Homelessness Is Getting Worse, Not Better And Here Is The Proof!

Homeless encampment after homeless encampment is popping up everywhere. In this city alone, even the city officials cannot keep up with the numbers. Another homeless encampment that was slated for removal has not been removed since the city was told to leave the encampment be, for now. Whoever stopped the city in its tracks to remove a homeless encampment is extremely powerful since there has been massive news coverage about this particular encampment since it is right up against some condos and the condo owners have publicly complained to the local news stations.

This particular homeless encampment has had several shootings and several deaths. But what does one expect when people are left to hang out to dry? Drug dealers are preying on these people and are feeding their addictions and since drug dealers are very much in evidence at homeless encampments, what do city officials think is going to happen? Shootings, drug dealing and drug use and add into the equation, mental illness, and it is a recipe for disaster. Those people need homes, and they need services, but what they are getting is removal after removal after removal; an endless, vicious cycle that helps no one; not the homeless, not those who live in areas where encampments pop up.

This is America!

This is America!

This is America! How’s she looking? Homeless!!!!!

This is America! A mere few decades ago, was this the status quo? If it was, I didn’t see it, but I’m sure as hell seeing it now!!!

There is every single group represented here, every color of the spectrum. 

Old people, young people, a whole host of different ages are homeless!


This is America!

Seen enough yet? The homeless have too, but they’re still homeless and so we shall continue.

This is America!

Those people spent an entire winter on the streets. The weather has changed, a new season has arrived, and still no one has been able to house them yet despite multiple city officials claiming that when they have disbanded or removed homeless encampments, outreach teams are finding shelter for these people. That is a bald-faced lie!! There are not enough shelter beds to even begin to address the need. And when I was in a shelter when I was homeless due to no fault of my own since I had paid the rent for five years, in full, and early and still got put out, I ended up in a homeless shelter, in a room with a convicted criminal who was about to head to court on charges of strangling a woman in a homeless shelter. And folks wonder why the homeless prefer to take their chances on the streets? I got bedbug bit the fuck up in yet another homeless shelter and I had never had bedbugs in my life. I had to go to the emergency room to get help with the red welts that broke out all over me. For the love of!!!!!


This is America!

This is America!

This is America!


This is America!

This is America!

This is America!

This is America!

This is America!

This is America!



This is America! Homeless people sitting up in wheelchairs. For the love of!!!!!

The above pictures are from one homeless encampment. The next pictures are of a homeless encampment that is right around the corner from the one in the above pictures. Is this giving you a clue as to the fact that homelessness is getting worse, not better in America?

Now, remember, these next pictures are of a different homeless encampment.

Last winter, the homeless were camped here and they were moved along, and now, they are back. This encampment is right around the corner from the other encampment depicted on this blog. In this same area, three fences were erected to keep the homeless from propping up tents, and still, the encampments continue to go up. Where are these people supposed to go? Where are they supposed to live? Why are there not more solutions to the problem of mass homelessness other than disbanding homeless encampments while everyone is well aware that since those people have not been housed, another encampment is going to pop up, again and again and again, which is exactly what is happening.

This is America!

This is skyrocketing in the supposedly richest country on the planet. It should be embarrassing if it weren’t so damn horrendous, and encouraged by those in power who simply turn a blind eye because they don’t give a damn!

This is America!


This is America!

This is America! The richest country on the planet!!!!

This is America!

This is America!

This is America! Can you believe it? This richest country in the world? Seriously??!!!

The tents, as you can see, go on into the distance, and when you turn the corner at the end of this street, they begin again. This city is literally littered with homeless encampments. No matter in which direction you look, or which direction, you walk, you will see a homeless encampment, you will walk or drive by a homeless encampment. And the situation gets worse by the second. I am out on the streets, daily and even I am overwhelmed at the sheer magnitude of homeless encampments, not to mention the homeless people that I meet who are not located in a homeless encampment, but who are sitting on a bus stop bench, sitting in front of a store, just out on the streets with their belongings roped around poles while they search for a restroom.

The other day, a man was so drunk or high, that his pants were down around his ankles, and he was at a bus stop and the entire bus load of people saw the man’s ass, ass hair, etc. No one laughed because all of us are a mere step away from that life. There is not a damn thing funny about any of this!!!!  Billions have gone into the coffers of warmongers, war profiteers, while innocent people are left to sit out on the street and die, and their numbers are ever increasing. This world cannot last much longer, not with the horrific shit that is being allowed to go down, nay…encouraged to go down. People have nothing left to lose and I am talking about millions of people, who no longer have anything left to lose.

As I type this, the sound of sirens has not ceased. I go to bed to the sound of sirens; I hear sirens all day long and I wake up to the sound of sirens. Does that sound mean that all is well? What do YOU think???!!!

What you see in those pictures, IS AMERCA!!!! WELCOME TO HELL!!!!

13 thoughts on “Homelessness Is Getting Worse, Not Better And Here Is The Proof!

    1. It’s coming, Dr. Bramhall, believe me, it is coming. Hence why I hear sirens, non-stop and why when a busload of people was being threatened by a lunatic killer, and the police were called, the police claimed to be too busy to respond. People with nothing left to lose will act the part.

      Thank you for your comment.


    1. Which is exactly why a picture speaks a thousand words and why I insist on backing up the fact that this mother of all shitholes is collapsing, with picture, perfect evidence!!!! No one can refute what they see. I can talk about this shithole looking like a shithole all day and night, but nothing speaks more loudly than picture, perfect PROOF!!!

      Thank you for your comment!


      1. This goes back to my other post, “‘Am I in the bad part of town?’ Tourists shocked by what they see on San Francisco streets.” And that was posted back in 2018, and the shit is so much worse now. Word is finally getting around that there ain’t a damn thing over here worth paying thousands of dollars to make the trip for. If they thought the homeless, mentally ill, drug addicts were a deal breaker for them back in 2018, let ’em bring their tourist asses on over here today, and see how much worse the shit is. They’ll NEVER come back, that is, if they escape with their lives. Sirens are non-stop where I live, and I wish I was kidding.


  1. “Richest country in the world” my ass. Multi-trillion $ debt, a gutted manufacturing base, etc, etc.

    And I think I saw 💩 on the ground in the 2nd set. There sure as hell were piss puddles in a few of ’em. Oughta be a disgrace


    1. When I looked over the photos, I saw some stuff that was disgusting, but when folks have no place to do what they need to do, that is the result. Just because folks are homeless, bodily functions don’t just cease. I can’t blame the homeless. Blame those who are deliberately encouraging mass homelessness to worse than epidemic levels. Homelessness is an epidemic and if they treated homelessness like they treated that fake ass Covid bullshit, homelessness would be eradicated. They pulled money from out of thin air to fund so-called “vaccines” in less than a year and blamed a fast-track of those “vaccines” on billions in funding to come up with “vaccines” at such a record pace. So, if they can, AGAIN, pull billions out of their ass to fund killer bioweapons masquerading as “vaccines,” they can do the same for an epidemic of homelessness that is killing more people than Covid ever did!!!!


      1. I didn’t mean for it to sound like I was blaming the homeless. I meant it was a disgrace for Amerikkka to boast & brag about being “a great nation”, and “the world’s richest nation” while having rampant homelessness.

        No nation can claim greatness with so many of its populace living in squalor like that


      2. Oh, I know you weren’t blaming the homeless. I just get mad because of the situation, and I want it to be clear to others who read this blog that those people are out on the streets in every kind of weather having to do what those who have homes do but do it out on the streets. The city officials talk like the homeless should just stop being biological beings who do what biological beings do, eat, piss, shit and sleep. And everyone needs somewhere to do that at.


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