Joe Biden Issues Alerts: “Americans, You Are Not Free To Travel Abroad Because The World Hates U.S!”

What Joe Biden’s ass is going to look like in one more year!

Joe Biden issues an alert due to suspecting that there could be haters trying to fuck up Americans. Who’d ‘a thought?

And who may I ask, do we have to thank for that? Certainly not my Black ass!!! I am just as hated here in America as Joe Biden is claiming that white citizens of America, who have traveled or who live abroad, are hated thanks to America’s shit stirring that has led to worldwide chaos and refugee pilgrimages.

According to Joe Biden, for some strange reason, unbeknownst to him, the entire world wants to kick our asses. I’m shocked, “Shocked!” I say! 

President Biden alerts the U.S. citizens worldwide. It’s extremely important

On Thursday, the U.S. Department of State issued an alert for all citizens of this country who are abroad. It warns them about a possible threat of attacks in connection with the conflict between Israel and Hamas.

I’ll fix it for them!

On Thursday, the U.S. Department of State issued an alert for all [white] citizens of this country who are abroad. It warns them about a possible threat of attacks in connection with the U.S. instigated/provoked war between Israel and Hamas and Nazi Ukraine and Russia and don’t forget the shit stirring that the U.S. started in Iraq over imaginary WMDs (weapons of mass destruction) that never existed and so Iraqi citizens were tortured, bombed, maimed and murdered and don’t forget the Vietnam war and Ronald “roasting in hell” Reagan’s “secret war” to bring down the Nicaraguan government and don’t forget the U.S. murdered former Venezuelan President Hugo Chavez because he loudly proclaimed America to be an assassin and a violent invader, which It is. Don’t forget about the Guatemalan STD Study that the U.S. subjected innocent Guatemalans, you know like what the U.S. did to Black men with the Tuskegee Syphilis Experiment and don’t forget that the U.S. dropped two atomic bombs on the Japanese and don’t forget about the testing of atomic weapons on the people of the Marshall Islands and don’t forget about the fact that my Black ass is in America thanks to my ancestors having been dragged here, kicking and screaming for being raped, tortured, shackled, chained, experimented on and worked to death.

So, after having read the above, why on earth would Joe Biden feel compelled to issue alerts to Americans abroad about possible dangers they face when America has been screeching, wailing and squawking about how humanitarian, benevolent and compassionate a country It is? The KKK, the Aryan Brotherhood, The Proud Boys, Antifa, the Hillbilly Redneck Brigade and a host of others are just fine upstanding examples of who and what America is and so, again, I ask the question, “why on earth would Joe Biden feel compelled to issue alerts to Americans abroad about possible dangers they face when America is just beloved, the world over. Well, isn’t it?

I mean, all those bombs, drones, missiles and fighter jets aimed at every country the world over is making everyone all across this planet have such a warm and cozy feeling for Americans, right? Aren’t’ the people of Haiti just glad that the Clintons handed over ALL those donations from their foundation that was set up to assist Haiti? Haiti is doing wonderfully today, right? Anyone know? And isn’t Libya just a shining example of American interference? Things are so nice and peaceful in Libya today since America had Muammar Gaddafi murdered and Hillary Clinton exclaimed afterwards while guffawing, “We came, we saw, he died!,” right? And after Osama bin Laden was deep-sixed after having already died of kidney failure long before the now deceased Seal Team Six arrived, we can all just ignore that America’s politicians and businessmen hosted Osama bin Laden and his family in America before they made him the scapegoat for 9/11, right? 

The world doesn’t have a problem with me, for why should it? The world has a problem with these whites over here who allow those who look like them to continuously start shit in their name and with ALL our fake ass, smoke and mirrors money because this shithole is actually bankrupt and cannot even pay off the interest on the trillions of dollars of debt it’s in, but still speaks of spending more to fund wars started by this shithole so that Biden can issue alert after alert after alert about the need for “WHITE” Americans to be fearful about being abroad because folks just ain’t appreciative of America’s brand of benevolence and compassion. Ain’t that just some shit?!

AGAIN, why on earth would ANYONE the world over wish to do harm to ANY American? Can ANYONE answer that?

The World Is Tired Of The Western Whore!


Oh yes, I long for you to die!
You know only too well, the reasons why.

What evil sons of bitches all of you are,
as you deploy your weapons, both near and far.

You scream, “Democracy!” as you drop a bomb.
And you do it with so much aplomb.

You’re a liar, a hypocrite, a thief and a snake.
You murder and plunder, leaving death in your wake.

You’re archaic, obsolete and you’re not needed anymore.
The world is tired of the western whore.

You’re diseased and contagious; someone pull the plug.
There’s no cure for you, no pharmaceutical drug.

Die already and never come back.
The world is tired of your need to attack.

Peace could be had if only you’d die.
No drone would fly through a clear, night sky.

A mother in Pakistan could finally stop crying.
Guantanamo would close and no more spying.

So much would change if you dropped dead.
It’s time to stop the madness; you’re why the whole world has bled.


Written by,
Shelby I. Courtland
©2014 Shelby I. Courtland

Why would ANYONE the world over hate Americans who hail from this western whore?!

While Poverty Soars, Trillions Spent On Wars In Iraq And Afghanistan Wasted While The Amerikkkan People Are Lied To

Millions of Americans know poverty only too well and yet there are, presumably, states where poverty is more problematic than others. I am quite sure that many would beg to differ.

15 states where poverty is worse than you might think

Developed in 1963, the official poverty rate is based on pre-tax income thresholds related to the cost of a minimum food diet and the number of individuals who depend on that income.
That is unbelievable! The ‘official poverty’ rate based on pre-tax? What the hell??!!! After deductions is what tells the true story, not some before taxes bullshit. None of my paychecks have ever looked good before or after taxes and other deductions and what was there to show for those taxes? Wars! Wars and more wars!
And so we come to this!

Confidential documents reveal U.S. officials failed to tell the truth about the war in Afghanistan

Senior U.S. officials failed to tell the truth about the war in Afghanistan throughout the 18-year campaign, making rosy pronouncements they knew to be false and hiding unmistakable evidence the war had become unwinnable.

“We were devoid of a fundamental understanding of Afghanistan — we didn’t know what we were doing,” Douglas Lute, a three-star Army general who served as the White House’s Afghan war czar during the Bush and Obama administrations, told government interviewers in 2015. He added: “What are we trying to do here? We didn’t have the foggiest notion of what we were undertaking.”

What was the pretext for the war in Afghanistan?

The United States invasion of Afghanistan occurred after the September 11 attacks in late 2001, supported by close US allies. The conflict is also known as the US war in Afghanistan. Its public aims were to dismantle al-Qaeda, and to deny it a safe base of operations in Afghanistan by removing the Taliban from power.

Again, America cannot win a war! It does not matter how much military equipment is sent to a warzone, the fact should be clear to ALL by now, that America’s military ain’t shit! And if you don’t believe that, then keep reading.

“If the American people knew the magnitude of this dysfunction . . . 2,400 lives lost,” Lute added, blaming the deaths of U.S. military personnel on bureaucratic breakdowns among Congress, the Pentagon and the State Department. “Who will say this was in vain?”

Since 2001, more than 775,000 U.S. troops have deployed to Afghanistan, many repeatedly. Of those, 2,300 died there and 20,589 were wounded in action, according to Defense Department figures.

“If the American people knew of the magnitude of this dysfunction…2,400 lives lost.” And for what???!!!

The sad part is that Americans are so far removed from wars that we just don’t care. We don’t care that supposedly, healthy specimens of individuals were suited up and sent overseas to fight who or whom and how and why? No one had a clue. And it was most definitely in vain that over 2,400 lost their lives and my guess would be that the numbers are even higher since it is quite obvious that we cannot believe one lying word out of the mouths of our politicians aka warmongers and war hawks and those would include BARACK OBAMA, GEORGE W. BUSH, GEORGE H.W. BUSH and the current reigning lunatic-in-chief, DONALD TRUMP.

Thousands upon thousands of Americans who suited up and who were sent to war zones, made it back and are now wounded and are trying to receive the dubious services of the Veterans Administration and we all know that ANY services received from the Veterans Administration is a joke; just a not so very funny joke since it has been reported that those wounded soldiers who made it back from overseas deployment and who had damn near lost their minds and were suicidal were put on hold by the Veterans Administration when they called seeking help.

“VA Suicide Hotline! Hold Please!”

Some workers handle only one to five calls each day and leave before their shifts end even though phone lines have gotten busier, the emails say. As a result, 35% to 50% of the calls roll over to back-up centers where workers have less training to deal with the emotional problems of former service members.

In February, an Inspector General investigation revealed that some of the in-coming calls early last year had rolled over to back-up centers and gone to voicemail.

And surprise! Surprise! The original article was taken down and cannot be found online. Go figure! Can’t have the dirty secrets bandied about that America couldn’t give two flying turds about those whom we absentmindedly “Thank for their service.” What the hell does that do for someone who supposedly “put their life on the line” for this worthless ass shithole? Can it feed them? Can it house them? Can it give them the medical/psychological care they need? Can it pay their fucking bills?

But to know that it was ALL for nothing is what the troops who were sent over to Afghanistan are saying. There was no plan. There was no blueprint. There was no exit strategy. We were fed bald-faced lies by ALL presidents that had anything to do with the war in Iraq and Afghanistan and so that also means that whatever we have been told about Libya, Syria, Yemen are also lies, lies, lies and damn lies! Trump even supposedly dropped the MOAB(Mother of all bombs) in Afghanistan and what the fuck did that do? Not a goddamn thing but kill two Afghan camel herders and take money from social programs that are sorely needed seeing as how we are experiencing poverty that’s worse than what was experienced during the first Great Depression because make no mistake, we are in a Worse Depression what with the emergence of Third World diseases in this so-called ‘First World’ nation whereas abject poverty and opulence sit side by side, where tent cities are right in the midst of new construction for luxury high rise condos in Los Angeles, but over in Las Vegas, the homeless are living in tunnels. Coming into Chicago, all you see are tents lined up; endless rows of tents. The same in Baltimore and in any and every city in Amerikkka.

George W. Bush, Barack Obama and Donald Trump — and their military commanders have been unable to deliver on their promises to prevail in Afghanistan. U.S. officials acknowledged that their warfighting strategies were fatally flawed and that Washington wasted enormous sums of money trying to remake Afghanistan into a modern nation. 

What? Wanted “to remake Afghanistan into a modern nation?” So that they could what? Open a Starbucks? Open a Walmart? Open a Popeye’s Chicken shack? Open a Target? Are they fucking serious? This shithole is collapsing what with an infrastructure that is so damn old that bridges are collapsing, pipes that run water to homes are in pieces. Sinkholes are swallowing up blocks of cars. Entire cities look like war zones. Just go to damn near every state and you’ll find rows of abandoned, falling down buildings, downtown areas that have been abandoned; just row upon row of dilapidated buildings and those assholes wanted “to remake Afghanistan into a modern nation?” The Amerikkkan people are stupid as hell. There you sit with your dumb, fat ass glued to a chair while staring down at a phone that is your whole life while your paycheck is being deducted for shit because “attempting to remake Afghanistan into a modern nation” is not why we are paying taxes. That is not why we have payroll deductions. And yet, all we hear from so-called politicians is that we have no fucking money to help our own citizens who are sitting all up in tents trying to cure their typhus and hookworm. Seriously??!!! What.the.fuck.

“What did we get for this $1 trillion effort? Was it worth $1 trillion?” Jeffrey Eggers, a retired Navy SEAL and White House staffer for Bush and Obama, told government interviewers. He added, “After the killing of Osama bin Laden, I said that Osama was probably laughing in his watery grave considering how much we have spent on Afghanistan.”

Yeah! What did we get for over $1 trillion? And we cannot even believe the bullshit that the U.S. government put out about Osama bin Laden since I read that the man had long since died from kidney failure long before Seal Team 6 arrived on the scene. If Osama bin Laden was deep sixed, then I’ve got a bridge for sale in London.

Keep believing the bullshit! Keep buying the lies and you will continue to look around for somewhere to put up a tent and then find yourself locked up thanks to vagrancy laws being put on the books in every city in this fucking shithole because they got nothing but wars and wars and they don’t even have a clue why the fuck there is a war and what to do in a war or how to exit a war of choice. If veterans cannot even get housed and are dying on the streets, what the hell do you think is going to happen to the rest of us? But go right ahead with your head glued to that phone. I hope your tent comes with a USB port and some electricity. Otherwise, the jail has electricity, but you won’t get to keep your phone while you’re cooling your heels in there after having been swept up in a homeless tent city raid.

Meanwhile, your government has some more lies to tell you about why we are at war in Afghanistan and why U.S. troops are still over in Iraq. By all means, keep believing the shit they spout because you love being lied to.

And so I will leave you with a little poem I wrote for the wannabe soldiers.

War Is Always Such A Blessing!

War is always such a blessing
It never is distressing or depressing.
I know all too well that this is true.
War has been good for me and you.

You proudly give your lives up for the rich.
For us, life never is a bitch.
In a blaze of glory, you go out.
And really, that’s what it’s all about.

The drone operators are so brave
as they send little children to their grave.
Since the world has become our battleground,
the drums of war make a lovely, throbbing sound.

Teach your sons and your daughters about their duty.
And one day, when they are dead, we’ll make a movie.
It will honor their brave and noble deeds.
The wounded, we shall see to all their needs.

Through war, we bring peace unto this earth.
And though you break out in dubious peals of mirth,
the last laugh will always be on you,
for none of what is written is ever true.

When we put a lethal weapon in your hand,
and send you to die in a foreign land,
your life means nothing, you should know,
but you never give pause, you just go.

War is not only just a blessing,
to warmongers, it is also quite refreshing,
that you are so willingly prostituted,
and it’s all because you are just too stupid,
to understand that if it were not for you,
no drone could ever strike on cue!

Written by,
Shelby I. Courtland
©2015 Shelby I. Courtland

I don’t know why I wrote that poem because you useless, brain dead Amerikkkans will NEVER take what I wrote to heart! More’s the pity and I pity the world!


Michelle Obama Slanders Black Men in Her Book, Adds to the Obama Family’s Long Anti-Black Tradition Danny Haiphong, Black Agenda Report Contributor


Once again, Danny Haiphong, tells it like is.

Nowhere is this clearer than in the very words that have come out of the mouths of both members of the Obama “power couple.” At a recent speaking event at the Barclay’s Center in New York City, Michelle Obama had this to say about Barack Obama:

“I had never met a black dude like Barack Obama. Not only his background and where he had traveled and who his parents were and he was always very introspective and he had been a community organizer. I hadn’t met a Harvard black dude who had been a community organizer in neighborhoods on the far south side where most people in the firm didn’t know those neighborhoods, he had been all up in those neighborhoods and those churches. So he understood the community in a full way but he was not arrogant, he was humble. I also liked the way he treated others.” – Michelle Obama

Her father and her brother are both pieces of shit? So, she was finally impressed by meeting a Kenyan born asswipe whose mother was a pasty-assed parasite and whose father was a black-assed motherfucker from Kenya who traveled all over the place whereupon it has been reported that Barack Obama was born in Hawaii and since there are hardly any descendants of slaves born in Hawaii, this coonhead bitch sat up and took notice of what was to become a drone striking, warmongering, criminal piece of filthy, dirty shit?

Why doesn’t this bitch ask those whom her husband drone struck over in Yemen, Afghanistan, Syria, Pakistan, Libya and Somalia if they’ve “ever met a black dude like Barack Obama?” Because I am quite sure that the people who were introduced to drones by Obama did not get that “he was humble” as opposed to an arrogant, conceited, war criminal who should be behind bars for the war crimes that he has committed for the eight long years his criminal ass sat in the Oval Office.

Obama dropped 26,171 bombs in 2016. What a bloody end to Obama’s reign

 The US dropped nearly three bombs every hour, 24 hours a day. The Obama administration dropped at least 26,171 bombs. This means that every day last year, the US military blasted combatants or civilians overseas with 72 bombs; that’s three bombs every hour, 24 hours a day. 

While most of these air attacks were in Syria and Iraq, US bombs also rained down on people in Afghanistan, Libya, Yemen, Somalia and Pakistan. That’s seven majority-Muslim countries.

One bombing technique that President Obama championed is drone strikes. As drone-warrior-in-chief, he spread the use of drones outside the declared battlefields of Afghanistan and Iraq, mainly to Pakistan and Yemen. Obama authorized over 10 times more drone strikes than George W Bush, and automatically painted all males of military age in these regions as combatants, making them fair game for remote controlled killing.

That bitch, Michelle Obama, is lauding a murdering piece of filth that should not even be able to lay claim to having been the first Black president. He is not of ‘descendants of slaves’ and that is what should qualify him to be the first Black president and since he was not a ‘descendant of slaves’, then he was not the first Black president. That Afrisite, which is the product of an African and a pasty-assed parasite, does not have our slave heritage. There has been no first Black president. Just because whitey pasty ass says so, does not make it so and it ain’t so!

An old dog has trouble learning new tricks, especially if that dog is on the leash of the monopoly capitalist class. Michelle Obama continues to insult Black men because it is advantageous to the family. Barack and Michelle Obama are raking in hundreds of millions from books, speaking tours, and investments in gentrification in cities such as Chicago. When it comes to imperialism, it pays to be anti-Black. Ant-Black tirades are profitable, especially for a family currently building a post-Presidential fortune for diligently serving and directing the forces that incarcerate, murder, and impoverish Black Americans across the nation.

Descendants of slaves are actually buying this bitch’s book and lauding the hell out of it as though she is some sort of saint that walks on water. This bitch despises, loathes, hates and has nothing but contempt for descendants of slaves and they don’t even have the sense god gave a goat to see that. You fools will take up with the devil if he has a Black complexion. You fall for any and everything and why I waste my time on you ignorant assholes, I’ll never know because it really is a waste of time trying to get through to you and yet there are people out in the trenches daily trying to undo the shit you get yourselves caught up in because you are just too stupid for words. You will pick up what your enemy has put down before you because you cannot see anything beyond the color of the skin of the piece of filth that whitey pasty ass has placed before you to bamboozle your stupid ass!

The book this bitch put out is titled ‘Becoming….a white man’s warwhore and loving it’! That should be the goddamn title. And as for Barack Obama being humble? Seriously? She done got that fucking shit twisted! Obama is why we have Trump sitting somewhere racist and crazy as hell because people of ALL stripes took a chance and voted for what they thought would be change and look at what they got. People want to claim that whites did nothing to usher in Barack Obama, but that would be a lie because 13% of the population cannot a president, elect. Whites put aside their prejudices and voted for this pile of shit and when he spit in their face just as he did in ALL our faces, Trump is the result. Yes indeed, Michelle’s ‘humble, black dude’, fooled us all!


Behold, The Face Of Evil!

They picked him very carefully as all the world can see.
He’s easy on the eye and with a great personality.

Those who went before him set the stage for what would come.
He’s like a phantom in the night; we ask, “Where is he really from?”

Oh how little did we know, he’d bring destruction in his wake.
No Robin Hood he is, from the rich he does not take.

He’s a banker’s friend; a corporate tool who’s sent us spiraling down.
He hails from a gangster’s paradise in a city called, “chi-town.”

He’s led us straight to hell and he’s smiled the journey long.
We crashed upon the rocks as though he’d sung the siren’s song.

What’s left is barren land and the poor are all but dead.
Those who could not lose, put a bullet through their head.

The serfs are drudging painfully as they keep the rich afloat.
They’re scared to make a sound; they dare not rock the boat.

Their fate would be just like the rest; that’s not to be endured.
The Black man lent his face and the white man was assured,
that all would be as he declared; no detail left to chance.
The white man pulls the strings of the Black man in the manse.

Written by,

Shelby I. Courtland

©2013 Shelby I. Courtland

The white puppet masters pulled the strings behind the charming, smiling, engaging, false, fake-ass face of Barack Obama, a puppet bought with blood money. He was a willing tool for those who consider themselves to be the elite. They are nothing more than worthless scum; depraved, lying, greedy, deceitful crooks with no compassion or morality. They are why we are constantly at war. They are why people are working for poverty wages. They are why we have homeless, hungry and uninsured people in this world. The hopeless, sunken eyed, gaunt people of the world watch and they wait……and they die because billions of people, as far as the elite fucks are concerned, are expendable and don’t deserve to live. If you are reading this, then you are just as expendable to those nasty bastards as I am and they will soon make a believer out of you! Don’t think so? Wait for it and I feel that you will not have long to wait! But while you wait, go out and buy this bitch’s book and see if it will warm you on a cold winter’s night when you’re out on the streets because whites don’t have any use for you. You can’t play baseball, football, nor can you jump and play basketball. But call fucking Michelle Obama and see if she’ll help your ass out. Yeah, good luck with that! Attend her book signing and ask for her assistance, you’ll find yourself behind bars so fast, your head’ll be spinning. But she’ll be saying that she found a nice, warm spot for you to lay your fucking head, in jail!


Warmonger John McCain, Dead At 81, So Why Mourn?


And so another one bites the dust! But as usual, when a member of congress sticks his spoon in the wall, fake platitudes abound and it certainly speaks volumes when two other stomp down, flaming warmongers are to give McCain’s eulogy; George W. Bush and Barack Obama. And since the ICC (International Criminal Court) will know exactly where two warmongers will be, the court should send representatives to arrest both Bush and Obama for committing crimes of genocide, crimes against humanity, and war crimes. Both are guilty as hell of ALL of the aforementioned and since I am quite sure that McCain’s bitch, Lindsey (suck ass) Graham will be in attendance at warmonger, John McCain’s funeral, the ICC may as well swipe his ass up in the raid along with Bush and Obama. Get a 3-4-1 special.

I initiated a search on John McCain and here are some examples of what popped up:

Jimmy Carter: McCain a ‘warmonger’ | TheHill

John McCain, Rothschild Puppet, Zionist Warmonger

Warmonger Senator John McCain dies | 5Pillars

John McCain Dead At 81 — He Was A Globalist Warmonger …

8 Facts That Prove John McCain is an Unhinged Warmonger …

John McCain, warmonger | Fellowship of the Minds

Perennial Warmonger, Regime Change Operative John McCain …

John McCain, Warmonger – LewRockwell

Rand Paul: John McCain Is A Warmongering Killer

John McCain has finally gone to Hell – ANC Report

The Stains of John McCain: A Front Page Confidential

Seemorerocks: Warmonger, John McCain dies

Do NOT Let Them Make A Saint Of This Asshole – Caitlin

McCain Has Blood On His Hands | Zero Hedge

There are many more where those came from, but the point is that it is a well known fact that despite McCain having been a prisoner-of-war, it did not quench his thirst for war. In fact, it seems to have led to an unquenchable thirst for war especially since McCain advocated for war in Bosnia, Kosovo, Georgia, North Korea, Iraq, Afghanistan, Iran, Syria, Kuwait, Libya, Nigeria, and Mali.

The Paris attacks, for which the Islamic State (IS) has claimed responsibility, have changed the willingness of many Americans to support more US troops going to Iraq and Syria, Sen. John McCain (R) of Arizona argued Wednesday morning.

Senator McCain and his GOP colleague Sen. Lindsey Graham of South Carolina have called for 20,000 additional US troops to be sent – 10,000 to Iraq and 10,000 to Syria – to help wage war against IS.

“Before Paris, I’d probably think that we can’t get the numbers,” in terms of both support from the American people and subsequent votes by Congress, McCain said.

Of course, McCain’s sidekick and bitch, Lindsey Graham was never opposed to more troop deployment in regions the U.S. military had no logical reasons to set foot in which leads some to believe that many incidents of bombing in Paris and London and Mali and other places were false flag ops meant to stir up public opinion for more war against terrorists who were ‘vetted’ by John McCain and Co. against those ‘other’ terrorists, whomever they may be. You see, according to John McCain, there were moderate terrorists who could be ‘controlled’ and so America used those ‘gentleman’ terrorists to fuck up the terrorists that John McCain deemed, ‘extreme’. In his arrogance, he got to pick and choose which terrorists deserved the support and tax dollars of the American people.

Sen. John McCain (R-Ariz.) pressed for increasing aid to moderate rebel groups after meeting Syrian opposition leaders in Turkey Wednesday, warning that delays would “fuel the growing danger” to U.S. security.

McCain said pro-Western Syrian forces were fighting a “two-front war” against both Syrian strongman Bashar Assad and the Islamic State in Iraq and Syria (ISIS), a Sunni militant group that has captured huge swaths of both countries.

So, I guess in other words, there are ‘good’ terrorists and ‘bad’ terrorists and our ever so honest and above board politicians can always figure out which is which. Seriously? One thing I do know is that there is no honest politician. Have you read the latest on Donald Trump? Shining example. But I digress.

John McCain is being called a ‘patriot’, who had guts, was a maverick, was the last lion in the senate, was courageous, was a man of deep conviction, was never afraid to break the mold, a skilled, tough politician and that we should all thank God that men such as these have lived. Oh, this is just so nauseating especially if you read what follows.

GOP Sen. John McCain of Arizona admitted Friday that the Iraq War was a mistake.

“The principal reason for invading Iraq, that Saddam had WMD, was wrong,” McCain wrote in his new book. “The war, with its cost in lives and treasure and security, can’t be judged as anything other than a mistake, a very serious one, and I have to accept my share of the blame for it.”

McCain was one of the biggest supporters of the initial surge into Iraq in 2003 and was actually one of the first Republicans to get behind it.

“McCain was one of the first Republicans to get behind” U.S. troops being sent into Iraq; second only to Lindsey ‘suck ass’ Graham, I am sure!

So, there you have it; a tale of two McCains. One, a stalwart, defiant patriot of deep conviction and the other a flaming warmonger of the first degree who is collectively responsible for the deaths of millions of innocent people. He has their blood on his cold, dead, lifeless hands, but we are to forgive and forget because he suffered from a terminal illness and finally succumbed to it. That just wipes the slate clean, if you believe the lies of all the other warmongers who are decrying the end of an era, John McCain. The sad fact is that there are more just like McCain and they are just as blood thirsty, cruel and depraved as John McCain was. They are warmongers, just as he was a warmonger and no, I will not be a hypocrite and hope that this warmonger, who sent innocent millions to their death, turned many into refugees, rests in peace.

McCain does not get a free pass just because he passed. Some people do indeed, get whats coming to them and that is exactly what happened to McCain. He was no war hero. Hell! Other POWs called him “Songbird McCain” because he sang like a bird in order to get special treatment and McCain even admitted that he signed over information to the so-called enemy, much of which has been sealed. Go figure! And even after all that went down in Vietnam, McCain was still eager for America’s poor to continue to be sent over there because McCain was so sure that America could win in Vietnam. Too many had already died in vain and many of them were not even considered ‘human’ by America’s whites. But they died for this country and they were still viewed with repugnance because of their skin tone.

There was only one McCain; a warmonger who should have been convicted as such! And how he went, so too shall all the other warmongers who have the blood of the innocent on their hands.

“John McCain, may the flames of hell welcome you and may the maggots enjoy your pale, putrid, rotting flesh until there is nothing left but faint traces of the pungent odor of char!”

Walt Disney Told Our Story!



Black History Month is at an end
and Walt Disney told our story.
We learned about Wakanda
and Black Panther got the glory.

Wearing dashikis and head wraps,
we clapped and cheered for Wakanda;
that magical of all kingdoms,
it looks just like Uganda!

Now, Uganda is over in Africa,
and the poverty rate is high.
Healthcare is abysmal
and people with cholera, they still die.

The folks over in Somalia?
They ain’t looking so good.
Trump just bombed them again,
just like I knew he would.

But over by way of Ethiopia,
the folks there got a plight.
They ain’t eating at all.
And it ain’t about a hunger strike.

The African women of Liberia
have long been seen as slaves;
sex slaves to be exact
and that don’t get no praise.

What about over in Kenya?
They got educated folks
and still, some end up homeless
Look it up, this ain’t no hoax.

Now we come to Ghana,
is this a kingdom too?
It was once ruled by the British.
Does that give you a clue?

Libya is off the chain
and slavery is everywhere.
America and NATO
filled Libyans with despair.

But we celebrate Black History Month
with Black Panther to the rescue.
There’s a kingdom over in Africa,
where lives the privileged few.

Wakanda, is its name.
Its Black Panther leads the charge
against usurpers to the throne
within the kingdom or at large.

Vibranium is its weapon,
against enemies far and wide.
I bet real African nations
wish this kingdom was by their side.

Between fantasy and reality,
we choose fantasy every time.
and we’d rather pay Walt Disney
 our last hard-earned dime.

We don’t care about Liberia,
because that is just too real.
And we don’t live in Uganda
where cholera is a big deal.

We want to live in Wakanda,
fake as it can be.
But that is what we are,
fake people with a fake history.

This here ends Black History,
with many thanks to Walt Disney
who sat us down in Wakanda;
a kingdom; a magical fantasy.

Written by,
Shelby I. Courtland
©2018 Shelby I. Courtland

In my opinion, it is a shame that throughout this entire short month that has been set aside to showcase Black History, Walt Disney and Marvel COMICS took over the focus that should have been on REAL Black heroes and heroines who were on the front lines, battling  slavery, oppression, Jim Crow, segregation, voting rights, gentrification, mass unemployment, mass homelessness, a school-to-prison pipeline, mass incarceration, income inequality, substandard health care, cuts to education, inadequate housing, economic inequality, food insecurity, crime, violence, drugs, gangs, teen pregnancies and high homicide rates of Black youth in inner cities and the list is endless.

There was no focus on the above because Black people were so easily distracted into wearing African head wraps and dashikis because a movie was hyped about a fictional kingdom in Africa where there was untold wealth and a superhero to the rescue to protect his rich kingdom.

We would rather remain blind to the facts and to reality. We want, for two hours, to forget the realities we face because we need to be made to ‘feel good’ about belonging to some kingdom in Africa that isn’t even real. How pathetic is that? We want Walt Disney to hurry up and give us Part II of “Wakanda Forever” just in time for next Black History Month so that we can, again, focus on fantasy and not on our reality. How sad is that?

When have we ever lived a “Wakanda Forever” life here in AmeriKKKa? Do you seriously think that even with the links that I have provided in my poem, that the REAL Africa is anything at all like what Walt Disney would have you believe?

When you left the theater, did you see “Wakanda” when you stepped outside? Did you see “Wakanda” when you returned home? Did you see “Wakanda” when you checked out the local news where you live? Did you see “Black Panther” save any Black man, woman or child from being arrested or shot and killed by cops for playing in a park with a toy gun or for failing to use the proper turn signal or for selling loose, un-taxed cigarettes or for simply sleeping in their bed?

How did paying Walt Disney and Marvel Comics for the ‘pleasure’ of watching their distraction help you in any way? Did wearing your dashiki and African head wrap stop the police from pulling you over? Did wearing your dashiki and African head wrap stop your landlord from handing you an eviction notice because your neighborhood is about to be gentrified? Did the “Black Panther” swoop down and take you to “Wakanda Forever?” If you are reading this, Black man, woman, teenager(the few who can read), then the answer is “NO!”

Black History Month? Who needs it when we’ve got “Wakanda Forever!”

“Wakanda?” Forever!

“Thank you Walt Disney for supplying us with our REAL and TRUE History, THIS Black History Month! All hail Walt Disney!”

War, The Birth Of Death!

I was born old with the sounds of war
roaring through my head
and of scenes depicting
the fact that I am dead.

I am as old as war,
never to know peace
only sorrow, pain
and a cease fire that will not cease.

Brought forth in death
by man’s insatiable desire
to kill for profit and for pain
and war is my sire.

Though I may not have lines
or wrinkles on my forehead
nevertheless, I am old,
too old to live and so I die, instead.

War, the birth of death;
 for youth is drained and tired
but must fight to die;
as war’s bitter taste is acquired.

Written by,
Shelby I. Courtland
©2017 Shelby I. Courtland

And so it goes, our children are born but why? They are born, dead for their bodies are mere pawns in wars, moved here and there on the chessboard of war, driven to war by war hawks and warmongers whose children grow rich and fat off the sacrifices of our children who are bred for their wars. We willingly give our children to be adopted by the warmongers and then we host parades praising them for taking our children and making them dead and/or old beyond their years. The voices in their heads, never leaving them even if they leave the battlefield and if they come back to us, it is in name only, for they are already dead since war is the birth of death.

The Killings Will Not Cease!

pulse nightclub shooting

The Pulse beats no more.
Music died and faggots too.
What makes some happy.
Makes others blue.

He saw two men kissing.
And it drove him quite insane.
He took a gun, went to the club.
Oh, look at that big blood stain.

I’m not making fun of this,
for that would not be right
Although, I cannot help but think,
this really ain’t my fight!

They say this was a bloody day;
the bloodiest one in history.
Tell that to the dead in Iraq
since we brought them so much misery.

Oh America hates to reap what she sows.
And the killings will not cease.
You cannot spread hate, worldwide
and expect a reward of peace.

Steeped in Indian blood,
and the blood of slaves too.
A legacy born of hatred;
murder in AmeriKKKa is nothing new!

Written by,
Shelby I. Courtland
©2016 Shelby I. Courtland

I did not see this coming! This IS AmeriKKKa and since hate is fostered every single day, get used to this. AmeriKKKans are not better than the people of Iraq, Afghanistan, Yemen, Pakistan, Syria, Gaza, Libya and any other place that is being bombed thanks to our apathy and complacency towards people that have done us no wrong. AmeriKKKan ‘exceptionalism’ does not stop a bullet!

We have had how many mass shootings in just the last two years alone? And the Newtown CT folks are sending their thoughts and prayers to the relatives and friends of those who got shot up at the Pulse Nightclub. What for? What use are prayers? Apparently, those people at the club had not a prayer of a chance, even with SWAT on the scene.

And from what I understand, the situation was so tense, the police let people bleed out even with sophisticated equipment that is supposed to allow them to see through walls and find a suspect with a gun, but yet, hours went by while the perp was on the phone kicking the bobo. “Yeah, homey, what’s up with that shooting going on in there? Your boyfriend mad atcha or what?” Right! As soon as I put this donut down, I’ll get to dealing with you but for now, the hostages are on their own.”

Of course, once again, the champion of the ‘gay rights’ agenda has ordered that flags be lowered to half staff. Obama to the rescue! YAAAAAY! Black folks, did Obama order the flags to be lowered at half staff for those nine innocent Black people that got themselves shot up in church by an avowed white supremacist? Uh..nooooo! But those Newtown angels got the flag lowered and now those that went clubbing and got shot up, in their honor, the flags have been lowered to half staff. I sure hope, Black folks, that your AmeriKKKan flag is flying in the breeze today on flag day and be sure that it is at half staff. Obama insists!

I am certainly not adding worthless condolences or hypocritical words of sympathy because they are useless. Actions speak louder than words and sitting on our asses expressing tripe sentiments won’t stop this, nor will it bring the dead back. Ask the dead.

This was ‘just another fucking day in paradise’!

The Face Of Freedom Is Not A Soldier!

Master Sgt. Darryl Sterling, 332nd Expeditionary Logistics Readiness Squadron equipment manager, tosses unserviceable uniform items into a burn pit, March 10. The 332 ELRS has a central collection point that can be used by service members and Department of Defense civilians; unserviceable uniform items are burned. Sergeant Sterling is deployed from Luke Air Force Base, Ariz.

The face of freedom is not a soldier.
Freedom cannot be found inside a voting booth.
It is not about saluting the stars and stripes.
And we’ll never gain it by giving to war, our youth.

The price of war is way too high.
And I’m not speaking of missiles and drones
or Blackwater thugs on Halliburton’s payroll
but about what lies beneath the tomb of the unknowns.

Democracy can never be spread by war hawks and warmongers.
The children born to woman are sent to an early grave.
And men, though you play a role in the conception of a child,
many of you are too far gone and you have no soul to save.

Tell me, how many wars will it take to get to peace?
When will you learn that the end to wars begins with you?
How many times were you dropped on your head to get so stupid?
I wonder because it couldn’t have been just a few.

I hear tell that many are concerned about ‘burn pits’ in Iraq.
Why were you even there and why were you not concerned over those you killed?
You talk of karma and how it comes back to bite you on the ass.
Now that you have cancer and the VA said, “It’s you who’s getting billed,”
you want sympathy from me and you’re not going to get it
 because you chose to go to Iraq and satisfy your thirst for killing.
Pardon me while I spit on your grave because you are no loss.
And I wouldn’t pay a goddam penny for your care; not one shilling!

They said that you were a completely healthy specimen when you went to war.
I beg to differ. You were just a sick and twisted mercenary killing machine.
And now that you are six feet under thanks to being a warmonger’s whore,
on your tombstone, useless words tell the lie; “Here lies a brave marine!”

Written by,
Shelby I. Courtland
©2016 Shelby I. Courtland

A former half-marathoner who once jogged along the irrigation canals near his Albuquerque home, Sgt. Jessey Baca, a member of the New Mexico Air National Guard, no longer has the energy to wash his truck or tend his garden. He’s created a bucket list. His days, he said, “are numbered.”

But five times weekly, Baca dons his Air Force uniform and drives to Kirtland Air Force Base. That duty preserves his cherished link to national service. The diagnosis has forced him into light duty -– computer work. And that change, he admits, is “hard to accept” for a man who once lived “at 100 miles per hour.” Some mornings, he must will himself out of bed.

Like dozens of recent war veterans, Baca blames his fading body on combat time spent working, eating and sleeping near a huge, open-air “burn pit.” The U.S. military used such trenches throughout Iraq and Afghanistan to incinerate mounds of battle trash: Humvees, unexploded ordnance, rocket launchers, bloody gauze, body parts and more.

Ahhhhhhh, ain’t that a shame, what a goddamn shame that is! Sgt. Baca feels so damn ill that he has ‘created a bucket list’ and all because he was a sick and twisted mercenary killing machine who signed on the dotted line to kill or be killed and now that the so-called ‘burn pits’ are killing his ass, he is now real upset. He is not taking responsibility for what he set in motion; oh no, never that! He is going to lay the blame on some open-air ‘burn pits’ in Iraq and Afghanistan because it’s not like he was over there to kill people, he was there on vacation and those awful ‘burn pits’ were just a stinking up the place and causing biohazard situations and how is that on him? No! He was not on vacation, he was a hired killer; prostituting himself to the warmongers and his medical issues are indeed, on him. They are all on him, but Americans never accept responsibility for their actions. They can suit up and get shipped out to kill people, but when the shit hits the fan and comes back to bite them in the goddamn ass, it is so unfair; it is all so tragic and horrible and get the black crepe out and the violins to play a mournful tune because an American life is worth so much more than those that Americans kill. Well, let me disabuse you of that notion. Americans are some stinking ass useless, stupid shits filled, not with ‘exceptionalism’, but with an unquenchable thirst for blood; you’re nothing but a vicious pack of inhuman, barbaric and savage rejects from hell!

This shameless bastard has said not one goddamn word about the innocent people that he killed in Iraq, all over a lie; no that’s no problem. He is now sick and that is THE problem of the year! Hear ye! Hear ye! Sgt. Baca put his life on the line for the warmongers to grow ever more richer and we are to feel sorry for him because he killed, ate and slept near ‘a huge, open-air burn pit’ that was just spewing toxins into the atmosphere and that was just so goddamn wrong, it ain’t even funny. Hundreds of thousands of innocent Iraqi men, women and children were brutally tortured and murdered thanks in part to Sgt. Baca’s thirst for killing, but we are not to focus on the innocent Iraqi people and the people of Afghanistan who were needlessly killed, we are to feel so bad for Sgt. Baca because he can no longer drive his Humvee and launch his rockets against innocent people. He can no longer jog, wash his truck and tend his garden and getting out of bed is a drag. Well, ain’t that a bitch? That bitch is called ‘karma’ and is well deserved. And I bet that before this killer expires, he will never even think of the real reason why. He will never consider in a million years that it was his goddamn choice to go to Iraq and Afghanistan and whore himself out to the likes of George W. Bush, Dick Cheney, Colin Powell, Barack Obama, the corporate bigwigs at Lockheed Martin, Boeing and all the other makers of war machines; the war profiteers. He will never admit to himself that he made the choice to kill or be killed and that the blood of the innocent that he killed is on his filthy guilty hands. The blood of the innocent cries out for retribution and  it shall be delivered unto them, for no man can kill the innocent and not rue the day he did so.

Rest in peace, innocent people of Iraq and Afghanistan and Libya and Syria and Yemen because the worthless, twisted military whores that killed you are finally coming into their own; the chickens are coming home to roost and that ole karma is eating them from the inside out!

Obama To China, “Stop Construction In South China Sea Or……!”

shit stirring in South China Sea


Or what, Obama? What the fuck are YOU going to do if China does not stop construction in the South China Sea? What? Are you going to send the CIA/ISIS ‘moderate’ rebels that were ‘vetted’ by John ‘mad dog’ McCain over to China and fuck China up? Are you going to tell NATO to do to China what the U.S./NATO did to Libya? Are you going to declare war on China just as George W. ‘stupid’ Bush declared war on Iraq? Are you going to hype up some propaganda and outright lies against China just as Bush did with Iraq? Are you going to AGAIN, point out that China is a communist country and that her people have no rights? Newsfuckingflash! The U.S. is a goddamn communist country and the people of the U.S. have no goddamn rights! How many rights did Sandra Bland have? Have many rights did Eric Garner have? Have many rights did Renisha McBride have? Have many rights did Aiyana Jones have? Freddie Gray? Walter Scott? John Crawford? Michael Brown? But you want to tell China to stop construction in the South China Sea but how many goddamn times have you told the racist ass cops to back the fuck up off Black citizens and stop killing our ass? How many times did your former Department of Justice head, Eric Holder step up and go to bat for the Black people that are incarcerated on bullshit charges? And what’s the new coonface doing about the problem of Black mass incarceration? Oh, that’s right! What problem? There ain’t a goddamn problem, not in your motherfucking book. Because you’re looking out for the whites that make a killing off private prisons. How many of them are going to bankroll your ass when you leave the White House?

But hell! I digress! What are you going to do about the $1.23 trillion dollars of U.S. debt that China is holding? Crickets chirping over that one. That’s what I thought. So what now? Are you going to disconnect China’s internet service? Are you going to smack China’s General Secretary, Xi Jinping, with your glove and call him out? Choice of weapons at dawn? Are you going to turn the ships away from America that are filled to the brim with cheap Chinese junk? I didn’t fucking think so because there goes Wal-Mart’s, Targets, Kmart’s, Dollar Trees, Dollar Generals, Family Dollars, China Dollars, Bleed A Dollars sales. AGAIN! What are you going to do to the Chinese if they don’t stop construction in the South China Sea?

Oh, you can intimidate, bully and threaten Germany and France and Canada and almost all other countries and nations, but you sure as hell cannot browbeat China with useless ass threats. Just ask Russian president, Vladimir Putin. Yep, with your sanctions against Russia, you sure showed them. Not only did Russia give over when it came to the situation in Ukraine, but Russia has also turned Edward Snowden over to you, hasn’t he and the Russians aren’t over in Syria helping Syrian president, Bashar al-Assad fight your CIA trained ISIS ‘moderate’ rebel terrorists, are they? Yeah! Russia and China, Iran and North Korea are shaking in their boots and worrying what your mentally ill military whores are going to do if you had the balls to order ‘boots on the ground’ in China, Russia, Iran and North Korea! They’re all quaking in mortal terror because America is shit! Pure unadulterated shit!

You see, China and Russia are not just another Syria and Libya and Iraq and Afghanistan and Yemen and Pakistan. Oh no! You can’t just send in your CIA goons to pay off ‘moderate’ rebels, hand them some weapons and then all hell breaks loose. Yeah! That’s the standard norm for countries like Syria, Libya, Iraq and so forth and so on, but that shit is not going to work with China. No, you’ve got to put some serious thought into what you’re going to do if China refuses to listen to you and they’ve already told you to “Fuck off!”

Beijing said Wednesday US President Barack Obama should not get involved in disputes in the South China Sea, after he demanded an end to artificial island building in the hotly contested region.

“The United States should stop playing up the South China Sea issue, stop heightening tensions in the South China Sea and stop complicating disputes in the South China Sea,” Hong Lei, a foreign ministry spokesman, said at a regular press briefing in Beijing.

And this was in response to Obama’s insistence that China cease with the construction of islands in the South China Sea because according to President Benigno S. Aquino III of the Philippines, the South China Sea is disputed territory and even though the U.S. has a military base in the Philippines, that’s not a problem, but China had better not set up shop there.

My bad! Obama did show the Chinese that he meant business.

On Tuesday, he[Obama] announced $250 million in military contributions to several Asian nations to support their efforts to stand up to China.

“Yep, I am going to throw $250 million taxpayer dollars, I mean….contributions to you guys to encourage you to stand up to that really,really mean bully, China. They are such communists, while we are so democratic. We bomb countries for humanitarian reasons. Just ask Iraq, Libya, Syria, Yemen, Afghanistan, Pakistan and I am sure that I have left some sorry ass Middle Eastern country off the list. I would send in the CIA/ISIS guys, but I don’t think the Chinese would fall for THAT. And quite honestly, that is ALWAYS the script for bringing chaos, pandemonium and bedlam to the Middle East. You see, we’re the GOOD guys and never you doubt it! Just ask France! We’re why they just had that really big false-flag ISIS operation go down. The French are bombing the hell out of ISIS now! Soon, we’ll have everyone on board. Gee! This is great! Now if I can just get the entire Asia-Pacific region to go at it, we shall have worldwide chaos, pandemonium and bedlam. And actually, I belong in Bedlam just as soon as the ICC indicts me for war crimes and I get a commuted sentence and then with my connections, I’ll get to do a short stint in Bedlam, come out and make a mint on my speeches. Ain’t life grand?”


And I am to call that lying, hypocritical slithering, corrupt, slimy war criminal sleazebag “president?” Fuck that shit!



So What If The TPP Agreement Is NAFTA On Steroids?




no TPP




Just because American workers lost more than 700,000 jobs to Mexico thanks in part to NAFTA(North American Free Trade Agreement, a trade agreement between Canada, Mexico and the U.S.), is no guarantee that we will see more of the like with this new trade agreement that has been shrouded in transparent secrecy. Our government would never sell us down the river. Oh Damn! My bad! Since they sold my ancestors down the river, it is a sure bet that the rest of you guys can rest assured that they’d sell you down the river just as fast. But not to worry! The descendants of the ‘Africa-to-America’ Slave Trade are doing great! Just look at the statistics of cities like Detroit, Baltimore, New Orleans, Chicago-South Side, North Philadelphia, Camden, NJ, Compton, CA and the list just goes on and on and those living in those cities can bring us up to speed on the ‘drug trade’. See! So many different ‘trade’ agreements and here, we want to have a hissy fit over this TPP trade agreement. And I have not forgotten this next group.Those made homeless by the loss of jobs to Mexico, AGAIN thanks in part to NAFTA are still homeless and are willing to teach the rest of us the ins and outs of homelessness. The ‘homeless trade’ where those that once had jobs and homes lost them both and entered into a new trade agreement between the streets, the jails and gentrification. Those people are traded by city hall and developers(hell bent on gentrification) from the streets into ‘for-profit’ prisons. There is that pesky ‘trade’ thing again folks. But hark! Never put the homeless down for it is always nice to have friends in ‘low’ places for ‘just in case’ scenarios.

Americans are in an unrighteous uproar because they see the TPP as a really, really bad thing when quite honestly, it is not!

The Trans-Pacific Partnership, or TPP, is a free-trade pact being negotiated among 12 Pacific Rim countries. The TPP is an ambitious effort to shape a comprehensive agreement that would not only reduce tariffs and other barriers to open markets, but also establish leading-edge standards on a range of issues affecting trade and international competition. For instance, negotiators are working to set up rules on intellectual property rights, government procurement and the role of the state in private enterprise.

Free trade has been making the world go around since man first discovered that man could freely trade one country for another, could freely trade one country’s people for another, could trade one country’s resources for another. Although in all honesty, calling it ‘trade’ is quite a stretch when that trade involved trading the shores of the British Isles for a stolen ‘traded’ America. And then, we have the ‘slave trade’ which did not elicit much ire from those who prospered by it since most of the ‘founding fathers’ certainly did, not to mention, their progeny and as I look around, quite frankly, many people of a certain complexion are to this very day, prospering from the ‘slave trade’.

I wonder why it is such a bad thing when trade adversely affects a certain group as opposed to another. Hmmm…. Something else to ponder, I guess. It would seem to me that what comes around, goes around and it is not hardly enjoyed by those who were enjoying prosperity; not by their own sweat, blood and tears, but by that of others. When the shit comes home to roost, it is then time to get out the protest signs and protest the consequences of trade agreements only when those agreements could negatively impact me, myself and I. To hell with you! Now, this is about me and I denounce in every way, the vileness, the lack of transparency and the secrecy behind this new trade agreement called the Trans-Pacific Partnership because it is not in my best interest. No, not this particular trade agreement! To those of you who are products of the ‘slave trade’ “Too bad!” To the 45 or so Indians left in America, too bad, the English traded the shores of England for America and to those of you made homeless by NAFTA, too bad you are still homeless but now that this shit is about to be shoved up my ass, it is time to scream, protest and denounce THIS shit! We are SO selective in our outrage and so late to the party!

Welcome to the New World Order! “Obey your masters!,” said the slaveholder to his slaves and so it is written and so it shall be!

Would any American like to make a trade agreement with Iraq whereas you trade places with those who have been reduced to refugees thanks to America? Would any American like to make a trade agreement with Afghanistan whereas you trade places with those who have lost loved ones thanks in part to your sons killing theirs? Would any American like to make a trade agreement with Yemen whereas you trade places with those that cannot escape drone strikes paid for by American tax dollars and the people of Yemen can come here and drive your SUV to the mall while you dive for cover in Yemen? Would any American like to make a trade agreement with the people of Libya, a Libya that is on fire. Let them trade places with you so that they will know clear skies and have options and choices as opposed to bombs and militants and skirmishes and fires. Would you like to make a trade agreement with them, America? Go on over and ‘trade’ your lot for theirs! Where are your protest signs over the trade agreement of your tax dollars for bombs and drones to kill innocent people? But if there is about to come down the pike, a trade agreement that could ultimately impact your cushiony American lifestyle, why you, along with your protest sign is there! And don’t even pretend that it is not all about you and is in fact about how this will impact people of other countries because since when have you cared about them?