Mass Surveillance Is No Longer A Deterrent To Crime In America As Crime Surges In ALL Cities In All States

Even as I type this, the sirens are blaring. It is nonstop. Crime is increasing and there is nothing that anyone can do about it including the cops since the cops are getting their asses handed to them especially in New York City and the illegals have joined in with legal Americans in kicking cops’ asses.

Chaos Reigns In The Streets Of America As An Epic Crime Wave Terrorizes The Nation

If you were hoping that the United States would become a lawless society, you have now gotten your wish.  Some of the numbers that I am about to share with you are just mind blowing.  For example, I had no idea that police in New York City were injured by criminals thousands of times last year.  All over the nation, law enforcement is losing control and violent criminals are getting the upper hand.  We have never seen anything quite like this before, and I am entirely convinced that this crime wave is only going to get worse as economic conditions deteriorate.  Even in our capital city, crime is completely and utterly out of control.  If you can believe it, the number of carjackings in Washington D.C. was up 97.9 percent last year.

Even though this article was taken from a conservative right leaning website, I have perused local news out of Washington, DC, and crime is on the rise. Lawlessness is going to become an epidemic since so many people are broke and are always out on the streets due to the fact that they are homeless. The poor are not robbing the poor since the poor recognize the poor. Why would a poor person try and rob another poor person? That would be insanity as well as useless since you can get nothing from nothing. Add to that the fact that the rich continuously flaunt their wealth in the faces of the poor and that is a recipe for crime impacting an upscale neighborhood near you. 

I just read that cops are being shot, left and right because cops are no longer a deterrent to crime. Folks with nothing left to lose will act the part and it matters not that there are cameras everywhere. Cameras like these.

Those things are damn near everywhere! In Southeast and Southwest Washington, DC, in ALL Black communities, those things can be found. DC’s Black citizens are under constant surveillance and that hasn’t made a difference in deterring crime since while those things are watching the Black folks in DC’s Black areas located around Blue Plains Waste Treatment Plant, as those are the areas the whites, Asians and their ilk refuse to live, the poor Black folks are heading to the neighborhoods that have the rich people in them and they are going the fuck off in those areas, and with good reason. If whites want to strut around Georgetown in coats worth thousands of dollars, then they make themselves a target.

And I can honestly say that the only time I had a problem when I was homeless in Washington, DC, was when I was at a bus stop and some Black man was looking at me and getting a hard-on, the filthy bastard, other than that, no one tried to rob me since even though I had a decent coat on, it wasn’t worth thousands of dollars and folks with keener eyes than mine can size up the cost of shit at a nano second’s notice. Me? I can’t tell what’s high end and what’s not since my entire life I’ve never spent money on high end stupid shit. It was always bargain-basement discount, blue light special for me and I never did get what the hoopla was all about in having someone’s name written across your shirt or trousers or shoes. That mess is dumb as hell.

Just over the weekend, there was a report detailing that over forty robberies took place, and this was deemed, unprecedented, especially seeing as how the city is trying to make everyone understand that crime is down when that is a big lie. How in the hell is crime going to go down when the cost of everything is going up, the jobs report is a lie since this country has been steadily losing jobs and even losing jobs in upper pay level positions, as in the big tech sector and even the banking sector as bank branches are closing left and right? In many cities all across this country, stores are shuttering their doors thanks to a massive uptick in crime and homelessness, not to mention, rampant drug use. I saw a video the other day that was just horrendous when it came to showcasing the overwhelming numbers of people who are strung out on drugs.

This was sad to watch. The people in America are absolutely without hope and have descended into a living hell. There are record numbers of Americans hooked on various street drugs, and to try and list all the different drugs would be a herculean effort and I just don’t have the energy to even bother. This is just horrific, and people wonder why I am trying to learn Russian so that I can get the hell out of here? All morning, I have been studying the Russian language, and I may be studying it on my way to Russia since it would seem that there is not going to be enough time to become fluent in any language before all hell completely breaks loose here in America. “Get out!” It is not just a movie!

But while the cops are surveilling all legal Americans, I found this to be quite strange. 

What is missing in this picture? Surveillance cameras. Why no surveillance cameras where illegals hang out daily?? Any cops care to explain THIS?!

And this is what is being encouraged to take over America. Every single time I pass by this area, the illegals standing around that area, increase in numbers. The metro city bus company has even stopped bus pickup at the bus stop that is a mere few feet from where these illegals hang out, day in and day out. The illegals that hang out in this area are all to a one, military age men, and so how is this a coincidence that all of these military age illegals are asylum seekers? They don’t look busted up to me as though they were persecuted in their countries of origin. Denver, Colorado is all set to make illegals, police and firefighters. People who are in this country, illegally, are set to “police” legal citizens. What sense does this make?

Whatever is behind what is going down in America, they are deliberately speeding up the collapse. Because none of this is by accident. And this summer is going to be unlike any summer we have ever seen. I just read an article yesterday that said, “The New American Dream Is To Leave America!” Now that, says it all. 

‘The new American dream is to leave’: Most in the US don’t believe hard work will get you ahead and would take a pay cut for a better quality of life.

The American dream has turned into a fantasy for many people living in the U.S.

At the heart of the national ethos is the belief that anyone can achieve a happy life through hard work and perseverance. This was often symbolized by raising a family in a large house surrounded by a white-picket fence with two cars in the driveway.

New American dream

The Association of American Residents Overseas (AARO) estimates that at least 5.4 million Americans lived abroad in 2023. The biggest share of expats (40%) are thought to live in the Western hemisphere — Canada, Central and South America — or Europe (26%), while 14% headed to East Asia and the Pacific.

Yes, this is an indication of just how bad things are in America when the “New American dream” is to get the hell out! And that, is exactly what I am trying to do!

To Russia With Love!

I have begun my journey to learn the Russian language! Shout out to the NSA, the CIA, the FBI, the DHS and whatever other spy agency wants to know what I am up to.

I have to admit that I have been too damn lazy like many Americans, and just refused to learn a different language. I had two years of Spanish when I was in high school, then the Spanish teacher died, and that was the end of that. But that is about to change. I am determined to learn every single thing about Russia including the Russian culture, customs, her people and her language. It is about time that I got out of my comfort zone and put down the fiction whodunits and actually learned something for a change, and who knows, maybe, just maybe, one day, I could become a translator or something FOR the Russians. Did you read that NSA, FBI, CIA, DHS? If Guantanamo awaits me, so be it, but at least I’ll be screeching in Russian while being waterboarded. 

Dr. B, hit me up because we are supposed to be learning Russian together. I told you that I was serious, and that I would get the necessary material to learn to speak, read and write Russian. If my dumb ass cousin, who has a fifth-grade reading level can learn Arabic and speak it like someone from the Middle East, then I am certainly not going to let him show me up since I have just a wee bit more education under my belt.

The library gave me what they had, and they have also placed holds on items that are out, and once they come in, I will be notified and head on back in and pick them up. Those who live in my vicinity will be hearing Russian coming from my place from here on out. I cannot wait to learn Russian to the point whereas I intend to consider myself a refugee in this country and get all the benefits that go along with that. I will go down to the southern border and fling myself across while the illegals are heading in my direction. I will then, turn around and throw myself back across the border, speak only Russian and insist on receiving asylum. I will be processed and receive my papers which I will use to get another identity and get the hell out of this shithole, but not before I head to New York and stand in line and receive my free credit card that will already be loaded with $1,000.00 thanks to legal taxpaying citizens of America. Then I want a nice, luxury hotel room while I recuperate from crossing the border into America, also I want a free butler, maid, Cadillac, free health care, a twelve-bedroom mansion, swimming pool out back, and I don’t want no Klan kops pulling me over talking about I’m too Black to breathe. I will be Russian, goddamn it! Put some respect on my name!

If the illegals can come over here and get away with that, then I see no reason why I cannot fight fire with fire. Americans, I suggest that you follow my lead if you are disgusted with what is going down. Learn a foreign language, pick any language out of the multitude, and after you have the language down pat, refuse to speak English, head to the southern border, throw yourself over and then come back across with the rest of the illegals and pretend to have just landed on American soil for the first time and start demanding taxpayer dollars be used to set your ass up good and right. That is the whole point in fighting fire with fire. Do exactly what the illegals do, pretend to understand NOT one damn bit of English and you’ll even get away with kicking the cops’ asses in Times Square in New York City, New York, but only if your ass is not Black.

So, let me end this blog here so that I can be about the business of learning Russian and become a Russian refugee in America and obtain all that the illegals aka refugees aka asylum seekers aka migrants are receiving via our tax dollars. Two can play at that game. And if anyone thinks that I am not serious, you don’t know me. Like I have stated time and time again, I sat my ass out on the mean streets of Washington, DC due to being cast into homelessness thanks to racism for EIGHT long months, and my ass was sitting out during the coldest damn months of the year, and I learned a few things from that horrible experience. It also toughened my ass up. And if anyone thinks that I am going to be someone’s pushover ever again, then they can just think again because it is never going to happen if I got something to say about it.

I will still be helping the homeless, I will still speak English around the homeless for the time being, but my main priority is to learn Russian because I mean to be less dumb and the only way to do that is to make sure that I can get news from the source. I don’t want someone translating shit for me. I want to understand what the hell is being said. When President Vladimir Putin gave that interview, I felt dumb as hell because I have wasted my life sitting up with a shit load of fiction books and was learning nothing of importance. And though I am not in the first bloom of youth, I still feel as though it is never too late to learn so long as one is willing. Hopefully, in the very near future, I will be able to post blogs in Russian. And for my readers who won’t understand Russian, there are plenty of translation sources online. In fact, people come to this blog from all over the world and on my screen, I see where a translation service has had to translate this blog for them. So, no worries there. You will still be able to access this blog if you so desire. Let the learning begin!!!

“Illegals, Welcome To AmeriKKKa! White AmeriKKKa Wants To Murder You! Welcome To OUR World! HA!”

And the title is absolutely NO joke! Once again, whites are getting others to work at jobs they are not willing to kill themselves over and so, enter an illegal workforce to perform those jobs. The old familiar playbook. And for those of you who say that soon, robots will come down the pike to perform those jobs, throw some piss on the robots and what will you have, “dead robots.” So, whatever plans the so-called, “elites” have put into play, they are not going to work, and that fact maybe just now getting into the heads of the lunatic “elites.”

Illegal Workers who cut crushed quartz countertops say they are falling ill


0206-cmo-engineeredstone-werner.jpg© Credit: CBSNews

Over the past decade, engineered stone countertops made from crushed quartz have taken over the U.S. market. They come in a range of colors and patterns, and manufacturers talk up their advantages.

But compared to natural stone, these slabs often contain much higher levels of crystalline silica — as much as 95%. While the countertops are not a danger to the consumers who’ve put them in their homes, if inhaled during fabrication, can cause silicosis, which destroys the lungs. Workers who cut and shape those slabs often work in a haze of silica dust, and many are now becoming sick.

Dr. Jane Fazio, a pulmonary critical care physician at UCLA Medical Center, said she talks to patients with silicosis “almost weekly.” A study Fazio led last year found that in California, nearly a fifth of the workers who got silicosis on the job died. 

“Yesterday, I had a patient, he’d had a cough he didn’t really think anything of. And I basically told him that he was gonna need a lung transplant or he was gonna die in the next couple of years,” said Fazio.

The disease especially impacts immigrant Latino workers who dominate the industry. The disease has not only endangered workers’ lives, but also placed a heavy emotional and financial burden on their families.

Illegals are dead illegals walking thanks to the ever so lazy, slothful, greedy ass whites who couldn’t give two shits about who they fuck up and fuck over. 

And if your ass is allergic to cuss words, then move the fuck along. This blog is not for you. Ain’t shit pretty out there and I am not about to pretty shit up in here even if I talk to my goddamn self. Shit is ugly and shitty and I am going to keep it moving, shittily!

Now, illegals, I know your asses can speak English despite the fact that you pretend otherwise since I’ve heard you fuckers speak English when you need to and so I know that if you bring your asses on up in here, you are going to be able to understand that you are welcome to come to America since the whites don’t want to destroy their lungs in order to fill their homes with stone kitchen countertops made from crushed quartz. If whites want a stone countertop sticking out their ass, they don’t want to kill themselves in order to get it installed. They want illegals to come to America and work for 80 pesos an hour, live 18 to a household in order to send money back to family members in, Puebla, Mexico City, and on and on it goes.

Illegals don’t take this blog to mean that I am trying to help you shits out in any way at all, I am just welcoming you to America in the hopes that whitey pasty-pink ass will have someone else to rain down their racist fire and brimstone on and give us Black-assed folks a damn break for two fucking seconds. We need some damn relief from the whites, illegals, if only for two damn seconds. We’ll fucking take it. So, enter the ILLEGALS, to our rescue. The whites are abusing YOUR asses as well, but they are also welcoming you at the moment because you see, they want to make sure to rein you in with offers of free gift cards loaded with a thousand dollars, free luxury hotel stays and free interpreter service, free 24/7 mainstream media coverage and even, free get-out-of-jail cards when you beat down the racist klan cops in this shithole because you see, the whites got plans for you. Oh, indeed, they do. 

Those fucking robots are not working out as planned. Haven’t heard. There was a robot that was situated in New York city subways, and it didn’t work out so well and now the robot has been, deaded by the robot program.

NYPD Removes Robot from Times Square Subway

The K5 was meant to deter crime and give commuters a way to report it. But many were mystified by its bulbous presence.

New York City has retired the robot, known as the Knightscope K5, from service inside the Times Square station. The Police Department had been forced to assign officers to chaperone the robot, which is 5 feet 3 inches tall and weighs 400 pounds. It could not use the stairs. Some straphangers wanted to abuse it.

On Friday, the white contraption in Police Department livery sat amid a mountain of cardboard boxes, separated from the commuting masses by a plate-glass window. People streaming by said they had often been mystified by the robot.

“I thought it was a toy,” said Derek Dennis, 56, a signal engineer.

It was an ignominious end for an experiment that Mayor Eric Adams, a self-described tech geek, hoped would help bring safety and order to the subways, at a time when crime remained a pressing concern for many New Yorkers.

LMAO!!! Folks thought the robot was a toy and many took “selfies” with the damn thing. That is laughable! The klan cops thought that a short squat piece of tin was going to deter crime and some more shit when all it did was get laughed at, get selfies taken and then, consigned to the cardboard box room. I cannot stop laughing!!! I just can’t make this shit up! Truth damn well is, stranger than fiction. But as usual, I digress.

Back to the illegals who are dying thanks to whites insisting on hiring them to do their dirty work just as they enslaved people who look like me to work for free and amassed a fortune from that shit! You whites are still at it; still using people for your benefit and fucking them up, know that you are fucking them up and could care less so long as you bitches benefit which is why you have encouraged and incentivized those people to come here. That “free” shit that you are endowing on them is only to lure them in and once they are feeling all safe and secure considering all that you have showered on them in the form of free, free, free, free, you’re going to pull the rug from underneath them and reveal the real reasons why you are so welcoming to the ILLEGALS who you insist on calling, “migrants,” and “asylum seekers,” when you know damn well that they are neither. But it benefits you to call them that because otherwise, your asses should be locking them up for committing crimes, but instead, you let them commit crimes, you give them fake ass money that’s only good in this shithole since the rest of the world is quite aware that this shithole is broker than broke can ever be broke and the money over here is damn near useless.

So yes indeed, illegals, you are quite welcome to come over here and work at cutting up countertops for the whites’ homes and in the process, you are quite welcome to come down with killer diagnoses of lung cancer over that shit! Whites are demented, racist lunatics and those of you who cross the border over into this country will just have to learn the hard way. And you really cannot complain since your asses willingly chose to come here as opposed to American descendants of slavery, who did NOT! We had no say in how our asses ended up in this cesspool of a shithole, but your damn asses are asking and begging for what the whites are eventually going to get around to dishing out on all of your asses and you are welcome to it! Us Black-assed folks should NOT be the only ones on the receiving end of the whites’ shit! We welcome all others who wish to know what OUR world is like.

And so, WELCOME, ILLEGALS!!! Let’s get this party started! Damn! You already have! You beat some damn cops’ asses in New York City and didn’t get whacked by the cops for THAT shit! You go with your bad selves. Ain’t a one of us Black folks been able to get away with that shit and so whitey pasty-pink ass must got some even BIGGER plans for your asses than they had for ours!! I ain’t wishing you good luck with THAT shit because it would be wasted! All I can say to you illegals is to remember the route you took to get across the border so that your asses can use that same route to cross the border back into Mexico because, believe me, once you realize what the whites have in store for you, you are going to be running hell for leather back across that damn border. “Make a run for the border,” ain’t just gonna be a Taco Bell catchphrase.


Illegals Attack Police In New York City, Why Were They Not Shot And Killed By The Police? The Police Have NO Problem Shooting And Killing Black People! Some Fuck Shit Is Going On Here!

On my news feed, there is nothing but some shit about how illegals in Times Square kicked, beat and tore up some New York City cops who were trying to arrest another illegal, but what I fail to read is that the cops pulled out their weapons and shot their attackers. I mean, the cops have no problem with pulling out their weapons and shooting unarmed Black people to death and so why are illegals off limits? Someone explain THAT damn shit!

NYPD officers attacked in Times Square; 5 suspects arrested, 7 still on the loose

Midtown police officers violently beaten by migrants

NEW YORK — The NYPD is expressing outrage after officers said a crowd of asylum seekers attacked two of their own in Times Square over the weekend, only to be released without bail.

Police are asking for the public’s help identifying men they say were part of a group of 12 that attacked two officers on Saturday night.

Surveillance video provided by the NYPD shows the front of a migrant shelter at 220 West 42nd St. Police said officers were trying to disperse a disorderly crowd when the two officers were assaulted. 

A second clip then shows officers apparently trying to take someone into custody when police say the officers were attacked by a group of men.

Illegals Causing Havoc In America! Deport Their Damn Illegal Asses!

This next story is exactly why I had to cuss illegals out on a bus in Montgomery County, MD. They thought they were going to be able to come here and disrespect my LEGAL behind.

ICE rearrests MS-13 gang member released by Montgomery County officials

An MS-13 gang member who was back on the streets, despite being convicted of accessory to murder charges, has been rearrested by Immigration and Customs Enforcement (ICE).

The arrest comes after the undocumented gang member had spent months behind bars.

He was released from jail even though ICE requested to take him into custody, so he could be deported.

A judge sentenced the 30-year-old to five years behind bars with the court suspending all but 18 months of his sentence.

When it came time to release him, he was freed despite an ICE detainer.

“We lodged a detainer with the Montgomery County Detention Center,” said Darius Reeves, ERO Baltimore acting field office director. “They actually called us and said they were not going to honor the detainer and advised us that they were releasing him.” 

According to ICE, the gang member was here from El Salvador and crossed the border in 2006.

That doesn’t even make any sense. Those illegals are living here for decades, have ICE detainers on their ass and Montgomery County, MD still protects those illegals, and yet when I was homeless in Montgomery County, MD, I could get no help at all and I am a LEGAL citizen of this country. I called Montgomery County Human Services and was told that if I was an illegal, they would require NO ID, but that if I was a LEGAL American citizen, I needed to have the proper ID stating that my address was a Montgomery County, MD address in order to receive services. I was sitting out on the damn streets, HOMELESS, while Montgomery County, MD was assisting illegal MS-13 gang members to evade law enforcement and was giving them carte blanche when it came to my fucking tax dollars.

Below is the video of me cussing out illegals on a bus in Montgomery County, MD and so now, I guess people will believe me when I said that Montgomery County, MD was loaded down with illegals and was busy helping them but had no assistance for down and out LEGAL American citizens.

I had to cuss illegals out on a bus in Montgomery County, Maryland due to the fact that those shameless illegal shits have taken over. Go to Montgomery County, MD and you will not fail to see that America is not owned by Americans anymore. Illegals have crawled here, took America over and are telling LEGAL Americans, to “Shut up!” That is what an illegal told me to do on a bus in Montgomery County, MD and I had to shut his shit down. And I did. I am never one to shy away from a fight and I most certainly did not hesitate when I was on a bus with mostly ILLEGALS wanting me to shut the fuck up!


Fairfax County officials release Honduran suspect despite immigration detainer, ICE says

A 21-year-old Honduran national who is in the country illegally is now facing federal charges for assaulting a law enforcement officer in Springfield, Virginia.

The man is also facing state charges for sexually abusing a minor in Virginia and producing child sexual abuse material. 

He was released from custody in Fairfax County even though federal officials wanted him detained for violating immigration law.

According to federal prosecutors, Lemus Ramos punched an immigration and customs enforcement officer in the face on Jan. 4 in Springfield. This happened while Ramos was out on bond in Fairfax County.

U.S. Immigration and Customs Enforcement (ICE) says Fairfax County sheriff’s deputies released Ramos from the Fairfax County Adult Detention Center even though he was the subject of a federal immigration detainer. 

“Fairfax County refused to honor the ICE detainer lodged against this Honduran noncitizen,” said acting ICE Deputy Field Office Director Erik Weiss. “When ICE detainers are ignored by local authorities, the public is put at risk.”

What the hell is going on?!! Why are local officials being told to release these ILLEGAL criminals when U.S. Immigration and Customs Enforcement (ICE) has detention orders on them? Some slick, shady shit is going on and that should be quite obvious since these are just two examples of what I am sure, are too many to count whereas illegals have been arrested for crimes and then released even though ICE is after their asses for deportation. This invasion of illegals is deliberate, there is nothing accidental like about this fuck shit! And the Biden Administration has some damn explaining to do since I am standing with Texas on defending this fucked up nation against an onslaught of illegals from who the hell knows where and we don’t even know what these criminals have been up to in their countries of origin.

We are all going to be found dead in our beds, murdered by these criminal illegals who are saturating this shithole with their criminal minded asses, diseases, gang and drug activity and some more shit!

I am going to continue to put this issue, front and center because we are all going to be more fucked up than we already are if we allow this invasion to continue without consequences. Whoever is behind this invasion of the illegals needs to be exposed and this shit needs to be stopped in its tracks. America has enough problems, and we do not need a shitload of criminal-minded illegals saturating this shithole that is already collapsing and imploding in on itself what with massive homelessness as the status quo, along with mass hunger, poverty and some more messed up shit! Our help system is already overburdened and is no longer capable of helping the legal Americans who need help and yet our tax dollars are going to fund assistance for illegals to gain access to housing, food, clothing, medical care, free interpreters, a free education, free SUVs, butlers, maids and free IDs that will enable them to vote. “Thanks, Democrats AND Republicans since you guys need to put up a bigger fight against this massive invasion takeover by another criminal element since you fuckers in congress are already a criminal element.”

Black communities are being impacted first by this illegal shitshow, but it will eventually get around to white areas as well. Don’t think that you whites are going to escape this illegal invasion because they are not just going to remain in Black communities but will eventually venture farther afield. They are already beating cops damn near to death and the rest of your asses are next. I’ve already cussed their damn asses out on a damn bus in Montgomery County, MD and I will more than likely find myself doing that shit, AGAIN! And believe me, I will relish doing so as I did the first time!

Illegals Displaced By GENTRIFICATION In Their Countries, Displaced Dumb Ass American High Schoolers Who Weren’t Learning Anything, Anyway!

Dumb ass kids in America, were displaced from a high school in New York City over the fact that it was too cold to expect illegals to sit up in tents while dumb ass high schoolers weren’t learning anything, anyway.

Rep. Stefanik Calls for Senate Action as NYC Students Go Remote To Accommodate Migrant

Rep. Stefanik Calls for Senate Action as NYC Students Go Remote To Accommodate Migrant


Rep. Stefanik Calls for Senate Action as NYC Students Go Remote To Accommodate Migrant©Credit: DepositPhotos

The relocation of nearly 2,000 migrants from a New York City tent shelter to a local high school, resulting in students having to switch to remote learning, has ignited outrage among residents and politicians. The move, cited as a precaution due to incoming storms, has been met with controversy as the disruption affects the education of schoolchildren.

Now, let me get this straight, white folks are screeching that their dumb ass kid’s education is being fucked up thanks to the illegals coming from Central and South America due to GENTRIFICATION put in play by the whites, who took their white privilege with them to Ecuador, Belize, Honduras, Columbia, Mexico, Venezuela and the list is endless and when the locals were “displaced” from their homes and decided that the thing to do would be to come to the US since the whites had damn near all gone to Central and South America and the illegals sought to make the US, their home, all hell broke loose? Is that about the gist of it, whites??!!

Your dumb ass kids don’t even know how to read. A social media influencer who goes by the name “Sir Chill Alot,” interviewed school age children as they were heading to the food court of a mall in Charleston, WV and when Sir Chill Alot, asked the first child who stated that their age was 12, to read the first sentence in a book, the child took the book and looked perplexed. The reason for the perplexed look was over the fact that the dumb ass kid had the book turned upside down. The dumb ass kid had no idea that the book was even upside down and when Sir Chill Alot, took the book and turned it right side up, the kid stumbled through one sentence that read, “See Dick and Jane run while chasing a ball as they played with their dog, Skip.”

So, how is it that the illegals are affecting the education of America’s dumb ass kids when there is no hope of stupidity ever being eradicated in America’s schools since the introduction of the smartphone? And why are parents exclaiming that they are pissed to the max that little Johnny and Sarah have been displaced from their school over some cold ass illegals needing all up and down on a warm building in order to not freeze to death this winter?

I do understand that the temperature today in Caracas, Venezuela was 83.4 °F and so why would illegals wish to leave behind nice, sunny ass Venezuela coming in at a whopping 83.4 °F for 27° F in cold ass New York City? Well, that is simple; GENTRIFICATION!!!! Shit is off the chain in South and Central American countries thanks to GENTRIFICATION that rendered the locals too poor to piss straight, what with white ex-pats coming in and upping the cost of everything making the locals no longer able to afford the necessities of life since the whites could just pull out their platinum credit cards and with a swipe, buy up land, build big homes by the beach and pay the locals mere pesos to cook, clean, garden and drive their asses around. But now, everyone’s panties are in a bunch in New York City thanks to Mayor Adams trying to see to it that the illegals don’t freeze to death since they had no choice but to leave their home countries thanks to GENTRIFICATION! 

James Madison High School’s Role©Credit: DepositPhotos
Negative Impact on Students

The migrants are controversially being transferred to James Madison High School, designated as a “temporary overnight respite center.” As a result, the school will be closed, forcing students into remote learning.

Little dumb ass Sarah Jane is now being dumb at home as opposed to being dumb at school and so it really makes no difference where one is when one is dumb, does it? Home, school, what’s the damn difference when illegals NEED to come in from the cold since they had been sitting all up in tents, exposed to the elements.

Migrants Relocated for Safety

We can’t have the illegals sitting all up in tents with wind chills below 0° F, now, can we? Where is that great humanitarianism and benevolence, whites? You strut around, puffing your chests out telling everyone within hearing distance about how benevolent and humanitarian you are and yet at the first sign of “inconvenience” to your dumb ass, entitled brats, it’s “Stop those illegals from inconveniencing my dumb ass kids!”


The relocation has drawn criticism for its impact on students, who must now pivot to remote learning. This shift can have adverse effects on their education and overall learning experience.

Ahhh! They’re claiming an “adverse effect on their education and overall learning experience,” when the kids are already dumber than a bag of rocks and don’t even know when a book is turned upside down. 

So, are we or are we not, welcoming of immigrants to this country? Isn’t everyone forever going on and on about how this is a nation of immigrants? Then, what’s the problem? The Indians didn’t get a say in whether or not whitey pasty-pink ass would stay or go and whitey pasty-pink ass stayed and damn near wiped out the entire Indian population, and even annexed parts of Mexico, but now, all of a damn sudden, it is a horrifying shame that illegals can come here and try and reclaim that which was stolen from them, is that about it, whites? You can steal shit six ways to Sunday, and bet not anybody complain about that shit, but when the tables are turned, you want to scream and yell about taking senate action to put a stop to that shit. Really?

The illegals are going to continue to come here. They are soon going to be the majority and there is nothing that you can do about it, whites. You whites may as well resign yourselves to the fact that you played your damn selves. You can’t destroy folks’ ability to make a living in their home countries because you slithered your pasty asses there, GENTRIFIED the shit and then when the poor ass locals turn around and decide that coming to America would be their best bet, you want to get bent-out-of-shape over the illegals taking over a school that your dumb ass kid wasn’t learning anything in, anyway. You white motherfuckers can be stupid together, at home. Aren’t you white bitches working remotely? Well, now your dumb ass kids are learning nothing, remotely and so there! Problem solved. Now, shut the fuck up!!

Whites Gentrified South And Central America! But Now, White Bitches Are Complaining That Those Displaced Through GENTRIFICATION Are Running To The States! Seriously??!!!

Dude in the article is an American, who moved to Mexico and is now attempting to take to task, other whites like him who went to Mexico, gentrified the hell out of it and now want to talk about how bad the locals have it thanks to the whites gentrifying Mexico. Meanwhile, the Mexicans, Hondurans, Columbians, Ecuadoreans, Venezuelans etc., are heading to America since their shit’s been GENTRIFIED! Ain’t that a bitch!

I’m an American living in Mexico. I’ve seen the effects gentrification has on the locals and wish other expats would stop doing these 5 things here.

Courtesy of Jeremy Albelda

  • Jeremy Albelda moved from the US to Mexico City in 2015.
  • Albelda says the recent exponential gentrification has taken a toll on the local population.
  • He says Americans moving to Mexico need to stop staying in older Airbnb units among other things.

While living in Mexico, I did content writing and worked in marketing. Then, I opened a British-themed pub and got involved in more restaurants and real estate there. After the COVID-19 pandemic, things changed.

There appeared to be an influx of mostly white Americans moving into Mexico. The recent exponential gentrification has taken a toll on the local population.

Let me repeat that!


You damn right it has taken a toll on the local population, but then when has that ever bothered the whites? This entire fucking country has already been GENTRIFIED by the whites and not to mention, damn near every Central and South American country as well since when the whites go in with their ill-gotten gains, they begin lording it over the locals, displacing them and then taking their shit over.

Years ago, when I sought to leave this shithole, hoping to find somewhere less racist, I purchased a subscription to “International Living” magazine and in that magazine was nothing but story after story of WHITE EX-PATS from America, Australia, Europe, all WHITES, talking about their wonderful experiences of GENTRIFIYING South and Central America. They spoke of nothing but their newly erected homes, tennis courts, golf courses, spa centers and how the locals were just so gracious and welcoming and some more shit! They also talked about the low cost of having a local for a gardener, maid, cook, nanny; the whole fucking nine yards and how they saved so much money paying the locals mere pesos and how grateful the locals were to receive a mere pittance for waiting hand and foot on those pasty-pink assed parasites! 

The World’s Best Places to Retire in 2024

The climate is nearly perfect, so utilities are a fraction. Taxes are a fraction. We have full-time housekeeping/gardening help and have become very spoiled.
— Dwight H., who left Santa Fe, New Mexico for an arts-rich town in the world’s #3 retirement haven.
And how about this one.
We are mortgage-free half a mile from the beach…
say James and Jeanne B. from their perch in a little coastal town set at the edge of a long stretch of white sand in the world’s #1 retirement haven for 2024.
Or how about this one!
We rent a house with ocean view in [#2 retirement haven] for €500 a month. Only a 10-minute walk from our doorstep, there are five different beaches to choose from. In the States, a property like that would be quadruple the price at least.
— Expat Rick S.
Those shits displaced a local with their sense of entitlement obtained via their ill-gotten gains that someone else slaved away for and those worthless entitled white bitches proceeded to GENTRIFY entire communities, disrupting the lives of millions and then expected that nothing untoward would happen as a result.
Ecuador was touted as the most friendly and worthwhile option for WHITE ex-pats since their currency was dollar-based. Cheap, cheap, cheap was touted in so far as real estate was concerned, as well as labor costs, food, entertainment, medical expenses; the whole nine yards.
But what is occurring in Ecuador today, eh?

There’s widespread violence in Ecuador — what’s behind it?

Police officers arrest one of the unidentified gunmen who burst into a studio of the state-owned TC television while live, in Guayaquil, Ecuador, on January 9, 2024, a day after Ecuadorean President Daniel Noboa declared a state of emergency following the escape from prison of a dangerous narco boss. Gunshots rang out on live TV in violence-torn Ecuador as armed men carrying rifles and grenades stormed the studio shortly after gangsters vowed a "war" against the president's plans to reclaim control from "na

(NewsNation) — Ecuador has been shaken by widespread violence this year, terrifying its citizens and leading the government to take swift action.

It hasn’t always been this way. Before this, Axios writes, Ecuador had not seen the major crime other Latin American nations dealt with from insurgent groups and drug-trafficking cartels.

Yes indeed, blame the violence on gangs and drug traffickers, but what is behind the rise in gangs and drug trafficking? FUCKING POVERTY brought to a country, nation and ant farm thanks to vicious, depraved WHITES, who consider themselves to be so damn benevolent and humanitarian when they are consigning local populations to jails, prisons and poverty while the WHITES sit back and soak up some sun, sip rum punch, bask in the delights of their white privilege while locals wait on them, hand and foot in Columbia, Ecuador, Venezuela, Belize as they sit on the beach on land that once belonged to the locals but since WHITES had their ill-gotten gains handed down to them from generation to generation thanks to SLAVERY, LAND THEFT, ENTIRE THEFT OF COUNTRIES AND THEIR PEOPLE, WELL NOW, JUST KEEP THAT MOMENTUM ALIVE!!!! 

Does that shit sound familiar? It should! It’s the same playbook the WHITES have used since they first slithered and crawled all around the globe doing that exact same shit wherever their damn vile asses landed. They STOLE slaves out of Africa, and brought them to America, which they STOLE from the Indians. The whites STOLE Australia, the WHITES stole NEW ZEALAND. The WHITES STOLE the Caribbean Islands and the Mariana Islands, the WHITES STOLE Hawaii; the whites STOLE any and everywhere that a tan or Black foot resided. And those worthless pasty-pink assed shits are still at it to this day, but then want to sit back and complain about the fuck shit that they set in play! Shut all the fuck the way up, WHITES! Don’t nobody want to hear your fucking whining!!! You set this shit in motion! Now deal with the damn consequences!

All across the globe, every Black, Brown and Tan body is rising up and is beating back against the WHITES which is why the WHITES set in motion a COVID PLANDEMIC TO TRY AND ANNIHLATE THE WORLDS’ BLACK, BROWN AND TAN PEOPLES because the WHITES knew that we were going to, collectively, come for their WHITE PASTY-PINK ASSES! That is happening, NOW!! You white bitches were not going to continue to get away with the foul ass, vicious, fuck shit that you’ve ALWAYS been up to. The worlds’ people have had enough of your RACIST THIEVING ASS WAYS!!!! I am so damn glad that I can barely contain myself!!! It took a long time in coming, but it is here! And your asses are going to go the route of the damn dinosaurs, WHITE BITCHES! And good fucking riddance!!!!!

And the so-called illegals are going to fuck your shit up, WHITES!! And there is not a goddamn thing that you can do to stop them. I am going to seriously stop complaining about the illegals because as long as the illegals continue to cross the border into this shithole, the more likely a WHITE bitch is going to suffer an attack of apoplexy and drop the fuck dead since Maine is giving illegals FREE, luxury housing. The illegals in New York have already been able to obtain SUVs and pickup trucks. The illegals in Chicago have nice winter coats and the mayors of several cities that have received illegals are continuously stating that they intend to keep helping the illegals to get on their feet, not to mention that there is also a move to get voting rights established for the newly arrived illegals just in time to help them vote for the Democrats come this December! I am loving it! Keep coming, illegals! You’ll soon make the WHITES, the illegals, especially since the WHITES have all but taken over YOUR damn countries, but are now screeching, wailing, whining and moaning that since they displaced you, you shouldn’t be here, giving them any grief! Fuck those white bitches! And keep coming! It’s fucking up their goddamn day and if a motherfucker is fucking up a white bitch’s day, then I am all FOR it! Keep the fuck coming, ILLEGALS!!!!!


Migrants receive 2 years of rent-free living at new Maine apartments

Migrants receive 2 years of rent-free living at new Maine apartments

The Maine State Housing Authority recently opened new apartments at a former naval air station base in Brunswick that will provide migrants with up to two years of rent-free living, funded by the state’s taxpayers.

According to WCSH-TV, the city is opening 60 new apartment units in five buildings. The units, 24 of which are already completed, will provide up to two years of free housing to migrants waiting for work permits.

One migrant residing in the apartments told the news outlet that her new unit feels like a “palace.”

The rent for these units will be paid using state funds approved by the legislature. Once migrants living in the units are approved to work, they will be expected to allocate 30% of their income to rent, WGME reported.

The Maine State Housing Authority, an independent state agency, is leading the project. After the two years expire, the program will either be extended, or the units will be converted into market-rate and affordable housing.

Yeah whites! You figure out what’s behind “other” whites giving your tax dollars and MY tax dollars over to illegals who can’t even work and have no income. Figure that shit out, whites!! Disabled veterans are sitting out on the streets, homeless and fucked up in the head and no housing authority has provided free, luxury housing to them, not to mention to Black-assed folks who look like me, but that’s a given. Black folks are used to getting fucked up by you soulless demonic freaks, whites, but your own kind is getting the shaft by those who also look like you. Explain THAT shit! Explain why illegals are receiving carte blanche even as you sit back and exclaim over that shit! Yeah! And you get back to me when you come up with an explanation for that shit, whites!!! Meanwhile, you fucking white bitches get what the hell you give!!!

Illegals Who Made The Trek From South Of The Border To Washington, DC Don’t Know Where They Are Going To Sleep After Christmas. Ain’t That A Bitch!

Illegals, just take your asses on back to Venezuela, Mexico, Honduras, Guatemala, Columbia, El Salvador, Ecuador, go on back to where the hell you came from. The damn temperature in Caracas, Venezuela on Tuesday, December 26th is going to reach a high of 85°F and so why the hell are you claiming to be from Venezuela and was doing so poorly down there, that you decided to come to America, ILLEGALLY, and with 1-year old and then sit somewhere moaning over how you have no place to live? You knew that shit when you left Venezuela. And guess the fuck what!!! Millions of Americans have no place to live! Should they head down to Venezuela? Would they be welcome in Venezuela? Would the Venezuelan government welcome broke ass Americans flooding their streets talking about they need some place to live? Yes, ILLEGALS, tell US all about it!

‘I don’t know what’s going to happen’: Migrant mother calls for more shelter, aid in DC

Migrant Mother's Call for Help photo 2

After a difficult and circuitous journey to get to America, a migrant mother of a 1-year-old child did not expect even tougher challenges in the land of opportunity.

She asked 7News to conceal her identity for safety reasons since she arrived from Venezuela to seek asylum in America.

But with her child in her arms, she detailed how she got to Washington, D.C., and why she fears she may have to live on the streets with her family.

“Sometimes I even think about going back to my country because the situation here is so difficult,” the woman said. “They didn’t understand the journey that we took to get here. They don’t understand. The government should do more to help the babies. Three days is not enough time to find shelter. Three days is not enough to find somewhere to rent and to live. They should give us more time. There are so many families that are sleeping on the streets. I just wish for the government, especially for the children, could offer more time and shelter, and see things from our perspective of trying to care for our children.”

So if the situation is so bad here that you are already contemplating heading back to Venezuela, then head on back to Venezuela because it is crystal clear that you are not seeking asylum due to being persecuted, someone told you to drag your ass to America because there are some dumb asses that are going to call the news and cover your nonexistent plight of escaping persecution in Venezuela when that was not the reason you made the trek to America from Venezuela. 

How did you think you were going to magically obtain housing, a job, childcare and food for your 1-year-old when you can’t work because you lack a green card since you are here, ILLEGALLY??!!! You mean, no one told you that millions of Americans are living on the streets, already? What makes you more special than they are? Because you don’t speak English? Because you lie outrageously about seeking asylum when that is not the case? What makes you more special than those who are already here, LEGALLY, and who are also on the streets and no camera crew is interviewing them as to where they will sleep after Christmas? 

I am damn tired of this shit! I just marched the Homeless Memorial March to memorialize those who died this year because they lacked a home and this ILLEGAL bitch from Venezuela is whining that her illegal ass has to leave up out of the place she is currently staying, which is with a temporary host family, but only for the Christmas holiday and since that is over, her ass has to get out. Bitch, get ta steppin!! Don’t let the doorknob hit you on the ass on the way out!

Washington, DC does not have enough shelters for those who are LEGAL citizens of this country, and your ass only makes things worse for them because needed resources for those who have paid taxes to this shithole are now going to assist you with food, clothing and some more shit when your ass could be living it up in sunny, hot ass Venezuela, enjoying a nice 85°F. What??!! Are you crazy? Why the hell would you venture to the states at this time of the year and head for Washington, DC, especially since you claimed to have stopped off in Atlanta, GA which is surely a bit warmer than Washington, DC is at this time of the year? And why would some dumb ass give you bus fare to get to Washington, DC knowing that DC is cold as hell this time of the year? And I should know since I was homeless in DC this time last fucking year! I called a local news station to ask them to cover MY plight and who the hell do you think showed up? Not one goddamn news crew even bothered to call me back, but your ILLEGAL ass gets back-to-back news coverage, and your ass is here, ILLEGALLY! Go fucking figure!

I was told to sit out on the damn streets by so-called ‘help’ agencies, homeless shelters and even churches, but everyone and his damn Iguana is supposed to help your ass! The same damn legs that walked your damn ass from Venezuela, use those legs to walk the fuck back to Venezuela because we got nothing for you here. If your ass is so upset about having to sleep on the damn sidewalk in Washington, DC and you already regret leaving Venezuela, then you’re halfway there! Fucking bye! Because I don’t give a damn about the problems you claim to be having in your damn country, Black people are having serious problems in THIS country and ain’t a damn fucking soul helping us with ours. And we damn sure don’t need your asses sitting up looking cross-eyed talking about how bad you’ve got in your country. What’s that got to do with us? We didn’t do shit to you! Take that up with whitey pasty pink ass if you believe that they are responsible for why the weather in your country may be sunny, but your fucking day don’t match the weather. Ain’t shit here for you either! Now, drag your ILLEGAL asses on back across the border and stop complaining about how homeless your asses are. You left homes in Venezuela, and they are sitting, waiting on your asses to return!

Illegal Moroccan Says, “Thanks Joe Biden For Letting Me In, I Am Not Seeking Asylum. I Just Want To Get To New York!”😂

This next story is absolutely ridiculous! First, Moroccan dude claims to NOT be seeking asylum, but instead, wants to find work in New York City, but has no skills other than lying. Hold up! Wait a minute! Since dude has a skill in lying, then send him straight to Washington, DC and he can get job as a politician since liars are the only things walking around Washington, DC these days, claiming to be politicians FOR the American people. What a load of bunk!

Delighted Moroccan migrant praises the president as he arrives at the US-Mexico border where THOUSANDS camp by the remote Arizona port of entry

A delighted Moroccan migrant arriving at the US-Mexico border has praised president Joe Biden after illegally crossing at Lukeville, Arizona

  • A migrant who crossed illegally at Lukeville, Arizona has thanked president Joe Biden upon his arrival to the US-Mexico border.

In an interview with Fox News Correspondent Bill Melugin at the border town, one migrant admitted he wasn’t seeking asylum and instead traveled there to seek job opportunities in New York.

‘I love you Joe Biden, thank you for everything Joe Biden I am a good person I want to be a good person here in the United States,’ the man, who did not share his name, said to Melugin.

The same man who was seen dressed in an orange jacket and black hoodie claimed to local reporters he had been beaten in the face by ‘African people’ while making the journey.

So, according to Moroccan dude, the Africans beat him all about the face on his journey to be an illegal in America, and the cops hit him as well. Good grief!

The African people they hit me and the police also hit me,’ he claimed.

He added they wanted to take him to prison and that he had ‘not eaten in 24 hours.’

’24 hours I haven’t eaten anything, can you help me?’ he pleaded with the local reporter he was speaking to.

Further reports indicated the young man had allegedly ‘cut in line and caused a fight.’

Dude claims innocence since he had no idea why anyone would “beat him about the face.” Well, could it have been the fact that ILLEGAL dude tried to cut in line? Could it be the fact that dude was already engaging in ILLEGAL shit by not coming to America actually in need of asylum, but was coming for better job prospects? This shit is too ludicrous for word. 

Americans are being told that we need to become more sympathetic to the plight of ILLEGALS since they are only here seeking asylum when that is a bold-faced lie! Many ILLEGALS have stated exactly what this dude said in that he did NOT come to America seeking asylum, he only came to seek a job. So, why was his ass allowed to cross the border when he was not being persecuted in his own damn country? Here’s a clue!

Senator Dick Durbin Proposes Arming Illegal Immigrants, Providing Them with Military Training

Nick Ut / Getty Images; Robert Nickelsberg / Getty Images

A 79-year-old Democrat who has been feeding at the public trough for more than four decades wants to give the unvetted armies of illegal aliens invading the southern border access to guns and military intel.

He claimed giving citizenship in exchange for military service to the migrant mobs breaking federal laws to sneak into the United States would enhance national security.

“Do you know what the recruiting numbers are at the Army, Navy, and the Air Force? They can’t reach their quotas each month. They can’t find enough people to join our military forces,” the Senate Judiciary Committee chairman said.

“And there are those who are undocumented who want the chance to serve and risk their lives for this country. Should we give them a chance? I think we should.”

Let this sink in: Durbin — a “gun-control” advocate who’s spent a career trying to restrict Americans’ Second Amendment right to self-defense — thinks it’s a great idea to arm foreign nationals whose first act in this country was to break its laws.

Not only that, but he wants to give illegal aliens access to sensitive military weapons and information networks — in the name of bolstering “national security.

So, Americans, do you really think that the shits who you elect to serve the American people, are doing just that? Since enough Americans are not supporting those warmongers in Washington, Washington has decided that illegals should make up the armed forces in this shithole. How well do you think that shit is going to work out? Someone is telling these illegals to show up at the border, in spades and they are doing so. 

And Black folks are not supposed to have a problem with illegals. We are supposed to “feel their pain.” Who is feeling ours?

Black folks used to do those jobs, but now you only see those from Central and South America, who have taken jobs away from Black folks, working in this capacity. 

I remember, decades ago in my hometown, Black men would go around town, getting odd jobs of cleaning windows, sweeping floors of businesses and carting out the trash. They would be standing at the bus stop with their cleaning buckets and head downtown and clean the windows of businesses all day long, get paid and be back at it the next day. Now, illegals, for pennies on the dollar, are doing that shit while Black people are walking the streets homeless because even the menial jobs have been taken over by the illegals. If whites can get away with paying someone mere pennies on the dollar, they will do so. Whites write the laws, and they will always write them in favor of their bottom line and everyone else will pay the price. These illegals who take those jobs often have 10-15 people living in one household. And so, if someone tells them to come to America to make use of great opportunities here, the reality is a window cleaning job for pennies on the dollar and a home life that consists of 15 people in the household, but, apparently, to illegals, it’s worth it. As for poor Black homeless people who have been sidetracked by this turn of events, sit outside and die already. Whites have a new ‘labor’ situation that is still beneficial to them. Black folks, according to the whites, have passed their expiration date.

And now, illegals are welcome to take up the slack for Americans who refuse to sign on the dotted line to continue senseless wars all across the globe. If anyone was wondering just why this country is being saturated with illegals, many of whom are military age males, then wonder no more. Dick Durbin has stated, and in no uncertain terms, that illegals should be put to use to serve the warmongers in congress. Put them on the frontlines of the many wars this shithole has started.

Whites continue to make use of others to suit their fucked-up agenda and that will never change. First the Indians had to have their land stolen from them, then the Africans were dragged over here to build the shit up and now that their descendants balk at the paltry pay we have been receiving at menial jobs, and the fact that we are no longer signing on the dotted line to fuck people up in foreign countries who have done not a goddamn thing to us, it is now time to, AGAIN, saturate this country with a new killing base, illegals. Not to mention the fact that the Democrats have already started to draft legislation making it legal for illegals to vote. Exploit folks much, whites? It never stops!

Democrats are pushing work authorization for migrants — so they can vote


If you think offering migrants luxury hotel rooms, free meals, laundry service, transportation, health care and immigration lawyers is excessive, just wait until they can vote.

Democrats are pushing to give noncitizens the franchise in local elections in New York City, Boston and other municipalities, as well as statewide in Connecticut.

Nope! No agenda there!


I Have Changed My Fucking Mind! I Am Going To Vote FOR Joe Biden Because He Will Make Sure That America Is Finally DESTROYED!!!

I finally had an epiphany. It just dawned on me that since I am all FOR the complete and utter destruction of America, let Joe Biden continue to git ‘er done!!!

Send this blog to Joe Biden’s personal physician and tell him to prop that man up so that he will be able to continue with the destruction of this shithole. Tell him to clone Joe Biden’s ass if he has to but let him get the opportunity to finish what he has started. Joe Biden needs a damn second term to get the shit done!

Joe Biden has done what even Donald Trump couldn’t do, Biden has facilitated the final collapse of this shithole and has even sped it up. 

Bombshell: Biden Pentagon Exposed for Buying Russian Fuel Oil, Evading Wartime Sanctions – Report

rgaydos / Getty Images

A blistering exposé from The Washington Post is casting new aspersions on the oversight — or lack thereof — stemming from President Joe Biden’s administration.

“Forbidden Russian oil flows into the Pentagon supply chain,” the ominous, exclusive report warned readers right off the bat.

・Russian oil imports were collectively banned by the U.S. and the European Union in March 2022 as a response to the country’s war with Ukraine, per The Post.

・A Greek refinery that serves the U.S. military claimed it adapted to these new sanctions — but apparently did not.

Old Biden is a sneaky devil, is he not? Pretending to hate the Russians, pretending to impose sanctions against the Russians, all the while, buying Russian oil to provide the clueless US military with the power to fire up! That is rich! And as if that isn’t bad enough, check out the next headline brought to you by Joe Biden.

Surging Numbers of Undocumented Immigrants at the U.S.-Mexico Border Exceed Annual U.S. Births

According to a report released by the House Homeland Security Committee, the number of illegal aliens encountered at the United States-Mexico border has reached approximately 6.5 million since President Joe Biden assumed office in January 2021.

This figure surpasses the annual number of births in the United States, which is close to four million per year. Chairman Mark Greene (R-TN) emphasizes that despite entering a new fiscal year, the nation is still grappling with the ongoing border crisis.

Under President Biden and Department of Homeland Security (DHS) Secretary Alejandro Mayorkas, there have been 6.5 million encounters with illegal aliens at the southern border.

Now, I admit that I have railed against the Biden Administration for allowing the illegals to invade America, but I am no longer against the illegals and this massive invasion, again, brought to you by the Biden Administration. In fact, I am all for it. And I am so glad that the last time I encountered an illegal, I even gave him $5 since he was standing in the middle of the street with his begging sign.

José Pérez from Venezuela, he was not enjoying the cold weather and the fact that America is not the land of milk and honey like he was told.

Those wonderful 6.5 million illegals who are about to cross over or have already crossed over into America, make up the population count, equivalent of several US states. And what’s more, they are going to keep at it because those from south of the border are Catholic and they breed like rabbits.

Joe Biden said in the beginning, before he even stepped foot inside the Oval Office, that he was going to grant citizenship to over 11 million illegals who were already living in America and since that time, almost 11 million additional illegals have arrived in America and that number can quadruple in just a few short years. They are steadily giving birth and since they will be considered, LEGAL American citizens, there will be nothing that the whites can do to staunch the flow of illegals crossing over. In fact, no wall can keep them out since they have dug tunnels through multiple border states and are not just having to cross the Rio Grande, since there are other ways to arrive here. Where there’s a will, there is a way.

And quite frankly, the so-called, “illegals” are just looking at it as sort of like, coming home, since the whites did ANNEX parts of Mexico and claimed it for their own. Hence why the Mexicans and others south of the border are quite put out over the cold shoulder treatment that they have been receiving from the white Americans since they are just reclaiming what they owned in the first damn place. I guess those souths of the border are thankful that the thieving whites did not penetrate too far south, or they would have suffered the same fate as the Indians. 

Joe Biden, in fact, stated that Americans are going to have to learn to adapt. And what’s more, many companies are requiring that their employees learn to speak a foreign language. And so, when are you white Americans going to get to screeching and wailing about that shit?

I must apologize to the illegals since I damn near cussed y’all out on a bus in Montgomery County, MD for telling me to shut up. Y’all are just here to assist Joe Biden in destroying America for the whites, and Black people should not care since this shithole has always been about the business of destroying our Black asses and so if Joe Biden’s plan is to destroy America by dragging in millions from south of the border, then I should have no problem with that seeing as how, what the hell do I have to lose? But whites! You got some shit to lose, and you are about to pay up, and in spades. Joe Biden is going to see to it that whites are going to be left with not much of anything of value after the illegals become legal, and the so-called ‘legal white Americans, become the minority and thus get put out by the newly legal illegals. This shit is just too damn funny. And where will my Black ass eventually end up? Who the hell cares! Just so long as someone is making the whites’ days, not so damn sunny! I’m cool with whatever!!!

Oh, and Biden, you’re doing a wonderful job of destroying America! Keep at it! I know I am voting FOR you to keep at it! Do not disappoint!! And since you will get re-elected thanks to massive voter fraud, AGAIN, America doesn’t stand a chance!!!!

Let me also leave you with this little tidbit of information.

Video: NYC mayor cuts police, school funding over migrant crisis


New York City Mayor Eric Adams announced Thursday that the city would be reducing the size of its police force and cutting budgets across city departments, including education funding, as the city continues to be overwhelmed with the high costs of providing shelter and services for illegal migrants.

That money that the whites would like to see, fund the Klan Kops, are going to go to fund illegals who should be quite welcome here since it is their contention that this is actually their home as well. They insist on residing in temporary upscale accommodations until they can be placed in more permanent upscale accommodations, and they want that shit as soon as possible because it’ll get colder than ice in just a little under a month in New York City. Whites, get that shit done for the illegals. After all, it’ll be like ‘old home week’ to them.