With The High Cost Of Food These Days, Can You Imagine Buying Those High Priced Foods Here??!!! UGH!!!!

I intentionally went inside this Cub grocery store to showcase just how much contempt corporations have for people who are buying FOOD for their families; and high priced “food” at that.

Are folks seriously wondering why America is in the shape it is in today? No one was even thinking twice about the fact that they were in a dirty ass grocery store buying food and then have the nerve to wonder why there are food recalls in the news daily and they are sitting somewhere on the toilet, engaging in intense diarrhea and vomiting at the same time. Look at that dirty ass floor!

And again! Look at this filthy ass shit!!! Look at it!!! And the damn store was busy! Most folks were in the checkout area, knee deep! They looked as though they were completely unaware that they were shopping for FOOD inside a damn dumpster!!!! I am still trying to wrap my head around this shit!!!!

That is a damn grocery store floor! It is NOT the jungle gym at your child’s daycare center!!! Americans actually put up with that mess and don’t kick up a fuss. They just go on in, shop, pay exorbitant prices and go home and chow down on what’s getting recalled because of filth!

Would you eat ANYTHING out of THAT store??!! And this is the UPTOWN CUB GROCERY STORE!! Uptown, my ass!!!!

Even the damn sign is trying to collapse and break away!!! Have you seen ANYTHING that would signify UPTOWN in the above pictures? Need more proof that that mess should be shut down or at the very least, have a bio-hazard team in to deep clean that mess!!! Here it comes!



Need more proof that you are not doing your family any favors by shopping here? Keep scrolling.

And more!

And more!

Americans will tolerate ANYTHING! That is quite obvious from these pictures. This is why America is in the shape it is in. Look at those pictures and tell me that some squawking and squalling shouldn’t be going on about that mess!

If anyone thinks that I walked out of the door of this grocery store with a bag, think again! I was told about how filthy this Cub grocery store was and I went in to see for myself since health and safety inspectors are supposed to make sure that stores that sell food are clean, sanitary and pass safety inspections. Someone is obviously being paid to look the other way or in other words, palms are being greased to make sure that such as that passes inspection because it damn well ought NOT to!

Folks, this IS America! This is what America has descended into; a shithole to end all shitholes and yet folks are crossing the southern border in droves because they want this mess! For the love of!!!!!

Are you sick to your stomach yet? I was by the time I left this garbage dump that should be closed for obvious reasons. People are spending their hard-earned money on garbage that is making them sick and corporate executives see nothing wrong with this since the bottom line is looking damn good for them as they laugh all the way to the bank since Americans have been pummeled until they are damn near catatonic and don’t see this mess! Again, for the love of!!!!! No one in that store was even blinking at the condition it is in, besides ME!!! Go fucking figure!!!!

Yes indeed, I would seriously expect to be really healthy after eating garbage from this dump! I would really expect that!!!

The above picture is by the produce. Yeah, pick an orange, banana, strawberry and know that it came from this mess! Eat it and expect to be okay. Seriously??!!!

Can you believe that the above was taken in a GROCERY STORE?!! A place where FOOD is??!!!!


So clean, you could eat off the floor, right??!!!

Folks, the entire store was in this condition. There wasn’t a “clean” spot in the place. And believe me, I looked, as you can see from the number of pictures I have posted.

And again!

I think you’ve seen enough; I know I have. 

So now, do you have a clue that America is deliberately being encouraged to collapse, that her citizens are not worth a damn to those who are supposed to represent the best interest of the American citizens, but who have no problem with food recall after food recall and then when the recalled “food” hits the shelves of stores like the above, are you really surprised over the fact that Americans are some of the sickest folks on the planet? This would be why. When you have bio weaponized toxins masquerading as “food” and they are put on the shelves of a garbage dump, the result is an all and out assault on your immune system coupled with bio weaponized injections masquerading as “vaccines” and there’s your recipe for death. It is ALL done by design. That store being in that condition is no accident. And what’s more, no one even cares, especially not those who are shopping there and paying out the ass to do so. I throw my fucking hands up!!!!! What more is there left to say?!!!!

Oh, damn! I almost forgot! They even had the nerve to have this out front!

The cops’ spying apparatus is parked right in front. Why don’t they take that damn thing inside and surveil the dirty ass store that folks are buying groceries out of?!! This is the fuck shit that is in our face and what do we do? Not a damn thing! Americans are a lost damn cause!!! A bunch of damn zombies were all up in that dirty ass store buying that dirty shit up in there!!! I just cannot make this shit up!!!

So, go on up in that Cub Foods and get your celebratory Memorial Day hot dogs, buns, chips, dip, chicken wings and some more shit, but don’t wonder why your ass can’t get up off the toilet. You’re eating dumpster shit purchased from out of a damn dumpster, but you want to know why your ass is raw from wiping it and why your breath smells like shit! Look at the above pictures! Is it really any wonder???!!!!

2 thoughts on “With The High Cost Of Food These Days, Can You Imagine Buying Those High Priced Foods Here??!!! UGH!!!!

    1. Yes, it is, Dr. Bramhall, and I have never seen this before in ANY grocery store, ever! But now that this “Uptown” neighborhood is no longer deemed upscale, no one is complaining about this situation, apparently. And I could tell by the customers that they were not very concerned with the filth and over the fact that they were paying for over-priced garbage while shopping for it in what amounts to a damn dumpster. I would never!!!!


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