Dear Daniel Cameron, Escalation Tips The Scales of Justice — WriteSomeShit

A planned direct action initiated by Until Freedom was organized today in Louisville, Kentucky, where local and national protestors occupied the front yard of Kentucky Attorney General, Daniel Cameron, demanding justice for Breonna Taylor, a 26-year-old Black woman that was killed in her home by the Louisville Metro Police Department. Taylor was shot eight times…

via Dear Daniel Cameron, Escalation Tips The Scales of Justice — WriteSomeShit

For some STRANGE reason, the Kentucky Attorney General, Daniel Cameron, is dragging his feet, and that is putting it mildly, in concluding an investigation into the police murdering innocent Breonna Taylor back in March. I wonder why? Hold up! Wait a minute! Could THIS have anything to do with it?

Breonna was not a white parasite

Breonna ain’t ‘Becky’! And so why would this Daniel Cameron Uncle Tom piece of shit give a shit about bringing those thugs in blue to justice for Breonna Taylor? We see where Daniel Cameron’s loyalties lie and they are certainly NOT with people who look like him because he is all set to make him some half white babies with his ‘Becky’.

That bastard has had protesters arrested and charged with FELONIES for protesting outside his fucking home because, in his words,

“The stated goal of today’s protest at my home was to ‘escalate.’ That is not acceptable and only serves to further division and tension within our community,” he said. “Justice is not achieved by trespassing on private property, and it’s not achieved through escalation. It’s achieved by examining the facts in an impartial and unbiased manner. That is exactly what we are doing and will continue to do in this investigation.”

First of all, the kops that shot Breonna Taylor at least 8 times were trespassing, so why have they not been arrested for, at the very least, trespassing since Daniel Cameron seems to get bent-out-of-shape over trespassers? Double standards, much?

And wait a goddamn minute, Daniel Cameron, since you want to speak on ‘escalation’, the kops ESCALATED Breonna Taylor’s demise by murdering her. Breonna Taylor was murdered on March 13, 2020 and today is July 17, 2020 and the investigation has not garnered even one damn arrest even though it only took 4 days for Derek Chauvin to be arrested after murdering George Floyd and yet, over FOUR goddamn months later, your Uncle Tom ass is still dragging your damn feet over arresting and charging the Klan kops that murdered an innocent Black woman while you claim that protesters need to be arrested and charged with felonies just to get them from outside your damn door where you and your white whore are playing house. FUCK.YOU.

That black piece of shit, Daniel Cameron, has got to go and just as soon as the whites are finished with your Uncle Tom ass, you can rest assured that your ass will be grass. The whites only need their house n*****s for a short period of time, so don’t get comfortable, Daniel Cameron, because just as soon as the whites have no further use for your Uncle Tom sellout ass, you will be history and that white whore that’s hanging on your arm now, will be long gone as well.

From the original article:

Excuse me? Justice is not achieved through escalation? 

Perhaps Daniel Cameron has forgotten. Black people have been making good trouble, or as Daniel likes to call it escalating situations throughout history to change this nation.

It was escalation that allowed Daniel Cameron to have the education that he has today.

It was escalation that allows Daniel Cameron to be the first Black Attorney General in Kentucky.

It was escalation that allows Daniel Cameron to reside in the neighborhood that the protestors occupied.

It was escalation that allows Daniel Cameron to be engaged to the White woman he will marry.

It was escalation that has changed the very course of his life and the course of this nation.

Only a man ignorant of his BLACK history would dare speak about justice not being achieved through escalation.

The author of this blog is spot on! That ignorant piece of shit, Daniel Cameron, actually thinks that he achieved his position all on his own; that he has no one to thank for why he was able to ascend to the position of Attorney General and he seems to have forgotten the fact that Black people, down through the ages, were willing to sacrifice themselves in the hopes that their children would have a better life and yet, this ignorant Uncle Tom bastard has the unmitigated gall to truly believe that he is not standing on the shoulders of Black people who went before him so that he could reach the pinnacle of success in becoming the first black Kentucky Attorney General, which is no small feat if you consider what’s slithering and crawling around Kentucky. Mitch McConnell’s savagely racist ass hails from Kentucky and that should speak volumes in and of itself.

How in the world can you arrest protesters for decrying the foulness of you refusing to do your job, Daniel Cameron, while at the same time, refuse to do a damn thing about bringing killers to justice who murdered an innocent woman who lay asleep in her bed and whose only thought in life was to help others which was why she was studying to become a nurse? How do you sleep at night, Daniel Cameron?

Even if Daniel Cameron is merely a puppet of the whites, which is exactly what he is, if he had ANY integrity at all, he would have resigned rather than do the whites’ dirty work. But no! He wants that status symbol which is his job. He wants that white whore on his arm to stay there and he knows that the only way to keep that slut is to do the white man’s bidding and shuck and jive to massa and that is what his sellout ass is doing and with relish. All the white man has to do is dangle a carrot before some of us and we will throw our grandmother under the bus. That is some sad ass true shit right there!

I’d rather remain broke and unknown before I’d ever sell my soul to the whites for their 30 pieces of dirty silver, but quite frankly, we can clearly see that Daniel Cameron has no such qualms. Yeah! I hope it’s worth it!