Last Night, I Had A Dream


Last Night, I Had A Dream

Last night, I had the weirdest dream.
I was sitting at a dinner table with my date
and he kept wanting to leave and I was confused
because we had only just got there.
But when I turned my head,
and looked down, lying on the floor
was a dead man.
I sat there totally comfortable
while my date wanted to go.
I refused. I said, “You go, I’m staying.”
Who was the dead man?
I don’t know, but that is all
that I can remember from
my dream last night.
I hope Joe Biden
wasn’t the dead man.
I need that bastard, alive.
Wake up Biden,
tis no time to sleep.
You’ve work to do.
The ‘continued collapse of Amerikkka’ awaits you.

Written by,

Shelby I. Courtland

©2022 Shelby I. Courtland

Don’t you damn Amerikkkans forget for one damn second that this shithole bombed Iraq, practically into oblivion over a lie about them having weapons of mass destruction when the corrupt and warmongering shits at the helm of this lopsided, sinking, stinking, racist shithole knew that Iraq had NO weapons of mass destruction. But now there is talk amongst the corrupt, warmongers in congress about having Vladimir Putin up on war crimes charges. Are those hypocritical, lying, corrupt warmongers for real? Did George W. Bush go before the ICC on war crimes charges? Obama? McCain? Lindsey Graham? Colin Powell? Nikki Haley? Hillary Clinton? Bill Clinton? Dick Cheney? Condalsleezy ‘Bush whore Rice?

Let’s just ALL forget about the war crimes that this fucked up nation has committed and concentrate on some made up shit about Vladimir Putin. It has been stated that Russia has the power to bring this shithole and those shitholes in Europe to its knees despite been sanctioned to hell and back. I hope that’s true. I hope with every fiber of my being that Russia, even though Russia’s leaders are nowhere near as insane and useless as these criminals shits at the helm of this shithole as well as those who are at the helm of European shitholes, but I’d put all of that aside if I were the Russians and get with the business of kicking ass and taking no prisoners. Leave the dead lying where they may.

Russia, blast clear cross Europe and and then look this way. Don’t leave this shithole out, not for a minute. And if you refuse to drop bombs over here, then make sure that those sanctions impact every fucking ass over here, from the top to the bottom. I’m already at the bottom and so it don’t hardly matter to me. Russia, THIS time, leave no target unaccounted for. Target ALL and don’t stop until you get the job done because you should know by now that these sorry shits over here got nothing going on and when there’s nothing going on, they start wars and shit and that is exactly what is happening. This shithole is done for. Millions are homeless. Millions are starving. Millions are jobless because even with the few jobs available, they are low wage jobs that do not sustain a person and folks are just homeless, hungry and fucked up. And the rest are sitting up in prisons getting fucked up and some more shit. Ain’t shit nice, relaxing, comfortable and some more shit going on over here. The price gouging is off the chain. Real estate investors are deliberately pricing people out of their homes all over greed. And so, AGAIN, Russia, I beseech you, wipe this shit off the map, one way or another! And that doddering old fool Biden is NOT up to the job of doing anything more than sucking down applesauce and taking a nap. He’s not capable of running a shit producing farm. Put paid to this shithole, once and for all!

If You Have Not Yet Voted, Read This!!!!!



Usually, I am ashamed to admit that I was born in Virginia, but this is one time that I am not bashing the hell out of my birth state, Virginia. This is one time that I am actually lauding some news, not straight outta Compton, but straight outta Virginia!

Virginia governor enables 200,000 felons to vote in November

RICHMOND, Va. (AP) — More than 200,000 convicted felons will be able to cast ballots in the swing state of Virginia in November under a sweeping executive order Gov. Terry McAuliffe announced Friday.

The Democrat said restoring the rights of felons to vote and run for office will help undo the state’s long history of trying to prevent African-Americans from fully participating in our democracy.

“This is the essence of our democracy and any effort to dilute that fundamental principle diminishes it, folks, for all of us,” McAuliffe said on the steps of Virginia’s Capitol, before a crowd of more than 100 people that included many felons.

Now, of course, we are all wondering if the restoration of voting rights to felons has anything to do with the upcoming presidential elections, but let us just believe that he(democratic Governor, Terry McAuliffe) is doing this because it is the right thing to do. If a person has committed a crime and they have served their time, then the right to vote should not be withheld. They are certainly expected to pay taxes upon completion of serving their time. And so, they should be well within their rights to expect to ‘think’ that they have some say in who is going to enact laws that they must obey, especially seeing as how, egregious laws most likely got many of them stiffer sentences than they otherwise whould have received.

The Virginia republican camp is already crying, “Foul!” But be that as it may, for now, it stands and the squirming by the republican legislators in Virginia will, of course, continue. They want every single Virginia vote to go to their presidential candidate and seeing as how there is much turmoil in the GOP camp these days, is it any wonder?

What I would like to add is this, to all the convicted felons who have regained the right to vote, think twice about who you intend to cast your vote for. Do not just assume that by checking the box next to the democratic party’s candidate that all will be well. If Hillary Clinton receives the democratic nomination, then remember this, she and her husband Bill Clinton are most likely responsible for why you were incarcerated for years longer than you should have been and also for your receiving a stiffer sentence than you should have received. Never forget Bill Clinton’s legacy and how his policies decimated Black America even as he was re-directing jobs from America to Canada and to Mexico by way of NAFTA(North American Free Trade Agreement). But what is really the sticking point is that that douchebag pedophile, Bill Clinton, implemented the ‘three-strikes law’, a $30 billion dollar crime bill that created dozens of new federal capital crimes, mandated life sentences for some three-time offenders, and authorized more than $16 billion for state prison grants and the expansion of police forces. And by the time Bill Clinton left office in 2001, the United States had the highest rate of incarceration in the world of mostly Black prisoners. And what’s more, Hillary Clinton stood behind this and actually encouraged it. Where do you think the ‘Blacks are super predators and need to be brought to heel’ speech came from? This shit was vomited out of her filthy mouth! And this was said while she lauded her husband, Bill’s crime law that got you mandatory minimum sentences for being caught with a plant(weed) and for being addicted to heroin and crack. No rehab for you! Go straight to prison and remain there, indefinitely!

A vote for Hillary Clinton is a vote for more of the same. They are two sides of the same coin; they are not any different from each other. Hillary Clinton is saying what she thinks she needs to say to ‘court the Black vote’ but you are just a worthless piece of stinking manure in her eyes. You are not fit to breathe the same air she does, is her opinion. She needs your vote and so she will grin and bear being in the same room with you, only up until she receives the democratic nomination and descends to the presidency. Because the office of the president of the United States is not an ascension since warmongers, war hawks and war whores such as Hillary Clinton have long since climbed into bed with those who profit off wars. And Black folks, this is why they have made it so that you feel you have no choice but to sign on the dotted line and fight rich shits wars who want you dead anyway. This is why the only other option for you is to duke it out with guns on every inner city corner in AmeriKKKa over drug turf. This is why Black America, you were chronically hooked on drugs, but you were criminalized for your habit while white folks were and are receiving drug rehab, politician handwringing and even CDC investigations over their supposed increase in death by heroin overdoses. Meanwhile, cities like Baltimore, MD has for decades been dealing with a heroin and crack epidemic and was left to rot, decay and fall into ruin and her citizens, into despair, hopelessness, anguish, heartache and death.

Make no mistake, the democratic party and Hillary Clinton are not here to save the day for you. Your day is fucked up because of them. Vote with your brain. Educate yourselves before you head for the polling stations and try and remember that you owe nothing to those assholes! They promise you shit that they have no intentions of delivering on and by now, you should know this. You are only a pawn to be used in their ‘game of thrones’. Stop selling yourselves to these bastards that think more of their pets than they do of you!

Whatever Terry McAuliffe’s reasons for re-instating the vote to 200,000 felons, make sure that the vote you cast is not because of some misguided deep-seated belief that the democrats are your friends and therefore, will forever deserve your unwavering and loyal support. Surprise their ass! Wake them the fuck up and make them no longer take your vote for granted!

Hillary Clinton has already called us Black folks, ‘super predators’ that need to be brought to heel. Show that foul warmonger that the biggest super predator is her racist ass and that THIS time, you are NOT to be taken for granted!

I can only hope that you get the message!

“I Voted…….”


I voted…… my sleep.
 Stood in line with the other sheep
as we were prodded, one by one.
Oh I voted, but I voted for none.
Yes, into that voting booth, I went,
made my mind up to some extent.
I threw my ballot on the dirty floor,
said I’d never vote for a war whore.
 And that no bigot would get my vote,
I’d rather drown in a goddamn moat.
The security guards escorted me out,
told me I was crazy, without a doubt.
 But that’s okay because I had my say
on the 8th of November; election day!
Don’t do as I did and vote in your sleep,
head out the door like good little sheep.
Cast your vote for your favorite clown,
and I’ll sit back and watch as you drown
in piles of shit that they fling your way,
because you voted on election day!

Written by,
Shelby I. Courtland
©2016 Shelby I. Courtland

This election, I refuse to participate in a farce. I could have voted. I’m no felon, but I chose to leave my voting status where it has been for the past three years, sitting on the rolls in Virginia where I no longer reside and never will again.

I hear whines and complaints from the Democrats that the ‘Black vote’ is not what they would wish it to be. Shut the fuck up because you lousy ass dogs have used us in numerous election years and we’ve got nothing to show for it. Black people dutifully show up at the polls and vote for the Dems as though they are some wonderful saviors that are coming to our rescue when nothing could be further from the truth. If the Democratic Party was of any use to Black people, we would not have a school-to-prison pipeline to show for our voting for Barack Insane Obama. We would not have millions of Black people incarcerated on bullshit drug charges feeding the ‘For Profit’ prison slavery system. We would not have gentrification running unchecked throughout this hellhole. We would not have horrific unemployment statistics, income inequality, unbelievable poverty, homelessness, inadequate health care and the list is endless. If your vote benefitted you, Black people, then it would show and from where I sit, it shows that you have no reason in the world to vote. It matters not who is at the helm of this lopsided, sinking, stinking shithole barge, you’ll never see one ounce of support for what’s needed to help descendants of slaves in this shithole.

For once in your life, send a message to the Democrats. Tell them by your lack of support, to go fuck themselves!



There once was a thug named ‘Hillary’,
who laughed and cackled all day.
This witch was immune to prosecution,
 and she always got her own way.

Then in struts Weiner in his undies,
to an under age girl, he was sexting,
a picture of his crotch on the bulge
and now, a presidential race, it’s affecting.

The witch named Hillary is livid.
She thought she had it in the bag.
but a man by the name of Andy Weiner
just sank the election for that hag.

Donald Trump is just a’smiling and a’grinning.
He foretold of this many years ago,
that a Weiner would take ole Hillary down
and deliver the final, glancing blow!

When the dust has finally cleared away
and the loser has conceded to the Weiner,
will we each accept what just went down
and go home and ‘eat crow’ for our dinner?

Written by,
Shelby I. Courtland
©2016 Shelby I. Courtland

Well? Will we? LMAO! Even though, we should not be amused at this farce of an election, what can we do, eh? I for one, am not going to sweat it. And I do believe it is quite obvious that I don’t want that lying, blood thirsty warmonger, Hillary Clinton to win! Heaven and hell forbid! Damn! I’m glad I can’t vote this year because if I could, I would have held my nose and voted for Trump because I despise and detest that war whore far more than I dislike Trump.

Don’t Slam Hillary, Slam Your Mother….




….she is the one who endorsed Hillary Clinton. She is the one who stood up on the stage at the DNC, along with the other coon head sell-outs and endorsed filth, filth that is the reason why Black people are usually the victims of police brutality. So, don’t slam Hillary Clinton for staying true to being a lying warmonger, slam your mother for backing a known racist piece of filth and for selling out your father for ’30 pieces of silver’ and a few minutes on a stage.

Daughter of Eric Garner slams Clinton campaign over emails about father’s death

The Hillary Clinton campaign came under fire from Erica Garner on Thursday, the daughter of Eric Garner who was killed by a police officer in New York City, after the latest batch of emails released by WikiLeaks revealed how the Democratic presidential nominee talked about her father’s death.

“I know we have Erica Garner issues but we don’t want to mention Eric at all? I can see her coming after us for leaving him out of the piece,” Clinton press secretary Nick Merrill wrote in an email.

Another aide Maya Harris chimed in saying, “Eric Garner not included because not killed by gun violence.”

So, this just goes to show that all who were on that stage at the DNC were merely props. This shit was all thought out beforehand and as usual, dumb ass Black people will dutifully get in line and allow racist filth to continue to use them for their fucked up agendas. We never, ever fucking learn. You know what? To hell with all y’all Black motherfuckers! Here I am breaking my goddamn neck and back trying to do something about goddamn gentrification encroaching all over the city I live in when you punk ass bitches are doing nothing but making it more and more difficult for me and others to try and do a goddamn thing about your fucked up ass plight. Fuck all y’all motherfuckers AGAIN! I’m fucking done! Stick a goddamn fork in me. I can fucking use my goddamn money for my own Black ass! To hell with you!

This just takes the goddamn cake! You stupid fuckers can’t see the writing on the wall? You need someone to tell you how to blow your own goddamn nose and I’m going to fucking break my neck trying to help some motherfuckers that can’t even think for themselves? Hell no! The goddamn buck stops here! You’re all fucking sell-outs!

I have been saying over and over that Black people continue to do some crazy ass shit by doing the same things and expecting different results. You’re going to stand behind that piece of racist filth that calls itself Hillary Clinton, whose husband, by the way, is the reason why so many Black men and women are cooling their heels in ‘for profit’ prisons. Those two scum sucking bottom feeders are the reasons why so many Black children are growing up in single-parent households. And you can’t fucking see that? You’ve got to wait until Wikileaks publishes leaked emails to get a clue about what you should already know! We have been slaves in this shithole for hundreds of years and still, you don’t know that nothing’s changed? How the hell are you free? And who the hell freed you? Bill Clinton? Hillary Clinton? Her husband’s policies, AGAIN, are the reasons why so many Black people are slaving away in ‘for profit’ prisons on bullshit drug charges thanks to Bill Clinton’s ‘three strikes’ law among other laws that were placed on the books by Bill Clinton’s racist policies that were meant to enslave Black people in the new slave pens. And what do you do when those racists in uniform kill your ‘loved’ one? Why, you stroll down the streets with a lame ass protest sign that you dusted off from the 1960s and beg them to stop choking us to death, shooting us to death and hanging us. Then some of you, like Eric Garner’s family, will take a multi-million dollar payout to shut up about his murder and the status quo continues.

Oh, but then, you are so shocked when emails come to light exposing the fact that Hillary Clinton is as fake with her displays of support for the plight of Black people as her husband is. You overlook a lot for ’30 pieces of silver’. You sell out your own people and stand somewhere, smiling and endorsing racist filth and then get bent out of shape when someone exposes to the world just how contemptible your mother is for being a coon head sell-out. So no, Erica Garner, don’t slam Hillary Clinton for staying true to who she is, slam your own goddamn mother for condoning what that racist piece of filth set into motion, decades ago; her and her philandering husband, Bill. Slam Sandra Bland’s mother Jordan Davis’s mother, Trayvon Martin’s mother, Michael Brown’s mother, Dontre Hamilton’s mother, Hadiya Pendleton’s mother, Blair Holt’s mother and Oscar Grant’s mother for taking to the stage at the Democratic National Convention and endorsing that warmongering racist piece of filth, Hillary Clinton.

Hillary Clinton is going to be our next president and of that I am certain of without a shadow of a doubt because that is what the ‘elites’ want for why else is that war whore not in prison for all the crimes its committed? Why put something like Donald Trump and Mike Pence up against Hillary Clinton? It is to make people so disgusted over Trump and Pence that they’d vote for Hillary Clinton even though they loathe and despise that hag! And for anyone who thinks that police brutality is going to cease when Hillary Clinton descends to the presidency, you need to wake the fuck up and smell the stench of death because you will continue, just as you are now, to march down the goddamn street holding your lame ass protest signs or waving your hands in the air screaming, “Hands up! Don’t shoot!” And I guess you forgot, that to Hillary Clinton, Black people are super predators that need to be brought to heel and that is exactly what is going down. “Heel motherfuckers! Heel!”

Eric Garner’s mother endorses Hillary Clinton

Eric Garner’s mother, Gwen Carr, endorsed Hillary Clinton on Thursday in an email to campaign supporters, labeling Clinton the “only candidate right now who’s talking about how we can be strategic in trying to” address police brutality.

Carr joins a host of mothers whose children were killed in incidents with law enforcement and are part of a broader campaign strategy to solidify African-American voters who are pushing for an end to police brutality.
“So yeah! Heel motherfuckers, heel!”

Just Like A Robot!


Programmed, just like a robot,
to respond to stimuli,
via mainstream media
and a politician’s every lie.

Four years ago,
there you stood
in the same line.
 Did it do you any good?

Now, here you are
at it again,
expecting what?
 Your candidate to win?

You don’t have a candidate
and you didn’t know this?
Oh, the gullible and the foolish
will forever heed the serpent’s hiss.

You, who speak of your ‘Garden of Eden’
as though you ever learned the lesson.
When it only takes a whisper in your ear
and you will gladly vote for your oppression.

Written by,
Shelby I. Courtland
©2016 Shelby I. Courtland

On November 8th, go forth robots and vote, vote for ‘your’ candidate and then wait for whatever it is he/she has promised you. Let me know when you’ve received it. Because unless you are a member of the Fortune 500 Club and on ‘Billionaire’s Row’, your ass will be in a worse predicament than it is now. But hey! At least you can say that you ‘voted’ FOR the pile of shit ‘your’ candidate heaped on your plate. “Bon appétit!”

Hillary Clinton, A ‘Nasty Woman’!



I did not watch this debate just as I did not watch any of the previous debates between Donald Trump and Hillary Clinton, but I just read that Janet Jackson’s “Nasty” has become wildly popular on Spotify since Donald Trump called Hillary Clinton a, “nasty woman,” while Hillary Clinton was speaking on what she intends to do FOR Social Security. And AmeriKKKans have the goddamn nerve to wonder why they are choosing between Twiddle Dee Foolish and Twiddle Dee Liar? Seriously? No one has of yet said anything about Hillary Clinton’s words pertaining to Social Security. So, I shall recap them here.

“I am on record as saying that we need to put more money in the social security trust fund. “That’s part of my commitment to raise taxes on the wealthy. My social security payroll contribution will go up, as will Donald’s – assuming he can’t figure out how to get out of it.” – Hillary Clinton. And because Donald Trump interrupted her and said, “She’s a nasty woman,” let’s forget about the important stuff and concentrate on some name calling? We already know that this farce is as fake as a four dollar bill, so let’s continue to sweat the stupid stuff while ignoring what these yahoos say? Really? We shall surely get exactly what we deserve, either way!

If there is anyone out there that has more than two brain cells operating, think about what Hillary Clinton said. “I am on record as saying that we need to put more money in the social security trust fund. That’s part of my commitment to raise taxes on the wealthy.”

Her dear philandering husband, Bill Clinton BALANCED THE BUDGET BY RAIDING THE SOCIAL SECURITY TRUST FUND BEFORE HE LEFT OFFICE. Bill Clinton did not magically leave office with a surplus that was just lying around. Social Security would be entirely solvent today if the Social Security Trust Fund had been left the hell alone and now, we are to believe that Hillary Clinton, unlike her philandering husband, would actually ADD to the coffers of the Social Security Trust Fund? She fucking can’t take from it because it’s practically busted! Damn near every single past presidential Administration has raided the trust fund and now Hillary Clinton is going to come along and save the day for us all. Yeah! Right! And how many times have taxes been raised on the rich? Crickets are fucking chirping! The rich own this shithole and they are not going to allow taxes to be raised on their ill-gotten gains that are sitting in off-shore tax havens. What is there to tax when the money is not even sitting here in AmeriKKKa? But let us not concentrate on these so obvious lies that Hillary Clinton is spouting, let us concentrate on Trump calling Hillary, a ‘nasty woman’ and let’s go find a song with NASTY in it and make it go viral! I fucking swear, AmeriKKKans continue to outdo themselves in goddamn stupidity, cluelessness and moronic behavior. You useless bunch of yokels are indeed, going to get everything that’s coming to you! And about time, I might add! For the love of!! AGAIN, I just cannot make this shit up!

Bill Clinton’s lock-box plan is nothing more than a scheme to use more than $3 trillion in Social Security surpluses to buy down federal debt. In exchange, the Social Security trust fund gets another $3 trillion worth of IOUs. To be sure, most Americans would rather pay down the debt than use Social Security’s surpluses to fund pork barrel projects. But make no mistake, once that money is spent – to buy down debt or fund new programs – it will not be there to cover Social Security’s long-term liabilities.

And those liabilities are enormous. As most Americans are becoming aware, in 2014 Social Security will begin spending more on benefits than it collects in payroll taxes. Ten years later, its annual deficits will reach $370 billion, and by 2034, when today’s 33-year olds begin to retire, the program will be mired in $800 billion deficits. Over the next 75 years, those deficits total $122 trillion, or $19 trillion after adjusting for inflation.

Social Security is filled with nothing but worthless IOUs that I can’t even wipe my ass with and we are now to believe that Social Security is going to bounce back from almost complete insolvency by Hillary “I am going to raise taxes on the rich {to make Social Security solvent again}” Clinton? Right! And the Klan is going to disband!

Let us all concentrate on this. It should get us through the next 4-8 years!

Labor Day For The Unemployed!

striking workers in front of Trump Taj Mahal in Atlantic City, NJ


At the risk of repeating myself, I repeat myself.

“Happy Labor Day! Now Here’s Your Pink Slip!”

September 1, 2014

Revel starts shutdown Monday after just 2 years

ATLANTIC CITY, N.J. (AP) — The most spectacular and costly failure in Atlantic City’s 36-year history of casino gambling begins to play out Monday when the $2.4 billion Revel Casino Hotel empties its hotel.

Revel is shutting down a little over two years after opening with high hopes of revitalizing Atlantic City’s struggling gambling market.

Revel will be the second of three Atlantic City casinos to close in a two-week span. The Showboat Casino Hotel closed its doors Sunday, and Trump Plaza is closing Sept. 16.

Now, as you can see, I posted this back in 2014 when Atlantic City casinos were shuttering their doors in unprecedented numbers and here we go again. In October, yet another ‘Trump’ casino will close its doors, putting thousands of Atlantic city residents out-of-work. So, I say, “Happy Labor Day! Now, here’s your pink slip!”

What a wonderful way to celebrate a tribute to workers; give them a pink slip and tell them to file for unemployment because even though this casino is no longer affiliated with Donald Trump, it still bears HIS name and so in essence, Trump is still playing the game, “You’re Fired!” America, have you no clue how ‘fired’ you are going to be if Trump descends to the presidency? This man has made billions by investing fake money into real estate schemes that bear his name and then when the business starts to go belly up, why he sucks everything out of it in bankruptcy proceedings, thus leaving the rank-and-file to pick up the pieces of their lives, the best way they can. Correct me if I am wrong, but how many of us could continuously get away with filing bankruptcy after bankruptcy and then proceed to amass fortune after fortune off just our name and abscond with the profits when the shit hits the fan and then off to another profitable venture, we go? Not a damn one of us and that’s for sure!

And Americans have the nerve to wonder why they are fucked up? Don’t wonder. Just look around at who continues to thumb their billions in your face while you land on your face after having worked your ass off for decades; only to be thrown out like yesterday’s stinking garbage.

Trump Taj Mahal closing would further darken A.C.’s South Inlet
The announced closing of Taj Mahal came shortly after one of Atlantic City’s biggest successes in the past two years — the reopening of Showboat in July.

Straub is still in the process of trying to get Revel reopened.

“It’s two steps forward, three steps backwards,” said Richard Perniciaro, director of the Center for Regional and Business Research at Atlantic Cape Community College.

Perniciaro said the proposed closing of the Taj combined with the pending referendum on casinos in North Jersey in November could discourage residential and commercial investment in the resort.

The Taj Mahal has gone through five(5) bankruptcy proceedings; that’s FIVE! And get this, the employees who had a stake in the success of this casino have lost their health benefits and their pension and so does anyone wonder why statistics state that Atlantic City, NJ has one of the nation’s highest foreclosure rates? And yet, ‘white’ male vultures with loads of money are waiting in the wings to snatch up the property of the soon-to-be former workers of the Taj Mahal casino. And we don’t need a revolution? Where are these people going to live? Have you visited Atlantic City lately? I was there in 2013 and I can tellya, it was like nothing I had ever seen. People were coming up to me on the boardwalk, yelling in my face to, “Give me a dollar!” I had to produce my stun gun, pepper spray to send them running. When I was heading into a liquor store right off the boardwalk, women were standing in font of the liquor store, shoving their children up to strangers to get them to beg for money as they entered and exited the liquor store. The salesclerk stated that it is a huge problem, but what can they do because as soon as they shoo them away, they come right back. I can only imagine what it is like now, because that was before the recent shuttering of many casino doors. Crime has got to be off the charts. Homelessness, we know is off the charts because with foreclosure rates skyrocketing, where are those people who once had homes, living? Right! In a box.

This is what this country is descending into; a nation of abject poverty stricken people with no means, no jobs and no hope and here we have two candidates for president that are the epitome of hopelessness for the masses. We have a candidate that has filed bankruptcy more times than I can count and who deliberately goes about attempting to stir up racists and bigots while on the other hand, we have ‘Pantsuits Warmonger Killar E. Clinton’ who never saw a drone it didn’t like and is itching to be the commander-in-chief to continue to provoke the Russians and the Chinese into war.

But we are about to celebrate Labor Day? For real? Get the fuck outta here with that bullshit! And yet, I cannot help but think that the poem I wrote for Labor Day 2014 is just as relevant now as it was then. Enjoy!

The Atlantic City Labor Day Blues!

For 30 years, I’ve punched that clock
and now on Labor Day, I get to take stock
of a life of labor that could end any day
and the sad fact is, I can’t pay my own way.

In the unemployment line, here I stand.
I’ve joined the ranks of the sad, holding out my hand,
not for a hand-out, because I’ve paid my dues.
So don’t give me no lip, walk a mile in my shoes!

How long will it take me to get back on my feet
and fulfill my obligations, I’ve deadlines to meet?

I’m out to pound the pavement ’cause winter won’t wait.
The lights must stay on and the rent cannot be late.

What a Labor Day it is here in Atlantic City.
It’s not going well for me, Labor Day is kind of shitty!

©2014 Shelby I. Courtland

So yeah, Happy Labor Day!

Dead Man Says, “Do NOT Vote For Hillary Clinton!”

that to this

The dead cannot rest in peace without first exhorting the American people to please, please don’t vote for Hillary Clinton!

Man’s Obituary Asks Mourners Not to Vote for Hillary Clinton
Mourners of Larry Upright, who died at 81 on April 13, were urged not to cast their ballot for a specific candidate in next year’s presidential election: “The family respectfully asks that you do not vote for Hillary Clinton in 2016. R.I.P. Grandaddy.”

Now you know that thing that calls itself Hillary Rodham Clinton has got to be the most vile, hideous and obscene monster to ever crawl and slither across this planet, if its even got the dead not able to rest in peace without first having begged and beseeched the American populace to not vote for that thing.

This poor deceased man could not go peacefully into eternal slumber without making us aware of the fact that he was so against Hillary Clinton descending to the presidency that he felt compelled to put in a final plea upon his death bed to his family to please include in his obituary the fact that we would be making a most terrible mistake in electing Hillary Clinton as our next president.

When the dead speak, you must listen because I am pretty sure that the dead has reconciled with their god before the final trumpet blows and the last thing that the dead would do is to attempt to steer us wrong. If you won’t listen to the dead, who will you listen to? Because the dead have nothing left to lose. The dead, however, does know that the living still has much to lose even though the living think they have lost everything already. Don’t be fooled. Your situation and mine could get so much worse and we should all know this.

Hillary Rodham Clinton has a long history of proving that it is not trustworthy, is a stooge for the ‘elites’, loves wars, is in bed with Wall Street, is corrupt, is a war criminal who should be behind bars, has never seen a missile that it never fell in love with and would drone strike Martin Luther King Jr.’s grave if it were found to harbor oil beneath it.

Hillary Rodham Clinton wears pantsuits because it must hide the big ass bulge of a jockstrap because that thing is no lady. That thing has got balls bigger than Bill Clinton’s and he ain’t hardly happy about that since he had to insert his penis inside Monica Lewinsky’s mouth and when her mouth could not contain all of Bill Clinton’s pent up cum, that is when it spilled down her dress. Think about that for a moment. Bill Clinton, once Hillary Clinton descends to the presidency, will have a field day with the interns in Washington, D.C. Your daughters and maybe even your sons, will never get a moment’s peace from Bill’s roving penis. And I have it on good authority from a source who shall remain nameless for obvious reasons, that Bill Clinton is still extremely virile thanks to assorted pills, attachments and other useful tools of the like. And Hillary Clinton will, once again, look the other way just as it did over the Monica Lewinsky scandal because Hillary Clinton cares not for the caresses of a mere mortal man, that thing gets off on real missiles and drones, torture and rendition practices. Just you ask Dick ‘the torturer’ Cheney as both sat in on torture sessions of innocent Gitmo detainees and chortled with glee over observing rectal hydration methods deployed to get fake ass information about suspected terrorist activities when the two biggest terrorists in the room were ‘The Watchers’; Hillary Clinton and Dick ‘the torturer’ Cheney.

Now, you don’t have to take my word for any of this and I don’t expect that you will. However, I could post a list that would wrap around this globe 21,000 times as to why you should NOT vote for Hillary Clinton, but I don’t feel the need to do that because there are so many articles available online and in print that will clue you in as to what you can expect under a Hillary Clinton presidency. And why is it that Barack Obama is hell bent on seeing to it that Hillary Clinton is the next president when both of them were seemingly at odds with one another when they were battling for the 2008 democratic presidential nomination? But now, all of a sudden, Obama has declared that Hillary Clinton is the most qualified candidate EVER! If that were true, then why didn’t Obama make that fact well-known back when he was vying for the Democratic Party nomination against Hillary Clinton and by doing so, Hillary Clinton would more than likely be the one finishing out its two presidential terms and not Barack Obama? Because everyone with more than two brain cells working should know for a fact that McCain and Palin handed the presidency to whomever would be their opponents. Because who in the world believes that Sarah Palin even takes her own dizzy self seriously? Exactly! In fact, Barack Obama’s camp fought Hillary Clinton’s camp over primary votes in Las Vegas. That contest was so contentious, it ended in a split decision.

I know that previously I stated that I felt no need to post any of Hillary Clinton’s misadventures, for want of a better word, but I shall post a few just for good measure. And so without further ado, feast your eyes on why even the dead have beseeched us not to vote for Hillary Rodham Clinton.

The Whitewater Scandal

The Monica Lewinsky Scandal

The Clinton Foundation Scandal

The Benghazi Scandal

The Clinton’s Private Email Server Scandal while Hillary Clinton was Secretary of State AND State Department emails

Foggy Bottom

Sidney Blumenthal

Millions Made on Speeches to Banks Like Goldman Sachs

TrooperGate alleges that state troopers claimed they arranged sexual liasons with then governor Bill Clinton of Arkansas.

Paula Jones sued Bill Clinton for sexual harassment.


Vince Foster’s Suicide(many think Chelsea Clinton is his ‘love child’) UGH!!

Juanita Broaddrick alleged that Bill Clinton raped her!

And I could continue in this vein into the next century and yet, the beat goes on. No one and no governmental agency has of yet, found any reason to indict either Clinton for what anybody else other than these two, would have been sitting inside a prison cell serving multiple concurrent life sentences, and you know this. Scandal after scandal after scandal has dogged these two wherever they’ve shown their ugly ass mugs and now, we are faced with another possible Clinton presidency? Only in America!

So, again, if you will not heed the warnings from the living, heed the warnings from the dead because as I have stated previously, the dead’s got nothing left to lose! We do!

“Do NOT vote for Hillary Clinton!,” so says, ‘THE DEAD’!

And lastly, to the deceased Mr. Larry Upright, I sure hope that after November 8th 2016, you can finally……rest in peace!

“….And The Winner Is…Hillary Clinton!”

democratic national convention

“….and the winner is…Hillary Clinton!”
Bernie Sanders gave up the ghost.
The FBI and Loretta Lynch
handed Hillary the election, with a toast!

Stand back boys and let that whore through.
Hillary Clinton, the warmonger’s favorite horse
to win, she will and she’ll keep them happy
with purses full, she’ll stay the course.

Now, Trump is dead last and that’s no lie!
The GOP has got the flu, that’s their alibi
for not attending the convention this July.
No SuperPAC for Trump and we know why.

I know that Sanders’ supporters have got the blues.
They don’t like the fact that by Bernie, they were used.
Stop moping and hoping that ole Bernie stayed true.
It was all part of the plan to keep you confused.

And did it work or did it work?
That’s alright, I know it hurts.
But, there’s always next time to ‘feel the Bern’.
Think of it this way, we’re getting our just desserts!

Written by,
Shelby I. Courtland
©2016 Shelby I. Courtland

It is over! The fat lady done sung! Who the fuck is surprised that the Clintons are never made to pay for the shit that they do? They get away with murder and even get rewarded for it too. Now, if that don’ tell you that this shithole is the epitome of corruption, avarice, hypocrisy and vileness, I don’t know what will. As much shit as Hillary Clinton has smeared and showing up on her ass, she manages to always come up smelling like a goddamn rose!

Donald Trump’s campaign is basically dead in the water. Those who make up the GOP are distancing themselves from Trump, left and right and even his campaign contributions are drying up like a carcass in Death Valley because those who back Trump will never be able to donate as much to Trump’s campaign as corporations donate to Hillary Clinton’s. Hillary Clinton has been from the gitgo, the warmonger’s whore horse on the track and even Donald Trump thought that he would have gone the way he’s always gone every single time he fakes throwing his hat into the ring. Trump has no choice but to limp his ass to the finish line, even though he is finished. And as for Bernie Sanders’ supporters? Excuse my ‘southerness’, but y’all got played!

“Ladies and gentlemen, I give you Madam warwhore president, Killar E. Clinton!” Now, remember to stand and clap!