Things Are Not Looking Good At All!

Folks, even though I have not been blogging like I used to does not mean that I am not aware of what is going on. I know only too well since I am out on the streets, daily. And I see the mess that has been deliberately let loose on humanity; those of us who are just trying to make it from one day to the next.

Stellantis announces hundreds of layoffs for white collar workers during ‘mass firing’ call

A mechanical engineer knew something was wrong when the rumor mill at work began to spin: layoffs were incoming. 

They had begun to trickle into the office a couple of weeks ago. Then, around 8 p.m. on Thursday, about 400 workers at Stellantis got an email telling them not to come into the office on Friday.

Instead, it would be a mandatory remote work day. They were also told to attend an operational meeting at a designated time. That’s when the news dropped.

“It was a mass firing of everybody that was on the call,” the employee said.

I have been telling Americans that America is not owned by Americans anymore. Guess where Stellantis is headquartered? Amsterdam. Americans have been sold out by corporations that have merged with other corporations and all of them are headquartered overseas.

What are those people going to do who just got fired from Stellantis? Some of them may eventually end up on the streets, homeless like the man in the next picture.

Again, this is going to become all too familiar. In fact, it already is. Those who have been sitting, basking in the glow of their white-collar jobs are now having the rug pulled from underneath them. There were signs of what was coming and since many of those people knew what was coming and tried to prepare for it by initiating a job search, as you can see, the job search did not go very well since many had to remain at their jobs until they got a zoom call telling them not to come back to work.

Another sad situation is what’s going down with Tyson Foods since that company has been in the news lately over firing legal American workers and hiring illegals to take their place. And even though Tyson Foods is touted as an American-owned company, the Chinese are the majority stockholders and so in essence, it is a Chinese-owned company masquerading as an American-owned corporation.

Tyson Foods Sells Majority Stake To Chinese Company – CMHI

by Vallery – SEPTEMBER 29, 2022

“The China-based Shandong Bao Shuan Group has purchased a majority stake in the American chicken company, Tyson Foods. Shandong Bao Shuan will now own 79.5 percent of Tyson Foods, while the American company will maintain a 20.5 percent stake. This is the first time that a Chinese company has acquired a major American food producer. The deal was completed on Monday, and it is valued at $8.55 billion.”

As you can see, the plot thickens!

Tyson Foods Faces Boycott After Report Claims Company Hires Migrants

Tyson Foods faces boycott calls

Tyson Foods is facing boycott calls following a report that the company planned to hire migrants to work at its factories.

Now, even though Tyson Foods retracted a statement regarding hiring illegals after having fired legal Americans, the fact remains that Tyson Foods has not been upfront about who owns the company and so it is not a stretch of the imagination to believe that Tyson Foods would not lie about whether or not it was planning to fire legal Americans and hire illegals. It has been done before. And I have covered that on this very blog. Archive to your heart’s content.

HUL Announces Mass Layoffs: Over 7,000 Jobs To Be Cut, Magnum Ice Cream Business To Get Separated – Check Details

hul announces mass layoffs: over 7,000 jobs to be cut, magnum ice cream business to get separated - check details

FMCG major Hindustan Unilever (HUL) is set to lay off 7,500 employees and the company announced the separation of its ice cream unit into a standalone business as part of a cost-saving initiative, The company said in a press release that it is planning to complete the restructuring by the end of next year.

Are you beginning to get the picture?

Amid mass layoffs across the US, Dollar Tree announces nearly 1,000 Family Dollar store closures

Many of the stores to be closed are located in rural areas and impoverished towns and cities. The Family Dollar chain has 8,000 stores in the US and Canada and is owned by Dollar Tree, one of the largest discount chains of its kind. In many areas of the country, a Family Dollar store represents the only option for groceries and other goods, with larger supermarkets several hours’ driving away.

What is going on?

The full list of major US companies slashing staff this year, from IBM to Google and Microsoft

A slew of companies across the tech, media, finance, and retail industries made significant cuts to staff in 2023. Tech titans like IBM, Google, Microsoft, finance giants like Goldman Sachs, and manufacturers like Dow all announced layoffs.

2024 is looking grim too. And it’s only March.

Nearly 40% of business leaders surveyed by ResumeBuilder think layoffs are likely at their companies this year, and about half say their companies will implement a hiring freeze.

And yet, the Biden Administration has been secretly flying illegals into the U.S. for quite some time.

Biden DHS pressed for answers on 386,000 immigrants flown directly into US cities

EXCLUSIVE — House Republicans are pressing the Biden administration to provide information about a government phone app that allowed immigrants outside the United States to apply for permission to fly into the U.S. to be screened for admission.

In a letter sent to President Joe Biden and Department of Homeland Security Secretary Alejandro Mayorkas on Friday, 18 GOP lawmakers demanded information on the “advanced travel authorizations” program that has allowed immigrants from Cuba, Haiti, Nicaragua, and Venezuela to enter the U.S.

Has anybody figured out what the hell is going on yet? All I know is that the sheer numbers of newly homeless are skyrocketing. And laws are being passed in different states to criminalize homelessness as with the recent laws about to hit the books in Florida, whereas it is against the law for the homeless to sit and rest on sidewalks, parks and in other public spaces.

A look at how the new law banning Florida’s homeless from sleeping in public works

Florida’s homeless will be banned from sleeping on sidewalks and in parks and other public spaces under a law signed Wednesday by Gov. Ron DeSantis.

Remember these pictures?

Florida has just made that a criminal act. As if those who are inside a tent on the sidewalk can help their plight when you can see for yourself that mass homelessness is going to be the result of endless layoffs coming down the pike and so LEGAL Americans are all going to be sitting up in prisons all across America while illegals are working for peanuts at Tyson Foods, Unilever, Smithfield Meat Packing Plants, Chipotles, Taco Bells, Days Inn, Extended Stay Americas and the list is also endless.

Americans are being replaced which is why illegals coming into America were not met with masked health officials insisting on rolling up their sleeves and injecting them with Covid bioweapons as in what happened to millions of LEGAL Americans. Is this the “Great Replacement?” Are your votes even going to matter come November? Will you even have a home come November since a pink slip is about to meet you via a zoom call from your “former” employer? The writing has been on the wall for quite some time now and even though there has only been about four years to prepare for this. Is anyone ever really ready for the bottom to completely fall out?

Laws are soon coming to a city, hamlet, burg, village, township near you that will make it a criminal offense to prop a tent up when you have been fired from your job and evicted from your home. And when that happens, there goes your health because take it from me, I am still trying to recover lost sleep from when I was homeless for eight months last year. I do not think that I shall ever be the same, in fact, I am certain of it and yet despite all hell, I am out on the streets every single day, helping the homeless when and where I can. The next picture is what today is looking like and I was out there helping the homeless.

It is much worse now and will continue snowing at least until Tuesday morning. And if I can dig myself out, I will be out in search of those who need rescuing from homelessness and the snow tomorrow. I hope that those of you who read this will never need help from those of us who are trying to help the homelessness. May you never experience homelessness.

Tonight, it will not be a fit night out for man nor beast, but man will surely be outside in the midst of a deep and unrelenting snowstorm. Have mercy!

A Silent, Cold Embrace!




Fluffy white and soft,
it blankets me this night.

Hidden by powdery flakes,
are stiffening limbs of ice.

Gently caressing my face,
and melting in my mouth,
a silent, cold embrace,
it hides the ugly truth,
that I lie on concrete, hard.

No dreams I’ll ever know,
with open, staring eyes,
buried beneath the snow.

Written by,
Shelby I. Courtland
© 2013 Shelby I. Courtland

I pray none of you who read this will ever experience homelessness. I pray you don’t!



SIGH! It’s Just Another Day!

It’s Just Another Day!

I feel the cold wind blow.
They’re calling for more snow.
A homeless person stumbles by.
The sight just makes me cry.

Their life is not so great.
No home. No dinner plate.
Just rags and aching feet.
And those like you they meet.

They’ve no island paradise.
No fruity drink with ice.
No glorious sunset to see.
They can’t afford the fee.

It’s just another day,
of trying to make a way.
No place to lay their head.
No permanent, stable bed.

Will I turn my back on them?
Console them with a hymn?
Shall I point out God is good?
I really don’t think I should.

Who knows if they believe,
or could possibly conceive
of a deity high above,
who shows such lack of love?

I can’t justify my faith
when I see a homeless wraith.
No sermon could I preach.
No belief within my reach.

Tell the homeless about hell.
Don’t you know they live that tale?
With each day that brings defeat.
Because they’re not one of the elite.

Written by,

Shelby I. Courtland

©2013 Shelby I. Courtland

There is a severe weather alert calling for snow from Sunday morning through Tuesday. Not a good time to be homeless, not that ANY time is a ‘good’ time to be homeless. But when the weather gets really, really bad, it is so much worse to be without a home.

The above poem was the first poem I ever wrote for this blog back in February of 2013 and now it is, 2024, and I am still posting poems, marching through the streets to showcase the homeless dead, been homeless my damn self, and still, I sit here, uselessly re-posting this poem to do what? Hell if I know. But at least when you get no blog from me, that means that I am out on the streets helping those I blog about. Expect less and less blogs from me as there are more and more homeless people to help. Would that there were more who are helping, but, alas, I must take what I can get; those few souls like me who give a damn!

So-Called, “Christians,” Y’all Are Going To Continue To Learn The Hard Way To Leave Me The Fuck Alone!

I was out and about today taking care of business when I was accosted by some damn christian heathens asking me if I want “peace” and to head to the pearly gates. What the fuck!!

Preacher dude wasn’t smiling when I finished cussing him out!

Preacher dude was just a smilin’ as I walked down the sidewalk heading to my destination and so I had to pass by them, but I can assure you that I more than wiped that smile off preacher dude’s face.

Preacher dude saw an old lady pushing a walker and thought that I would make for a prime specimen to hear him spout his preachyfying bullshit, but I sure showed his ass, and how.

Dude gonna ask me if I wanted to know how to obtain peace. I’m thinking, should I go easy on this preacher dude or go in hard on preacher dude? Of course, me being me meant that I was going to go in hard on preacher dude. I asked preacher dude what he meant about peace, and he tells me that the only reason the world is in crisis is because we have turned from GEEZUS!

I said, “Dude, where the hell is GEEZUS??!” He says to me, “GEEZUS is our lord and savior, and he is the only way for our souls to be saved and don’t I want my soul to be saved?” I’m like, “saved from what?” Dude is like, “saved from the hellfire!” I’m like, “Dude, in a few short months, it is going to be hot as hell and so what the hell difference does it make being hot here or where you claim I’m going to be hot if I don’t seek GEEZUS?”

By this time, I was quite fed up with the bullshit and told preacher dude exactly that. I told him to take his fake ass preachyfying and go tell it to the Waltons of Walmart, tell it to Bill Gates, Jeff Bezos, Elon Musk, Joe “senile” Biden, ALL the members of congress and then I told him to take his preachyfying ass into a damn library or to one of the many homeless encampments and preachyfy that shit to those people and tell them about how GEEZUS is going to provide them with a home tonight, tell them how GEEZUS is going to put food in their empty bellies because when I come upon a homeless person, they are skinny as hell and are in need of food and I give them what I can. I told preacher dude that he knows very well that the library, that was just three goddamn blocks away was filled to the brim with the homeless and where was GEEZUS at for them?! They need some damn help now! They don’t have no damn peace since they must stay out in the streets morning, noon and night. Preacher dude got a fucking earful and I did not stop there.

I said, “preacher dude, when you meet up with the Walmart Waltons and Jeff Bezos and Elon Musk and Warren Buffet and the members of congress and Joe “senile” Biden, make sure to tell them about the story of the ‘camel being able to through the eye of a needle over a rich WHITE man being able to enter god’s kingdom. Yeah, you tell ’em about that shit! And get back to me on how well received your ass was and don’t forget to tell me where to go to collect their billions and trillions since I just know that once they hear that story, they are going to give up ALL their worldly goods and follow YOU to GEEZUS because they want peace!”

I also told preacher dude my name and that I was going to blog about his stupid ass coming up to me on a street where only a few blocks away, were a multitude of homeless people and won’t no DIVINE intervention raining down to assist them out of homelessness, won’t no damn DIVINE intervention feeding them, won’t no DIVINE intervention cuddling them from the cold and on and on it goes.

Don’t fucking play with me christians, because your bullshit, I will not tolerate! You’re doing fuck all about the shit that you walk right on by because it is easier for you to stand on a damn sidewalk and spout useless bullshit than to actually DO something about the shit that people are experiencing. You don’t do shit but get diarrhea of the damn mouth and don’t no damn body need that shit! If your preachyfying asses were about the shit, it would not be so damn many people out here in desperate need and in dire straits.

Those damn preachyfying bitches were more than likely only a block away from their SUVS that they could turn on by remote and get in out of the cold whenever they damn well wanted, whereas the homeless don’t have the option of standing around outside for a few hours and then heading for their warm Cadillac Escalades and some more shit! Those christian bitch heathens make my ass ache with their damn fuckery!

Christian bitches, AGAIN, stay the fuck out of my face and let this preacher dude’s cussing out be a lesson to you. Don’t fucking come at just anybody thinking that they are an easy target to sit up and listen to your pack of vicious lies about peace and entering the pearly gates when people haven’t dropped the fuck dead already and since they have not, they have real issues that dreams about pearly gates won’t solve!! They have crises that don’t go away just because you spout useless bullshit about some damn GEEZUS figure that ain’t walking around here healing no damn body nor providing shelter for the homeless. So, shut the fuck up if your ass ain’t about actually rolling up your expensive sleeves and getting your hands dirty by putting your damn money where your mouth is. You will walk on past a homeless person and not even blink because you know they are not about to sit up and listen to your lies and hand you a damn donation for doing so.

I have written poem after poem after poem about those damn no good ass christians and I am going to try to find one that fits in with this blog.

…About A Needle’s Eye…

eye of a needle

Who cares about a needle’s eye?
Eternal wealth is what I crave.
I do not care about the poor.
Let them lie in a pauper’s grave.

As you attend your service to god,
You believe in him, you say.
But if you had my wealth,
to whom would you still pray?

Cease with the pretense,
that religion is all about love.
You know there is no heaven,
and no deity from above.

Whenever sheep awaken,
a shepherd is produced,
To keep the sheep in line.
another coma is thus induced.

An awakened world is dangerous,
so we invented a fairytale,
to keep from you the fact,
that there really is no hell.

Could you be kept in line,
if you were wide awake,
and not afraid of any god,
that religion could ever make?

Written by,
Shelby I. Courtland
©2014 Shelby I. Courtland


Matthew 19:24- Matthew 19:29
And Jesus said to His disciples, “Truly I say to you, it is hard for a rich man to enter the kingdom of heaven. 24″Again I say to you, it is easier for a camel to go through the eye of a needle, than for a rich man to enter the kingdom of God.”

25When the disciples heard this, they were very astonished and said, “Then who can be saved?”…

26And looking at them Jesus said to them, “With people this is impossible, but with God all things are possible.”

27Then Peter said to Him, “Behold, we have left everything and followed You; what then will there be for us?

28And Jesus said to them, “Truly I say to you, that you who have followed Me, in the regeneration when the Son of Man will sit on His glorious throne, you also shall sit upon twelve thrones, judging the twelve tribes of Israel.…
“And everyone who has left houses or brothers or sisters or father or mother or children or farms for My name’s sake, will receive many times as much, and will inherit eternal life.…

Now, ask yourself why the Walmart Waltons are holding tight to their wealth. Ask yourself why politicians who avidly profess to being conservative Christians, continue to sell their ‘soul’ for money and tightly clinch to their chest, the bribes and kickbacks they get from lobbyists. Why are Bill and Melinda Gates deemed such philanthropists but they are NOT so filled with love that they are concerned about ‘getting through the eye of the needle’ that Jesus Christ supposedly talked about?

Why do the rich seem to not concern themselves with a so-called ‘afterlife’? It is because they don’t BELIEVE in some unseen deity beyond the stars. They know better! But you’ve got to be kept in line, praying to god to fill your empty pantry so that you can feed your children while corporate executives swill the finest wines and eat the choicest of meats and delicacies. Why are they not concerned about getting to ‘heaven’, entering the Pearly Gates, meeting up with St. Peter, ‘getting through the eye of a needle’?

It is because this is all a lie! A big, gigantic lie to keep the sheep, docile with the hope that some deity is going to reward them for the hardships that they endure on this planet and not look at those who have hoarded all the wealth and rise up! Religion is a tool to control people and I’ve got to say, it IS working!

Wake up people! No one is going to rescue you or save you, but you! Stop allowing yourself to be controlled. The shit that the ‘poor man’s Pope adorns himself with could feed a small country in Africa, but you don’t see him refusing to wear it. If Jesus supposedly walked around, attired in a robe with a rope for a belt, is the Pope any better than ‘Jesus’? What is your bishop, reverend, pastor, rabbi driving? A horse and buggy or a Cadillac Escalade? Are they walking? Exactly!

Again, christians, stay the fuck out of MY face!

Homelessness Continues To Rise As I Have Been Documenting With Pictures While Taking My Daily Constitutional

As I stated on a previous blog, I walk every single day, regardless of the weather. And it was a mere 26 degrees Fahrenheit when I was taking my daily walk.

Homelessness Continues To Rise Across the U.S.

Homelessness Continues To Rise Across the U.S.

The homeless crisis is bringing a host of psychological disorders as well. Sadly, the homeless situation doesn’t appear to be going anywhere. 

A 12% Overall Increase

The Department of Housing and Urban Development (HUD) released a 2023 report showing homelessness has increased by 12% this year.

On one single night in 2023, approximately 653,100 people were sleeping rough or in some form of shelter.

“Six in ten people were experiencing sheltered homelessness—that is, in an emergency shelter (E.S.), transitional housing (T.H.), or safe haven (S.H.) program,” says the report, “while the remaining four in ten were experiencing unsheltered homelessness in places not meant for human habitation.”

Now, factor in the massive influx of Illegals, and the numbers are even more astounding.

‘We are not equipped to deal with this’: Migrant surge overwhelms U.S. border

‘We are not equipped to deal with this’: Migrant surge overwhelms U.S. border

Migrant encounters at the southern border of the United States have reached record levels, overwhelming American law enforcement and leading to a humanitarian crisis.

Thousands of migrants from various regions are arriving daily, driven by violence, desperation, and poverty.

So, the mainstream media is stating that Illegals are motivated to come to America thanks to experiencing poverty in their home countries. Well, what I would like to know is why would Illegals exchange a nice warm climate to sit up in a cold climate, and be homeless? South of the border today in Caracas, Venezuela is going to be a hot ass 82°F and when I took the pictures below this paragraph, the temperature was 26°F and with a wind chill, it was even colder and was snowing. And yet, when I passed by this tent, I heard Spanish being spoken from the occupants.

I took two years of Spanish when I was in high school, and I would have gone even further with studying Spanish, but the Spanish teacher fell off a ladder and died and being from a small town, there was a lack of Spanish teachers to go around. No more studying Spanish for me. However, with that being said, I heard Spanish coming from inside that tent. Was I shocked? No! Because I had been seeing Illegals congregated in this area for months now.

The local metro bus company has shut down this particular bus stop due to the influx of Illegals in the area in recent months, and this particular bus stop was one of the most used. Since people don’t really read anything beyond some text message on a smartphone screen, they refuse to look at the sign that is posted at this bus stop stating that it is closed. And those who refuse to read the sign, are quite bewildered looking when the bus passes by them. But of course, the Illegals are very much well aware of why the buses refuse to stop there, which is why they hang out in this area. 

Every single time I pass by this area, the Illegals are congregated here. They were at the stop during the summer months and now that it’s winter, they are still just standing around as though they are waiting on something. What? I don’t know. But the area already had a huge migrant population from Central and South American countries. I also saw this which is right across the street from where these Illegals are basically, loitering.

To paraphrase, the sign on the van says that they are selling:

Sold tamales, red, green, 6 per tamale, rice pudding and champurrado.

Champurrado is a Mexican drink, typically consumed during the holidays. The van was parked in front of a Mexican restaurant. 

The homeless encampment whereas I heard someone speaking Spanish inside, has been re-erected at damn near the same spot where a previous homeless encampment was demolished.

Tents are lined up again because people have no place to go. I saw Black folks and Illegals, congregated together at this encampment and who knows when the next police sweeps will come in and disband this encampment. And across the street, the garbage has been collecting as the homeless mill around over there as well, near another bus stop. I guess the metro bus company will be weighing whether or not to close that particular bus stop next.

The Black men were standing more together than apart while the Mexicans were also congregated together, for the most part.

This is worse than an epidemic. I keep getting alerts on my computer about cold weather, snow, temperatures dropping, and it was extremely cold when I was out today. I feel for anyone who is out on a night like this, or should I say, morning, since it is 1:12am and I am still trying to put this blog together and it is 29°F with light snow falling. I just glanced out of the window and snow is on the ground. 

I really don’t know why people from south of the border chose to come this way at this time of the year especially since I’ve pointed out that the temperature in their countries is hovering around 82°F and yet, they want to sit out in freezing temperatures, waiting on what? I have no idea especially since they cannot fail to see that there are already folks who are living on the streets and have been for decades.

The homeless Indian encampment that I showcased on this very blog is scheduled to be demolished on January 4th and the claim is that most of the occupants of that particular encampment have been housed. Where that leaves the others? I have no idea, but the city officials decided to keep the encampment open until more could be housed since winters here are brutal. And we just marched the Homeless Memorial March to memorialize the homeless dead, and with folks still sitting out in freezing temperatures, unfortunately, there will be a reason to march next year as well. SIGH!

I Long For A Home

I long for a home, but where is unknown.
Seeds of hope are scattered but are never grown.

Homelessness, it is a state of mine.
Please take a moment and read my sign.

In whatever state, I happen to be,
 you look anywhere, but not at me.

I don’t haunt your thoughts; not at all.
There is a barrier between us, as high as a wall.

It keeps me out and it locks you in.
But that wall, it’s shaky and so very thin.

One day it might crack and let one of us through.
Will it be me or will it be you?


Just a little something to think about.

Written by,
Shelby I. Courtland
©2016 Shelby I. Courtland

For the children!


May You Never Know

sleeping children


May you never know what makes life so dark and gritty.
May you never know the mean streets of every city.
May you never pay the price for what you did not buy.
May you never wonder why your mother has to cry.

May you never leave a shelter, just to go to school.
May you never know why the world can be so cruel.
May you never go to bed with an empty belly.
May you never ask why your home is often smelly.

May you never know hate from those who have too much.
May you never know the stench of poverty from its touch.
May you never know the sordid, seedy side of life.
May you never know only hunger, pain and strife.

May you never know….

Written by,

Shelby I. Courtland

©2013 Shelby I. Courtland

We got money for wars but can’t house the homeless. Biden has not stopped screeching for more money to send to Ukraine to keep that useless shit going against the Russians. This country is over $34 trillion dollars in debt and so how the hell can this shithole provide money for those damn Nazis in Ukraine and for the Zionists to continue to bomb the Palestinians when I would like to know where the money is coming from? Oh, that’s right. They just print money out of thin air. But if we print fake ass money, it is to prison, we go! The government can get away with the shit while the citizens of this corrupt, stolen, thieving shithole can just sit out on the streets and die already! I am so damn tired of the bullshit!! And we just take it up the ass! For the love of!!!!!!

Homeless In America: One’s Bike Just Got Stolen And Her Teeth Knocked Out, The Other One Just Moved In With Africans


My continuing series on the homeless in America. Today finds me with two folks, one just recently got housed, that would be the Black man in the picture. He says that he finally got housing with a bunch of Africans. Apparently, the building that he recently moved into was housing for Africans, you know, the Africans from Somalia that the whites flew back to America to sit all up on our tax dollars while Black Americans and white Americans walk the streets, homeless?

After much wailing and screeching by the public, thanks to those of us who go to city council meetings and raise hell, a few housing units opened up in buildings that previously only housed AFRICANS FROM SOMALIA. Let that shit sink in! They are eyeball deep in the building that I reside in and are why the building is loaded down with roaches and rats. The city inspectors are on speed dial on my phone, coming out here, citing the management company for that shit! I told y’all that immigrants coming here don’t have one damn idea about hygiene, cleanliness and some more shit. The Somalis throw on so damn much perfumed oil, they believe that it hides their funky ass stench. And they just throw their garbage anywhere which brings in rats and roaches. Don’t ever live amongst that lot if you don’t have to and believe me, I am already on the lookout for new digs.

The white woman in the picture works for Burger King, but because Burger King does not pay a living wage, she finds herself still homeless. And until recently, she was able to ride her bike to work, but unfortunately, due to homelessness and not having somewhere to properly store her bike, it was stolen. The thieves also beat her up and knocked the rest of her teeth out, which many of her teeth had been missing anyway due to drug use. She stated that she has been clean for 5 years, but that it is tough experiencing homelessness as a female and having to go through abuse because you lack shelter to escape it. She is afraid that if she is not housed soon, she may lose the willpower it takes to not use.

And the weather is looking like this today!

The current temperature is 29°F, snowing and windy. Not a good day to be homeless, not that any day is a ‘good’ day to be homeless, but when it gets to snowing, the temperature dropping, factor in the wind and it damn sure ain’t a ‘good’ day to be homeless.

Yeah, snow is pretty if you only have to be out in it for a little while, but if you have no home, it gets old quick. 

The lady in the top picture had been residing here.

But the city just came through with yet another homeless encampment sweep and forced the homeless to leave. They had nowhere to go and so back to sleeping in doorways, this lady has gone.

The lady in the picture is aware of THIS homeless encampment, but the city is about to sweep these people out of their encampment.

The above is a homeless encampment that ‘houses’ mostly Native Indians. They are about to get evicted. These are INDIANS! Let that sink in! The city refuses to pick up the trash because they want an excuse to go in and put those people out. INDIANS ARE HOMELESS, WHAT IN THE FUCKING WORLD??!!! That makes sense, HOW??!!

Those who live in that area, in houses, are of course, complaining that the people are causing crime and other issues in the neighborhood. I have spent much time in that area and I saw no rise in crime or any issues that those who live there are talking about. Things are getting extremely contentious at the meetings because there are those of us who are trying everything that we can to try and get people housed, but it takes time. And some of the people who are now living in housing in that area, were once, homeless, themselves and now seem to have forgotten where they came from. That is something that I will never do, which is why I have been hell bent on trying to be a solution as opposed to part of the problem. 

On Thursday, December 14th, I will be attending the “Homeless Memorial March” and I will be taking pictures of the event to showcase on this blog. I may even take video if I am able, but it is extremely difficult to maneuver a walker while trying to also film. The “Homeless Memorial March” will begin at 5:00pm and we will march, each of us holding a sign with the name of a person who died because they did NOT have a home. We will then head back to where the marching started and hold a memorial service in honor of the homeless who did not survive homelessness. After that, there will be a meal served. I don’t care if it is snowing buckets and pigs, I will be marching, trudging through the snow with my walker, but I will be attending this event. Would that there was no need for an event such as this because we HUMANS refuse to allow ANYONE to die for lack of a home! But shameless shits that we HUMANS are, we ALLOW people to DIE for lack of a HOME!

I don’t even know how my old ass survived homelessness because I was sitting out on the street last winter, with the wind biting, bitterly cold and had only a thin pair of socks on and worn-out shoes, but I survived an entire winter shuffling between nasty, filthy homeless shelters and bus stop benches and it could happen again. This is AmeriKKKa and I am Black, the perfect recipe for THAT shit!

A Silent Cold Embrace



Fluffy white and soft,
it blankets me this night.

Hidden by powdery flakes,
are stiffening limbs of ice.

Gently caressing my face,
and melting in my mouth.
A silent, cold embrace.
It hides the ugly truth,
that I lie on concrete, hard.

No dreams will I ever know,
with open, staring eyes,
buried beneath the snow.

Written by,
Shelby I. Courtland
© 2013 Shelby I. Courtland

So, the next time you are sitting back in your warm, comfortable home, forget as you always do, the fact that some poor soul is out in the elements because this is a capitalist’s heaven and a poor person’s nightmare hell!! Don’t no poor person have to die in order to go to the christian’s hell, they are in a living hell, it’s called poverty, hunger and homelessness. 


The Native Indians Have Something To Say, But Who Is Listening?

I have been trying my best to do this story justice and it has been many weeks since I first thought to put this all together and I still don’t know if I have done this, justice.

I just crawled in from homelessness myself just a mere four months ago and I am not in this land because I slithered into a boat and rowed over here. I am not in this land because I boarded a plane and flew here. I am here because of slavery. And another sad fact is that I had paid my rent in full, EARLY for FIVE years and was put out on the streets due to RACISM! Because how else does a person get EVICTED for PAYING THE RENT??!!! Anyone care to explain THAT shit to me???!! I’m waiting!! I have heard of people getting evicted for NOT paying the rent, but FOR PAYING THE RENT???!!! So don’t hand me no shit about landlords always being in the right because tenants take advantage of lax laws and get away with sitting up for months not paying their rent. That was NOT the case with me! So stick a sock in that shit!! But of course, that shit happened to me in LYNCHBURG, VIRGINIA. GO fucking figure!! And many of you already know of some other horrific shit that happened to me in LYNCHBURG VIRGINIA and so I guess, no surprise there!

I was coming back from getting my teeth cleaned and I happened upon this, and I just had to run with it, it is so horrible.



I know y’all see the teepee and there are several deeper inside the encampment.

This is a huge homeless encampment, whereas mostly Native Indians are living, but they welcome all. I saw only one other group of people other than Native Indians. Of course, Black folks were in there, heavily represented alongside the Native Indians. But a sign really did get to me. Read the sign below and tell me why any Native Indian should have needed to put that sign up.

“NEVER HOMELESS BEFORE 1492!!!” Now ain’t that some shit!!!

How the hell are those people homeless when the very land every single ass is sitting on is theirs. Remember the saying, “In 1492, Columbus sailed the ocean blue?” I take it that this is where the inspiration for that sign and that particular date comes from. Before the colonizers crawled to these shores, were ANY Indians, homeless? How is it even possible that this is their land and yet, they are huddled in a homeless encampment and pretty soon, another harsh, cold winter will be upon us. Yes, The Indians have something to say, but who the hell is listening? How many ways must they ask…no… demand that someone listen to their voices raised in anger and resentment at sitting up in a homeless encampment while those who wrested this land from them are living like kings and queens on stolen land? Land where worthless treaties were drawn up, only to be ignored and the Indians sent to reservations to live in abject poverty; to starve and die! They deserve to recover their land back, but we ALL know that’s not happening! One thing that I constantly wish for is the demise of this entire shithole that did indeed, used to be a paradise. No one need have gone to Hawaii to experience paradise; it was right here. Everything anyone could have needed was here for the taking. There was no need for mass food production, grocery stores, vehicles, nuclear power plants, fracking, oil drilled and polluting our oceans. None of that was needed. But those who think they know it all came along and put paid to whatever paradise this once was and turned it into what we see now; a complete dump, with toxic EVERYTHING!

To those of the pale-skinned variety, do you believe this to be so? Do the Native Indians “deserve to recover their land back?” Why aren’t you on reservations while the Native Indians are running things and not the other way around? Every Native Indian over here would have been much better off if no white foot had ever stepped ashore. And don’t even get me started on the buffalo and what happened to them, as in their deliberate destruction by the white man to force the Indians into starvation, sickness and death in order for the white man to make it so much easier to steal the land from the Native Indians.

The Indians want evictions to cease on land that was stolen from them. They didn’t get to evict the usurpers who stole from them, but yet whites are evicting mostly Indians and American descendants of slavery; the first people who were abused most horrifically in this stolen land.

I was in housing court just the other day and I was absolutely dumbstruck by the sheer numbers of people who were there attending an eviction hearing. The place was huge and filled to the brim with 99.99999% American descendants of slavery getting evicted. No surprise there. I was at housing court for repairs and to put my rent in escrow in order to get the scumlord to make the necessary repairs. I had a lawyer and yet, while I was waiting my turn, every single Black person that was in that courtroom did not have an attorney. The judge, when finding out that the plaintiff was not represented by an attorney, asked if they wanted to speak with an attorney that would be made available to them, two said no and the rest practically broke their necks heading for the door to speak with an attorney. How did they not know that if they were low income, they could get a free attorney? What is wrong with Black folks? Is our group that clueless? I saw not one Hispanic in the crowd, there was one white woman, and the rest were Black. 

I am not trying to get off track here, but it just amazed me that Black people know all about the latest slang, the latest in style shoes, designer wear, rappers, but don’t know how to keep themselves from getting put out on the streets. What in the world is wrong with Black folks not having their priorities straight? And will show up in court without an attorney when the odds are all stacked against us to begin with. I have tried ALL over this blog to clue Black folks in, but it would seem that, as usual, I am preaching to my damn self.

But as usual, I digress.

Were treaties respected? Uh…that would be a resounding, NO! And to this day, that is still the status quo. Like I have already stated, “The Native Indians have something to say, is anyone listening?”

They want the evictions to stop! Of course, it is too late for those who are in this encampment. They have long since been evicted and all but forgotten. The ones who are remembering them will be the ones who go in and do a sweep; destroying what little they have managed to salvage to get by on while dwelling in a homeless encampment when this land was theirs.

I think they are asking rather politely for “No more sweeps!” Since the government has stolen their land, rendered them homeless, why must the government continuously call-in city-employed clean-up crews to initiate sweeps? Where do they want these people to go? What do they expect these people to do when their tents are destroyed, and they still have no homes to go to?

The Native Indians want you ALL to know that no matter what, and no matter how many times you “sweep” them from wherever they have pitched a tent, “together we stand!” The Native Indians have something to say, is anyone listening? 

And what’s more, they also want you ALL to know that even though it was the white man who got them addicted to alcohol just like it was the white man who got the American descendants of slaves addicted to crack, they will “overcome their addictions.” The Native Indians have something to say, is anyone listening? 

What Was Once, Paradise

Where once this land was pristine and Indians roamed free,

now, it is a toxic waste dump, polluted from sea to sea.

Everyone on the land that we now stand, was an Indian

but today, they have all been consigned to oblivion.

These people want their land back, but there are none who will listen.

As they sit outside, on display, on exhibition.

Folks drive past and pretend that they don’t see,

lost and hopeless humanity huddled inside a teepee.

Bring on winter, a winter of snow and ice,

and there are many who will die in what was once, paradise.


Written by,

Shelby I. Courtland

© 2023Shelby I. Courtland 

I really don’t know why I bother because it would seem that I am preaching to my damn self, but this affected me greatly when I passed by and I had to stop and try and bring more attention to the lost and forgotten; the hopeless, the homeless because more than likely, my Black ass will know homelessness again. But one thing I do know, if that be the case, I’ve got plenty of street brothers and sisters who got my back, just as I’ve got theirs.

“This is to my street bros and sistas, we got our own coalition and we gone be aiight, y’all know! Much love! Stay strong which I don’t really need to say because all of you are and that’s a fact!”

You folks who have never experienced homelessness and who think that the homeless are just a bunch of funky, drunk, drug addicted motherfuckers, y’all don’t know shit!! They are the sweetest, most intelligent people I have ever had the pleasure of getting to know. They have helped this walker pushing lady out in ways too numerous to count. They shield their bodies between me and cars while I slowly hobble across the street. I try and give them money and they won’t take it. I was out on the streets in front of city hall protesting with signs about homelessness and the homeless came up to me offering me money that they had panhandled. They are so giving and so kind and yet, so disparaged, it is a damn crying shame. I even had folks drive up and demand to give me money even though I told them that I was finally housed and wasn’t panhandling. I made over a hundred and twenty dollars in three hours. There are folks out there who just need to see that there is a need, and they can be generous. Every dime I got, went back to the homeless and I am going to continue to go out in the streets and bring awareness to the plight of those I truly do care for and maybe one day, I can do something more constructive to put an end to what is deliberate because make no mistake, this mass homelessness epidemic is DELIBERATE. There is nothing accidental like about it. That’s for damn sure!

There ain’t never been no shame in my game. I’ve told you that I’ve got two pairs of pants and about 8 shirts and my place is damn near empty, but it’s not empty because I can’t throw shit in it, it’s empty because I’m hardly inside and I hate to say this, but I have grown more used to being outside than in and love it more when I’m out. When you have spent the most bitter part of the year out on the streets, believe me, if it doesn’t kill you, it makes you stronger. I feel for those of you who are so soft that if a serious calamity should befall you, you wouldn’t have a clue or stand a snowball’s chance in hell of making it. But one thing about me, I have been homeless more times than I can shake a stick at. I started at the age of 15 and done seen more streets than shelter ever since. 

Should anyone in America be homeless? No, but the fact of the matter is, those who are instigating this shit and who initiated it are not going to stop. If we are going to do a damn thing about mass homelessness, we are going to have to do it ourselves. No “government official” is going to get it done. So, I guess I have answered the question that I have been asking throughout this picture story, “Is anyone listening?” The answer? “Hell NO!” But that is not going to stop people like me from doing what we can, best believe that!!!



Black People Celebrating The Fourth Of July Is Madness!



Of course everyone knows that I will NOT be celebrating the fourth of July. What the hell for? Because I’m free? Because my ancestors were slaves when the first fourth of July was celebrated? Because what a wonderful life my ancestors and I enjoyed and are enjoying in this hellish nightmare shithole??!!! Are you serious?

Black folks, what the fuck are you celebrating? Your continued enslavement? Mass homelessness? Income inequality? The school-to-prison pipeline? Mass incarceration? Food insecurity? Insane poverty numbers? Racist health care? The fact that the whites made you the faces of COVID deaths when that need not have been the case? Continued medical experimentation? Police brutality? Police murdering us with impunity? Gentrification? Obesity statistics that are off the charts among the Black populace? Outrageous diabetes statistics? The fact that our life expectancy is lower than that of wild animals? The absolute horrific statistics of Black people on dialysis? What are you celebrating the fourth of July for? You don’t need all that dead meat on a grill. That is why your ass is heading to dialysis the next fucking day. That is why you are having to test your blood sugar, consistently. That is why you were touted as the faces of COVID deaths when in reality, along with the fucked up foods you eat and the continued medical experimentation done on you by the neo-Nazi death squads fronting as doctors, those are the reasons for Black COVID morbidity.

You are traveling to see family and to get together to celebrate the white man’s holiday because you do whatever the white man tells you to. They don’t have to force you to do a damn thing because you are already there, with bells on. This is why I gave up months ago trying to get through to you because you are a lost cause.

The reason why I was able to get over COVID so rapidly is because I do not eat slaughtered animals for human consumption. I do not eat sweets and I take vitamins that are good for me and I exercise. And the quack that I see is quite crestfallen, and that’s putting it mildly, when he tells me that my kidneys are fine, my cholesterol is fine. I’m not diabetic. And yet his ass is still after me about a COVID vaccine. I am going to have to get me another quack when next I see him because if he asks me about getting a COVID vaccine for the umpteenth time, I am going to have to cuss him the fuck out.

But back to why you fools think that celebrating the fourth of July is in your best interest. What the hell is wrong with you? Why do you make the white man’s job so easy for him when it comes to dealing with your asses? He does not have to do shit but tell you that a holiday is approaching and your asses immediately start buying shit, shopping like fucking crazy to make sure that your kitchen table is groaning with dead animals and all the sides you can fit on the damn table.

And we can no longer even quote Fredrick Douglass’s famous July 4th speech because when his Black wife died, he married a white woman and so as far as I am concerned, he is another piece of shit sellout. Even in his speech, Douglass said to the whites, “This Fourth of July is yours, not mine. You may rejoice, I must mourn.” And yet married one of the very shits that was the reason why he claimed to be mourning. What the fuck? Even Martin Luther King Jr., suggested that it was better to integrate with our enemy than to remain segregated from him. How has that worked out for us? I am beyond tired of ALL of these so-called ‘learned’ men telling us what is good for us when nothing they said was what we needed because if it were, would we be in the predicament that we are in today? Fools talked at us about the buybull and chrisitanity which is the white man’s religion, but pray tell me, do you see the white man hell bent on living up to his religion whereas it calls for him to give up his worldly goods and follow his so-called ‘savior’? Do you see any of that happening? He makes damn sure that he has all the worldly goods while you have none because he wants you to believe that you can expect to gain your inheritance once you die and dwell in paradise with him in some great, shining mansion in some heaven and he hasn’t told you, you will be waiting on his ass hand and foot, according to his white ass. The only problem is, even he does not believe that bullshit, but he certainly has you Black folks believing in some paradise in the sky somewhere just awaiting for you to enter its pearly gates and be bestowed with what the white man has said will be your due upon your death. Yeah! Sounds like some true shit to me and if you can’t sense the sarcasm, you’re even dumber than I thought.

What to the Black person is the white man’s fourth of you lie? A lie to end all lies when we are celebrating no freedoms that we have never had and what’s more, never will. But you go ahead and celebrate like the good little, slave zombies you still are and massa will continue to reward you with the school-to-prison pipeline, mass incarceration, income inequality, gentrification, homelessness, hunger, low wage jobs or no jobs, medical experimentation that is killing us, high Black infant mortality rates, high mortality rates for Black women during childbirth and the list of the like is endless. This is the shit that you are celebrating, not to mention what you are eating during your celebrations. But can’t nobody tell you fools a damn thing. Keep those celebrations coming, but you will not be celebrating for long. You can be sure of that!

I guess you’ve forgot about:

Philando Castile, murdered in front of his girlfriend and her daughter for cooperating with ‘law enforcement’ trying to produce his identification and no one was held responsible for murdering that man in this racist shithole!



Alton Sterling, another Black man murdered for no reason because just being Black is no reason to be lying on a morgue in this racist shithole, but that’s what he got!



Sandra Bland, murdered in a Texas jail and the shits that run this shithole called it, “SUICIDE!” Fuck that!



‘How A Police Officer Shot A Sleeping 7-Year-Old To Death’
Aiyana Mo’nay Stanley-Jones was sleeping in her home on the east side of Detroit on the night of May 16, 2010, when officers barged into the house. Officer Joseph Weekley fired his gun and shot to death a sleeping child, seven year-old Aiyana Mo’nay Stanley-Jones.
So, what did this child do to deserve getting shot dead? She wasn’t selling drugs. She wasn’t an addict. She was asleep and murdered and what happened to her killer? Nothing! Because he is white and this innocent seven year old child was Black. It wasn’t her fault that she was living in America, The Mother of ALL Shitholes! Where is the justice for her?


Tamir Rice, 12-years old, gunned down within two seconds of the Klan pulling up on him while he was playing with a toy gun in a park.




Nipsey Hussle, was trying to give back to the community and of course the story was that he was gunned down by a black man, but we know who was really behind him getting murdered.


Like Eric Garner, he said, “I can’t breathe!” And like Eric Garner, his family now had to plan his funeral.


Breonna Taylor, her life mattered. All Black Lives Matter, including the lives of Black women! We are no less than Black men and you’d better believe it! We are why your Black male asses are getting some kind of justice while we get none!


Dr. Susan Moore, a Black doctor who died thanks to racist medical ‘care’.



Freddie Gray, remember him? He ain’t here to ‘celebrate’ the fourth of July. And it’s not his fault!


And this is also what you Black fools are celebrating….

Homeless in New York, let’s celebrate it!

And this…..

This is what you are celebrating.

And this….

Homeless in New York, this is what you are celebrating.


And this…..

Homeless in New York, this is what you are celebrating.


Let the fourth of July celebrations begin! We Black folks in AmeriKKKa have SO much to celebrate! And pass the pig feet, bacon, pork ribs, ham, sausages and buttered rolls, I want high blood pressure and dialysis, COVID and all the rest of the like doncha know!!!

Why I Have NEVER ‘Celebrated’ Juneteenth And Why I NEVER Will!!!!! A Re-post

So, what exactly is Juneteenth?

[jo͞oːnˌtēːnTH, ˌjo͞onˈtēnTH, jo͞o:nˈtē:nTH]
a holiday celebrated on 19 June to commemorate the emancipation of enslaved people in the US. The holiday was first celebrated in Texas, where on that date in 1865, in the aftermath of the Civil War, slaves were declared free under the terms of the 1862 Emancipation Proclamation.
What does emancipation mean?

the fact or process of being set free from legal, social, or political restrictions; liberation.
“the emancipation of feminist ideas”
freeing · liberation · liberating · setting free · release · releasing · letting loose/out · setting loose/free · discharge · unchaining · unfettering · unshackling · untying · unyoking · uncaging · unbridling · freedom · liberty · manumission · disenthrallment

the freeing of someone from slavery.
“the early struggle for emancipation from slavery”

So when you look at why Juneteenth is celebrated and you look at what emancipation means, tell me, American Descendants of Slavery, how are you free, liberated, unshackled, unyoked, uncaged, unbridled and unfettered?

When the protesters were in Minneapolis going the fuck off, those who are descendants of the racist shits that enslaved our ancestors were busy spying on the mostly Black protesters via drones, spy planes and spy helicopters in order to arrest people who were supposedly, liberated. But we know that we are not liberated because the protesters were protesting because a Black man was detained and murdered for no reason. So, what were you celebrating on Juneteenth? That you enjoy enslavement? That you enjoy being spied on by the same government that dragged your ancestors here to become slaves for them? Did you celebrate Juneteenth because the whites are championing that day as though there is some meaning to it for us because if you are, then you are so stupid that you could actually be made to believe that shit don’t stink.

As long as the whites are telling you to ‘celebrate’ some bullshit, why…there you go. When the whites tell you to celebrate Black History Month…well, there you go. When the whites tell you to celebrate Dr. Martin Luther King Jr., Day…why there you go. Those days have no meaning for us. Those days are the whites’ way of saying, “Look, I’ve given you much to celebrate. Now go out and buy shit and shut the hell up because that is all that we owe you. Fuck reparations. You’ll get a few days in which to celebrate what you think are freedoms.” And you know what, most of us do just that. You accept so little and will rejoice over a turd handed to you, especially if you are being told that that turd has special significance to you.

Whites are flaming liars, thieves, criminals and murderers; that’s what they’ve always been and that’s what they always will be. You cannot expect whites to do shit that would make a gnat’s ass worth of real difference in your life. They will talk shit to you and hope that you continue to buy it and eat it and you do and so why would they feel pressured to actually do anything of substance; anything of meaning? They wouldn’t.

When you celebrated Juneteenth, did it put any money into your pocket? Did it give you health insurance? Did it cure your diabetes since you have diabetes because of poor diet because you work minimum wage jobs and cannot afford the proper foods with nutrients needed for a healthy body? Did it move you out of a crime infested neighborhood that is wracked with gang violence? Did it close down the liquor store in your neighborhood owned by a foreigner brought over here for the express purpose of further reducing your time spent on this planet above ground? Did celebrating Juneteenth get the bank to approve a home loan for you? Did celebrating Juneteenth get you approved for an apartment in a nice section of town? Did celebrating Juneteenth get you into college? What was the purpose of you celebrating Juneteenth? There was none and the whites know this. The purpose of you celebrating Juneteenth was all for the whites. It had absolutely nothing to do with you since the whites know that whatever bone they toss you, you will run with it, be thankful for it and don’t question why the whites are hyping up some piece of shit ‘day of emancipation’ that never took place, because make no mistake, we are still slaves. We are still slaves in every way.

Look around you. What group in this country is in the worst possible condition? The group that was hellbent on celebrating Juneteenth, that’s who. What the fuck do you have to celebrate? American descendants of slavery are the poster children for homelessness, income inequality, mass incarceration, abject hunger, childhood poverty, high school drop-out rates out of the ballpark, inadequate or no health care, high mortality rates for Black women, babies and children and for both Black men and women, high mortality rates from being murdered by cops. And statistically speaking, we are at the bottom, economically and so disadvantaged, it has been stated that Black household wealth stands at $7.00. We have no real and true wealth; no tangible and intangible assets.

But that was not always the case. Whites destroyed everything we ever built for ourselves, from our homes to our institutions to our movements and so why do you think that they have no problem with us ‘celebrating’ Juneteenth, Black History Month and Dr. Martin Luther King Jr., Day? It is because that is ALL we are to have. And for most of you, that seems to be enough!

And yet, when the protests were raging, all we heard from the whites and from the Black misleaders was, “Look! They are burning down their own neighborhoods!” What fucking neighborhoods do we own? Black people don’t own shit! The lone Black barbershop on the corner is nothing to screech about because, HELL! In Baltimore, MD, Black people have taken to doing curbside barbering. Those goddamn foreigners that the whites have over here on expired visas own that shit that was burned to the ground. If you look at the news out of Minneapolis, there was some Somali man standing there talking about how he owned this and that and was going to help the burned out community. SERIOUSLY??!! How did his tree climbing ass, crawl down from a tree in Somalia, fly the fuck over here and own some damn businesses when Black people, who were born here and are descendants of slaves, have to operate a ‘curbside’ barbershop and yet the whites and the Black misleaders want to exclaim that we are burning down our own damn businesses? What businesses? Yeah! Go do your research and get back to me on that. American descendants of slavery are doing so poorly because it is by design. Whites know why! And they intend on keeping that status quo the same for why else is every other group that comes over here, given every advantage in the world to build up shit, while our shit gets torn down by the whites who spy on us, constantly? They spy on us to make sure that we don’t get any ideas that we are ever going to get ahead because they make damn sure that they nip that shit in the bud before it can even get off the goddamn ground.

But we can happily celebrate Juneteenth because it does NOTHING for us! It is not supposed to, but we are satisfied because Amerikkka, this fucking year, celebrated Juneteenth with us. Ain’t that some shit??!! Indeed, it was!


I published the above blog post last year this time and now this year, the whites have decided to make Juneteenth, a federal holiday. What the hell for? What difference will it make in the lives of those of us who are descendants of slavery? Will it improve our unemployment statistics? Our low wage job statistics? Our incarceration statistics? Our dying at the hands of government sanctioned thugs statistics? Our homelessness statistics? Our school-to-prison pipeline statistics? Will it stop Black women from dying in childbirth along with their babies? Will it stop gentrification? Will it stop evictions due to job loss? What will this so-called ‘holiday’ do besides put more money into the coffers of the whites?

Biden signs bill making Juneteenth a federal holiday

WASHINGTON (AP) — President Joe Biden signed legislation Thursday establishing a new federal holiday commemorating the end of slavery, saying he believes it will go down as one of the greatest honors he has as president.

Juneteenth is just another federal holiday for the whites. It’s just like Memorial Day! “Go out and buy some shit because a sale is on! Great reduction in prices and so shop til you’re broke!” Never mind the fact that you’re more than likely broke already, but the whites can always drum up more ways to make sure that you are.

And as usual, the same Judas Goats are foaming at the mouth over another table scrap thrown from Massa’s table. Just look at those Black fools.

And there they are; the usual suspects, beaming and some more shit over shit!

The sight of them just makes my stomach turn! As I have already stated, Black people will celebrate a turd thrown to them by the whites so long as it comes with bells and whistles and lacks substance of ANY kind. So go ahead and celebrate another turd the whites have given you, but as for me, I don’t eat shit!! I’ll leave that to the rest of you!!!

Why I Did NOT ‘Celebrate’ Juneteenth



So, what exactly is Juneteenth?


[jo͞oːnˌtēːnTH, ˌjo͞onˈtēnTH, jo͞o:nˈtē:nTH]

a holiday celebrated on 19 June to commemorate the emancipation of enslaved people in the US. The holiday was first celebrated in Texas, where on that date in 1865, in the aftermath of the Civil War, slaves were declared free under the terms of the 1862 Emancipation Proclamation.
What does emancipation mean?


the fact or process of being set free from legal, social, or political restrictions; liberation.
“the emancipation of feminist ideas”
freeing · liberation · liberating · setting free · release · releasing · letting loose/out · setting loose/free · discharge · unchaining · unfettering · unshackling · untying · unyoking · uncaging · unbridling · freedom · liberty · manumission · disenthrallment
  • the freeing of someone from slavery.
    “the early struggle for emancipation from slavery”


So when you look at why Juneteenth is celebrated and you look at what emancipation means, tell me, American Descendants of Slavery, how are you free, liberated, unshackled, unyoked, uncaged, unbridled and unfettered?

When the protesters were in Minneapolis going the fuck off, those who are descendants of the racist shits that enslaved our ancestors were busy spying on the mostly Black protesters via drones, spy planes and spy helicopters in order to arrest people who were supposedly, liberated. But we know that we are not liberated because the protesters were protesting because a Black man was detained and murdered for no reason. So, what were you celebrating on Juneteenth? That you enjoy enslavement? That you enjoy being spied on by the same government that dragged your ancestors here to become slaves for them? Did you celebrate Juneteenth because the whites are championing that day as though there is some meaning to it for us because if you are, then you are so stupid that you could actually be made to believe that shit don’t stink.

As long as the whites are telling you to ‘celebrate’ some bullshit, why…there you go. When the whites tell you to celebrate Black History Month…well, there you go. When the whites tell you to celebrate Dr. Martin Luther King Jr., Day…why there you go. Those days have no meaning for us. Those days are the whites’ way of saying, “Look, I’ve given you much to celebrate. Now go out and buy shit and shut the hell up because that is all that we owe you. Fuck reparations. You’ll get a few days in which to celebrate what you think are freedoms.” And you know what, most of us do just that. You accept so little and will rejoice over a turd handed to you, especially if you are being told that that turd has special significance to you.

Whites are flaming liars, thieves, criminals and murderers; that’s what they’ve always been and that’s what they always will be. You cannot expect whites to do shit that would make a gnat’s ass worth of real difference in your life. They will talk shit to you and hope that you continue to buy it and eat it and you do and so why would they feel pressured to actually do anything of substance; anything of meaning? They wouldn’t.

When you celebrated Juneteenth, did it put any money into your pocket? Did it give you health insurance? Did it cure your diabetes since you have diabetes because of poor diet because you work minimum wage jobs and cannot afford the proper foods with nutrients needed for a healthy body? Did it move you out of a crime infested neighborhood that is wracked with gang violence? Did it close down the liquor store in your neighborhood owned by a foreigner brought over here for the express purpose of further reducing your time spent on this planet above ground? Did celebrating Juneteenth get the bank to approve a home loan for you? Did celebrating Juneteenth get you approved for an apartment in a nice section of town? Did celebrating Juneteenth get you into college? What was the purpose of you celebrating Juneteenth? There was none and the whites know this. The purpose of you celebrating Juneteenth was all for the whites. It had absolutely nothing to do with you since the whites know that whatever bone they toss you, you will run with it, be thankful for it and don’t question why the whites are hyping up some piece of shit ‘day of emancipation’ that never took place, because make no mistake, we are still slaves. We are still slaves in every way.

Look around you. What group in this country is in the worst possible condition? The group that was hellbent on celebrating Juneteenth, that’s who. What the fuck do you have to celebrate? American descendants of slavery are the poster children for homelessness, income inequality, mass incarceration, abject hunger, childhood poverty, high school drop-out rates out of the ballpark, inadequate or no health care, high mortality rates for Black women, babies and children and for both Black men and women, high mortality rates from being murdered by cops. And statistically speaking, we are at the bottom, economically and so disadvantaged, it has been stated that Black household wealth stands at $7.00. We have no real and true wealth; no tangible and intangible assets.

But that was not always the case. Whites destroyed everything we ever built for ourselves, from our homes to our institutions to our movements and so why do you think that they have no problem with us ‘celebrating’ Juneteenth, Black History Month and Dr. Martin Luther King Jr., Day? It is because that is ALL we are to have. And for most of you, that seems to be enough!

And yet, when the protests were raging, all we heard from the whites and from the Black misleaders was, “Look! They are burning down their own neighborhoods!” What fucking neighborhoods do we own? Black people don’t own shit! The lone Black barbershop on the corner is nothing to screech about because, HELL! In Baltimore, MD, Black people have taken to doing curbside barbering. Those goddamn foreigners that the whites have over here on expired visas own that shit that was burned to the ground. If you look at the news out of Minneapolis, there was some Somali man standing there talking about how he owned this and that and was going to help the burned out community. SERIOUSLY??!! How did his tree climbing ass, crawl down from a tree in Somalia, fly the fuck over here and own some damn businesses when Black people, who were born here and are descendants of slaves, have to operate a ‘curbside’ barbershop and yet the whites and the Black misleaders want to exclaim that we are burning down our own damn businesses? What businesses? Yeah! Go do your research and get back to me on that. American descendants of slavery are doing so poorly because it is by design. Whites know why! And they intend on keeping that status quo the same for why else is every other group that comes over here, given every advantage in the world to build up shit, while our shit gets torn down by the whites who spy on us, constantly? They spy on us to make sure that we don’t get any ideas that we are ever going to get ahead because they make damn sure that they nip that shit in the bud before it can even get off the goddamn ground.

But we can happily celebrate Juneteenth because it does NOTHING for us! It is not supposed to, but we are satisfied because Amerikkka, this fucking year, celebrated Juneteenth with us. Ain’t that some shit??!! Indeed, it was!

Our Death Is All They Seek!

Our Death Is All They Seek!


To finally get some peace, he had to die out on the street,
killed by hate and racism from every white man we still meet.
For over four hundred years, we have been screaming out our pain,
and little did we know that our screams were all in vain.

The world is finally listening, but what good will that do us?
We marched to sit up front, but now we’re underneath the bus.
The ‘leader’ of this country stood and told us we are “THUGS!”
And then he told his gangsters to stomp us like we’re bugs.

We own no tanks or missiles, nor drones to take a stand.
We’re tired and poor and cursed in this white man’s stolen land.
Our death is all they seek and so we’re off to bury the dead.
Because to them we lack humanity, though our blood is also red.

Why must we bear the blame for a crime we didn’t commit?
To this day, it seems we’re slaves and to their will, we must submit.
We are a people without a country; we are clouds in a savage storm.
blown away by white supremacy, a system they can’t reform.
One day, there’ll be a reckoning that we won’t live to see
for those of us alive today, are still yearning to be free.


Written by,

Shelby I. Courtland

©2020 Shelby I. Courtland

It is a sad ass shame that the only way those of us who are descendants of slaves who were dragged over here to ‘serve’ the white man AND white woman’s every whim, can expect to get any peace from them is by being murdered at their hands. There are too many times that we have trudged through a cemetery to bury our dead and some racist kop was never indicted or even fired from his duties of murdering us.

Poor Black people, who mostly cannot even afford life insurance, have to make use of crowd funding or either some ‘celebrity’ will come forward to pay for the funeral expenses. From cradle to grave, we are to forever hand the white man some money while he is busy killing us since many Black women’s babies die in childbirth in this supposedly, First World Nation. What sense does that make? And even if we make it to our teenage years, we are still murdered for merely coming home from a store, carrying iced tea and skittles. Our children cannot even play in a park without getting shot dead. We cannot drive down the street without getting pulled over and shot for complying with the orders to produce our identification. We cannot sleep in our beds without kops beating down the door and shooting us as we lay deep in slumber and yet, none are held accountable for what they do to us.

And now, another Black family, the family of George Floyd, is about set to bury him because he went into a store and was accused of trying to purchase items with a counterfeit bill, and I have heard that even that was a lie. But even so, was that any reason for a racist kop to murder him, casually as though he was merely a bug to be squashed on the sidewalk? As if that is not bad enough, a stomp down, flaming racist, draft dodging bigot has the nerve to order the U.S. military to ‘put us down’ when he was scared too shitless to even join the very military he has called out on us. What sense does that make?

But you whites want to write blog after blog about how ‘woke’ your ass is now! You ain’t woke. Your funky, filthy ass racist petticoat is showing and the world is now denouncing the shit that you’ve been subjecting us to for hundreds of years in this shithole. You haven’t been struck by a ray of conscientiousness. You don’t even have a conscience to berate you, for if you did, would our situation now be making headline news all across this godforsaken planet that you have managed to fuck up? Hell no, it wouldn’t.

You whites think that you’re doing something by showing up at a protest with a sign stating, “Black Lives Matter!” Our lives have never mattered to you and don’t you think for one damn second that I am buying your flaming lies now! So save it! I’m not buying your sudden displays of solidarity when you are why GENTRIFICATION has driven us into homelessness. You are why we are incarcerated by the millions. You are why we are dumb as shit because while you are funding private schools with our money, public schools don’t even have computers or enough books in them and this you know. We are the faces of the jobless, the hungry and the homeless and the disparities in healthcare is obscene and dangerous and is causing our demise at a faster rate than yours. We don’t have any hopes of longevity and most don’t even want to live long, hopeless, racism filled lives of despair!

You whites have shitted on us from the time our ancestors were dragged ashore and you are still shitting on us and telling us that we are to blame for crime in the inner cities; that we are to blame for not having land and wealth to hand down to our sons and daughters. How the hell can we hand a damn thing down to anyone when you made damn sure that you owned it ALL because you damn well owned our ancestors that you claimed were only three fifths of a human? How the hell did you expect us to overcome that shit? YOU DIDN’T. So don’t now turn around and act like you are just getting hit with an epiphany. You know what the fuck you’ve been doing to us and you’re not about to stop that shit now. Shove that fake ass solidarity shit up your pale asses because I am having none of it!


How the hell did that man, George Floyd, deserve that? But that is ALL too familiar to us! And you dirty, filthy, racist whites know that this has been going down for centuries. You know this because racists like that piece of shit are YOUR family members and you know your own damn family because you’re one of them. So don’t now claim that you had no idea about ANY of this shit because you’re a goddamn liar! Fucking flaming, racist hypocrites! I despise you ALL!