

My hatred of you intensifies every single day.
“Hate is self-destructive,” is all you have to say.

To hell with your hypocrisy for you are one to talk.
With put-on airs of sainthood, when have you walked the walk?

I’m not treated as your equal; I’ve only been a tool.
Your shit stops here with me; I will never be your fool.

If you sling hate long enough, just watch and it will stick.
And no matter what you do to me, my color would be my pick.

Don’t lecture me on hate and what it will propagate.
What your hate of me has sown are more fertile seeds of hate.

When those who look like me were imprisoned everyday
And those who look like you just turned the other way.

When I was not employed because my skin was just too dark,
you fueled the flames of hate in me; you lit the final spark.

You planted all these seeds and now you get to watch them grow.
Your house of cards will soon collapse just like a domino.

Oh, don’t tell me how surprised you are as that would be a lie.
You can bet on your nasty ass, my hate for you will never die.

Written by,
Shelby I. Courtland
©2014 Shelby I. Courtland

Black people in America are often denied jobs and home loans based solely on their skin color. Black people in America are locked out and have been locked out of the ‘middle class’ since the end of slavery and have been subjected to every indignity the white man could heap on them and still they bear the brunt of what occurs during every depression; every economic shit storm. Black people have been suffering and are suffering and with no end in sight, but now that the whites are experiencing ‘difficulties’, every fucking where you turn, all you hear about is ‘income inequality’. Where has the outrage about Black ‘income inequality’ been? Why has that shit never mattered?

It hasn’t fucking mattered until it started to impact whites. “Awww, Susie White, you’ve got to move out of your McMansion because you lost that good paying job and your fucking nice ass income along with it and now you’re ‘slaving away’ at Micky Ds flipping some goddamn burgers for $7.25 an hour?!! Ain’t that a shame, oh what a shame that is! Goddamn it! We need some damn ‘income equality’ all up in here right now, goddamn it!!” But when poor Black mom and her two kids in the hood were sleeping with the cockroaches for decades, who fucking gave a shit? Not a one of y’all white motherfuckers who are now wailing and screeching about fucking ‘income inequality’. Well, fucking suck it up and deal with it ’cause you ain’t hardly hit rock bottom yet. Oh not at all. And when the goddamn cockroaches become your bedmates, you’re fucking gonna get to screaming that much more louder. And I’m buying earplugs, ’cause I don’t hardly want to hear the goddamn fuss you’re gonna kick up! Squash ’em! And shut the fuck up about your ‘income inequality’ when you didn’t give a damn about that shit when it wasn’t fucking up YOUR goddamn day!

15 thoughts on “Hate!

  1. Once again Shelby, I can’t find anything to disagree with you about in this post. We (yes I’m white), for the most part have been living in a “white” bubble for a 150 years and sadly nothing much changed in that time no matter how much we would like to believe that it has. The civil rights movement did help some things, but certainly didn’t and couldn’t solve the underlying racist mentality of many whites, obviously no law can. I personally don’t understand why race should be, or ever should been a cause for injustice. We all are born, we all bleed and in the end we all die regardless of the color of our skin, but I also wouldn’t try to deny that prejudice still exists no matter how repulsive I find it. I hope that you have been well. – Dom


    1. Dom, I do indeed thank you for your comment. You’ve hit the nail on the head, “white” bubble, because Black people, for the most part have never been cocooned inside a “bubble,” we’ve had to deal with shit storm after shit storm and ain’t no Great Depression ever lifted from our ass! We’ve always been left with the pickings from massa’s table and I for one am damn sick and tired of all of a sudden hearing about ‘income inequality’ because of the economic collapse and now that many whites are lining up for food assistance and job assistance and are now bemoaning their fate, but they never once gave a thought to those who have been dealing with this shit for hundreds of years.

      No one could have more of a problem with income inequality than the slaves because they had NO income and now Black people’s wages are nowhere near in line with their white counterparts and I know this because when I was working for a company, management stated that employees could get fired based solely on discussing our paychecks. Well, one day a white woman came to me because she didn’t understand something on her pay stub. She had crawled in the door 3 months after I had been working there and we were doing the same job and her ‘crawled in the door’ starting salary was higher than mine and I had just had a 3-month pay increase because of a job well-done. I also had been told by human resources that I had scored higher on my entrance test than most other candidates ever had. I also found out from a friend in human resources about the test scores of this white woman who crawled in the door making more than I was making and WITH a raise and found out that her test scores reflected a 5th grade education, but she had THE one advantage over me that I can never lay claim to and that is the color of her goddamn skin.

      But now that shit is hitting the fan for many whites and so many are now unemployed or underemployed, there is a hue and a cry being raised about income inequality when that shit had never fazed white folks until recently. And in all this time, Black people have been dealing with income inequality and no one raised a shit storm of protest about it, but now that it’s affecting the whites, it’s time to raise the banner and swing it to and fro and demand some goddamn income equality. I have no fucking sympathy anymore because it is war! Ain’t no goddamn peace!

      But I thank you for your comment. And yeah, I’m doing as well as can be expected out here in the goddamn mine fields. Thank you for your concern.


      1. Again you are absolutely right and your anger is completely justified. I can’t and won’t pretend to know how you feel as I never will be able to walk in your shoes. You are correct though, it is amazing how the minute whites are affected by something negative all hell breaks loose, the media picks up on it quick and the government tries to fix it, but when blacks or Hispanics for that matter are struggling just to survive it gets swept under the rug. I really am embarrassed that this continues to happen here and now. I truly hope that something will change, but I doubt that I will live to see the day. So much for the land of inclusion. 😦


  2. I don’t know what’s going on, but a lot of people are starting to come to the same conclusions and seemly at the same time. I have been in conversations with several people who are shaking off the sleep and starting to look around.


    1. Well, they’d about better shake off the goddamn sleep and recognize! But one thing I can say is that though Black people for the most part, have had the whites stomping on our necks since the beginning of our history in this shithole, we’ve learned how to survive on nothing. Them? Not so much and that is why the pissing and moaning, wailing and screeching has begun because they ain’t hardly used to having nothing and making something out of it. They’re fucking clueless when it comes to that shit. Let ’em come on up in here with some moaning and some more shit, I got so much goddamn sympathy for ’em! And if they fucking believe that, then I got a goddamn bridge for sale and of course since the fucking bridge is located in this here shithole, it’s about to collapse and all, due to our fucked up infrastructure. But I’m selling it real cheap, so that ought to get it done!

      Thanks for your comment man!


  3. “It hasn’t fucking mattered until it started to impact whites. “Awww, Susie White, you’ve got to move out of your McMansion because you lost that good paying job and your fucking nice ass income along with it and now you’re ‘slaving away’ at Micky Ds flipping some goddamn burgers for $7.25 an hour?!! Ain’t that a shame, oh what a shame that is! Goddamn it! We need some damn ‘income equality’ all up in here right now, goddamn it!!” But when poor Black mom and her two kids in the hood were sleeping with the cockroaches for decades, who fucking gave a shit? Not a one of y’all white motherfuckers who are now wailing and screeching about fucking ‘income inequality’. Well, fucking suck it up and deal with it ’cause you ain’t hardly hit rock bottom yet. Oh not at all. And when the goddamn cockroaches become your bedmates, you’re fucking gonna get to screaming that much more louder. And I’m buying earplugs, ’cause I don’t hardly want to hear the goddamn fuss you’re gonna kick up! Squash ‘em! And shut the fuck up about your ‘income inequality’ when you didn’t give a damn about that shit when it wasn’t fucking up YOUR goddamn day!”
    That sums it up very well!! Kudos sis! You really broke it down! Another Shelby classic! 🙂


    1. “That sums it up very well!! Kudos sis! You really broke it down! Another Shelby classic!”

      Why thank you Prince! One thing that I’m very good at is summing it all up and hurt feelings? What the hell do I care about that shit when Black bodies, souls and minds having been hurting for hundreds of years? We ‘carry a burden too heavy to bear’ and yet we do it each and every single day and it’s called, NOT BEING WHITE! They so profess to believe in their ‘white’ god and when they stand in church and pray, the hounds in their hell just get to howling in anxious anticipation for when their ass shall descend into the depths of the hell of their own creation. “Heaven!,” they say! And to that I reply, “better stock up on some goddamn ice, ’cause they’re fucking gonna need it! And that’s another item that I’m selling real cheap, so they can just fucking come and get it!”

      They’ve got the goddamn nerve to act as though some ‘income inequality’ just fucking happened when Black folks have been dealing with that shit since slavery. There ain’t never been no goddamn income equality for us and they ain’t never had a problem with that shit, not at all, not until the ‘chickens finally came home to roost’ all up their ass! Keep screeching and wailing motherfuckers! I’m lovin’ it!

      And I do so thank you for your comment Prince. “Appreciation is much appreciated,” I always say. *wink*


  4. Again, thank you Dom because at least you stated your take on all of this and I commend you for it. Many ‘white’ people, will of course have a problem with this one and I couldn’t fucking care less. I have seen entire inner city neighborhoods looking like something out of a disaster movie. Baltimore, MD is a disaster area. Washington, DC is the same. The homeless problem there is absolutely unreal. And look at what is occurring in Detroit, not to mention New Orleans and Chicago. And ‘god’ has apparently turned his/her back on Compton, CA, and Camden, NJ. And no one believes that there is one huge ass problem with ‘income inequality’ going on all up in those cities? Seriously?!!! You have only to look at what happened in Louisiana when Hurricane Katrina hit. People castigated the poor Black folks for not jumping into their SUVs, gassing up with the credit cards on the way out of Dodge when they fucking knew the deal. Those people were too poor to even head to the nearest Greyhound bus terminal and attempt to purchase a goddamn ticket in order to try and get out of harm’s way. ‘White’ people just love to fucking kid themselves about the realities of what it means to be so goddamn broke that when a natural disaster occurs, the only thing you can do is to wait it out and hope for the goddamn best like many Black people had to do when Katrina hit.

    I have written poems denouncing hate, but that shit is also at an end because when the oppressed keep turning the other cheek and their hating ass oppressors just continue to heap it on, hell if I’m not going to hate their motherfucking ass right back. I’ve had enough! I’ve seen too much and I am not hardly about joining goddamn hands and singing “kumbaya” as though we are all in some shit together. Hell if we are! We ain’t ALL never been in shit together. The shit is just now starting to impact the ‘whites’ and now it’s time to get busy with correcting that shit, but to hell with what’s been going down for hundreds of years and will continue to go down for the millions of poor Black people who live a hellish nightmare, day in and day out! Many are locked in a prison without actually being in prison and then many are in prison while in prison. I am fucking NOT going to be nice about this shit anymore. Hell no!

    But again, I thank you for your comment!


  5. I grew up near Philly and recall the war zone known as North Philadelphia. It was hard to reconcile with the hustle and bustle of South Street or Center City. While black people and indigenous people have suffered the heaviest blows in the sweet land of liberty, the innercities have their share of poor brown and white people, too. Capitalism survives by forcing each class to turn it’s back on the class below it.

    As you’ve stated, the middle class is starting to taste what it feels like to take a turn at the whipping post and they don’t like it. The danger is the elite will turn middle-of-the-road white people against minorities as has happened in Greece, UK and Ukraine where white supremacist and fascist groups have risen because the people are looking for someone, anyone to blame. So why not minorities and immigrants?


    1. Jeff, thank you for your comment. But seriously! When have minorities and immigrants ever NOT got the blame for every goddamn thing? The ‘whites’ immediately started pissing and moaning about ‘illegals’ taking their jobs when the economy collapsed, knowing full goddamn well that the people from Mexico couldn’t ‘hire’ themselves. And they take jobs that ‘white’ people have all too often, scoffed at and they fucking know it, but like you said, they’ve got to blame somebody else because they don’t want to face reality and deal with the fact that some blue-eyed motherfuckers are fucking up some other blue-eyed motherfuckers. That shit just don’t want to be faced.

      And what else can they do to Black folks that ain’t already being done?

      The United States imprisons almost three times as many Black people than were jailed in South Africa during Apartheid.


      ..and what about the school-to-prison pipeline? https://www.aclu.org/school-prison-pipeline

      The ACLU is committed to challenging the “school to prison pipeline,” a disturbing national trend wherein children are funneled out of public schools and into the juvenile and criminal justice systems. Many of these children have learning disabilities or histories of poverty, abuse or neglect, and would benefit from additional educational and counseling services. Instead, they are isolated, punished and pushed out. “Zero-tolerance” policies criminalize minor infractions of school rules, while cops in school lead to students being criminalized for behavior that should be handled inside the school. Students of color are especially vulnerable to push-out trends and the discriminatory application of discipline.

      ….and what about the unemployment figures for Black people? Black unemployment rate is consistently twice that of whites.

      Blacks account for 12 percent of the labor force, according to the U.S. Joint Economic Committee, but suffered from a 13.8 percent jobless rate in January 2013 and make up 25 percent of workers who have been unemployed for longer than 99 weeks.

      Read more: http://dailycaller.com/2013/02/05/report-black-community-still-suffering-from-disproportionately-high-unemployment-rates/#ixzz2yXPgcDFz

      Yep, there is SO much more that they can blame us for and DO to us and take from us ’cause we’re just one big ole goddamn rock that ‘whites’ can just keep getting blood out of. The problem is they can’t get anything else from us, just like they can’t get any fucking thing else from the 16 Indians that’s left, so now it’s Susie White middle class’s turn and she don’t hardly like it! Too fucking bad Susie White ‘formerly’ of the middle class. We’ve heard the slurs from the ‘whites’ and we’re so aware of their hatred and it don’t hardly matter to us anymore. Fuck ’em!

      …and again, thank you for your comment!


  6. Not all whites are ‘Susie White middle class’ — there are many of us that have spent all of our adult lives deciding every month what’s going to get paid and what isn’t; we’d like to be able to order a pizza but that $15 has to go for gas so that our family member can get back and forth to dialysis; and the last week of the month is mac and cheese, peanut butter and tuna that’s full of mercury, but hey, if the mercury kills us then we won’t have to go thru this all again next month. I know what it’s like b/c I’m living it, and the color of my skin really has nothing to do with how rotten many of us are treated.


    1. If you want to complain about your mac and cheese and peanut butter and tuna eating, then you complain about it all over your blog. This here blog ain’t no goddamn democracy! I’ve already stated that and I’ll tolerate no bullshit! I’m not about to compare end-of-the-month meals and who is getting pissed on the most according to who you ask. Every statement that I have made, I stand by it.

      Your ‘whiteness’ will always open more doors for you even when standing in the food shelf line which you are certainly free to do if your food ends before the month does. I have witnessed with my very own eyes that ‘whites’ are given better food in the ‘food shelf’ line than Black people ever get. So, there is discrimination even in that regard, it’s called ‘white privilege’. And you’ll always come up smelling like a rose over ANY Black person.

      So, if you have any problems with what I’ve posted here, feel free to post a rebuttal on YOUR blog and as always the ‘shit stirrers’ are female.


      1. Whoa! Quite a response.lol I understand what you’re saying but Wolfess actually has a point to a degree. What the government is doing at the moment is happening to everybody.

        “Your ‘whiteness’ will always open more doors for you even when standing in the food shelf line which you are certainly free to do if your food ends before the month does. I have witnessed with my very own eyes that ‘whites’ are given better food in the ‘food shelf’ line than Black people ever get. So, there is discrimination even in that regard, it’s called ‘white privilege’. And you’ll always come up smelling like a rose over ANY Black person.”
        Now this part is true if you’re speaking on the color issue alone. As a black man I know that’s true. I think there becomes a conflict for many whites who realize their government is full of lies,corruption and deceit. Being white and speaking the truth about racism is not always easy for them. I think many times they want to speak about truth and justice but to do that they must condemn ALL forms of discrimination. I think many whites who become “enlightened” battle with this fact. Many know in their hearts that racism is wrong but subconsciously they know they benefit on some level. Even if that system is flawed in many ways. But I think I see the point you both were getting at.


  7. Prince, I don’t have a problem with Wolfess having a point all over her blog. My point on this here blog was that shit has been hitting the fan for the Black and Brown people like, forever! So, now that EVERY goddamn body is included in this shit storm of shit that’s been unleashed since the economic collapse caused by, yeah, the goddamn criminal ass white motherfuckers, well now we’ve ALL got to gather our collective forces and get that shit to cease and desist fucking us ALL up!

    It is quite obvious that the Black and Brown folk ain’t never mattered to the whites because if we did, this shit would not have gotten to the point where now it’s affecting their white ass and that shit just ain’t hardly fair, not fair at all, goddamn it!! I don’t give a goddamn who it is now impacting, the fact remains that the whites were insensitive to this shit when it wasn’t impacting or affecting them and now that it is, they want to screech and wail about some damn income inequality and some more shit. Well, they can just go get stuffed ’cause I ain’t hardly putting up with hearing about their a’wailing and a’moaning woes when I’ve witnessed plenty of that shit for decades past and that fucking shit was also affecting my ass. Nobody gave a goddamn, but now I’m supposed to recognize that someone else is now getting their ass handed to them and sit around along with them, singing, “kumbaya?,” ain’t fucking gonna happen.

    The writing was on the goddamn wall for decades but since it wasn’t happening to them, it was all blissful motherfucking ignorance that was just, blissful. Well, it ain’t blissful no goddamn more and if someone wants to have a hootin’ holler hoedown about what’s impacting them, fine, but this here blog post ain’t about them and their newfound problems ’cause other blue-eyed devils is now looking cross-eyed at them and wondering why they ain’t walking crooked, fucked up and some more shit like the Black and Brown folks have been doing all along! The prisons are filled with people who look like me. Them? Not so much! The unemployment lines have always been filled with people who look like me. Them? Not ’til recently. The food shelf line has always been filled with people who look like me. Them? Not ’til recently. And I ain’t fucking making no apologies for what I write because it stems from what I see. I don’t need a goddamn soul to tell me what the fuck’s going down. That’s what I got two goddamn eyes for, see!


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