Derek Chauvin Continues To Cost Taxpayers Money Because He Wants To Get Out Of Prison For Murdering George Floyd. The Supreme Court Said, “In Prison, You Shall Remain!”

Serve your 22.5-year prison sentence and shut the hell up, MURDERER!!!!

Supreme Court Denies Derek Chauvin Appeal Challenging Prison Sentence

Former Minneapolis police officer Derek Chauvin addresses his sentencing hearing and the judge as he awaits his sentence after being convicted of murder in the death of George Floyd in Minneapolis, Minn., June 25, 2021 in a still image from video.(Pool via Reuters)

The Supreme Court denied former Minneapolis police officer Derek Chauvin’s appeal of a lower-court ruling sentencing him to more than 20 years in prison for the murder of George Floyd.

Chauvin’s legal team filed the appeal last week, arguing that the Minnesota cop’s trial was held during a contentious time in the country, leading to concerns about the jury’s impartiality.

Chauvin is currently serving his 22.5-year sentence after a Minnesota court’s jury found him guilty of second and third-degree murder in April 2021. The Minnesota Court of Appeals and the state supreme court both upheld the lower-court ruling before the case was raised before the U.S. Supreme Court this month.

Derek Chauvin had a fair trial. Everyone on the jury was impartial since Derek Chauvin’s legal team examined each witness BEFORE signing off on them to participate as jurors and so why Chauvin is continuing to state that he did not receive a fair trial is a damn mystery to me. He was tried and convicted by a jury of HIS peers. Won’t no Black folks sending his ass to prison, he sent his own ass to prison and he probably should have been sent to prison years ago for the vicious and illegal shit he had been up to the entire time he was on the Minneapolis Police force. That shit is so criminal that the Justice Department, put in a place, a consent decree, and what’s more the shit is still fucked up. 

Derek Chauvin’s skin-head Klan ass is right where he should be and what’s more, he should have been given more time to serve, but being all pink-assed and his victim, being all Black-assed, no one with more than two brain cells connected and working was so delusional that they figured he would get more time, which he surely deserved. He’d better have been glad that my ass wasn’t on the jury because the jury would still be out since I would have been the lone hold-out on his ass getting a FIRST-DEGREE MURDER CONVICTION! So, be grateful for small favors, bitch!

Derek Chauvin’s ass would not have been able to sue ALL the way to the fucking Supreme Court if he was footing the damn bill for his legal services, but since taxpayers are paying for that shit, he is still getting carte blanche when it comes to legal services since his shit made it all the way to the Supreme Court when there are many more serious cases that the Supreme Court refuses to even hear. He’s still getting the ‘kid glove’ treatment, as far as legal services and in prison, no doubt. I am quite sure that that skin-head is not eating what regular convicts are eating since his ass is segregated because he would surely, by now, have had BIG CALVIN land on HIS damn neck, with malice aforethought! But I shall certainly keep hope alive that his neck gets ‘Knee’d’. He’d be no great fucking loss. The world would stand to gain when his ass is no longer sucking air.

Chauvin has some nerve talking about how he could not have received a fair trial when his victim cannot receive his life back and those yahoos are still trying to say that Chauvin did not murder George Floyd since some piece of shit is claiming that ‘methamphetamine and fentanyl contributed to Floyd’s death’. What the fuck??!! How the hell did meth and fentanyl contribute to George Floyd’s death when neither meth nor fentanyl was kneeling on Floyd’s neck at the time of his murder? Derek Chauvin was doing that shit. I said before this shit even went to trial that George Floyd’s death was going to be caused by everything under the sun OTHER than Chauvin’s knee on his neck. I stated that Floyd would have been accused of kneeling on his own damn neck, while also expiring from vicious gout, flaming Gastroesophageal reflux disease, chronic toenail fungus and ferocious whiplash. And I have since, been proven right. 

Now that the Supreme Court has weighed in and has the final say, maybe that bastard can sit the fuck down and shut the fuck up and ruminate on why his ass is so damn racist. Oh, never mind! My bad! He is still pretending as though he had absofuckinglutely nothing whatsoever to do with George Floyd’s murder. Flaming racist skinheads will never rein their fucking racism in and will continue to blame their victims for the vile ass criminal acts that flaming racists commit. Rot in prison, bitch! Rot in prison or better yet, I hope a knee finds his damn neck!

Fact Or Fiction: Another Story Time Out Of Lynchburg, Virginia, An Ongoing Series


This next story is a convoluted one and I’ll start by reminding everyone that some of these stories may be fact and some may be fiction. You decide.

There was this man who was loving and there was this naive woman who had a mother who was not so motherly. When this woman was dating this really nice man, her mother would cuss her out and tell the man he had to leave and so this man could only drive up, knock on the door and take the daughter out. Well, the daughter was tired of always hearing her mother disparage this man and so, she told him that she could not see him again. The man was crestfallen, but what could he do? He did what all men in love do, every time he saw the woman, he would approach her and beg for another chance, but he was never given another chance because the woman knew what she would face from her mother.

So, the woman dates a different man, and lo and behold, her mother likes this man. This man is abusive to her daughter and he even beats her daughter in front of the mother and the father and when he does this, the police are not called. The daughter is told by her mother and father to go to this man’s house and work things out. To make a long story short, the woman marries this abusive man with the blessings of both her parents. Through the years, the abuse continues and gets worse. The woman eventually leaves her abusive husband and flees because she fears for her life. She doesn’t even tell her best friend that she is leaving. Unbeknownst to this woman who left her husband, the husband proceeds to continuously harass the best friend to the point whereas the best friend is terrified of this man. But as the years go by, the wife of this abusive man finally files for divorce and for her, the situation with an abusive man ends.

Now, enters another woman who wants to be with this abusive man. She moves in with him and even though people tell her that she is living with a man who abused his ex-wife, she pays no heed at all. She lives with this man for years, but then, she finds out that he is cheating on her and he has a huge gambling problem. She feels stupid because she did not heed the words of those who tried to tell her about this man. She leaves this man and begins divorce proceedings. She hires a great lawyer because she has been the breadwinner since she had a career in the medical field and was making bank while her husband was gambling away his paycheck and relying on her to pay the bills. When the woman left this abusive man and filed for divorce, she thought that she had finally did the right thing. She was on her own, had bought herself a new car and had moved on with her life. But then, the unthinkable happened, one day, this woman was driving down the road taking her usual route and a huge rock came crashing through her car windshield, killing her instantly. Her car went out-of-control and zigzagged across the road, finally stopping against a barrier. There were no witnesses to this crime, just pieces put together from the crime scene and another motorist had called the police to state that a couple of rocks had struck their vehicle in that same area where this woman was killed.

There have been no other incidents like this since this woman who left her abusive husband was murdered. The abusive husband grew up with friends who had turned into hardened criminals who had been to prison for a multitude of crimes. And there are some who say that this was all just too much of a coincidence that yet another woman who was trying to leave this abusive man ends up dead since some believe that the only reason the first wife who divorced this abusive man is still alive is because she left the state and no one knew of her whereabouts for years. And none can forget that the first wife’s best friend, to this very day, is terrified of this man.

This man is now in possession of his dead wife’s Social Security, maybe her great pension and who knows what else since she was murdered before the divorce could be finalized and he certainly needs money seeing as how he has a very bad gambling problem. Is it coincidence; this seemingly random crime that occurred that killed this woman who was trying to divorce a man who has a known history of exhibiting violent behavior towards women? Who, but a close acquaintance would know a person’s schedule and habits? And why no more incidents of boulder like rocks being thrown at passing cars through a certain section of road just outside of Lynchburg? Will the crime of murder of this woman ever be solved?

Is this fact or fiction? I’ll let you decide. Until next time, keep those ‘thinking caps’ handy.

Trayvon Martin Was Murdered 10 Years Ago Today!

‘A soul cries out for justice….justice that can never be served’.

George Zimmerman murdered Trayvon when he was only 17-years old. This is a poem I wrote too many years ago.

“My Soul Cries Out For Justice!”

Did you not gun me down and take my rights away?
When you ‘stand your ground’ and kill me, there’s nothing I can say.

I’m dead and still being tried, the burden is on me,
while I’m lying in a casket because I bought some tea.

Your legal team destroyed my name and said I was the thug,
though I’m the one who’s dead and it’s you who pulled the plug.

I knew I’d be found guilty, it started at my birth.
There was never any doubt. I knew I had no worth.

I wore a target on my chest the minute I was born.
When you followed me that night, your eyes were full of scorn.

I stood no chance that rainy night against a gun and hate.
As I walked towards my destiny, I walked towards my fate.

My family, those who loved me, awaited me in vain.
Not knowing I lay dying out in the pouring rain.

So, you got to tell your side, and silenced me with death.
While you claimed I did you wrong, interfered with your good health.

My soul cried out for justice and to let the truth be known.
But I lie here in my casket, so cold and all alone.

I was seventeen years old, what crime did I commit?
I was born into a world where I never did quite fit.

Written by,

Shelby I. Courtland
© 2013 Shelby I. Courtland

Lest we forget……

Black Woman Charged With FIRST DEGREE MURDER Of Her Boyfriend Who Shot Her Last Year!


I am seriously shaking my head over THIS one! What in the world??!! If someone shoots me, why, oh why would I date that person again, but not only that, also, invite that person to live with me??!!!!! WHY???!!! But that is exactly what happened.

Woman Charged with Murder of Live-In Boyfriend Who Shot Her Last Year

A North Carolina woman has been charged with first-degree murder in the death of her boyfriend, who shot her last year.

It is unclear exactly what led to the shooting, which was the second incident involving the couple in the last year and a half.

In April 2019, Willie Breeden was charged with assault with a deadly weapon inflicting serious injury after he allegedly shot Valencia McLean with an AR-15 style rifle.

Not only did 31-year old Valencia McLean lie about how she was shot by her boyfriend, 33-year old Willie Breeden, she viciously lied by saying that Breeden did not intentionally shoot her which led to a dismissal of the charges. She claimed that Breeden was cleaning the rifle while at the same time, showing her how to use it, when the rifle ‘accidentally’ went off and shot her in the leg. First of all, why would you be cleaning a ‘loaded’ gun? And why would you teach someone who does not know how to use a gun, with a gun that is loaded? Make it make sense! But, nevertheless, because Valencia McLean lied to the Public Defender’s Office on behalf of a man she must have been so damn in love with, she just could not imagine life without him and so took him back and despite her lies to the contrary that they weren’t having domestic violence issues, now needs a Public Defender her damn self because she is too poor to hire an attorney and she is most definitely going to have to live withOUT that boyfriend she lied like a rug for.

Now her ass is standing somewhere all handcuffed and shit waiting on the white man to make sure that her Black ass remains behind bars sewing shirts and pants and taking orders from customers over the phone for ten cents a day which will be used for commissary.


Yeah, look at her! This is what you look like when you can’t leave a no good Black man alone that shot you. You stand somewhere in handcuffs, awaiting a life sentence to be served in hell. If she had left that bastard the fuck alone, and if she had never lied and said that when he shot her, it was an accident, she wouldn’t be standing somewhere looking crazy and also a prime candidate for contracting COVID-19 while incarcerated.

That could have been me standing there looking stupid, and no, my ex-husband did not shoot me, but he damn sure as hell beat the fuck out of me, dragged me, threw me, punched my lights out and some more shit, but I knew that I was not the type of person who could stand being locked up and so I got the hell out! And I never looked back for years because I stayed hidden; I stayed off the radar until I thought it safe for me to finally initiate divorce proceedings in the state that I had escaped to. I divorced his ass and so don’t tell me that there are not ways to get away from abusers because I did take the shit for awhile because I grew up watching that shit play out between my parents. My dumbass mother put up with the shit and subjected us to the shit. My middle sister married an abuser and so did I. She had to divorce his ass. But both of us did NOT go to prison in order to escape our abuser. I understand that we are NOT everyone, but those bastards are not worth you spending the rest of your life behind bars over. LEAVE! Don’t go back and don’t let them come back! And if they continue to harass you, don’t even bother with restraining orders, LEAVE THE STATE! There are shelters for abused women. Are they the Ritz Carlton? Hell no! But I hear tell that even the Ritz Carlton has had bedbug problems.

If a man shoots your ass, you don’t welcome him back. You don’t lie for him. You don’t accept shit from him. You make sure that his ass is locked up for as long as the white motherfucker says he has to be locked up because if you don’t then your ass is going to become ANOTHER Valencia McLean and she is only THIRTY ONE YEARS OLD and has been charged with FIRST DEGREE MURDER! Do you know what type of sentence a FIRST DEGREE MURDER conviction will get you….and factor in that she has a PUBLIC DEFENDER and her ass is grass?

First degree murder Death penalty or life imprisonment without parole via this site

You think I’m about to catch a case of that type over a no good ass Black man???!!! Oh hell no!!!

I am still trying to understand how she could take his ass back in the first damn place, I just cannot figure that one out. With all the same type of fish in the damn sea as that piece of shit and she couldn’t do without THAT particular fish??!!! That goes beyond desperation, insanity and some more shit! There ain’t that much ‘love’ in this whole damn world to let the motherfucker BACK in your face that shot you and he is BACK in your face because you lied and said it was an accident! Maybe, it’s just me, but I cannot comprehend how ANYONE could just let that shit slide. Here I am with a wound that is going to remind me that you shot me and I want you back??!!! Not fucking happening!

Black women, grab some damn sense from somewhere, I don’t care where, but understand that you are worth more than just allowing yourself to be abused to the point whereas you become a Valencia McLean. No one is worth that. Valencia McLean is going to spend the rest of her life in prison if she doesn’t get the death penalty. But either way, wouldn’t it have been better for her if she had just let that man rot when he shot her because now look where she is? How did it help her to lie for him, get him out of prison, only to find herself in prison for killing his ass? Now, she needs the same damn Public Defender’s office that she called to get his now dead ass out of prison for shooting her to represent her over her killing his ass! Oh the irony of it all! And since she is so obviously, clueless, I am sure that the irony is lost on her. For the love of !!!!!!

Another Wake Up Call About “Thanksgiving” Brought To You From The Archives When Obama’s Lame Ass Was Still President


What I Am Thankful For On this Day, Thanksgiving Day!



I really had no thought of writing anything on Thanksgiving Day because several of my dear blogger friends took the time to post some wonderful Thanksgiving Day blog posts. And I have already re-blogged them to my heart’s content. But I just want to take this opportunity, and this is off the top of my head, to let them know how appreciative I am to know that there are some people who truly think for themselves. It does my heart good to know that there are some who will not simply conform to the dictates of a fucked up society, but who will indulge themselves in a bit of critical thinking. Try it sometime! It does my heart good to know that there are others like me who refuse to ‘like’ all up and down on some lies that are told to us about Thanksgiving Day and because we are too damn lazy, we refuse to do our own research and dig for the truth even if we have to dig underneath a pile of outrageous lies to find it.

We had a Black-assed president, who to this very day, is hell bent on preaching the vile ass lies about how some pilgrims came to this continent and loved all up and down on the Indians and he even compared the ‘pilgrims’ to the Syrian refugees. This vicious, chronic, habitual liar had the goddamn nerve to call a band of genocidal, homicidal maniacs, “refugees!” My tongue would have twisted so goddamn bad trying to get that lie out, that it would have eventually twisted itself loose and escaped from my lying ass mouth! We are still sitting somewhere swallowing the lies of warmongers and war hawks who are just as bad as the depraved and vile shits that fucked up the Indians and then commenced to hunting down innocent people in Africa and dragged them here to become slaves. These so-called ‘pilgrims’, who were actually colonizers, were not the salt of the earth; they should have been banned from the earth, as barbaric and brutal as they were and their progeny are still at it to this very day.

Kill! Kill! Kill! How can that ever be defined as benevolent, caring, compassionate, concerned and humanitarian? How can breeding and then killing millions of birds for Thanksgiving Day dinner tables ever be considered, humanitarian? How can consuming that which had a beating heart ever be considered, humanitarian? But that right there tells me something. It tells me that we so-called ‘humans’ have never been synonymous with ‘humanitarian’ for how could we be? We send our own offspring to die in wars started by depraved rejects from hell and we don’t have a problem with that. We know that the ‘animals’ that we consume on a daily basis have stood in piles of filth, stood in their own shit inside a hell and then were butchered as though they were never living tissue with eyes, brains, legs, a stomach; the same organs that we possess. Is it any wonder that the ‘human’ race is destroying itself? No, it is not! Because when we can destroy that which has never done us any harm simply because we want a steak; when we can destroy that which would leap gracefully away from us in fright and terror, we are not ‘human’. We shoot deer for sport. We consider this to be ‘hunting’. What a brave soul we are to ‘hunt’ down something that cannot defend itself against cowardly bastards with hunting rifles. You are not some great game hunter and yet you strut around with your trophies as though you have done something to be proud of. You’re nothing but a coward! You’re not fit to stand there looking all prideful beside the body of a dead lion or a dead deer or whatever else you think it your right to hunt down and kill because you are a depraved piece of filth! A cockroach stands heads and shoulders above your worthless ass!

Now, I am speaking to the hypocritical motherfuckers that went on and on about that big game hunter that went out and shot and killed Cecil, the lion. Why are YOU sitting down to a turkey dinner? Your hypocrisy petticoat is showing. I certainly did call it right when I called you all ‘hypocrites in my post, Trophy World because, indeed, that is what you are. How are you any different from the piece of dead shit that killed your beloved Cecil, the lion? Oh, that’s right! You did not actually kill that big, stuffed dead bird that you just carved into. So that makes it alright, doesn’t it. No, it does not! You were complicit in that bird’s death just as if you had killed it yourself because you were silent as the grave you are headed for because you stood by when you knew that millions of turkeys would lose their lives just so that you could display your hypocrisy and fake ass devotion to family and tradition. The next time a motherfucker kills Cecil, the lion’s brother’s brother, shut the fuck up! And don’t put that goddamn shit up for me to read because I fucking don’t appreciate reading about hypocrisy, ignorance and fake ass outrage! Save it! Because you have no cause to feel justified in your fake ass outrage over Cecil, the lion’s death while you sit there and unzip your pants because of your expanding stomach thanks to gorging yourself on a dead turkey! And then head to the doctor so that he can give you another pill because of all your weight-related health issues and then cry me a river!

And this brings me to something else. Our instinct for killing is not just for the so-called ‘animals’. We turn against other so-called ‘humans’ and we hunt and kill them for sport. We self-righteously tell ourselves that because this person’s skin tone is darker than ours, he or she does not deserve to live. They are not ‘human’. They will become just another trophy; another notch on this gun. Oh, this killing thing is sweet. It is so sweet that we can still sit up in church on a Sunday morning and bow our heads and pray about how good, benevolent and kind we are because we just put $100 into the collection plate and we wrote a $50 check out to Goodwill. See? We’re so good and thoughtful. Let us pat ourselves on our goddamn saintly ass back. That’s ‘humanitarian’. Again! No, it is not. That is hypocrisy. You’re a goddamn hypocrite and you are deceiving yourself into believing that you are good and decent when you are just flat out, dead filth. You don’t have a heart and you sure as hell don’t have that soul that your preacher or reverend is going on and on about. You are not going to some heavenly reward for being a humanitarian do-gooder. You are going to get planted and that’s it. Kid yourself all you want, but this is it. Do you honestly think that there is going to be some ‘god’ that is going to grant you the right to murder with impunity in some paradise beyond the stars? Do you honestly think that your filthy ass is going to enjoy the riches in some heavenly mansion? Yeah! Bow your stupid head and continue to pretend that you are the next best thing to a saint. You are nothing but a lying, hypocritical piece of nothing. I don’t care what your net worth is; you are worthless. I don’t care how much perfume you spray on or how much cologne you use, it will never conceal the stench of death because that is what you are; dead. And your ass is not in purgatory; that would be too good for the likes of you. This is it. You’re either a decent ‘human’ because you have got a heart or you are ‘dead’ and most of you are dead and you are the very ones who are posting “Happy Thanksgiving” posts back and forth to each other. You are the very ones that are gathering with the other thankful ‘dead’ pretending and postulating for the benefit of who? Because you have already proven that you are dead. Why else would you just go with the flow? You know what this day called, “Thanksgiving” is all about, but because you have no heart, you go on pretending that it is all about displaying fake ass love with family members you secretly hate and wish were dead so that you can swoop in and scoop up whatever trinkets and baubles and insurance benefits they may have left behind.

So yes, I am thankful because I am not sitting down at a table with a big stuffed dead bird on it; complete with all the trimmings. I am thankful because I am not gorging myself on the remains of a carcass of what used to be a living, breathing, beautiful bird. I am thankful that I am not sitting around the table with people that I detest and loathe all the while pretending that I am pleased to be with them. I am thankful that I am not a hypocrite; who after having prayed for 30 seconds, gorged myself on a dead bird, then immediately headed out the door to get a head start on my capitalism fix. I am thankful that I think for myself and have never felt the need to conform to the dictates of a fucked up society filled with the walking dead(and no, it’s not just a TV show). I am thankful that I can say that I am indeed, human and alive!

And no, I do not wish you a “Happy Thanksgiving” because I know what this day stands for and I have never stood for genocide, theft, lies, slavery, torture, rape, hunting, hypocrisy, corruption, brutality, barbarity, murder and war and I certainly don’t stand for ignorance. And if you are celebrating this day, you are too ignorant for words! And if you have a problem with this, bite me!

Whites Burned Down The ALL Black City, Rosewood. Whites Also Burned Down The Black Wall Street. So Why Is Koreatown In Los Angeles Still Standing?

Answer the question racist whites. Why is Koreatown still standing? You didn’t have a problem burning down everything Black people built for themselves, so why stop there? Is Korean barbecue and black bean noodle that goddamn good?

Homeless people in Los Angeles: LA builds pricey Koreatown apartments

In Los Angeles, the tents are spread out on sidewalks across the city, the homeless emboldened by a court ruling that allows them to live outside if no shelter space is available. Making matters worse, many live in filthy, third-world conditions without basic necessities like toilets and sinks. It makes them and those who venture near susceptible to disease.

A few homeless and low-income senior citizens will be luckier than most next year.

They will receive keys to one of 72 new apartments,complete with a fitness center, in the heart of trendy Koreatown, built at a projected cost of $690,692 for each unit, according to the city controller’s office. Two additional projects in the pre-approval phase are expected to top $700,000 per unit in total costs.

Awwww…isn’t that nice? A few homeless people and seniors are going to find themselves the lucky winners of pricey housing right smack dab in Koreatown, which isn’t over in North or South Korea, but is smack dab in the middle of Los Angeles because the whites just love them some Korean barbecue. It must be that the whites got tired of eating the food cooked by Africa’s stolen people; you know, the slaves. So now that the slaves’ offspring are behind bars, invite the Koreans to come over here and open their barbecue joints where they must sell a heck of an extreme amount of butchered pigs because by golly they got the pricey digs coming up to show for those restaurants they’ve managed to open all across this shithole.

Meanwhile, the rest of the homeless on Skidrow get to sit back in their tents and figure out how to cure their typhus and hookworm because the whites have that Korean barbecue to look forward to in Koreatown.

And yet when Black people were trying to be self-sufficient; self-reliable, for their efforts, racists put a stop to that.

The Rosewood Massacre

he Rosewood Massacre was an attack on the predominantly African-American town of Rosewood, Florida, in 1923 by large groups of whites. The town was entirely destroyed by the end of the violence, and the residents were driven out permanently.

By the 1920s, Rosewood’s population of about 200 was entirely made up of black citizens, except for one white family that ran the general store there.

It was in 1982 when Gary Moore, a journalist for the St. Petersburg Times, resurrected the history of Rosewood through a series of articles that gained national attention.

The living survivors of the massacre, at that point all in their 80s and 90s, came forward, led by Rosewood descendant Arnett Doctor, and demanded restitution from Florida.

The action lead to the passing of a bill awarding them $2 million and created an educational fund for descendants. The bill also called for an investigation into the matter to clarify the events, which Moore took part in.

The Black people who were left alive after the Rosewood Massacre, received $2 million dollars for the horror they were made to suffer at the hands of rabid, racist whites, who many were members of the Ku Klux Klan. Four apartments that are going to be built in Koreatown costs more than the two million those innocent Black people received. How fucking fair and just is that shit? But yet Koreans can come over here and open up businesses, amass a fortune and get to live in pricey digs in their own goddamn town, Koreatown, when American descendants of slaves were trying to do the very same goddamn thing and many were killed for their efforts and the others had to flee their own town thanks to racist ass whites!

And not to be outdone, these racist ass whites even went further and burned down The Black Wall Street.

Black Wall Street and the Destruction of an Institution

Black Wall Street was in Greenwood, Oklahoma, a suburb of Tulsa, was the type of community that African Americans are still, today, attempting to reclaim and rebuild. Black Wall Street was modern, majestic, sophisticated and unapologetically Black. Tragically, it was also the site of one of the bloodiest and most horrendous race riots (and acts of terrorism) that the United States has ever experienced.

Today marks ninety-two years since as many as 300 African Americans lost their lives and more than 9,000 were left homeless when the small town was attacked, looted and literally burned to the ground beginning in 1921. It’s impossible, however, to realize what was lost in Greenwood, which was affectionately known as “Black Wall Street.”

Three hundred American descendants of slaves were viciously murdered and more than nine thousand were left homeless thanks to the rabid racism of whites who are hell bent on the annihilation of American descendants of slaves. Every group whether they are Korean, Chinese or from India or Pakistan or Timbukfuckingtu can come over here and climb over us and that is fine. They can have their communities, their businesses and their towns, but a people who are descended from those who were stolen and dragged over here? Not so goddamn fast! The whites are going to burn our shit to the ground and us with it. They want to make sure that we never thrive. The whites want us homeless, sick, hungry, incarcerated or dead! And that is exactly what is happening. This is why the fuck whites ain’t somewhere burning down Koreatown or Pakistanville or Hinduvillage, Hmongburg, China City or Russia Hamlet. Because make no mistake, though the Democrats scream and rail against the Russians, Russians are all over this hole like flies on shit. Take your ass to Minnesota, the Russian mafia is there, and in spades. The Democrats don’t hate Russians. Go see how the Russians over here live and then come tell me about how the Democrats hate the Russians. You don’t see no Russians in homeless encampments. And tell me, how many Asians do you see in homeless encampments, Hindu cow worshipers? Exactly! There are only millions of homeless American descendants of slaves and poor whites who have been deemed, poor white trash who are sitting all up in homeless encampments. And you seriously believe that this shit is by accident? Fucking get your head from out your ass because you want to be clueless about what the fuck is going down and why! The racists in this shithole know exactly what they are about and the foolishness down at the southern border is just that; foolishness because no one with two brain cells connecting and working should believe for one goddamn second that Donald “hired illegals to work for him” Trump is somewhere trying to rid this country of an illegal workforce. The fucking Hindu cow worshipers are over here on expired H1B visas and the whites ain’t giving a shit about that. The same with the Pakistanis and other ‘immigrants’. Even the goddamn Russians aren’t even looked at cross-eyed and yet what is the focus on? Some supposed ‘Russian meddling in the last election’? If you buy that load of horse shit, you’ve most definitely had a lobotomy. Take your dumb ass all across this worthless racist shithole and see that every community of ‘immigrants’ is thriving while those of us whose ancestors were dragged over here are living foul as hell! This is ALL done by design. Nothing racist whites do is by accident; nothing!

Our ancestors are screaming from the grave over what continues to go down. How the hell can they rest in peace when we can’t even see that we need to get up off the bling shit, the fake hair, fake nails, fake Asian food, fake ass killer liquor and some more shit that the whites have sent into our neighborhoods by way of the Asians, Hindus, Pakistanis and Russians to continue to fuck us up! Those worthless shits are helping whitey pasty ass to fuck us up and we are buying that shit up in droves and what the fuck do we have to show for it? Some wigs, weaves, fake nails, empty Asian take-out containers and empty Russian vodka bottles. How is that helping us become self-sufficient? It’s not and we can’t see that because when we are not busy handing our money over to these ‘immigrants’ who are welcomed over here by racist whites, we are heading inside movie theaters to be entertained by the whites and buying up the products made by white-owned companies. Nestle and Hershey ain’t our friends. Orville Redenbacher popcorn ain’t some shit we should be chowing down on. Pepsi and Coke ain’t some shit we should be drinking. That shit’s killing us as is the fucked up food in Kroger, Sam’s Club, Walmart, Costco and Safeway. Even the Africans over here have opened up their own halal meat markets. You don’t even see those motherfuckers up in those fucked up stores and yet, there we are buying hepatitis A from Kroger and Costco. We are buying salmonella and e coli from those places as well. And don’t even get me started on fast food joints. Seriously? Do I even need to go there? What is Chipotle known for other than burritos? E coli, that’s what! I can’t make you wake the fuck up. The only thing I can do is put it out there and hope that some of you at least, will pick it up! Other than that, I despair OF us! I’m fucking done!

Calif. Man Allegedly Killed Parents, Housekeeper in Upscale Home Before Going to E.R. – And I Bet Dollars To Donuts This Man Is Mentally Ill

As of yet, officials have not released what motivated this man to murder his mother and father and their housekeeper.

Calif. Man Allegedly Killed Parents, Housekeeper in Upscale Home Before Going to E.R.

“Something about the 27-year-old man who showed up Wednesday night in the emergency room at Irvine Medical Center in California led the staff to alert police.

Whether it was something they observed or overheard him say, police aren’t saying. But after Irvine officers spoke with the man, Camden Burton Nicholson, they called their peers in neighboring Newport Beach about 9 p.m. and sent them to a home in the gated Bonita Canyon community for a welfare check.

Inside the Newport Beach residence at 36 Palazzo, police found three bodies, they said in a news release.

Dead were Nicholson’s father, Richard, 64, and mother Kim, 61, and a woman later identified as the couple’s housekeeper, Maria Morse, 57, the Orange County Sheriff’s Office confirmed.”

Mrs. Morse’s husband also goes on to state that Kim Nicholson had given his wife a letter that was to be delivered to her attorney wherein she states that she is fearful of her son, whether that letter was ever delivered is anyone’s guess.

This is exactly why the title of my previous post is Mental Illness Is NOT Taken Seriously In America! Here is yet another testament as to the veracity of that statement. A mother was so terrified of her son that she tried to, surreptitiously, get a message out to her attorney in the hopes that he would take her fears seriously and act upon them. And yet, this is another case of “too little, too late.”

What must happen before mental illness receives the attention it deserves? How many loved ones or caregivers of the mentally ill must die before something is done about the fact that mentally ill people are left untreated and unsupervised by mental health care professionals while their care falls on their family members and others within their sphere who are ill-equipped to deal with these individuals? I have already stated this before and I shall do so again, so long as the mentally ill individual murders their immediate family or commits suicide, nothing will be done and quite frankly, nothing is done even when they make headlines for having murdered a bunch of strangers.

Those of us who take care of the mentally ill live in constant fear for our lives and mental health care professionals are completely aware of this and yet, nothing is done. There are so many horror stories that mimic what happened to Richard and Kim Nicholson and their housekeeper, Maria Morse while we sit back and read each story as they come down the pike and stories of the like will continue. Those people did not have to die. They did not have a terminal illness and so were given six months to live and yet in all actuality, they were consigned to their fate by a system that is set up to make sure that this particular outcome, continues. A mother, a father and their housekeeper are dead because no one in the mental health care field gave a damn about the fact that their son’s mental illness was spiraling out-of-control and his immediate caregivers couldn’t do a thing but wait for what they knew was inevitable; their ultimate demise at the hands of their mentally ill son, hence the reason for the letter that Kim Nicholson was trying to get her housekeeper to hand over to her attorney so that he/she would know she lived in fear of her mentally ill son.

People like Kim Nicholson and her husband and their housekeeper were not able to wait around for Mental Health Awareness Month in the hopes of being interviewed simply because May has been designated the month to recognize those who live with mental illness. What about those who die from mental illness because mental illness does indeed, kill? Doing nothing about mental illness kills. Ignoring mental illness kills.

The Nicholsons’ son took himself to the E.R. after having killed his mother, father and their housekeeper and upon seeing that something wasn’t right about him, hospital personnel alerted the police who then went to the Nicholsons’ home and found them along with their housekeeper, dead. They never made headline news in trying to obtain help to deal with their mentally ill son, but they sure as hell are headline news now.

I live in fear just as Kim Nicholson lived in fear and look what happened to her. I have begged and pleaded with my mentally ill cousin’s mental health care providers to do something about his condition and about the fact that I live in constant fear of his mental condition and yet, nothing is done. This is indeed, indicative of just how futile it is to look for help from his so-called mental health care providers. If you have not read the post preceding this one, my cousin just engaged in a 15-hour standoff with police/SWAT because he wanted to commit suicide by train…AGAIN and so took himself and multiple knives to some train tracks, placed himself on the tracks to await a train, whereas he was observed by a passerby and the police were alerted to a possible mentally ill individual attempting suicide. When the police/SWAT arrived at the scene, he threatened to stab himself if they did not allow the train to run over him. Unbeknownst to me, he had taken several knives and left our home earlier that morning with every intention of never returning to it. He had seen his psychiatrist a mere twelve days prior to this suicide attempt. The 15-hour standoff came to a conclusion only because my cousin was shot with bean bags and pellets that hurt so bad, he had no choice but to surrender his knives. After a five day stint in the psych ward, he was sent right back home for me to deal with. He had previously attempted suicide multiple times. He had already drank bleach twice, drank furniture polish remover, drank Borax, slit his wrist, jumped in front of a train, taken knives and walked around Baltimore and was promptly shot by the cops and now this latest suicide attempt on January 22nd.

By now, I don’t know why I have not attempted suicide because I have no support. I have no group to go to and air my grievances over the fact that there is no support and I have tried to get my story told before it is a part of my obituary resulting from my death at the hands of my mentally ill cousin. And I am sure that what will not be included is the extent to which I have gone to get my story told and to get some help not only for my mentally ill cousin, but for myself as well.

As I type this, my cousin is on his way to attend an appointment with a new psychiatrist, or so I hope, since I could not drive him because the roads are bad thanks to this latest winter storm. Each day, I live with a sword hanging over my head. Is he going to take his meds? Are they going to continue to be effective? Is he going to change personalities again? Will he give up hope and try and end it? Will his psychosis return and make him forget who I am? All of that has happened. He has been in the throes of psychosis and come at me with knives and I now know how I would react in a horrifying situation, I’d freeze because that is what I did. When he came at me with knives, I merely said, “So, are you going to stab me now?” He looked at me for a moment and then backed away and, coincidentally, I was on the phone, on hold waiting for help from ‘The Crisis Line’ who eventually told me to call back at 9:00a.m. I was on the phone with them at 4:00a.m. Even our emergencies must occur between the hours of 9:00a.m. to 5:00p.m. despite the fact that “The Crisis Line” is open 24/7. That, apparently, is a lie.

And so for those of you who are going through what I am going through, I wish that I could offer you hope, but I don’t have any. Kim Nicholson, her husband and their housekeeper had no hope. But maybe if we are still around in May, someone will tell our story. Someone will write about our pain and anguish over trying to navigate through a mental health care system that is so broken, it is useless. Maybe we just need to make it to May and then we’ll be taken seriously. And yeah, maybe there will be world peace by then as well, I’m that delusional.

Ku Klux Klan Prison Guards Viciously Beat A Black Man To Death In An Illinois Prison


When I read this story, I damn near spontaneously combusted. Why I didn’t is a complete and utter mystery to me.

Illinois prison inmate death after run-in with staff ruled homicide

SPRINGFIELD, Ill. — The death of an inmate following an “altercation with correctional staff” at Western Illinois Correctional Center in May has been ruled a homicide, according to an autopsy report.

Larry Earvin died from blunt trauma to the chest and abdomen, the death certificate from Clinton County in southern Illinois said. The 65-year-old Earvin sustained 15 rib fractures and two dozen or more abrasions, hemorrhages and lacerations. Surgery to remove a portion of his bowel appears to have followed the injury, the report says.

At least four Western Illinois employees were placed on administrative leave with pay on May 22, according to documents provided under the Freedom of Information Act. Suspended for allegedly violating conduct standards were correctional Sgt. Willie Hedden, 40, of Mount Sterling; correctional Lts. Benjamin Burnett, 33, of Winchester, and Blake Haubrich, 30, of Quincy and correctional officer Alex Banta, 27, of Quincy.

Those vicious thugs who should have been behind bars themselves, beat that man, senseless. They beat him so bad, they caused the man’s colon to fuck up to the point where he had to have surgery and lie around with a colostomy bag covering the opening in his abdomen to allow for waste removal.  He was also suffering from Hepatitis C and Earvin had pneumonia, a tracheostomy tube and a chest tube to drain fluids, all associated with chest trauma, according to Norfleet’s findings. Under the heading “blunt abdominal trauma,” the report says that a portion of Earvin’s colon had been removed surgically and an ileostomy bag installed for waste removal.

Who the fuck could this man seek help from with brutal barbarians running the goddamn prison system? What avenue was at his disposal to have his grievances heard? Who could Larry Earvin have contacted to hear of his plight and actually do something about it? What happened to this man is outrageous, immoral and unconscionable.  Those skinhead motherfuckers are fucking Black men and women up to no end and there is no accountability because the judges, prosecutors and even the public defenders are in on it. So, who can they turn to when fucked up shit such as this happens? The FBI? Oh, yeah, they’re investigating and so now we can ALL rest assured that since the FBI is in on the investigation, those who look like what makes up the FBI is going to see the inside of a prison cell and if anybody believes that than believe this, pasty-faced is the definition of melanin skin.

And I don’t want to read no shit about how he shouldn’t have been in prison in the first goddamn place because whites make damn sure that they arrest Black people for ANY reason, SOME damn reason, made up and some more shit! We don’t have to DO a goddamn thing but fucking breathe and we are sitting somewhere getting choked, shot, spine severed, genitals burnt and the fucked up list is endless while the bastards who did the dirt are on paid vacation pending no criminal charges whatsofuckingever!

I have stated numerous times all over this goddamn blog that the entire INjustice system in Amerikkka is made up entirely of racist bigots who wouldn’t flinch at marching down the fucking street in sheets and hoods. Next they’ll get back to actually burning crosses in the yards of Black folks. Come MY motherfucking way, you godless, soulless fucks because I got just as many guns as you have. I’m fucking locked, loaded and ready for you worthless, no account, parasitic bastards!

The poor man in the above picture had so much goddamn shit wrong with him that it is a mystery to me that he lived as long as he did. The man’s aorta was severely narrowed and he had high blood pressure and  cirrhosis of the liver and yet those barbaric monsters didn’t think the man was suffering enough already. They had to go and make damn sure that he didn’t live to see another day and so got their jollies off on beating the man to a bloody pulp and most likely laughed all the while doing so. And Black folks have the unmitigated nerve to think that ‘white’s are human enough to lie down with? Fucking seriously??? Who the fuck does this type of shit to people who are as vulnerable as Black prison inmates are? No ‘human’ would do shit like that. Whatever species ‘whites’ are, it does not consist of one ounce of ‘humanity’ and that is for damn sure! Those monstrosities are our mortal enemy and should be treated as such. What the fuck do you think you’re cozying up to? Newsfuckingflash, it ain’t fucking human, of that you can be damned certain! But if you like fucking parasites, then full speed ahead, parasitefuckers, goddamn leechfuckers!

There are millions of Black people sitting in prisons just as vulnerable to this depraved shit as Larry Earvin was and they are getting exactly what he got. Many times, family members are not even notified when their loved one has been murdered in prison and if they are notified, then they are simply told that the prisoner died and the body cannot be released and so move the hell on. I know this shit for a fact.

This shit is why on a recent blog of mine, someone commented that Black inmates would rather fight wildfires since it would at least get them out of prison. Since they are treated like Larry Earvin was then I can certainly understand why, but it should be a sad ass shame that someone has to risk their life fighting a fire they’ve no business fighting since they don’t know what they are doing in order to escape vicious beatings at the hands of depraved deviants who torture Black inmates just for the fun of it.

And you pasty-assed parasites, don’t think for a goddamn minute that you are not going to be made to answer for this. The white man won’t see to it, that you do but there are things going on that are even beyond the control of he who thinks he is in charge. You may be in charge of us because you depraved, pieces of filthy garbage are soulless cowards when you’ve got backup, but that won’t do your pasty-ass any good when your shit is burning down, flooded out or covered in igneous rock. You can’t fucking beat a fire to death. You can’t take a club and beat back flood waters. You can’t stop a lava flow by beating the hell out of it and believe me, your fucking day is coming. There is nothing that I can do to stop you, but I don’t have to. Something is coming for your ass. Depend upon it, you pasty-assed, savage, rotten, sadistic, murdering demons!


Are Investigators Implying That Man Killed His Wife And Two Daughters Because He Was Plagued With Financial Issues?


Chris Watts is an alleged multiple murderer and the implication seems to be that because three years ago, he and his wife filed for bankruptcy thanks to owing over $70,000 in mostly credit card debt, this man snapped and killed his family.

Financial issues plagued Chris and Shanann Watts 3 years before alleged killings

Three years before Weld County investigators believe Chris Watts killed his wife and their two children, the Watts family filed for bankruptcy with less than $10 left in their savings accounts, according to federal court documents reviewed by 9Wants to Know.

Chris and Shanann Watts jointly sought Chapter 7 bankruptcy protection in June 2015 after amassing more than $70,000 of debt for unpaid credit cards, medical bills and student loans.

In a June 5, 2015 filing with the United States Bankruptcy Court in Denver, Shanann and Chris Watts reported their two savings accounts contained just $3.51 and $6.00, respectively. At the same time, their checking account contained a little more than $860.

Most of their debt stemmed from credit card purchases from such retailers as Furniture Row, Sears, Macy’s, American Furniture and Toys R Us.

The couple met via Facebook and were together for about 10 years. They had two daughters and Shanann was several weeks pregnant at the time of her murder. Now, I do understand that it seems to be quite well known that ‘white’ folks just cannot handle being broke, but with that having been stated, is that an excuse to go on a killing spree and not stop until every single member of the family lies dead? Are there no other options short of murder?

One thing that seems to be crystal clear about ‘whites’ is that they just cannot come to terms with being ‘poor’. That is just not something that ‘whites’ handle very well at all, especially if they have become accustomed to a certain way of life; the McMansion, the two or three car garage with a couple of SUVs at the ready and a Better Homes and Garden style patio complete with an in ground pool, the whole nine yards. And when something happens that could cause all of that to be taken away from them, well now, what to do, what to do? Because folks who live like that are not about to apply for public housing and food stamps and Medicaid. What would the relatives, co-workers and friends think? Their things are a status symbol and without them, they are nothing, or so they believe.

This bears repeating.

Most of their debt stemmed from credit card purchases from such retailers as Furniture Row, Sears, Macy’s, American Furniture and Toys R Us.

Credit cards; the American way. If you don’t have cash, swipe that card, take your package and go and the more you charge the better which leads me to this. I took a look at Furniture Row and here is what was written about that company.

“Shop entertainment, tables, sofas, leather sofas & chairs. Style your home with designer-inspired living room pieces.”

No bargain basement discounts going on there. No blue light special will you find, just top of the line leather sofas & chairs, designer-inspired. Shopping at this store can have you spending beyond your means real quick which obviously helped the Watts reach a debt load of over $70,000. Now we all know that Macy’s isn’t so cheap and Sears was probably used to purchase home appliances and then there was American Furniture, “Looking for stylish, high-quality furniture at amazing prices? Turn to the American Home Furniture.” And of course, the kids needed plenty of toys and so Toys R Us to the rescue. Debt, debt and more debt, but a beautiful home is the result as well as a need to find a way to pay down that debt while still paying for the day-to-day living expenses for a wife and two children. Gotta maintain that lifestyle, no matter the cost.

Now, I am not suggesting or implying that poverty caused this man to kill his family. I am only stating that Americans are encouraged to place themselves in debt hell and to continue to spend money they don’t have and don’t worry about a thing until the credit card bills arrive. Pay the minimum and continue shopping. But when they look up, the bills are piling up, the credit card bills are numerous, the lights must remain on, the mortgage must be paid, the car notes are due, insurance for house and vehicles is due. The kids need new clothes. Food prices are skyrocketing and the cost of gas is rising. All of a sudden, the sky is falling.

When did people lose sight of the premise, “Live within your means?” Poverty is damn near every Black person’s middle name. We live and breathe poverty and most of us would not even think of blowing away family members because we have to keep up with the ‘Joneses’.  The fact that many ‘white’ people have never known what abject poverty is like could almost be considered, a character flaw because believe me, having experienced poverty leads to character development. When you are at rock bottom with an empty fridge and a thin jacket to wear during a cold winter, it builds character. When you have to eat one meal a day because that is all you can afford, it builds character. When you have to walk miles to work because you cannot afford bus fare, it builds character. When you have to pay someone a few dollars to help you drag a kitchen table from a thrift store to your apartment, it builds character. And believe me, I have experienced all of this. What character, I must have.

To know poverty is to know how to live through it, survive and become all the more stronger because of having lived through it. If you are never to know struggle, poverty, hunger and humility, you will never learn how to get through the tough times because believe me, no one stays on top forever. What goes up, must come down.

And finally, this man was weak. This man had no strong character. This man was selfish. He could not look his wife in the eyes and tell her that they simply had to live within their means and that it did not matter what anyone thought of how they lived, it was their life to live and they had to live it as they saw fit. He could not do that and so he took another option; murder! Chris Watts allegedly murdered his two young daughters and his pregnant wife, now how selfish and depraved is that? It takes someone so weak and lacking in character and humility to commit such a horrible crime. Unfortunately, it will not end with this family because there are many more Chris Watts out there; weak, devoid of character, selfish and who will opt for murder as a way out.

‘Am I in the bad part of town?’ Tourists shocked by what they see on San Francisco streets


So, tourists are wondering if they have somehow, stumbled into the ‘bad part of town’ because America’s streets are filled with homeless, mentally ill, drug addicts? HA! That is laughable! Tourists can go to any city in any state in America and find the same. America is a shithole! Get used to it tourists or take your tourism dollars and spend them on a country that has not descended into the “Mother of ALL Shitholes!”

It’s something many San Franciscans see on a daily basis, outside their homes or offices and during their commutes. For better or for worse, locals are used to walking by crime scenes, have seen open injection drug use, and have witnessed mental health episodes firsthand.

“Is this normal or am I in a ‘bad part of town?’ Just walked past numerous homeless off their faces, screaming and running all over the sidewalk near Twitter HQ and then a murder scene. Wife is scared to leave hotel now,” wrote an Australian Reddit user Wednesday.

That person isn’t alone. On Sunday, another tourist from Canada asked the San Francisco Reddit community, “Why is this city so terrifying?”

“Is this normal or am I in a ‘bad part of town?’ It’s normal. Get used to it because it ain’t going nowhere no time soon because Americans have been conditioned to ignore the poverty stricken, to neglect her most vulnerable citizens, to look at them as a blight instead of as a human being who has fallen on hard times. Yes indeed, come here to America tourists and experience firsthand, what all of us Americans have gotten used to and we just don’t notice anymore. What you tourists see is no longer noticeable to us and so it does not impact us like it would someone who is used to hearing that America is the ‘land of milk and honey’ and therefore, should look the part. Hell! America hasn’t been the ‘land of milk and honey’ for the majority of her ‘citizens’ since day one. Many have just joined their ranks in being outcasts in this stolen nation. America is in her days of reaping what she has sown. Unfortunately, the poor are being impacted first, but they will not be suffering all by themselves for long because the same is coming for the rest of us. The writing is on the wall.

“Just walked past numerous homeless off their faces, screaming and running all over the sidewalk near Twitter HQ and then a murder scene.”

So, the homeless are right outside Twitter Headquarters? Well ain’t that a bitch? Those of you who are all agog over Twitter and our president’s tweets’, please explain to us why Donald Trump hasn’t tweeted about the conditions right outside his beloved Twitter’s headquarters. For if not for Twitter, how would he keep us informed of his intentions to continue to do what he can to add to the “numerous homeless off their faces, screaming and running all over the sidewalk near Twitter HQ and then a murder scene?” I am quite sure that the Draft-Dodger-In-Chief never tweeted about a murder scene near his beloved Twitter HQ. Oh no! He is too busy telling us how he has made ‘America Great Again!” Apparently, in Twitter Trump’s view, a great America is an America where there is rampant homelessness, poverty, drug addiction, used syringe needles lying around and mentally ill people screaming on the streets at things that are invisible to tourists. Ain’t America great?

“I’d been there for probably less than a day, just wandering around the center, and already seen more than enough poverty and suffering to cause me wanting to leave desperately,” wrote another visitor from London in 2017. “I saw many people talking to themselves, or to things that weren’t there. Even in a Macy’s, and there weren’t any police officers to help them or do anything about it.”

Ahhh! Someone came all  the way from London and was just appalled that they spent so much money on a trip to America just to see so much poverty and suffering, mental illness and homelessness that it made them want “to leave desperately” and never come back. So Macy’s wasn’t even up to par, eh? Well, it’s probably closing anyway. Haven’t you heard? Brick and mortar stores like Macy’s aren’t faring very well these days what with closures being announced left and right. That poverty thing you know. When there is so much abject poverty, who has money to spend shopping at Macy’s? Ask the folks who closed so many Macy’s stores. They’ll tell ya. Their customer base is drying up like a carcass in Death Valley California.

So, if you want to waste your tourism dollars by coming to America to see what America has descended into, which of course is a shithole, then by all means, come and get a front row seat and witness the descent. Witness the massive homeless problem that has caused tent cities to spring up. Witness how we treat the mentally ill. Witness with your very own eyes, the truckloads of used syringe needles lying around because you see, we have us a really huge heroin crisis going on and much hand wringing is being done about this by the CDC(Centers for Disease Control), but not much else since many of us are so bad off here in America that in order to dull the senses to what IS our reality, we need heroin. We need crystal meth. And the U.S. military gets the job done by protecting those poppy plants over in Afghanistan to send to America to enable us to get that heroin fix so that we can make it through another hellish nightmare of a day here in America. We will blow ourselves up with our meth labs to give the meth junkies another fix so that they too, can lose themselves in the temporary euphoria of a crystal meth high.

This IS America, tourists. Come on over! We welcome you. Someone needs to spend some money at our few remaining brick and mortar stores because we’re not. Haven’t you heard? Thousands of malls have closed or are closing. Oh, we are keeping Dollar Tree open and Dollar General, as well as Family Dollar. But that’s about it, unless you count the thrift stores and the drug dealers. The drug dealers are making out like bandits, but you already know this. You’ve seen plenty of evidence since I am quite sure that no one is so naive as to believe that all of those used syringe needles were there because of diabetics giving themselves insulin shots. Who is that naive?

I am so very glad that America’s dirty little secret has now been exposed for the world to see. I am so very glad that America can no longer take the high road and call other nations and countries, shitholes when this “Mother of ALL shitholes” has not one leg to stand on since they’ve all collapsed and are lying in a heap among truckloads of used syringe needles lying on sidewalks, parking lots, in front of Twitter headquarters, coffee shops and closed department stores all across America. What the tourists saw on San Francisco streets and were horrified over can be found on just about every street everywhere in America. But don’t take my word for it. Come here for a visit! You’ll never want to come back. Just ask this person!

“I’d been there for probably less than a day, just wandering around the center, and already seen more than enough poverty and suffering to cause me wanting to leave desperately,” wrote another visitor from London in 2017.”

“Desperation,” how aptly it applies to America; hopelessness, despair, distress, pain, agony, torment, torture, misery, wretchedness, defeatism. We are truly a desperate and defeated nation. I wonder….where has that great ‘American exceptionalism’ gone? Oh, my bad! That was just a bullshit PR stunt meant to lull us into feeling good about our descent as we were about to hit rock bottom; bottoming out in poverty, homelessness, mental illness and drug addiction over our despair at ‘life’ in America. What a tourist attraction.

“Am I in the bad part of town?” If you’re in America’, yes you are! Every square mile of it!