One Of Amerikkka’s Military Whores Finally Discovered Racism And Fled To North Korea

This teacher was absolutely correct when he stated that the U.S. military is filled with “fucking stupid Uncle Louies.”

North Korea claims US soldier seeks refuge, fled ‘racism’

North Korea on Wednesday said the U.S. army private who crossed the border in July had “expressed his willingness to seek refuge” in the secretive country after becoming disillusioned with American society.

Pvt. Travis King, 23, had been deployed in South Korea and spent 47 days in a local jail after an altercation with locals, according to U.S. officials. After his release, he booked a tour of the Demilitarized Zone, during which he ran across the border.

Dude said, “Fuck this shit! I qualify for food stamps, the same as I did when I worked at Walmart and even though I joined the U.S. military to better my situation, here I am sitting in jail in South Korea on some bullshit charges, to hell with this. My uncle was right all along, AmeriKKKa is racist as hell! North Korea, here I come! If you can host Dennis Rodman, then I should be just fine.”

23-year-old Private Travis King, the U.S. wants their slave back and even though you’re only 23-years old, you should still know that this country was founded on theft, genocide and slavery. I do realize and understand that schools have been dumbing students down, but let’s get real; a blind, deaf mute that’s been planted still knows what the U.S. has and always will stand for and your black ass ain’t never meant shit to this fucking fifth world nation that’s rapidly descending into hell.

Look at this shit!

Gump’s Owner Slams San Francisco Leaders, Newsom Over Downtown Conditions


A woman appears to be defecating in a bus shelter on the streets of San Francisco, California on Friday, April 14, 2023. Flight Risk for Fox News Digital


The owner of Gump’s, a luxury store in San Francisco took out a full page-ad blasting California state and local officials claiming that his rich customers are beyond disgusted by the fact that they must witness asses bent over on the sidewalk taking a shit while they are merely trying to shop at a luxury department store and that shit ain’t hardly fair. According to Gump’s former patrons, the homeless should just use their own restrooms and only come out in the streets when they have bathed and groomed themselves to specific requirements that meet the minimum standards of the code of conduct in deporting yourself in public; never mind the fact that you have no home because rents are skyrocketing. Put some boots on and pull yourselves up by your bootstraps the same as Gump’s former patrons have done.

Next up!

Employees inside Nancy Pelosi Federal Building in San Francisco told to work from home as crime skyrockets

Workers in the Nancy Pelosi Federal Building in San Francisco were ordered to steer clear of the building “for the foreseeable future” as crime in the city continues to skyrocket.

Officials at the US Department of Health and Human Services advised its hundreds of federal employees to indefinitely work from home rather than risk commuting to the downtown tower, which has become a hotspot for street drug deals in recent months.

According to Nancy Pelosi, her 5 employees have NOT been ordered to steer clear of the building but have instead been encouraged to continue going in to work at the federal building bearing her name. Pelosi insists that her 5 employees should have no problem with the fact that each and every single one of us must take a shit and just because we become homeless, taking a shit does not simply cease. Shit happens no matter where one lives; be it in a house, an apartment or a tent on the sidewalk. Pelosi met with city officials to try and brainstorm over what to do with the loads of shit left on sidewalks and in the streets. An intrepid city employee was heard to make a suggestion; employ shit scoopers since apparently, in the days of the Wild, wild west when horses were the main mode of transportation, shit scoopers were employed, and the shit worked. Why not employ that method today? We will surely find out if that employee will be laughed out of his job or receive a medal.


Target facing ‘unacceptable amount’ of retail theft and organized retail crime, CEO says

 “Our team continues to face an unacceptable amount of retail theft and organized retail crime,” he said. “Shrink remains consistent with our expectations but well above the sustainable level where we expect to operate over time, and unfortunately, safety incidents associated with theft are moving in the wrong direction.”

On a zoom call, CEO Shrink expressed outrage that inventory in Target stores was ‘shrinking’ and even though he was named for ‘shrinkage’, that shit just should not take place inside Target stores and especially since the cause of the shrinkage has a lot to do with people whose jobs have shrunk to no jobs and therefore, in order to feed themselves and their families, they have taken to reducing the corporate bottom line by engaging in a bit of “broke shopping.” I mean…just what did CEOs imagine people were going to do after having seen the big bank executives get rewarded with multimillion dollar bonuses after the 2008 economic crash while Mainstreet was allowed to ‘shrink’ into nonexistence?

And so, folks, is it any wonder that Private Travis King would throw himself across the border into North Korea? With all the shit that AmeriKKKa is eyeball deep in, and the fact that racism is running rampant as well, what other choice did King have? This particular ‘King’ obviously did NOT have a dream about little Black girls and little Black boys rubbing shoulders in harmony with their white counterparts and so that kumbaya shit just wasn’t happening; not ever especially since he had been sitting all up in a jail cell in South Korea for, apparently, not getting along with the ‘locals’. No surprise there. A Black man dumped down in South Korea, and nothing was going to go wrong with that, eh?

Private, keep your black ass in North Korea if they’ll have you. Kim Jong Un is no worse than these despots over here or anywhere else for that matter. If Edward Snowden can be harbored by Russia, then I see no reason why North Korea can’t harbor you. Good on you for trying to give it a go because these stupid shits over here are well aware that we were STOLEN, but now it’s a big ass problem for shit to get stolen. To hell with them!!!!



Black Women, Kevin Samuels Is Dead, Enjoy Your Weekend! Cheers! 🍾🥂🍾🥂


I admit that I never watched a video or read anything pertaining to Kevin Samuels, but unfortunately, it was hard to NOT hear of the things he said by other means and from what I gather, there was nothing about Kevin Samuels that denoted respect for Black women and so with that having been said, “Good riddance to bad rubbish!”

Kevin Samuels Dead at 57

The influencer and self-proclaimed image consultant, lifestyle coach, and dating expert died Thursday in Georgia.

The police report states they talked to a woman who said they met Kevin Wednesday night and spent the night with him at his place in Atlanta. The woman — who is a nurse — said Kevin started to complain of chest pains on Thursday morning, and she tried to help him. She told cops he fell on top of her, so she called 911 and requested a defibrillator from the front desk of the apartment complex.

Apparently, even Kevin Samuels heart got tired of beating to the tune of his insulting and offensive comments to Black women and simply refused to beat any more. So, dude was so vile that he had to resort to one-night stands and just so happened to have happened upon a nurse for his last bit of folly, but even that did him no good. That heart said, “Nurse or no nurse, I’m out!” Kevins Samuels’ demise gets no sympathy from me, nor any useless inane utterances of thoughts and prayers. For what? According to what I have heard about Samuels, he would have scoffed at those anyway.

One thing that I cannot understand is why it would seem that so many Black women even bothered to listen to this now deceased asshole. If someone was only spouting garbage about my lack of worth, I would certainly not continue to lend them an ear in which to receive such garbage. It would appear that even through these hard times, many Black women have too much time on their hands if they can sit up and listen, non-stop to an egomaniac and get all bent out of shape over what this disturbed individual had to say. And so thankfully, his heart refused to listen anymore and did what it did, quit on his ass. So now, he can fill the devil’s ears with his mindless, inane offensive drivel as he screeches as well while turning on a spit roasting in hell. Something will eventually put an end to the nonsense of puffed up nothings, who for whatever reason, obtained followers by the millions who paid his way. However, Atlanta is less one piece of shit black man. No loss there.

Black women, let no man define your worth. That is for you to do and as soon as you realize that you have no use for these ‘men’, the better off you’ll be. I wish someone had told me this long ago because I had to learn the hard way that only when I lived my life on my own terms and by myself did I do better in life than I ever did when a man was involved. It would seem that countless Black women are going to have to also find this out the hard way and that is a pity because it should be obvious by now that the only thing a Black man is going to do is bring you down. And don’t even bother with a white man which is what many of you are doing. You don’t need a man PERIOD, and that’s a fact.

So Black women, who are you going to follow now that this Samuels dude is a goner since his heart had more sense than all of you had? Find someone else to tell you how worthless you are and how you should just get somewhere and sit down because you have passed your expiration date on getting a so-called ‘high value man’ when there are none? Consider yourselves to be ‘high value women’ and you won’t feel the need to have a ‘man’ make you feel some type of way about yourself. Get some self esteem for a change and stop letting these snake oil salesmen keep selling you a bill of goods. Stop being a compliant conformist and think for yourselves. Of the two, Black women and Black men, Black women are the most educated, intelligent and independent because it is almost always a Black man that’s crawling to a Black woman for everything from a meal to a roof over his head. You don’t need Black men, Black men need you. And as you can see, even this Kevin Samuels piece of shit needed a woman to try and save his worthless life. But when it’s over, it’s over and there is no amount of saving shit. The only thing Samuels is going to be ‘influencing’ are the maggots and to the maggots I say, “Bon Appétit!”

My Advice to Dems, Stop Being Punk B!tches! — WriteSomeShit

OFF TOP: EXCUSE MY LANGUAGE. I HAD TO SAY IT LIKE I FELT IT. Yesterday the Democrats got their asses kicked, and rightly so. Am I shocked? No. Black people can always smell the rain coming, and we knew this would happen. Undoubtedly many people will study the election results, and potential candidates will hire…

My Advice to Dems, Stop Being Punk B!tches! — WriteSomeShit
But…but…but…when Joe Biden was declared the president-elect, the writer of this blog did this!
the official call was made that former Vice President Joe Biden was The 46th President-Elect of the United States of America. I immediately let out a yell and a deep sigh of relief! […]
You should still be yelling and sighing in relief that Joe Biden is the president and the Dems are still head of the House. What’s the problem now???!!!!!
Stop Treating Black People Like The Side Chick. You got this thing twisted. We ain’t the side chick. We are the main chick. We shouldn’t be an afterthought. We should be aforethought. Yall treat Black people like a 2:00 am booty call, and now you are shocked when we are like, “New phone. Who dis?”
SHUT.THEE.HELL.UP!!!!!!!! This is what you wanted; this is what you let out a yell and a deep sigh of relief over and now, you’re cussing and carrying on as though you had no idea that this shit was coming. Who the hell are you fooling? I told you what was what when I reblogged your post, “They Live Among Us!” and yet, there you are, blowing a gasket for what YOU voted for, let out a yell for and gave a deep sigh of relief for! That shit’s on YOU! It doesn’t make a gnat’s ass worth of difference who is at the helm of this lopsided, sinking, stinking ass Titanic, ain’t no goddamn body gonna do shit for American descendants of slavery and in fact, Joe Biden is planning on giving….WAIT FOR IT….REPARATIONS TO ILLEGALS WHO HE CLAIMS WERE SEPARATED AT THE GODDAMN BORDER FOR DRAGGING THEIR ASSES OVER HERE. HOW THE FUCK DID WE GET HERE? WE DID NOT COME HERE WILLINGLY AND YET HOW ARE WE BEING TREATED IN COMPARISON TO SOME MOTHERFUCKERS WHO THREW THEMSELVES OVER HERE? GOP blasts Biden for $450K per person payout to illegal immigrant families
Republican lawmakers are blasting reports that the Biden administration is discussing paying almost half a million dollars per person to illegal immigrants who were separated from their families at the southern border during the Trump administration — calling it “insanity,” “unacceptable” and a “slap in the face.”
It’s a goddamn slap in the face alright! A slap in the face to every single American descendant of slavery, but this is what you wanted since it has been stated that, as usual, Black people fell in line with the Democraps and voted for their asses, overwhelmingly and probably like this here Hannah Drake, yelled in joy and let out sighs of relief when Joe Biden was announced the president-elect. But now, your asses are sitting somewhere looking stupid as hell because I get to say, “I TOLD YA SO!” You dumb Black motherfuckers ain’t got the brains God gave a gnat, sitting somewhere letting out yells and sighs of relief because one flaming, stomp down racist president was exchanged for another one and this one promises REPARATIONS FOR ILLEGAL MOTHERFUCKERS WHO ARE HERE BECAUSE THEY CHOSE TO BE HERE. AMERICAN DESCENDANTS OF SLAVERY DID NOT CHOOSE TO BE HERE, BUT WE ALWAYS GET NOTHING WHILE OTHERS, INCLUDING ILLEGALS GET REPARATIONS!!!! That’s some sick ass shit that is supposed to insult us and some more shit, but you fools want to cheer on a Biden presidency, thinking that’s better than a Trump presidency. And what’s more, you dumb asses are most likely still thinking that shit because you fucking never learn and I’m not apologizing for my language. I said what I said and I fucking meant it; every goddamn word!!!!! And Hannah Drake, I’m fucking done with you because you claim to be so educated, so woke and knowledgeable, but you are stupid as hell because you can’t see the forest for the trees and get to yelling in glee and sighing in relief over a motherfucker who gets elected and promptly tries to hand over $450,000 to EACH AND EVERY SINGLE ILLEGAL while claiming at the same time that AMERICAN DESCENDANTS OF SLAVERY ARE OWED NOTHING!!!! Sit your ass down and shut the fuck up!! You and those like you who voted for that bastard and celebrated it are part of the problem. We don’t need y’all shuck and jive motherfuckers to say shit because y’all ain’t got a fucking leg to stand on. So just shut the fuck up already! In fact, take several seats because your asses look stupid as hell and you should fucking know that, but you’re too dumb to see it!!!! AS FAR AS JOE BIDEN IS CONCERNED, AMERICAN DESCENDANTS OF SLAVERY FOR REPARATIONS, GET HOMELESSNESS AND MASS INCARCERATION WHILE ILLEGALS GET $450,000 A PIECE! NOW, WHEN YOU SIT YOUR ASS DOWN, HANNAH DRAKE, LET OUT A YELL OF GLEE AND A SIGH OF RELIEF ABOUT THAT SHIT, WHY DONCHA???!!!! Piss off!!!! And once again, you sure as hell do, WRITE SOME SHIT!!!!! Lastly, in case you forgot, I am reposting the comment that I left on your blog “They Live Among Us,” when you let out a yell and a sigh of relief when Joe Biden was declared the president-elect.
I cannot understand why you are celebrating. You want more immigrants and yet, it is a known fact that American descendants of slavery have had to train their immigrant replacement and go home, jobless. In fact, 60 Minutes did a segment about that and I blogged about it. Ask Robert Harrison if he is celebrating. But I think I know the answer to that. He’s not, because he had to train his replacement from India, was given a severance package that amounted to nothing and was told that he no longer had a job. And yeah, he was a Black man who had a family to take care of. I guess they are sitting up in a homeless shelter right about now. And tell me, who was president when Eric Garner was caught on tape exclaiming, “I can’t breathe?” Was it Trump? I’ll give you a clue, dude had a permanent tan. Michael Brown, Eric Garner, Sandra Bland, Freddie Gray, Walter Scott, Philando Castile, Tamir Rice, and Akai Gurley are just a small sampling of black people who died during President Obama’s watch and what did he do about rampant, out-of-control racist cops murdering Black people? Obviously nothing since you’re speaking of George Floyd, talking about how he couldn’t breathe under the knee of Derek Chauvin. But Obama gets a free pass? Not to mention, white supremacists were doing what they’ve always been doing even under Obama’s watch and I guess you’ve forgotten about this: avowed white supremacist, Dylann Roof massacred nine Black churchgoers in Charleston, South Carolina, during a prayer service in 2015. That was also on Obama’s watch and what did he do about that? Why he attended one of the victim’s funeral and sang a song penned by a known flaming slave trader by the name of John Newton. The song he screeched out was “Amazing Grace.” Remember that? Over Reverend Pinkney’s dead body? And why does Biden illicit cheers and tears of joy when millions of American descendants of slavery are still sitting up in prisons thanks to Biden railing for hours on the senate floor stating that Black children were predators who needed to be locked up and thanks to the Clinton/Biden 1994 crime bill, that is exactly what happened. Kamala Harris called herself, “Top Cop” when she was the top prosecutor in California and locked up broke Black mothers for their child’s truancy and laughed about it. Was against the legalization of weed, but is now for it. Seriously? She locked so many Black men up for misdemeanor drug crimes, it should have been a shame and then sent them out to fight wildfires when they had no formal training and many died. But that’s all kosher now, I suppose. So, it’s time to get out the balloons, confetti and believe that Biden/Harris are going to be what Trump was not. Not one Black person in America was under any delusions BEFORE Trump about racist whites and that those racist whites are not just the ones who march through the streets in sheets and hoods, but are in fact our doctors, lawyers, judges, bankers, CEOS of every single corporation and the list is endless. This did not just become problematic during the Trump Administration. Racism defines America; always has and always will. However, there is not a thing to celebrate and you of all people, should know this.
And I finished it with: When there was no pandemic and no need for mass mail-in voting ballots, the Democrats cried, “FOUL!” for four goddamn years, but now, there ain’t a gnat’s ass worth of voter fraud, interference or fucking problem AT.ALL??!! But those like Hannah Drake are so thirsty for what she thinks will be a Utopia under Biden/Harris that they cannot look past the smoke and mirrors, lies and deflection because the media has been making Trump out to be the absolute BADDEST RACIST MOTHERFUCKER TO EVER EXIST. Let those like Hannah Drake continue to buy into that bullshit and watch when their world really does completely and absolutely collapse and the smoke clears and the mirrors crack and they finally see reality. Talk about ‘racism’ then, Hannah Drake, if they leave you in any position to talk at all. Because what’s going to come from this Biden/Harris nightmare is going to be something that none of us can wake up from because they are going to bring us a nightmare reality. Cheer and shed tears about that. You’ll soon wish you hadn’t. Beware of racists in sheep’s clothing for they are worse than unapologetic racists. I’d rather a racist proudly proclaim his racism than have a racist motherfucker like Joe Biden go on a apology tour only because he needs votes when he wouldn’t change a damn racist act he engaged in. No one would ever find me cheering and dancing in the streets over a Biden/Harris ‘victory’ because that only spells more doom for those of us who were born into this nightmare reality of white supremacy with eyes wide open, but go ahead, shut them now because you think that Biden/Harris are your saviors. More the dumb ass you are. And if you are in any position for an immigrant to take your job, my advice to you is, buy a tent. You’re going to need it! But we ain’t even finished with 2021 and Hannah Drake already crying, “Buyer’s remorse!” That’s what you fucking get!

Why I Have NEVER ‘Celebrated’ Juneteenth And Why I NEVER Will!!!!! A Re-post

So, what exactly is Juneteenth?

[jo͞oːnˌtēːnTH, ˌjo͞onˈtēnTH, jo͞o:nˈtē:nTH]
a holiday celebrated on 19 June to commemorate the emancipation of enslaved people in the US. The holiday was first celebrated in Texas, where on that date in 1865, in the aftermath of the Civil War, slaves were declared free under the terms of the 1862 Emancipation Proclamation.
What does emancipation mean?

the fact or process of being set free from legal, social, or political restrictions; liberation.
“the emancipation of feminist ideas”
freeing · liberation · liberating · setting free · release · releasing · letting loose/out · setting loose/free · discharge · unchaining · unfettering · unshackling · untying · unyoking · uncaging · unbridling · freedom · liberty · manumission · disenthrallment

the freeing of someone from slavery.
“the early struggle for emancipation from slavery”

So when you look at why Juneteenth is celebrated and you look at what emancipation means, tell me, American Descendants of Slavery, how are you free, liberated, unshackled, unyoked, uncaged, unbridled and unfettered?

When the protesters were in Minneapolis going the fuck off, those who are descendants of the racist shits that enslaved our ancestors were busy spying on the mostly Black protesters via drones, spy planes and spy helicopters in order to arrest people who were supposedly, liberated. But we know that we are not liberated because the protesters were protesting because a Black man was detained and murdered for no reason. So, what were you celebrating on Juneteenth? That you enjoy enslavement? That you enjoy being spied on by the same government that dragged your ancestors here to become slaves for them? Did you celebrate Juneteenth because the whites are championing that day as though there is some meaning to it for us because if you are, then you are so stupid that you could actually be made to believe that shit don’t stink.

As long as the whites are telling you to ‘celebrate’ some bullshit, why…there you go. When the whites tell you to celebrate Black History Month…well, there you go. When the whites tell you to celebrate Dr. Martin Luther King Jr., Day…why there you go. Those days have no meaning for us. Those days are the whites’ way of saying, “Look, I’ve given you much to celebrate. Now go out and buy shit and shut the hell up because that is all that we owe you. Fuck reparations. You’ll get a few days in which to celebrate what you think are freedoms.” And you know what, most of us do just that. You accept so little and will rejoice over a turd handed to you, especially if you are being told that that turd has special significance to you.

Whites are flaming liars, thieves, criminals and murderers; that’s what they’ve always been and that’s what they always will be. You cannot expect whites to do shit that would make a gnat’s ass worth of real difference in your life. They will talk shit to you and hope that you continue to buy it and eat it and you do and so why would they feel pressured to actually do anything of substance; anything of meaning? They wouldn’t.

When you celebrated Juneteenth, did it put any money into your pocket? Did it give you health insurance? Did it cure your diabetes since you have diabetes because of poor diet because you work minimum wage jobs and cannot afford the proper foods with nutrients needed for a healthy body? Did it move you out of a crime infested neighborhood that is wracked with gang violence? Did it close down the liquor store in your neighborhood owned by a foreigner brought over here for the express purpose of further reducing your time spent on this planet above ground? Did celebrating Juneteenth get the bank to approve a home loan for you? Did celebrating Juneteenth get you approved for an apartment in a nice section of town? Did celebrating Juneteenth get you into college? What was the purpose of you celebrating Juneteenth? There was none and the whites know this. The purpose of you celebrating Juneteenth was all for the whites. It had absolutely nothing to do with you since the whites know that whatever bone they toss you, you will run with it, be thankful for it and don’t question why the whites are hyping up some piece of shit ‘day of emancipation’ that never took place, because make no mistake, we are still slaves. We are still slaves in every way.

Look around you. What group in this country is in the worst possible condition? The group that was hellbent on celebrating Juneteenth, that’s who. What the fuck do you have to celebrate? American descendants of slavery are the poster children for homelessness, income inequality, mass incarceration, abject hunger, childhood poverty, high school drop-out rates out of the ballpark, inadequate or no health care, high mortality rates for Black women, babies and children and for both Black men and women, high mortality rates from being murdered by cops. And statistically speaking, we are at the bottom, economically and so disadvantaged, it has been stated that Black household wealth stands at $7.00. We have no real and true wealth; no tangible and intangible assets.

But that was not always the case. Whites destroyed everything we ever built for ourselves, from our homes to our institutions to our movements and so why do you think that they have no problem with us ‘celebrating’ Juneteenth, Black History Month and Dr. Martin Luther King Jr., Day? It is because that is ALL we are to have. And for most of you, that seems to be enough!

And yet, when the protests were raging, all we heard from the whites and from the Black misleaders was, “Look! They are burning down their own neighborhoods!” What fucking neighborhoods do we own? Black people don’t own shit! The lone Black barbershop on the corner is nothing to screech about because, HELL! In Baltimore, MD, Black people have taken to doing curbside barbering. Those goddamn foreigners that the whites have over here on expired visas own that shit that was burned to the ground. If you look at the news out of Minneapolis, there was some Somali man standing there talking about how he owned this and that and was going to help the burned out community. SERIOUSLY??!! How did his tree climbing ass, crawl down from a tree in Somalia, fly the fuck over here and own some damn businesses when Black people, who were born here and are descendants of slaves, have to operate a ‘curbside’ barbershop and yet the whites and the Black misleaders want to exclaim that we are burning down our own damn businesses? What businesses? Yeah! Go do your research and get back to me on that. American descendants of slavery are doing so poorly because it is by design. Whites know why! And they intend on keeping that status quo the same for why else is every other group that comes over here, given every advantage in the world to build up shit, while our shit gets torn down by the whites who spy on us, constantly? They spy on us to make sure that we don’t get any ideas that we are ever going to get ahead because they make damn sure that they nip that shit in the bud before it can even get off the goddamn ground.

But we can happily celebrate Juneteenth because it does NOTHING for us! It is not supposed to, but we are satisfied because Amerikkka, this fucking year, celebrated Juneteenth with us. Ain’t that some shit??!! Indeed, it was!


I published the above blog post last year this time and now this year, the whites have decided to make Juneteenth, a federal holiday. What the hell for? What difference will it make in the lives of those of us who are descendants of slavery? Will it improve our unemployment statistics? Our low wage job statistics? Our incarceration statistics? Our dying at the hands of government sanctioned thugs statistics? Our homelessness statistics? Our school-to-prison pipeline statistics? Will it stop Black women from dying in childbirth along with their babies? Will it stop gentrification? Will it stop evictions due to job loss? What will this so-called ‘holiday’ do besides put more money into the coffers of the whites?

Biden signs bill making Juneteenth a federal holiday

WASHINGTON (AP) — President Joe Biden signed legislation Thursday establishing a new federal holiday commemorating the end of slavery, saying he believes it will go down as one of the greatest honors he has as president.

Juneteenth is just another federal holiday for the whites. It’s just like Memorial Day! “Go out and buy some shit because a sale is on! Great reduction in prices and so shop til you’re broke!” Never mind the fact that you’re more than likely broke already, but the whites can always drum up more ways to make sure that you are.

And as usual, the same Judas Goats are foaming at the mouth over another table scrap thrown from Massa’s table. Just look at those Black fools.

And there they are; the usual suspects, beaming and some more shit over shit!

The sight of them just makes my stomach turn! As I have already stated, Black people will celebrate a turd thrown to them by the whites so long as it comes with bells and whistles and lacks substance of ANY kind. So go ahead and celebrate another turd the whites have given you, but as for me, I don’t eat shit!! I’ll leave that to the rest of you!!!

Punk Ass Black Men With Guns Are Protecting IMMIGRANT-OWNED BUSINESSES In Minneapolis, MN. If That Don’t Beat ALL!!!



Okay, I give! I just fucking give! Now, I can honestly say that I have seen it all!!!!!

Minneapolis commends group of Black men patrolling streets, protecting businesses after death of George Floyd

Minneapolis is commending the Minnesota Freedom Fighters, who are Black men with AR-15s and Glocks and wearing tactical vests and bandannas who provided extra community security in the wake of protests after the death of George Floyd, according to reports.

What.The.Fuck. But get a load of THIS!

He’s grateful he found other men — about two dozen black men — to man up with him and be of service.

“This is about us taking a stance to patrol and protect our community. This is something that was asked of us during a time of unrest, and we saw that there was a need,” Jackson added. “That sparked some purpose in some of these men’s lives to understand that their value was not just in protecting buildings that don’t belong to us.

Did you read that? Those stupid, black shits are protecting shit that don’t even belong to Black people. That shit belonged to their mortal enemy; the whites and the IMMIGRANTS they dragged over here. I just cannot make this shit up!

Black women, are you taking note of this shit! Those black bastards leave you to hang out to dry while their asses are busy protecting some burned out shit that belonged to IMMIGRANTS! Black people don’t own shit in Minneapolis, MN and that is a goddamn fact and if you don’t believe it, then re-read the blog I posted that showcases that fucking fact! And here are a few excerpts from THAT blog!

What ‘Minority-Owned’ Businesses? ‘Immigrant’-Owned Businesses Are Suffering In Minneapolis, Minnesota. Don’t Get The Shit Twisted!

“It’s been agony,” says Mohamed Ali, a native of Somalia

“All these businesses are still boarded, and it’s over a month later,” Mr. Ali said, gesturing in every direction of his Minneapolis neighborhood. ”This was a thriving area,” he said. “Now a lot of minority businesses are burned.”


Long Her, a Laotian immigrant, has operated a clothing store in St. Paul since 1991. When he surveyed his losses after the riots, he openly wept: 550 suits, 249 pairs of pants, 227 dress shirts and 180 pairs of shoes, as well as his cash register, other electronics and damage to windows and the front door. Many of his most valuable possessions, kept in a heavy-duty safe, were stolen, along with his U.S. citizenship papers.


Where are the police?’

Bao Huang, owner of Hop Wong near the corner of Lake and Chicago, slept in the Chinese takeout restaurant with a gun through the four nights of riots, but he couldn’t prevent a fire next door from damaging it. “Where’s the police? Where’s the city? Every year I pay taxes. Where are the police?” Huang said.

Hundreds of business and property owners, many of them immigrants, remain angry the city and state did not protect them.


Someone set a fire that consumed Gandhi Mahal.The next morning, [the owner] Ruhel Islam’s response went viral: “Let my building burn,” he said. “Justice needs to be served.”

Islam was a student demonstrator in Bangladesh in 1990 when a mass uprising toppled a military ruler.


Across the street from Gandhi Mahal, the bathroom in the Wilson Law Group building became the “port-a-potty” of the riot, said David Wilson, who owns the building. As an immigration lawyer, Wilson battles the U.S. government in courtrooms and said he knows how “rights can slide off the table quickly.”

Now, you tell me, where are the ADOS people who are moaning and wailing over their shit getting burned to the ground??? Where???!!! And yet those dumb ass black, wimp assed pieces of black, stupid shits are standing somewhere with guns, protecting the burned down shit of IMMIGRANTS while homeless Black youth are being sexually assaulted in parks.

Juvenile Sexually Assaulted At Powederhorn Park Homeless Encampment

MINNEAPOLIS (AP) – A juvenile has been sexually assaulted at a Minneapolis homeless encampment. Tents started appearing in the park earlier this month. Some people started migrating to the park after they were evicted from a makeshift shelter inside a Minneapolis hotel several blocks away. At least 200 tents were recently pitched there.

The majority of the ADOS population in Minneapolis, MN is homeless on any given night because the affordable housing units have almost ALL gone to housing IMMIGRANTS, especially those from Somalia. Why aren’t those Black motherfuckers strutting through the streets protesting the foulness of THAT shit? Why are they not strutting through the streets with a show of arms because they are mad as hell that thousands of people who look like them are living in third world conditions with typhus and hookworm dripping out their ass? Why aren’t those black assed motherfuckers screeching about health care for ADOS since Somalis have been given the funding by whites to establish their own medical systems and facilities that cater to their needs and ONLY to their needs and yet Black people make up the majority of the uninsured in Minneapolis? Why aren’t those black assed pieces of shit screeching and wailing while strutting through the streets of Minneapolis with their guns about the fact that Black child poverty and hunger and homeless figures are out of the ballpark?

But yet, they want the whites to understand that they are WITH them and the IMMIGRANTS because just look at them. That is slave mentality at its finest! They are out on the streets, making damn sure that some fucking IMMIGRANT owned burned down businesses are protected. Protected from what? What’s left to protect? They’re a bit late to the party, but there they are, just a showing off that they can strut through the streets showing other Black people that they don’t give a damn about them. They only give a damn about whites and IMMIGRANTS! Yeah! That’s the black ‘man’ of today; a punk ass bitch! And that lame ass shit, we don’t need!

Where were they and their damn guns when Derek Chauvin was choking the life out of George Floyd with his knee? Where were they when the kops were murdering Jamar Clark? Where were they when the kops were murdering Philando Castile? But they want the whites and the IMMIGRANTS to know that they are there for THEM! Fuck ADOS! Fuck Black women and their children who are homeless thanks to the fact that the whites along with those whom the whites welcomed over here; the fucking IMMIGRANTS are all doing just fine and now, they’ve got even more help in the form of some Black assed, punk ass bitches that call themselves, “Black ‘men.” You useless pieces of shit should just do us all a goddamn favor and drop dead because you are indeed, damned useless.

Black people are fucked up in Minneapolis, MN and I should know because I lived there and I saw the shit, first hand and I’ve reported on that shit all over this blog. And yet some punk ass black bitch motherfuckers are strutting through the streets trying to be seen and patted on their damn stupid ass heads by the whites. They are nothing but a bunch of massa’s house slaves. Those motherfuckers would be the very ones to tell on other Black slaves if they were planning an insurrection. We don’t need that type of shit in our corner and so take a good long look at your enemy and he is the same color as you and your children Black women! Black men have lost their damn minds! For the love of !!!!!!!

I am done! Stick a goddamn fork in me, I am SO damn done, I look like a California wildfire got to my ass!

Why Many Black People In America Will Never Get Ahead



I love to read and, unfortunately, the books that I love to read are “whodunits.” I love to read about murder and about a detective sent in to solve the murder and I have read so many books of that genre that I can pretty much tell who the murderer is long before I come to the end of the book. Suffice it to say, to solve puzzles, it takes a mind that likes to study; to observe and that is what I have been doing. I have been observing the Black people who live around me and the conclusion that I have come to is that Black people are their own worst enemy.

Now, when COVID-19 first reared its viral head, not much was thought about where this could lead. Then, when things got serious enough for people to make a run on stores for every damn thing in sight, the shit got real. But what did Black folks do? Went on partying, having a good time, that is until now.

I noticed before COVID-19 that the Black people who live in the apartment complex that I live in partied ALL the time. The smell of weed was constantly in the air. No one who loved their lungs could do laundry at night in the laundry room because the druggies would take over in there and it was a free for all.

My next door neighbor had moved in with him, a guy who smoked weed, incessantly because every time I opened my door, the smell of weed coming from next door, overpowered me. Not only that, but I know the difference between visitors and traffic. The screen door was banging ALL the time with people pulling up in cars to buy weed and what all else, I don’t know. Not only that, but the folks coming from the complex and knocking on the door was just ridiculous. The loud music and other commotion coming from that apartment was just obnoxious.

In the apartment above me, same thing. The music, the loud voices, the weed smoke coming into my window was just too much, but I thought, “okay, I know Black folks and I know what’s going to happen and so, chill!” And that is exactly what I did; I chilled. I sat back and I waited for the stimulus checks to be spent on partying and drugs. I waited for the refund checks from the IRS to be spent on partying and drugs. And now that the money has been spent, the sounds of partying are no more. The smell of weed is no more and the guy who moved the other guy in who brought along with him, the drug addicts, his ass is gone. Either he lost his job due to COVID-19 or he lost his job because he was pulled over, was high and since he was driving the company van, lost his job via that route. But either way, I’ve seen him over here once since he was put out, visiting someone else and he no longer had the company van which he used to drive everywhere like a bat out of hell. Also, the guy who is actually on the lease next door, put some shit out, which obviously belonged to the dude who is no longer residing there.

While my cousin and I were just going about our business bringing in needed supplies and only needed supplies and while we were not doing drugs or partying like it’s 1999, and were saving for a rainy day that we knew was coming, I made sure that I am locked and loaded because those broke ass motherfuckers are not coming for our shit. And now those who live around us are quiet as a damn mouse because their damn asses are broke or either they’ve been put out because it is THAT damn quiet. And as each day comes and goes and this pandemic only makes things worse, there must be less and less people living around us. Cars are sitting in the parking lot with expired tags and expired inspection stickers on them. Management has had to send around multiple letters demanding that people either get the shit legal on their vehicles or they will be towed. Of course, the vehicles are still sitting out there in the same condition because those Black folks who own them don’t have the money to pay to get their shit legal. And yet, they would be the first ones talking about how the police are always harassing them when the police pull their asses over for having no insurance, expired tags and an expired inspection sticker. The state of Virginia does not play when it comes to owning a vehicle. You’ve got so much shit that goes with making sure that you are driving legally, it don’t make sense. But there you have it. If you want to drive in Virginia, keep your shit up to date. But the sad fact is that those Black folks whose shit is illegal as can be, had the money to keep their shit legal, but instead, CHOSE to party, CHOSE to buy weed and other drugs with the money instead. So who would be to blame if they did get pulled over with all of that shit expired on their cars? Whose fault would it be if the landlord put them out because now that their hours have been cut and they kept no money in savings, they can’t afford to pay the rent? Many Black people NEVER think of saving, EVER! It’s all about party over here and party over there.

One of our neighbors, for July 4th asked us over for his cookout. We declined. And apparently, so did everyone else because there were no signs of a cookout, but I guess the reason why was because there were so many parties going on all around us, no one had time to head over to dude’s cookout and so he just chucked it. We don’t associate with these people. The only reason I know about two names of some neighbors here is because they chose to speak and tell me their names, but beyond that, I don’t go looking to be friendly with people because in this day and age, the few you know, the better off you are because when the shit hits the fan, they know what you got and who to get what from whom.

But what I have observed about many Black people is the fact that they are just so damn predictable, it ain’t even funny. Partying comes before anything and everything, including a damn pandemic. Partying and weed smoking and smoking every damn thing else will always take precedence over saving or educating themselves on how to invest their savings or even a willingness to just save money. I can truly believe that the majority of people who do not have bank accounts are Black people because you can’t keep shit in a bank if you are going to party and smoke weed every payday or when you get your tax refund. I just don’t get it. Black people are the first at a Popeye’s chicken shack to get the latest chicken sandwich fad or can be found, before COVID of course, at the damn theater staring up at some fantasy, make believe shit from a comic book, but when it comes to saving for a child’s future college fund or even just for a rainy day fund, Black people cannot put two dimes together because getting high is a priority, being entertained is a priority. I am SO very glad that I am not like that. Yes, I brag about having two good pairs of shoes and only the clothing that I need because I have NEVER been one for spending money. The only thing ‘good’ that I got from my daddy was being tightfisted. I don’t spend money on fake eyelashes, makeup, wigs, hair extensions, fake nails and shit of the like because what good does that really do anyone? It only enriches someone else while rendering some Black person, broke.

The shit is getting real! The shit is not going to get better any time soon and so I hope that the partying was worth it for those who just could not do without smoking weed and partying all night long. Maybe, while they are sitting up in some lousy ass homeless shelter, those thoughts about those good times being high and busting somebody else’s ear drums, comforts them. Some nights, I had to listen to that shit until 2am. But not anymore. All around me is almost eerily quiet. The bongo drums have ceased and they certainly were not calling these Black huckabucks down here for an insurrection. The weed odor has ceased. The banging of the next door neighbor’s storm door has ceased. The parking lot has emptied out of the cars of those who could no longer pay the rent and had to get out. But to show you what some Black folks will do when rock bottom hits, look at this shit and this would be why I’m locked and loaded.

Danville man charged with murder after body believed to be missing N.C. man found

PITTSYLVANIA COUNTY, Va., (WSET) — According to court records, a Danville man has been charged with the murder of a North Carolina man.

On Thursday, Sept. 17, the Raleigh Police Department reported that a body believed to be that of 39-year-old William Anderson Banks was found in Pittsylvania County.

Police said that Banks was reported missing after he met with people interested in buying his car. Friends and family became worried when he wasn’t answering calls or text messages.

On Sept. 14, authorities charged Merritt with robbery, larceny of motor vehicle and possession of a firearm by a convicted felon in connection with a stolen vehicle.

This thing knew that he had no money to buy a vehicle and yet, lured that guy somewhere and robbed, murdered and stole the man’s vehicle.

So, because he broke, he goes out to steal and kill for shit. This is exactly why I have prepared for this type of shit to start going down. Even the banks and stores know what’s what even in this dead ass burg and have hired security guards. My bank has security guards. Even fucking Walmart has security guards and someone thinks that I’m not going to be prepared when the shit really hits the fan? Now is not the time to be trusting people. Now is not the time to be selling or buying shit on Craigslist and believing that you are going to simply make a sale and go on about your business because there are folks out there who never prepare for emergencies or for anything else. They just want to party and when the party is over, want to look around for someone to steal from. Every other day, some convenience store is getting robbed. Not that I care about that shit because they are ALL owned by those damn Hindus. But with everyone wearing masks and shit, extra precautions are being taken in some places and quite obviously not in others. But I am most definitely taking precautions because I know what’s going down. I watched the shit go down all around me and now, these Black folks looking raggedy as hell. That shit’s on them because they should have known better. The signs were everywhere. Black folks will NEVER learn and more’s the damn pity. But if they come after me and mine, they gone get the shit!

And I don’t even want to hear about “why am I throwing Black folks under the bus?” They’re throwing themselves under the bus because of the fact that Black people don’t have the sense god gave a goat to know that any shit that’s coming down the pike is going to affect us first. And so while knowing that shit, why would you want to party and smoke your money away and then when it’s gone and the shit is hitting the fan, expect someone to take pity on your broke ass? I am not saying that ALL Black people are like this, but far too many are and that is a fact. I don’t give a damn what color you are, if your shit is fucked up, I’m calling you out. No one is immune to getting called out on their shit and that includes people who look like me. Black folks don’t get a free pass just because we share the same complexion. I call their shit out in the hopes that they will recognize and try and do better. The white man is not going to do a damn thing for Black folks and so who is it incumbent upon to help Black folks out? Other Black folks, But if your ass was partying and smoking weed like there was no tomorrow and disturbing MY goddamn peace, then I got nothing for you except to call your ass out on that shit! Don’t expect a pity party from me when some Black folks could have been doing the right thing and chose not to. That shit’s not on me. Some may say that, “I am my brother’s keeper,” but goddamn, my brother had better have made an effort on getting his shit together because damn it if my brother is partying here, partying there, partying every damn where and then when the bottom falls out, is looking up in my face. Oh hell no! Don’t play that shit with me. I’ll help those who are helping themselves, but who still come up a bit short. But I will not help those who decided to throw their money at parties and drugs and then when the rent came due, gonna look up in my face. For what??!! I don’t have shit for them, not now, not ever.


Black Woman Charged With FIRST DEGREE MURDER Of Her Boyfriend Who Shot Her Last Year!


I am seriously shaking my head over THIS one! What in the world??!! If someone shoots me, why, oh why would I date that person again, but not only that, also, invite that person to live with me??!!!!! WHY???!!! But that is exactly what happened.

Woman Charged with Murder of Live-In Boyfriend Who Shot Her Last Year

A North Carolina woman has been charged with first-degree murder in the death of her boyfriend, who shot her last year.

It is unclear exactly what led to the shooting, which was the second incident involving the couple in the last year and a half.

In April 2019, Willie Breeden was charged with assault with a deadly weapon inflicting serious injury after he allegedly shot Valencia McLean with an AR-15 style rifle.

Not only did 31-year old Valencia McLean lie about how she was shot by her boyfriend, 33-year old Willie Breeden, she viciously lied by saying that Breeden did not intentionally shoot her which led to a dismissal of the charges. She claimed that Breeden was cleaning the rifle while at the same time, showing her how to use it, when the rifle ‘accidentally’ went off and shot her in the leg. First of all, why would you be cleaning a ‘loaded’ gun? And why would you teach someone who does not know how to use a gun, with a gun that is loaded? Make it make sense! But, nevertheless, because Valencia McLean lied to the Public Defender’s Office on behalf of a man she must have been so damn in love with, she just could not imagine life without him and so took him back and despite her lies to the contrary that they weren’t having domestic violence issues, now needs a Public Defender her damn self because she is too poor to hire an attorney and she is most definitely going to have to live withOUT that boyfriend she lied like a rug for.

Now her ass is standing somewhere all handcuffed and shit waiting on the white man to make sure that her Black ass remains behind bars sewing shirts and pants and taking orders from customers over the phone for ten cents a day which will be used for commissary.


Yeah, look at her! This is what you look like when you can’t leave a no good Black man alone that shot you. You stand somewhere in handcuffs, awaiting a life sentence to be served in hell. If she had left that bastard the fuck alone, and if she had never lied and said that when he shot her, it was an accident, she wouldn’t be standing somewhere looking crazy and also a prime candidate for contracting COVID-19 while incarcerated.

That could have been me standing there looking stupid, and no, my ex-husband did not shoot me, but he damn sure as hell beat the fuck out of me, dragged me, threw me, punched my lights out and some more shit, but I knew that I was not the type of person who could stand being locked up and so I got the hell out! And I never looked back for years because I stayed hidden; I stayed off the radar until I thought it safe for me to finally initiate divorce proceedings in the state that I had escaped to. I divorced his ass and so don’t tell me that there are not ways to get away from abusers because I did take the shit for awhile because I grew up watching that shit play out between my parents. My dumbass mother put up with the shit and subjected us to the shit. My middle sister married an abuser and so did I. She had to divorce his ass. But both of us did NOT go to prison in order to escape our abuser. I understand that we are NOT everyone, but those bastards are not worth you spending the rest of your life behind bars over. LEAVE! Don’t go back and don’t let them come back! And if they continue to harass you, don’t even bother with restraining orders, LEAVE THE STATE! There are shelters for abused women. Are they the Ritz Carlton? Hell no! But I hear tell that even the Ritz Carlton has had bedbug problems.

If a man shoots your ass, you don’t welcome him back. You don’t lie for him. You don’t accept shit from him. You make sure that his ass is locked up for as long as the white motherfucker says he has to be locked up because if you don’t then your ass is going to become ANOTHER Valencia McLean and she is only THIRTY ONE YEARS OLD and has been charged with FIRST DEGREE MURDER! Do you know what type of sentence a FIRST DEGREE MURDER conviction will get you….and factor in that she has a PUBLIC DEFENDER and her ass is grass?

First degree murder Death penalty or life imprisonment without parole via this site

You think I’m about to catch a case of that type over a no good ass Black man???!!! Oh hell no!!!

I am still trying to understand how she could take his ass back in the first damn place, I just cannot figure that one out. With all the same type of fish in the damn sea as that piece of shit and she couldn’t do without THAT particular fish??!!! That goes beyond desperation, insanity and some more shit! There ain’t that much ‘love’ in this whole damn world to let the motherfucker BACK in your face that shot you and he is BACK in your face because you lied and said it was an accident! Maybe, it’s just me, but I cannot comprehend how ANYONE could just let that shit slide. Here I am with a wound that is going to remind me that you shot me and I want you back??!!! Not fucking happening!

Black women, grab some damn sense from somewhere, I don’t care where, but understand that you are worth more than just allowing yourself to be abused to the point whereas you become a Valencia McLean. No one is worth that. Valencia McLean is going to spend the rest of her life in prison if she doesn’t get the death penalty. But either way, wouldn’t it have been better for her if she had just let that man rot when he shot her because now look where she is? How did it help her to lie for him, get him out of prison, only to find herself in prison for killing his ass? Now, she needs the same damn Public Defender’s office that she called to get his now dead ass out of prison for shooting her to represent her over her killing his ass! Oh the irony of it all! And since she is so obviously, clueless, I am sure that the irony is lost on her. For the love of !!!!!!

Three Cops Fired After Threatening To ‘Slaughter’ Black People!



Well, it seems that the protests worked. Those pictures of Black folks hugging cops certainly did the trick.

‘We are just gonna go out and start slaughtering them’: Three cops fired after racist talk of killing black residents

Sitting in his patrol car in Wilmington, N.C., Officer Michael “Kevin” Piner predicted Black Lives Matter protests would soon lead to civil war. “I’m ready,” Piner told another officer, adding that he planned to buy an assault rifle.

We are just going to go out and start slaughtering them fucking niggers,” he said. “Wipe ’em off the fucking map,” Piner said of African Americans. “That’ll put ’em back about four or five generations.”

The two then complained about black officers on the force, calling one a “piece of shit” and complaining that another was “sitting on his ass” during the protests. “Let’s see how his boys take care of him when shit gets rough, see if they don’t put a bullet in his head,” Piner said.

Moore, who also was hired in 1997, called him[Piner] to describe a recent arrest of a black woman, repeatedly calling her a racial slur.

“She needed a bullet in the head right then and move on,” Moore said of the woman. “Let’s move the body out of the way and keep going.”

Later, while complaining about a black judge whom Moore called a “fucking nigger magistrate,” Moore added.

Now if that shit ain’t the Klan, what the fuck are they? That’s supposed to ‘Protect and Serve’ American descendants of slavery? And then people have the nerve to wonder why I am not at all impressed by some whites standing at a protest. This would be why. That Klan shit that made those statements are family members, friends and acquaintances of what’s been out on the streets, pretending solidarity with American descendants of slavery and yet I am supposed to believe that whites have suddenly changed from the vicious, depraved, deranged, blood thirsty shits they’ve always been? Not fucking ever! Re-read the above quote and then get back to me on how I am supposed to take whites at face value just because the media shows me some pictures of them standing shoulder to shoulder with some Black folks.

And so what? They have been fired from THAT police department, but that does not mean that they cannot get rehired at another police department in another state. The police chief said he would consult with prosecutors about potential criminal charges against the three men, and would ask them to review whether any of the former officers had shown bias toward criminal defendants in the past.

Oh, we can well believe that “bias toward BLACK criminal defendants,” was shown. Just ask the Black woman who was arrested by Moore. If she can still communicate, I am pretty sure that she is still complaining about her injuries as a direct result of having been arrested by a member of the Klan.

And we are not fucking shit up over here even though we know that we are NEVER going to get from underneath the system of white supremacy. When shit like this comes to light, can you just imagine what does not? How are we expected to stand a snowball’s chance in hell of having any chance at living in this shithole when we’ve got that shit on our asses, daily? We are not expected to and that is why we are dying on the means streets of every city in this shithole.

Those Klan motherfuckers, when confronted with taped evidence of their racism, denied being racist. WHAT.THE.FUCK. Even though they admitted that they were the ones speaking, they still denied that they were racist. So, as you can see, they are also lunatics. And I have often stated that whites are so rabid in their insane hatred of us that they are beyond hope and those racist shits just proved what I’ve said to be only too true!

How can we march through the streets with the relatives of that? How can we pay for meals for what would say that? How can we hug those stomp down, flaming racist KKK members in uniform? First, we buy them breakfast!





After paying for their breakfast, we can’t help but hug them! For the love of!!!!

Black people!!! Why the hell are you falling for this shit???!! What is wrong with you??? That shit is why George Floyd’s family is burying him and you want to ‘hug’ THAT shit???!!! I’m fucking done!

You want to hug Michael “Kevin” Piner who said, “We are just going to go out and start slaughtering them fucking niggers,” he said. “Wipe ’em off the fucking map?” Yes indeed, go on up to Michael “Kevin” Piner and hug him. Go ahead and buy him breakfast. That’s what you’ve been doing to these loathsome, monstrous creatures that only want to “slaughter you fucking niggers” is what he said. But because a few cops take a knee and walk down the street with you, that makes you believe that cops are our friends now, is that about right? And then I have the nerve to wonder why American descendants of slavery, of ALL the groups over here in this shithole, have made NO gains whatsoever. I take to task some Australian piece of shit for his comments on the protesters when I should just be appalled and outraged over the fact that we fucking NEVER learn. We still want to believe in the ‘goodness’ of our oppressors when there is not a gnat’s ass worth of goodness in not one single white piece of shit who marched with Black protesters; NOT ONE!

This is what the kops do to us and you want to hug them and buy meals for them for this??!!!

Does it look like those racist thugs in blue uniforms are going to get up off our necks, backs and every other part of our body? But yet, you want to hug this shit! You want to ‘believe’ in the ‘goodness’ of this shit! Seriously???!!!

And this!

Does this look like kops give a shit about you? Do you think those kops don’t have the full ‘blessing’ of the whites in this shithole to continue doing that shit? If those whites who are protesting what whites did to George Floyd gave a damn, what happened to George Floyd would not have happened. Countless Black lives have been lost due to the whites intense hatred of us and that is NEVER going to change, no matter how much some of you Black people think that it is!!! Get your shit together!

And this!

But because those racist shits take a goddamn knee,

Those bastards are practicing what Chauvin did to George Floyd and yet Black people think that that is some fake ass show of ‘solidarity’ with them for what went down on a Minneapolis street. For the love of !!!!!!


…your Black ass is satisfied that they are down with us! Are you fucking stupid Black motherfuckers for real? But you want “Justice! Stop the racist police!” According to you, there is ‘justice’, there is no racist police since you’re hugging them and impressed with a few of them taking a damn worthless ass knee. You demand so very little and since you demand so very little, so very little is what you are going to get from the whites, along with their continued knee on your neck, along with their bullets piercing your flesh, along with the funeral marches to cemeteries, along with more marching and more protesting because you believe in the ‘goodness’ of some damn no account whites who marched beside you in the recent protests.

But you better believe this!

“We are just going to go out and start slaughtering them fucking niggers,” he said. “Wipe ’em off the fucking map,” Piner said of African Americans. “That’ll put ’em back about four or five generations.” – racist former Klan Kop Michael “Kevin” Piner

“She needed a bullet in the head right then and move on,” Moore said of the [Black]woman [he arrested]. “Let’s move the body out of the way and keep going.”

Later, while complaining about a black judge whom Moore called a “fucking nigger magistrate,” Moore added.

Keep believing in the ‘goodness’ of whites and just like Michael “Kevin” Piner said, “that’ll put us back about four or five generations.”

Remember, whites don’t really need us anymore. They’ve got the Mexicans working the fields and they’ve got the Africans over here who came over of their own free will. We’re just an embarrassment; a reminder of the past that whites have long been trying to whitewash. They’ve even tried putting textbooks out that replaced slavery with IMMIGRATION. “What slaves?” says the whites. “They were ALL immigrants!” That’s the ‘goodness’ of whites.  Their ‘goodness’ just keeps getting ‘better’ for us, does it not? Gentrification, high infant mortality rates, high mortality rates of Black women during childbirth, other disparities in health care, mass homelessness, income inequality, food insecurity, mass joblessness, low wage jobs, no health care, mass incarceration, police brutality, drug addiction, gang violence, brutal murder of us by racist kops, no real Black generational wealth, no tangible or intangible assets, Black net worth around $7.00. Oh the whites have long been slaughtering us just as racist kop Michael “Kevin” Piner said, “We are just going to go out and start slaughtering them fucking niggers,” “Wipe ’em off the fucking map,” “That’ll put ’em back about four or five generations.” -says ALL whites about American descendants of slavery.

Believe in the ‘goodness’ of whites and your ass is grass!


Violent or Peaceful Protest? — Levine Lowdown

Violent protest or peaceful protest? This question has been challenged for centuries, and still, people argue and disagree over the most effective way to protest. The recent black lives matter protests around the world following the death of George Floyd highlighted the tension between two sides of protestors. As one side destroyed all objects in […]

via Violent or Peaceful Protest? — Levine Lowdown

First of all, I did what I said I’d never do; I got into it with another blogger on their blog. But in this instance, I must have been too weak to help myself because I have had it with foreigners who sit somewhere in another country and have the nerve to pretend as though they know of our experience here in Amerikkka.

The author of this particular blog lives in Australia. And I should have known right off the bat, that any white Australian speaking on protests going on in the U.S. would take exception because in all reality, the Aborigines should be protesting to get those Botany Bay Penal Colony convict rejects from out of their country.

The whites are always going to go on and on about how peaceful protesting is the means to an end; yeah, our end. Just ask Dr. Martin Luther King Jr., how well that peaceful protesting worked out for him. He was felled by an assassin’s bullet thanks to Dr. King peacefully protesting which seemed to have lit a spark in the whites who had him murdered for going about things all peaceful like.

Here is my first comment on the article in question:

During the Civil Rights Movement, peaceful protesters were met with violence from ‘the state’, meaning the federal government and on the local level. You don’t remember seeing pictures of hoses and dogs being sicced on peaceful Black protesters? Those people were then jailed for their peaceful protesting. So, why is it okay for the federal government to act violently towards peaceful protesters, but yet, you seem to take umbrage with protesters who turn violent since ‘peaceful’ protesting doesn’t work either? So why don’t you ask Dr. Martin Luther King Jr., how well peaceful protesting worked out for him. It was ‘peaceful protesting’ that got him an assassin’s bullet.

We have tried it both ways and neither works. The fact of the matter is that American descendants of slavery are damned if we do and damned if we don’t.

I lived in Minneapolis, MN for over a decade and I can tell you that what burned down was NOT owned by American descendants of slavery. Where the majority of the riots occurred is an area known to have a high concentration of immigrants from Mexico, Asia and Africa. One or two stores may have been owned by American descendants of slavery and I know this for a fact because I was in Minneapolis just as recently as this past November. And so I get so sick and tired of people going on and on about how Black people are burning down their own neighborhoods. We don’t own any neighborhoods. We don’t own multiple stores; grocery stores, banks, department stores, etc., and I am sure that you know this.

Until whites want to tear down the system of white supremacy from which they benefit, nothing that Black people do, be it peacefully or non-peacefully is going to make a bit of difference. And I do believe you know this already.

To which the blog’s author responded with:

Yes, MLK was assassinated. But, it was his peaceful protesting that resulting in 4 legislative changes and the introduction of the civil rights act in 1968. Malcom X was not responsible for any legislative change.

I’m not saying that the businesses that were destroyed were necessarily owned by African Americans. However, many African Americans died during the protest not by the police, some businesses were destroyed as you have noted. This whole process is about reconciliation, we in Australia are going through the exact same thing. It’s about reconciling with those who were first, violence is contrary to the action of reconciliation.

You sound defeated. I find that disappointing. We have just witnessed 4 straight weeks of MILLIONS of people around the world leaving their normal life behind to fight for equality. People have abandoned their social media image which society asks them to create, and instead have turned to activism. We have witnessed the power of people to charge more police officers. This is a time of hope that needs to be sustained, I don’t think we should be defeated.

And of course, I took it from there!

Again, I have to disagree with you. Nothing Dr. Martin Luther King Jr., and crew did, amounted to anything. The Supreme Court gutted key provisions of the Voting Rights Act which is what Dr. King fought so hard for; Black people to have the right to vote and an end to Jim Crow. Many Black people are being denied the right to vote. You haven’t heard of gerrymandering? And Jim Crow never ended, it just morphed into a different way of keeping Black people from entering certain areas of town and certain restaurants, etc. Whites started building ‘gated communities’ and now we have gentrification. And so AGAIN, nothing was accomplished. I am in the states and so I know, first hand what is going down and what has been going down for my over 40 years on this planet.

And the only reason MILLIONS of people are somewhere protesting or whatever they want to call it is not because of some ‘awakening’ but because they are unemployed thanks to COVID-19, have been on lockdown for months and have had it. This was just the perfect storm of mess that coincided. You give people too much credit where none is due. I’m a realist. I see the reality of the situation while you want to believe in ‘hope and change’. We thought we had that with Barack Obama and that got us what? Donald Trump! I rest my case.

Now, I thought that we were finished, but apparently not because the author of the blog responded with this:

Thank you for sharing your thoughts. I will never completely understand your oppression and struggles but I will continue to listen and try to learn. I am interested however in your statement that MLK didn’t do anything. Who do you think was responsible for the civil rights act 1968?

I disagree with you on this point completely. You are saying that millions of people were protesting just because they are sick of being in their homes? That explains nothing. That doesn’t explain the emotion on these people’s faces. That doesn’t explain the passion that led some to violence. That doesn’t explain the images of people joining together as one. Sure, maybe a few just wanted to get outside, but this was a huge movement of people joining together. I’m a realist aswell. I don’t think this is all going to fix itself in 5, 10 or 20 years. But, I am an optimistic realist, I think over time change can occur. Barack Obama wasn’t successful because he didn’t have full control of America’s politics. If Joe Biden also has support in the Senate, powerful change can always occur if it is supported by appropriate services.

Apparently, I could not let that stand and so replied:

You seriously lack knowledge of America’s political system. For his first two years in office, Barack Obama could have gotten much completed since both the Senate and the House were in the hands of the Democrats. Nothing got done. It was only after that control had shifted to the Republicans is when Obama claimed to have been stalled when attempting to get anything done.

And just what did the Civil Rights Act of 1968 accomplish? Because when you look at where Black people are today, that Act did nothing. Black people are the poster children for the faces of poverty, gentrification, homelessness, mass incarceration, income inequality, illiteracy, victims of police brutality and the list of the like is endless. An Act does nothing when the same mindset is still there and the same mindset of the whites in 1968 is still very much in evidence today.

And I know that you did not go there with regards to Joe Biden when he is mostly responsible for why American descendants of slavery are overly represented in prisons all across America due to his 1994 Crime Bill. He’s been on an ‘apology tour’ about that. You seriously need to educate yourself before speaking on issues here in America.

And we still weren’t through! His response was:

I’m disappointed this discussion had to go down this route. I thought we were debating some really interesting points and it was very insightful. However, I will not continue if we go down the persona attack route because that has no purpose.

Regardless, sorry I did not know that the first 2 years of Obama’s Presidency he had control of both the Senate and the House. I made the mistake of assuming his second term was the same as his first term. What do you think needs to be done as the first step and then possibly subsequent steps?

I wasn’t talking about the effectiveness of the act, but rather the role of MLK in creating the act. As I’ve said, legislation is only effective when it is supported by services that ensure accountability, enforcement and education.

I do know about the 1994 Crime Bill. I have researched it heavily and understand Biden’s negative impact. My point was that the two options are Trump or Biden. Clearly Trump isn’t going to achieve anything in this area other than take us backwards. If Biden can pass legislation there is a chance change could occur due to his very progressive agenda.

And even then, I could not let him get away with that!

Biden doesn’t have ANY agenda. The man is senile. If you even look at any of his political ads, the man is actually stumbling over his words. His nickname is “Slow Joe.” No one takes him seriously. He is NOT the person to beat Trump. With Joe Biden as the only alternative, Trump is a shoe-in. That is a fact. The Democrats don’t care about winning this election because they stand for exactly what Trump stands for. There is no difference between the Democrats and the Republicans. There is no longer any illusion of that.

Have you never stopped to wonder why Black Americans fare so poorly regardless of whether a Democrat or a Republican is at the helm? It is because there is no difference between them. Biden is not progressive and the only reason he was picked as the choice for the Democrats is based off of Biden’s position as Obama’s VP. That is all the Democrats are throwing at Trump. Someone who mumbles, is incoherent, has been groping females for decades and was Obama’s VP. Only older voters are even thinking about Biden as most of the rest of us are sighing and throwing our hands up because there is nothing to vote for.

Most of us are already preparing for the FACT that Trump is going to get re-elected. He has nothing standing in his way. And in fact, if you want to give anyone credit for what’s going down today, give it to Trump. He has made so many whites unhappy since they are also unemployed, hungry and broke, that they are expressing that anger towards Trump. But make no mistake, Trump’s base is still solidly behind him since racism is alive and kicking in Amerikkka and always will be.

Folks, we have got so many Monday morning quarterbacks, it’s ridiculous. How is someone over in Australia going to tell Black people what we need to do in so far as how we go about protesting especially when their shit reeks to the stars and back? Those descendants of convict rejects are sitting somewhere on their pasty asses talking about how peaceful our asses should be when they did not ‘peacefully’ take the land away from the Aborigines and quite frankly, to this very day, treat those people like shit! But yet, this piece of shit Botany Bay Penal Colony reject wants to get all offended when I push back on his attempts to tell us what to do here in Amerikkka. I don’t give a fuck about being polite when someone is speaking on a subject they obviously have no knowledge of whatsoever.

And I don’t even know what he meant by this!

However, I will not continue if we go down the persona attack route because that has no purpose.

How in the hell did I personally attack him? The TRUTH attacked him? Because that’s the only thing I threw at him. Not once did I cuss, throw a fit or even flip out and yet, I still get, “the persona attack route.” What the hell? Dude couldn’t handle what was coming at him, that is quite obvious and so then resorted to lying about ‘personal attacks’. For the love of !! That’s a white person for you! When they can’t best you, they claim you’ve ‘personally attacked’ them, WITH WORDS! For the love of !!!!!

As I have already stated, we have tried IT.ALL. And nothing has worked for us; not peaceful protesting, not violent protesting and this is because the system of white supremacy is going to make sure that ANY protests are going to be met with violence from the government. But it seems that according to some piece of shit over in Australia, the violence displayed by the government is nothing next to some burned out taco trucks and a fire in Target. We should just continue to love dying at the hands of the KKK that makes up police departments all across Amerikkka because some piece of shit in Australia believes everything would be okay if only we peacefully protest and vote in Joe Biden as the next president. Seriously???!!!

It is quite obviously time for me to go back to reading fluff and nonsense. The next book, that I’m getting out now, is Lady Audley’s Secret by Mary Elizabeth Braddon.

But first, this is for ‘Australian dude’.

Malcolm X three
image courtesy of


Now figure that one out!





Black Corrections Officers Are Filing Racial Discrimination Charges Against ‘The System of White Supremacy’ In Minnesota! I’m So Surprised! 🙄🙄🙄🙄

You dumb Black bastards who join up with whites who lock up those of us who look like you, really think that those whites in the criminal INjustice system give a shit about YOUR Black ass? Really? Seriously?

Eight Ramsey County corrections officers of color say they were barred from guarding Derek Chauvin

Chauvin was booked at the county jail the same day he was charged with third-degree murder and manslaughter in the death of George Floyd.

As Chauvin arrived, all officers of color were ordered to a separate floor, and a supervisor told one of them that, because of their race, they would be a potential “liability” around Chauvin, according a copy of racial discrimination charges obtained by the Star Tribune.

“I understood that the decision to segregate us had been made because we could not be trusted to carry out our work responsibilities professionally around the high-profile inmate — solely because of the color of our skin,” wrote one acting sergeant, who is black. “I am not aware of a similar situation where white officers were segregated from an inmate.”

So let me get this straight, the whites thought that those Black punk ass bitches would do some harm to Derek Chauvin? I just know they could not have thought that because that would not even register with those coons that do the bidding of massa against their own kind. Those Black thugs that act as corrections officers are just as brutal and lacking in any integrity as those white corrections officers. And for anyone to believe otherwise, is foolish.

“Out of care and concern, and without the comfort of time, I made a decision to limit exposure to employees of color to a murder suspect who could potentially aggravate those feelings,” Steve Lydon reportedly said in a statement given during an internal investigation and provided by the Sheriff’s Office. He has since been demoted.

Oh yes, whites are so caring and concerned about the feelings of American descendants of slavery that they are just trying to look out for our feelings when we meet up with another member of the Klan. The Klan makes up the criminal INjustice system and so those Black guards know exactly what they are dealing with and yet, they sign up for those jobs anyway. Lydon knew that he was not sparing anyone’s feelings because those Black guards don’t have any feelings to begin with for if they did, they could not do what they do. There is no way that I could work as a corrections officer and see the shit that the whites visit on Black inmates, day in and day out and not go out of my mind. Those Black corrections officers are no better than their white counterparts.

The whites are going to do what they want to do and to hell with what anyone says. To hell with their own damn laws, which quite obviously, don’t apply to them. They just apply to everyone else, especially seeing as how Lydon was not fired. He was merely demoted. But I am sure that his pay grade is still the same. He is just doing less work. He’s now got his feet up on a different desk.

But let that have been some Black man telling whites that they could not oversee a Black prisoner because they might want to lynch his ass and that Black man would have been fired so damn fast, my head would be spinning.

So, as you can see, things are really changing. The protests and the riots accomplished SO much. Tearing down statues are exactly what was needed since that is the equivalent of putting a bandaid on a bullet wound and expecting the patient to be okay. Really? Whites, we don’t need the ‘least’ that you can do. What you need to do, you won’t do and so just sit the fuck down and shut the fuck up already because there may be some Black folks that are buying your lame ass attempts to get us to understand that you are now taking notice of the shit that you’ve been visiting on our Black asses since forever, but for every one of those who is buying it, there are two of us who are not.

And quite frankly, I am ashamed to admit that there are Black women who are buying the whites bullshit, lame ass attempts at pretending to give a shit about them.

Two Black women actually paid for a meal for some sheriff’s deputy and left this note.

Now ain’t that just some shit??!!!

Sheriff’s deputy is touched by a note left by two black women after an anonymous act of kindness

A Tennessee sheriff’s deputy got a heartfelt surprise after two black women anonymously paid for his meal at Cracker Barrel.

Deputy Jody McDowell thanked the women for their generosity in a Facebook post on Tuesday.

“I want to thank the two sweet black ladies who paid for my breakfast this morning,” he said. “While waiting for a transport to be completed, I decided to have breakfast at a Cracker Barrel near the Nashville airport.”

Accompanying his post was a photo of the note the women left with their act of kindness: “BLM, but so does yours! Thank you for your service. Breakfast paid.”


The day I pay for some goddamn racist piece of shit’s meal is the day elephants take over Yellow Stone Park. What is wrong with us? Our lives will NEVER matter to the whites and yet we are going to tell a piece of shit, sheriff’s deputy that his life matters when that piece of shit more than likely headed right out of the door and bust some poor Black child in the head for being Black. Because make no mistake, the horrific shit that gets recorded does in no way, showcase just how depraved and brutal those thugs in badges are. There are Black people to this day who cannot be accounted for and it is because they were pulled over by racists in uniforms, shot and their bodies were discarded like yesterday’s garbage and yet, those two Black fools were paying for that piece of shit’s meal and telling him that his ‘life mattered’. Oh he knows his life matters, but what you don’t seem to realize, fools, is that to him, your fucking life don’t matter.

I give up! I just fucking give up!