Asshole Magnet!



This here blog seems to be a magnet for assholes. What the hell??!! I realize that I have asked that particular question numerous times over the past five days, and apparently, the beat goes on. I re-blogged a fellow bloggers post and did I catch hell or did I catch hell? I caught hell! I guess it comes with the territory, but be that as it may, I am attempting to demagnetize this here blog and my readers know that I go extremely public when shaking off assholes and so without further ado, let the shaking begin!

The blog post in question was in regards to the labels that are assigned to those of us who are descendants of slaves. Now, I do understand that everyone is entitled to their own opinion and Lawd knows, I have put up with much in here, but when the shit gets too deep, I’ve just got to scoop it out, publicly.

The blog post title: Don’t Label Me Black OR African American. I’m A Negro.

I re-blogged it and added this comment.

Shelby Courtland comment:

“Hear! Hear! I love it!!!! A ‘militant’ after my own heart!”


Ronbrownx comment:

“That’s cool, but when Whites start “mispronouncing” that particular label PURPOSELY and PUBLICLY then excusing themselves for their “feigned” ignorance, AFTER the damage is done; what then will be our reaction?”


Shelby Courtland commented:

“They do so now. Apparently, you are not from the south as I have had ‘whites’ call me that on my job many years ago. They don’t need us to refer to ourselves as being of the Negroid race before calling us the ‘N’ word. They are unapologetically calling us that now as they have for centuries. It is time that we define who we are and not let some racist asshole stop us because we are concerned over how they will react. I am now in the Midwest and though racism is vicious and feral here, I have yet to be called the ‘N’ word to my face.

The damage is already done and what has been our reaction? Why, we call ourselves the ‘N’ word and then get all bent out of shape when ‘whites’ use it.

I don’t use the ‘N’ word in my everyday language, but I hear it from plenty other Negroes and I flinch when I hear it because to me, they have taken the most derogatory word in history and applied it to themselves. They don’t even care about the origins of that word. And for those who say that Negroes use it as a term of ‘endearment’ is just ludicrous. Because there was nothing endearing about slavery, whippings, lashings, rape, pedophilia, molestation, torture, mutilation and chains.

I thank you for your comment!”


Ronbrownx comment:

“Yassum! I’s bone in 1961, (the year Kennedy started serving his presidential term) in Cuthbert, Georgia, population 3,731 (yep, try to find that one on the map). I lived there uninterrupted, except for a one year stay in Eufaula, Alabama, until I entered the military in 1979. So, I know a wee bit about the South.

During my early years, we were called Negros. We didn’t select this label, it was placed upon us; even the great MLK, used the term, but check out this excerpt from an article by Adam Serwer, MSNBC, (April 12, 2014), “Lyndon Johnson said the word “nigger”. In Senate cloakrooms and staff meetings, Johnson was practically a connoisseur of the word. According to Johnson biographer Robert Caro, Johnson would calibrate his pronunciations by region, using “nigra” with some southern legislators and “negra” with others. Discussing civil rights legislation with men like Mississippi Democrat James Eastland, who committed most of his life to defending white supremacy, he’d simply call it “the nigger bill.”

What Johnson and others like him (George Wallace, Bull Connor etc.) did was moderate their use of, Negro, Negra, Nigra or NIgger, to fit the audience or situation. Often, they would use Negra or Nigra instead of Negro as if they were simply variations in the way Negro is pronounced and not derogatory proxies for the word Nigger. We, who grew up during those days were just as offended by the words Negra and Nigra, as we were Nigger, for you see, we knew that they were “code-switching” and that even presidents and governors could use Negra and Nigra claiming that those words were simply regional dialectical variations of the “proper” label, Negro.

My fear is, that if you say, “call me a Negro”, you’re going to be giving a lot of slick mouthed racists a license to use equally degrading terms like Negra and Nigra while claiming that that’s just the way they talk. Nothing illegal, immoral, politically incorrect about that.

Also, while growing up in the South, I had access to my grandmother’s 1957 Compton’s encyclopedias. In the “R” encyclopedia, under the title, “Race”, was the authors’ attempts at explaining the difference between the races. They grouped the entirety of humanity into three “racial” groups; Mongoloid, Caucasoid, and Negroid. The Mongoloid were described as; straight, black haired, yellow-skinned, flat nosed, short legged, flat-headed, and slant-eyed. The Caucasoid were described as: white to pink-skinned; straight or curly haired; slender aquiline nosed; narrow face and high forehead; thin lips; tall, well built people. The Negroids were described as; short or tall; blue-black to light brown skin; large, wide, flat-nosed; tightly coiled or kinky haired, wide set eyes, thick-lipped people.

Now I ask you, do those parameters, properly delineate your families, friends, and so on?

Those groupings, (Negroid, Mongoloid, and Caucasoid), went out of date with my Granny’s Compton encyclopedias. Race is a man-made concept. Genetically, there is virtually no difference between individual human beings. It’s like looking a bumblebees and establishing divisions based on whether the yellow stripe comes first or the black stripe. It is a ludicrous concept.

When the space aliens look at us through their high-powered telescopes, do you think that they’ll be sorting us into; Negroid, Caucasoid and Mongoloid? I think not. Those aliens (if there be any) will simply see one intelligent, two-legged, two-armed species called the Human species. When they abduct you and sequence your genome, they’ll decide that, except for minor color variations, they’re all the same species.

If you believe in evolution, then at one time, thousands or millions of years ago, there existed many species of humans; Neanderthal, Denisovan, Homo Erectus, Homo Habilis and hundreds of others, but, they’re all extinct, only one species survived; Homo Sapiens–us.”


Shelby Courtland comment:

Well, I guess I can’t argue with you being born in the south, however, this is not about what other people refer to me as, it is about who I say I am. Every single decade, we are giving a new ‘label’ by the Caucasians, i.e., Colored, Black, African-American and yes, even Negro, but we are so much more than a mere ‘label’. The birth certificates of Caucasians have not changed down through the years, so why ours? I don’t care what Johnson said. He is as irrelevant to me as are those racist, slave-owning so-called ‘founding fathers’ since they did not represent me because my ancestors were not even considered to be ‘human’ by those vile creatures. We could argue semantics all day and all night with respect to the fact that as a race of people, we have been denigrated relentlessly and for no other reason than over something that we have no control over; the color of our skin. When we fill out an application, on the application, we have to check the box labeled: African-American or Black and then check the box: non-Hispanic. And now, another box has been added: ‘other’. America is the only nation or country on the planet that does this and quite actually makes this whole ‘race’ issue, a catastrophic event and it is designed to keep us looking at one another, not as Americans, but as different ‘sub’ groups. It is a way to keep us in ‘our place’, so that we don’t get any fancy ideas that we are actually included in the Constitution and all other documents that pertain to freedoms and rights in this shithole.

The way we are perceived by the Caucasians in this shithole is no different from the way we were perceived when the Declaration of Independence was drafted by a pack of hypocrite slave owners. Their descendants will continue to call us out of our name just as their forefathers did. That is never going to change, regardless of what we call ourselves. We cannot stop those creatures from calling us derivatives of the word ‘nigger’ or from even calling us, ‘nigger’. It is more important for me to know who I am and what I answer to and I don’t have to answer to the Caucasians when they call me out of my name. I am not beholden to them for a damn thing and I could care less what they call me. I don’t hesitate in my descriptions of them and I will not and it is not because I am playing ‘tit for tat’, it is because they do not hold the only patent on derogatory names. On my blog, I will call them whatever I damn well please and damn the consequences. No one has to like it, but there it is. If they don’t have to be ‘politically correct’ than neither will I. The gloves are off! They have been off for quite some time.

Those parameters don’t fit partly due to the rape of slaves that was incessant. Maybe those features do apply to certain tribes in Africa, but for those of us who are descendants of slaves that were dragged to America, they don’t fit much. How could they? But that does not mean that it would not apply if our ancestors had been left the hell alone in Africa and not dragged here.

And there are genetic differences. Make no mistake about that. We are not all the same. We are not all alike. Depending on the race of people, some are predisposed to certain diseases whereas others are not and it is due to their genetic makeup that they have in common. Certain features are prominent in some groups and not in others. It is only the fact of rape and inbreeding that results in crossover features and other characteristics and traits.

If there were aliens watching us from a distance, then yes, I think they would be sorting us into different groups because the group that is hell bent on fucking up this entire planet and making it basically uninhabitable are the Caucasians and this, any alien should be able to see with just a glance. No other group on this planet has done more damage to it than the Caucasians, so do not group me in with that vile filth because I am not one of them and I am NOT anything like them! Not now! Not ever!”


Ronbrownx comment:

“Well, first of all Shelby, we didn’t choose the “label” Negro, but we did choose “Black” and “African American” so….What DO you want to be called? I’m just saying that, maybe “Negro” is not the best choice.

Why label at all? I personally would prefer no label except, maybe, “Child of God”.

According to research done by the National Coalition for Health Profession Education in Genetics, “…ANY two humans are approximately 99.9 percent identical at the DNA sequence level…this indicates that we are genetically quite similar to one another.”

Let’s put that into perspective, I had a DNA test done to prove paternity of my youngest son. The results were 99.99 percent that “I am that baby’s daddy”. Do you know what that means? Child support for 18 years.

The Human family is 99.99 percent IDENTICAL!

Also, it is ILLEGAL for any job application to ask about your “race”. They can only ask AFTER you have been hired for “affirmative actions” purposes. If you are being asked these type questions on job interviews, you should report them to the EEOC.

As far as what you call Caucasians, who cares? You’re preaching to the choir. We, who read your blog, share that < 1/10 of a percent of human genome difference as you, in other words, we’re “Black” too. The people who you are calling “whatever I damn well please” are not even reading your blog, or , for that matter, even aware of your blog. They don’t know how angry you are; they don’t care how hurt you are. You’re just a voice crying in the wilderness. I hear you, but they don’t!

What are you going to do about that? or are you just going to keep telling those of us, who already know how you feel, how you feel?

Did you know that our tribal ancestors, who inhabited West Africa during the 400 year reign of the American, British, Portuguese, French and Spanish slave trade, owned slaves too. As a matter of fact, most of the slaves brought to the U.S. were sold or traded to the White slave traders by West African tribesmen, who enslaved and sold those captured in tribal battles and wars, or who were deemed “criminals” by their tribes or enemy tribes? For them, the White slave trader was a handy way of banishing their “unwanted” forever, without having to have their victim’s blood on their hands. It’s horrific, but true. This by no means, absolves the White trader from guilt. If he had not provided the market, then the business of slave trade would not have been so lucrative for the West African African tribesmen. But even without the Slave market provided by the White traders, the fate of the captives of the the warring West African tribes would not have been a good one; for you see, these tribesmen would have simply murdered the captives. They wouldn’t have risked keeping them alive, because they were considered dangerous, and might attempt insurrection or escape. This attitude only applied to the males. The females were retained by their captives and made “members” of the tribe.

I served 20 years in the U.S. Air Force. I was sworn to defend the country and it’s Constitution; even though, the “founding fathers” did NOT write it to include “Blacks”, nor was the Declaration written to include “Blacks” but what it did was establish a Supreme Court of the U.S. to provide, continuous, interpretation and re-interpretation of its tenants; and it provided for a Legislature to create new laws and amendments. Throughout the years this has happened, both against “Blacks” i.e. “The Dredd Scott Decision” and in favor of “Blacks” i.e. 13th, 14th, 15th Ammendments to the Consititution. There were also decisions like; “Plessy vs Ferguson; Brown v Education, and the “Civil Rights act of 1964″and the “Voter’s Rights Act of 1965” . All of these had major impacts on the lives of African Americans in this “shithole”.

My point is, despite the trials and tribulations we’ve experienced, I’ve put my life on the line to defend the advances and rights we’ve “earned” through much death, bloodshed, and destruction. I think I’d choose to remain in this “shithole” rather than live in any other.

Let me ask you a hypothetical question: If you moved into an apartment but everything was wrong in it; the landlord was a crook, the water had rust in it, the plumbing sucked, the paint was peeling, the air didn’t work, the rugs were stained with dog piss and the ceiling was leaking, in other words, it was a complete SHITHOLE, What would you do?


Shelby Courtland comment:

“I don’t know how we could choose ‘African-American’ because we are not a hyphen. An ‘African-American’ is an African who immigrated to America, became an American citizen, hence ‘African-American. That is not me. I would define myself as human’ but according to this shithole, I’m not even totally ‘human’. I am not the one who insists that there be a string of hyphens and pronouns describing my identity.

I am not a ‘child of god’. If you think for one second that I would practice any form of so-called ‘religion’, think again. Religion is for the weak-minded who need something to believe in and who need to be kept in line by some fake-assed made-up Santa Claus in some fairytale land of ‘heaven’. Seriously? I was one of the flock of the brainwashed when I was a child, but I soon threw that yoke of oppression off my shoulders. I think for myself and I don’t need to head inside a palace of worship every Sunday morning to hear the ‘word’ as told by a hypocrite who himself/herself is more sinful than I am. But because he/she has a Master of Divinity degree or not because it would seem that anyone who can get some dumb schmucks to sit up and listen to them drone on and on about the scripture, can open up a ‘church’ these days and amass a fortune from the gullible and the stupid, and I am supposed to sit up and listen to fairytale after fairytale? Nothing fucking doing.

So, you had a DNA test and it proved that it was a 99% probability that you were the child’s father? Well, if you say that any two human’s DNA is 99% identical, then the father of the baby could be any other human. This doesn’t even make any sense because a DNA test would not work if that be the case. Unless I’m missing something here.

I am not merely speaking of ‘identity’ as it relates to our options on employment applications, but about the fact that when the census comes around, we must choose the ‘box’ or boxes’ that match what we identify as.

And as for my ‘preaching to the choir’ and Caucasians not reading what I write, how would you know? You don’t know how many different groups find their way onto this blog and if I write to my goddamn self, that is my choice to do so. I don’t need validation from you or anyone else. If everyone felt like you do, no one would ever write a goddamn thing, including blogs, books, poetry, screenplays; the whole nine yards. You have a blog, so why do you have one if there is no point to all of this? You are welcome to your opinion, I just happen to disagree with it, wholeheartedly. And quite actually, you contradict yourself over and over. And if you have a problem with me ‘telling people how I feel and continuing to tell people how I feel’ then feel free to move the hell along. I am not here to answer to you and to you alone and so who do you think you are to question what I do and why I do it? Again, if you find what I write here to be of no value whatsoever, then why are you here? You pompous, arrogant blowhard, don’t come this way again! I am not so desperate as to need shits like you to come onto my blog and question why I’m even writing. That is MY business! You got that! So, take your dumbass questions and stick ’em where the sun don’t shine!

And for the motherfuckers that are slow or otherwise dumb ass hell like this here motherfucker, I have delved into the African tribal leader slave trade shit and I am not about to get it started back up. Archive to your heart’s content!

And since you felt the call of duty to serve in the Air Force, what do you want me to do? “Thank you for your service?” Because if you do, you are looking at a mighty long wait because I don’t thank military whores for fucking people up in other countries who have done them no wrong. If you’re a ‘child of god’, then that is something that you are going to have to answer for on judgment day. Not me. Because even if you saw no actual combat, by signing on the dotted line, you agreed to fire a weapon at someone who you did not even know and attempt to kill them. But you’re going to ask me about being ‘a child of god’? Are you serious? You’re just another one of those hypocritical, worthless ass, hypnotized Christian shits who go on and on about the bible and the rapture and some more shit and turn right around and piss on your own damn religion. You’re full of it! Take your dumbass elsewhere! It’s not needed in here!

And lastly, since your last paragraph is a hint at me to leave this shithole if I don’t like it, you can shove that up your ass also because I will do as I damn well please and I am under no obligation to ‘like all up and down’ on this shithole…AND…I can denounce it until the cows come home go back out and come back home AGAIN and what I say about this shithole is MY opinion to which I am entitled. Furthermore, I never asked you to put a goddamn thing on the line for this fucking shithole. You chose to do that and so don’t expect to receive any kudos from me for doing so. Go to your Reverend and ask him for a vote of confidence, but I am not the one and I will not tolerate the likes of your ass coming in here and shitting all over the place while attempting to get me to understand that you are merely laying down rose petals. Git ta steppin’! I am on a roll lately with getting fucked up ass motherfuckers out of my face! So, in here, your number is UP! Next!


Again, I do realize that all sorts of assholes are on the internet and that there are more than likely more assholes on the internet than are decent people and this is to be expected. However, I want everyone to understand…AGAIN…that from now on when I see comments that continue on and on, as the above, and get ever more absurd and contentious to the point where they cross the line, rather than close comments, the delete button will be used without hesitation because I can agree to disagree up to a certain point, but when I have reached that point, I am not putting up with any more shit! I have tried to make this understood on previous posts, but so far, to no avail. The shit stirrers who come here and deposit their shit are going to be dismissed because I have reached the point where I am fed up with being asked to explain myself or be preached at for my supposed ‘intolerance’. If I have said it once, I have said it a thousand times, if you do not like what you see here and if what you see here has no relevance, then why the fuck are you here, reading it…AND…coming back for more? Just pass by this blog and go onto whatever floats your boat. But this is the straw that broke the camel’s back. I don’t need to explain to anyone why I am blogging. I don’t need to explain to anyone just what my purpose is. And it is always those who claim to have some overwhelming amount of ‘tolerance’ and who accuse me of having a lack of tolerance who then turn around and display their lack thereof. I am no hypocrite, unlike many and I have stated that yes, I am intolerant of what goes against MY principles, values, morals and decency and I stand by that and make no apologies for it. So, for those of you who have a problem with this, once AGAIN, if you don’t move yourself the hell on, I will move your ass on for you! Make no mistake about that!

12 thoughts on “Asshole Magnet!

  1. Shelby – I will not argue with anyone in the comments section of my blog. If it gets contentious I will advise them to write a retort on their own blog. If they continue in my comments section I too will delete.

    Regards from Florida.

    Liked by 1 person

    1. Toritto, thank you and I have stated in no uncertain terms, time and time again that I will not tolerate this mess and yet, it is continuously overlooked and those who are doing this have their own blog. For what purpose? I don’t know because they seem to latch onto mine and attempt to deposit piles of shit on it. I am past fed up with this.

      I don’t know if it has been found that my blog has a certain popularity now, or what? But I just noticed recently the behavior of ‘trolls’. I have not had a problem with this before. But from now on, the delete button will get much use!

      Again, I thank you for your comment Toritto!


    1. I declare Kelley, my face broke out into one big huge, wide ass grin over your comment! I am sitting here just a beaming and a grinning from ear to ear. You have no idea what your comment means to me and a simple ‘thank you’ does not do it justice. But I sincerely thank you, all the same! I will always appreciate every comment that you leave here. Please know that!

      Liked by 1 person

      1. I like that you don’t come back with a base rebuttal but with FACTS. Never an okey doke, programmed reply. And I am always enlightened when I come your way. For that, I thank YOU 😉

        Liked by 1 person

      2. Kelley, I must apologize for the ‘held in moderation’ situation, but it seems that I am now being ‘troll stalked’ by this asshole. So, from now on, as is the case with Mr. Militant Negro’s blog, comments will be held in moderation until ‘manually’ approved.

        One asshole will spoil shit for everyone else.

        And also, to you and to all my loyal followers, let me apologize in
        advance since it had to come to this.

        Liked by 1 person

      3. Same thing happened at work; we used to be able to wear sandals until one guy decides to rock the same pair Jesus did [probably has the same looking feet too] and now everyone else has to suffer. So I get it. No need to apologize! We’ll be here.

        Liked by 1 person

    1. Well, to be fair, you do tell dumbasses such as the one who is the subject of this blog, to “leave the dumbfuckery at the door!” Maybe the rest of us need follow your example. It is to be taken seriously because I am certainly having a time getting rid of these dumb assholes.

      And the sad fact is that he left another comment pertaining to you which I deleted and he also informed me yet again, that I am a ‘gimmick’ to attract readers to my blog. Well, if I am a ‘gimmick’ his goddamn dumbass fell for it, so what does that say for him? Not to mention, since he has his own damn blog, it was more than likely a ‘gimmick’ of his coming here starting up some shit to inspire others to check his blog out. So, apparently, we are ALL in the ‘gimmick’ business. What the fuck does he know? Because blogging ain’t paid one goddamn bill for me, nor am I begging folks to come flocking in here. Quite the opposite. Another motherfucker’s shit, debunked! Next!

      Mr. Militant Negro, I thank you for the re-blog and for your comment! It may help people understand what to do to stop dumbasses in their tracks! We could ALL use a can of your ‘anti-troll dumbass asshole’ venom! Name your price!


  2. Although the topic is deadly serious Shelby, I thoroughly enjoyed it and agree with the responses you gave to your “fans” statements. I hate the fact that we define each other as anything but humans…skin color is irrelevant, or at least it should be. Unfortunately, though it appears that it always will be a defining characteristic.

    As I’ve mentioned before I will not pretend to understand everything you have been through as this is a very personal experience and I have never nor can I ever walk a day in your shoes. In any case, I love your blog, its rawness and honesty and I hope you don’t ever change a thing. Keep on writing my friend.

    Liked by 1 person

    1. Well, there is ALWAYS going to be entertainment in here Dom! Count on that! Fistfights, knockdown, drag-outs and some more shit. It goes with the territory, I suppose. LOL!

      Yes, I was serious, but quite obviously, my ever present sense of humor came through also. I read it back and howled with laughter over it. I’ve got such a way with words, but what writer doesn’t? You know how it is. You’ve penned some great poems and I loved the last ones as I do each and every one.

      Dom, I sincerely try to get a point across and give people some idea of what it is like to ‘walk even a step in my shoes’ and then I get busted up for doing so. I make no apologies for who I am and that is why, for the life of me, I cannot understand why assholes will continue to come in here and shit all over the place and tell me, it’s piles of rose petals. I know that I am too much for some and so why they don’t just move the hell along, beats me, but they insist on coming up in here, just attempting to deposit some more shit and I have to give ’em the ole heave ho! And I must say, I quite enjoy doing so, as you can see! But this motherfucker took the cake. I had to enlist WordPress staff in helping to get this motherfucker to git ta steppin’. He insisted on it! I’ve never had a ‘troll stalker’ before. GEEZUS!

      However, I thank you for daring to step up in this hot ass kitchen. It is usually smokin’ hot in here! Again, thanks Dom! Good to see ya! And they ain’t been able to shut me up yet! LOL!


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