Black Women, We Have NO Black Men!

Black Women, We Have No Black Men



On the loneliest road on earth,
is where you will find a Black woman,
for she must stand alone
since no Black man, can she summon.

Black women, don’t settle for less.
Never doubt the truth of your worth.
Don’t cape for a punk ass bitch
even for the ones to which you gave birth.

You see, they will turn on you
and never think anything of it.
You’re always taken for granted.
And you put up with too much shit.

Don’t be played for nobody’s fool.
You are worth more than you know.
If we turn our backs on Black men,
What they reap, so shall they sow.

If Becky is what they want,
then let them have that filthy white bitch.
But don’t you give them the satisfaction
of thinking you’re bothered when they scratch that itch.

Becky will never care about them.
That Black dick is all she is after.
But when the cops send him to hell,
Becky and the cops will share in their laughter.

And so Black women, don’t you protest.
Don’t you scream and wail or moan.
That Black man got just what was coming.
What he did was for him to atone.

You don’t owe a Black man your life.
Let him cape for his goddamn self.
You stand up for you.
Only for you, take your cape off the shelf.

Let him say that we’re being divided
and that it’s because we don’t understand;
that it’s hard being a Black man,
who was born in a hostile land.

That Black fool’s been dropped on his head
because we too, are in a hostile land.
And so Black women, we have no Black men,
not with us, when with Becky, they stand.


Written by,

Shelby I. Courtland

©2020 Shelby I. Courtland

This poem for ALL the Black women who have ever been abused by Black men and yet will still head to the front of every protest line and cape for those assholes who don’t appreciate what we do.

These are just a sample of the Black motherfuckers that we have caped for and who dropped our asses for our sworn enemy. Keep this shit in mind the next time you feel the urge to go out and screech and wail and moan over a piece of shit that doesn’t even want to mess with you because IT thinks ‘Becky’ is something to strive for; a pasty assed parasite!

George Floyd gets the dubious distinction of being first up!


Yep, George Floyd just ‘loved’ him some ‘Becky’. Another picture of George Floyd’s ‘Becky’.

And another one!



But who is out on the streets, en masse, caping for his ass? Black women were and still are!


Next, we come to the key witness in the Botham Shem Jean murder case who got himself murdered and we took the streets on behalf of this ‘Becky’ loving, dead, punk ass bitch! This next picture features Joshua Brown, marrying his French ‘Becky’.

Joshua Brown with his alleged French wife. Looks like a wedding ceremony to me.


And another picture of Joshua Brown’s ‘Becky’!


She was deported back to France despite allegedly being married to Joshua Brown. I guess she got caught up in Trump’s immigration net.


And don’t forget Botham Shem Jean, who was from St. Lucia and yet, we still went to bat for him. But this is who he wanted around him, a string of ‘Beckys’.


This is what should be weeping, moaning, pissing, whining and protesting over Botham Shem Jean’s death since this was his preference in life. Do they want him now that he’s worm food? I’m SO over this, it ain’t even funny!


Botham Shem Jean no more deserved our support than Joshua Brown or George Floyd!

We now know that Botham Shem Jean’s loyalties were not with Black folks. Shall I continue?


Now I could continue in this vein, but my point should be well proven. Black women, if you want to go to bat for someone, go to bat for another Black woman because make no mistake, Black men can’t get enough of ‘Becky’. Hell! Black men can’t even get enough of ‘Karen’ because when Christian Cooper had the cops called on him in New York by ‘Karen‘, he got pissed off that ‘Karen’ received ‘death threats’ even though it is quite shocking that when the cops showed up, they did not not shoot his Black ass on the spot since ‘Karen’ told 911 dispatch that an “African-American man was assaulting her,” when no one was assaulting that lying bitch at all.

So yeah! Let these bitches cape for Black men when they get fucked up by their male counterparts because as for me, I’m done, stick a goddamn fork in me, I am SO done!

That is some straight up bullshit! White women are NOT in this with Black women and for them to pretend otherwise would be a lie!

That’s what Black men want and as far as I am concerned, they are welcome to them! Black men, your ass is grass!


Kimberly Jones x “How Can We Win” — Product Of Society


“On Saturday May 30th filmmaker and photographer David Jones of David Jones Media felt compelled to go out and serve the community in some way. He decided to use his art to try and explain the events that were currently impacting our lives. On day two, Sunday the 31st, he activated his dear friend author […]

via Kimberly Jones x “How Can We Win” — Product Of Society

The lady in this video is on point! I cannot find fault with ANYTHING she is saying, nor can I add anything. I’ll let her take it away……….

So We’re At Our Tipping Point, But…What About Tawana Brawley? #saytheirnametoo — Whispers of a Womanist

I wish it were true; that the waves of white supremacy came crashing down in the weeks before summer 2020. But I know that the coming weeks, months, and years to come will reference this moment to counter pro-black and “separatist” agendas that seek to actualize the change so many pursue hollowly. In the contemporary […]

via So We’re At Our Tipping Point, But…What About Tawana Brawley? #saytheirnametoo — Whispers of a Womanist

Also from the article:

The contemporary moment, it’s infiltrated attempts to incite action especially, reflect a systemic attempt to extinguish the Nat Turners and Gavin Longs from rising from the fury of racism, white supremacy. The photos depicting white men as saviors and white women as barricades for black men illuminate the most lethal form of violence I have ever seen. Each Twitter posts delineates blacks as bleeding from a systemic wound that continues to twist a knife in our collective flesh. So while the world sees a global fist against racism, I see the psycho political reality that black lives matter when whites say so.

Let me repeat!

So while the world sees a global fist against racism, I see the psycho political reality that black lives matter when whites say so.

Ain’t that the goddamn truth!

The author of this blog gets it! I have long been saying the same thing, but I’m not polite about it. Everyone expresses themselves in their own individual way and I am past expressing myself as though I’m not at this point, damn near unhinged.

Throughout all of this shit that we have been enduring at the hands of our CAPTORS, we are still falling for their shit! I have been bombarded by pictures of Black protesters hugging killer kops as though that is going to solve the issues we face; as though that has wiped the slate clean and the system of white supremacy no longer exists because the world is ‘collectively hugging’ American descendants of slaves after viewing what we have been subjected to since our ancestors were dragged to these shores. Even African countries have piped up and they need to shut the fuck up since not one African country, nation or ant farm has extended to us, a ‘sincere’ welcome since they ALL know that our ancestors were either stolen and/or sold from Africa. And don’t hand me no bullshit about ‘The Ghana Year of Return” because that was some serious bullshit right there.

Also from the original post.

When have we ever seen such a global reaction to a living black person engender national calls for “justice?” To resume a point I made on an earlier post, why does it seem like that black lives only matter when the black person is dead? Additionally, nothing can bring the lost life back, or reverse the resulting trauma—so even the best case scenario fails to alter the intractable devastation of murder.

Answer the question, whites! Answer the question, WORLD!

Why does it seem like that black lives only matter when the black person is dead?

Why do we only garner ‘calls for justice’ when we are dead? Why are we ignored when we are alive and only after our lives were snuffed out on a city street by a kop with his knee on a Black man’s neck for damn near ten minutes, does that even elicit a fake ass hue and cry from the very whites who are responsible for that shit especially seeing as how their family members are doing that shit to us on a daily basis? When I say DAILY basis, I mean DAILY basis because I have not heard one peep from you soulless, depraved, white monsters over yet another murder of us in the same fashion.

Another Man Who Said ‘I Can’t Breathe’ Died in Custody. An Autopsy Calls It Homicide.

SEATTLE — A black man, Manuel Ellis, 33, who called out “I can’t breathe” before dying in police custody in Tacoma, Wash., was killed as a result of oxygen deprivation and the physical restraint that was used on him, according to details of a medical examiner’s report released on Wednesday.

Mr. Ellis died from respiratory arrest, hypoxia and physical restraint, according to the medical examiner’s office. The report listed methamphetamine intoxication and heart disease as contributing factors.

Oh well, nothing to see here folks, move it along! I mean, according to the medical examiner’s report, the kops did Mr. Ellis a favor since those liars are stating that the man was intoxicated due to meth and had heart disease at the age of 33 and so, there! He was already a ‘dead man’ walking before he was a dead man. Manuel Ellis was a dead man when he was a baby and don’t we ALL fucking know this! The ‘color’ of his skin sealed his fate just as it seals every American descendant of slaves fate in this racist hellhole.

But let us hug our enemies because they have been struck, sudden like, with empathy, compassion, ‘humanity’ and thoughtfulness because the world is screeching about the shocking, brutal display of depraved indifference and premeditated murder of a defenseless Black man as he lay underneath the body of a white male parasite with the white male parasite’s knee pressed into his neck.

So now, white Amerikkka must throw Chauvin to the wolves because he had the audacity to expose each and every single white piece of filthy shit in this shithole for exactly what they are; Derek Chauvins. Not a one of you whites who are screeching and yelling at protests or on blogs or on other platforms that you’ve just now “seen the light,” has a gnat’s ass of worth; you are worthless. I don’t give a damn how much your net worth is, you are worthless, scum sucking, bottom feeding slime! You haven’t seen the light, you’ve not seen a goddamn thing! You just hate for your shit to be broadcast for all the world to see that there is not a damn thing humanitarian or benevolent about your debased, savage, vile, deranged, psychotic, hate-filled pasty asses!

And for Black people to stand somewhere with the likes of you is to court disaster and they look foolish because in less than a month’s time, those same Black folks that are out on the streets, standing shoulder to shoulder with their mortal foe will be doing that same shit again and will be right back to hugging the same kops that would save a dog before they’d save our Black asses!

Look at this shit! It just sickens me!

Black people!!! Why the hell are you falling for this shit???!! What is wrong with you??? That shit is why George Floyd’s family is burying him and you want to ‘hug’ THAT shit???!!! I’m fucking done!

And the shit continues!

Those bastards are practicing what Chauvin did to George Floyd and yet Black people think that that is some fake ass show of ‘solidarity’ with them for what went down on a Minneapolis street. For the love of !!!!!!

Black folks, are you really that desperate for some fake ass show of support for you from those who hate your guts even as they PRETEND to be mortified over what they ALL seek; which is our death by the most savage and brutal means possible? Why haven’t the whites opened up the prison cell doors and let all of the Black low level drug ‘offenders’ out since that is why the majority of those who look like us are in prisons? But they won’t do that because it is easier for these parasitic slugs to take a knee or hug your desperate Black ass as you seek some semblance of ‘togetherness’ with those debased rejects from who the hell knows where. Whites know their time on this planet is just about up and that is why those creatures have become even more savage, brutal and deadly. And as long as even ONE of those white, monstrous, depraved creatures slithers among us, we are ALL in mortal danger! Why can you not see this? This shit means YOU nothing but harm!

Does this look like kops give a shit about you? Do you think those kops don’t have the full ‘blessings’ of the rest of the whites in this shithole to continue doing that shit? If those whites who are protesting what whites did to George Floyd gave a damn, what happened to George Floyd would not have happened. Countless Black lives have been lost due to the whites intense hatred of us and that is NEVER going to change, no matter how much some of you Black people think that it is!!! Get your shit together!

What about here? Still think the whites give a damn about us? This was at a recent protest for George Floyd. I don’t see any hugging going on between the kop and the Black protester, nor is the kop taking a knee except to take a knee on this Black man to arrest him for peacefully protesting the ‘kneeing’ death of George Floyd.

Does it look like those racist thugs in blue uniforms are going to get up off our necks, backs and every other part of our body? But yet, you want to hug this shit! You want to ‘believe’ in the ‘goodness’ of this shit! Seriously???!!!


Oftentimes, I seriously despair of Black people ever giving their brains a chance to work, I seriously do!

Do you seriously think those racist goons are running up to this Black nurse who was protesting yet another kop murdering a Black person to hug her? Do you think they were about to ‘take a knee’ in solidarity of her protesting? They arrested her for merely peacefully protesting and yet this woman is somewhere risking her life to save COVID-19 patients. If they were white, they could rot for all I’d care!



Why does it seem like that black lives only matter when the black person is dead?


Black folks, you’d better think long and hard about what the author of the original blog is questioning because it would seem that too many of you have short attention spans. Kops are NOT our friend. We should not be hugging them. We should not consider them to be on our side if they ‘take a damn knee’ all because the entire world is watching this shit go down when the entire world still does NOT give a damn about our plight! All of these displays of fake ass solidarity are just that, displays. They are not genuine. They are not heartfelt and they are NOT REAL! But then, Black people love the illusion of inclusion. Our Black asses can NEVER expect any inclusion in anything dealing with whites! Fuck it! If you want to pretend that ALL has changed since the murder by kop of George Floyd, then by all means, continue the delusion. But don’t say you weren’t warned! Hugging a fucking kop???!!! Are you fucking serious???!!!! Believing that a kop taking a knee’ changes shit???!!! Are you fucking kidding???!!!

Black lives only matter when we are DEAD! And what’s more YOU.ARE.NEXT.POINT.BLANK.PERIOD.



Our Death Is All They Seek!

Our Death Is All They Seek!


To finally get some peace, he had to die out on the street,
killed by hate and racism from every white man we still meet.
For over four hundred years, we have been screaming out our pain,
and little did we know that our screams were all in vain.

The world is finally listening, but what good will that do us?
We marched to sit up front, but now we’re underneath the bus.
The ‘leader’ of this country stood and told us we are “THUGS!”
And then he told his gangsters to stomp us like we’re bugs.

We own no tanks or missiles, nor drones to take a stand.
We’re tired and poor and cursed in this white man’s stolen land.
Our death is all they seek and so we’re off to bury the dead.
Because to them we lack humanity, though our blood is also red.

Why must we bear the blame for a crime we didn’t commit?
To this day, it seems we’re slaves and to their will, we must submit.
We are a people without a country; we are clouds in a savage storm.
blown away by white supremacy, a system they can’t reform.
One day, there’ll be a reckoning that we won’t live to see
for those of us alive today, are still yearning to be free.


Written by,

Shelby I. Courtland

©2020 Shelby I. Courtland

It is a sad ass shame that the only way those of us who are descendants of slaves who were dragged over here to ‘serve’ the white man AND white woman’s every whim, can expect to get any peace from them is by being murdered at their hands. There are too many times that we have trudged through a cemetery to bury our dead and some racist kop was never indicted or even fired from his duties of murdering us.

Poor Black people, who mostly cannot even afford life insurance, have to make use of crowd funding or either some ‘celebrity’ will come forward to pay for the funeral expenses. From cradle to grave, we are to forever hand the white man some money while he is busy killing us since many Black women’s babies die in childbirth in this supposedly, First World Nation. What sense does that make? And even if we make it to our teenage years, we are still murdered for merely coming home from a store, carrying iced tea and skittles. Our children cannot even play in a park without getting shot dead. We cannot drive down the street without getting pulled over and shot for complying with the orders to produce our identification. We cannot sleep in our beds without kops beating down the door and shooting us as we lay deep in slumber and yet, none are held accountable for what they do to us.

And now, another Black family, the family of George Floyd, is about set to bury him because he went into a store and was accused of trying to purchase items with a counterfeit bill, and I have heard that even that was a lie. But even so, was that any reason for a racist kop to murder him, casually as though he was merely a bug to be squashed on the sidewalk? As if that is not bad enough, a stomp down, flaming racist, draft dodging bigot has the nerve to order the U.S. military to ‘put us down’ when he was scared too shitless to even join the very military he has called out on us. What sense does that make?

But you whites want to write blog after blog about how ‘woke’ your ass is now! You ain’t woke. Your funky, filthy ass racist petticoat is showing and the world is now denouncing the shit that you’ve been subjecting us to for hundreds of years in this shithole. You haven’t been struck by a ray of conscientiousness. You don’t even have a conscience to berate you, for if you did, would our situation now be making headline news all across this godforsaken planet that you have managed to fuck up? Hell no, it wouldn’t.

You whites think that you’re doing something by showing up at a protest with a sign stating, “Black Lives Matter!” Our lives have never mattered to you and don’t you think for one damn second that I am buying your flaming lies now! So save it! I’m not buying your sudden displays of solidarity when you are why GENTRIFICATION has driven us into homelessness. You are why we are incarcerated by the millions. You are why we are dumb as shit because while you are funding private schools with our money, public schools don’t even have computers or enough books in them and this you know. We are the faces of the jobless, the hungry and the homeless and the disparities in healthcare is obscene and dangerous and is causing our demise at a faster rate than yours. We don’t have any hopes of longevity and most don’t even want to live long, hopeless, racism filled lives of despair!

You whites have shitted on us from the time our ancestors were dragged ashore and you are still shitting on us and telling us that we are to blame for crime in the inner cities; that we are to blame for not having land and wealth to hand down to our sons and daughters. How the hell can we hand a damn thing down to anyone when you made damn sure that you owned it ALL because you damn well owned our ancestors that you claimed were only three fifths of a human? How the hell did you expect us to overcome that shit? YOU DIDN’T. So don’t now turn around and act like you are just getting hit with an epiphany. You know what the fuck you’ve been doing to us and you’re not about to stop that shit now. Shove that fake ass solidarity shit up your pale asses because I am having none of it!


How the hell did that man, George Floyd, deserve that? But that is ALL too familiar to us! And you dirty, filthy, racist whites know that this has been going down for centuries. You know this because racists like that piece of shit are YOUR family members and you know your own damn family because you’re one of them. So don’t now claim that you had no idea about ANY of this shit because you’re a goddamn liar! Fucking flaming, racist hypocrites! I despise you ALL!

So, Now The Whites Are Claiming That “Underlying Medical Conditions” Killed George Floyd? For The Love Of !!!!!



I am so very glad that the lawyer representing George Floyd’s family has demanded an independent autopsy because one is sorely needed.


Lawyer Representing George Floyd’s Family To Release Results Of Independent Autopsy


Per the criminal complaint against Chauvin, Floyd did not die of traumatic asphyxia or strangulation. According to the Hennepin County Medical Examiner’s Office, Floyd’s death was the result of being “restrained by the police, his underlying health conditions and any potential intoxicants in his system.”

So, people are to disbelieve what their eyes saw in the video? George Floyd did NOT have any kop applying a knee to his neck while other kops applied pressure to other parts of his body? Nope, George Floyd died because he had COVID-19, congestive heart failure, diabetes, COPD, Traumatic Brain Injury, lupus, chronic gout disease, pancreatitis, severe neck sprain and vicious heartburn which led to a heart attack and all of this decided to become problematic at the exact same moment when officer Klan Chauvin was merely trying to soothe George Floyd’s aching neck with his knee before escorting him to jail over an alleged counterfeit bill? For real???!! Seriously???!!!

I knew that the lies that would be put out would be dreadfully outrageous! We ALL saw what caused the death of George Floyd. George Floyd, if he had any ‘underlying medical conditions’, would have still been alive if NOT for the fact that officer Klan Chauvin knelt down and applied pressure to his neck for damn near 10 minutes. No one said that officer Klan Chauvin wrapped his hands around George Floyd’s neck and choked him, thus ‘traumatically asphyxiating or strangling’ him. He used his knee and his entire body weight to apply pressure on the neck of George Floyd until he knew that George Floyd was no longer breathing and that there was no chance in hell that George Floyd could EVER be resuscitated. And no, I have not watched the video. My cousin watched the video and informed me of what he saw. There is no way in hell that I can even bring myself to watch even a second of that video, for if I did, I refuse to be held accountable for my actions.

The kops are also stating that officer Klan Chauvin has been moved to different jails, twice. Of course he is being moved around because the rest of the inmates are more than likely going the fuck off since officer Klan Chauvin would likely bring about their deaths just by being in close proximity to the other prisoners since the Hennepin County Medical Examiner’s Office would have us believe that officer Klan Chauvin did nothing to cause the death of George Floyd beyond being in his vicinity at the time of his death.

These racist white shits are still at it and yet are wondering why the protests are still going on; they are going on because Black people know the deal. We know that racists have been finding ways for other racists to get off on doing their fucking dirty, racist shit to us and that shit has not ceased despite days of protesting.

Donald Trump’s debased ass is even now calling governors of various states ‘weak’ for their handling of the protests when his cowardly ass was hiding out in a bunker inside the White House as protesters tried to breach the barricades. And then people have the nerve to wonder why this cowardly draft-dodging son-of-a-bitch sought deferment after deferment in order to avoid fighting in Vietnam? Oh, he’s a big ass, loud mouthed bigot when he is surrounded by enough of his base armed to the teeth, but let his ass sit up in the Oval Office and listen to the shouts of the protesters calling for his damn head on a platter and that fucker shits his size 92 boxers!

Trump took shelter in White House bunker as protests raged

WASHINGTON (AP) — Secret Service agents rushed President Donald Trump to a White House bunker on Friday night as hundreds of protesters gathered outside the executive mansion, some of them throwing rocks and tugging at police barricades.

That bastard was cowering in a bunker tweeting shit while this shithole was on fire from one end to the other and was even on fire right outside his damn door. What president in recent history has anyone ever heard of this happening to? And now that the light of day has come, that cowardly pile of horseshit wants to come out of hiding only to call others ‘weak’ when his weak ass was hiding under the bed in a bunker because of some shouting. That weak punk ass bitch got the balls of a gnat! And yet motherfuckers are following his scared shitless ass? Just shows what kind of base he really has. No wonder they need those damn assault weapons since they are just like Trump; weak punk ass bitches!

In the video below, a cardiologist breaks down the autopsy report released by the Hennepin County Medical Examiner’s Office and if even he takes exception to what those lying racists are putting down as their official ‘preliminary’ report whereas they are blaming George Floyd for his own murder as if the man took a knife to his own throat, then I damn sure as hell take exception to that pack of vicious lies!

This is why in my previous post, I stated that the whites are NOT to be trusted. I don’t give a damn how many of them are out marching through the streets. They are still our enemy number one and the proof just keeps on coming. As if it is not bad enough what they did to George Floyd, now they want to suggest that the man’s ‘underlying medical conditions’ killed him and not anything that officer Klan Chauvin did. The next thing they’ll be doing is releasing that bastard for want of evidence because who are we to believe, them or our lying eyes?

Watch the video and see for yourself that the whites are already setting the shit up to make sure that racist kop that murdered George Floyd, gets off scot free! You see, there can be NO precedent set for white kops to start going to prison for murdering a Black man. Fuck those lying motherfuckers and their bullshit lying ass autopsy report!


Independent Autopsy Finds George Floyd’s Death Homicide Caused by Asphyxia

An independent autopsy conducted at the request of George Floyd’s family found he died as a direct result of the pressure placed on his body by the three Minneapolis police officers on the scene, coming in direct conflict with part of the preliminary findings of the Hennepin County Medical Examiner’s office last week.

Even though there was “no harm to his trachea,” Floyd attorney Benjamin Crump said, the pressure placed on his body by all of the officers—and not just Derek Chauvin—caused Floyd’s death.

“Asphyxia due to compression of the neck” cutting off blood flow to Floyd’s brain and neck directly caused his death, Baden added.

“He would be alive today if not for the pressure applied to his neck by fired office Derek Chauvin and the strain on his body from the two additional officers kneeing him in his back,” Crump said Monday at the press conference.

“Not only was the knee on George’s neck a cause of his death but so was the weight of the other two police officers on his back, who not only prevented blood flow into his brain, but also airflow into his lungs. That makes all of those officers on the scene criminally liable and without a doubt, civilly responsible.” co-counsel Romanucci added.

Now get to arresting those other racist kops! They are ALL complicit in the murder of George Floyd! Now there is no excuse to continue to allow those racist, criminal thugs to walk free. Lock their asses the fuck up! No goddamn ‘underlying medical conditions’ are responsible for the death of George Floyd. So shove that bullshit up your pasty assholes, you lousy, lying, worthless motherfuckers!


George Floyd, We Failed You!

George Floyd, We Failed You!


George Floyd, we failed you.
You sighed and then went still.
We also failed Tamir Rice,
and all the rest on their list to kill.

Poor Michael Brown lay in the sun,
but his body cooled so fast.
And Trayvon’s ghost still roams the night,
for being Black, he was harassed.

Eric Garner, we failed you too.
What is there left to say?
They choked the life right out of you.
And no one was made to pay.

Oh we get upset and burn some things,
and then we quickly get over the pain.
They call us all “bad thugs,”
but why you are dead, they can’t explain.

They always blame the victim,
for acting out of rage
“Our anger should be doused!”
So says the wise old sage.

Something’s wrong with that old sage,
He does not speak the truth.
A man is dead who did no wrong.
He was buried while in his youth.

Twelve, eighteen and twenty-two,
and on and on it goes.
These are the average ages
of Black bodies laid out in rows.

The funerals never stop.
And the buckets of tears are shed.
The lines are out the door,
but no one says what needs to be said.

Peace will never be ours to know
in this country built by slaves.
When have they ever cared for us,
these primates out of caves?

Never think the day will come
when they’ll stop the killing spree.
The time is now for you to act!
You are a slave, you are not free!

Written by,
Shelby I. Courtland
©2015 Shelby I. Courtland


In Minnesota, where protests began this week after the death of Mr. Floyd in Minneapolis police custody Monday, Gov. Tim Walz pleaded with residents to obey an 8 p.m. curfew. Mr. Walz said he was fully mobilizing the state’s National Guard after a night of rioting and violence, leaving open the possibility of requesting federal troops; forces from other states had also been readied to deploy to Minnesota.

“Gov. Tim Walz pleaded with residents to OBEY an 8 p.m. curfew.”


Obey! Obey! Obey! That is what the fuck we have been doing for over 400 years in this shithole; obeying the fucking white man! Our ancestors heard that same shit from slave owners. “Slaves obey your masters!” “Til that land!” “Grow that crop!” “Pick that cotton!” “Build the White House!” “Clean my clothes!” “Get on your knees wench!”

The whites even claim that shit in their fucking BUYBULL. “Slaves obey your master!” But who were MADE to be slaves in Amerikkka? Who are the descendants of slaves in Amerikkka? We are! George Floyd was a descendant of slaves in Amerikkka! And look what the fuck they did to him; the same as what they intend to do to us all. You have only to look at the history of this shithole to see that the whites have no intentions of ever letting us forget that we are still SLAVES! George Floyd is not the only Black man to have had to plead for his life to a white piece of shit that was put in a uniform for the express purpose of killing us. Eric Garner was not the first and George Floyd will not be the last.

And yet that piece of filthy, racist, bottom feeding, scum sucking slime that sits his debased, engorged ass inside the White House had the unmitigated gall to call us “THUGS!” when his ass is the biggest damn thug of all, along with those who wear badges and uniforms throughout this shithole and who are also stationed all across this godforsaken planet, fucking people up just because they can. Donald Trump has said that white supremacists are “good people.” Donald Trump also stated that the whites who went to the state capitol in Michigan with assault rifles were just tired of being in quarantine and should have the right to get haircuts.” But let that have been some Black men toting guns around town and showing up at state capitols demanding to be let out of quarantine and their Black asses would have been shot so full of bullets, they’d ALL have looked like Swiss cheese on a slab in the morgue and don’t you ALL fucking know this! No National Guard was called out on those hate groups that took guns and rifles to the state capitol in Michigan. No curfew was placed on them. Why is that? The president condoned that shit, but let Black people have a problem with getting murdered for no goddamn reason by dirty, racist kkkops and we’re the “THUGS?” Fucking seriously???? Look at this shit in the video! You know as well as I do what would have happened to them if they had been Black! They’d ALL be dead; riddled with bullets from SWAT teams from ALL over this shithole! The laws that the whites put on the books don’t apply to them, they fucking apply ONLY to us! This shithole should still be on FIRE from when Michael Brown was shot and killed and his body lay out in the blazing sun, uncovered for hours! This shithole should have been ablaze up til now! Look at the blatant hypocrisy! Look at the blatant and outrageous racism and hatred directed at us for having the audacity to have had our ancestors dragged over here by the ancestors of the vile shits that are still murdering us to this day for something their ancestors put into play! FUCK.THEM.ALL.

Look at that shit and you tell me that Black people could have gotten away with doing that shit! I fucking dare you! George Floyd was doing nothing more than trying to purchase items in a corner store and for that, he was publicly lynched. The man did not even have a gun on him. Eric Garner was standing on a New York City Street armed with just some loose cigarettes when he was choked to death over cigarettes. Tamir Rice was playing with a toy gun in a park and was murdered two seconds after kops showed up. Aiyana Stanley Jones was sleeping in her bed when she was shot in the head by thugs in blue uniforms. Breonna Taylor was asleep in her bed when she was shot 8 times and murdered by thugs in blue uniforms. Sandra Bland was hanged in Texas jail cell because she failed to use the proper turn signal. John Crawford was murdered by thugs in blue uniforms because he was holding a toy gun inside a Walmart. Walter Scott was murdered by thugs in blue because he owed child support. Michael Brown was murdered by thugs in blue because he was suspected of stealing cigars. Jamar Clark was murdered by thugs in blue because of a traffic stop. Philando Castile was murdered by thugs in blue because he was merely OBEYING the order to produce his identification. Freddie Gray was minding his business on a Baltimore street and was murdered by thugs in blue uniforms for merely talking with acquaintances. Amadou Diallo was shot 41 times by those thugs in blue uniforms for merely trying to enter his home. Botham Shem Jean was murdered by a thug in a blue uniform for being suspected of burglarizing his own apartment. Rumain Brisbon was shot to death by thugs in blue uniforms because he was carrying his prescriptions. Akai Gurley was shot by thugs in blue uniforms in a dark hallway in November of 2014 and as of today, no one knows why or has been arrested for his murder. Kajieme Powell was shot and killed by thugs in blue uniforms for allegedly stealing an energy drink, the kkkops lied on him and said that he threatened them when witnesses said the man’s hands were by his side. As of today, no one is in prison for murdering him.

Ezell Ford was lying down when he was shot dead by thugs in blue uniforms and as of today, no one is sitting inside a prison cell for murdering him. Dante Parker was tasered to death by thugs in blue uniforms and as of today, no one is in custody for murdering him. Thugs in blue uniforms claimed that Tyree Woodson smuggled a gun inside a police station and used it to commit suicide. Yeah, that makes perfect sense. Those thugs in blue uniforms claim that Victor White killed himself while handcuffed inside a police car. Yeah, that also makes perfect sense. Yvette Smith was shot by police as she opened the door to them following a domestic disturbance call. The thugs in blue lied on her and said she had a gun. She did not and as of yet, no one is in custody for murdering her. McKenzie Cochran was also choked to death by thugs in uniform and as of yet, no one is in custody for murdering him. Jordan Baker was unarmed when he was shot dead by thugs in blue and as of yet, no one is in custody for murdering him. I could keep this going all damn day long, but the point should be well made; those thugs in blue uniforms are killing Black people because ALL other whites are behind them doing so. Those thugs in kop uniforms have relatives and some of those relatives are standing on the street right now pretending sympathy and empathy for what is going down when they are just as guilty as those they protect by their deafening silence over their racism!

American descendants of slavery, do NOT be fooled by the whites who are now pretending that they give a good goddamn over the murder of George Floyd by racist kops! This shit has been going down since forever and when did ANY whites give a damn enough to call for that shit to cease? Make no mistake, the only reason whites are out there trying to be seen on the streets is because they are out of a job. They are using our protests to fuck shit up because that’s what whites do! They cower behind someone else to do their dirt and then their dirt gets blamed on someone else; namely us.

Those depraved, pasty faced demons are not in our corner. They have never been in our corner and they never will be in our corner. The system of white supremacy is upheld by them because in order for white supremacy to reign, there must be a certain segment of the population for them to ‘lord’ it over and that would be us. When the whites’ shit ain’t somewhere fucked up, you don’t hear a peep from those skank motherfuckers, but now, all of a sudden, they’re out there fucking shit up. It’s because their shit is fucked up! We are not the only ones who are filling out unemployment applications. Those whites are sitting somewhere in line, when they’re not smashing windows out, waiting on some free food from the food bank, as well. Don’t let those white faces in the crowds fool you! They are our mortal enemy and shall forever remain so! Keep your goddamn distance from them as they mean you much harm!




Know Your Enemy!

They make the rules for you to obey.
They hold the cards because they’ve got it that way.

They don’t play fair and they never will.
They break their own rules, but it’s you they kill.

They gave you a number and they gave you a name.
They sold your body and they did it without shame.

They made you a slave for you to clean up their mess.
They destroy your home and they say its progress.

They take your culture and they turn a profit.
They have you bowing and worshiping their prophet.

They try to steal everything you are.
They rule over you and they go too far.

They judge you and they say that’s fair.
They fill your days and your nights with despair.

They will always be your enemy number one.
They hate the beautiful dark ones kissed by the sun.

Written by,
Shelby I. Courtland
©2015 Shelby I. Courtland


So yeah, you remember who initiated GENTRIFICATION! You remember who rendered you HOMELESS. You remember why your children go to bed in a homeless shelter. You remember why you are always the last hired and the first fired. You remember who the faces of the mass incarcerated are. You remember who the faces of the school-to-prison pipeline are. You remember why Black people have no real wealth. You remember who bulldozed our homes and turned them into freeways. You remember who murdered those in the Black Panther Party because they refused to believe that there were some “good whites.” You remember that Dr. Martin Luther King Jr., tried that PEACEFUL shit and what did it get him? An assassin’s bullet aimed at him by the white establishment. You remember ALL of this shit and then turn around and look at that white piece of shit that’s shouting, “No justice, no peace!” and you tell them to get the fuck out of your face with their racist bullshit! Whites DON’T change. They are exact replicas of those that dragged our ancestors over here for if not, would we still be dying at their hands, just because, in the year 2020? You know the answer to that!

That THUG In The White House Has The Unmitigated Gall To Call Those Protesting The Death Of George Floyd, Thugs! Seriously??!!!

The draft-dodger-in-chief and the world’s number one THUG had the audacity to take to Twitter and post this!

There would be NO need for a “memory of George Floyd” if those THUGS in blue uniforms had not killed the man for no goddamn reason other than the fact that the system of white supremacy upholds that shit and Donald ‘THUG’ Trump embodies that vicious and brutal system of white supremacy and so how dare his depraved, racist ass speak on who are thugs when there could be no greater thug on this planet than this entire piece of shit, racist shithole called, Amerikkka!

I am fed the fuck up with whites telling us that we have to go about remembering our dead, PEACEFULLY! Of course the whites want our asses to be peaceful because that way they can continue to operate their fucking businesses and the same with those immigrants whom they allowed to come here and climb on top of us because make no mistake, the business owner of Cup Foods that called the Klan on George Floyd was NOT an American descendant of slavery, but was in fact someone whom the whites had welcomed over here from elsewhere. Since there is mosque located on the ground floor of Cup Foods, more than likely, the owner of Cup Foods is probably from the Middle East somewhere and they hate our guts as well. They don’t even associate with American descendants of slavery.

I just looked up the owner of Cup Foods and voila! I was right. The owner is Mahmod Abumayaleh, who stated that many times customers come in with counterfeit money and don’t even know it’s counterfeit. He stated that if he had been in his convenience store at the time George Floyd was in there, the police would not have been called. And so I guess that it just wasn’t George Floyd’s lucky day in that Mahmod Abumayaleh was not there to tell the clerk that there was no need for police involvement, however, that is cold comfort to George Floyd since he is cold and lying on a coroner’s slab in the morgue having an autopsy performed on him so that more lies can come out as to how he died. I am pretty sure that we are going to be told that George Floyd was already dead BEFORE Officer Klan Chauvin even placed his knee on George Floyd’s neck. I mean, they’ve told countless lies already as to what occurred, in that George Floyd resisted arrest and had to be manhandled. Well, another store owner handed over a video that shows just the opposite of the kops’ lies.

And even with knowing that the kops have already begun with the lies, people who look like George Floyd should just continue to march, peacefully through the streets at allotted times and on allotted days until the white man tells them, that’s enough? Seriously??!!! They’d better not ground capitalism to a halt especially since Donald Trump just ordered the reopening of this vile shithole that coronavirus had put on lockdown.

So what??!! A goddamn AutoZone was burned to the ground. So what??!! A new apartment building was burned to the ground; those damn buildings are insured and so the rebuilding can start right away. There is no ‘rebuilding’ of George Floyd. There is no amount of insurance that can bring George Floyd back to life. And how BIG of the owner of Cup Foods to state that he “has offered to pay for Floyd’s funeral expenses.”

But as of yet, no charges have been filed against ANY of the THUGS IN BLUE UNIFORMS that took the life of George Floyd. I see, Donald Trump did NOT call those THUGS exactly what they are, GOVERNMENT SANCTIONED THUGS, and he won’t. We are to sit back and twiddle our thumbs and wait on the slow ass process of the criminal injustice system to do not a goddamn thing! The criminal injustice system is quick to dish out punishment and death to us, but when their no account asses have been found to do some filthy, dirty ass, horrendous shit, we are to sit and wait for the slow ass cogs of the law to start turning. To hell with that shit!

I have posted blog after blog after blog after blog about what American descendants of slavery have to go through in Minneapolis, MN. Every single group of immigrants, even illegal ones crawls over here and climbs right on top of us, just as they do everywhere else in this shithole built by our ancestors while we suffer abject poverty, homelessness, hunger and get shot dead or choked to death by dirty ass racist kops every goddamn day! Enough is a fucking nough!

AGAIN, as long as American descendants of slavery just accept our plight and accept us getting murdered, daily and accept having whites call the kops on us because they refuse to leash their dog or because they don’t like us having a barbecue or because they don’t want to see us taking a nap in the common area of a college dorm that we are paying tuition at or because they don’t like to see us in the pool or because they don’t like to see us doing our job of inspecting homes for fire codes and the goddamn list of the like is endless, everything is cool. But the minute we start fucking shit up, that’s when thugs like Trump get to talking about shooting us down like animals because some goddamn no account businesses are getting fucked up! TO.HELL.WITH.THOSE.GODDAMN.BUSINESSES.PERIOD. I wish the fuck I was in Minneapolis because damn it if I would take the shit lying down. Fuck you whites who sit back on your asses and watch this shit go down and look the other way or talk about how ‘violent’ the protesters are when you say nothing about how depraved, blood thirsty and racist you and those who look like you are. You are those kops that did that to George Floyd and so fuck each and every single one of you! I’m not beholden to any of you motherfuckers for shit!

I am glad Metro Transit had to shut the bus service and the light rail down. I am damn glad that 24 Target stores had to close their goddamn doors. I am glad that shit is happening because the only thing that gets the attention of the whites is when their shit is affected; when their fucking businesses are dealt with. And the infuriated protesters have been dealing with that shit!

Over four hundred years of rage is raging on the streets of cities in states all across this fucked up country and I just wish that shit would continue into perpetuity because that is what needs to happen. Damn some goddamn peaceful protesting shit! Does it look like we get any goddamn peace from you filthy ass, debased, savage, vicious, murdering white devils? Hell fucking no! And so why should we continue to march down the goddamn street doing the same thing we’ve been doing for countless decades? Ask Dr. Martin Luther King Jr., what peaceful protesting gets you. Oh, he can’t answer you because the government, backed by THUGS like Trump had him assassinated. You could not get more ‘peaceful’ and ‘dreamlike’ than Dr. Martin Luther King Jr., and still you lousy, motherfucking whites killed him and yet you expect us to continue in that vein? Not bloody likely, as you’ve seen for the last few days. Like I stated before, I just wish the protesters would continue despite Trump’s vile threats. And if a Black person had stated what Trump did, their fucking tweet would have long since disappeared and don’t we ALL fucking know this. Double fucking standards much? I’m damned tired of the shit we have to face every single day over something that is not our fault. We did NOT drag our asses over here. We did NOT immigrate here. That shit is not on us or our ancestors and you pasty assed motherfucking whites know who that shit is on, but yet you blame us, day in and day out for what YOUR goddamn worthless, lazy, rotten ass ancestors put into play. We are fucking tired of being recorded dying on the mean streets of this shithole and told to “go about effecting change, PEACEFULLY!” Shove that shit up your pasty assholes, whites! It’s about time you got a taste of your own goddamn foul ass medicine!



We dance this dance again,
so move over Eric Garner.
A new video is in town;
another Black man is a goner.

March again and protest.
Where is justice? Where is peace?
There is no hint of either.
Sit down! This shit won’t cease!

Paste another face on a shirt.
Go out and scream your pain.
Blow dust off an old poster.
Let your tears blend with the rain.

Yes, here we go again.
The same writing is on the wall.
Nothing much has changed.
Black lives matter to none at all.

You really can’t see the truth?
Seriously, must you be so dense,
to think that you can change
what has never made any sense?

Our bodies don’t mean shit
to the ones you protest to.
We’ve never, ever mattered
and you know that this is true.

But still, you beg them to care.
You plead to be left alone.
They’ll walk with you for a day
And then, you are on your own.

You see, we are here on sufferance,
and have overstayed no welcome,
that was never extended to us.
We’re just an object for their venom.

Now, protest all day long.
Take it to the streets.
Stand shoulder to shoulder,
with those who wear the sheets.

Give it another month or two,
and you’ll be doing this yet again;
the very definition of crazy,
expecting justice from white men.

Written by,
Shelby I. Courtland
©2015 Shelby I. Courtland


We Is Dead Meat To Them!

Alton Sterling, he bit the dust,
down in ole Baton Rouge.
He weren’t looking for no whores
of the like in “Moulin Rouge.”

I hear he was selling CDs,
trying to become a businessman.
But just like Eric Garner,
he needed another plan.

And now, another gentle giant
was felled by the slave patrol.
You have got to understand
that the white man is in control.

So, pick up your protest sign,
and get to marching down the street.
I know your shoes are worn out
as is your tired and aching feet.

But this is how you effect change,
like they did in Dr. King’s day.
Just ask him how that worked.
Damn! He can’t talk no way!

Dr. King was all peaceful like
as he took to the streets of hell.
He said, “I gots me a dream
and they shot him dead as well.

Oh, but things is different now.
They let you riot and go berserk
but then they say, “Alright, you’re done!”
And around your neck, that chain, they jerk!

We’re all Massa’s boys and girls.
We sing and we dance for him.
But if we got no talent at all,
then we is dead meat to them.

Written by,
Shelby I. Courtland
©2016 Shelby I. Courtland

I wrote those two poems in 2015 and 2016 and yet they still apply today. Tell me, what the fuck has changed? But yeah! We are supposed to sit the fuck down and shut the fuck up about the continuation of this shit! I don’t blame the protesters for going the fuck off. I just wish I was there with them. I wish the shit that they are doing, they’d NEVER stop doing it, but alas, my wish is in vain because this has ALL happened so many times before and it will happen again.

And as usual, when Black people go the fuck off and with GOOD GODDAMN REASON, we are always labeled, “THUGS” by the white establishment. This is what ‘our’ so called, ‘president’ thinks of American descendants of slavery. But when white males go on killing sprees, they are merely labeled, “mentally ill.” And if the Muslims get to fucking shit up because they get goddamn tired of the shit done to them by the whites, they are labeled, “terrorists!” Oh, the hypocrisy and double standards are glaringly obvious. The biggest THUGS and criminals and terrorists on this goddamn planet are WHITES and you fuckers are indeed, insane, but your insanity, you gladly embrace; fucking deranged sociopaths!

“Go rot in hell Trump! and take ALL white motherfuckers with you!”






Time To Celebrate Black History Month AGAIN! Yeah, We Got It Going On!

Black History Holds NO Fame!

Dragged from your native land,
on a floating barge of death.
You built paradise for a thief
who then plundered all the wealth.

Your name was not your own.
You would never again be free.
To know such hate from them,
as they hung you from a tree.

They say that slavery’s over.
Go forth and earn your keep.
And though you labor long,
you’re valued much too cheap.

You were denied so many rights.
And the vote was not for you.
Though many marched and died,
the court bid that adieu.*

Some think you’ve made great strides
in the face of all that’s wrong.
Yet they herd you into prison,
because they hate that you are strong.

Be wary of their smiles,
for they mean you so much harm.
If you’ve a talent, they’ll exploit it.
All over you, they’ll swarm.

They’ll use you and they’ll kill you.
You’re nothing but a thing,
and when your candle’s burned
you’ll feel ole Massa’s sting.

Don’t ever let your guard down,
and it doesn’t pay to trust.
Shield from them your weakness.
Always show them your disgust.

Black history holds no fame.
And it certainly gets no cheer.
Times have never changed.
They still look at you and sneer.

Written by,
Shelby I. Courtland
©2014 Shelby I. Courtland

*June 25th 2013, the U.S. Supreme Court overturned a key provision of the Voting Rights Act, removing a critical tool to combat racial discrimination in voting.

Where shall we begin? Let us celebrate the 11% unemployment rate for Black men even though the national unemployment aka jobless rate stands at 3.7% and if your head’s not stuck up your ass, then you know that even that is a damn lie! Break out the champagne Black folks for those of you who can afford a bottle of say, Andre Cold Duck! Clink those plastic cups together and then piss in the wind because it’s all blowing back your way anyway; the shit that keeps hitting the fan, that is.

Next on our celebration list is the shit that is going down in our public education system better known as the ‘school-to-prison pipeline’ if you’re a student of color in these here United States of America where we celebrate Black History Month each and every February. This month is dedicated to showcasing the achievements of Black people in America. We are celebrating each and every single achievement that has not yet occurred but will eventually occur and we are real sure of this happening any day now.

To continue the celebrations, let us look at the child poverty statistics that are sure to impress us during these celebrations of future achievements that we are hell bent on celebrating this month. We are celebrating the fact that ‘child poverty in America is at its highest point in 20 years, putting millions of children at increased risk of injuries, infant mortality, and premature death’. And if that isn’t bad enough, ‘7 million kids still don’t have health insurance’. This is just so worth celebrating, what an achievement! What a dream as opposed to a nightmare. I wonder what that famous man who had a dream, would think of this. I seriously wonder.

But wait! There is more to celebrate this Black History Month! The good news just keeps on coming. ‘Incarceration rate for African-Americans now six times the national average’ is still making headlines among Black prisoners and their mostly white guards and the white slave patrol that arrested them for say, selling loose, un-taxed cigarettes, selling marijuana or crack while completely ignoring the white man that was buying said crack and marijuana from the guilty by birth African-American other wise known as Colored otherwise known as Black otherwise known as felon or prisoner no.1,000,034. White folks, why don’t you just lock up every single Black person at birth? It’ll save you the trouble of doing so later on since many of us will know what it feels like to be shackled just as those we are descended from knew what it felt like. And the beat goes on and we celebrate it.

And ‘here’s the Data That Shows Cops Kill Black People at a Higher Rate Than White People’, now ain’t that a bitch?! Unfortunately, Michael Brown is not here to celebrate this Black History Month with us because he was shot and killed by a cop. Twelve year old Tamir Rice is also not here this year to help us celebrate because he was shot and killed by a cop while playing with a toy gun in a park. John Crawford, likewise, is not here to celebrate because he was shot and killed by a cop in Wal-Mart while holding a toy gun.  Eric Garner, unfortunately, for him, was selling loose, untaxed cigarettes and that cost him his life and so he will not be joining in the celebrations. Terrance Franklin was shot and killed by cops following a traffic stop and he will not be celebrating ether. Seven year-old Aiyana Stanley-Jones was shot  and killed by a cop while she slept and the charge of manslaughter against the cop that shot and killed her was dropped and so, she is not just ‘under-the-weather’, she is underground and therefore, is not able to celebrate this historic month. Let us celebrate on her behalf. Sandra Bland is not here to celebrate with us because she was hanged in a Texas jail cell. So many are not here to witness all of the achievements that we celebrate today that have not as yet occurred. But we are sure that any minute now, we shall achieve….something. Yeah! Wait on it.

Fortunately, I have found yet another statistic that gives us even more of a reason to celebrate Black history month. Black families are seven times more likely to be homeless. We have come so far this February in the year of our Lord 2020, have we not? Blacks make up half of the U.S. homeless population. Doesn’t that just give you a warm and comfortable, cozy feeling that those homeless people lack? These are achievements that we have here folks! Time to celebrate and to keep the momentum going. Our ancestors would be so proud of where we are today. Don’t you think? Does this not make you aware that BLACK LIVES DO NOT MATTER?!

Now, on the other hand, Tyler Perry will dress up in drag and put some Black folks to work on another Madea movie and Beyoncé will croon about a Halo for Jay-Z and Jay-Z will rap about niggas while DMX will head back to prison for drug possession, get out on probation again and then go right back in for drug possession. Viola Davis will have no problem getting cast as yet another maid after her role in ‘The Help’ and Forest Whitaker is probably all set to play yet another version of someone’s Butler since every one is well aware that us Black folks are so good at bowing and scraping and being subservient to our ‘betters’.

Finally, I’ve given you many reasons to celebrate this month. The reasons are endless and our achievements that we will watch for some time in the future are making life much better for so many of us and that is why we must enjoy this Black History Month. We have no need to march and protest like those Black people in the 1960s did. We are so past that in this here post-racial America. I mean, what we have here is a post-racial America, is it not? But nevertheless, Dr. King would be so proud as would his stalwart, fellow marchers-in-arms at the progress that we have made since his infamous, I Have A Dream speech. We shall overcome! Uh…what I meant to say is that, “We did overcome!” Now like the good little sheep you are, start celebrating all of this shit!! And look ahead to when the REAL achievements will come because surely they must come!


Joe Biden declares LGBTQ rights his No. 1 legislative priority. Amerikkkan Descendants Of Slaves Rights? Who Needs Em?

Vice President Joe Biden addresses National Defense University at Fort McNair in Washington, April 9, 2015. Biden spoke at NDU about U.S. military successes defeating ISIS. (DoD News photo by EJ Hersom)


Well, Amerikkkan descendants of slaves, I hope you know where you stand with this joker!

COLUMBUS, Ohio (AP) – Democratic presidential candidate Joe Biden declared Saturday that the Equality Act would be his top legislative priority, an effort to enshrine LGBTQ protections into the nation’s labor and civil rights laws.

The former vice president shared his hopes of signing the legislation as part of a keynote address to hundreds of activists at the Human Rights Campaign’s annual Ohio gala on the first day of Pride Month. In a half-hour at the lectern, his remarks ranged from emotional tributes to his audience and their personal endurance to condemnations of President Donald Trump.

“It’s wrong and it is immoral what they’re doing,” Biden said of the Trump administration. Among other Trump polices, he cited attempts to bar transgender troops in the U.S. military, allow individuals in the medical field to refuse to treat LGBTQ individuals, and allow homeless shelters to refuse transgender occupants.

Those of us who are here through no fault of our own have no rights. We never had any and we still don’t have any and yet, Joe Biden is proclaiming himself to be the champion of the gay community. Amerikkkan descendants of slaves? Not so fast!

I am so damn tired of hearing about the rights of men who claim to have ‘changed their sex’ to the point whereas I want to scream. First of all, you debased creatures cannot turn yourselves from men into women. Where is your vagina? Where are your fallopian tubes? Where are your ovaries? Where is your uterus? Where is your cervix? And getting breast implants does not make you, female, fool! When a man can give birth, then come talk to me about how you’re not a man, you’re now a woman. Putting on some damn high heel shoes and tarting yourself up to look like a stripper in a nightclub is doing nothing but setting your depraved ass up for a beat down. I don’t blame some man for killing your ass after finding out that you are perpetrating a fraud. You portray yourself as female knowing full damn well that you’re a man trying to pick up another man and then get bent-out-of-shape when he pulls a gun out and shoots your damn crazy ass on the spot.

And this shit is what Joe Biden has decided needs some damn rights! Never mind us innocent descendants of slaves who have no goddamn rights and never did, some man who claims to have changed his sex needs some damn rights, right now, goddamn it and Joe Biden aims to see that he gets some damn rights.

Meanwhile descendants of slaves, sit the fuck down and shut the fuck up about the school-to-prison pipeline. Shut the fuck up about mass incarceration. Shut the fuck up about income inequality. Shut the fuck up about gentrification. Shut the fuck up about mass homelessness among us. Shut the fuck up about underemployment and unemployment. Shut the fuck up about police brutality. Shut the fuck up about poverty, drugs and crime-filled communities due to the fact of mass unemployment and underemployment which leads to crime, because as far as Joe Biden is concerned, we got nothing to complain about seeing as how we got it so good since we ain’t over in Africa needing to worry about catching Ebola. The only thing we need to worry about over here in Amerikkka is catching hell from these Nazis and what problems could we possibly have sitting smack dab in the middle of a big ole Nazi campground? Heil Joe Biden, goddamn it!

Meanwhile, another Black man just got shot and killed in Memphis, TN because he had some warrants and the Klan went to pick him up and is making up lies on the dead man saying that he rammed their Klan cars and then exited his vehicle, armed with a gun and of course, they “feared for their lives” and shot him dead.

And of course, right on cue, the protests have erupted. The Klan patrols are spraying tear gas at the Black protesters and telling them to get the hell off the streets and wait their turn to get shot dead for breathing while Black, walking while Black, talking while Black, studying while Black, running while Black, eating while Black, yawning while Black, coughing while Black, being sick while Black, watching a movie while Black, attending college while Black, barbecuing while Black, swimming while Black, sitting in your own home while Black, selling loose un-taxed cigarettes while Black, playing with a toy gun in a park while Black, driving down the goddamn street while Black, taking pictures of a house you just bought while Black, selling bottled water while Black, sitting in a Starbucks while Black, making onion rings while Black, dancing while Black, crying while Black and the goddamn list is endless when you are Black. But yet, transgenders and queers(what’s the difference?) need some damn rights! Seriously???!!!

MEMPHIS, Tenn. – Armed officers and an angry crowd faced off after a Tennessee man was fatally shot by U.S. Marshals in a working-class Memphis neighborhood, leaving more than two dozen police officers injured.

People in the crowd threw rocks and bricks, with 25 officers suffering mostly minor injuries during the tense clash Wednesday night in the Frayser community in north Memphis. Officers cordoned off several blocks near the scene. By 11 p.m., officers had used tear gas and most of the crowd dispersed, police director Michael Rallings said at a Thursday morning news conference. Three people were arrested.

Sigh! When will we ever learn that no matter how many protests we attend, no matter how many times we march, the killing of us that is sanctioned by the government of this Nazi cesspool will not cease. And to prove my point, take a look and tell me, what has changed?

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So again, what the fuck has changed? And yet Joe Biden finds nothing wrong with the fact that we have every reason in the world to understand that as Amerikkkan descendants of slaves, we still have no rights in the year 2019 when we ALL know that our people have been fighting for the right to live in this shithole since our ancestors were dragged over here, but Joe Biden wants to make sure that a man in dress and makeup gets the right to parade his dress wearing ass all up and down the streets of every city in this shithole. What’s stopping them? They’ve been at it since this month started because isn’t this ‘Pride Month’ or some such shit? That shit is everywhere, in our face, all over the place and some more shit. And if the Klan is on their ass, all they have to do is step out of that dress and rub off that makeup. As Amerikkkan descendants of slaves, we cannot change the color of our skin. And that shit’s on us? Apparently so, according to Joe Biden’s ‘man in a dress loving’ racist ass!

And for more on this, read the post by TheStormyPoet. He spells it out completely.

Black folks, Joe Biden is NOT our friend, he never has been and he never will be. I encourage you to do some research on him. You will find plenty of reasons why you should steer clear of him. Just because he was Obama’s VP means nothing since what the hell did Obama do for Black people? Not a goddamn thing but he sure as hell did plenty for gays and that’s Joe Biden’s intent as well. So in addition to lighting up the White House in rainbow colors, I guess Joe Biden intends to rename Dr. Martin Luther King Jr., Day as “Transgenders Need Some Damn Civil Rights Day!” A man with some makeup on and sporting a damn dress needs some civil rights! I am too through especially seeing as how Amerikkkan descendants of slaves are being systematically slaughtered on these mean streets at a pace  that makes my head spin while a transgender motherfucker gets fucked up for perpetrating a fraud every once in a blue moon. Yeah! I see who needs some Civil Rights, big time!




Man Arrested in Horrific Stabbing Death of Nia Wilson; Bay Area Protesters Demand Justice


SIGH! Here we go AGAIN!!!

The man believed to have slit the throat of 18-year-old Nia Wilson at an Oakland BART station on Sunday night was arrested without incident Monday night.

Police apprehended 27-year-old John Lee Cowell, a paroled felon, on a BART train nearly 24 hours after he allegedly attacked sisters Nia and Letifah Wilson in a vicious stabbing at the MacArthur station in Oakland. An anonymous caller had tipped police that Cowell had boarded an Antioch-bound train, reports the San Francisco Gate.

This cowardly white bastard walked up to two Black sisters, who were waiting on a train and viciously stabbed them in the throat, killing one and injuring the other and he calmly wiped off the knife, left and then discarded his sweatshirt and backpack and boarded another train and now there are shouts that this is not a hate crime and that the man is just another mentally ill white male, who most likely needs some meds, a bit of counseling and he’ll be right as rain.

A beautiful young Black woman is dead, her sister is scarred for life, both physically and emotionally and there are debates over whether or not their assailant is mentally ill or a white nationalist. Seriously??!!! That white coward targeted two Black women and we have no idea why given the racial climate in this country today? Emboldened by Trump’s penchant for ‘white nationalists’, calling them ‘good people’, we are to believe that the individual who murdered one Black woman and who tried to murder a second one just came up to them out of the blue without a thought in his head for the color of their skin? Really??!!

I don’t need to sit down with that piece of filth and try and get into his head to see what he was thinking. What he was thinking is quite obvious since one Black woman is dead and the other is seriously wounded and we have a president that is complicit in this attack because of the support that he has shown for this type of individual. If Trump could get away with it, he would plant a medal on the chest of this depraved deviant who is just as racist as he is.

And if that is not bad enough,

Critics say the media makes innocent blacks look dangerous. Nia Wilson is their latest example.

One photo, aired by local TV station KTVU, has sparked backlash and reignited concerns about the biased portrayal of minorities, particularly African Americans, by news outlets.

During a noon broadcast on Monday, KTVU shared a picture of Wilson in which she is seen holding what appears to be a gun. The outcry was instant, with many pointing out that there were several other photos the station could have used.

After explaining that the station “took action” so the photo would never air again, Somerville said he was going “off-script.”

“We have a lot of really good people here at Channel 2,” he said. “People who care deeply about what they do. There’s no doubt that we made a mistake. It never should have happened, but we made the mistake and we are owning up to that mistake.”

He continued, “I also want to say that Nia was just a beautiful young woman. I can only hope right now that her family and their parents are watching so that they can see me and all of us here at Channel 2 saying that we are so sorry about what happened to your daughter and we are sorry about the mistake we made today.”

So, because Nia Wilson posted a picture on her Facebook page that had the suggestion of a ‘gun’, that is the picture of her that was chosen by a local TV station to report on her murder; the usual blaming of the Black victim. That is just low! White parents proudly display their underage children brandishing guns all the time and nothing is made of that but yet when a Black woman is brutally murdered by a white nationalist as she simply stood waiting for a train to arrive to take her to her destination, the picture that is selected to accompany the story of her murder depicts her holding what appears to be a ‘gun’ to show that Black people are so scary, is it any wonder she was murdered by this piece of shit???!!

Cowardly piece of white filthy shit!

And the protesters have arrived! Glory be! They are going to make ALL the difference in  the world. Don’t they always? The protests are going to set this shit to rights. They have been doing a helluva job thus far. Isn’t that the reason people are still wearing out the soles of their shoes? I wish that I had gotten in on the shoe making business or in paper because those two industries are making a killing off killing. Shoes and signs ’cause it’s marching time! Hearts can’t mend, there’s another funeral to attend. Don’t put away that black dress because we’ve got sympathy to express since the killings won’t end and on more shoes and signs, our money, we will spend.

Hell no! I’m not marching no mo! What good did it do Nia Wilson and her sister? One dead and the other, scarred for life. Another beautiful Black woman being laid to rest in a shithole her ancestors were dragged to, killed by a racist piece of filth emboldened to do so by an orange-coated racist draft-dodging bigot who was voted into the highest office of the land by those who are just like them and the only thing to do against that shit is to march???!!! Go right ahead! And call “BlackLivesMatter” and the NAACP, the Southern Poverty Law Center and The Urban League, I am quite sure that between the four of them, something will be done about this shit! Just don’t hold your fucking breath! You’ll be just as dead as Nia Wilson!