…And The Reverend Says, “My Black Congregation Can No Longer Afford To Pay Tithes Thanks To Joe Biden’s Anti-Black Policies.” And The Congregation Says, “Amen!” 🙏

🤣🤣 I cannot stop laughing! Now, even the preacher man is stating that the price of a vote for Joe Biden is just too damn high when his congregation cannot continue to pay outrageous tithes in order to keep the “good” reverend clothed in the finest cloth, shod in the best leather and driven around in the most expensive of vehicles.

Black voters flocking to Trump, can no longer ‘afford’ to vote for Biden in 2024, reverend says

President Biden speaks during a Black History Month reception at the East Room of the White House on Tuesday in Washington, D.C. Alex Wong/Getty Images


Black voters can no longer “afford” to vote for President Biden, one reverend argued, citing his record on the economy and the border crisis as he battles dwindling support in the key voting bloc ahead of November. 

Rev. Jesse Lee Peterson accused the Democratic Party of abandoning Black voters during “Fox News @ Night,” saying more voters who previously would not have considered supporting him are now considering a vote for the 45th president. 

Reverend, deacon, doctor, bishop Jesse Lee Peterson is hopping mad that his congregations’ tithes are drying up faster than an animal carcass in Death Valley, CA. The “good” reverend cannot have that. What’s a “good” reverend to do when he can no longer fleece his flock since his flock’s pockets are to let?

According to some news outlets, Biden got 94% of the Black vote, but he damn sure did not receive a vote from me, but neither did Donald J. Trump. Neither warmongering racist is going to get a vote from me because either way, my shit is fucked up regardless. And Black folks should just sit this sideshow out since we don’t benefit either way. What is the point of voting for one rich old white racist over another one? And if that is not bad enough, remember the fact that the majority of Black folks voted for Obama and what is there to show for his flaming, warmongering ass having sat inside the Oval Office? Not a damn thing of note, that’s for damn sure. But we are to stand in line in November and vote for a rich, white racist warmonger to continue this shithole down the path it is headed and there is nothing and no one that can stop the collapse of this shithole.

We can only help ourselves and since we refuse to do that, we will continue to look to rich, racist white warmongers to do what for us? Exactly what they have been doing; fuck all!

Either way, our asses are grass, and the situation is not going to get any better even though Trump claims that he will end the war between Ukraine and Russia by refusing to continue to throw billions at Ukraine, but he is all FOR the continued bombing of Gaza by the Zionists. So, both candidates for president are warmongers. I don’t back warmongers since those same warmongers are waging a war against my ass, and I ain’t hardly liking that fact. I’ve been fighting my whole life and ain’t a damn white ass ever helped me. Quite the damn contrary. They’re the ones I’ve had to sue damn near every day.

And the lawsuits continue! 

Just two weeks ago, my life and the lives of everyone who was on a metro bus was threatened by a lunatic who got on the bus in a wheelchair and who proceeded to get up out of the wheelchair and cuss us out while threatening to kill us after killing the bus driver first. The bus driver called the cops who refused to come, claiming that they were just too busy. Thankfully, the lunatic saw that none of us were moved by him digging around in his pants for whatever weapon he claimed to have, asked to be let off the bus, picked up his wheelchair, threw it off the bus and exited behind the wheelchair.

As if that wasn’t bad enough, my apartment sent a notification around letting us know that the elevator would be down for a week.


We received one day’s notification, and I promptly called a lawyer and according to the lawyer, per state law AND the lease, management is supposed to put us up in a hotel or give us another unit to live in if we are to be left high and dry if we are disabled by the elevator being down for repairs for a lengthy period of time. They must think my ass is dumb as hell since they did not send any notification telling me that they would put me up in a hotel. After the lawyer did his thing, the management office called me and told me to pack my shit, and what hotel did I want them to prepay for me for the week?

And yes, I chose that fucked up hotel only because of its convenience to transportation since I refuse to buy another vehicle and I was only going to be staying from Monday checking out on Friday. Hell, I’ve stayed in worse. And if you are living in America, that’s all there is, worse!!!

Why these people play with me, I have no fucking idea.

As I type this, there is no hot water, the laundry room on my floor is pitch black as both lights have blown out. I notified management on the 10th of this month that the lights were out in the laundry room and as I type this, they are still out. I have already contacted code enforcement and they are on their way out here today to cite them for no hot water and the lights out in the laundry room and by the time code enforcement arrives, I am pretty sure that there’ll be something else to add to the damn ever growing list.

However, as usual, I digress. Someone send this blog to preacher man and tell him that even though I am suing everyone I come into contact with, I still have no tithes to pay his ass since I am still helping homeless people like these!

This homeless dude was trying to make the cops and security that patrol this shopping center to understand that he is merely reading a book while taking a breather from shopping since if he were to outright lie down and sleep, he’d be given the old heave ho, and so he has a book in front of him to make it look as though he is merely reading while actually nodding over the book. I stopped to help him.


This dude finally obtained his food stamps and went to work on opening two cans of La Choy Chow Mein noodles and proceeded to chow down. The situation is becoming more and more dire as every single day passes. There has been another murder at a homeless encampment that was slated for closure but has not been closed as of this blog posting since as soon as the encampments are broken down by the city, another pops up. And there are those of us who are helping the homeless pop them up until we can find affordable housing and other services that they need. We need to be able to find these people and having them grouped together makes it easier to find them and offer necessary services.

The city has multiple vacant lots that it has enclosed in fencing when the city disbands a homeless encampment. They are all around the city. Companies that make fencing are making a killing off this city alone since that is the city’s approach to removing homeless encampments; disband the camp by bulldozing folks’ stuff and then erecting a fence around the area.


Fenced-off area

Another fenced-off area.

Another fenced-off area

Yet another fenced-off area.

A huge homeless encampment used to be where that fence is, however, the encampment was disbanded, but now illegals have saturated the area, and no one has told them to “Keep it moving!” Why the hell not?! Oh, my bad! They are LEGAL American replacements.

So, folks, shit has been hitting the fan and that is why I have not been blogging. Homelessness is skyrocketing and me and my band of helpers are still at it. I just took a quick moment to give those of you an idea of what has been going down, but what I have stated on this blog is not even the tip of the iceberg.

I hope everyone is well. Take care and I also hope that you are blessed to have a home. If you are, enjoy it!!!!! Too many don’t have one. For the love of!!!!!!

4 thoughts on “…And The Reverend Says, “My Black Congregation Can No Longer Afford To Pay Tithes Thanks To Joe Biden’s Anti-Black Policies.” And The Congregation Says, “Amen!” 🙏

    1. Yeah, Dr. B., shit is hitting the fan, is a serious understatement. Five people have been shot at a homeless encampment that I showcased on this very blog. Four of them died, but if there was affordable housing available, those shootings need not have happened.

      Hope all is well with you and thank you for your comment.

      Liked by 1 person

  1. How can Amerikkka still call itself “the world’s richest nation” while having thousands sleep in tents? Those 2 things seem incongruous to me


    1. America ain’t shit! I’ve showcased that over and over on this blog. How America treats the poorest should be a damn crime, but it isn’t. However, those who were once the so-called, “middle class” are now descending into the “poor class” and millions more are going to follow suit. ALL will be impacted.


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