we are fucked one

My poetic pen may be drained, but that doesn’t mean that I cannot write essays on the fact that we are fucked! Yes, we are fucked! What does that mean, you ask? Good that you want to know. Well, I’ll tell you. When the banks are considered too big to fail, we are fucked. The Attorney General of these Divided Snakes Of Amurderer decided that going after the banks would be, in Eric Holder’s own words,

“I am concerned that the size of some of these institutions becomes so large that it does become difficult for us to prosecute them,” Mr. Holder told lawmakers. Prosecutors, he said, must confront the problem that “if you do prosecute, if you do bring a criminal charge, it will have a negative impact on the national economy, perhaps even the world economy. And I think that is a function of the fact that some of these institutions have become too large.”


Now, ain’t that something? I thought that the reason why the American taxpayers had to bail out the ‘too big to fail’ banks was because it would stop a global economic collapse. Isn’t that what we were told? Oh and did that stop the collapse? You ain’t heard about economies collapsing all over the world? Where the fuck you been? People are still in their homes because of the bank bailout right? Bank lending is at an all time high, isn’t it? Pay Day Loan agencies are out-of-business because banks are loaning hard-up Americans, loans at reasonable rates, right? The jobless are being hired right on the spot because jobs are just so damn plentiful since the banks were bailed out, hasn’t that been the case? The economy has not only gained traction but is revving up, hot damn!, I’m right? Right? Did not all this come to pass with the bailouts? I mean that was the purpose in bailing out the banks even though the ‘banksters’ had engaged in fraud, money laundering and other dirty deeds. They were going to assure the federal government that Jane and John America would be able to stay in their homes, right? I mean, this is what happened? Uh, no! And that is a big, resounding NO!

“There was no suggestion in the statements of Bush and Paulson of any relief for the working class—nothing to stop home foreclosures or help those who have already lost their homes.”

Yep, the good old Americans who bailed out the fraudsters got FUCKED and the banksters?, oh well, remember…they are too big to fail so they got the bail. You? Not so much. So when our congressional representatives are owned by the banks that are deemed too big to fail, we are fucked.

And next up we have our ever so helpful Emperor by proxy, Despot Obadroner himself lauding the fracking industry.

“The all-of-the-above energy strategy I announced a few years ago is working, and today, America is closer to energy independence than we’ve been in decades,” Obama said during his fifth State of the Union speech on Tuesday.

“One of the reasons why is natural gas, if extracted safely, it’s the bridge fuel that can power our economy with less of the carbon pollution that causes climate change,” Obama said.

Read more: http://thehill.com/blogs/e2-wire/e2-wire/196790-natural-gas-big-winner-in-speech-to-green-groups-dismay#ixzz2tjaTe1U4

Now when the president of the United States during the SOTU announces that natural gas is going to eliminate our dependence on foreign oil, we are fucked because guess what? Fracking is what’s done to get at natural gas and what does fracking do to us?

“The rapid expansion of natural gas drilling across the nation endangers human health and the environment. Nearly all natural gas extraction today involves a technique called hydraulic fracturing, or fracking, in which dangerous chemicals are mixed with large quantities of water and sand and injected into wells at extremely high pressure. Fracking is a suspect in polluted drinking water in Arkansas, Colorado, Pennsylvania, Texas, Virginia, West Virginia and Wyoming, where residents have reported changes in water quality or quantity following fracturing operations.

Isn’t that great? If you like being sick and if you just love polluted water, then fracking ain’t a goddamn worry, is it? Now on the other hand, if you value your health, too bad! Kiss it goodbye. Energy is more important. Never mind that that energy comes at a high cost both to our health and to that of the planet that sustains us. No problem, man AND woman, girl, boy, child, baby! Why, we’ll just suck it up and deal with birth defects, cancer, respiratory problems and a whole list of other issues that will soon surface, just you wait. But don’t wait too long ’cause we’re running out of time, see? Or do you?

Wake the fuck up America and realize that we are FUCKED!! Now, just what the hell are YOU gonna do about it? Suck your thumb and pretend to be dumb about it? Well, you can’t! Not if you’ve read this because I’ve educated you apathetic motherfuckers. I just took your goddamn rose colored glasses off, stomped the shit out of ’em and educated you ‘misedumacated’ fuckers! Now take a goddamn look around and tell me, people of the goddamned Divided Snakes of Amurderer, how FUCKED are YOU? And better yet, just when the hell are you gonna cut the bullshit, get with the program and realize that you ain’t got a goddamn future to plan for? Fucking retirement is the last goddamn thing that should be on your complacent ass mind. Wise the fuck up and get with it. The world is going the fuck off. Now, it’s OUR turn, fucking Divided Snakes of Amurderer. Again, what the fuck are you waiting for? To get drone struck? Don’t worry, Emperor Despot Obadroner will get around to your fucking ass, that is if your polluted fracked water don’t get to your ass first. And know this, your goddamn smartphone won’t do you any goddamn good, nor will all your Facebook followers ’cause they’re fucked too, now tweet this shit, complacent motherfuckers!