Racism Is Why ‘Whites’ Are Dying From Heroin! Now, Ain’t That A Bitch???!!!



Just when I think I have seen it all, something else comes along and ties my knickers in a knot! Oh, for those of you out there who aren’t all in the know like I am, knickers are underwear. Read a book sometime, why doncha? But as usual, I digress. Back to the subject at hand. According to this recent article, Drug Overdoses Propel Rise in Mortality Rates of Young Whites, Black folks have the Hypocritical Oath keepers(doctors) to thank for their lack of drug overdoses. It seems that the good ole Hypocritical Oath keepers don’t prescribe oxycontin to their Black patients for fear that they will…well, read it for yourself.

Studies have found that doctors are much more reluctant to prescribe painkillers to minority patients, worrying that they might sell them or become addicted.

HA Dee Fucking HAHAHA!! Now ain’t that a bitch?! ‘White’ folks is ‘afraid’ that Black folks is gonna get hooked on some oxycontin like old Lush Plumbaugh did and need some rehab or better yet, sell their meds and pay their rent from the proceeds. Awwww! How thoughtful and considerate that the Hypocritical Oath keepers are, and for once, they claim to be looking out for the welfare and health of their Black patients and here I thought they didn’t really ‘care’ about us. But if you pay attention to the bullshit in this article, apparently, they is doing us Negroes a favor by not putting us on painkillers. They is giving ALL the painkillers to the ‘whites’ and now the moaning and groaning has begun because the Hypocritical Oath keepers could not have imagined in their wildest dreams that ‘white’ folks just might become addicted to all of those prescription painkillers that made them feel so damn good; too damn good to stop taking them. You see, according to the Hypocritical Oath keepers, ‘whites’ are not subject to addictions, oh not at all. They just take their medications as prescribed and when the bottle is empty, why, they just give up that ‘high’ they had been experiencing every time they popped that oxycontin and instead, picked up a lollipop and sucked on it. Suck! Suck! Lick! Lick! In fact, sales of Tootsie Roll pops just took off to DA moon! Yes, they did! Nope! No addictions in Whitey Whiteville, USA! But over by way of the ghetto and through the hood, the Black folks was just a hurting and some mo shit, but never was they prescribed some oxycontin for their sciatic nerve pain because Black folks are predisposed to becoming addicted to EVERYTHING, especially oxycontin otherwise known as heroin. You’ve all heard of heroin, right? It’s why the U.S. military is still in Afghanistan. Gotta protect those poppy plants so that the Hypocritical Oath keepers can feed the addiction of the ‘whites’ in Whitey Whiteville, USA.

Oh, the stories out of Whitey Whiteville, USA are horrifyingly horrible. They just tore at my heartstrings, they did. I think someone should report the Hypocritical Oath keepers to the FDA(Food and Drug Administration) and to the AMA(American Medical Association). Never mind, they are all in on it anyway. That’s my ‘theory’ and I’m sticking to it! Here is one story in particular that is just so hard to read. Get some tissues ready! You are going to need them.

Sad stories abound.

Maline Hairup died of a heroin overdose on Aug. 24, 2014. She was 38 and a Mormon, engaged to be married in the Salt Lake City Temple, near her home. Her religion taught her to spurn addictive substances — no alcohol, no caffeine. But that night, after years of taking prescription narcotics for chronic pain complicated by mental illness, she tried heroin, her sister Mindy Vincent said. Ms. Vincent believes it was the only time her sister used that drug.

Sister Mormon lady Hairup was ‘nextup’ on the overdose train to hell! Because folks, let me tell you, it’s got to be hell to be so addicted to something that you lose your religion over it. No amount of prayer could take away the addiction from poor Sister Mormon lady Hairup who was ‘nextup’ The saints did not come marching in to help Sister Mormon lady Hairup who was ‘nextup’ to ride the heroin overdose train to hell! Praise Gawd the Father-Elohim, Gawd the Son-Jehova and Gawd the Holy Spirit! Amen! Now, pass the collection plate. We need some assistance all up in here now ’cause lily white asses is dropping dead by the thousands over this here heroin epidemic and we cannot have that! What were we thinking, us Hypocritical Oath keepers? How could we have let this happen? It is unconscionable! Nice Mormon ladies should not be overdosing at the grand ole age of 38, especially when she had originally spurned the devil’s brew; alcohol. But it was her chronic pain and her mental illness of believing in a fictitious gawd and the Hypocritical Oath keepers prescribing her some oxycontin that was her undoing. Rest in peace Sister Mormon lady Hairup who was ‘nextup’ to ride the heroin overdose train to hell!

Keep those boxes of tissues handy!

There are men like Steve Rummler, who lived in Minnesota and died of a heroin overdose at age 43, taking the drug after becoming addicted to oxycontin, which was initially prescribed for a back injury. “He didn’t understand the risks,” said his mother, Judy Rummler.

Poor, poor Mr. Rummler who rumbled on down the line on the Express Train No. 9 headed straight to heroin overdose hell! He did not understand the risks of his addiction; an addiction that was sanctioned by the Hypocritical Oath keepers who gave Mr. Rummler the means to his end. Do not pass go Mr. Rummler. Do not collect $200! Just listen to Gladys Knight and the Pips and take that train, take that train, just not to Georgia, take it straight to heroin overdose hell as prescribed for you by the Hypocritical Oath keepers since it was known by the Hypocritical Oath keepers that only Black folks get addicted and should be saved from themselves by the Hypocritical Oath keepers that saw no need to worry about you suffering from an addiction to heroin and overdosing on it. And now, everybody’s knickers is in a bunch ’cause they just did not see this train coming. Sakes alive! ‘White’ folks is becoming ‘addicted’ to oxycontin aka heroin and is dying left and right! What to do! What to do! The sky is falling!

Researchers are struggling to come up with an answer to the question of why whites in particular are doing so poorly. No one has a clear answer, but researchers repeatedly speculate that the nation is seeing a cohort of whites who are isolated and left out of the economy and society and who have gotten ready access to cheap heroin and to prescription narcotic drugs.

“There are large numbers of people who never get established in the economy, who live outside family relationships and are on the edge of poverty,” Dr. Hayward said. Many end up taking prescription narcotics, he added.

‘Researchers are struggling’! Oh my goodness! They is struggling to come up with the answers as to why ‘whites’ in particular are doing so poorly. I got to climb down off the ceiling over THAT one! WHY WHITES ARE DOING SO POORLY? Did I read that right???!!!! Let me go and get my eyes checked. I know I didn’t read that correctly. White folks is doing poorly? Get the fuck outta here! Whodathunkit? I certainly didn’t thunk it! Some ‘white’ folks never got established in this economy? But I thought the ‘economy’ was doing so good! Ain’t that what Obombo would have us believe? Ain’t that what he said in his most recent lying ass SOTU? And if ‘white’ folks is doing poorly, how the hell is Black folks faring? That’s what I will save my boxes of tissues for, for the Black folks that are completely ignored over their plight in THIS economy. Let us concentrate on the poor ‘white’ folks that are left out of everything but the ability to get their hands on some oxycontin and overdose on it to the point where they ride the Express Train to Overdose Hell!

Black people are at the bottom of every single compiled statistical list with regards to employment, wealth, health care, living conditions; the whole nine yards but who is ‘struggling to come up with an answer to the question of why Blacks are doing so poorly? Not some Hypocritical Oath keepers, that’s for damn sure and certainly not any researchers that are now all up in arms over the so-called significant numbers of ‘whites’ that are dying from drug overdoses. Cry me a river and then catch a train to hell!

Talk about a new twist. Because racism is so systemic, it even defines what medical treatment Black people receive as opposed to what ‘whites’ receive. This has been perceived as the reason why Black people are not dying from drug overdoses at the same high rates as ‘whites’. The belief that Black people are more predisposed to addictions has been defined as the reason why Black people are not dying from overdoses and why ‘whites’ ARE dying from overdoses and the perception that Black people are more likely to abuse prescription painkillers has been defined as the reason why they are not dying because they are not being prescribed painkillers and why ‘white’ folks are is so disgustingly revealing of how racist this shithole called AmeriKKKa really is!

You motherfuckers are going to keep on overdosing because guess the fuck what? The ‘economy’ ain’t getting any better! So head on down to your local drug cartel; your doctor’s office and get a prescription to help you deal with the ‘pain’ of a fucked up economy and then hop onboard the train to hell! Sob fucking sob, sob sob! I really am crying a river for you bastards!