Trump Won’t Say It, But I Will! “White Males, You’re ANIMALS!”

But first, let me apologize to ALL dogs, cats, giraffes, zebras, cougars; the innocent animals.

Donald Trump stated just a few days ago that Mexicans were “animals!”

WASHINGTON — President Trump used extraordinarily harsh rhetoric to renew his call for stronger immigration laws Wednesday, calling undocumented immigrants “animals” and venting frustration at Mexican officials who he said “do nothing” to help the United States.

“We have people coming into the country or trying to come in, we’re stopping a lot of them, but we’re taking people out of the country. You wouldn’t believe how bad these people are,” Trump said.

“These aren’t people. These are animals.”

Now, I don’t know about any of you, but I have seen pictures of crying mothers being torn from their little children’s arms by ICE(Immigration and Customs Enforcement)officials and they certainly did not look like animals to me, but then I am no hypocrite. I leave that dubious distinction to Trump and his White House mouthpiece, Sarah ‘Hulkinghorse’ Sanders, who doubled down on what ole Orange Gelatinous Mass of Putrid Flesh already said. Sarah ‘Hulkinghorse’ Sanders stated, “I think the term animal doesn’t go far enough.”

But I just cannot wait to hear what Donald Trump and his mouthpiece ‘The Hulkinghhorse’ will say about WHITE MALE Dimitrios Pagourtzis, 17, who just shot and killed students and faculty at a high school in Santa Fe, Texas. According to reports, ten people have been confirmed dead, killed by this latest mass murdering Nazi wannabe who had posted on Facebook and Instagram, pictures of Nazi emblems and of course, this was not deemed suspicious enough to elicit scrutiny by the FBI. It would appear that if you want to escape the attentions of the FBI and other government spy agencies, post Nazi emblems and the Feds will just bypass your Facebook, Twitter and Instagram accounts, but if you post “Black Power!,” they’ll be knocking on your door any minute. Meanwhile the Nazi wannabes will be shooting up schools, movie theaters and churches. That’s how AmeriKKKa rolls! Let the good ole boyz play!

Pagourtzis, 17, shared chilling photos on his – now removed – Facebook of a ‘Born to Kill’ t-shirt shortly before Friday morning’s massacre.”

“Born to kill,” and don’t that say it all? Indeed! White males have shown since time began that they are indeed, “born to kill!” While Mexicans and descendants of slaves are called ‘animals’ and ‘thugs’, white males are considered to be ‘good people’, especially when they are wearing a white sheet and a hood because not a one of them has ever been considered to be ‘animals’ by other whites. Not even by whites whose family members have been killed by those white male animals.

What is funny is that Trump is most intent on dumping on so-called Mexican ‘immigrants’ when not one ‘white foot’ should even be on this soil, but because Europeans have always been hell bent on finding others to kill, they have traveled far and wide bringing with them disease, hatred and genocide all while proclaiming that those whom they killed were inferior. And by inferior, they mean that those people were just too soft to do what dead white filth has done for centuries past up to present day and that is to take, destroy and kill with relish all while claiming how benevolent and humanitarian they are.

And so we come to yet another school shooting, this time at Santa Fe High School in Texas, a mere three months after the Stoneman Douglas High School shooting that resulted in seventeen deaths and seventeen injured while the only solution to that was ‘thoughts and prayers’ and oh how they did work, apparently, according to the governor of Texas who just issued the same lame solution to yet another mass murder by a white male. “Thoughts and prayers are the answer people, thoughts and prayers are the answer.”

The students at Stoneman Douglas High School in Parkland, Florida can certainly relate to the stories of the survivors of this latest school shooting since it was but another in what will be a long list of school shootings by white males because white males must be treated with kid gloves. Isn’t that the reason why white male mass murderers are always considered to have been mentally ill and so that right there absolves them of being likened to ‘animals’ when they commit heinous crimes?

Trump and his mouthpiece and damn near every ‘white’ person in America, would have us believe that mental illness is a fundamental flaw in white males that causes them to amass a shitload of weapons and go on a killing spree with those weapons and that if we had a better mental health system in America, all would be right as rain. Cut the bullshit! White males and their other half are why we are seeing this mess play out time and time again. White females produce this dead white filth and look the other way when they see a roomful of Nazi emblems, guns and bombs….that is, until a knock at the trailer park door, or a knock at the McMansion door from the authorities informing them that their depraved offspring has murdered multiple people. And of course, they just knew nothing about anything. Their offspring’s collection of guns and Nazi emblems was just not a problem until it became someone else’s problem. No blame there!

AmeriKKKa is armed to the teeth and has always been seething with hatred, madness and killing fever, for if not, why has AmeriKKKa been more at war than it ever was at peace? Killing is what this ‘country’ was founded on and who were its so-called ‘founders’? Why, white males, of course. White ‘slave-owning males. And so what else could possibly come from that? Depraved killers, that’s what!

So continue to mourn the dead. Continue with your useless thoughts and prayers. Continue to be distracted by an AmeriKKKan half and half marrying some inbred British bloke while Mother Nature, bless her heart, is trying her damn best to cause chaos over in Hawaii thankfully resulting in millions of lost tourism dollars and displacing white folks who’ve no business there in the first place, while we here on the mainland are dealing with yet another mass murder by yet another white ‘mentally ill’ male with Nazi-inspired tendencies who was once again, overlooked by those who are paid to spy on us. The FBI and the CIA and the NSA just cannot stop dropping the ball on people who are hell bent on trying to be stopped but because they are never seen as a threat except to descendants of slaves, they are given a free pass.

White folks! You mean, you don’t understand yet that even to those who look like you, “White lives DON’T matter!?” Ask those who dropped the ball on this latest mass shooting. They’ll tell you, “Just keep those thoughts and prayers handy because you ain’t done hearing about the need for them yet! Not by a long shot!” They’ll not do you any good, but it’s something to say because nothing else will be done about white male mass murdering animals!

15 thoughts on “Trump Won’t Say It, But I Will! “White Males, You’re ANIMALS!”

  1. ” It would appear that if you want to escape the attentions of the FBI and other government spy agencies, post Nazi emblems and the Feds will just bypass your Facebook, Twitter and Instagram accounts”

    Shelby, your dry wit really cracks me up – I also love your comment about the royal family being in-bred. You never posted a truer statement about the whole British elite – their in-breeding has led to generations of upper class twits, as Monty Python refers to them.

    Your post poignantly describes the descent of Western society into barbaric anarchy – an incredibly sad situation in my view – all driven by misguided narcissists and sociopaths blindly driven by their own greed.

    Liked by 2 people

    1. Thanks Dr. Bramhall and it is true, white males who have posted Nazi symbols and such on their Facebook page and on other social media platforms have been ignored until the shit hit the fan when they went on a killing spree. And yet, Black people are being labeled “Black Identity Extremists” for just having the nerve to post a raised fist while declaring, “Black Power!” But how many Black people have gone on killing sprees shooting up theaters, churches, schools and concert venues? None. Those who follow ‘white supremacist’ ideology is doing that shit but for some strange ass reason, they never get stopped in their tracks BEFORE they take out innocent lives because the FBI and the other spy agencies just look the other way because they are what AmeriKKKa stands for. And because of this, there will be many more shootings such as this. Count on it.

      And on MSN’s homepage, I could barely find anything about this latest mass murder today because the focus was on those inbred mentally ill ‘royals’ over in England spending taxpayer money on their trumped up pomp and circumstance that don’t mean a damn thing. We are ever grateful for our distractions, to be sure. And the media certainly is damned intent on making sure that we have our distractions from the real serious issues. I don’t give a damn about that half breed Markle and her trailer trash dysfunctional family or about the so-called ‘royals’ who are anything but. They’re nothing but lunatics who are probably heavily medicated to appear sane because so many of England’s monarchs had to be locked away for being witless foaming at the mouth deranged lunatics, hence the reason they are now trying to add new blood to their fucked up bloodline. And that redheaded piece of inbred garbage that Markle married most definitely needed someone with some melanin in order for any offspring produced by him to not die from melanoma. Yeah! They’ll overlook a lot these days to keep their fucked up line from dying out.

      And Western society has always been barbaric and that seed, they have spread, worldwide. More’s the goddamn pity!

      Dr. Bramhall, I thank you kindly for your spot on comment. It was right as rain.

      Liked by 1 person

  2. Way to re-frame the narrative. The media is going to great lengths to make this a “gun problem” instead of a “white supremacist” problem.

    Unfortunately, I don’t see the government classifying and treating these radicalized white men as terrorist any time soon, so we must stay locked and loaded, trained in combat, and our bulletproof vest game needs to be on point. That is the kind of climate we live in now, unfortunately.

    Your commentary is much-appreciated, ma’am.

    One Love,
    The Stormy Poet

    Liked by 1 person

    1. Of course, they are trying to make this a ‘gun problem’ because that takes the focus away from what these individuals are; white male mass murdering animals with delusions of grandeur thanks to their affiliation with hate groups who have filled their heads with fake assertions of ‘white supremacy’ when they’re anything but.

      Whites will always make excuses for what other whites do because you, I am sure noticed that when the 2008 economic collapse occurred, not one white male that helped to cause it was deemed a criminal that needed to be sent to jail even though those animals engaged in fraud, money laundering and other nefarious activities. Excuses were made that those bankers were just “too important to jail.” And so, we come to white male mass murdering animals who are all to be given a pat on their head for being mentally ill thanks in part to a society that mistreated them and turned them into mentally ill killers. It wasn’t their fault that they got upset because they couldn’t get the ‘pretty girl’ and they got picked last for the soft ball team and that their mothers didn’t change their diapers often enough and so they had no choice but to turn to skinhead and Nazi groups for validation. Oh, the excuses just keep coming, but never are they called, “terrorists’ and never will they be because there is not a white man alive that is any different. They’re all murdering animals! And so they can relate to what these white male mass murdering sons of bitches go out and do!

      The Stormy Poet, I thank you for that right on time comment!

      Liked by 2 people

      1. Shelby,

        I wholeheartedly. We, native blacks especially, have to start understand that the media’s main purpose is to act the force that justifies systematic white supremacy. And, that includes democratice/liberal programming like CNN and MSNBC.

        That’s why it’s definitely important for us to support our own independent media–media designed with our–American Native of African descent–with our best interests in mind.

        Please keep getting knowledge out to The People, ma’am. They need it badly.

        One Love,
        The Stormy Poet

        Liked by 1 person

      2. As far as I am concerned, there is no difference between MSNBC, CNN or FOX because they are all owned by white men who have the same agenda. Just because Black-assed Al Sharpton is cooning for MSNBC does in no way give them any credibility when it comes to reporting fairly on issues in Black communities and why they are doing so poorly. The mainstream media is racism, defined. Those behind the scenes of the major networks don’t give a damn about descendants of slaves. All they do is exploit us. The same as all whites do to descendants of slaves. If we are not playing sports for them, singing for them, acting the slave for them, we are useless to them because we are not making any money for them. They’ll only tolerate the descendants of slaves who make money for them. The rest of us are expendable and that is what we must face.

        I have long been decrying the need for descendants of slaves to save their money, or pool it together and support what few communities we have left that haven’t yet gone through the gentrification process. We are losing ground daily and all we can do is get hyped about some fake ass kingdom Disney calls “Wakanda,” and suit up in African head wraps and dashikis and spend a fortune on parking, popcorn, candy bars, sodas and nachos. What we could have done with the money that we spent on sitting up watching that fake ass shit could have lifted many descendants of slaves out of poverty. But we never do what we need to do. We just want to be entertained. Meanwhile, there are a few of us who are trying to save our money and do something for descendants of slaves, but they are few and far between.

        I try and get the knowledge out there, but if our people don’t pick it up, then I am, in essence, preaching to the choir.

        The Stormy Poet, I thank you for yet another spot on comment!

        Liked by 1 person

      3. Shelby,

        There is, indeed, no difference, other than than Fox is more out-in-the-open with their white supremacy.

        The “liberal/democratic” media’s goal is to get black people to make political decisions based off the symbolic achievements, in the name of racial equality, of the corresponding politically identified politician.

        To go along to your point, Black Panther, in essence, was a symbolic victory, just like the whole Megahn Markle thing is.

        All to often. black folks fall victim to the symbolism and mistake it for some kind of progress.

        That is why we need some kind of code to provide directive and to get us all on the same page as to what we need to do to begin dismantling this system.

        Currently, I’m working on a document that I will make into a PDF that will spell out some rules for what I feel is the best courses of action we need to take. I want it to be a document where other native blacks can make amendments and add input to it.

        When I’m done, I want to share it with you. I’d be interested to know what you think about it.

        Thank you for keeping the discussion going, ma’am.

        One Love,
        The Stormy Poet

        Liked by 2 people

  3. When I see the kind of people that we (apparently) elect for congress, what they argued about. When I read what they discuss in the Supreme Court, when they give a judge the choice between 2 years and 10 to punish a human being and when I see white people with a gun like extension for genitalia and an uniform like symbol os “superiority” then I discover that the “Greatest country” in the American imagination is just a nickname for the biggest zoo in the planet.

    Liked by 1 person

    1. You are SO right, Carlos! This shithole called AmeriKKKa is the biggest goddamn zoo there is. And there ain’t no getting around that fact. It is also the biggest goddamn asylum with inmates running the goddamn asylum with head nut case Orange Gelatinous Mass of Putrid Flesh, otherwise known as Donald Trump in charge of this asylum containing 320 million, gun toting lunatics who are hell bent on destroying this entire planet while the people of the planet look on and continue to hope for the best. Are they in for a rude awakening? Indeed, they are because I highly doubt that the lunatics residing in this massive asylum
      can in any way be cured of such madness especially when they are all armed to the teeth, insisting that they are only filled with ‘supremacy’ and that makes them shoot up schools, churches, theaters and concert venues; that is when they’re not bombing buildings and countries around the world just for sport.

      Some have been declaring for quite some time now, that this particular asylum is in a serious state of decline. If so, then the process needs to be sped up…AND how!

      Carlos, I sincerely thank you for that great comment!


  4. You know that they have created a system where they can always get away from their crime,every single of them should stay in jail!
    In their twisted mind they are the victims, instead we are the bad sociopaths who deserve to be shot or thrown in some cell!
    I am really disgusted right now after I read a news about a black teenager girl in Cape Town,who has been raped by a white pig cop in her cell,I saw the video is really disturbing!
    This pig wasn’t the first time he committed this crime, he did it with the black boys too,and also some his colleagues did it as well!
    I like the fact this new it dates back two years ago and no news has talked about it, we know that they like to censor and control the news!
    I am so much angry how we are so calm, impassive and every day we work side by side with these demons? When in reality these evils continue to abuse us everyday!
    I am honest with you what happens between them and all these mass shooting I really don’t care,
    wp aren’t aware of it but they suffer from self-hatred,that’s why you see them shoot each other,let them do it,isn’t our business!
    I know for one side it is our business too because unfortunately these demons they will always want to involve us and all the innocents with their follies!

    Liked by 1 person

  5. qnubian528, it is true as you say, “whites suffer from self-hatred. And I found something on another blog that backs this up.

    Sorry to burst anyone’s bubble who does not see the behavior of white men and white women as the reverse of what they actually feel–on a subconscious level, and that is as a whole white people feel “genetically” inferior to blacks and ultimately all of people of color.

    Their political standing in the world is simply their way of not facing a very painful reality–the fear of genetic annihilation. To further explain–when a black person and white person mixes the child is black, this is because black people possess the original genotype/genome of humanity so it comes as no surprise that white women on a subconscious level would compete with the women on Earth who possess the key to ALL humanity (black women). That is a reputation that white women cannot live up to no matter how many black men they date or marry. The problem that many of these white women do not realize in their subconscious quest to compete with black women is that procreating with a black man thus reinforces her recessive genes as her child will be black. This is ultimately the cause of why the pairing of black men and white women marriages have a high divorce rate– a black man ultimately becomes disillusioned by his white wife’s inability to accept their children as black and not “biracial”. This is essentially why many white men do not marry black women–they know the outcome of having children will result in having to face the reality of their recessive genes.”

    To be quite honest, qnubian528, I don’t give a damn about whites killing other whites. What gets to me is that those racist, abnormal shits on many occasion will take out innocent Black people like that white animal did in South Carolina. Dylann Roof shot up a predominantly Black church and murdered nine Black people while they were holding Bible Study and he was an avowed ‘white supremacist’. Those murdering animals don’t just murder other whites, they’re murdering descendants of slaves as well, but for some strange ass reason, the Feds just cannot find them in time to stop their depraved and vile acts. But let a Black person post a raised fist on social media, and he’ll quickly be called a “Black Identity Extremist” and locked up. But those skinhead groups, the KKK, the Aryan Brotherhood and the like are considered to be just good ole boyz having fun. And when they go the fuck off and shoot up a school, well now, they just get labeled, “mentally ill,” and that’s it! Nothing to see here folks, move it along. That’s how whites treat those animals. They are never even referred to as ‘terrorists’, which is exactly what they are.

    I am so sorry about what happened to the Black girl in a jail cell in Cape Town, but the same is happening over here on a daily basis. Whites are depraved animals. They are not human and for any other group to lie down with dead, white filth, is truly disgusting!

    I thank you most sincerely for your heartfelt comment.

    Liked by 1 person

  6. Preach Shelby!! I agree 100% what you said!
    The fact they don’t care a lot about these racist fanatics because these people have proclaim their hate for blacks and people of colour,so wp personally they don’t feel attack by these racist lunatics,it’s something doesn’t touch them,and also subconscious racist wp who aren’t member of these racist groups,honestly they are happy that these groups attack and terrorise innocent black people and people of colour!
    Emotionally they don’t have the ability to feel empathy or the pain and suffer of non-white people are feeling,because they ain’t human, the only things it’s only them is matter no anyone else!
    When Dylann Roof murdered nine black people in that church,I read absurd comments out of human understanding,they weren’t angry or care what was going or whatever!
    No,they were talking about “HOW THEIR FEELING AS BEEN ATTACKED,THEY DIDN’T DO NOTHING WRONG,I AM NO RESPONSIBLE FOR THE ACTIONS OF MY ANCESTORS,I AM NOT RACIST!” just because their fragile mind have been violated!
    The majority of white American people and all wp who live outside of Europe, they are ignorant about the history of their European ancestors what they did horrible and macabre things between each other!!
    Before European people have conquered the new world and other countries,
    they didn’t have contact with blacks and other cultures,so because they couldn’t vent their blood lust against our ancestors and other peoples,they killed and tortured their own kind!
    During the period of the Inquisition carried out by order of the Catholic Church,they killed whoever were accused of witchcraft, and you don’t imagine the number of people were killed!
    Women were their favourite victims, WW have been tortured until death, killed and burned at the stake!
    If one day you will come in Europe,they still have the museums of torture! This is just one of the many historical cases of European madness!
    What wp don’t understand instead to focus on us,they should fear themselves,because their real enemy are them!
    But what we said,they will never acknowledge because wp suffer of self-hatred!
    It’s absurd that for one piece of baguette with chicken roller,they are willing to kill one of their relatives!

    Liked by 2 people

    1. What you say qnubian528 is pure truth! White people consigned their own kind to hell before discovering other peoples to fuck with and kill. That speaks volumes. They are such murdering psychopaths that they don’t even have a problem killing their own kind. So, that should tell other groups that those depraved, vile, deranged lunatics would certainly have no problem annihilating them. Why other groups don’t band together to beat back their common foe, I don’t know unless it is because no other group on this planet is as evil and depraved as the ‘white’ man is.

      And indeed, they do suffer from self-hatred but the sad fact is that their self-hatred is projected outward to encompass other groups and that is why they have no problem lashing out and enslaving and murdering other groups for the sheer joy it brings them. If all the money in the world cannot make those savages happy, and it doesn’t, then that says it all. Mere money doesn’t do it for them. They need to make sure that someone, somewhere is suffering thanks to their depraved acts. They need to be wiped out and unfortunately, it will take natural disasters to do it for us because like I said, no other group on this planet is as evil and vicious and depraved as whites are.

      I thank you for your comment, qnubian528.

      Liked by 1 person

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