Unfortunately, I Was Right About Prince!

UNITED STATES - SEPTEMBER 13:  RITZ CLUB  Photo of PRINCE, Prince performing on stage - Purple Rain Tour  (Photo by Richard E. Aaron/Redferns)
UNITED STATES – SEPTEMBER 13: RITZ CLUB Photo of PRINCE, Prince performing on stage – Purple Rain Tour (Photo by Richard E. Aaron/Redferns)



But quite actually, not surprised!

Medical examiner: Prince died of Fentanyl overdose

MINNEAPOLIS (AP) — Prince died of an accidental overdose of fentanyl, a powerful opioid painkiller that is up to 50 times more potent than heroin, autopsy results released Thursday show.

The findings confirm suspicions that opioids played a role in the death of the superstar musician, who was found dead April 21 at his Minneapolis-area estate.

Apparently, those previous reports of ‘flu-like’ symptoms were just a cover-up for the fact that Prince was addicted to painkillers thanks in part to the fact of worn-out joints, an aging body and a desire to continue to perform.

After being in the limelight for decades, it is hard to sit down and be relegated to retirement and obscurity. Many of us think that the money alone would be good enough for us, but put yourself in their shoes and it would more than likely look differently to you, as was the case with Prince, Michael Jackson, Whitney Houston and all of the great ones who suffered career setbacks, sensational scandals, an aging body and fickle fans. I have stated it before and I state it again, when people are put on a pedestal, worshipped and idolized, it does something to them and they cannot ‘enjoy’ being an average person any longer. Drugs are going to play a role in their lives; that is a given. There are only a few celebrities who have not succumbed to the lure of drug addiction; be they from painkillers or other opioids or narcotics.

I understand that it has been said that Prince lived a ‘clean’ life; no alcohol or drugs and that he was a ‘vegetarian’. Although, it was first suggested that he was a vegan and I also understand that since that was changed, could it also be a lie that Prince was addicted to fentanyl? We could argue about it all day and all night, but one fact remains, Prince was getting old. Fifty-seven is not young in the music industry and Prince was in the music industry for decades and the wear and tear on joints after all the punishment he put them through are going to start acting up and to counter the pain, medication is necessary. No amount of a vegetarian lifestyle or religious practices are going to ease the ache of painful hip joints and arthritic knees. Get real!

Devil worshippers are not to blame for Prince’s death. The ‘illuminati’ did not cause Prince’s hip and knee pains. If you look at the old videos of Prince in action, you cannot fail to walk away without saying that after years of that type of abuse, pain at the age of 57, as a result was to be expected especially since he continued to perform. But notice that his later performances were tame in comparison. The man just could not leap about and jump from high speakers anymore. He more than likely tried to do without the painkillers but he was expected to do more than just stand up on stage, clutching a microphone and to put those joints in use meant either deal with it and try not to grimace or take painkillers because the show must go on. There were adoring fans who needed to be entertained and get their money’s worth from the performance. The ‘fans’ care not for aging joints. They want their ‘gods’ to never age, never show human frailties, and above all, never be like the rest of us. That is not why Prince was ‘idolized’, for being like the rest of us.

And we would think that since Prince is dead, has been cremated, it would be ‘case closed’, but it is only just beginning. Now, comes the blame game. Who gave Prince the fentanyl? Who helped Prince overdose on a powerful opioid painkiller? Who is responsible? Ultimately, it was up to Prince as to whether or not to take the drugs that helped him to continue to perform.

I can only speculate as to whether or not Prince was pushed by an overwhelming desire to continue to achieve perfection even in the face of much suffering so that he could perform or was it a desire to just dull the pain of aging joints to just allow him to walk without suffering. I don’t know. What I do know is that if he could stand the pain in his day-to-day activities, then I see no reason for fentanyl. But if he were taking fentanyl in order to perform, than that was on Prince.

Lastly, the opioid epidemic that is increasingly in the news, will surely get a boost in coverage now that it has been concluded that Prince died from an abuse of opioids. Too bad the crack epidemic that decimated Black communities all across AmeriKKKa did not get the same attention and calls from politicians and the CDC to have crack addiction treated as a medical condition instead of what it was treated as, a crime. But then, look at who the face of opioid addiction is, other than Prince, of course.

12 thoughts on “Unfortunately, I Was Right About Prince!

  1. “After being in the limelight for decades, it is hard to sit down and be relegated to retirement and obscurity. Many of us think that the money alone would be good enough for us, but put yourself in their shoes and it would more than likely look differently to you, as was the case with Prince, Michael Jackson, Whitney Houston and all of the great ones who suffered career setbacks, sensational scandals, an aging body and fickle fans. I have stated it before and I state it again, when people are put on a pedestal, worshipped and idolized, it does something to them and they cannot ‘enjoy’ being an average person any longer. Drugs are going to play a role in their lives; that is a given. There are only a few celebrities who have not succumbed to the lure of drug addiction; be they from painkillers or other opioids or narcotics.” -Shelby Courtland

    You have singlehandely identified one of the backlashes that come with fame. Drugs. I’m elated to see that you are a rare one that didn’t wear the blinders limiting the focus to “recreation and feel good drugs”. A lot of performers and athletes take to drugs (as you so eloquently eluded) to keep worn joints, over elastic, torn, and tired muscles going for one more show. One more show in the shadow of many and the pain fights back and the doses increase. Then one day the pain screams STOP! The fans say just one more game – one more show – but the body is saying – No More- I can’t take another jacked up dose of anything. Down goes the pills and this time down goes the life. Sad but true.

    Wonderful well written post Shelby – It should be required reading by all high profile folks as well as those entering the high profile arena.

    Liked by 1 person

    1. Thank you so much for the compliment on this one! I must admit that your comment is right on point as well. It matters not if they are musicians or basketball and football pros, they must never succumb to the vagaries of an aging body, for what would their ‘adoring fans’ say if these ‘celebrities’ or ‘stars’ let them down and so what do they do? They look for ways to keep going because the ‘show MUST go on’ until it doesn’t. And in many cases, the show does not go on because the celebrity died from an overdose for trying to MAKE the show, go on. It is a vicious cycle and one that I don’t see ending anytime soon.

      The euphoria of adulation is not missed on these ‘people’ for they are ‘people’, they have just been put on a pedestal. Who wants to be labeled, “a has been?” Not many people that you would ask, especially if they had known superstardom such as was the case with Prince, Michael Jackson and Whitney Houston. And the same can be said for pro sports players. The ‘fans’ trash those players when they don’t perform after having played sports for 10 years like they did when they first started. I will always think that in some way, the public plays a role in why these celebrities think that they never can grow old and fall pray to ‘human’ failings and hence, the lure of drugs beckons.

      Geo Gee, I sincerely thank you for that most excellent and kind comment on this post! I appreciate it very much!

      Liked by 1 person

  2. We are losing approx. 64 people a month to Fentanyl in my province, pop. ~3.4 million. One grain of it, the equivalent of a grain of salt, will get you high. Two grains will kill you…

    Liked by 1 person

    1. Good heavens! That is an absolute horror! It is also an epidemic! Lou, I must say that since I have been in multiple vehicle accidents and one as recent as 2 1/2 years ago, no doctor ever mentioned putting me on opioids for the pain. Now, I don’t know if you remember my post “Racism Is Why ‘Whites’ Are Dying From Heroin, Now Ain’t That A Bitch??!!!” whereas in the post, it has been stated that Black people are not prescribed opioids by their doctors for the pain because of a perception by the doctors that Black people are predisposed to addiction and on top of that, would go out and sell these drugs. Now, either we are supposedly ‘predisposed to addiction’ or we would ‘go out and sell the drugs’, which is it, I’ d like the medical profession to step up in here and make it known. But maybe that is the reason why I was never offered opioids because of my skin tone.

      Every single goddamn day, I struggle because the last vehicle accident I was in was a multiple vehicle accident on the highway and two vehicles were totaled and for one guy, they had to get the ‘jaws of life’ to get him out of his fucked up vehicle, the accident was so bad. I was totaled my damn self, vehicle AND me! If people think that I am not in any pain, they can just think again, but I have to deal with it. Is it easy? Hell no! But what is the alternative? Become addicted to opioids? I don’t think so! Some days, I have to hold onto a walker to get around, the pain is so bad. But like I said, what are my options? Take the opioids or deal with it. I deal with it! I may be in the worst of possible moods most days because of the amount of pain I’m in, but, hey! That’s life!

      I am real sorry to know that so many people, both in Canada and in the states are succumbing to this addictive drug and other types of this drug as I see no end in sight and I included a link in this post whereas the CDC and other officials are stating just that. Sigh! Where we are headed, it don’t bode well for the future because it would seem that many just don’t have one.

      Thanks for your input Lou! Much appreciated!

      Liked by 1 person

    1. That would seem to be the case, Dr. Bramhall. And you see what we do about it. Drug ourselves to death! I guess this is US saying, “This ain’t no way to live!”

      Check out this article. Because it backs up what you are saying. In Utah, those “Latter Day Saints” are feeling the pressure of being ‘perfect’ and it ain’t a blessing or attainable and some apparently THINK they are perfect and look down and shun those who just ‘don’t fit the bill’ and the price many are paying is to fall ‘victim’ to the lure of opioids.

      One person dies each day in the state from a prescription drug overdose, a 400% increase since 2000, according to the Utah health department. The toll rises by half again when deaths from heroin are included. The US attorney in Salt Lake City, John Huber, last month warned of “an insatiable appetite in Utah for pain pills and for heroin”.

      Many of the recorded deaths are of people who became hooked on prescriptions for sports or work injuries, or to cope with chronic conditions such as back pain. But there has also been widespread use among Mormons who some LDS church members say fall back on opioid painkillers as a crutch to cope with pressure to live a devout life.

      And apparently, there is no end in sight. Go figure! Meanwhile, the U.S. government continues to give that Afghan poppy, a freed ride to the states. Yes indeed, the troops are doing a wonderful service for which we are ‘thanking’ them for and that is making sure that every person that wants to get high, gets high because the only reason the US military is still in Afghanistan is to protect the poppy plant and if any of those rotten, low-down lying bastards such as Obama, Clinton, Kerry and their ilk, says otherwise, they’re fucking full of it! And I have covered this subject many times!

      Dr. Bramhall, thank you for that spot on comment!


      1. I did my psychiatric training in Salt Lake City (nearly 40 years ago) and Mormons had a big drug abuse problem even then. At the time we attributed this to the LDS ban on alcohol but I think there were probably lots of other factors.

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