White Women’s March Planned For Martin Luther King Weekend Cancelled Due To A Lack Of Black Faces To Put On Display


Event organizers are claiming that a ‘lack of diversity’ has caused them to cancel a women’s march in the city of Eureka in Humboldt County in California that was to take place on January 19, 2019, a day that coincides with the holiday that supposedly honors Dr. Martin Luther King Jr.

A planned Women’s March in California has been by canceled by the organizers over fears about the lack of diversity from those taking part.

Apparently the organizers did not think it would look right to have only ‘white’ faces in attendance at an event so close to a holiday set aside to ‘honor’ a Black man who was assassinated because he believed that people of all complexions could live in harmony with one another which does not seem to be the case in Humboldt County since the Black population count stands at 1 percent. Nope, no diversity there. I guess they remembered just in time that in Dr. King’s “I Have A Dream” speech, he said,  ‘I have a dream that one day little black boys and girls will be holding hands with little white boys and girls.’

That ain’t happening in Humboldt County and that fact would be quite obvious when a bunch of white women took to marching through the city of Eureka for….hell if I know. Because what the hell are white women marching for? What rights do they lack? They are living the ‘good’ life in Humboldt County, free from having to rub shoulders with poor Black folks and so what need have they to take to the streets?

However, it should be quite well known that Dr. King helped launch the Poor Peoples Campaign which was meant to draw attention to the economic disadvantages of poor Black people in America, who despite taking up the white man’s ‘Christianity’, were still poor as hell then and are just as poor as hell today. Dr. King was brainwashed as well into believing in that Christian blue-eyed Jesus bullshit!

But now, along comes some rich white women, who, apparently, have to research history in order to figure out that it would not look good for them to parade their ‘white privilege’ around town with nary a Black face in the crowd to give their march for ‘whatever’, any credibility especially when it coincides with the holiday honoring a Black man who spoke out in defense of poor Black folks who were being economically disadvantaged and with Black History Month right around the corner, that was just not a good thing to do. Damn! Those white women just cannot win, can they?

However, some prospective event attendees were quite put out by the cancellation. So much so that they voiced their dismay on Facebook. Go figure! They’ve obviously not heard or maybe they just don’t care that Facebook has announced that their data is still being hacked. That’s all good!

“I was appalled to be honest,” Amy Sawyer Longwrote on Facebook. “I understand wanting a diverse group. However, we live in a predominantly white area…not to mention how is it beneficial to cancel? No matter the race people still want their voices heard.”

David Holper added: “I was really saddened to hear that the march won’t be happening this year. Isn’t there still time to reach out to minority groups and pull this together?”

Yes indeed, it is absolutely appalling that this event was cancelled due to the fact that Amerikkka is just as racist today as it was when Dr. King and crew were marching through the streets of this shithole attempting to showcase the plight of Black people who faced down high powered water hoses, were bitten by vicious dogs, were denied the right to vote, were denied the right to go inside any establishment and be served since Jim Crow was the law of the land(still is) and yet, whites are the ones who are appalled. Why am I not surprised? They still want their voices heard. Bitches, you are always somewhere with diarrhea of the damn mouth. You’re all over the news; both local and national. You’re on every talk show with your ‘view’ and still you feel that you are not being heard? Get the fuck outta here with that bullshit!

And David Holper wants to know, in this eleventh hour, if there is still time to reach out to minority groups and pull this thing together. Well ain’t that a bitch? “Quickly now, let’s find some minorities over in ‘Poorville County’, you know where they are, underneath bridges, sleeping in boxes and standing in line at the welfare office. Just go there and pay some a few dollars and they’ll be glad to walk with us for a few blocks in January. They’re already homeless and so what’s a little cold weather to them?”

Whites don’t give a damn for any other group on this godforsaken planet, but for some strange ass reason, they are somewhere attempting to get people to understand that they’ve got no fucking rights. You’re the only ones who have rights because you give them to yourselves while everyone else has to take a back seat and deal with your shit! And now, you’re whining because you can’t find some ‘minorities’ to back your shit up so that you can strut through town and show your ass as if you’re doing something worthwhile. Nothing you worthless pasty asses could do is worthwhile because you are worthless. You’re all wastes of skin. So sit the fuck down and shut the fuck up!

We don’t want to get bombarded with pictures of a march with you decked out in pink pussy hats looking stupid as hell protesting the likes of you! Because I know you’re not protesting Donald Trump because you voted him into office. And now two years in, what’s the use in you taking to the streets to protest what you put inside the White House? Trump is doing nothing to fuck up your damn day, but he sure as hell is doing plenty to fuck up ours. You’re the same shits that call the kkkops on us for doing not a goddamn thing wrong, but apparently, to you when Black people are barbecuing, selling bottled water, sitting in a hotel lobby, sitting in a Starbucks, taking a nap in a common area of a college dorm they’re paying tuition at, accidentally bumping into you in a store, doing their job of inspecting houses for fire codes, taking pictures of a house they intend to buy, that’s wrong and yet you expect Black people to march down the goddamn street with you? So that you can call the kkkops and say that a Black man or a Black woman or a Black child is marching down the street? Seriously?

Why White Women Keep Calling the Cops on Black People

In April, when a white woman called the police on two black men in a Philadelphia Starbucks, the video of the event went viral. The men were accused of not making a purchase and therefore trespassing. They did not damage property or assault anyone, but their lingering was enough to cause them to be ejected from the store. Most significantly, there was never a confrontation between these men and the woman who called the police.

In the following weeks, a white woman called the cops on a group of black people barbecuing in an Oakland park. Not long after, another white woman called the cops on a black girl selling water on the sidewalk in San Francisco. Because we were able to see these white women’s faces, their identities have been turned into memes and they’ve been given nicknames – BBQBecky and PermitPatty, respectively. The accused were not violent, but apparently they were seen as  disturbing the peace, whether it was through conducting business, enjoying themselves or simply being present.

But now you’re cancelling a march due to a lack of diversity and you racist bitches have the nerve to wonder why. Fuck you!

Africans Are To Blame For Why Slaves Were Brought To AmeriKKKa! Fuck THAT Shit!

stolen from Africa


Now, those who have followed this here blog of mine for some time, know that I  suffer fools gladly. I will and can shut your shit down if you bring it. And it was indeed, brung. Never mind, my use of the non-word ‘brung’. If others can make up words as they go along, then so can I which is partly my point. If I can make shit up, then so can others and they do indeed, make shit up. Regardless of what you think about the Trans-Atlantic Slave Trade and who was guilty of what…….what does and does not make sense must take precedence over any supposed ‘eye-witness’ accounts and some would have us believe that ‘eye-witnesses’ are still recounting their stories to this very day. Well, be that as it may, if it makes no sense to me, it ain’t getting believed.

Historians can spin the shit out of history just as they always do. They can have people believing that the victims are responsible for being victims and unfortunately, they can even make the seemingly intelligent believe their lies and other disingenuous shit. I have never been one to believe whatever someone else says. I don’t care how many times they say it, if it makes no sense to me, it never will. However, this one topic is extremely important to me and I will not condone the spread of baseless lies. I will not have history placing the blame where it does not belong.

There have been many tales about how the African tribal leaders sold other tribes to the Caucasian slavers that were there for the express purpose of looking for free labor to build up a country that had been stolen by them. Why are we then suppose to believe that these freeloading bastards would think twice about sailing to distant lands in the search for free labor since they had practically killed off the original inhabitants of this stolen land? It would be a serious stretch of the imagination to believe that these animals would by chance and happenstance, come upon another inhabited land and have no intention of stealing its inhabitants and force them into slavery to build a nation on stolen land. Once a thief, always a thief and the thieving continues. But we have supposed ‘Black’ people who are going along with this ridiculous shit!

And so, without further ado, I am posting the back-n-forth because just maybe, some people will see that even to this very day, the lies just keep coming and the tall tales get taller to the point where people make no sense at all and don’t even know it. I believe it is my duty and my responsibility to ‘clear shit up’! This crazy mess is a result of my previous post.

N.S. says:

All of Africa is not that poor. A certain Asian region- that has more people than the whole African continent- is the region with the most hungry people. Africa also has most of the world’s top 10 fastest growing economies for the past 10 years and many in the top 20.

I agree, if anyone has responsibility for what happens in Africa, it is the inhabitants. According to all indications, the Africans- who are a completely different people than we are, as even they repeatedly tell us and plenty of evidence supports this- have a much, much better ability to control their destiny than we do. The majority of the world’s resources, a relatively young population, representation internationally, etc. Outside countries, no matter how powerful, are not the real reason the continent is not in good shape.

The present condition of Africa is very frustrating. However, we “blacks” are really not in control of our own ultimate fates at present. We have plenty of celebrities as well as not famous blacks who give to them and sincerely try to help in other ways even though the Africans have always shown that we are not part of them and that they do not want us. We have done much more for them than anything we had to do.

Shelby Courtland responds:

“All of Africa is not that poor”

Hence, that is the reason why in my poem, I stated “When Africa is rich and this we all know!” I do realize that all of Africa is not poor, how could it be with the tremendous amount of natural resources that is in Africa?

” According to all indications,the Africans- who are a completely different people than we are, as even they repeatedly tell us and plenty of evidence supports this-”

Well, I am certainly not suggesting that we all can just sit down and join hands and sing “Kumbaya.” I wrote a poem on my feelings and thoughts of Africa and Africans can dislike us until the moon falls from the sky, but that is irrelevant. We are descendants of people who were dragged from Africa and there is no getting around that. Maybe, this is partly why ‘Black’ folks can’t get it together now is because we continue to look at one another and see differences as opposed to likenesses. We are all hated by every other group on this planet and we better recognize that. I don’t think that I would be shot on the spot if I chanced to visit Africa, just because I’m not a ‘true’ African. Of course we have differences because of where we were born and many of us have no idea of our genealogy.

Some descendants of slaves claim they can trace theirs, but seeing as how so many of our ancestors were sold up and down the river to different plantations, this could present a problem. I am not attempting to hone in on Africa as though she would welcome me with open arms as though I am a returning ‘native daughter’, I know that just as there are starving children here in America, there too, are starving children in Africa and yet, I feel that they are in a better position than we are to do something about that situation. I am not claiming to have all the answers, nor can I solve an entire continent’s issues with just a poem, but I do feel as though my having written a poem about my thoughts of Africa should not be torn apart, piece by piece and dissected. Take it for what it is; a heartfelt piece of poetry; nothing more, nothing less! And I did include in my poem, the fact that I thought that the Africans could and should be doing more for themselves than they are actually doing. I get sick and tired of Black folks in America who always go on and on about the kings and queens of Africa and how they were just THE shits and we should be proud of our African heritage when, if as you say, ‘they don’t really care about us’, then someone need tell them that because according to you, they’re delusional. If they(Africans) were so knowledgeable and such builders and militants, they should be in a better position than they are!

Thank you for your comment.

N.S. says:

No, I knew you were not trying to answer the question in your poem. I was mostly agreeing with you in my answer, including the fact that it was not all poor and that they were in a much better position to save themselves, and I did not intend to dissect your poem.

I agree that many, many groups hate us- but it us blacks who lost our identity, not the Africans. There is a strange intensity for us that was confusing. For the accepted theory of how we got here we all know that very large number of Africans kidnapped us and sold us to other peoples who took us all over the world. Not all tribes were involved but far too many were. These Africans have left us there for centuries and in some cases over a 1,000 years. They have never claimed any of us as their own and not one country of the dozens of countries or tribe wants us as a group. There is far more evidence on why they are different people and everyone over there is from a different ethnic group-not including those few of us who went to live in Africa-, but this comment would become too long. Still, many of us have gone above and beyond in protecting, giving, and advocating for the people on the continent, including you.

The whole situation with Africa is complicated.

Shelby Courtland responds:

N.S., just what is ‘our’ identity? I would love to know. Since I cannot ‘identify’ with the Africans and according to many, we cannot even ‘identify’ with each other here in AmeriKKKa, just who can we ‘identify’ with? Our aunts and uncles, cousins, nephews, sons and daughters? Because from where I sit, many ‘Black’ families are having problems ‘identifying with their immediate ‘family’, much less do we seem to have any staying power when it comes to looking out for each other. This is ALL due to how we came to be in America. I damn sure cannot ‘identify’ with the whites even though, many ‘Blacks’ seem to be hell bent on trying, what with lightening their skin, taming their tresses via processing, weaves and anything else they can find to slap up there and tame the naps. We have no ‘identity’ and that is why we attempt to emulate others so much.

I do understand that many people think that other groups are appropriating our culture and running with it, but when all is said and done, I don’t think that we are merely singers and dancers who have had our music and our moves stolen. We are a confused people and it is not without some basis. Regardless of whose fault it is as to why we are here, the Africans who YOU say sold other Africans into slavery or the slavers that bought them. And I have a problem with that because as many different dialects as there are in Africa, I have no idea how European slavers could understand the language enough to bargain with African chiefs for stolen tribes. It seems that you would have us believe that over tea and crumpets, the Africans bargained with the Europeans and the Spanish and others over who was to go and who was to stay. Why were the Europeans in Africa in the first place? Gun running? Empire building? Hiding out? I’m not trying to be facetious, but some things just don’t add up and though I know I’m not the sharpest tool in the shed, nor have I an extensive background on African studies, when something just doesn’t make sense to me, it just doesn’t. But be that as it may, this is all irrelevant seeing as how, we are here, they are there and neither seem to be coming out ahead, though we fare worse than the Africans, that is quite obvious. I’ll stop here because on this one, we shall just have to agree to disagree.

N.S. says:

I likewise agree to disagree likewise on our identity. Plenty of signs of our identity and culture are already there, but they have been hidden or need interpretation, and they are by no means related to just music and dancing. We will all know at the right time(and no, you won’t be in trouble, even though you don’t believe what I say about our identity at this moment, and anyone who says otherwise is lying), but for now, Black American or Black works for the great(one that is special like no other) and peculiar group of blacks in this country until we all know our name.

However, the non-European evidence for them selling us comes from their personal testimonies, some of which people I know have heard as well as what I heard myself(I heard one guy say in an informal, very casual setting that he didn’t feel guilty his ancestors had sold ours over here), other remarks which are on the Internet including YouTube, as well as formal acknowledgements by the leaders of Benin and Senegal and high ranking people from other countries in the Bight of Benin and West Africa of their role in the Trans-Atlantic slave trade. There is plenty of evidence of African help for the Arab Slave Trade on the other side of Africa. We were sold by enemy tribes. It would also be impossible for those whites to go into Africa, seize tens of millions of us in the vast territory(even just the coastal regions) of the then unfamiliar West Coast of Africa with their primitive weapons(including their guns, which were only a little better than useless during the trade), and transport us to the Americas with no help. Unless you believe in the black indigenous theory, it is hard to see where there can be any doubt that Africans played an important part in our coming over here.

Shelby Courtland responds:

“We will all know at the right time(and no, you won’t be in trouble, even though you don’t believe what I say about our identity at this moment, and anyone who says otherwise is lying), but for now, Black American or Black works for the great(one that is special like no other) and peculiar group of blacks in this country until we all know our name.”

Oh, for goodness sake! There YOU go, with some special Gawd on high just for us Black folks in AmeriKKKa. Are you serious? I have always admired you, right up to this point! “One that is special?” Well, we could sure use some ‘special’ treatment from ‘one who is special’ right about oh…say….400 years ago???!!!! If ‘one’ is so goddamn special, then where the hell is this ‘one so special’? Waiting on an epiphany? A bolt of lightning? A Big Mac attack? What?

And as for me being in any trouble? Posh, tish and piss on that! I don’t believe in any higher being, be it ‘Black special’ or ‘white special’. And I am quite shocked that YOU of all people is sitting somewhere waiting on the ‘rapture’ of some sorts that is especially for YOU…OH! OH! And other ‘Blacks’ in AmeriKKKa, of course…and even little ole me who must be teetering on the brink of being “in trouble” with this ‘one that is special’.

Alright, I’ll bite! “Oh, ‘one that is special’ please hear my plea! Where might ye be? We could sure use some intervention right about now to get the pink Caucasoid all up off our ass. Don’t you see them filling our asses with bullets? You don’t see our children getting sent from the classroom straight into a For Profit Prison? What the hell are you waiting on? Why can you not just open the doors of all the prisons in AmeriKKKa and free our innocent Black brothers and sisters? Not powerful enough to do that, eh? I didn’t think so! Okay! Okay! Maybe, I am asking for too much. So, I’ll tone it down a bit. How about you at least get the racist ass KKKops off our backs? Damn! Still too much for you? I fucking thought so!”

I tried N.S.! I really did, to believe in your ‘one so special’ but it just ain’t happening.

“However, the non-European evidence for them selling us comes from their personal testimonies, some of which people I know have heard as well as what I heard myself(I heard one guy say in an informal, very casual setting that he didn’t feel guilty his ancestors had sold ours over here”

You mean to say that there are people who are still around who are centuries old and who are sitting somewhere in a hut telling about their experiences of actually witnessing the African tribal leaders sell members of other tribes to the pink-assed motherfuckers that sailed to the African continent for the sole purpose of finding ‘slave’ labor to build up a shithole that had been stolen and when it was determined that the few remaining original inhabitants refused to build this shithole to the specifications of their captors, into boats these inhuman predatory beasts, jumped, whereupon, they landed in Africa and had, handed to them, some Black captives who then thanked the African tribal leaders, IN THEIR DIALECT, for these hardy souls and then set sail back to AmeriKKKa? Someone is actually sitting somewhere telling this very same story from their own eyewitness account? For real? Really? I BELIEVE!!!! Oh, yes I DON’T!

“We were sold by enemy tribes. It would also be impossible for those whites to go into Africa, seize tens of millions of us in the vast territory(even just the coastal regions) of the then unfamiliar West Coast of Africa with their primitive weapons(including their guns, which were only a little better than useless during the trade), and transport us to the Americas with no help.”

I’m going to have to ‘shoot’ this down!

“primitive weapons(including their guns”

Primitive weapons? A gun? No N.S.! A primitive weapon is a SPEAR! It is not a gun and the Caucasoid cocksuckers didn’t have primitive spears, they had the technology to fill those Africans full of bullet holes, the same holes that they are filling us with so that we look like Swiss cheese on a slab in the morgue, N.S.!!

Well, let me put it to you THIS way! What would the tribal leaders have done with the captives of other tribes IF the pink-assed Caucasoid hadn’t been around, just attempting to gain some free labor to build up a stolen country? What would they have done N.S.? If there had been no one around to give these captives to, what would have happened to them? You can spin the shit anyway you like, but it is people like you that get on my last goddamn nerve! You sit somewhere attempting to downplay the role of those pink-skinned rejects from hell by stating that it was the African tribal leaders fault that we got ourselves a big ole case of slavery in AmeriKKKa, bigotry, racism, prejudice, Jim Crow, hate groups; the whole goddamn nine yards and ain’t a motherfucking pink-assed piece of worthless filth, guilty as hell of crawling and slithering over to Africa with the express purpose of bringing back free labor to build up what has now descended into a shithole.

And I also suppose that it wasn’t the pink-assed Caucasoid that even rowed the slaves back to AmeriKKKa. I suppose that the African tribal leaders accomplished THAT also. Am I right, N.S.? According to your way of thinking, I would be right on time with this because we all know that the African tribal leaders also had the boats just a waiting to hand deliver their African captives to the Caucasoid cocksuckers! Oh yes, indeed! After a meal of tea and scones and tacos, it was sailing time!

You know, you really ought to take something for this shit you’re spewing out. So spew it out elsewhere! Don’t come in here and vomit all over my goddamn blog with this vile ass bile because by the time those pink-assed skin motherfuckers had gone over to Africa and drooled over all those Black bodies that they were going to get by hook or by crook, they had the technology to do exactly what they did do and not a goddamn African tribal chief could have stopped them! And you goddamn well know this!


Some of you are probably saying by now, “Why is this even relevant at this point in time because it is all water under the bridge.” Would that it were so because you see, because of these ‘events’, we are where we are in this point in time. Negro or Black people or whatever we are calling ourselves at any given time in history right up to today, we have no idea who we are. And I for one am beyond fed up and tired with Negro people going along with everything that some shithead with an agenda is spreading. Start thinking for yourselves and if it doesn’t make sense, then don’t try believing it. Even if you stand alone, take that stand because I would prefer to stand alone than to listen to lies and then run with them. We have it bad enough as it is and we feel bad enough about ourselves as it is without being made to feel worse by listening to and taking up lies as to how our ancestors arrived on the shores of AmeriKKKa. Will we ever get reparations for our forefathers and for us? Hell no! Because make no mistake, slave labor is continuing today. Don’t think so! Who is sitting inside a For Profit Prison turning out items to be sold in stores for corporations? Newsfuckingflash! It ain’t filled with pink assholes! It is filled with Blacks; Negroes!

So don’t buy the bullshit that African tribal leaders are responsible for why my permanent tanned ass is sitting somewhere looking cross-eyed in AmeriKKKa! They did not ask those goddamn pink-assed motherfuckers to row to the shores of Africa and they damn sure as hell did not row our ancestors to AmeriKKKa! That ain’t on them! I don’t give a damn what anybody says. And if it don’t make sense, and someone is coming at you with the same shit that was flung at me, shoot that shit down! Don’t let them have you believing all up and down on some straight up bullshit!

“Hark The Hypocrites Do Sing!”

hark the hypocrites


– sing to the tune of “Hark the Herald Angels Sing.”

Hark the hypocrites do sing!
Glory to the news they bring
Bombs on earth and missiles too
Aimed at me and aimed at you
Peace on earth is but a dream
Can’t you hear the people scream?
Watch the bombs light up the skies
Listen to the children’s cries
And the Christians doth proclaim
Christ was born and that’s so lame
There they sit with pants unzipped
I don’t want to see them stripped
Lambs aren’t in the manger fold
They are waiting to be sold
Lamb chops on the menu here
Wash them down with ice cold beer
Kiss your mother who is drunk
Daddy dear is in a funk
He didn’t get a penis pump
Where’s a cliff for him to jump?
Uncle Jack is in rehab
His herpes has formed a scab

Hark the hypocrites do sing
Glory to the new crack wing!
You will overdose again
When you do, just say, “Amen!”
We so love the holidays,
refugees are in a daze
Drones have struck the innocent
Brag about the cash you’ve spent
Christmas comes but once a year
Hark the hypocrites, you hear!
Glory to the bottom line.
Now throw out this dead ole pine
Bring me whiskey on the rocks
Time to ride some big ole cocks
Hark the hypocrites do sing!
Glory to your fake ass king!

Written by,

Shelby I. Courtland

©2015 Shelby I. Courtland

And if you didn’t know, I’ll be more than happy to clue you in. Your fake ass king is M-O-N-E-Y!

I am SO in the Christmas spirit this year, I just cannot help myself. Bombs are being dropped in distant lands. Drones are killing innocent people. But for one day, we will put all of that aside. We will, for one day, express our love for our family and friends and associates. We will gift them all that credit cards can buy. This is how we show our devotion and love; with gifts. We don’t show our love by worrying about the conditions of third-world sweatshops and the people who ‘slave’ in them. We don’t care that people are suffering so bad, that they would rather commit suicide than continue on. We carelessly head to the mall and shop until we drop; shoving that piece of plastic across the counter and out the door, we go. But we are so thoughtful and kind and decent. We then head to the supermarket and thoughtlessly pick the choicest piece of butchered cow or pig or lamb and we get someone to cook that up for us; rare, medium rare or well done. Stock the liquor cabinet. Are all the mixers shelved and ready? Oh look at the beautiful tree. It was beautiful when it was in its natural state, but now, it has been chopped and kept ‘green’ by some polluted ass faucet water; that is until this is all over and then, “Throw it away!”

In all actuality, this planet should “Throw us away!” I wish to hell it would. With our fake ass moaning over climate change; we cut down more trees to have signs printed calling for climate change reform when we are instrumental in the death of this planet by the cutting down of more and more trees for those very signs. Sigh! The ‘human’ race is a disgrace to this planet and to the innocent animals that occupy it and who are at the mercy of the merciless. How can we claim to be merciful when we are shedding tears because our father or brother or sister is overseas, suited up in military gear ready to kill someone they don’t even know and for what? Room and board? Some food stamps? Glory? Honor? One thing I can say is that we cannot lose honor because we never had any to begin with. Now, we’re all just meaningless filth; pretending to be do-gooders and concerned creatures. Shove it! Your so-called ‘loved one’ would not be in Iraq or Afghanistan or Syria if we did not have that killer instinct that drives us. Love does not drive us for if it did, we would not condone the killing of others and claim that it is honorable. What the fuck are YOU celebrating this Christmas? Especially those of you who go on and on about ‘climate change’. Those of you who go on and on about the untold miseries that other people are dealing with while you go on and on about how wonderful and kind you are that you hashtagged some solidarity with the ‘unfortunates’. You did your part when you displayed some colors in a flag over your Facebook photo. Oh wow! Now shit yourself because you did GOOD!

Maybe I am Miss goddamn humbug! But at least, I am honest about the fact that I am just another worthless so-called ‘human’. But one thing about me, I’m NO hypocrite! So, enjoy your ‘holiday’. And I sincerely hope that that pig you’ll eat, deposits itself on your ass!

Your Ass Is Too Good For That Rag!

american flag toilet paper

Black girl, you have known such brutality
from the slave fields to Jim Crow.
And yet they expect you to celebrate
what for you has been a hard row to hoe.

You are to get out that great American flag
and watch it wave over land you have tilled.
You have watched your mother and your father
work harder because they were unskilled.

Sit outside and watch the fireworks display.
Put a couple of hot dogs on the grill.
Don’t forget to eat some apple pie
and then head for the baseball field.

Forget about all the horrors
that this nation has heaped upon you.
Don’t think of all the innocent people
who were killed by this red, white and blue.

Remember what this nation stands for.
And that brutality is sown in the flag.
They have watered down the truth of its history.
 And your ass is too good for that rag!

Written by,
Shelby I. Courtland
©2015 Shelby I. Courtland

All Hail, The Mighty Supremes!

supreme court justices



The Supreme Court has blocked Obama administration rules designed to sharply limit the hazardous air pollutants that spew from the nation’s power plants.

The justices by a 5-4 vote agreed with the coal industry and Republican-led states that said the forced cutbacks were too costly and could lead to power outages.

Justice Antonin Scalia, speaking for the majority, said it was not reasonable for the Environmental Protection Agency to proceed with the new rules without weighing their cost, estimated to be about $9.6 billion a year.


So, let me get this straight, we can only have clean air, water and food if it is cost-effective to do so and if it is not cost-effective, then to hell with clean air, water and food. We are certainly in good hands thanks to those ever so environmental-friendly Supreme Court justices. The planet which sustains life is being destroyed as are we because it is not cost-effective to reduce the pollution that is killing the planet and all living things on it. This leads me to ask a question. When will someone figure out that the Supreme Court justices should be locked up in a psychiatric hospital? I ask this because it is extremely clear to me that they are insane and what is equally clear is that they are receiving bribes and kickbacks from the coal industry and every other polluting industry and that this in turn has rendered the Environmental Protection Agency, impotent. There is to be no protection of the environment because to hell with the environment, only bulging pockets should be protected. I suppose the Supreme Court justices all live in a bubble and do not breathe the same air that we do, they must not eat the same foods that we do, nor drink the same water that we do since it is quite apparent, that they are not at all concerned about what goes in their pie hole and up their goddamn nose. Let us all celebrate our imminent demise.


And speaking of imminent demise, the Supreme Court also decided that those who are on death row can just writhe in agony as they are put to death thanks to their support of a drug that has been known to have no efficacy in controlling pain during surgery and cannot be used, but this drug is acceptable to be used on those who are cooling their heels on death row when the time comes for them to be put to death because killing people always solves everything. It brings ‘closure’ to the victim’s family, I suppose. There is no ‘closure’ more final than death, but to take a life for a life could never make it right. State-sanctioned killing should be as unacceptable just as if I walked up and killed my neighbor.

The conservative majority ruled that to prohibit the use of midazolam, a sedative that has left some death row prisoners seemingly able to feel pain from the next two drugs in a three-drug cocktail, would have unfairly tied the states’ hands.

Justice Samuel Alito wrote the 5-4 decision for the argumentative court. All four liberal justices dissented vehemently; two said capital punishment is probably unconstitutional and urged the court to consider a broad challenge in the future.

WOW! Two Supreme Court justices stated that ‘capital punishment is probably unconstitutional’ but the law of the land still calls for capital punishment by means of a drug that doesn’t even work. The Supreme Court is on a roll, indeed.

And so we come to the greatest ruling of all, same-sex marriage; now the law of the land. Get out the banners, march in the parades and line up at city hall or whatever church will have you and join in ‘wholly’ matrimony. Those of you who are celebrating same-sex marriage, don’t breathe too heavily a sigh of relief because the air is filled with toxins, thanks in part to those same Supreme Court justices that granted you the right to marry also deemed it too expensive to keep you healthy, while allowing death row inmates to writhe in agony. Enjoy your time with each other while you can for death creeps ever closer and if by some chance, your love fades for your lover, try to desist from killing him/her, especially in a state that still allows for the death penalty because again, the same Supreme Court justices that granted you permission to marry also maintains that there does not have to be put in place, a way to send you off to your reward, humanely.

In Arlington County, Virginia, Public Profanity Will Cost You $250

fuck you1

Now, does it really look like I give a good goddamn for your public profanity misdemeanor bullshit? If you are still unsure, you fucking assholes, archive this blog to your motherfucking heart’s content and then get a goddamn big ass clue, you goddamn bastards!

This is exactly why I got the fuck out of Virginia, I would have been charged with some goddamn bullshit nonsense. Now, they are fucking regulating our speech, but fuck what the hell our goddamn so-called congressional representatives and fucking step-and-fetch Obama are doing to people all across the globe; bombing them, drone striking wedding parties in Yemen, torturing people in secret CIA facilities in who knows how many other countries, but they want to fine me for using profanity. What the fuck? Are we to walk around like we’re in some goddamn ‘Stepford Wives’ movie or ‘Invasion of the Body snatchers’? To hell with that shit! I am sick to pieces of every time I turn around, some bullshit nonsense is all up in our face when TPTB get away with torture, murder, illegal detention, war crimes, illegal wars of aggression, toppling democratically elected leaders of other countries and nothing is said about that, but let me fucking cuss and I’ve got the long arm of the law coming down on me for some bullshit! Again I say, “FUCK YOU!” ‘Virginia is for lovers’ my goddamn ass! Go to hell Virginia and take that shit in DC along with you, you fucked up motherfuckers! Now, fucking fine me, you no good bitches!

Wal-Mart’s Shit Is Backed UP!


Wal-Mart has flung so much shit at customers and employees that when both threw the shit back at Wal-Mart, the piles of shit and bullshit caused massive plumbing problems that were felt in Wal-Mart stores from California, Texas, Oklahoma and as far away as Florida and the shit abruptly closed five Wal-Mart stores.

Employees were notified via a shitty letter from Wal-Mart’s corporate office that the stores were too knee-deep in bullshit and shit to remain open. Employees are aghast, not only over the stench but over the fact that Wal-Mart may in fact be lying as to why the shit hit the fan resulting in closed stores. Employees should know that ‘corporations NEVER lie! They just ‘shy’ away from the truth. It is not the same thing. *wink* *wink*


Word on the street is that Wal-Mart employees have been staging sit-ins for a living wage and that Wal-Mart’s official word is, “To hell with THAT shit!” “Close the goddamn stores and hang a ‘toilet is out-of-order sign on the goddamn door, NOW!” Something stinky this way comes. I suspect foul play because when the shit hits the fan, everybody should know to duck!


Employees of Wal-Mart lined up at Motel 12 to await further instructions from Wal-Mart management on the plight of the plumbing unknown bottom line corporate profits problems. Wal-Mart has assured all 4 full-time employees that they will be transferred to other Wal-Mart stores in Bangladesh and Madagascar. They must, however, pay their own travel costs and other expenses related to relocation. Thousands of part-time employees are on their own. Never has this much shit been known to close 5 stores in 4 states. Simultaneous massive plumbing problems of this magnitude are off the Richter scale! Even California is shocked and they are used to shitshock waves!


Seriously? How in the hell does Wal-Mart get away with closing 5 stores, simultaneously in 4 states and state that it is due to plumbing problems? According to reports, there have been no requests for permits for plumbing issues at any of the 5 closed Wal-Mart stores. The stores will be closed for at least 6 months. Also, at least, 2,200 workers are affected by the closures and at the Pico Rivera, CA Wal-Mart; the employees had staged a Black Friday protest over wages. And let us not forget that this was not such a jolly season for retail stores and they have been reeling ever since despite the bull roaring on Wall Street as we all know that that is just a magic act of smoke and mirrors and no substance.


Was it only a couple of months ago that Radio Shack filed for bankruptcy and most of those stores will close? JC Penny is barely holding on as is Sears and Kmart. I cannot wait to see how the government is going to skew the employment figures in the coming months and how economists are going to downplay Wal-Mart’s bullshit plumbing problems. Plumbing problems, my ass and pun intended!

“In Midland, Texas, where another store was closed, a plumbing inspector was turned away when he visited the store and offered to help secure construction permits.”

Does that sound like Wal-Mart has a ‘plumbing’ problem?














We Turn A Blind Eye!



Drones strike nearby

Innocent children die

Widowed mothers cry

Missiles cross the sky

Our bloodlust, we satisfy

Treaties, we nullify

Israel, we gratify

Torture, we justify

The truth, we classify

Countries, we occupy

The innocent, we vilify

Murder, we glorify

The media prints the lie

Their bullshit, we gladly buy

The world, we terrify

We don’t question, “Why?”

Silently, we comply

We’ll eat our apple pie

on the fourth of this July

and drink and just get high

since freedom does not apply

And justice has no ally

We turn a blind eye

to the horrors,  we can’t deny.

Written by,

Shelby I. Courtland

©2015 Shelby I. Courtland

Recognize yourself in this one? I am sure you do! Now, you can look away from the truth of this one if you want, but the shoe fits and you are wearing it; stupid, clueless Americans! And while I am at it, let me disabuse you of the notion that there is anything, ANYTHING at all exceptional about you, ’cause there ain’t! I do realize that since there is nothing but air in the space between your ears, you’re finding this hard to absorb. Let me make it more clear for you. You are a stupid, useless fuck! You think the world revolves around you because you are an American. Newsfuckingflash, it SO doesn’t and you are simply a piece of shit that just refuses to get flushed down the goddamn toilet despite my many attempts to flush the lot of you, down! You ain’t getting flushed for lack of my trying and that is for damn sure!


Obama, You Hypocritical Bastard….!

lying bastard

…how the hell can you stand there with a straight face and declare that Venezuela is a national security threat? A national security threat? Venezuela? Are you shitting me? For fucks sake, this shit gets more ludicrous by the goddamn second! The goddamn White House had this to say,

“Venezuelan officials past and present who violate the human rights of Venezuelan citizens and engage in acts of public corruption will not be welcome here, and we now have the tools to block their assets and their use of U.S. financial systems,” the White House said in a statement.”

Venezuela is violating the human rights of THEIR citizens???!!! …AND the Venezuelan government is corrupt? Oh really??!! For real??!! The United States is violating the human rights of its citizens and you, you piece of filthy ass shit ain’t doing a goddamn thing about it or even posturing over the fact that human rights abuses abound in this shithole called America. And what government body could be more corrupt than the shits that take bribes and kickbacks from the ‘corporations are people’ corporations? Here is a list of American state and local politicians convicted of crimes, but this piece of shit is pointing the finger at Venezuela? For the love of ……!!!

And speaking of human rights abuses, my Black ass cannot even stand on a goddamn street in New York city and sell some loose, untaxed cigarettes without getting choked to death! That is not only a human rights abuse, that is motherfucking outright murder! And the fucks that committed that murder, walk around, free as a goddamn bird.

A 12-year old child by the name of Tamir Rice was gunned down in a park by filth in blue for playing with a toy gun and he is to blame for his own death and THAT is not a human rights abuse, not to mention, once again, goddamn out and out murder.

A mentally ill Black woman got her faced bashed in and beaten all about the body in California for having the goddamn gall to walk down the highway and what happened to her is not considered, a human rights abuse?

Let me set the record straight. What are human rights? Human rights are rights which you are entitled by virtue of being human but apparently, many of us who are American citizens are not considered, human and for that matter, neither are many other people that are held in secret U.S. prisons all across this planet, be they American citizens or otherwise.

Also this article states that the U.N. holds U.S. Accountable for Human Rights Violations At Home and Abroad but what I would like to know is, how so? Because in the article:

“The committee condemned the United States’ lack of accountability for disappearance, torture, and unlawful killings of terrorism suspects, and its failure to apply the ICCPR to international operations. In addition, the committee denounced racial disparities in law enforcement that have led to the incarceration of a disproportionate number of minorities (particularly Blacks and Latinos), effectively denying them basic human rights throughout the criminal justice process. This includes severe sentencing such as the death penalty and life without parole for juveniles; improper use of solitary confinement; and denial of civil rights following incarceration (most notably, the right to vote).”

Again, how is the U.N. holding the U.S. accountable for its human rights abuses since not a goddamn thing has changed? The U.S. is busily abusing our human right to privacy at this very minute by recording my motherfucking key strokes and listening in on my phone calls and having the ability, if they don’t like what they see or hear, to have my ass drone struck at any given moment without benefit of counsel or trial. So what the fuck difference did it make for the U.N. to even bother condemning this shithole for human rights abuses when this shithole is GOD to the goddamn world by virtue of its military?

This GOD called America can determine that Venezuela is abusing human rights when this shithole has not one goddamn human rights leg to stand on because they’ve all collapsed in a heap and been shoveled into a goddamn hot ass furnace, burned the fuck up and the ashes as was the case with Osama bin Laden was thrown into the goddamn Ocean, never to be seen or heard from again! Damn it all to hell! The blatant, outrageous hypocrisy of the shits at the helm of this lopsided, sinking, stinking shithole barge, knows no bounds! How the hell do they come off looking askance at another country’s perceived human rights abuses when this shithole is mired in human rights abuses and is damn fucking proud of it? Just ask Dick Cheney who is so fucking proud of the fact that innocent people were tortured to death, so proud to the point that he would do it all again in someone else’s heartbeat! Now if that don’t beat all? Why that heart that he stole from someone that was most likely cooling their heels in a U.S. prison, refuses to beat in his filthy ass chest is a mystery to me! Because if it was my heart that they had given to that depraved, blood thirsty, demonic bastard, it would have leaped up off the goddamn table and fled the goddamn building and thrown itself in front of a motherfucking bus so as not to get set inside that filthy bastard’s nasty ass chest! Meanwhile, Chelsea Manning is rotting in prison for exposing torture, war crimes, lies and hypocrisy, otherwise known as human rights abuses while Edward Snowden is in exile for exposing human rights abuses in the form of the U.S. government spying on us all as if we are all, enemies of the State. If that don’t take the goddamn cake!

The United States reigns supreme in human rights abuses and that is why China has told this shithole to “Fuck off!” when chastising them over their human rights abuses and so have other countries over this ‘pot calling the kettle, black’!

Is the U.N. going to recommend that the U.S. sanction its damn self over its human rights abuses? Fuck no because everybody is goddamn terrified of the U.S. and with good reason, with the exception of Russia’s Vladimir Putin who even condemned this shithole for the human rights abuses perpetrated on the Ferguson protesters when they protested the murder of Michael Brown by a racist ass cop. China had this to say, “It’s ironic that the U.S., with its brutal manner of assimilating minorities, never ceases to accuse China and countries like it of violating the rights of minorities,” and Russia had this to say, “Russia’s Foreign Ministry said in a statement last week that the United States needs to clean its own house if it wants to call itself a “bastion of human rights” that “declares its own ‘exceptionalism.’ ”

“I would like to advise the American leaders to pay more attention to restoring order in their country before imposing its dubious experience on other states,” the Foreign Ministry said.”

But now the shits that run this shithole are pointing the human rights abuse finger at Venezuela and getting out the “SIGH”….sanctions book AGAIN! Who the fuck hasn’t been, is being or will be sanctioned by this hypocritical shithole? Cuba has been sanctioned as has Iran, Iraq, Russia, Burma, North Korea, Côte d’Ivoire and now, Venezuela.

AGAIN, I say, “WORLD!!!” Get your act together! Get up off your ass and blow this shithole to hell! Send your goddamn secret messages by carrier pigeon if you have to in order to elude the goddamn NSA, CIA, FBI and all the rest of the spying eyes over here and carry this thing through to end the reign of this shithole and blow Great Britain’s ass to kingdom come along with it because the two go hand in hand. Cut your losses already and get with the program that this shit is never going to let up off your ass and the hypocrisy is overwhelmingly all up in your face. It is undeniable and they lie and don’t even blink!

WORLD, you’ve got three choices! Expect to kneel and continue to kowtow to this sick ass twisted shit here in America and in Great Britain or get sanctioned to pieces and then have drones and other missiles raining down on your heads or plot together and destroy this shit, once and for all! My continued hope is for the latter! Do yourselves and US, a goddamn favor! Blow it the hell up!!

Swallow It Down Whole!


Oh damn! You used to ‘follow’ me,
and now I’ve pissed you off.
Come on back in here.
Bend over, no need to cough.

I kicked your ass right out the door,
it wasn’t hard to do.
When I tell the truth, it hurts.
But then, that’s nothing new.

Swallow it down whole,
as I give it to you good.
I don’t beat around the bush,
but I bet you wish I would.

I am never one to place nice.
That is simply not my style.
Bullshit don’t stand a chance,
not here in this domicile.

Written by,
Shelby I. Courtland
©2015 Shelby I. Courtland