Megachurch Pastor’s Wife Got Tired Of Waiting On Her “Heavenly Reward” And So The Pastor “Saved” His Money And Bought Her A $200,000 Lamborghini SUV


Whatever happened to what their “Jesus” said? Mark 10:21 21Jesus looked at him and loved him. “One thing you lack,” he said. “Go, sell everything you have and give to the poor, and you will have treasure in heaven. Then come, follow me.”

So, no one is waiting around anymore to see what treasures heaven has in store for them? They don’t really believe in the teachings of Jesus for if they did, why wouldn’t this pastor’s wife wait for her ‘heavenly reward’? Isn’t patience taught in that Bible that should be burning up in the hands of these Christian hypocrites who spout off at the mouth all day and all night about doing good deeds and worshiping the ‘Lord’?

Oh, my bad! I am doing just what the good book said I shouldn’t do.

Psalm 37:7-9 7Be still before the LORD and wait patiently for him; do not fret when people succeed in their ways, when they carry out their wicked schemes. 8Refrain from anger and turn from wrath; do not fret-it leads only to evil. 9For those who are evil will be destroyed, but those who hope in the LORD will inherit the land.

So in other words, the wicked pastor and his equally wicked wife are going to be destroyed because they refuse to give up their earthly treasures and instead, “succeed in their ways, when they carry out their wicked schemes?” Is that about right?

What I would like to know is what is the pastor preaching to his mostly Black congregation as it pertains to helping the sick and destitute, the homeless and the hungry? How many empty bellies could have been filled? How many homeless people could have been housed with $200,000. And yet, this hypocritical pastor is going on and on about how his wife is deserving of a $200,000 Lamborghini SUV because it is their anniversary and she has put up with his sorry ass for years. If he was that bad, all she need have done was to divorce his sorry ass, but the fact of the matter is, both are using the church as their own private bank account since Pastor Asshole Gray is in charge of church assets.

Pastor John Gray, who is a Cincinnati native, also remains an associate pastor at Joel Osteen’s Lakewood Church in Houston while taking the lead at Relentless. Gray has control of the assets of the Greenville church, its vision, and the future of its ministry.

And yet Pastor Asshole Gray maintains that not a penny of church money went to fund his wife’s brand spanking new $200,000 Lamborghini SUV. Yeah, I’m buying that and if you believe this bullshit then I’ve got some great beachfront property located in Death Valley, CA for sale. It’s beautiful!

How anyone can take religion seriously is a complete and utter mystery to me. But it also leads me to believe that religion is for the weak minded who cannot think for themselves and who need someone to tell them that there is indeed, life after death in some fantasy land beyond the clouds where they will find their deceased loved ones living in lavish mansions and that Black people will live side by side in complete rapture with white parasites that have fucked them up six ways from Sunday when they lived on earth.

Let me clue your ass in. This pastor is nothing more than a snake oil salesman who is selling you a pack of lies that shouldn’t even be believed by anyone with more than two brain cells connected but because you are too stupid for words and your brains cells obviously just float about and never connect, you sit up in the pew believing those lies and then turn right around and spread them. Meanwhile, Pastor Asshole is laughing all the way to the car dealership to buy his wife a $200,000 Lamborghini SUV for his wife who is also in on the scam. Religion is a fucking scam!

You are believing in the religion taught to your ancestors by the most loathsome slugs to ever slither and crawl all across this planet spouting their bullshit! Whites don’t want your Black ass living beside them on this planet and so what makes you think that they want your ass living beside them ETERNALLY in some heavenly paradise where you’re all expected to get along and no skinheads are going to come along and fuck up your goddamn day, Black folks???!!! You are sitting somewhere looking at a picture of a blond haired, blue-eyed Jesus and worshiping that freak of nature because believe me, he would have been a freak of nature coming from where he was purported to have come from. In that region, ain’t nobody that fucking fair skinned. But I guess Jesus invented the parasol and so strolled around with it covering his blond hair for his short stint on this earth. But Pastor Asshole has you singing, “What a Friend we have in Jesus, All our sins and griefs to bear! What a privilege to carry Everything to God in prayer! O what peace we often forfeit, O what needless pain we bear, All because we do not carry Everything to God in prayer!” Yep!That’s working out for you, ain’t it?

Racist cops are murdering unarmed Black women, men and children because we just refuse to “carry Everything to God in prayer,” is that it? Our friend, Jesus doesn’t seem to fucking be listening to our ‘prayers’, does he? And do you want to know why? Dumbass, it is because there is NO Jesus. He is a figment of a white motherfucker’s imagination that is used to keep your ass in line just like everything else whitey pink ass has thought up to keep Black people in line and it works, every damn time!

And frankly Black pastors, who are themselves, fucking coonhead sellouts have taken up the bullshit and are using it to fleece their Black congregations and yet do fuck all about Black child poverty, the school-to-prison pipeline, Black mass underemployment and Black mass unemployment, hunger, homelessness, drug addiction, gangs, gang warfare, prostitution and the fucking list is endless because Pastor Assholes are somewhere taking the funds from the church coffers and buying Armani suits and $200,000 Lamborghini SUVs for their whorish ass wives. And I hear tell that yet another Pastor Asshole wanted his congregation to foot the bill for a private jet for his ass.

Minister Creflo Dollar asks for $60 million in donations for a new jet

(CNN)Creflo Dollar is hoping a few folks will see fit to bless him.

The minister, known for being a prosperity preacher at his Atlanta-area World Changers Church International, is seeking “200,000 people committed to sow $300 or more (to) help achieve our goal to purchase the G650 airplane.”
The figures were presented Friday in a nearly six-minute video on the Creflo Dollar Ministries website and total more than $60 million needed to buy the Gulfstream G650, which goes for a reported $65 million.
He wants ‘people’ to bless him? I thought GOD was supposed to bless him if GOD saw fit. Again I ask the question, “How does ANYONE take this shit seriously?” What is wrong with people? These Pastor Assholes are milking people for everything they can get in order to live lavishly and so who is paying any attention to what is supposedly preached from the pulpit by these Pastor Assholes?
Jesus told him, “If you want to be perfect, go and sell what you own and give the money to the destitute, and you will have treasure in heaven. Then come back and follow me.” Jesus said to him, “If you wish to be perfect, go sell your possessions and give the money to the poor, and you will have treasure in heaven. Then come, follow me.”
Not even Pastor Asshole is listening to what he is supposed to be preaching, but go ahead. Head inside a ‘palace of worship’ and put your tithes into that collection plate and straight into Pastor Asshole’s $200,000 Lamborghini SUV fund and Pastor Asswipe’s Gulfstream G650 airplane fund, which goes for a reported $65 million. And then pass right on by the homeless on your way back to your modest digs. Pass right on by the line at the food bank. Pass on by the drug addict on the corner. Pass on by the drunk sitting in the alley who is mentally ill because he joined the U.S. military and when his mind got fucked up, the U.S. military couldn’t use him anymore and the Veterans Administration told him to head to the back of a non-existent line and wait for help. Pass on by all who need help and who will never receive any because the federal government has gut the hell out of the safety net and churches are too busy hosting fundraisers for $200,000 Lamborghini SUVs and $65 million dollar Gulfstream airplanes to drive and jet their asshole hypocritical ‘men of the cloth’ and their wives to who the fuck knows where. But one thing we should all know is that they are not heading somewhere to help a needy soul. That much should be crystal clear even to a motherfucker who has had a lobotomy.
And for those in Black churches, especially in the south, I’ll leave you with a poem I wrote because it is most appropriate for this piece!

“Jesus! A Minute Of Your Time!”

Some nights, when I cannot fall asleep,
I do not ask the Lord my soul to keep.
Once I believed, but I do not believe anymore.
He never heals the sick or feeds the poor.

His ‘holy’ men just take the tithes from fools,
who by rights should get a refund from their schools,
for believing in a fairy tale of such bull,
and pretending that an empty cup is full.

If I once believed in God, that ship has sailed,
nor can I pray to a man they say was nailed.
For if they did exist, why have they ignored the cries
of all the ‘holy men’ who spout tall tales and lies?

Their brainwashed flock, they will believe,
those who get paid to lie, con and deceive.
And who promise that the sick will all be healed
and that Blacks will not be jailed or shot and killed.

Next Sunday, look at the picture on the wall.
Kneel before it and in a deep, southern drawl,
say, “Jesus, a minute of your time!”
“Why is Black skin at the scene of every crime?”
“What wrong did we ever do to you,
“that would make you hate us for it too?”
 “I listen to your word, oh Lord on high!”
 “So once again, I have to ask you why?”
 “If you exist, and there really is no sign,
at how much evil, will you finally draw the line?”

Written by,
Shelby I. Courtland
©2016 Shelby I. Courtland


Their brainwashed flock, they will believe,
those who get paid to lie, con and deceive.”

The above is SO true, it ain’t even fucking funny!


5 thoughts on “Megachurch Pastor’s Wife Got Tired Of Waiting On Her “Heavenly Reward” And So The Pastor “Saved” His Money And Bought Her A $200,000 Lamborghini SUV

  1. After seeing the film Zeitgeist, which demonstrates pretty clearly that the Christian religion is based on the Stone Age sun king myth, I continued to be extremely baffled that 20th century western civilization continues to be dominated by a Stone Age religion. Christianity has always been used by kings and other political rulers to enslave people – starting with my medieval serf ancestors, followed by indigenous people everywhere and African slaves and, as your blog points out, descendants of slaves.

    Liked by 1 person

    1. Dr. Bramhall, they may as well believe in Santa Claus, the tooth fairy and the Easter bunny. I mean, they are just as real as Jesus is. If they claim Jesus is coming back, he is late to the party because millions of people have been killed by this shithole alone and yet Jesus never felt the need to intervene on behalf of the innocent that got fucked up by Amerikkka’s murdering ways? The people on the Gaza Strip have been screeching and wailing and in need of some divine intervention since forever and ain’t no deity rode in and saved the day for them. How many prayers and condolences have gone out to the loved ones of those murdered by “mentally ill white males?” Millions most likely because Jesus absolutely refuses to return. He is not going to return. I mean, would you? If you had been nailed to the cross by ignorant motherfuckers, and you look down from your lofty perch in heaven and see that there ain’t nothing but ignorant motherfuckers still slithering around, would you come back for more of the same shit? Hell no! Their fucking Jesus ain’t coming back. He ain’t stupid. Hell! Fool him once, shame on them. Fool him twice, shame on him.

      So, if these people with their sad, pathetic little lives need to be told that some heavenly paradise awaits them if only they will give ALL their money to some snake oil salesman, then by all means, the sheep need to be fleeced. Pastor Asswipe knows they can’t demand their money back when they find there is no heavenly paradise and meanwhile, he’s enjoying the ‘good’ life here on earth. He knows the score. He ain’t waiting around for Jesus, nor is he waiting on his ‘heavenly reward’. He ain’t no fool, just a con artist.

      Dr. Bramhall, I thank you for that spot on comment. Unfortunately, like this post, it will be read by eyes that truly do not see.


  2. I remember hearing about this story! Lambos aren’t the way to salvation regardless if anyone believes in spirituality or not. That’s pulpit pimping right there and clearly a case of the prosperity gospel. SMH.

    Liked by 1 person

    1. As far as I am concerned, Black people have always been spiritual people. The problem I have is that we have followed the white man right over the proverbial cliff when it comes to practicing what the white man calls, ‘religion’ when in reality, he doesn’t even follow his own so-called ‘religion’, for how could he when he claims the Bible says that “It is easier for a camel to go through the eye of a needle than for someone who is rich to enter the kingdom of God.” – Mark 10:25 How many whites do you see giving up their wealth so that they can “enter the kingdom of God?” Not one! And so why would I take up THAT so-called ‘religion’ when those who shoved that shit down our throats don’t even practice it? It makes no sense, but then what does? And that is why I shake my head over us Black folks because “we know not what we do.” Seriously!!!

      I thank you for your comment.


      1. Definitely. It’s one thing to have spirituality and to help others for the right reasons, but when religions are used as hypocritical death cults, then I draw the line. So many people don’t practice what they preach. I know I’ve been called “unchristlike” before just because I said something angry online which was bogus. I’m sick of being moralized to when most of the people who have done so in my life had no right to judge me. Besides that, I also found out a translated letter from that genocidal maniac King Leopold II when he came to the Congo. Yes, I know I’ve talked about that country a lot (fact: Congolese is one of my biggest African ethnic samples when I took a DNA test), but this woke me up even more. He said that they didn’t need to teach the Congolese about God since they were monotheistic, followed the commandments, treated each other well, etc. He told them to convert them by the whip and to make sure they don’t have riches because of twisting that verse you just mentioned. That made me so angry given what went down there with over 10 million dead.


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