I Put A Single Bullet In My Head!




I stood on the capitol grounds

And I listened to all of the sounds.

I knew what I was going to do

But what I heard was all about you.

You don’t care that people are sick.

Never do you think why she turns a trick.

You’re just there to enjoy the flowers

And stroll for hours and hours

Thinking not of people in pain

But about what you stand to gain.

And so I put a single bullet in my head

I inconvenienced you as I lay dead.

They put the capitol on lockdown

Then you looked upon me with a frown.

I was about to ruin your day

Because my protest was in the way.

So sorry to cause you a delay

and for holding up your great holiday

but I cared too much and it hurt

thinking of those that have lost their shirt

because the rich don’t give a damn

running an endless pyramid scam

and at the top, is the one percent

while I can’t even pay my rent.

I have nothing left to live for

There is war and then more war.

While the bodies of the innocent are putrefying

 the rich, they never do the dying

I guess today was a good day to die.

All the flowers, they bid me goodbye!

Written by,

Shelby I. Courtland

©2015 Shelby I. Courtland

The U.S. Capitol Building was locked down for about two hours Saturday afternoon after a man carrying a gun killed himself near the front steps and a suspicious package was found nearby, officials said.

The suspected shooter was “neutralized,” Capitol Police said, adding that they were investigating a suspicious package found on the lower West Terrace of the Capitol Building.

Ain’t that just some shit! A man killed himself and they state that he was “neutralized.”

So, they ‘disarmed’ a dead man but the reason for his protest and ultimate demise will never be ‘neutralized’. The one percent have carte blanche to continue to fuck us up to the point where people feel that suicide is the only option. This is just wrong in every goddamn way!

Jay Bernard, 20, who is in the Navy and lives at Fort Meade, came up to the scene about 3:30 p.m. He had been in Alexandria earlier in the day and decided to swing by downtown.

“I was hoping to get a closer look at the Capitol,” he said.

Now? “That’s not going to happen.”

Bernard called the incident “a bit unfortunate,” especially with all the tourists in town to see the cherry blossoms.

Police were also vague about the sign, saying only that it related to “social justice.” Bishop said two others who witnessed the shooting told him that it said, “Tax the one percent,” and that he seemed to raise it just before pulling the trigger.

Of course those bastards didn’t want the man’s message to get out because he wasn’t shouting that he was upset that his tax dollars was going to fund food for the hungry or health care for the sick or homes for the homeless. He was upset about the non-existent taxation of the filthy rich one percent while the rest of us bear the burden, drop dead from exhaustion and still it’s not over because we’re in debt even after death. Somebody, somewhere, even now is most likely contacting this man’s family about some debt of his. If this ain’t the fucking end of enough, I don’t know what is! But let us enjoy the goddamn cherry blossoms in bloom! Blow your brains out somewhere less inconvenient for me, why doncha???!! And excuse me while I take this here ‘selfie’!

We are some real shits!

…and I am NOT finished, read what Linda had to say and get a goddamn clue, why dontcha?

Shelby, Tubularsock is absolutely right, you’ve covered this horror most thoroughly, but I can’t seem to leave it there. A man’s suicide is inconvenient? Oh pity the poor tourists! These worthless shallow shameless shits should live to a hundred in pain and fear, in diapers and in direst poverty, and MAYBE learn what the fucking word inconvenient means! Sigh. No, no one should go through that. But I wish we could somehow beat some humanity into our self-involved citizens! And I know not everyone is like that, just more than enough of us to make things way too easy for the real shameless shits, who encourage, count on and profit from our indifference to the suffering of others.

And no one is ever “dead” in police-speak, they are simply “neutralized”? No wonder cops are so trigger-happy — it’s no big deal, as trivial as taking a Rolaids after eating too many doughnuts. George Orwell would be so proud. If he weren’t somewhere putting a bullet in his own head.

According to its loudly-touted self-serving mythology, wasn’t this country started in part because of tax protests, because the British were making us pay unfair taxes without our having any say in the deal? Been there, done that — and now we’re over it, is that it? We’re happy to pay our money and our blood so a few people can wallow in obscene luxury, as they gleefully sneer and spit at the rest of us? We’re happy to let those same people start wars and kill and maim and terrorize billions of people, while they themselves never face any dangers, and in fact gain still more money and power in the process? We’re okay with the same privileged few raping and poisoning our only planet just to pile up still more money and power, though it may kill everything alive here?

What the fucking hell is wrong with us? We can’t be just brainwashed, we must truly be brain-dead. And dead to any human feelings of compassion, respect, or responsibility.

We love to talk a good game, nattering on about freedom, equality and justice. But we must be talking in our sleep. Or in our collective coma. Maybe it’s time to pull the plug on this monstrous, hypocritical mess. This is no way to live, for damn sure.

I’d like to say if we had a functioning mass media, so people knew what happened in this case, that it would help, that people might give a shit and do something about it. And maybe that would help. If we had a functioning press. But I wonder. Thanks for bringing us another nugget of truth, and for letting me add my incoherent rant to your fine post. – Linda

Now, you read what Linda had to say, why the fuck have you forgotten why this country fought a war against Great Britain? You’ve ‘conveniently’ forgotten about ‘taxation without representation’ and the Boston Tea Party and all that shit? And yet this man was protesting over the very ideals that supposedly started a revolution that freed the colonies from the rule of Great Britain but now, we are more interested in some goddamn cherry blossoms and being on lockdown at the Capitol. Are you fucking serious? You patriotic shits out there, this should be resonating with YOU! You forgetful ass fuckers! You ain’t about shit! If it don’t concern your measly hide, and is disturbing your nice little holiday browsing among the blossoms, then to hell with it. One of these goddamn days, a hard row is coming for your ass! Let’s see how YOU deal with it!

29 thoughts on “I Put A Single Bullet In My Head!

  1. It is somewhat simliar with the beginning of the Arab Spring in Tunisia. The young man set himself on fire because his situation was so unbearable.


    1. It is shame that such as this has to happen before some will awaken. That young man could have gone on a shooting spree but that was not his motive or his intent. No one could have stopped him from shooting at least one or two people, but he shot himself and his statement says it all. “While you stroll and view the cherry blossoms, lunatics are running the asylum that has become an unbearable pain-filled circus of horrors for those of us that are not of the elite group. I know but one way out and so I take it!” BANG!

      What is most unfortunate besides this young man’s death is that nothing will change.

      Leslie, I thank you for your comment!

      Liked by 1 person

  2. Reblogged this on An Outsider's Sojourn II and commented:
    The end result of living in a country and world where all hope has been completely lost!

    Yes, there is little hope left for any of us, when a tiny minority of insane, psychotic assholes is left to rule the world and do as they please, as the great majority of enslaved morons sleep!


    1. I most sincerely appreciate the reblog and your commentary Sojourner! Yes, the sheep, even to this day, are still asleep! More’s the goddamn pity! Like I always say, “As long as the cell phones are working and the lights are on, it’s good than a motherfucker!” in this here fool’s paradise, in this here rich man’s dream!

      This is how Americans react to what this man did. “Oh, did someone inconvenience my cherry blossom viewing by committing suicide? Oh damn! What am I going to do while on lockdown here in the capitol building? I know! I’ll take some ‘selfies’! How cool is that?”

      The other saying of mine, “We are some real sick ass shits!”


      1. This is what happens to a people when they have become lazy of mind, weak of heart, or cowardly, and are filled with nothing but ‘self-actualized’ love: “it’s all about me!”. And add to this insanity various mind-controlling ‘theories of science’, like eugenics/genetics and its source (Darwin), and you end up with millions of dehumanized androids who can’t feel anything, unless, of course, something bad is happening to them, or something is getting in the way of their little, hellish utopia they exist in.

        And these less than human traits, in these ‘exceptional’ androids, will become more and more evident as the shit that is pouring down on others around the world finally comes home to roost on their doorstesp! Then you will hear these in love with themselves morons screaming for help and crying out, “Why is this horror happening to me? Daddy told me I was his little princess, so I should not be treated this way!” And the powers that be will mock them as they are carried off to the local FEMA camp, where they will be treated the same manner as U.S. prisoners, Merican Black people, and the other disenfranchised peoples of the world, have been treated for ages: they will know what it is like to be harassed, raped, tortured, enslaved and/or mass murdered.

        There truly is a time for everything under heaven, and these ‘exceptional’ spoiled brats’ time is at hand!


  3. Shelby, Toritto left the following info for me on jpeg usage:

    “Soujourner – I have had photos removed from my blog as well. I discovered that the best way to ensure they are not removed is to include the site address from where the pix came from at the end of the post. The vast majority of my photos come from the inter-net; I now include a credit via a link to where they came from. That works most of the time; not all of the time but most of the time. Regards.”


      1. I just noticed that the jpeg on Toritto’s new post is not showing up!

        I am now trying to use jpegs from my media page, ones I’ve used before, to see if they remain up?


      2. I’ve seen this happen more and more lately. Instead of seeing the picture, I see a little black box with an ‘x’ in it. Some of my posts have this also and I gave credit where credit was due.

        Are we getting too hot to handle? Or is that just wishful thinking on my part? My sincere hope is A. WE ARE GETTING TOO HOT TO HANDLE!!!


  4. They really did hush this story up. I didn’t see any follow up stories on who the man was or why he shot himself. I think we are going to see a lot more of this form of protest as life becomes hopeless for an ever-increasing number of people

    Liked by 1 person

    1. Well, I’ll narrow the field of candidates down. He must not be of Middle Eastern descent or they’d have found a passport beside his lifeless body complete with a note to “Return to ISIS if found!” He must not have been Black because we would have been subjected to his long list of nuisance crimes starting from when he sold his first untaxed cigarette on the street to when he shot a ‘selfie’ with a big ass huge blunt. My guess is he was a young white male with no ties to ISIS or to inner city ‘thugs’ and he had no record to speak of.

      Unfortunately, there IS going to be a next and a next and a next because we just want to enjoy the cherry blossoms, doncha know! Now, how sick is that? Yeah, I know! Real sick!

      Thank you so much for your comment newsfortherevolution!

      Liked by 2 people

  5. “Are we getting too hot to handle? Or is that just wishful thinking on my part? My sincere hope is A. WE ARE GETTING TOO HOT TO HANDLE!!!”

    Could be, and I agree!!! I just don’t want us to get shut down completely, or shot down completely is more like it!


    1. Well, I’m not going to worry about it. I’ll host my own blog if it comes to that or start my own website. But as long as I am able, I will continue to write about the wrongs I see. The spying motherfuckers can kiss my ass, but only from a goddamn distance! And if they want to shove a missile up my ass, so be it but I must stand for something.

      Liked by 1 person

    1. Sojourner, try not to worry sweetie. I got your back. If they shut you down, you’ve got my email address and I can and WILL start my own website and there, you and I both could continue. So, I’d continue posting and you send up a smoke signal or something if you need me. ‘Cause we ain’t going out like that! LOL!


      1. Thank you, Shelby! This means a great deal to me, more than you know!

        I’m not going to worry. I had once been in a position, early in my life, to feel and experience oppression, believe it or not. And yesterday, for a while, I experienced that sensation once again, and I hate it, But I woke up this morning pissed off! And that is where I am choosing to remain, Pissed Off!

        You, my friend, are much more familiar with this kind of tyrannical shit than I.

        If these major sites are up and running, we can be assured they aren’t coming after us yet! But if they do, then they do!

        So don’t worry ’bout me either! I ain’t going nowhere, unless my number of all numbers comes up;-) Besides, we have a campaign to deal with;-)


  6. Interesting that you bring up shooting sprees, as these are technically “suicide by cop” events. When they are continually jerked around, people get incredibly angry as well as depressed. When they are frustrated at every turn, many see suicide as the only way out. While they’re at it, their anger inspires them to take a few of their oppressors (or perceived oppressors) with them.


    1. Yes, they get angry at all the injustices and they get depressed over the inability to do anything about all of the injustices they see or grievances that they have. With almost an entire country on some sort of anti-depressant and armed to the teeth by the 2nd Amendment, you would think that these stupid motherfuckers would put two and two together and reach a consensus, that things are going to get ugly, pretty quickly. But, nothing doing. This will continue until it too, becomes an epidemic. We’re a goddamn ticking time bomb and the next one may not just shoot himself but decide to take out as many others as possible and we will of course, bemoan the state of our mental health situation and wait until the next explosion occurs.

      As usual, an excellent analysis Dr. Bramhall. I thank you for your input!


  7. Shelby, Tubularsock is absolutely right, you’ve covered this horror most thoroughly, but I can’t seem to leave it there. A man’s suicide is inconvenient? Oh pity the poor tourists! These worthless shallow shameless shits should live to a hundred in pain and fear, in diapers and in direst poverty, and MAYBE learn what the fucking word inconvenient means! Sigh. No, no one should go through that. But I wish we could somehow beat some humanity into our self-involved citizens! And I know not everyone is like that, just more than enough of us to make things way too easy for the real shameless shits, who encourage, count on and profit from our indifference to the suffering of others.

    And no one is ever “dead” in police-speak, they are simply “neutralized”? No wonder cops are so trigger-happy — it’s no big deal, as trivial as taking a Rolaids after eating too many doughnuts. George Orwell would be so proud. If he weren’t somewhere putting a bullet in his own head.

    Acording to its loudly-touted self-serving mythology, wasn’t this country started in part because of tax protests, because the British were making us pay unfair taxes without our having any say in the deal? Been there, done that — and now we’re over it, is that it? We’re happy to pay our money and our blood so a few people can wallow in obscene luxury, as they gleefully sneer and spit at the rest of us? We’re happy to let those same people start wars and kill and maim and terrorize billions of people, while they themselves never face any dangers, and in fact gain still more money and power in the process? We’re okay with the same privileged few raping and poisoning our only planet just to pile up still more money and power, though it may kill everything alive here?

    What the fucking hell is wrong with us? We can’t be just brainwashed, we must truly be brain-dead. And dead to any human feelings of compassion, respect, or responsibility.

    We love to talk a good game, nattering on about freedom, equality and justice. But we must be talking in our sleep. Or in our collective coma. Maybe it’s time to pull the plug on this monstrous, hypocritical mess. This is no way to live, for damn sure.

    I’d like to say if we had a functioning mass media, so people knew what happened in this case, that it would help, that people might give a shit and do something about it. And maybe that would help. If we had a functioning press. But I wonder. Thanks for bringing us another nugget of truth, and for letting me add my incoherent rant to your fine post. – Linda


    1. Thank you Linda! I not only highlighted your comment, I included it in this post. I hope you don’t mind because it is ever SO spot on! I thank you again for telling it like it is!

      I don’t know why my head hasn’t exploded. We keep expecting different results from some shits that view a man’s suicide over social injustices as an inconvenience. How the hell can we call ourselves human when people are reduced to ‘neutralized’ and ‘inconveniences’? This most definitely is a wake-up call to those who believe in the goodness and kind nature of so-called humans when it is NON-EXISTENT! Where the hell was it when this man was lying on the damn ground, bleeding his life’s blood out because he found life too unbearable to continue living and those shits bemoan some sightseeing of cherry blossoms? They bemoan getting put on lockdown in the very goddamn building that they came to see? And we have the nerve to wonder why America is in the shape it’s in today. This shit is why! Sometimes, I am at a loss for words over trying to come up with adjectives that describe what I think of most Americans because stupid, selfish, self-serving, filthy, vile, inhuman, disgusting and buzzard like just don’t cut it!

      Have your say Linda! Have your say! Whenever you see something that fills you with rage or the like, feel free go at it, tooth and nail. As you can see, I don’t hesitate and you are always welcome to let go! I am SO very glad you posted that comment! You have no idea!

      THANK YOU!

      Liked by 1 person

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