“Jesus! A Minute Of Your Time!”

jesus pic

Some nights, when I cannot fall asleep,
I do not ask the Lord my soul to keep.
Once I believed, but I do not believe anymore.
He never heals the sick or feeds the poor.

His ‘holy’ men just take the tithes from fools,
who by rights should get a refund from their schools,
for believing in a fairytale of such bull,
and pretending that an empty cup is full.

If I once believed in God, that ship has sailed,
nor can I pray to a man they say was nailed.
For if they did exist, why have they ignored the cries
of all the ‘holy men’ who spout tall tales and lies?

Their brainwashed flock, they will believe,
those who get paid to lie, con and deceive.
And who promise that the sick will all be healed
and that Blacks will not be jailed or shot and killed.

Next Sunday, look at the picture on the wall.
Kneel before it and in a deep, southern drawl,
say, “Jesus, a minute of your time!”
“Why is Black skin at the scene of every crime?”
“What wrong did we ever do to you,
“that would make you hate us for it too?”
 “I listen to your word, oh Lord on high!”
 “So once again, I have to ask you why?”
 “If you exist, and there really is no sign,
at how much evil, will you finally draw the line?”

Written by,
Shelby I. Courtland
©2016 Shelby I. Courtland

Weep For The Children!

tears I cry

Weep for the children
who are born into this world;
a world of seething hatred,
aimed at this poor little boy and girl.

You say you want someone to love
and you need an innocent child.
Take a look at the world around you.
What was paradise is now, defiled.

Think again about what you want
and what it is you are about to do.
You are pounded by the force of hate.
Is this what you want for your child too?

This is not about Planned Parenthood
and abortion was not on my mind.
I just see that innocence is doomed,
thanks to the evil that is mankind.

Written by,
Shelby I. Courtland
©2016 Shelby I. Courtland

I am not trying to tell anyone what to do. I am merely stating that if it were up to me, I could not bring an innocent child into this mess. I just could not. And seriously, take a look around. What do you see? Wars, hatred, ignorance, bigotry, genocide, murder, lust, STDs, avarice, homelessness, mass incarceration, mass water shut-offs, poisoned water, millions of refugees, radiated oceans, dying sea life, climate change, rising seas; a world teetering on the brink of war. How in the ‘world’ could I ever think of bringing a child into this? I weep for the children.

Why The Fuck Are You Killing Me?

eric garner and michael brown and walter scott

I’m not indigenous to America,
so why the fuck are you killing me?
I didn’t row to the shores of this hole
to make slavery, my destiny.

Take a good look in the mirror
and I will tell you what you see.
What you see is your own guilt
 and you inflict your guilt on me.

I am proof that you are evil,
and that to you, I am hunted game.
I know that human, you are not
and that I bear your hated name.

You stripped everything from me
from where I was to who I am.
To this day, you are my owner
and I am a sacrificial lamb.

I took your god for my own
and look where it has led.
You burned my church down to the ground
because christian bullshit, I was fed.

Why should I be forgiving
since you still hold the whip
 and you lash my back until I bleed
as though I’ve just got off the ship?

In your eyes, I am nothing
 but in reality, you are less.
When you look at me, you know
that over your death, I do obsess.

I did not capture you,
nor did I bring you over here.
I would destroy you if I could.
That is why you look at me with fear!

Written by,

Shelby I. Courtland
©2015 Shelby I. Courtland

….and I mean every GOD-DAMN word!

A Hovering Mist

hovering mist

Lessons learned of evil
in an old forgotten room,
the darkness is so brutal;
 an atmospheric gloom.

In the air, a melody lingers
of solitude pronounced.
Music set to score,
though no musician was announced.

The dead took center stage
as the curtain went up in smoke.
The door to the chamber opened
and inside, what dared to poke?

A hovering mist, solidified
as a stench did fill the air.
Black magic entered soundlessly
and the dead did turn and stare.

A feast fit for the ghouls
was served to all that came.
The lavish spread of souls
was soon to be set aflame.

Above the haunting melody,
their piercing shrieks were heard.
Tis too late for men to beg
 when their bodies are interred.

Written by,
Shelby I. Courtland
©2015 Shelby I. Courtland

Return My Stolen Wings!


I was seduced by an angel;
a guardian of the night.
He was master of desire
and bathed in moonlight.

Lost in paradise wild,
adrift in savage dreams,
there was no place to run
and no one to hear my screams.

Just one night with you
was magically unchained.
A song of soul was sung
with feelings, unrestrained.

When night was at its darkest
and shrouded in dense fog,
I was led towards my destiny
and sucked down into the bog.

Wake me, earthly lover!
Or am I forever in a dream?
Pluck me from these murky depths.
Pray hear my smothered scream!

Release me from this cage
Of darkness, not of light.
Return my stolen wings
or for my freedom, must I fight?

Written by,
Shelby I. Courtland
©2015 Shelby I. Courtland

The battle between ‘good’ and ‘evil’ rages on. Sometimes, you cannot always tell the ‘good’ ones from the ‘evil’ ones, in dreams and in reality for it pays to look beyond a mere façade because that pretty package could be gift wrapped, death.

Fuck The Red Roses!


red roses

Roses are in bloom

and summer is in the air.

I love the whole world.

This mood is quite rare.


So rare is this mood,

that it does not exist

This is a piece of shit,

with just a new twist.


Fuck the red roses.

And to hell with summer time.

I hate the whole world

because it’s filled with racist slime.


I don’t need to play nice.

Nor will I write about fairies.

The whole world is on fire

and I am done with ‘hail marys’.


Prayers, I don’t need.

They have no relevance.

People must be praying

for the spread of malevolence.


When I look around

only brutality do I see.

There is no real love.

I see evil and barbarity.


You say that life is great!

Who are you kidding?

Wake up and face reality

of the bombing and the killing.

Written by,

Shelby I. Courtland

©2015 Shelby I. Courtland

This poem is all about sarcasm and irony. Summer will soon be upon us but it would seem to be another ‘Summer of our discontent’. I cannot see the roses for the brutality and the suffering that is being inflicted by so-called ‘humans’ against each other.



Behold, The Face Of Evil!


They picked him very carefully as all the world can see.
He’s easy on the eye and with a great personality.

Those who went before him set the stage for what would come.
He’s like a phantom in the night; we ask, “Where is he really from?”

Oh how little did we know, he’d bring destruction in his wake.
No Robin Hood he is, from the rich he does not take.

He’s a banker’s friend; a corporate tool who’s sent us spiraling down.
He hails from a gangster’s paradise in a city called, “chi-town.”

He’s led us straight to hell and he’s smiled the journey long.
We crashed upon the rocks as though he’d sung the siren’s song.

What’s left is barren land and the poor are all but dead.
Those who could not lose, put a bullet through their head.

The serfs are drudging painfully as they keep the rich afloat.
They’re scared to make a sound; they dare not rock the boat.

Their fate would be just like the rest; that’s not to be endured.
The Black man lent his face and the white man was assured,
that all would be as he declared; no detail left to chance.
The white man pulls the strings of the Black man in the manse.

Written by,

Shelby I. Courtland

©2013 Shelby I. Courtland

The white puppet masters are pulling the strings behind the charming, smiling, engaging, false, fake-ass face of Barack Obama, a puppet bought with blood money. He is a willing tool for those who consider themselves to be the elite. They are nothing more than worthless scum, depraved, lying, greedy, deceitful crooks with no compassion or morality. They are why we are constantly at war. They are why people are working for poverty wages. They are why we have homeless, hungry and uninsured people in this world. The hopeless, sunken eyed, gaunt people of the world watch and they wait……and they die because billions of people, as far as the elite fucks are concerned, are expendable and don’t deserve to live. If you are reading this, then you are just as expendable to those nasty bastards as I am and they will soon make a believer out of you! Don’t think so? Wait for it and I feel that you will not have long to wait!

Let’s See How Much You Sneer!

bloodless bastard





You are the poster child for torture.

And yet, you never miss a beat.

You’d torture your own mother,

and you’d demand a front row seat.


When I look at evil’s face,

your mug shot should appear.

And behind stout prison walls,

your ass should disappear.


Why can’t you breathe your last

and save us all the trouble

of waiting for your death?

But I bet you’ve got a double.


You’re a cold, bloodless bastard.

And what’s more, you’re so damn proud,

of how you got away with torture,

as though you walk upon a cloud.



The likes of you, I have never seen.

And whatever put you here.

I wish it’d claim your ass,

then let’s see how much you sneer!

Written by,

Shelby I. Courtland

©2015 Shelby I. Courtland


Cheney on Interrogation Tactics TORTURE: ‘I Would Do It Again in a Minute’

Former Vice President Dick Cheney on Sunday continued his fierce defense of harsh CIA interrogation tactics TORTURE used in the wake of the 9/11 attacks, saying flatly that he “would do it again in a minute.”

The former vice president added that he was not concerned about the capture or interrogation TORTURE of foreign nationals who were ultimately revealed to be innocent.

..and about rectal rehydration? “I believe it was done for medical reasons” — a notion that has been questioned by medical experts.

The former vice president also hit back against the report’s claim that President George W. Bush was misled about the extent of the practices.

“This man knew what we were doing,” he said, outlining daily briefings that included the president, the CIA director and himself. “He authorized it. He approved it.”


Here we sit, wondering why ISIS and IS and The Backyard Beheader’s Club and Beheader’s Anonymous groups are gaining traction via membership drives from countries all across the world, if the lamestream media is to be believed. I do not wonder why America has so many enemies. I would be America’s enemy too if shit like this was sitting somewhere condoning torture and trying to put a spin on it and call it, ‘interrogation tactics’. They can do the dirt without even flinching but to sell it to the stupid sheeple called Americans, they’ve got to pretty it up and call it ‘interrogation tactics’. It was TORTURE, goddamn it! Plain and simple, it was TORTURE! They detained and TORTURED INNOCENT people and they continuously place the blame on 9/11 as if that excuses all war crimes, torture and detaining of innocent people in prison hells for years without due process. That makes it alright! WRONG!! So, America is going to forever claim to take the ‘high road’ and deem TORTURE a necessity because of 9/11? And quite actually, it is working. Tout out 9/11 and there’s your free pass to TORTURE. There’s your free pass to FORCE FEEDING SOMEONE THROUGH THEIR ASS! There’s your free pass to DETAIN SOMEONE AND TORTURE THEM INTO CONFESSING WITHOUT A LAWYER PRESENT! Did you get that? This is what America stands for! How much bravery is displayed by Americans when they are torturing helpless captives? How can we claim to stand for freedom when we deny people their freedom just because we can? How can we claim a moral superiority when we have no morals? When we have no scruples? This is the home of the brave? Are you fucking kidding me? Dick Cheney probably is wetting himself through a diaper when looking at the photos of tortured assholes, fried genitals and dead, staring eyes because those people weren’t guilty, they’re scapegoats for lascivious eunuchs that can only get their jollies off by extreme masochistic shit!








…Swarming Like Killer Bees!


I know I said I was a good girl gone bad,
but I didn’t know that I’d eventually go mad.

The white-coated men can just haul me away.
I’m too far gone and ain’t nothing I can say.

One minute, I’m all about flowers and trees,
and the next I’m swarming like killer bees.

Who the hell knows what will happen next?
I often leave my readers quite perplexed.

Maybe, I’m the female Jekyll and Hyde
and it could be that I’m quite certified.

Who couldn’t go crazy in this fucked up world,
where madness reigns and evil’s flag’s unfurled?

If I doubt my sanity and wonder if I’m sane.
it’s because I see a world suffering in pain.

And when I feel sorry and sad for me,
I’m not getting bombed like those across the sea!

Written by,
Shelby I. Courtland
©2014 Shelby I. Courtland

Sometimes I’m good and sometimes, I’m MAD!!! And sometimes, I’m just goddamn BAD!!!

While You Live A Life Of Privilege…

lavish spending

While you sleep the sleep of the dead,
a child in Africa has no bed.

While you buy your Starbucks coffee,
a mother in Gaza holds her child’s dead body.

While you tweet about Miley’s twerk,
a stressed out soldier just went berserk.

While you gas up the SUV,
fuel tanks burn in Tripoli.

While you head to lunch at noon,
the CIA trains another goon.

While you shop with your credit card,
in Iraq, live the battle scarred.

While you take your dog for a walk,
at a homeless vet, you merely gawk.

While you live a life of privilege,
your whole world is a distorted image.

While you shy away from life,
into our world, evil twists the knife.

Written by,
Shelby I. Courtland
©2014 Shelby I. Courtland