What Toting Luggage Used To Mean

What Toting Luggage Used To Mean


It meant going on vacation;
that bucket list destination.
Now, it’s the sign of homelessness,
what little I’m allowed to possess,
since evictions are the norm,
set out to weather every storm.
Night or day, it doesn’t matter,
one by one, my dreams, they shatter.
The nights, they are the hardest.
They say this winter will be the coldest.
There’s no need to tell me that,
I’m a human, I am no rat.
I’ve no fur to keep me warm,
nor a safe spot away from harm.
There’s just this tote to lug around
until I’m lowered in the ground.
That’s what luggage means to me,
and death is my destiny.

Written by,

Shelby I. Courtland

©2024 Shelby I. Courtland

Remember, there was a time when seeing someone carrying luggage meant that they were going on vacation, but now, since so many are homeless, luggage is the sign of homelessness, a new sign of the times. Every single time I go out and take a look around, someone is pulling luggage along with them. They are most definitely not headed to the airport, the train station or to the bus depot, they are carrying what little they possess as they try and figure out where to go and what to do because millions have descended into the ranks of the homeless. It is an epidemic that has gotten outrageously out-of-hand and what’s more, it is deliberate. No one need be homeless, but because greed runs amok, mass homelessness is raging. The next time that you are out and about, take a look around, you’ll see the truth to what I am saying. More’s the pity.

Last Night, I Had A Dream


Last Night, I Had A Dream

Last night, I had the weirdest dream.
I was sitting at a dinner table with my date
and he kept wanting to leave and I was confused
because we had only just got there.
But when I turned my head,
and looked down, lying on the floor
was a dead man.
I sat there totally comfortable
while my date wanted to go.
I refused. I said, “You go, I’m staying.”
Who was the dead man?
I don’t know, but that is all
that I can remember from
my dream last night.
I hope Joe Biden
wasn’t the dead man.
I need that bastard, alive.
Wake up Biden,
tis no time to sleep.
You’ve work to do.
The ‘continued collapse of Amerikkka’ awaits you.

Written by,

Shelby I. Courtland

©2022 Shelby I. Courtland

Don’t you damn Amerikkkans forget for one damn second that this shithole bombed Iraq, practically into oblivion over a lie about them having weapons of mass destruction when the corrupt and warmongering shits at the helm of this lopsided, sinking, stinking, racist shithole knew that Iraq had NO weapons of mass destruction. But now there is talk amongst the corrupt, warmongers in congress about having Vladimir Putin up on war crimes charges. Are those hypocritical, lying, corrupt warmongers for real? Did George W. Bush go before the ICC on war crimes charges? Obama? McCain? Lindsey Graham? Colin Powell? Nikki Haley? Hillary Clinton? Bill Clinton? Dick Cheney? Condalsleezy ‘Bush whore Rice?

Let’s just ALL forget about the war crimes that this fucked up nation has committed and concentrate on some made up shit about Vladimir Putin. It has been stated that Russia has the power to bring this shithole and those shitholes in Europe to its knees despite been sanctioned to hell and back. I hope that’s true. I hope with every fiber of my being that Russia, even though Russia’s leaders are nowhere near as insane and useless as these criminals shits at the helm of this shithole as well as those who are at the helm of European shitholes, but I’d put all of that aside if I were the Russians and get with the business of kicking ass and taking no prisoners. Leave the dead lying where they may.

Russia, blast clear cross Europe and and then look this way. Don’t leave this shithole out, not for a minute. And if you refuse to drop bombs over here, then make sure that those sanctions impact every fucking ass over here, from the top to the bottom. I’m already at the bottom and so it don’t hardly matter to me. Russia, THIS time, leave no target unaccounted for. Target ALL and don’t stop until you get the job done because you should know by now that these sorry shits over here got nothing going on and when there’s nothing going on, they start wars and shit and that is exactly what is happening. This shithole is done for. Millions are homeless. Millions are starving. Millions are jobless because even with the few jobs available, they are low wage jobs that do not sustain a person and folks are just homeless, hungry and fucked up. And the rest are sitting up in prisons getting fucked up and some more shit. Ain’t shit nice, relaxing, comfortable and some more shit going on over here. The price gouging is off the chain. Real estate investors are deliberately pricing people out of their homes all over greed. And so, AGAIN, Russia, I beseech you, wipe this shit off the map, one way or another! And that doddering old fool Biden is NOT up to the job of doing anything more than sucking down applesauce and taking a nap. He’s not capable of running a shit producing farm. Put paid to this shithole, once and for all!

And As The Seconds Tick Away Towards The New Year…- A Repost


As I raise my flute in drunken glee,
I look upon what was once a live tree.
So concerned with this planet and global warming,
my resolution to do better can wait til morning.

For tonight, I celebrate with friends and acquaintances,
spreading well wishes and exchanging whispered confidences.
The wrongs of this world, for just one night
can wait a little longer for us to do what’s right.

A sick child with no health care will have to hold on
until I open my bleary eyes to greet the new dawn.
The Black man being dragged by the Ku Klux Klan
should have seen them coming, he should have ran.

Of course I care about the people who have addictions
just like I care about my neighbor who can’t afford her prescriptions.
I know about the homeless who have formed a tent city.
But for just this night, champagne will take away my pity.
And as the seconds tick away towards the New Year,
even champagne cannot stop me from shedding another tear.

Written by,
Shelby I. Courtland
©2017 Shelby I. Courtland

I wrote this one because as we celebrate the ringing out of the old and in with the new, I cannot help but believe that more misery, cruelty, suffering, chaos, war and all things of horror, will follow us into this new year and beyond, for what will have changed?

As we head to our parties tonight, break out our party favors and drink our champagne toasts at midnight, wish each other a “Happy New Year,” are we really going to think that this year will be any happier than 2019 or 2018 or 2017? What is going to change to get us to actually mean it when we say, “Happy New Year?” It will be just another year of the same because we won’t change. We will continue in our old ways of ignoring those who are less fortunate. We will pretend as though there are not wars being fought just because. We will never for a minute think that we have aided and abetted in the destruction of this planet through our selfish acts as we scream, “Happy New Year To One And All!” If we really meant that, we’d know it because it would show, but when you look around, does it show? Does it look as though we give a damn about the children who go to bed, hungry? Does it look like we give a damn about the homeless? Does it look like we care about those who are in unimaginable pain because they have no health insurance? Does it look like we are going to start doing something to hold our elected representatives accountable for the way they continuously make the working poor pay for the idleness of the rich? Does it look like the ‘new year’ will bring about a change in the human psyche which seems hell bent on self-destruction? If any of you ponder these questions, I already know what the outcome will be. Exactly how you were in 2017, 2018, 2019 is how you will be in 2020 and on and on it will go until they plant you. Because we are always going to wait til tomorrow to ‘do’ better. Just like each and every year, we are bombarded with ads to lose weight and get in shape and some people actually make a resolution to do just that and then after a month, what happens? Back to square one. We’re pathetic!

And so, I will not say, “Happy New Year!” I will merely say, “Welcome to the rest of your lives!” War, misery, homelessness, joblessness, starvation, income inequality, racism, ignorance, selfishness, arrogance, greed, lust, apathy and complacency and your solutions to getting through all of this; heroin, crack, alcohol, weed, mass murder and suicide.

“Welcome, To The Rest Of Your Lives! Cheers!”

I Am Not Privileged To Be White!

not privileged to be white 1

I am not privileged to be white.
Nor can I claim my own heritage
since I was stolen by the privileged
and forced into a life of bondage.

There is no escape for me
though I struggle to be free.
My only release from slavery
is a grave so cold and lonely.

How would I have lived my life
had I not been a slave?
I’ll take with me that question
down into my lonely grave.

The plantations of the privileged
are awash in my blood and tears,
I can feel the lash of the whip
and smell the stench of the overseers.

They’ll break me any day now,
it’s just a matter of time
before I won’t know my name
“Oh Lawd, what is my crime?

My children, as well, are slaves;
each and every one.
They have nowhere to go.
There is no place to run.

These privileged landed whites
Call us ‘nigger’ while raping us too.
But if to them we are not human
 why would they rape what’s in their zoo?

Written by,
Shelby I. Courtland
©2016 Shelby I. Courtland

They Hide Behind Their god!

white death

Screams during the day;
rioting at night.
A president that’s indifferent
as he caters to the right.

Pulled over for no reason,
dragged out onto the street.
Hanged in a Texas cell
by those that wear a sheet.

Torn from his mother’s arms
by a cop that shot him dead.
A child was twelve years old;
to the grave, his coffin’s led.

They broke his neck and lied
just like they always do.
And then they called us thugs,
but that ain’t nothing new.

The white man simply laughs.
He’s got us by the balls.
We’re either dead on any street
or we’re behind his prison walls.

The white folks look at us.
And then they turn away.
They are all one and the same.
And yet, they have the nerve to pray.

They hide behind their god
as they sing Amazing Grace.
It was written by a slaver.
But isn’t slavery still in place?

You are fooled by all their smiles
and you sing a slavers hymn.
Forgiving, yes you are
 as they hang you from a limb.

Written by,
Shelby I. Courtland
©2015 Shelby I. Courtland

I don’t know what is wrong with Black people. We are getting fucked up daily and yet, we are THE most forgiving group of people. Why is that? What makes us so damn accepting and forgiving? Why do we simply bend over and continue taking a heaping helping of ass whooping? One thing I can say about me, I never knew how to dance. Never did. I always wondered about the fact that I am Black and yet, when I got up to dance, it was assumed that I had found a dozen roaches and was attempting to stomp ’em. I think that that is the main reason why I refuse to jive down the goddamn street to the white man’s tune, I can’t fucking dance anyway. And even if I could, by now, with all the shit that’s been going down, bullshit jiving would be the last thing that I would be doing right about now. When will we ever learn? Put those goddamn protest signs down and ask yourself, how many years have we been doing the same damn thing over and over again and expecting different results? What is the definition of insanity? Yeah! You know! Doing the same goddamn thing over and over again and expecting a different result. You tell yourself, “It’s gonna be different THIS time,” but it never is. #BlackLivesMatter is gonna save the day. Don’t kid yourself. That group is as powerless as you are. The next time you see a raging inferno, take a cup of water to it and see what it does to that inferno.

The laws in this murderous hellhole called AmeriKKKa weren’t made to protect us. That is why we don’t stand a chance when we are confronted by the white man’s law. The law that they apply to us does not apply to them. They don’t do any wrong. Just ask that Uncle Tom sell-out in the White House and that piece of shit, Eric Holder that just showed us the back of his heels after leaving the ‘Justice Department’. Which Wall Street banker went to jail on corruption charges? Money laundering? Fraud? Nada! Non! None! Not one! And yet Eric Garner was attempting to add to his coffers by engaging in a bit of selling of loose, untaxed cigarettes and he is now in a coffin. You see, he wanted to be a businessman, but he couldn’t play by the white man’s rules because you have to be white in order to do that. To be a businessman, you’ve got to have the proper credentials; you’ve got to have the proper pedigree; you’ve got to be a white, lying, cheating, conniving, worm. And Eric Garner could never aspire to that.

Now, Black folks, try to go to the bank and take out a small business loan and see what you get. First, they’re going to do a criminal background check, and if you’ve been pulled over and weed was smelled inside your vehicle; well, there goes the loan. If you somehow pass the criminal background check, they’re going to check your credit score. Now, if you’ve missed one goddamn electric bill payment, no loan for you. But I’ll stop you from even wasting your time, YOU AIN”T GONNA GET A LOAN! Simple as that! Why? Because you ain’t white! Why do you think credit scores and background checks were put into play? Think! Who do they adversely affect? Look in the mirror. There you go! And that is why, there you go, right out the goddamn door of the bank, just as empty-handed as when you went in. And of course, you’re thinking that it’s all your fault. It’s not. But they do their damndest to try and make you believe that somehow, you’re not worth a penny. Don’t buy it! It’s not you that’s worth nothing. It’s them because you see, they’ve put a price on everything and according to them, your life ain’t worth spit, but the reality is, if you could pull the face off a white man, beneath it, you’d find death. That is why it is so easy for them to kill. It is because they are already dead inside. They have no heart. They have no soul and therefore, cannot have compassion or any other feelings for that matter. That is why they can pull you out of a vehicle for nothing and hang you. That is why they can shoot you in the back and plant evidence against you. That is why they can shoot a twelve-year old boy and not blink. That is why they can beat a Black woman to death. That is why they promote perversion, homosexuality, sex changes, war, human experimentation; because when they look in the mirror, they see what you don’t see. They see exactly what I’ve told you they see. They see death and that is what they promote; your death and everybody else’s because if you look around, who is doing the dying and who is doing the killing? And who started it ALL? You better wake the fuck up to what you are dealing with because death stalks this earth in the form of the white man, killing everything in his path!

Still not sold? Who built nuclear weapons and used them? Who killed the Indians for their land? Who went to Africa, stole her people and enslaved them? Who initiated a war in Iraq over a lie? Who is behind the poppy production in Afghanistan that has found its way onto every street in this shithole called AmeriKKKa? Who infested Black communities with crack? Who is sending Black bodies to the morgue by the thousands? Who is putting poisons in your food, your water and in your medicines? Who is jailing you for crimes you did not commit? Who is making up laws just to send you into For Profit prisons? Who is dismantling the public education system? Who put Jim Crow laws into effect? Who decided that two men and two women could get married? Who decided that sodomy was not a crime? Who legalized alcohol; a mind altering drug, but puts you in jail for possession of weed, a plant? Who is gentrifying your neighborhoods? Who is throwing you the fuck out by making it too expensive for you to live where you’ve always lived? Who is turning off your human right to water? Who is pretending to be benevolent by operating a charity and then stealing the donations? Who is screaming the loudest about taxes while paying none? Who is accepting bribes and kickbacks for working against your interest? Who denied you the right to vote? Who told you that you were three-fifths of a person? Who bought and sold you like cattle? Who lynched you? Who should you fear the most? The answer to every one of these questions, that’s who! And yet, you continue to march right up to the door of this shit and expect relief! Get real and prepare your ass for what’s to come!

No One Gives A Damn About His Dream!

the dream

Yes, let us celebrate Dr. Martin Luther King Jr., Day when we don’t give a damn about his dream. His children don’t even give a damn about his dream since they are too busy fighting over his Bible and his Nobel Peace Prize. So when did they ever listen to any one of their father’s speeches? When did they ever take just one to heart? It is quite obvious that they never did and neither do we. Oh we dutifully put his image up for all to see as if we are actually doing something and the truth is, we’re not doing a damn thing about realizing the dream that this man had. And quite frankly, he is not the only one to have a dream. Many, many Black people have been dreaming of a society where they will not be “judged by the color of their skin, but by the content of their character” and is that the case? If you are Black, you will forever be judged by the color of your skin because as far as whites are concerned, you have no ‘content of character’.

Just recently we marched and protested that #BlackLivesMatter and for all I know, some are still protesting, but do Black lives matter? Answer this. How many world leaders came to America and stood front and center in front of a million people to say “#Je suis Black?” How many world leaders went to Nigeria when Boko Haram killed over 2,000 Nigerians and said “#Je suis Nigeria?” Did Netanyahu? Did Angela Merkel? Did Francois Hollande? Of course they didn’t.

“French President Francois Hollande is surrounded by Heads of state including (LtoR) Israel’s Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu, Mali’s President Ibrahim Boubacar Keita, Germany’s Chancellor Angela Merkel, European Council President Donald Tusk, Palestinian President Mahmoud Abbas, Italy’s Prime Minister Matteo Renzi and Switzerland’s President Simonetta Sommaruga” ‘to protest the murders of Charlie Hebdo employees, employees of a piece of filth rag claimed as a satirical political weekly that produced racist and blasphemous filth. But still, some white folks got killed over their ‘freedom of expression’ and so solidarity was called for’.


To those people, Black and Brown lives don’t matter. White lives do. It doesn’t matter how vile whites are and how much corruption they spread and how greedy they are. Their lives are the only lives that matter. It has always been this way and it will always be this way. These are the ‘people’ that you march and protest to and who you want to correct wrongs. Think about it. Why should they? They don’t care about you. Michael Jackson told you that but you believed all the lies put out on him by the whites. They tore that man’s reputation to shreds because he had a message and through his talent, he spoke. But he got silenced. Whitney Houston had the most beautiful voice that I have ever heard and yet, where is she? Dead and buried and some filthy slut named Beyoncé is strutting around in nothing, sounding like shit. And if it’s not her crooning to her piece of filth pimp, it’s Nicki Minaj doing much of the same. And what are the Black men of today doing besides rapping about bling and hoes or getting their bodies mucked up playing sports? Yes, we are realizing the dream, aren’t we?

Today we commemorate Dr. Martin Luther King’s accomplishments; the success of the Civil Rights Movement when in fact, the movement was not a success. It was an unmitigated failure. What has changed since Martin Luther King marched along with all the others who peacefully gathered to have their grievances heard? Not a goddamn thing. The same issues and problems that Dr. King’s marchers faced, we face today; only our tormenters have upped the ante. We’re now shot with rubber bullets and tear gassed, but we are still jailed. That’s a given and never will it be any different. And why are we still marching? We were marching in the 1960s and here we are in 2015, still marching for the same damn things. What’s the point? Who needs to become aware of what we are marching for? They already know. It’s not going to change, that’s what those of you who are still marching need to know. If you haven’t figured out that since the same shit is stil in play 50 years after the Selma to Montgomery march, then your marching ain’t gonna change a damn thing because since when have Black lives mattered?

The people that you want to change things are not going to change them. They like things just the way they are and that is why the police force has been militarized, that is why Black bodies are lying in morgues all across this shithole called America, that is why inner city schools have become a pipeline to prison for little Black children, that is why slavery in the form of the prison industrial complex is necessary, to house the slaves who ‘slave’ away for corporations, producing goods at a fraction of the cost. And those of us on the outside, head right inside a store and purchase what slaves have made. We are slaving away at stupid jobs to purchase what other slaves have produced. But we will continue to march and we will continue to protest and dream and hope and wish and pray and maybe someday, someday, someday, those who we want to see our marches will realize that this is all so wrong and they will then right the wrongs. Stop lying to yourself and stop dreaming. Dreams are for people who are asleep and don’t want to wake up because reality sucks. It stinks. No one is going to realize your dream for you but you.

The powerful that control all of us are not going to loosen their grip. They are not going to stop being corrupt, greedy, deceitful and instead are going to recognize that they should share in the wealth that they have acquired by the fact of your making it possible by your willingness to work for peanuts, by your willingness to indebt yourselves to them to purchase what slaves are producing, including you. We are all slaves. We are all enclosed in our own little cages. We have the illusion of freedom, some of us, but not many. We pretend that we have rights and freedom and that our lives are lived how we choose. No, it’s not. What you do with your life has been chosen for you. You are doing exactly what the powerful choose for you to do, no more and no less. Step out of line and see how fast you find your ass handed to you. You don’t think that all of this surveillance is for your own good, do you? It is to keep tabs on you. You need a passport to go anywhere. You need an ID to show everybody. You need a number assigned to you. You have a FICO score. Your medical records are digital. That means that every government agency knows where you shop, what you drive, where you go, who you talk to, what your medical conditions are and how much money you make, where you spend it and on what. Does that sound like freedom to you? Are you marching against that? If so, why? What do you hope to accomplish? I’ll tell you what you are going to accomplish by marching. Not a damn thing. You are owned. We all are. This is all an illusion. We are in the matrix, but the matrix that we are in, there is no Oracle and no savior. You’re on your own, just as all the rest of us are. We are here until we’re dead. Accept it.

So, remember Dr. King today. Thank him for all his sacrifices because you are where you are today because of Dr. King and all the others who marched and protested to get you where you are. And where would that be? You’ve just finished college and started a job. Good! Now, pay back that student loan. You are flipping burgers and you are sick and tired of it. Too bad! What else are you going to do? You are filing endless forms in an office and thinking about a vacation you’ll probably never get to take because you’ve got mouths to feed. I’m sorry. Keep dreaming. Dream on, fellow matrix dwellers, dream on!

Oh and Je suis Dr. Martin Luther King Jr.! Je suis Charlie got pretend solidarity from the world’s leaders in France, but damn it if they even bothered to pretend solidarity with the murdered Nigerians or the murdered young Black men in America, murdered by racist ass cops, or the drone-struck and bombed in Iraq, Afghanistan, Syria, Yemen, Pakistan, Ukraine, Gaza ……” Never forget, it’s white bodies that matter and Dr. King’s dream will never be realized because Dr. King could not say “Je suis white!”

No Hint Of Peace!

warmongers and killers

Will you look upon the faces of evil and turn away?
Or will you pick up a weapon and go after their prey?

When will you learn that their enemy is not yours?
Why must you take it upon yourself to settle their scores?

Who is threatening you and your way of life?
Why are greed, hypocrisy and corruption so rife?

Can’t you see that you fucking need a clue?
Do you think they actually care what happens to you?

How do you sleep at night, knowing what you’ve done?
You’ve just shot someone that you don’t even know with their gun!

One day, it will hit you hard and you’ll have nowhere to turn.
Your heart will race and your stomach will churn.

The innocent dead that you killed will prey on your mind.
And no hint of peace, even in your dreams, will you find.

Now you fucking think on that!

Written by,
Shelby I. Courtland
©2014 Shelby I. Courtland

She Wants The Parasites OUT!


When the earth gets to shaking, she wants the parasites out.
She’ll heave and fuck us up; she knows what she’s about.

She’s tired of our nukes and fed up with fracking shit.
We just take and take and take, never knowing when to quit.

She gets torn all to pieces as we’ve got to dig so deep.
We’ll soon be a’ wailing or be dying in our sleep.

Oh, they say this ain’t the big one; she’ll calm down for sure.
Don’t worry unless they tell you to, your fright is premature.

When you’re feeling all secure, she’s gonna send your ass to hell.
If you think that she’s not had it, when she does, it’ll be farewell.

Written by,
Shelby I. Courtland
©2014 Shelby I. Courtland


….and by all means, keep fracking(hydraulic fracturing), ’cause it’s good for the earth see!

Ohio is setting new permitting conditions in earthquake-sensitive areas and has halted drilling indefinitely at the site of the March quakes.

COLUMBUS — State geologists in Ohio have for the first time linked earthquake activity in the Marcellus Shale basin to hydraulic fracturing, confirming the suspicions of activists pushing for drilling limits in the interest of public health.

State Oil & Gas Chief Rick Simmers told The Associated Press on Friday that a state investigation of five small tremors in the Youngstown area last month has found a probable link.

He said Ohio is setting new permitting conditions in earthquake-sensitive areas and has halted drilling indefinitely at the site of the March quakes.

Don’t stop now! Frack, baby frack!!!


Enough With The Hypocrisy, Already!

climate change

So, we’re dealing with climate change, are we? Yes? No? The climate change bloggers and doomsayers are out in full force with warnings of dire consequences if we don’t somehow put an end to everything that we are doing to enable climate change and get with the program that we’re all going to die if we don’t accept the fact of climate change and do something about it.

Now, with that having been said, “What do you want me to do about it?” “What do you want my neighbor to do about it?” “What are YOU doing about it besides telling me, over and over again that we need to do something about climate change?” How about you storm the corporate boardrooms of the oil companies and demand that they stop with their “drill baby, drill, already!” How about you chain yourself to a tree at a fracking site, get hauled off to jail, get bailed out and go right back out and chain yourself to another tree? Too much trouble for you? Is it more important for you to sit at a keyboard and preach to us about the horrifying shit that’s coming down the climate change pike? Eh? And by the way, what are YOU driving, climate change doomsayers? Are you flicking a whip over a horse as you drive your buggy to the grocery store? Are you hand cranking your computer because you’re off the grid? How are you heating your home? How are you cooling your home? Are you about to spontaneously combust because you have been holding in your farts for years? Have you sold your house and built a lean-to in the forest because if not, then you are contributing to climate change to an extreme degree(no pun intended), you know, that which you’re going on and on and on about? So I guess you’re not leaving a carbon footprint? No? Yes? Indeed you are! And don’t get all holier-than-thou and say, “Well, somebody’s got to man the store and let you guys know that we’re in for some serious shit. We get it! The oceans are rising. The earth’s people are in deep poo poo. And? What? How much have you changed what YOU are doing?

Here’s an idea. Gather your forces together and storm British Petroleum, Exxon Mobile, Saudi Aramco, National Iranian Oil Co., PetroChina and Royal Dutch Shell among many others that are into both natural gas and oil and don’t forget the fracking industry. Climate change doomsayers, you really need to get off your duff and get cracking ‘cause according to you guys, we ain’t got a lot of time. So, make like Superman, Wonder Woman, Bat Man, Spiderman and go out there and get those oil company executives in line with the understanding that we are all doomed if they don’t reconsider and realize that their greed and our lust for oil and gas and electricity and fast cars and SUVs and all things electronic is just gonna get us into some serious trouble. We’re all fucking hypocrites and the climate change ship has sailed. It has sailed because if you think for one damn minute that some greedy ass oil barons are going to fuck up their bottom line by listening to some hypocrites who are themselves, contributing to climate change, then you all need your head examined and you need to take a look in the mirror and repeat after me, “I am a goddamn hypocrite because I want everyone to stop driving, get off the grid, live in the woods and go back to the basics before it’s too late, but I need to continue driving, stay on the grid, live in my house with all of my creature comforts so that I can continue to tell you guys how fucked you’re all going to be if you don’t DO something about climate change.” There, now that’s telling us!

Get out there and start practicing what you preach and you can’t hardly do that while still pumping gas into your vehicle. You can’t hardly do that while still connected to the grid. You can’t hardly do that if you intend to survive next winter by turning the thermostat up. You can’t hardly do that while cranking the AC up. You can’t hardly do that because you’re a hypocrite. So, I suggest that you sit back, smoke a blunt, if that’s your thing and if not, try a nice chilled glass of wine. And don’t forget, scotch and soda is great on the rocks and you need that icemaker to get that done and to get that done, you’ve got to stay ON the grid, hypocrite! You either go all gung ho about this climate change shit or you just keep pissing in the wind.

The Stars And Stripes Are Diseased!

diseased flag

The stars and the stripes are diseased.
There is danger throughout your land.
They’re there to shove their bold lies
and cash into out stretched hands.

Don’t believe a word they say.
As they speak with guns ablaze.
And when they leave your home,
what’s left is a bomb strewn maze.

Democracy, they do not seek.
Freedom’s a dangerous word.
They will kill it before it takes hold,
and dissent will never be heard.

The world is in danger from them.
They’re a beacon for corruption and greed.
They smile when they raise their sword,
and then poke at the world ‘til it bleeds!

No country is safe from their spies.
Afghanistan and Iraq, they know.
And Somalia and Yemen weren’t spared.
Their scars from the drone strikes still show.

America is shrouded in darkness.
And no ray of light can shine through.
Its people are hopelessly crushed.
Any rights that they had are taboo.

They never once put up a fight.
They gave up and took not to the street.
No protest was made; only anger expressed,
but they never resisted defeat.

Written by,
Shelby I. Courtland
©2014 Shelby I. Courtland

The U.S. will not stop in its grand scheme to ‘scheme’ and rid the world of democratically elected governments that do not kowtow to its demands. The majority of these countries have a Black and Brown population. Is that by accident? Hell no! Lies, lies and damn lies have been used as excuses to get away with war crimes, torture, deposing leaders and the U.S. government’s own spy programs are doing their damndest to bring this about. The only real terrorists in this world are from the U.S. government and its backers, the warmongers, the war profiteers.

And those in other countries, if you are wondering why America is not concentrating on its own citizens and infrastructure problems, it is because the American citizens are of no consequence because America’s citizens are comatose and if not actually comatose then we are shivering in fright in case the goon squad called America’s cops and military could soon be pointed in our direction. America is a nation of cowards, for the most part. Because an 84 year old nun, a 58 year old man and another 64 year old man showed the world just how easy it was to get inside a high security U.S. nuclear weapons complex and with some crude tools, cut through three fences, gained entrance to the complex and then proceeded to:

They hung banners, strung up crime-scene tape and hammered off a small chunk of the fortress-like storage facility for uranium material, inside the most secure part of complex. They painted messages such as “The fruit of justice is peace” and splashed small bottles of human blood on the bunker wall.

Although the protesters set off alarms, they were able to spend more than two hours inside the restricted area before they were caught.”

See, this just goes to show you that the so-called 9/11’foreign terrorists’ didn’t need to go through all of the trouble that they supposedly did in attempting to learn how to fly airplanes and learn how to coordinate flights and head the airplanes right into buildings(undetected by the most up-to-date satellite technology in the world North American Aerospace Defense Command (NORAD)and(STARS) Standard Terminal Automation Replacement System is a fully digital system capable of displaying all aircraft using FAA). They could have just infiltrated Sister Megan Rice’s activist group and went along for the ride and wreaked havoc once they got there instead of doing the little harmless bit of religious messaging that Sister Rice’s group did.

Now, this little 84 year old nun is going to spend the next three years in prison and she is actually glad because now she intends to bring attention to the plight of prisoners who are fucked up on a daily basis for no reason. And get this, Sister Megan has already seen the inside of bars and she actually had the audacity to state that those people who are touted as being the dregs of humanity, are indeed, wonderful people.

And so I hang my goddamn head in shame because a nun, Sister Megan and her posse did what myself and millions of other Americans absolutely refuse to do, she went out and made this government look like a stupid pile of shit and since she had the audacity to do that, she must pay a three year penalty.

Sister Megan ,Greg Boertje-Obed, and Michael Walli, I am not a religious person, but I must say, “May God bless you all as you had to go and show US how it’s done!”


Now, let’s ALL get back to posting and tweeting about how FUCKED we are and all ’cause that’s ALL we’re good for!