Africans Are To Blame For Why Slaves Were Brought To AmeriKKKa! Fuck THAT Shit!

stolen from Africa


Now, those who have followed this here blog of mine for some time, know that I  suffer fools gladly. I will and can shut your shit down if you bring it. And it was indeed, brung. Never mind, my use of the non-word ‘brung’. If others can make up words as they go along, then so can I which is partly my point. If I can make shit up, then so can others and they do indeed, make shit up. Regardless of what you think about the Trans-Atlantic Slave Trade and who was guilty of what…….what does and does not make sense must take precedence over any supposed ‘eye-witness’ accounts and some would have us believe that ‘eye-witnesses’ are still recounting their stories to this very day. Well, be that as it may, if it makes no sense to me, it ain’t getting believed.

Historians can spin the shit out of history just as they always do. They can have people believing that the victims are responsible for being victims and unfortunately, they can even make the seemingly intelligent believe their lies and other disingenuous shit. I have never been one to believe whatever someone else says. I don’t care how many times they say it, if it makes no sense to me, it never will. However, this one topic is extremely important to me and I will not condone the spread of baseless lies. I will not have history placing the blame where it does not belong.

There have been many tales about how the African tribal leaders sold other tribes to the Caucasian slavers that were there for the express purpose of looking for free labor to build up a country that had been stolen by them. Why are we then suppose to believe that these freeloading bastards would think twice about sailing to distant lands in the search for free labor since they had practically killed off the original inhabitants of this stolen land? It would be a serious stretch of the imagination to believe that these animals would by chance and happenstance, come upon another inhabited land and have no intention of stealing its inhabitants and force them into slavery to build a nation on stolen land. Once a thief, always a thief and the thieving continues. But we have supposed ‘Black’ people who are going along with this ridiculous shit!

And so, without further ado, I am posting the back-n-forth because just maybe, some people will see that even to this very day, the lies just keep coming and the tall tales get taller to the point where people make no sense at all and don’t even know it. I believe it is my duty and my responsibility to ‘clear shit up’! This crazy mess is a result of my previous post.

N.S. says:

All of Africa is not that poor. A certain Asian region- that has more people than the whole African continent- is the region with the most hungry people. Africa also has most of the world’s top 10 fastest growing economies for the past 10 years and many in the top 20.

I agree, if anyone has responsibility for what happens in Africa, it is the inhabitants. According to all indications, the Africans- who are a completely different people than we are, as even they repeatedly tell us and plenty of evidence supports this- have a much, much better ability to control their destiny than we do. The majority of the world’s resources, a relatively young population, representation internationally, etc. Outside countries, no matter how powerful, are not the real reason the continent is not in good shape.

The present condition of Africa is very frustrating. However, we “blacks” are really not in control of our own ultimate fates at present. We have plenty of celebrities as well as not famous blacks who give to them and sincerely try to help in other ways even though the Africans have always shown that we are not part of them and that they do not want us. We have done much more for them than anything we had to do.

Shelby Courtland responds:

“All of Africa is not that poor”

Hence, that is the reason why in my poem, I stated “When Africa is rich and this we all know!” I do realize that all of Africa is not poor, how could it be with the tremendous amount of natural resources that is in Africa?

” According to all indications,the Africans- who are a completely different people than we are, as even they repeatedly tell us and plenty of evidence supports this-”

Well, I am certainly not suggesting that we all can just sit down and join hands and sing “Kumbaya.” I wrote a poem on my feelings and thoughts of Africa and Africans can dislike us until the moon falls from the sky, but that is irrelevant. We are descendants of people who were dragged from Africa and there is no getting around that. Maybe, this is partly why ‘Black’ folks can’t get it together now is because we continue to look at one another and see differences as opposed to likenesses. We are all hated by every other group on this planet and we better recognize that. I don’t think that I would be shot on the spot if I chanced to visit Africa, just because I’m not a ‘true’ African. Of course we have differences because of where we were born and many of us have no idea of our genealogy.

Some descendants of slaves claim they can trace theirs, but seeing as how so many of our ancestors were sold up and down the river to different plantations, this could present a problem. I am not attempting to hone in on Africa as though she would welcome me with open arms as though I am a returning ‘native daughter’, I know that just as there are starving children here in America, there too, are starving children in Africa and yet, I feel that they are in a better position than we are to do something about that situation. I am not claiming to have all the answers, nor can I solve an entire continent’s issues with just a poem, but I do feel as though my having written a poem about my thoughts of Africa should not be torn apart, piece by piece and dissected. Take it for what it is; a heartfelt piece of poetry; nothing more, nothing less! And I did include in my poem, the fact that I thought that the Africans could and should be doing more for themselves than they are actually doing. I get sick and tired of Black folks in America who always go on and on about the kings and queens of Africa and how they were just THE shits and we should be proud of our African heritage when, if as you say, ‘they don’t really care about us’, then someone need tell them that because according to you, they’re delusional. If they(Africans) were so knowledgeable and such builders and militants, they should be in a better position than they are!

Thank you for your comment.

N.S. says:

No, I knew you were not trying to answer the question in your poem. I was mostly agreeing with you in my answer, including the fact that it was not all poor and that they were in a much better position to save themselves, and I did not intend to dissect your poem.

I agree that many, many groups hate us- but it us blacks who lost our identity, not the Africans. There is a strange intensity for us that was confusing. For the accepted theory of how we got here we all know that very large number of Africans kidnapped us and sold us to other peoples who took us all over the world. Not all tribes were involved but far too many were. These Africans have left us there for centuries and in some cases over a 1,000 years. They have never claimed any of us as their own and not one country of the dozens of countries or tribe wants us as a group. There is far more evidence on why they are different people and everyone over there is from a different ethnic group-not including those few of us who went to live in Africa-, but this comment would become too long. Still, many of us have gone above and beyond in protecting, giving, and advocating for the people on the continent, including you.

The whole situation with Africa is complicated.

Shelby Courtland responds:

N.S., just what is ‘our’ identity? I would love to know. Since I cannot ‘identify’ with the Africans and according to many, we cannot even ‘identify’ with each other here in AmeriKKKa, just who can we ‘identify’ with? Our aunts and uncles, cousins, nephews, sons and daughters? Because from where I sit, many ‘Black’ families are having problems ‘identifying with their immediate ‘family’, much less do we seem to have any staying power when it comes to looking out for each other. This is ALL due to how we came to be in America. I damn sure cannot ‘identify’ with the whites even though, many ‘Blacks’ seem to be hell bent on trying, what with lightening their skin, taming their tresses via processing, weaves and anything else they can find to slap up there and tame the naps. We have no ‘identity’ and that is why we attempt to emulate others so much.

I do understand that many people think that other groups are appropriating our culture and running with it, but when all is said and done, I don’t think that we are merely singers and dancers who have had our music and our moves stolen. We are a confused people and it is not without some basis. Regardless of whose fault it is as to why we are here, the Africans who YOU say sold other Africans into slavery or the slavers that bought them. And I have a problem with that because as many different dialects as there are in Africa, I have no idea how European slavers could understand the language enough to bargain with African chiefs for stolen tribes. It seems that you would have us believe that over tea and crumpets, the Africans bargained with the Europeans and the Spanish and others over who was to go and who was to stay. Why were the Europeans in Africa in the first place? Gun running? Empire building? Hiding out? I’m not trying to be facetious, but some things just don’t add up and though I know I’m not the sharpest tool in the shed, nor have I an extensive background on African studies, when something just doesn’t make sense to me, it just doesn’t. But be that as it may, this is all irrelevant seeing as how, we are here, they are there and neither seem to be coming out ahead, though we fare worse than the Africans, that is quite obvious. I’ll stop here because on this one, we shall just have to agree to disagree.

N.S. says:

I likewise agree to disagree likewise on our identity. Plenty of signs of our identity and culture are already there, but they have been hidden or need interpretation, and they are by no means related to just music and dancing. We will all know at the right time(and no, you won’t be in trouble, even though you don’t believe what I say about our identity at this moment, and anyone who says otherwise is lying), but for now, Black American or Black works for the great(one that is special like no other) and peculiar group of blacks in this country until we all know our name.

However, the non-European evidence for them selling us comes from their personal testimonies, some of which people I know have heard as well as what I heard myself(I heard one guy say in an informal, very casual setting that he didn’t feel guilty his ancestors had sold ours over here), other remarks which are on the Internet including YouTube, as well as formal acknowledgements by the leaders of Benin and Senegal and high ranking people from other countries in the Bight of Benin and West Africa of their role in the Trans-Atlantic slave trade. There is plenty of evidence of African help for the Arab Slave Trade on the other side of Africa. We were sold by enemy tribes. It would also be impossible for those whites to go into Africa, seize tens of millions of us in the vast territory(even just the coastal regions) of the then unfamiliar West Coast of Africa with their primitive weapons(including their guns, which were only a little better than useless during the trade), and transport us to the Americas with no help. Unless you believe in the black indigenous theory, it is hard to see where there can be any doubt that Africans played an important part in our coming over here.

Shelby Courtland responds:

“We will all know at the right time(and no, you won’t be in trouble, even though you don’t believe what I say about our identity at this moment, and anyone who says otherwise is lying), but for now, Black American or Black works for the great(one that is special like no other) and peculiar group of blacks in this country until we all know our name.”

Oh, for goodness sake! There YOU go, with some special Gawd on high just for us Black folks in AmeriKKKa. Are you serious? I have always admired you, right up to this point! “One that is special?” Well, we could sure use some ‘special’ treatment from ‘one who is special’ right about oh…say….400 years ago???!!!! If ‘one’ is so goddamn special, then where the hell is this ‘one so special’? Waiting on an epiphany? A bolt of lightning? A Big Mac attack? What?

And as for me being in any trouble? Posh, tish and piss on that! I don’t believe in any higher being, be it ‘Black special’ or ‘white special’. And I am quite shocked that YOU of all people is sitting somewhere waiting on the ‘rapture’ of some sorts that is especially for YOU…OH! OH! And other ‘Blacks’ in AmeriKKKa, of course…and even little ole me who must be teetering on the brink of being “in trouble” with this ‘one that is special’.

Alright, I’ll bite! “Oh, ‘one that is special’ please hear my plea! Where might ye be? We could sure use some intervention right about now to get the pink Caucasoid all up off our ass. Don’t you see them filling our asses with bullets? You don’t see our children getting sent from the classroom straight into a For Profit Prison? What the hell are you waiting on? Why can you not just open the doors of all the prisons in AmeriKKKa and free our innocent Black brothers and sisters? Not powerful enough to do that, eh? I didn’t think so! Okay! Okay! Maybe, I am asking for too much. So, I’ll tone it down a bit. How about you at least get the racist ass KKKops off our backs? Damn! Still too much for you? I fucking thought so!”

I tried N.S.! I really did, to believe in your ‘one so special’ but it just ain’t happening.

“However, the non-European evidence for them selling us comes from their personal testimonies, some of which people I know have heard as well as what I heard myself(I heard one guy say in an informal, very casual setting that he didn’t feel guilty his ancestors had sold ours over here”

You mean to say that there are people who are still around who are centuries old and who are sitting somewhere in a hut telling about their experiences of actually witnessing the African tribal leaders sell members of other tribes to the pink-assed motherfuckers that sailed to the African continent for the sole purpose of finding ‘slave’ labor to build up a shithole that had been stolen and when it was determined that the few remaining original inhabitants refused to build this shithole to the specifications of their captors, into boats these inhuman predatory beasts, jumped, whereupon, they landed in Africa and had, handed to them, some Black captives who then thanked the African tribal leaders, IN THEIR DIALECT, for these hardy souls and then set sail back to AmeriKKKa? Someone is actually sitting somewhere telling this very same story from their own eyewitness account? For real? Really? I BELIEVE!!!! Oh, yes I DON’T!

“We were sold by enemy tribes. It would also be impossible for those whites to go into Africa, seize tens of millions of us in the vast territory(even just the coastal regions) of the then unfamiliar West Coast of Africa with their primitive weapons(including their guns, which were only a little better than useless during the trade), and transport us to the Americas with no help.”

I’m going to have to ‘shoot’ this down!

“primitive weapons(including their guns”

Primitive weapons? A gun? No N.S.! A primitive weapon is a SPEAR! It is not a gun and the Caucasoid cocksuckers didn’t have primitive spears, they had the technology to fill those Africans full of bullet holes, the same holes that they are filling us with so that we look like Swiss cheese on a slab in the morgue, N.S.!!

Well, let me put it to you THIS way! What would the tribal leaders have done with the captives of other tribes IF the pink-assed Caucasoid hadn’t been around, just attempting to gain some free labor to build up a stolen country? What would they have done N.S.? If there had been no one around to give these captives to, what would have happened to them? You can spin the shit anyway you like, but it is people like you that get on my last goddamn nerve! You sit somewhere attempting to downplay the role of those pink-skinned rejects from hell by stating that it was the African tribal leaders fault that we got ourselves a big ole case of slavery in AmeriKKKa, bigotry, racism, prejudice, Jim Crow, hate groups; the whole goddamn nine yards and ain’t a motherfucking pink-assed piece of worthless filth, guilty as hell of crawling and slithering over to Africa with the express purpose of bringing back free labor to build up what has now descended into a shithole.

And I also suppose that it wasn’t the pink-assed Caucasoid that even rowed the slaves back to AmeriKKKa. I suppose that the African tribal leaders accomplished THAT also. Am I right, N.S.? According to your way of thinking, I would be right on time with this because we all know that the African tribal leaders also had the boats just a waiting to hand deliver their African captives to the Caucasoid cocksuckers! Oh yes, indeed! After a meal of tea and scones and tacos, it was sailing time!

You know, you really ought to take something for this shit you’re spewing out. So spew it out elsewhere! Don’t come in here and vomit all over my goddamn blog with this vile ass bile because by the time those pink-assed skin motherfuckers had gone over to Africa and drooled over all those Black bodies that they were going to get by hook or by crook, they had the technology to do exactly what they did do and not a goddamn African tribal chief could have stopped them! And you goddamn well know this!


Some of you are probably saying by now, “Why is this even relevant at this point in time because it is all water under the bridge.” Would that it were so because you see, because of these ‘events’, we are where we are in this point in time. Negro or Black people or whatever we are calling ourselves at any given time in history right up to today, we have no idea who we are. And I for one am beyond fed up and tired with Negro people going along with everything that some shithead with an agenda is spreading. Start thinking for yourselves and if it doesn’t make sense, then don’t try believing it. Even if you stand alone, take that stand because I would prefer to stand alone than to listen to lies and then run with them. We have it bad enough as it is and we feel bad enough about ourselves as it is without being made to feel worse by listening to and taking up lies as to how our ancestors arrived on the shores of AmeriKKKa. Will we ever get reparations for our forefathers and for us? Hell no! Because make no mistake, slave labor is continuing today. Don’t think so! Who is sitting inside a For Profit Prison turning out items to be sold in stores for corporations? Newsfuckingflash! It ain’t filled with pink assholes! It is filled with Blacks; Negroes!

So don’t buy the bullshit that African tribal leaders are responsible for why my permanent tanned ass is sitting somewhere looking cross-eyed in AmeriKKKa! They did not ask those goddamn pink-assed motherfuckers to row to the shores of Africa and they damn sure as hell did not row our ancestors to AmeriKKKa! That ain’t on them! I don’t give a damn what anybody says. And if it don’t make sense, and someone is coming at you with the same shit that was flung at me, shoot that shit down! Don’t let them have you believing all up and down on some straight up bullshit!

41 thoughts on “Africans Are To Blame For Why Slaves Were Brought To AmeriKKKa! Fuck THAT Shit!

  1. Hi Shelby. Great post. I have been away for awhile and am really sorry to have missed all the fireworks. One of the things I liked best about a recent book I read by Richard Reddie (Abolition! – was learning that Africans rarely passively complied with efforts to enslave them. Many tribal chiefs went to war trying to try to prevent it and there was violent revolt in approximately one out of ten ships that left Africa. Reddie blames the fear of violent and armed resistance for the brutal terror tactics adopted by slave owners to control their slaves.

    It’s always bothered me that the “official” history always portrays Africans, Native Americans and Jews as passively going along with their brutal oppression by Europeans. I guess we’re currently going through a period of passively compliance owing to extremely manipulative psychological condition. However I see a lot of young people starting to throw off this mental slavery and actively rebel.

    Liked by 2 people

    1. Thank YOU, Dr. Bramhall!!! Thank you! Thank you! Thank you!

      And you ain’t never gonna miss any fireworks going off all up in here no matter how long you’re missing in action because whenever you do come in here, fireworks are sure to be going off. That is one thing that can be counted on all up in this hot ass kitchen! And that is why I have so often stated that this here blog of mine is indeed, a hot ass kitchen! Most hardly dare step foot up in here. I get waay more viewers than I do comments, most likely for this very reason, I don’t put up with fools and their shit; bull or otherwise!

      You have said a mouthful and that is why I hope you don’t mind that I highlighted your comment! If only everyone could have as much sense as you. I’d take ’em if they had only one-third of the sense you’ve
      got. You see what I’m dealing with here. Even those who I thought had it all together come at me with some crazy shit!

      The slaves were revolting here in these murderous states of AmeriKKKa, they were revolting on every single goddamn island that they were transported to and here I am to believe that they were all just a happily going along with being dragged from Africa and that the slavers just spoke every goddamn African dialect from one end of Africa to the other, so’s they could sit down and partake of a sam’ich or two and with the tribal leaders, hash out who was going to go and who was going to stay. Seriously? I am to believe that goddamn shit??!!! I don’t fucking think so!

      This is exactly why I am giving this shit up because my goddamn head is going to explode and propel itself into the next galaxy over being perplexed beyond all reason by motherfuckers who bring this bullshit to me and expect me to believe it!

      And if another motherfucker comes up in here with some more shit, I’m shutting them down too!

      I swear to fuck I wish that you could be cloned Dr. Bramhall! And it does my heart good to know that at least the younger generation are getting off their ass and attempting to throw off the yoke of shits that are hell bent on driving it into them just why they are here and where the fuck they should stay and what the fuck they should do while staying there. Would that the rest of us could follow suit, but nothing doing. We are too busy spreading lies, lies and damn lies and attempting to get the young people to follow us over the goddamn cliff.

      You have no idea how much I thank you for your comment Dr. Bramhall! It is right on time and on point!!!

      Liked by 1 person

  2. “Some of you are probably saying by now, “Why is this even relevant at this point in time because it is all water under the bridge.””

    It is not water under the bridge, it is more than relevant to all of us, and especially blacks.

    I am not inserting myself in this, since I am not qualified.

    But on the subject of tribal leaders selling their people, I read an article the other day that spelled this out in a way I had never considered.

    According to this author, the raping and pillaging of Africa itself, by European colonial whites, had begun long before the slave industry was in full gear. And so the economies of entire African communities, throughout the continent, had been turned upside down or completely destroyed, thus leaving these communities facing starvation or worse.

    So according to this article, many of these tribal leaders were faced with either selling some of the people in their communities or facing the prospect of mass starvation and disease/death.

    For what it is worth?

    I will get the link and post it in another comment.


    1. “And so the economies of entire African communities, throughout the continent, had been turned upside down or completely destroyed, thus leaving these communities facing starvation or worse.”

      Seriously, Sojourner???!!!! Seriously???!!!

      I would have thought that YOU of all people should know better than to post this tripe up in here!

      And here, I was feeling all bad over my previous outburst at you when I was right all along. Why I don’t listen to myself, I’ll never know, apparently. But it’s time I attempted to start and that time IS surely now!

      So now, you want to establish the fact that you have no right to speak on this matter and then you turn right around and speak on this matter and you promptly post some more bullshit and then likewise with the other motherfucker who stated that he’s got some ‘eyewitness’ accounts of folks still sitting somewhere in huts recounting their tall tales of how the African tribal leaders willingly and with malice aforethought, handed over their kinsmen to motherfuckers who had no goddamn business looking up in the tribal leaders faces in the first goddamn place…you come along and help him out with his atrocious unsubstantiated lies??!!!

      You know, you can take the rest of the goddamn year and all of next year to find your link and do you know why? Because that shit will not be believed no matter how many Phds and Master’s Degrees that come attached to the lies your unknown article writer spreads. Your stupid shit is just as believable as that other motherfucker’s stupid ass shit! And the really sad part is that I thought the two of you were above the usual stupid ass brain dead, hypnotized, clueless, useless ass AmeriKLANS stupid ass shit! But I was wrong and I can admit when I am wrong, can you????!!!

      And your dumbass comment stays up! For what’s it’s worth!


      1. “But I was wrong and I can admit when I am wrong, can you????!!!”

        Yes, I can!!!!!! I was wrong, needless to say!

        I thought, wrongly, that I was supporting what you were saying. I had not supported you! I had simply taken myself back to where I stood with you a year ago, and for that I am sorry.

        It will never happen again!


      2. How can they were ” facing starvation or worse,” be a defense for the selling of other Africans by tribal leaders when we are speaking of Africa? If that be the case, then the Trans-Atlantic Slave Trade would still be ongoing because people are still starving in rich ass, fertile ass Africa. The Africans would still be expecting slave ships to pull up and transport their starving people to foreign lands. What would have changed?

        For the love of ……..!!!!!!!!!! Yes indeed, this blogging shit is getting old AND goddamn tiresome when I’ve got to put up with THIS shit!

        The middle of May won’t get here fast enough because THAT is when I am out of here! Hot damn! I cannot wait!!! I will no longer have to put up with dumbass AmeriKKKans! And a good riddance to THIS shit, it will be!

        Liked by 1 person

  3. I’m sorry, Shelby, I have read so much recently, I cannot find this link.

    So I apologize. And please, just delete my comment, since it will be of no help!


    1. I think the link you are looking for, Dave, pertains to this title:”A Forgotten Continent: The Hidden Truths of Africa,” by Tim Bryant

      It’s here, at your site:

      I think Shelby is being a bit hard on you, but then I “get” her outrage. Her point, if I may paraphrase her, is that African slaves were never complicit in their own slavery, just as you cannot reasonably argue that a rape victim was ever responsible for his or her own rape.

      On the other hand, just as today, in the Middle East, you have what ostensibly appears to be Arabs killing Arabs, in Africa you had, as most recently in Rwanda and currently in the DCR and in other places, what on a simplistic level of analysis is Africans murdering Africans, blacks murdering balcks.

      In reality, of course, it’s not about Africans doing it to Africans, but humans doing it to humans, because the implicated societies — which has happened time and again throughout history and everywhere — have fractured into classes: on one side, a ruling elite confident in its organized might and arrogantly intoxicated by its murderous sense of entitlement and superiority, and on the other side, a disenfranchised and brutally expropriated majority put upon by that sociopathic power structure.

      So it’s not really about whites and blacks and reds and whatever other racial attribute you care to bring into the discussion, even though that is the way in which the “divide and conquer” narrative — one of the preeminent tools of oppression in action — tends to paint the situation, a narrative that in spite of ourselves we tend to fall into.

      I know you intended no offense, Dave. I was going to say that ‘I also know that Shelby didn’t either,’ but then she’s really telling the ‘culture’ of ‘supremacy,’ in this instance that of ‘white supremacy,’ to go and fuck itself until it bleeds, hopefully to the point where it finally and mercifully hemorrhages to death. At least that’s how I’m reading her and I can’t say that I disagree. And I guess that means that she really does intend to offend, but a mindset fully deserving of contempt.


      Liked by 1 person

      1. Thanks, Norman. I screwed the pooch on this one, bit time!

        I understood what Shelby was saying, and in trying to support her, I only made the matter worse for her.

        I hesitated before I posted this comment. In retrospect, I should have listened to my intuition.

        I have, once again, learned from my mistake. And I am determined, from here forward, to never make the same one again.

        There truly are places where angels fear to tread, and if they fear to tread there, then I certainly should as well!;-)

        Thank you for thoughtful, supportive and kind comment, Norm!

        I’ve felt like shit since yesterday! I don’t like angering and hurting people I care about!


      2. I don’t think you did anything, Dave. Whenever anyone leaves a comment somewhere or opens one’s mouth to speak, there are risks: mispeaking oneself or being misinterpreted. The risk increases exponentially in proportion to the ticklishness of the issue. “Race” is one of those issues. The sooner humans get over it, the closer we will be to overthrowing the fuckers that need to be overthrown.

        Like you, I don’t like upsetting people, especially those for whom I feel an affinity.


        Liked by 1 person

      3. Norman, as much as I appreciate your comment, I can speak for myself.

        I offer up no apologies, not for a goddamn thing I have said or written. I did not set this shit in motion and we ALL know who did and who never takes responsibility for the hell that they unleash. But you want to come all up in here as though you are the voice of reason amidst chaos, pandemonium and bedlam. The whole world is on fire from one end to the other because of what pink-assed skinned motherfuckers set into motion. What people with a permanent tan to their skin suffer can never be known by those who are causing our suffering because they are subhuman, predatory, vile ass beasts and the lowest form of animal life is still higher than they can ever aspire to be.

        I will not have pink-skinned motherfuckers imagining that they can speak for me, nor offhandedly chastise me for what I write on MY goddamn blog! If motherfuckers don’t like what is going on all up in here, then I would certainly hope they know what they can do about it!

        I am not anybody’s Mammy, Help, Butler or slave and I will tell it like I see, regardless of whether or not I talk to my goddamn self. Is that clearly understood by everyone that’s reading this? I am not begging, nor am I asking for anyone to comment or even like what I write. It is not about liking this shit. I don’t fucking like it but, there it is!

        I speak from my personal experiences which is where my poetry comes from, which is where my rage, loathing, hatred and every other likewise adjective that I could dig up, comes from.

        Again, as to what goes on in here, take it or leave it, but do not imagine that you speak for me. Sojourner is completely aware of my volatile temperament and that there is no stopping it, once it gets going! And quite frankly, it shouldn’t be stopped! The shit that’s on my ass on a daily basis doesn’t stop and so why should I attempt to calm the fuck down when shit is hitting the fucking fan, left and right, constantly? I shouldn’t! And I won’t!

        And it is not just Arabs and Africans that are killing each other! You don’t read the news here in the states? We’re fucking killing each other too! Those people in the Middle East were not killing one another at the rate they are doing now until, once again, the pink-assed motherfuckers set that shit into motion and now they get to sit back and watch it all play out, as usual. The bomb makers are all pink-assed motherfuckers. Who did the Arabs and the Africans get the weapons from that they use to kill each other with? From pink-assed motherfuckers, that’s who!

        ◾Weapons manufacturing is a $400 billion dollar industry.
        6 of the 9 most powerful weapons companies are located in the U.S.

        On April 29, three adults and a child came across some fist-sized canisters on the ground outside of Baqim, a Yemeni town controlled by Houthi rebels. To the 10-year-old boy among them, they “looked like toys.” Out of curiosity, they picked up the cannisters, which then exploded. All four were injured; a nurse told Human Rights Watch that the child was wounded in the stomach, and one of the adults received injuries to his face, torso, thigh, and crotch. Considering the kind of damage that cluster-bomb submunitions can cause, they’re lucky to still be alive.

        Fighter jets from the Saudi Arabia-led coalition have been carrying out strikes against Houthi rebels since late March, when Yemeni President Abdu Rabu Mansour Hadi fled the country. Now, according to two recent Human Rights Watch investigations, they are also using cluster munitions, some supplied by the United States.

        The planet’s Black and Brown population would have been better off if Whites Were Not Allowed!

        Liked by 1 person

    1. And quite actually, it is hurting ME Prince because I am the one whose head is about to explode for trying to get the truth out to these numbskulls who don’t have the sense Gawd gave to a goat!

      One motherfucker wants to say that the African tribal leaders are THE reason why slaves were rowed right up to the shores of AmeriKKKa, the pink-assed motherfuckers had hardly anything to do with it because they were just in Africa on a surveying mission and the other motherfucker states that it was due to HUNGER and so if that be the case, then I am quite sure that slavers are still pulling up to the shores of Africa and absconding with the hungry!

      “Goddamn! We is all hungrier than a motherfucker! Quick! Jump into these well-placed boats and die instead, en-route to build AmeriKKKa! I know we is in rich, fertile Africa, but the richness of this continent just cannot sustain us all and so without further ado, I now declare ye be slaves, now and forever more. And though, it is now the year of no lawd 2016, please to continue to jump into the slavers boats and head for AmeriKKKa, land of plenty, home of the free, the brave and the…uh…never mind. Just get in the boat!”

      Yeah Prince! Ain’t THE truth just grand?

      Thanks for your comment man!

      Liked by 1 person

      1. That’s true. They brought us here as cargo. And don’t want to pay us our rightful reparations but want racial healing?? WTF?! There can be no healing until there is retribution. That’s just the sad fact they don’t want to face.


  4. No, I did not say that there should be no blame for whites because some Africans participated in the Transatlantic Slave Trade and neither did I say the blame was lessened for them because Africans participated in the trade. No person forced anyone to buy our ancestors. I am unaware of any moral system that says a buyer of a kidnapped person is less morally responsible than the person who kidnaps and sells them. If the buyer abuses them, they are responsible for that too. And no, I respectfully disagree with Dr. Gates on just letting all responsibility go because Africans were involved, but what he said was an opinion column, and not some moral system anyway.

    No, I did not say the issues with prison system or anything today are lessened because of the Africans nor did I imply that.any responsibility should be left off of whites because some Africans(there were exceptions like Zimbabwe, South Africa,etc.) were involved in our enslavement several centuries ago.

    I said the situation in Africa was “very frustrating.” I am confused: How does that sound like I am happy with what was going on or even want it to continue or even blaming them for not being where they should be? I also acknowledged the works of descendants of enslaved blacks who went “above and beyond” any duty that we may have had to help Africans. That includes black doctors who go to work in Africa for free, blacks who send money to charities, blacks who build projects over there, black Cubans who fought and died to free Angola and other countries from Portuguese rule, and someone told me that black Congressmen and Congresswomen lobbied hard so they could come here even after the federal government all but banned them from coming over after the 60s immigration law as well as many blacks protested for the end of apartheid, all the people who advocate for them,etc. All those things helped Africa, yet I did not criticize these people for helping Africans.

    The rapture was Paul. I don’t believe in anything Paul wrote. I had agreed to disagree on who we are, but since you asked and want to attack my belief, the African theory does not explain why whites did not send us home after the Civil War(Lincoln and others wanted that), or when Garvey wanted us to go back or, why as one black woman so eloquently said, why we have done the most for this country yet we are treated as if we have done the least. By the way, my “religious” beliefs are not at all what you think. I do not believe in Jesus(black or white) as a savior. I was not trying to mention any of what my beliefs about who we are but you asked that in your second response, which is the ONLY reason I put it there. However, the focus is not my beliefs and I am not sure why it merits so much discussion, especially since I said it didn’t matter if you(or I, for that matter) believed it or not. I was not trying to mention any part at all.

    The weapons were not advanced or really close to what we have today. The Ethiopians defeated the Italians(who had tanks, machine guns, and other weapons) in the 1930s. Shaka Zulu a couple of decades earlier gave the Europeans a lot of trouble and they had machine guns and other modern weapons. The people who took most of over here to the Americas got most of us out from the 1500s to around 1800 had very limited technology. Even around the Revolutionary War, the guns used were accurate for a very small distance, and took forever to reload after one shot. How is it some European people can go to Africa, land on shores they know nothing about and pull out tens of millions of us over a couple of centuries without any help?
    Oral history is the main way history was kept in West Africa. Writing was far less prevalent there than in East Africa. Benin President Mathieu Kerekou, Senegal’s President Abdoulaye Wade(who descends from a long line of chiefs who had sold blacks), Cote D’Ivoire director Roger Gnoan M’bala( who made the film Adanggaman) are among the many prominent West Africans who admit their role. And yes, that incident did happen to me. He volunteered that information out of the blue.
    Read the second section of the link

    Africans don’t want us. They say we are not them. We cannot vote in their elections, they have not given us citizenship(plenty of other countries allow for very easy dual citizenship) even when it was suggested, we cannot just go and live there even if whites would let us. Those countries on the West Coast of Africa are just as resistant to the idea of us going over there as a group. It is a fact that they have not stood up to help us for centuries. It is not that big a deal overall. Blacks here have done plenty for them. There is a difference between English people and Armenians, Monglians and Koreans, why is it such a big deal that we are a different group?

    Black is not a good term,but on the other hand what is available? Black means something here, which is why Jamaicans, who want to be in their own group, say they are Jamaican. There are over a billion Africans and several hundred ethnic groups. We don’t even really look like West Africans, and even today there are other black groups(including Asia and Oceania that many of us look like, even though they are apparently diverse genetically) across the planet, not just in Africa. It is not a big surprise that we are not West Africans.

    I never said I hated Africans. Whites are not excused because of what some Africans did. It is up to blacks if they want to be with Africans, and they can believe whatever they want however, telling the truth about what happened in the past should not be a big issue.


    1. Once AGAIN, would descendants of slaves even be in AmeriKKKa if SLAVERS had not rowed to the shores of Africa seeking what? Dynamite? Pretzels? Donuts? What the hell do you think they were in Africa for? To give it their blessing? To rejoice with the African people? To bring them laundry detergent? What is the problem that you have in acknowledging the fact that the African tribal leaders are essentially blameless because they did not put a Trans-Atlantic telephone call through to AmeriKKKa and request that ships be sent over to take back Black-assed captives in their cargo holds?

      And you seem to be pissed off that Africa has not welcomed you and seated you on one of those golden thrones, put a scepter in your hand and told your subjects to bow down before you!

      And how the fuck does Africa owe us a goddamn thing? It doesn’t! They are not responsible for why we are here in AmeriKKKa. Not one person that has spoken on the subject of reparations has EVER claimed that it is Africa that owes the descendants of slaves in AmeriKKKa, reparations!

      Why should Africa send boats over to AmeriKKKa to claim our ass? Hell! We don’t even speak the African dialects and though I do know that Africans speak English in some parts, they don’t in all. And I have conversed at length with Africans here because we have a large African population in my state and I must say, sometimes, even I have a hard time understanding them, their accent is so thick.

      We don’t have anything in common with the Africans, except melanin, and they know this. And if ‘Blacks’ or Negroes or colored people or whatever the hell we’re called is doing so much for Africa, if they have a problem doing it, then they can just stop, at any time. I have no beef with those people over in Africa. My beef is with these pink-assed filthy depraved rejects from hell that I have to contend with here in AmeriKKKa!

      And now, I am done with this shit!


    2. “Once AGAIN, would descendants of slaves even be in AmeriKKKa if SLAVERS had not rowed to the shores of Africa seeking what? Dynamite? Pretzels? Donuts? What the hell do you think they were in Africa for? To give it their blessing? To rejoice with the African people? To bring them laundry detergent? What is the problem that you have in acknowledging the fact that the African tribal leaders are essentially blameless because they did not put a Trans-Atlantic telephone call through to AmeriKKKa and request that ships be sent over to take back Black-assed captives in their cargo holds?”
      I said no person forced them to go to Africa. The fifth sentence of the first paragraph answers the rest as well as the second sentence of the last one. The blame is not close to being equal-everyone knows that, though I still said it. However, I could have been a little clearer earlier in the first paragraph.

      “And you seem to be pissed off that Africa has not welcomed you and seated you on one of those golden thrones, put a scepter in your hand and told your subjects to bow down before you!”
      No, I am not angry at that. I said the English and Armenian analogy to mean we and they are different peoples and want to stay different, like those two groups want to. Or the Koreans and Mongolians.

      “Why should Africa send boats over to AmeriKKKa to claim our ass?”
      I was making the point that we are different. If we were the same, obviously they would try to get us.

      “And how the fuck does Africa owe us a goddamn thing? It doesn’t!”
      I said it was no big deal overall, in the grand scheme of things. I would have said otherwise.

      I am pointing out those among us who helped those Africans, examples of those who have tried to do something positive over there for them. If I had been promoting something negative, I would not point that out. The groups can only move on to where we and they have to go.


    3. I also meant sentence four in the 1st paragraph on this page should be looked at too, since it really explains what the buyers did wrong. Blacks and Africans will move on to where we need to be and wherever they are headed and should be. We have both been doing so.


  5. “Black people sold each other into slavery” if I had a dollar for every time I have heard that tripe I would have, well a ton of dollars, and you’re right it simply doesn;t make sense at all, because for one, as much hell as we have caught and are still catching here in the west, Africans on the continent have had it a lot worse (Arab Slave Trade which preceded trans-atlantic, King Leopold of Belgium, Colonization of the entire continent, Apartheid etc) The reason I believe (aside from being born in different places and speaking different languages) that many continental Africans don’t identify with us is that they too have been conditioned by white supremacist lies and narratives to hate and despise those that look like them. They have been fed negative stereotypes by the western media just like every other racial group which was cleverly designed to keep us divided. Divide and conquer? Anyone? Another thing, the same issues of self-hate that many of us struggle with here in the west, it pervades much more strongly on the continent.

    I’ll hold my piece at this point

    Liked by 1 person

    1. @nidotopianwarrior…I never said blacks sold each other into slavery. That statement is wrong.

      The Arab Slave Trade involved people who were mostly taken OUT of Africa, so including them as Africans is not correct. As for the rest of the statement about them having it worse, that is not true.

      Africans don’t hate themselves if they don’t find anything in common with us. They have their lives and issues that they have to deal with, and we have our own lives and issues. It is like an Irishman and a Croatian. They are just people from different groups. No “racial group” has all managed to go and be completely together for any long period of time. We aren’t fighting the Africans. The Africans will keep working until they go where they should be.


      1. I never said that YOU said it…. nowhere did I say that, I was simply reiterating what Shelby wrote in her article.


      2. “@nidotopianwarrior…I never said blacks sold each other into slavery. That statement is wrong.”

        N.S. Yes, you did!

        You don’t remember this comment of yours?

        “For the accepted theory of how we got here we all know that very large number of Africans kidnapped us and sold us to other peoples who took us all over the world. Not all tribes were involved but far too many were.”

        YOUR WORDS, “the accepted theory” which means that YOU accept ‘the accepted theory’ of Africans kidnapping other Africans and selling them to people who took us all over the world.

        Now, for the umpteenth time, I ask you how in hell could these Africans have sold other Africans to ‘people that took us all over the world’, if there were no ‘people’ that wanted to take us all over the world? You never say that the accepted theory is that Africans kidnapped other Africans and then shoved them into boats and transported them all over the world. So, why was there a need to SELL kidnapped Africans to anybody if there was nobody that wanted to PURCHASE them?

        Let me put it to you more simply. Bear with me now, I know you’re not as simple as I am, but come on down to my level, for a change.

        Here’s the scenario:

        “Goddamn, today is a good day to sell these other captive African tribe members that are just getting on my motherfucking nerve doing everything for me like waiting on me hand and foot and herding my goats and cooking my meals. But now, it is time to sell them.

        A ship stands in the harbor, never before seen by Africans and oh, there is a sign on the side of the ship and it reads, “If you have captive Africans and are wanting to get rid of them, we are here to buy them. We can trade apple pie, hotdogs and AmeriKKKan flags for your captive African tribe members!”

        The African tribal leaders who magically possessed the ability to understand this new and different language, immediately sent up a smoke signal that the pink-skinned motherfuckers could understand, inviting them to come ashore so that they could sit down and discuss the various legalities of the trade.

        The pink-skinned motherfuckers sat down and opened up a basket of chitterlings, hog maw, collard greens, black-eyed peas and cornbread and the feast commenced, whereupon completion, the African tribal leaders handed over their captives and the pink-skinned motherfuckers handed over the leftovers of the meal and threw in the hotdogs, apple pie and AmeriKKKan flags. They then obtained a promissory note from the African tribal leaders stating that when the ship came back around, more captive Africans would be available to be shipped to AmeriKKKa to become slaves and the pink-skinned motherfuckers promised to return with more apple pie, hot dogs, AmeriKKKan flags and another wonderful meal of chitterlings, hog maw, collard greens, black-eyed peas and cornbread. And everyone was thoroughly satisfied with this arrangement except for the poor, pitiful captive Africans that were doomed on the “Good Ship Slavery”

        Ain’t that how it happened, N.S.? Is this included in ‘the accepted theory’ as to how captured Africans were transported all around the world? Let me call McGraw-Hill Publishers and get this put in print!

        So, N.S., which African tribal leader put the ‘call’ through to the pink assed motherfuckers and to the re-fried beans eating Spaniards to come and get the captured Africans? Who asked for ships with empty cargo holds to pull up to the shores of Africa so that they could then be filled with captured Africans?

        I shall now ask the question yet AGAIN!!! Why were the pink-skinned filthy ass motherfuckers over in Africa with ships that contained empty ass cargo holds? What did they hope to fill those cargo holds with? bananas? rum? beans? lion manes? But they didn’t have to do that, did they? Because just by chance and happenstance, the African tribal leaders had a cargo all ready for them to load; captured Africans. And why didn’t the oh so Christian pink-assed heathens decline the offer of African cargo? Because that’s what they fucking came for in the first goddamn place! African tribal leaders had NO goddamn say in Africans being taken from Africa aboard slave ships bound for who the fuck knows where. And why the hell were they called SLAVERS, those pink-assed motherfuckers that stole those people from Africa and transported them every goddamn where? They were called SLAVERS for the very reason that that is what the fuck they were!!

        So, don’t you dare castigate nidotopianwarrior for telling the goddamn truth of what YOU did indeed say!! It ain’t about what I said, this is about what YOU said.

        And again, these are YOUR words!

        “very large number of Africans kidnapped us and sold us to other peoples who took us all over the world.”

        Now, wiggle and squirm your way out of that!


      3. There was the Arab Slave Trade, where blacks were brought all over, mostly to the Middle East, Asia, and some parts of Europe. The Arab Slave Trade already extended into West Africa. It is basic history that the Portuguese, who were the first explorers for Europeans, began exploring with materials, including ships and maps, they got from the Arabs, and groups closely associated with the Arabs.

        By accepted, I meant world-wide it is known that some West African tribes sold a different ethnic group into slavery. I don’t mean whatever McGraw Hill textbook or the occasional Fox News clip. It is known that different ethnic groups were sold. Most people overseas who are aware of our existence know we are a completely different ethnic group from the West Africans. America is well-known for having a very poor history system and a bad knowledge of history in general. Something such as the North fighting only to keep the country together and not in order to free the slaves is frowned upon when everyone else knows that this was the case(yes, the War was fought to keep the country together). Everyone knows that across the world. There were plenty of EUROPEAN mainstream newspapers that criticized cases such as Michael Brown. Not one put in their story “Blacks sold Blacks” anywhere. Or whenever some international NGO criticizes America for racist policies. That never comes up. That only works here and just some places, even though people overseas know that we are a different group of people from the Africans. The “willing buyer gets off because someone else sold them” doesn’t even work here. Look at the Subway guy. He still went to jail when he was intentionally trying to get those underage prostitutes, even though they were being trafficked by someone else. This wasn’t Africa, this wasn’t Europe, this wasn’t the Middle East, this was America, and he was a white man The readers of this blog should be informed enough to know that that argument does not make any sense. Though if I need to put a disclaimer, I will.

        Most people around the world know that there are different group of dark-skin people, just like there are different whites or other groups. The same thing as the one-drop rule. Pretty everywhere else, even in the other part of this hemisphere, they have a “mixed race” category, not things where someone like Rhonda Rousey could be black. By the way, how many black people believe whites are 100% not guilty-not just of bringing us over, but everything else- because some Africans were involved? Only a few and they are widely believed to be wrong in the community. For that matter…no that is a subject for another day and more an offhand thought.

        Very large number of Africans- What number did I put? It can be a very large number while being a minority and still meet the requirement for the statement. At the site I mentioned above it says there were 65 million in all of Africa at the end of the Transatlantic trade. If even a few million of those were involved in one way or another, that would be more than enough to qualify as a very large number. It would also be a very large number. And to compare, I was watching the early Sunday news show last week, and a white man who was against the refugees coming in said that Napoleon’s army had 100,000 men(note:just because I compared them to Napoleon DOES NOT mean these whites involved in the slave trade and whatever happened afterward or that the level of responsibility is anywhere close for the Africans. Please read the above paragraphs in this same comment as well as the fourth and fifth sentences of the first paragraph of the first comment I put on this current page if you need proof. This comparison does not any change or lessen what I put earlier in this comment).

        “Not all, but far too many”- See the above paragraph. Given that places where we reportedly come from hold over a quarter of the sub-Saharan population, and that different tribes admit to participating in it, it is fair to say a substantial number of Africans were involved. I also put some later on.


    2. Ok. I was just trying to be clear I did not get that message that blacks sold blacks across with my first paragraph in my response to you but according to you, it was not necessary. I disagree with you on the second and third paragraphs, but that was more a debate that I do not have the time for now. I hope that I did not cause any offense. I did not mean to do so if I did.


      1. The comment that starts with “There was the Arab Slave Trade” still stands.

        The comment by “OK” was a response to Nidotopian Warrior”s DIRECT comments to me.

        ” Now, I want to see N.S. slither from underneath that pile of horseshit!”-That is a completely false statement.


  6. “Black people sold each other into slavery” if I had a dollar for every time I have heard that tripe I would have, well a ton of dollars, and you’re right it simply doesn;t make sense at all”

    Hear! Hear! Well said! And the really sad part is that so-called Black-assed motherfuckers are now running around repeating that tripe that comes out of the filthy ass mouths of pink-skinned vile assed motherfuckers who are known for re-writing history to suit their fucked up agenda. Remember, “Happy Slave Bakes Birthday Cake For President?” Remember McGraw-Hill rewrote history books to take out the Trans-Atlantic Slave Trade and in its place, put in that Africans immigrated to AmeriKKKa to work GOOD paying jobs, right along side the Irish and other immigrants. And then, we have to put up with this shit!

    Hell if I am going to perpetuate this bullshit on MY motherfucking watch! And I do sincerely appreciate your comment because just like Dr. Bramhall’s, it is right on point and right on time. We’d ALL be rich if we had a goddamn dollar for every time we heard that goddamn vile ass lie that slaves are in AmeriKKKa thanks to African tribal leaders selling captive slaves to pink-assed shits that had no goddamn business over there in the first goddamn place! What the hell were they there for? Ain’t no goddamn body answered THAT question yet? They fucking can’t answer it because it renders their argument, null and void! I can’t sell a goddamn thing or person to no one and that is the sticking point because there were some pink-skinned motherfuckers over in Africa for the sole purpose of bringing back free labor to build up this shithole and may it collapse in on their worthless ass!

    And for the pink-skinned motherfuckers that are slow or otherwise dumb as hell, my ass is in AmeriKKKa, not thanks to African tribal leaders, but thanks to the fact that your worthless ass ancestors had no goddamn work ethic at all and were some goddamn thieving ass sons-of-bitches that ain’t worth spit! And you can take THAT to the goddamn bank and cash the check that’s due me for goddamn services rendered to this worthless ass shithole that is now the next Titanic and is going to sink like a goddamn stone and don’t even bother looking around for a lifejacket ’cause there ain’t none!

    Nidotopianwarrior, again, I thank you for that spot on comment! Much appreciated man!


      1. And as you can see in the above comment to N.S., I did indeed, speak the truth yet AGAIN! Some people just cannot take the truth. They’d rather instead, take up lies and bullshit and spread it!

        I got on N.S.’s ass for going after you for saying exactly what N.S. did indeed say. N.S. did say that Africans sold other Africans into slavery. What the fuck does N.S. think this means:

        “very large number of Africans kidnapped us and sold us to other peoples who took us all over the world.”

        That is taken from N.S.’s comment! Now, I want to see N.S. slither from underneath that pile of horseshit!

        Thanks again, Nidotopianwarrior. Your comment was and still is, right on point!


      2. Yes I can see that and yet, he/she still persists… I leave that individual in your capable hands


  7. The best thing I’ve read. I’ll reference this post whenever anyone comes at me with the nonsense. I mean if it doesn’t make sense, no matter how many times you read it or hear it, then it ‘s probably not true.


    1. Thank you Kelley and I am about to cut the bullshit out of this one so that when you ‘reference this post’, you will get the truth, the whole truth and nothing but the truth.

      We are lied to by those pink-assed creatures every single goddamn day and as you can see if you read the comments, they will crawl all up on my blog and commence to speak MY motherfucking mind for ME! Yeah! That’s how THEY roll! But I got news for ’em! This is MY goddamn blog and I say what goes and what remains on it!

      And to the filthy pink-assed motherfuckers! Know this, your foul ass shit ain’t staying up on MY goddamn blog! What the fuck YOU post on your own damn blog is your business, but when you come all up in here, I say what stays and what goes. You don’t like it? Go fuck yourself!

      Kelley, I am sorry about the above comment, but I have had it with this shit! This has devolved into a goddamn war all up in here, as you can see.

      When all is said and done, Kelley, please take from here the fact that the Africans did not by choice allow other Africans to leave the shores of Africa. And no one with more than two brain cells working should be saying otherwise. What we all should know is that the Africans were surprised to find slavers crawling up on their shores with a set determination to haul African bodies from Africa and across seas to become slaves. That is what those rejects from hell were doing over there. They never came in peace. They never came to spread Christianity or whatever religion they claim to follow because those godless fucks wouldn’t know a goddamn thing about religion if their goddamn savior stood in front of their ass. If the claim is that they crucified GEEZUS once, they’d damn sure as hell do it again! Those pink-skinned devils have a one-track mind at all times and that one track consists of death, war, experimentation, enslavement, pillaging, rape, whippings, lashings, mutilation and the like; that is all they do! They are good for nothing and I have no problem shoving it in their vile ass faces! I’m just about done with this blogging shit anyway and so it makes no difference to me whose fucking feelings get hurt. They ain’t fucking got no feelings!

      But Kelley, I sincerely thank you for that wonderful comment on this one. I shall of course, leave this blog up so that those vile assed motherfuckers can come all up in here and read the goddamn truth about themselves. They ain’t gotta like it, but here it will be!

      Thank you!

      Liked by 1 person

      1. I mean how would they even know what that meant? To SELL a HUMAN, something I’ve never heard of Africans in history ever doing. From what I know, the religion of Africa was being one with each other and the Earth, so the only way slavery could and did work was by force, not by an offer of a few dollars for their mother or sister or uncle or child..
        That is some backwards thinking! It is scary that some people actually believe this. And like you said, it would still be going on today because there are still plenty of starving and poor people in Africa.

        Liked by 1 person

      2. Exactly Kelley!

        What could those pale-skinned ass worthless motherfuckers have that Africa could possibly need? Not to mention, before those pale-skinned bastards ever set foot in Africa, the Africans hadn’t set up some ‘slave shop’ nor were they busily hosting slave auctions, night and day. And the Africans certainly had no use for the currency from where those slavers originated from. And with all that Africa has to offer, what could they have possibly brought to the shores of Africa that would get them to throw their own kin into stinking cargo holds with vile smelling pink-assed skinned motherfuckers?

        Those Africans didn’t want those diseased pink monsters anywhere near them, dripping syphilis and The Clap with each step, not to mention, they were also toothless from scurvy!

        If I saw some straggly shit like that coming, I’d attempt to fill their asses full of arrows and be splitting their heads open with goddamn spears, but never would it enter my mind to gracefully and peacefully allow those diseased motherfuckers to come to MY motherfucking land and I hand them people who look like me! I will never believe that the innocent Africans, who were just as unaware as the original inhabitants of this land, the Indians, that those godless freaks of hell were the devil’s own spawn, would welcome that pink filth.

        And if by chance, just like the Indians, they didn’t understand what was going to happen at first, they sure as hell learned it in due time and like the Indians, I am pretty sure they attempted to send that diseased ass shit, packing! But unfortunately, just like the Indians, their weapons were sadly no match for guns.

        And we both are correct, with hunger still a problem in Africa, they are certainly NOT attempting to solve it by requesting that slave ships be sent to mitigate the situation.

        Kelley, again, thank you!

        Liked by 1 person

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