really as happy as you claim to be. But you won’t do what you need to do. You refuse to stop worshipping money and you just can’t stop being greedy, cold, callous, thoughtless and selfish. You pretend that you are not any of those things when in fact, you are all of them and so much more of the like.

If your Jesus did come back, what would He think of you? Yeah, I know and what’s more, so do you!


25 thoughts on “On The Wicked Ways Of Man

  1. I am starting to believe that anyone who believes in religion or Santa Claus should not be allowed to speak or hold any position of power. If you cannot think for yourself, by yourself, I don’t want to hear your dogma crap.

    Liked by 1 person

    1. And yet everything that’s slithering around Washington claims to be religious and to BELIEVE. Yeah, we know what they BELIEVE in; drones, bombs, missiles, tanks, impoverished and hungry, jobless and homeless people because that IS what religion is ALL about! They need to sit the fuck down and shut the fuck up! Oh, I hear ya Tales, BELIEVE me, I hear ya!

      Thank you for your comment.

      Liked by 2 people

      1. I actually believe that most of the US politicians who claim “religion” are in fact in league with the other entity; they are doing its work. These mofos should hail Satan, their real God, and stop pretending.


      2. I very much empathize with both you, but I suppose I would only hope to show that at least some believers in Jesus do not espouse any of the same materialism, war-mongering, or hypocrisy that is indeed so rampant in the world today. Ironically, this sort of disgusting idolatry and false professions of Faith in Christ is precisely what the Bible says will happen in the Last Days…


      3. Thank you for your comment thetruthisstrangerthanfiction.

        It would seem that these are indeed, the last days for many regardless of whether or not we are speaking in biblical terms because much of the world is on fire thanks to man’s insanity that war is the answer to every problem.

        And if we Americans insist that this is a ‘christian’ nation, why are we so ready and willing and complicit in bombing innocent people without blinking? The ‘Christian’s’ God’s commandment of ‘Thou shalt not kill’ is conveniently ignored here at home and abroad because state sanctioned killing is just as wrong as if I killed my neighbor. Punish me by imprisonment, yes, but by murder AGAIN? I don’t think so. That is hypocrisy beyond belief and Christians indulge in this every single day. They pick and choose excerpts from their bible to justify what they do and it is all wrong, just as assuredly it is wrong for me to kill someone in a foreign land that has done nothing to me and we do this, again, every single day, “But we’re a ‘christian’ nation,” we scream. And I say to that, “Yeah, right! Whatever.”

        Again, I thank you for your comment. It is much appreciated!

        Liked by 1 person

      4. Well said. Once again, I very much agree with and resonate the very thins you are saying! Part of my whole “waking up” experience which started with the truth about 9/11, the war on terror, etc., involved the immediate realization that folks like ol’ George Dubbya were not simply “imperfect people who genuinely believe in God”, but rather part of something incredibly sinister and evil. The last five+ years I have spent exploring all the various tangents and rabbit holes connected to the broader questions of who/why people would do such horrible things. What is at the core of the conspiracy? I believe it is very much spiritual in the end, and like you have said, so many clueless “church-goin folk” in America completely ignore the message contained in their own Bibles, and instead get behind endless war propaganda and support all kinds of genocide and imperialistic agendas. Most recently, I have been digging deeper into the specific history of how the current self-contradictory ideals of “pro-war Christians” were in fact very intentionally cultivated in a most calculated way. I am not trying to excuse anyone for the indefensible logic they employ and cherry-picked Bible verses etc., but I am simply realizing more and more just how much the history, politics, religion, etc. of the last 100-200 years in particular has been quite masterfully guided by a “hidden hand”…


      5. The so-called ‘christians’ have been pro-war since the beginning of chrisitanity. Look at what the Christians did to Jesus. There have been crusades or in other words, ‘holy wars’. Down through history, religion has played a part in all things vile, evil, barbaric and twisted. Men have enslaved other men and insisted that it was the ‘christian’ thing to do. Men have stolen lands and other things that belonged to other men in the name of religion. The Christians went to Africa and stole her people, all the while insisting that they were Christians and that the heathens needed their brand of Christianity. Excuse me, but if someone is lashing my back while quoting the scripture, I am not going to want to heartily follow that which they are quoting when it is reducing me to a whimpering mass of bloody flesh.

        There is an ongoing war between Islam and Christianity. Neither can live in harmony with the other despite both claiming the religious and moral high ground which neither has attained. Both sides are hypocritical especially when innocent human beings are caught in the crossfire. Religion will be the death of us all. And may GOD have no mercy on their dark souls!

        Thank you! Your comment gave me much food for thought. At one time, I was a Sunday school teacher, but after witnessing the hypocrisy, the backstabbing, the cliques and the agenda of ‘christianity’ it turned my stomach and I’ve not stepped foot inside a church for decades and I have found that the people who are truly helpful and filled with humanity and warmth towards others are not found wailing and moaning inside a church but are in fact, steering clear of them. I gladly joined their ranks.

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      6. Yes, so much evil has been done in the name of Jesus, and it continues on to this day. I myself grew up in Sunday School and that whole cultural bubble of Christianity, but then it I started to have so much of what I had taken for granted come into serious question when I travelled for several years outside the U.S. and began to see the true reality of American Imperialism and cult-like religious behavior etc. I no longer “attend” any institutional church either, but interestingly enough I have come around to the point where I now the see the Bible itself as the most perfect and in-depth explanation of both what is happening in the world today, and the nature of humanity itself. God hates hypocrisy, and that is why He will judge…

        The more I have learned about the whole “NWO” cabal, and it’s esoteric/occult roots, and how it’s existence goes all the way back through history to the time of Nimrod/Babylon, the more I have come to understand that things like the “Holy Wars” and the “Crusaders” involved folks like the Knights Templar, who were basically Europeans who learned adopted Middle Eastern occultism, and disguised it outwardly as “Christian”. It would be difficult to exhaustively list all the ways/times this same sort of thing has occurred, from the Catholic Jesuit order to modern-day “Evangelicals” like Rick Warren who is a member of the CFR.

        One thing I never fully grasped when I was growing up in church, Shelby, was the reality of how the Bible tells us that the world is presently ruled by Satan, in a very tangible sense. The more I learn about history, both recent and ancient, and the true machinations behind word affairs, the more I believe it is so very much the case that the evils of slavery, war, usury, genocide, etc., are not the by-product of faith in the True Creator, but the product of people either knowingly or unknowingly following the path of the Serpent, in his rebellion against the Throne…


      7. What I cannot understand is why create paradise and be ‘all knowing’ and allow a serpent to ruin that which you have created? Why condemn your creatures to an existence that you know is horrifying and exclaim that “We have free will?” If we have ‘free will’, why then have we chosen to follow that which is constantly tempting us with all things material while we are supposed to believe that if we do good, when we die, we will reap the rewards of heaven? That which remains unseen from us. Yes, I know. Who am I to question, “God?” And I answer, one of his creation that has the apple dangled daily before my eyes but I choose not to partake of it and even though I do not, I am still fucked up by others who have partaken of said tainted apple and most willingly?

        I could go on and on in this vein but what would be the point? I find much in the bible that makes no sense. For instance, when Jesus spoke of the camel and the eye of a needle. Bill Gates and the Waltons are not worried about entering the Pearly Gates. They have not given up their worldly possessions to follow the Son of God. Why do they not fear death? The rich that hoard their wealth sit up in their palaces of worship and hear the same scripture as I have heard and yet they turn around and continue to make peoples lives miserable. They continue to keep the poor, poor,;working minimum wage jobs and yet our Father, God on high, sits idly by and continues to let the Serpent shred His paradise. Why? A test? If it is indeed, a test, then we have failed most miserably. Is it not time to call “Game, set, match, the serpent has won. Sound the trumpet?!” I would say, “it is!”

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      8. Oh man… I like you. I LIKE these kinds of questions, believe it or not. You’ve really zeroed in on the crux of it all, I’d say. I have asked these sorts of questions so many times myself. Why would you let Satan IN to the garden in the first place? Why would let the “Watchers” come down and take women as wives and create the Nephilim? And why would you allow them back into the earth again after going through all the business of the Flood?

        How could God really allow things like Satanic Ritual Abuse to go on, and on the level that so many people claim that it is? Or all the pain, and death, and deception, and stealing, and on and on and on…. Just to “test” us God? That sounds insanely extreme, I admit. Could it all really be “worth it” in the end? Could all of this really, truly, “work together for the good” of those who love God? Are the trials of Job really supposed to be some kind of allegory for the expanse of all human history? Isn’t that a little sick God?

        But here’s the thing…

        To even find oneself participating in such a lament, is to be confessing that the world is really full of “sickness” in the first place. It’s easy to identify that sickness when it manifests itself in the most unrestrained and vile of ways, but really this is only the tail-end. I certainly know that feeling that you describe, that feeling of “even though I do not partake of sinfulness, I am still fucked up by others who have partaken”. I guess for me it involved finally coming to a place where I had to admit to myself that these outer horrors really do stem from an unseen, inner condition of the heart, a condition that I myself carry within me as well. I have murdered. I have raped. I have betrayed. I have committed every atrocity there is to commit, even if it never was manifested on the physical level to where someone else felt the full impact. But God feels all of it, and God addressed the whole issue at the very root, which is how/why when Christ died on the cross, it was “Game, Set, Match” over the Serpent, even though outwardly, like the Bible says, “We do not presently see all things made subject to Him”.

        It’s very easy to go “Why haven’t you blown that dang trumpet yet God, if you care at all about justice?”, but then I am reminded that God was patient in blowing the trumpet on my own life, and the reason He waited was so that I might finally give up trying to be the god of my own life, and trust Him instead…

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      9. If faith is the substance of things hoped for, the evidence of things not seen, is this then what you are getting at? Having faith in the goodness that you hope exists, as in the ‘goodness’ that is in humans’ whereas the evidence of God as an entity is not seen and yet we are to know of his existence by our very existence and take a look around at all that grows and functions seemingly without any necessary interaction from man. Man was supposed to be the ultimate creation and yet, man is hell bent on destroying himself and taking the really innocent creatures out along with him. Where do the innocent creatures that inhabit the seas and fly the skies without the aid of artificial wings fit in? They kill only for sustenance. They care not for religious trappings and words spoken by religious zealots. And yet, we harm them everyday when we fill the oceans with poison radiation. We harm them everyday when we have nuclear ‘accidents’ on land. The other animal creatures are blameless and yet are at the mercy of the so-called human creatures. Is this not wrong? Why should man have dominion over God’s creatures when he knows not how to take care of them? We poison the winged creatures so that we can fly; we who have no wings. Why should this happen? I have always had more questions than answers for I cannot go on the assumption of things of which I have not seen, but only hoped for because when I see suffering, homelessness, serious illness, abject poverty, the bombing of innocent children; that does not make me have more faith, it tends to point me in the other direction.

        Am I saying that I have never sinned? Of course not. But on the other hand, since we shall be judged by our sins, what sins are more sinful than others or are they all the same and will be judged accordingly? Shall I be judged for the sin of lust just as another is judged for the sin of murder? If sin is sin and none are worthy though Jesus died to save us from our sins so that when we die and we have been saved, we too can enter into the kingdom of God, where is the incentive for me try and remain as sinless as possible if I will be judged as one who has committed war crimes, torture and murder even if I have not? I see no benefit to that. I see a world in turmoil and strife. I see that evil reigns with impunity. If what I see, does not truly exist, then what if anything is real? Maybe, I am taking you too literal here. I am a bit dusty on my bible teachings as it has been a long time.

        I do thank you for this discourse. It has been most enlightening.


      10. “If faith is the substance of things hoped for, the evidence of things not seen, is this then what you are getting at? Having faith in the goodness that you hope exists, as in the ‘goodness’ that is in humans’ whereas the evidence of God as an entity is not seen and yet we are to know of his existence by our very existence and take a look around at all that grows and functions seemingly without any necessary interaction from man.”

        Yes, I would say that is a part of it anyway.

        “Man was supposed to be the ultimate creation and yet, man is hell bent on destroying himself and taking the really innocent creatures out along with him. Where do the innocent creatures that inhabit the seas and fly the skies without the aid of artificial wings fit in? They kill only for sustenance. They care not for religious trappings and words spoken by religious zealots. And yet, we harm them everyday when we fill the oceans with poison radiation. We harm them everyday when we have nuclear ‘accidents’ on land. The other animal creatures are blameless and yet are at the mercy of the so-called human creatures. Is this not wrong? Why should man have dominion over God’s creatures when he knows not how to take care of them? We poison the winged creatures so that we can fly; we who have no wings. Why should this happen?”

        That’s a big one, I grant you. It’s funny. For a long time I used to the be the kind of person who would say, “Well of course animals don’t go to heaven, they don’t have souls, humph!” That sort of thing. I don’t really hold that line of thinking anymore. I do believe the animals in God’s creation are very precious to Him, and it is again a very overwhelming thing to consider just how much they have had to bear the weight of the human Fall. Speaking of which, not long ago a friend of mine showed me a place in the Book of Jubilees (not in the Bible, but very interesting reading) which basically asserts that in the Garden, the animals could all actually speak. I personally find this quite compelling, and am now very much inclined to believe this was a part of the original Creation, and will most likely once again be something that will be restored after the Resurrection as well. After all, a “new heaven and a new Earth” is a pretty massive prophetic claim…

        ” I have always had more questions than answers for I cannot go on the assumption of things of which I have not seen, but only hoped for because when I see suffering, homelessness, serious illness, abject poverty, the bombing of innocent children; that does not make me have more faith, it tends to point me in the other direction.”

        I understand completely. It is admittedly very, very hard for us to comprehend on a human level how a loving God could allow so much suffering and pain. But for me, what always helps to bring it all back into perspective, is when I stop and then remember to look at it all from the “other side”, from the premise of say, Evolution, scientific materialism etc. Atheism. Every time I do, I find it impossible to ignore the conclusion that in such a universe, such a system, there would in fact BE no such thing as “suffering” ultimately. All of those complaints about the “injustices” of the world become completely nonsensical in an Evolutionary universe. There is no “tragedy” in meteoroids crashing into one another in the vacuum of space, and so neither would there be any real “tragedy” in one accidentally-evolved-human doing anything to another accidental human. Evolution is just chance. Randomness. Physics. Matter interacting with matter. There is no purpose. There is no “way that it’s supposed to be”. There are no objective moral lines to cross.

        To me, that is actually the best definition of “hell” I can think of. Where anyone can do anything to anyone, and there is no “policeman God” to say or do anything about it. It’s a very ironic argument, in the end, to point to this idea that because we are so vexed by all the moral transgression in the world, and by God’s seemingly ambivalent attitude towards it, that our response would be to then go “I’d instead prefer that there was really no God, no moral-law-giver at all, then to have one who didn’t judicate in the manner/timing that makes sense to me”. How does this make sense? We’re going to “fire God” because He doesn’t crack down the way we think He should, but instead decide to believe in a universe where there is nothing left to say that anything is truly evil or sinful or wrong whatsoever?

        “since we shall be judged by our sins, what sins are more sinful than others or are they all the same and will be judged accordingly? Shall I be judged for the sin of lust just as another is judged for the sin of murder?”

        I would say yes, (and….. yes) 😉

        ” If sin is sin and none are worthy though Jesus died to save us from our sins so that when we die and we have been saved, we too can enter into the kingdom of God, where is the incentive for me try and remain as sinless as possible if I will be judged as one who has committed war crimes, torture and murder even if I have not? I see no benefit to that.”

        Because firstly, Jesus took that punishment for our “war crimes” so that we don’t have to, and second, it then no longer becomes an issue of self-serving “incentive”. I don’t try to love my wife, or my kids, or my neighbor, because I go “Hey, if do nice things, I’ll get rewarded…” I love them because I am learning to see them the way God sees them, as precious individuals, who I am compelled inwardly to do whatever I can to help them, or encourage them, or make their day better, etc. Jesus talks about this very thing, like, probably more than anything else! “We love because He first loved us”. It becomes a natural expression, rather than a legalistic obligation…

        “I see a world in turmoil and strife. I see that evil reigns with impunity. If what I see, does not truly exist, then what if anything is real? Maybe, I am taking you too literal here. I am a bit dusty on my bible teachings as it has been a long time.”

        I don’t think you’re being “too literal”, or too anything really. I see evil reigning with “plenty of impunity”, that’s for sure. I see today on levels that previously I never even knew existed. The world is full of Darkness. That is a fact. So where is God? Where is Jesus then? These are sincere questions, and if anyone calls themselves a Christian, and pretends like they don’t ever wrestle with those kinds of things? Well I’d say they’re completely out to lunch. Most people in churches are absolutely asleep. Oblivious. I truly believe it is a part of what the Bible calls the “Great Falling Away” in the last days. Amazing that the people who claim to believe in the Bible and all that it says are sometimes the most reluctant to believe in the reality of Evil.

        But this is where I think the power of the Spirit of God just gets so amazing and “upside-down” to our own way of thinking. For whatever reason, God seems to delight in the meek, in those who are “weak” in the eyes of the World, in using methods that to us would probably sound completely backwards and illogical. I mean, letting oneself be crucified, in order to “defeat death”? What human would ever conceive of such a thing?

        But I do also believe that the “Day of the Lord” will be a literal day, when the entire Earth looks up and sees Christ “coming on the clouds”, when God finally says “There will be no more delay!”, and the “jig is up”. Satan will be thrown into the pit, with all of his demons, and his reign on this world will be done once and for all…


    1. Thank you for posting that Linda! It was right on point! Well, we both know what will come first and it most definitely won’t be me penetrating this shit’s hides! I don’t even know why I bother! Of course it could be that the devil’s own wickedness takes a hold of me and I just love kicking ‘christians’ in the teeth!

      Again, I thank you for the link, the like and for your comment Linda! “And the sin-less go marching on!” LOL!

      Liked by 1 person

  2. Beautiful rant on Christian hypocrisy!

    Many Christians (that is, people who should know better) get caught up in the pursuit of worldly possessions. They rationalize that financial success is God’s way of blessing them for their righteousness. (And if you are poor, that would mean the opposite… and they are off the hook to help needy people because that would be like enabling.)

    They forget God’s grace, which is un-deserved favor.

    Besides, a lot of crooks and cheats achieve material wealth. Is it likely God is blessing them? How can material abundance be used as a measure of spiritual righteousness?

    Liked by 1 person

    1. JoAnn, thank you for that spot on comment! The mess that masquerades as religious is just fake assed. They dress up in their Sunday finest and strut like peacocks to a palace of worship, sit there with bowed head and mumble a prayer or two and then turn right around and mistreat every lost and lonely hungry soul they pass by. If the so-called religious gave up just one-tenth of their worldly possessions, there would be no homeless, hungry and sick people. In the bible that I read, Jesus was not about the business of worldly goods. He said, in essence, “leave your worldly goods and follow me!” He didn’t say, “Amass a shitload of materialistic junk and drag that behind us!” Jesus preached underneath the stars and beside the sea. He didn’t need a big fancy dwelling in which to perform miracles of feeding the masses and healing the sick. But the worthless shits of today who jump up and down and shout about how conservative Christian they are, are just the opposite of He who hangs from a cross in every Christian church throughout this land. It is absolute hypocrisy and I have no problem calling them out on it.

      Once again, thank you for your comment.

      Liked by 1 person

  3. The sad thing is that the universal, ancient truths of individual freedom, love, compassion, seeking peace with others and charity, which the biblical Jesus, if he existed, also taught and practiced, are ignored, while everything pertaining to worldly power and attainment in the book is preached and sought after.

    Religion is of man in power, and exists for one purpose only: to use gods and doctrines of damnation to politically control the masses, through superstition. Religion is the whore mother of politics and government, or the evil few ruling over the disenfranchised many!

    Liked by 1 person

    1. And here we have yet another spot on comment. Yes, control, it is. The weak and the humble are the true lambs among a litter of wolves. The poor and defenseless are being murdered by the shits that claim what’s theirs by right of religious merit and they are full of bullshit! So-called Christians have been fucking people up, since time immemorial and it continues to this day. Those goddamn heathens wouldn’t recognize righteousness if it struck them like a bolt of lightning. It just pisses me off to no end to see what hell these assholes have subjected so many people to all in the name of hypocrisy! If there is a hell, it would be too good for the likes of them!

      I thank you for your comment Sojourner!

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      1. “It just pisses me off to no end to see what hell these assholes have subjected so many people to all in the name of hypocrisy! If there is a hell, it would be too good for the likes of them!”

        Me too, more than I can say! And yes it would be a good place for them, if…!


  4. You hit the “American Way” right on the head. Most “Christians” today wouldn’t know Christ if he came in and sat down beside them wearing a crown of thorns and dragging His cross. You also are sadly right that Americans as a nation are so absorbed with their lust for material possessions that they don’t really even know what Christianity is. Jesus Christ was kind, forgiving, loving, generous, poor and almost certainly not white so in most cases so called Christians wouldn’t like him and would have him arrested. What a shame. Once again my friend…you speak the painful truth.

    Liked by 1 person

    1. And another spot on comment AND I most sincerely appreciate the compliment on this one Dom! And I don’t see much of anything resembling kindness, forgiveness, love, generosity or any of the like in any abundance today. “More’s the damn pity,” I say. And just as you say, they would have him arrested and what’s more, they know that. Jesus had better not come back looking broke and homeless. We know exactly where he’d end up and so do those hypocritical shits that claim to follow his teachings.

      Thank you so very much for your comment Dom. I truly appreciate it!

      Liked by 1 person

    1. Dr. Bramhall, New Zealand is looking better as each day passes. I swear that I am getting the hell up out of this shithole, come hell or high water! I have fucking had it up past my goddamn eyeballs with this fucked up shit over here!

      And uh..thank you for your comment! I got thrown off there for a second. Hell! Who the fuck am I kidding? I seem to always get thrown off! Thanks Dr. Bramhall!


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