Just What I Have Been Saying All Along!


I usually read Margaret Kimberley’s blog over on Black Agenda Report and her latest is right on point. It is exactly what I have been saying for quite some time and in no uncertain terms. Although Ms. Kimberley does not use colorful words like I do, she manages to get her point across.

“We know that the country was and is deeply racist and that we live in an environment that literally endangers our lives. We are never safe, regardless of who occupies the white house. We also know that white people who would never consider themselves racists are in fact just that, and that we must be on guard against them. Perhaps there should be investigative reporting about their ability to compartmentalize and the pretense that allows them to feel superior despite their own foibles.”

This bears repeating:

“We know that white people who would never consider themselves racists are in fact just that, and that we must be on guard against them.”

Sure, you’ve met the white woman who has stood beside you as you protested over the fact that yet another unarmed Black man, woman or child was killed by white cops for selling untaxed cigarettes, playing with a toy gun in a park, failing to use the right turn signal and you were told by that white woman that that just wasn’t right. But did you also know that one of her best friends is married to one of the most racist cops, you’ll ever meet? No, she won’t tell you that, but she will stand there, in fake innocence and move her lips to form words that suggest she is outraged by a cop killing a nigger. She is faking her protest of the murder. And faking it she is because she is part of the problem for if not, why has she not spoken up about the fact of a cop’s racist attitude to those who could get him taken off the force? It is because she is racist; that cop is what she is.

But of course, you’ve met the guy in the company lunchroom that spouts off all the time about how many Black friends he has. Truth be told, he has far more white supremacist friends and when they get together, those two Black ‘friends’ that he claims to have are niggers all day and night because you see, he is what they are and they are what he is; there is no difference.

And surely, you have heard white people speak out against ‘white guilt’. They ask, “Why should they have ‘white guilt’ over something that occurred before they were born?” Oh, that is just too easy to answer. You don’t have ‘white guilt’ and the reason you don’t have ‘white guilt’ is because you are just as racist as your long dead ancestors; the same ancestors that whipped, shackled, raped and killed my ancestors just because they could. You are no different because if you were, we would not be dealing with the very same racism, prejudice, Jim Crow, bigotry and slavery that is still in play today. Don’t tell me that slavery is no longer practiced in America because I can and will call you, “A liar!” Over two million Black men and women are sitting inside FOR PROFIT PRISONS for having done no more than have a dime bag of weed on their person when some racist cop rolled up on them and the white man that was buying the weed from them was allowed to go on his merry way.

If you whites of today were any different from those that spawned your ass, gentrification would not be rearing its ugly head in cities that used to house mostly Black folks in them. Whenever you feel ‘discommoded’, the first thing you do is move whomever is in your way out of your way to make you have a better day and so if you were not racist, you’d think twice about displacing people who have been in their homes for decades but because you’ve now chosen to live there, their rents have exploded and they are no longer able to reside in the area, thus enabling your sorry ass to come in and take over and make it ‘yuppy’ or ‘preppy’. And yet, you have the nerve to scream that you should not be hearing about ‘white guilt’. You don’t hear about ‘white guilt’ because such as you are, you have no such qualms in the first damn place. You aren’t wired to feel guilty about a goddamn thing because your white privilege renders you incapable of feeling guilt. You are just as privileged as your ancestors were who crossed oceans to enslave those who did not look like them and to this very day, the same applies.

The Indians indigenous to America, dying like they are, are a direct result of the fact that you feel no ‘white guilt’. The Black people in America, who were steered by whites to take out subprime mortgage loans even though they qualified for prime mortgage loans and lost their homes, are a direct result of the fact that you feel no ‘white guilt’. The Maoris of New Zealand, who, to this very day, have no political representation whatsoever and suffer mass incarceration, are a direct result of the fact that you feel no ‘white guilt’. The Aborigines of Australia, who were pushed off their land and who are still treated with contempt to this very day by those who stole their land, are a direct result of the fact that you feel no ‘white guilt’. And what do all of these groups have in common? What was stolen from them by YOUR ancestors is still stolen from them today. They were fucked up by the likes of you and they still are. It began with your ancestors and continues with you! And so how in hell are you any different from those who spawned you? You’re not! But you should have “no white guilt,” you say? When have you ever? You’re never guilty of a goddamn thing; benevolent, kind and humanitarian as you claim to be. And we all know that’s a lot of rot! So, spout your nonsense to someone who may stupidly believe it, but I’m certainly not buying what you’re selling. No one is asking something of you that you are incapable of to begin with. All that these people wanted from you was for you to leave them the hell alone in the first goddamn place and if not that, at least stop making life so hard for them now, even after your ancestors fucked them up! But you can’t even do that!

And lastly, there’s not a goddamn thing supremacy like about any of you! That is the biggest lie of all! How can a race of people who collectively engage in genocide, racism, pedophilia, molestation, annihilation, confiscation of the land of others, slavery, war, gentrification, mass imprisonment of certain ethnic groups and the list is endless ever get anywhere near the word, “supremacy?” You cannot! But you’re brazen creatures, you are, with the balls of bulls and in this instance, I would not take that as a compliment because the last thing I’d ever do is compliment the likes of you! And as for the Black folks out there who consort with whites, I can only shake my head over your willful ignorance, stupidity and insanity in crawling into bed with an enemy so evil and so vile, hell would vomit them back up!

4 thoughts on “Just What I Have Been Saying All Along!

    1. But unfortunately for the people who are mentioned here who are on the receiving end of being fucked up by a particular ‘group’, they don’t have centuries to wait for said group to get hit with an epiphany. It makes no sense that one group can continue to this very day to torment, enslave and deny representation to people whose land was literally stolen from underneath them and then have the nerve to blame the victims. It seems to me that those who are the spawn of such evil love drinking from the ‘well of evil’ and therefore, suggest that they show no shame and why should they be held accountable? That is arrogance, personified.

      Rosaliene, I thank you for your comment.


    1. Well, if displaying unrepentant brutality, depravity, immorality, butchery, slavery, greed, torture, racism, bigotry, prejudice and corruption is synonymous with ‘supremacy’, then I guess you are correct. If that is what it takes to ‘control’ the globe, then they are welcome to your definition of ‘supremacy’. I’ll take whatever it is I am supposed to represent over that any day! Also, if what you say is true, then that cannot be undone, it must be destroyed.

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