Immigrants Did Not Build It Bernie — The Native Black American

Immigrants didn’t build America, Native Black Americans did. Our ancestors were literally the money that made America wealthy. Bernie Sanders is extremely condescending toward so called African Americans

via Immigrants Did Not Build It Bernie — The Native Black American

More from the article.

With over 6K likes and 1K retweets, Sanders is in a lot of bad company. In his tweet today, January 27, 2020, he engaged in the exact disinformation language that has derailed the presidential campaigns of Kamala Harris and Cory Booker. Mr. Sanders tweets, “This country was built by immigrants. The American people want comprehensive, humane immigration reform. We must reverse these Trump programs which are designed to demonize and hurt those who are the most vulnerable of all.”

Native Black Americans were literally the money, the collateral, who laid down their lives and sacrificed the most during the building of America. This particular ethnic group bore the cross for greedy warmongers, oil and rail barons, the extremely wealthy, and peasants from around the world to come here and thrive. The first commodity on the stock exchange were humans, African Americans. I’m beyond how dare he. The entire Democratic presidential lineup has disrespected this ethnic group with the exception of Marianne Williamson, who the Democrats went out of their way to shoo away and ignore.

Now, I’d like to include an excerpt from Bernie Sander’s own site. Bernie Sandersdotcom

Day One

Bernie will overturn all of President Trump’s actions to demonize and harm immigrants on the first day of his presidency. There is a humanitarian crisis at the border — one that Trump has manufactured. Bernie will end the barbaric practice of ripping children from their parents and locking children in cages, thoroughly audit and close detention centers, and work to undo the damage President Trump has done to our immigrant community and our national character.

Shouldn’t that read,

Day One

Initiate reparations for ALL American descendants of slaves who are here through no fault of their own and who have been demonized and harmed by every single president since the founding of this lousy country. Bernie will end the barbaric practice of continuing to enslave the descendants of slaves; ripping children from their parents and locking the parents in cages and placing their children in foster homes. He will open ALL prisons and free the enslaved American descendants of slaves from enforced servitude. He will work to undo the damage that has been wrought against this wronged group of innocent people, but even that will still not elevate this nation’s character especially since this nation has always been about enslavement, theft, genocide, torture, assimilation, war, racism, bigotry, prejudice, hatred and nothing can truly be done that could come close to elevating our national character.

There! I fixed it for him.

Bernie Sanders can lead in the Iowa polls all he wants, that is not going to get him inside the Oval Office. He has already stated that he is against reparations for American descendants of slaves since his claim on his own website is that his father came over here with nothing, but that with hard work, made it here in America. Of course he did because he was white and a system was already in place that made sure that his white ass would make it while anyone who is an American descendant of slaves started out in this country at a distinct disadvantage and that continues to this very day. Because of the system of white supremacy that propped up Bernie Sander’s daddy, that same system of white supremacy must function by keeping a certain segment of the population, namely American descendants of slaves from making any gains, hence why we are still doing so poorly today. The hard work of our ancestors and by us means nothing. Ill gotten gains obtained off the backs of our ancestors are dismissed as though slavery never happened. Whites would like us to think so, hence why they have been steadily re-writing history books taking out the word, “slaves” when referencing our ancestors and instead, referring to our ancestors as “immigrants.” That sounds much better; has a much nicer ring to it. But trying to rewrite history will NOT change the facts. You can try and pretty up the dirty deeds perpetrated against our ancestors by yours and by you against us, but it won’t wash. You are what you are. Accept it because you own it. You whites are filth and you know it.

Make no mistake. We were set up from the getgo when Abraham Lincoln so called, “freed the slaves.” What favors did he do them when there were no provisions in place for them to even make a living since, ignorant as they were, considered only to be three-fifths of a person and with no backing of the federal government to help them, they were destined to fail? Is it any wonder that many ended up still slaving away for their so called ‘former masters’? Is it any wonder that many were rounded up and herded into prisons or were lynched? And even the ones who made it up north fared no better.

And yet Bernie Sanders goes on and on about how immigrants need this and immigrants need that since “immigrants built this country,” and that is a bald faced lie! But nothing is said about what American descendants of slaves need as if he has no clue as to our plight. We are the group that has the highest homelessness statistics, the highest incarceration rate, the highest statistics of who is jobless, our poverty rate, food insecurity, school drop-out rates, illiteracy, drug use, murdered by racist cops stats are out-of-the-ballpark. We are forced into selling drugs and engaging in prostitution because we are the first fired and the last to be hired.

Jobs that once paid us a decent wage were sent overseas. Drugs and guns were introduced into our communities with the express purpose of sending us inside a prison hell or inside a coffin. We have no individual wealth. We are at the bottom of every statistical data chart that speaks of personal wealth and home equity. Our neighborhoods are being gentrified to push us into homelessness and death. Black females are dying in childbirth in record numbers in one of the richest and most industrialized nations on the planet. How is this so? Our infant mortality rate is skyrocketing. Why? But the focus of the Democratic presidential hopefuls is not on the plight of innocent descendants of slaves, but is on the so called plight of immigrants; people who WILLINGLY came to America, whether legally or illegally and who are given every opportunity that we are not afforded simply because they are not ADOS. This is ALL done by design. We see this. We know that we are the most hated group here but that is not on us; why we are here. That is on those who look like Bernie Sanders.

You will not get our vote while continuing to ignore our plight; a plight that we have thanks to your hatred of us, racism, bigotry and prejudice. We will not be the token Blacks for the Democrats to attempt to skate to victory in the next election. I will see Donald Trump’s ass still in the White House after the smoke clears from this next election, FIRST! Never think for a minute that we have not caught on to your games, Democrats! Because we have. We will not be taken for granted by you snakes, yet again! You can blame your next loss on the Russians. Hell! You can blame your next loss on aliens; illegal or otherwise, but you will lose because we are abandoning you what with your quest to make sure that immigrants aren’t mistreated as you ignore what you continue to subject us to. We are no longer going to tolerate your lies, your callous and utter disregard for us as humans since we are only seen as a means to the presidency and control in the House and Senate to you and after that, we are ignored or fucked up by you. I don’t know about the older generation of Black people and what they intend to do, but as for the rest of us, we are not voting for ANY of you snakes that make up the Democratic presidential hopefuls.

And once again, for the dumb as all hell morons, immigrants did NOT build America. Our ancestors built this country and don’t you damn well forget it! We want reparations and we want them now! We will accept nothing less and if you continue to put immigrants before us, count us the hell out because we will NOT be voting against our own interests. Get those illegals to vote for your ass, Democrats. And watch Trump make sure that every ballot is checked, rechecked and then checked again since you are going on and on about immigrants; many of them illegal. There is not a damn thing illegal about American descendants of slaves and yet the way we are treated, one would think that we had thrown ourselves into a ship and rowed the hell over here begging whites to take us in. Nothing of that sort happened. I don’t give a damn about how many immigrants purportedly came over here with two nickels in their pockets to speak for them. Their plight is still not ours. We are from a group of people, who themselves were owned, and so how the hell could we own a damn thing when we were set up by you loathsome worms to fail at every turn? And yet, we still managed to build our own Wall Street. We had our own homes and neighborhoods and tried to mind our own business but you whites couldn’t have that. Where then would your ‘white supremacy’ be if American descendants of slaves were seen to prosper in spite of you? You have seen to it that everyone who crawls and slithers to these shores are placed above us and do better than we do and you fault us for our status in this country when our status is what it is thanks to your insane and rabid hatred of us because we are the “in your face” proof that you are nothing more than white rotten filth! For how can you lay any claim to being humanitarian and benevolent, empathetic and loving when our very presence makes a lie; a mockery out of that claim by you? But that is NOT on us, that is on YOU!

We are damned tired of being your scapegoats! That shit ends now! We are woke and we intend to stay woke! So get that through your damn heads! We will NOT be used by the likes of you for your personal gain anymore and then get tossed out like yesterday’s garbage when our usefulness is at an end. To hell with you Democrats!

Lastly, I encourage ALL who read this to head over to the original article because the author is so on point, it ain’t even funny!

Because Your Ass Is White! A Re-post

Standing on the corner,
I’ve got these drugs for sale.
I turn a teacher into a ho
and I send her straight to hell.

Don’t put the blame on me.
I’m just a businessman.
I’m trying to make a living
the only way I can.

You don’t hate the motherfuckers
that sell you alcohol.
It’s all the same thing
but I’m the one who takes the fall.

My time on this here corner
maybe short, but it ain’t sweet.
I got the cops all on my ass
until I’m just a piece of meat.

I must represent my gang
so don’t cross onto my turf.
Respect the line that’s drawn.
I’m just another serf.

The white man says to me,
“nigga, keep your nose clean!”
as he steals my crack and money
and kicks me in my spleen.

I ain’t got a fancy office
like the thugs on Wall Street.
But I got to live somehow.
Everybody needs to eat.

So, I shot a motherfucker.
And a child got in the way.
I didn’t set this shit in motion.
You know who called the play.

I’m on the evening news
I took a bullet to the head.
I’m just a motherfucker
lying in the morgue, dead.

The shit won’t stop with me.
That just ain’t how it works.
They gone keep those drugs coming
because of all the perks.

How you think I got the drugs?
Did you ever wonder why
I can get a gun and drugs
and make your ass so high?

I was low on the totem pole
and I always knew the score.
Get your head from out your ass.
You know why I was poor!

I was born to be a loser;
to end up dead or in the pen.
You know the goddamn truth.
I was never meant to win.

Blame me for the corruption
that comes down from the top.
You know who calls the shots
and who protects a dirty cop.

But it’s convenient to blame me
for the violence in the hood.
And ignore the burning cross
or the Aryan Brotherhood.

You can turn and look away
from what it’s all about
because in your little white bread world,
you’ll get yours without a doubt.

There ain’t no hungry bellies,
nor are there crack hos on the prowl.
You’ve got the sweetest little setup
while the rest of us live foul.

You sit nicely in the pew
on a fine Sunday morning.
You smile and pay your tithes.
You’ve got no reason to be mourning.

Your brother, he ain’t dead
from a drive by in the night.
You don’t live that kind of life
because your ass is white!

Written by,
Shelby I. Courtland
©2015 Shelby I. Courtland

This one bears repeating because it is just as true today as the day I initially wrote it back in April of 2015. What the fuck has changed? Not a goddamn thing except that the situation has gotten worse. Whites commit crimes and are considered “too important to jail,” and yet that shit has never been stated when it comes to descendants of slaves. Whites put ALL of this shit in motion and then sit back and exclaim over how Black people are having to survive. We were set up from the beginning of our fucked up existence in this cesspool of crime and corruption perpetrated by the whites and yet we are the ones who are behind bars; millions of us while whites get off scot-free on every criminal act they commit.

Since slavery, which continues to this very day, we have stood not one goddamn chance in what the whites have turned into a shithole what with their fucking fracking, nuclear waste dumps, cancer causing weed killer, GMO garbage that’s passing for food these days and the fucked up list is endless and yet they continue to pat themselves on their depraved backs like they’re doing everyone a goddamn favor. There is no such thing as healthcare. There is no such thing as a great standard of living for millions. There are homeless tent cities all across this cesspool. Plagues are making a comeback and will only get worse seeing as how entire towns have been flooded and their drinking water that was already loaded down with toxins has been made even more toxic by the fact of flooded waste treatment plants.

Depraved white parasites have doomed us all with their killer technology that is aimed at killing the vast majority of us and our only saving grace is the fact that the shit cannot remain up and running thanks to the hundreds of storms and tornadoes that are busily tearing that shit down. I can only hope the storms continue.

But know this whites, as you try and take us out, millions of you are going first. Millions of you will lose what you have stolen. You have seen to it that we have nothing to lose and that is exactly why I laugh when I see your shit fucked up and floating down the river. I laugh when I read the reports that state that capitalism has been ground to a halt thanks to flooded rivers that once made it possible for your products to make it to consumers. I laugh when I can only see the roofs of your palatial homes because Mother Nature decided to re-gentrify your shit with water. She’s moved your ass out of the way to make way for water. I laugh when I see pale asses sitting up in tents waiting on some federal funds from the Trump Administration and if you ever receive any funds, you’ll more than likely have been hit with yet another storm and Trump is going to get tired of bailing even your pale asses out. Just ask those who live in Puerto Rico.

And yeah! Drugs have made their way into rural areas, upscale areas and other areas that were not saturated with drugs since whites originally dumped massive amounts of crack and other drugs in Black communities and watched the shit unfold. Now the shit is unfolding in your communities and you ain’t hardly happy about that shit. Neither were we when you saturated our neighborhoods with that shit, but your nasty ass didn’t even blink over it. And I’m not even blinking over your plight. Now, you’ve got hungry bellies, growling and some more shit since your beloved racist Trump cut the hell out of the food stamp program but because he stands for exactly what you are, you still support him even though he would not even spit on your ass if it was on fire to help put it out.

Thankfully, the day has come that more and more whites are finally reaping what they have been sowing for hundreds of years. You could turn and look away at one point in time, but not anymore. That shit’s now your problem to deal with. Sink, motherfuckers, sink into that lovely brown water that’s flooded a great deal of this shithole and it shall continue because your ass is white!

I See The NAACP Continues To “Shuck And Jive” For The White Man -2019 NAACP Image Awards Bullshit On Full Display

The National Association Advancing Corporate Coons otherwise known as the NAACP, but to keep it real, is in all actuality, the NAACC is doing fuck all about the serious issues that are plaguing the few remaining Black communities; issues such as mass incarceration, income inequality, gentrification, mass homelessness of descendants of slaves, food insecurity, a school-to-prison pipeline, drug addiction, gangs, violence, shootings and the fucked up list is endless.

“We at the National Association Advancing Corporate Coons bow and scrape to our white massas ’cause they hand us a bone every now and then to enable us to continue to host ‘Image Awards’ that highlight massa’s benevolence in giving some Black folks a job ‘shucking and jiving and ‘cooning’. We know we is still slaves, but since massa is allowing us a few more treats to make slave life just a wee bit easier for some of us to deal with, why we is gonna take it! Thank you massa SIR!” – NAACC Mission Statement

It was a night filled with many winners at the 50th annual NAACP Image Awards.

Hosted by Anthony Anderson, the stars stepped out to attend the annual celebration at the Dolby Theatre in Hollywood on Saturday, and to also take home some trophies.

Leading the pack was Black Panther with a total of 14 nominations, including Outstanding Motion Picture, Outstanding Actor in a Motion Picture and Outstanding Ensemble Cast in a Motion Picture, among many others. BlacKkKlansman, Crazy Rich Asians, If Beale Street Could Talk, Widows and The Hate U Give were also up for multiple awards.

On the TV side, Black-ish, Insecure, Seven Seconds, Atlanta and How to Get Away With Murder were among the most celebrated series at this year’s event. JAY-Z received the President’s Award during the ceremony, and Beyonce won Entertainer of the Year.

“Yes indeed, we here at the NAACC give a complete and loving shout out to Disney and Marvel’s racist ass shit for giving us Black Panther! No, not Huey P. Newton and Bobby Hutton or Assata Shakur, who is still in exile in Cuba, nor Eldridge Cleaver, Angela Davis, Elaine Brown, Kathleen Cleaver and many, many others, some of whom are still incarcerated while others have died. We don’t recognize the true heroes in the fight for racial equality. We give out awards that are fucking meaningless in the grand scheme of things because what the fuck do our worthless ass awards mean to a descendant of slaves who can’t get out of jail because they don’t have bail money and the only reason he/she is in there is because of some trumped up charge or because they allegedly stole some candy worth $5 and died in jail because they could not afford bail. We at the NAACC don’t give a shit about that!”

Black folks! Are you taking note of this shit? The NAACP has never had our fucking back and never will have our fucking back because the NAACP is owned and operated by coonheads who have ALL sold out to their fucking white massas! The true heroes are all a part of history and are actually, history! The white parasite has seen to that! Just look at our history in this shithole. Every organization that was actually trying to do some good for the Black community was destroyed by whitey pale-assed parasite and the only organization that is still running strong today is the NAACP? You don’t have a hint yet? The NAACP is allowed to operate because like I have already stated, it is doing fuck all about all of the important serious issues facing descendants of slaves in this shithole today. What the fuck is paying homage to some Black coonhead actors and actresses doing about the issues plaguing Black communities? When has hosting an ‘Image awards’ show did a goddamn thing to mitigate Black child poverty, racism, income inequality, prostitution, drug addiction, Arabs and Asians selling liquor and spoiled food in Black neighborhoods while taking their ill-gotten gains back to Muslimburg and Koreaville? What the fuck is the NAACP doing about ANY of that shit? Not a goddamn thing!

The NAACP is headquartered on Mount Hope Drive in Baltimore, MD and that city is off the chain! Drug addiction is so rampant that Baltimore has been designated, “The Heroin Capitol” of AmeriKKKa! Homelessness is rampant as is prostitution, gang activity and poverty so off the scale as to be a national disgrace for this shithole to call other nations and countries shitholes when this shithole is festering that shit on Black communities, nationwide! But it’s time to recognize and award some goddamn foolishness in Hollywood! Recognize some African motherfuckers for their outstanding cooning in Black Panther. What the fuck is giving Mexican-Kenyan Lupita Nyongo an Image Award doing for descendants of slaves in this shithole? Her fucking family is likely behind the reason why some of us are sitting here in this hellhole all fucked up and some more shit! You sit somewhere admiring her Mexican-Kenyan ass as she accepts award after award while there are true warriors and heroes in Black communities all across this shithole, tirelessly trying to effect change and they are never recognized for what they do for the simple reason that they are not somewhere cooning for massa in some fucking Twelve Years A Slave shit or some fucking Black Panther cartoon make believe bullshit??!!! Fucking seriously??!! And then I have the nerve to wonder why there are never any gains to make mention of in Black communities? This is why!!

And what the fuck does ‘Crazy Rich Asians’ have to do with Black Image Awards?

Crazy Rich Asians (2018) is all Asian-American casts Hollywood blockbuster since Flower Drum Song (1961). Its feature is not all Asian casts but it is all Asian-American casts

When those racist fucks aren’t somewhere receiving NAACP Image Awards, they are on every street corner selling liquor and fried rice to every Black man, woman and child that’s still living in the remaining ghettos of inner cities. Oh, they’re behind some fucking bulletproof glass cage, but they’re there selling that shit and don’t forget, Black folks are also busy buying up the hair care products sold by those Asians. In fact, Asians have cornered the market on Black hair care products. And if you go to Baltimore, MD and head to Lexington Market, damn near every stall is operated by one of those funky breath Asians. And they all pretend to not understand English when they’re getting interviewed, but they understand selling their nasty shit to descendants of slaves right enough! I have listened to them speak perfect fucking English at their Black customers and then when whitey parasite ass comes around, they, all of a sudden like, forget English. Well now we know that those funky breath fuckers speak English only too well because they are all up in our face on “Crazy Rich Asians” and have been recognized by the NAACPNAACC!

Descendants of slaves in AmeriKKKa are the ONLY group of people who cannot even tell that every other group on this planet is our enemy! We are the ONLY group who will try and award our enemies for fucking us up with their racist attitudes towards us. We are the ONLY group of people who are hell bent on helping whitey pasty asses and others to fuck us up until death do we part! We have got to be the craziest motherfuckers to ever live to die for whitey parasite asses! What is fucking wrong with you????!!!! No other group is on some dumb ass time like Black folks are! You hate those who look like you and try to help you, while glorifying those who are out to destroy you and yet you find absolutely nothing wrong with that.

The other day, I came across a video of a blogger I follow. He and his wife were doing something called ‘Muckbang’. And they were gorging themselves to death on Asian noodles, Mexican food and all sorts of fucked up shit. And I’m like, “Why in the world would you do that to your body?” I then find that this ‘Muckbang’ nonsense originated in Asian countries and has been taken up by the stupid AmeriKKKans.

“Mukbang, muk-bang or meokbang is a live online audiovisual broadcast in which a host eats large amounts of foods while interacting with their audience. Usually done through an internet webcast, mukbang became popular in South Korea in 2010. Foods ranging from pizza to noodles are consumed in front of a camera for an internet audience. Based on the attractiveness of real-time and interactive aspects, eating shows are expanding their influence in Internet broadcasting platforms.”

As obese as millions of AmeriKKKans are, do you seriously need to take up another bad habit that is ALL about overeating and then have the nerve to post it online for millions of people to watch??! You sit there and literally eat yourself to death in the hopes of getting ‘likes’ and ‘subscribers’. Fucking seriously???!! And then turn right around and wonder why you have high cholesterol, high triglycerides and have to ‘special order’ your ‘tents’ to drape yourselves in. But I am sitting somewhere wondering why “Orange Is The New Black” was nominated by the NAACP and why “Crazy Rich Asians” was also nominated for an Image Award while we hear nothing whatsoever about Marcus Garvey, The Black Panther Party and Movement and the Women of the Black Panther Party and Movement. Why the fuck am I wondering about ANYTHING that doesn’t make any damn sense anymore when Michael Ellner said it best!

“Everything is backwards, everything is upside down. Doctors destroy health, lawyers destroy justice, psychiatrists destroy minds, scientists destroy truth, major media destroys information, religions destroy spirituality and governments destroy freedom.” – Michael Ellner

And so while I am on the subject of what’s destroyed, I’ll add that the NAACP has destroyed Its credibility. What little it may have still had, that is. Although truth be told, the NAACP had no credibility since that was destroyed aeons ago!

Young black man jailed since April for alleged $5 theft found dead in cell

A young black man arrested by police in Portsmouth, Virginia, on the same day that one of the city’s officers fatally shot an unarmed black 18-year-old, has been found dead in jail after spending almost four months behind bars without bail for stealing groceries worth $5. Jamycheal Mitchell, who had mental health problems, was discovered lying on the floor of his cell by guards early last Wednesday, according to authorities. While his body is still awaiting an autopsy, senior prison officials said his death was not being treated as suspicious.

What a goddamn shame! The article also states that Jamycheal Mitchell was accused of stealing a bottle of Mountain Dew, a Snickers bar and a Zebra Cake worth a total of $5 from a 7-Eleven and was arrested for this, sat in jail for four months and then died from ‘natural causes’ AT 24 YEARS OF AGE, after having lost 65 pounds and was emaciated at time of death.

A man was in jail for FOUR goddamn months, on a $5.00 theft charge???!!!! Here is an idea! The NAACP can give out an “Image Award” to the KKKops that arrested a man for stealing $5.00 worth of outdated shit from an Arab. They can also give the Arab, an “Image Award,” and they can also give “Image Awards” to every prison official that was directly responsible for why Jamycheal Mitchell died in a Portsmouth, Virginia jail after having spent four goddamn months in there on an alleged $5 theft charge! Yeah! Keep those “Image Awards” coming NAACPNAACC!

And to ALL the Black motherfuckers out there who countenance this shit, FUCK YOU!

So, More Stupid Cannon Fodder Is Headed To Afghanistan?


Why oh why am I not surprised? Maybe this will help explain things. And this!

Trump Weighs Sending as Many as 5,000 More Troops to Afghanistan

The Trump administration is weighing a drastic change when it comes to Afghanistan: Whether to send as many as 5,000 more troops in the fight.

A U.S. official told The Post that Trump wants to “start winning” again.

In my post titled “I Make Thirty-Eight Thousand Dollars A Year!,” I gave the average dollar amount U.S. soldiers sent into Afghanistan make and that dollar amount is $38,000 plus medical, housing, uniforms, a coffin and a flag to drape over that coffin when they bring your dead carcass back to the states for burial. And what a solemn ceremony that will be. It won’t however, be attended by any of the top brass. You know, the ones who sit in their ivory tower and give the go-ahead to send some stupid schmuck like you, who doesn’t know any better to fight uh…let me see. Fight who or whom? Who are you fighting? You don’t even know. You just suit up like the good little robotic, stupid schmuck you are. Are you fighting the Taliban, ISIS, Ali-baba and the Forty Thieves or just some camel herders? You don’t have a clue who you’re supposed to be fighting in Afghanistan and what business is it of America as to what goes on in Afghanistan? That country is nowhere near the U.S. and so what affects that country cannot possibly have an effect on this one seeing as how the Taliban has no need to come over here and fuck shit up. This shit is already fucked up over here. This country is over $19 trillion dollars in debt, healthcare is a no-show for millions, homeless tent cities are forming daily, food lines are looking like Depression era bread lines, retail stores are shuttering their doors in unprecedented numbers, entire cities are declaring bankruptcy and even Puerto Rico is bankrupt, car manufacturers are shuttering their doors this summer and car dealerships are begging people to buy cars because their inventory is bloated, but we are told to worry about the Taliban? And so suit up and get the hell over to Afghanistan and fuck shit up over there because goddamn! The U.S. should not be the only country that’s fucked up. Hell! Misery loves company, doncha know! And like the good little sheeple you are, you will do as you are told.

But guess what? America CANNOT win a war in Afghanistan, just like America couldn’t win the war in Vietnam and it didn’t win the Korean War. The U.S. is once again, bogged down in a quagmire and those who send the cannon fodder to fight their wars don’t have a problem continuing to commit insanity which we all know is ‘doing the same thing over and over again and expecting different results’. And quite obviously, many Americans are insane since they have no problem following the orders of the insane. How many U.S. soldiers coming back in body bags will it take to wake the American people up? How many soldiers have to get themselves in the news for going bat shit crazy and riddling their family members with bullets before you realize that this could all have been avoided?

Didn’t Trump just drop the (MOAB)Mother Of All Bombs in Afghanistan? So? What did that accomplish? Didn’t he think that would make all the difference in the world? To send the biggest non-atomic bomb to Afghanistan, drop it and voila? Problem solved, right? Wrong! Now, it’s back to deploying more cannon fodder because the MOAB didn’t accomplish a damn thing. So, what did the MOAB do? Leveled a few caves. That’s what it did. Ain’t that something? How much did the MOAB cost that merely leveled a few caves in Afghanistan? One website reported the MOAB costing $16 million, another one cited $314 million and one claimed it cost $341 million. The exact number doesn’t really matter. What matters is that whatever the cost of this bomb, it didn’t do a damn thing about a damn thing! You have read not one report that this massive bomb had a devastating impact on the so-called Taliban or even ISIS in Afghanistan because if it had had any effect at all, why would Trump contemplate sending an additional 5,000 American soldiers into Afghanistan? Trump is adhering to the script as written by the warmongers who play these little games with the stupid American sheeple whereas they pretend to do one thing while actually doing another. When they tell Trump to send a massive bomb over to Afghanistan, it was to make you think that the focus in that country is to go after some folks who are just too horrible for words because the Afghan government just cannot do what? Something? Anything? Nothing! And Americans don’t even question the obvious ridiculousness of all of this. Guess what massive bombs cannot do? They cannot protect poppy fields. Only ‘sentinels’ can do that. Remember when Barack Obama claimed that he was exiting all troops from Afghanistan since the war in Afghanistan was at an end and then changed his mind and decided to leave 10,000 troops there? Well, it turns out that he called the plan “Operation Freedom’s Sentinel.” So, again, since the war in Afghanistan ended, then why the necessity to keep even 10,000 U.S. soldiers in Afghanistan?

U.S. Ends Its War in Afghanistan

President Barack Obama has decided to keep nearly 10,000 U.S. troops in Afghanistan after 2014, but then quickly pull them out over two years.

The U.S.-led coalition in Afghanistan ended its combat mission Sunday, marking the formal—if not real—end to the longest war in American history.

The new, slimmed-down allied mission, Campbell said, will be called Operation Resolute Support. Back in Washington, the Pentagon said its piece of the new mission will be called Operation Freedom’s Sentinel.

But now, all of a sudden, there is still a war going on in Afghanistan. Why? Because there has to be a name for something that is so filthy and dirty and immoral and disgusting so that it will go over well with the American people. And what do Americans love? Violence, war, death, destruction, fighting, dying, lies, hypocrisy, drugs, especially drugs and guess what Afghanistan has? Drugs! Poppy! Opium! Heroin! Morphine! Codeine!

What is opium?

Opium is a substance that is derived by collecting and later drying the milky juice that comes from the seed pods of the poppy plant. The primary component of opium is 12% morphine which is an alkaloid that is often processed chemically to produce illegal drugs such as heroin. Codeine and other non-narcotic alkaloids are also found in the latex that is derived from the opium poppy plant.

Yeah! Let’s call what we are doing in Afghanistan, a war. Yeah! That sounds great. We are fighting a war against a most horrifying enemy. And folks, that enemy has several different names we’ve given it; The Taliban, ISIS, Ali baba and his forty thieves, The Infidel Hater’s Club, it don’t really matter what we call them, the American people love war. Hell! The cannon fodder don’t kick up a fuss one bit, they just head for the airfield, and overseas they go! Dumb schmucks!”

But what’s really going on folks is that the government has always been the biggest drug cartel on this planet. Oh, we see documentaries on the Mexican and Columbian drug cartels and such like, but that’s just the U.S. government’s competition. They’re small fry compared to what the government officials make off peddling opioids in every form. When the heroin addicts are so-called ‘in recovery’, what do you think the government hands them? Why, another opioid, of course, ‘methadone’.

Now, what is methadone?

Methadone is an opioid medication. An opioid is sometimes called a narcotic.

So, to get an opioid addict off opioids, the answer is to give him/her more opioids? And only the government is allowed to give out methadone. The ‘former’ heroin addicts line up at the methadone clinic to get their daily dose of another opioid to combat the withdrawal symptoms of an opioid. How does that work? Who wins? Certainly not the addict. Is the picture becoming clear to you yet? Are you still left wondering why the U.S. government is hell bent on ‘pretend’ bombing its way across Afghanistan even after it has been stated that the war is over? Are you still wondering why ‘Operation Freedom’s Sentinel’ was born? What does a sentinel do? It stands guard over something. And what is there to stand guard over in Afghanistan? Caves? Camels? Hell no! Poppy fields, is the answer! Opium! Morphine! Heroin! Methadone! The ‘Mother Lode’! You can bet your candy ass that the Mother Of All Bombs was dropped nowhere near a poppy field. Trump would have had the MOAB dropped on your sons first because your stupid sons just don’t matter. But never will he ever drop a bomb on those poppy fields because the poppy is precious. Your sons? Not at all!

And when you view another commercial about how serious they are taking this opioid epidemic, you’d best laugh because to them, it is a joking matter. That drug; that poppy plant over in Afghanistan is making some folks extremely rich. But what it’s doing to America’s sons and daughters is no laughing matter. Your government has declared actual war, not on the Taliban in Afghanistan, but on your ass; twice over. In Afghanistan, in the form of U.S. soldiers getting deployed and dying for nothing and here in America by enabling you to fill that prescription for some opioids and now that so many people are overdosing and this fact cannot be shielded from the public any longer, they’ve now decided to pretend that there is some concern over this epidemic of overdoses of ‘white’ folks all across America. But know this, if they were really concerned about the opioid epidemic, U.S. soldiers would have been pulled completely out of Afghanistan and Trump would not be contemplating how many U.S. soldiers he’d like to send into Afghanistan. We’re fighting the Taliban? Sure, we are! And if you are stupid enough to believe that load of horseshit, then I’ve got a bridge in London I’m selling dirt cheap!

We Celebrate The Day Of Your Birth Malcolm X Like The Good Little Slaves We Are!

We celebrate the day of your birth and hence, your fame lives on.
We are not what you were about and we are not fit to speak your name.
We love to kid ourselves that what we’re doing, you would approve.
But there ain’t no way in hell that you’d still be playing the white man’s game.

When did you ever raise your arms in humble supplication?
When did you ask us to grovel and beg for a crumb from Massa’s table?
When did you ever trust a white man to see that justice would be done?
When did you ever heed their lies and remain trapped in Massa’s stable?

They claim there is a movement, but the movement died with you.
Only sell-outs and punks are left and that shit don’t get it done.
There is no man among the Blacks and that is oh, so true.
America’s slaves slave on, but you were Africa’s son!

We have no claim upon you, nor should we quote your words.
You told us who our enemy was and for that they shot you dead.
You said that we should prepare for war and this, we never did.
We are too fucking scared, holding up protest signs instead.

Oh yes, we got it going on and we owe it all to you.
You who said that words alone, would never bring us peace.
We bob our heads and shuffle our feet and get down on our knees.
We then turn and run and get shot down by racist ass police!

Written by,
Shelby I. Courtland
©2015 Shelby I. Courtland

Today, May 19th, we celebrate the birthday of Malcolm X and Black people consider themselves to be honoring him by quoting him and stating that his fame lives on. If his ‘fame’ truly lived on, we would be not just quoting him but would have instead, acted on the words he spoke to us and we all know them because we’ve certainly copied and pasted them enough times. But what do we do? We continue to become filled with fake ass outrage over every single killing of Black people and even the victim’s families will do as told by Massa and get up and tell everyone to remain calm as if Black folks haven’t been too damn calm for centuries. Seriously? The families of the victims of ‘murder by KKKops’ accept that $6 million dollar payout and then they shut the fuck up! Yeah, Black folks, they have now figured out what your murdered corpse is worth, $6 million! Freddie Gray’s family received $6 million for his murdered corpse.  Eric Garner’s family received $5.9 million for his murdered corpse. Close enough! Tamir Rice’s family received $6 million for his murdered corpse! Wow! What a sheer coincidence!  Six seems to be the magic number! Six million dollars worth of dead racist ass presidents. “Take this legal tender money that was used to purchase your silence with just as it was used to purchase your ass and get ta steppin! Next!”

This is how we honor a man that told us, “It’s got to be the ballot or the bullet. This is how we honor a man that told us, “We are African, and we happened to be in America. We’re not American. We are people who formerly were Africans who were kidnapped and brought to America. We didn’t land at Plymouth Rock, the rock was landed on us!” This is how we honor a man that told us that “Nobody can give you freedom. Nobody can give you equality or justice or anything. If you’re a man, you take it!” This is how we honor a man that said, “You can’t drive a knife into a man’s back nine inches, pull it out six inches and call it progress.” This is how we honor a man that asked us “Who taught you to hate the color of your skin? Who taught you to hate the texture of your hair?[…]”You should ask yourself who taught you to hate what God made you?” – Malcolm X May 19, 1925 – Assassinated February 21, 1965

So, Black folks, sit the fuck down and shut the fuck up over your celebrations of Malcolm X’s birthday because he would be ashamed at where we are now and what’s more, you dumb ass, scared shitless fucks know it!

Black Power, If It Did Arise, Would Be Scary As Hell!

black power3

Exploitation from Africa to America
Gentrification, another form of annihilation
Exterminate the Negro and plunder his home
Subjugate the male and dominate the female

Fill their minds with false religion
Imprison their bodies behind thick walls
Poison their blood with toxic vaccines
Sterilize the queen and the hive will die

Read them no rights that they never had
Employ against them, our gestapo guards
Litter their environment with hypodermic needles
Shoot them up in Chicago and choke them in New York

They still walk amongst us despite Planned Parenthood
The guns that we gave them, did not finish the job
Hate groups we formed, have failed to intimidate
Black power, if it did arise, would be scary as hell!

Written by,
Shelby I. Courtland
©2016 Shelby I. Courtland

And it so fucking would be if we only knew what to do with the power that we have. We don’t even know our own strength and that is sad. We continuously allow ourselves to be depicted as the poster child for some weird motherfucker’s shit when we’ve been on our own for hundreds of years in this shithole. When will we wake up and stop taking the shit that is slung at us every damn day? When will we stop allowing other groups to hone in on our struggles and tell them just where the fuck to go? When will we ever realize that no one can ever know what we go through but us? We are not some hashtag, nor are we some other motherfucker’s stepping stone to some goddamn rights that they ain’t even denied!

This shithole has been waging war against us ever since they dragged our asses over here and still it continues to this day. Don’t bow down to this ‘politically correct’ bullshit! If you ain’t down with it, tell these shits that you’re not. If something goes against your moral principles, make that fact well known because you are not obligated to like every goddamn body and their fucking shit that’s attached to them.

We are constantly being told that the ‘gay rights’ struggle is OUR struggle. Hell no! It ain’t! We’ve been struggling for rights long before those snakes crawled out of the closet and we continue to fight and now they want to co-opt our struggle and make it their own. Ain’t happening. Not on my motherfucking watch. It ain’t happening. Stand up for you! Don’t let anyone diminish what we are fighting for because goddamn it, we are not fighting over a CHOICE! That’s right, I said, “CHOICE” over whether or not we want to wear a dress today or a suit and tie. We are not fighting for the right to enter a bathroom just because we say that we’ve changed our sex. We were segregated because of the color of our skin and not because we were born with a dick and now, we want it chopped off and so everyone must recognize that we are now, ‘gender re-born’. Hell no! That shit ain’t us! We had no fucking say in coming over here and we damn sure had no say over how we have been treated by this shithole. But now, let some motherfucker with a big ass Adam’s apple claim that he is now spiritually, and cosmically, a woman and break out the federal lawsuits already to get his ass inside a woman’s restroom.

We have men and women who were jailed, hosed down, bitten by dogs, lynched and shot just because they were Black and speaking out against slavery, Jim Crow; the whole nine yards. They were not speaking out against being discriminated against for wearing a goddamn dress with a folded up dick underneath it. We cannot continue to let these creatures get away with suggesting that their perverted cause is our cause because, goddamn it, it ain’t! And don’t you give a good goddam who don’t like it. We don’t like what we have to deal with, but we deal with it every single day. If it don’t sit right with you, then don’t accept it! I’m not and that’s a fact!

You have the power within you, but you just don’t use it. Black folks, don’t keep kowtowing to this shit! We’re better than this! Keep the shit real!!

This Is Why Your Ass Is Hooked On Heroin! Now, Go Thank Your Government, AmeriKKKans!

protecting that poppy

The war in Afghanistan is not over,
since an occupying force remains.
The government lies again,
and not one military whore complains.

I’m not buying this load of bullshit,
when 10,000 boots are on the ground.
If the conflict is really over,
why are those whores still hanging around?

They’re guarding those poppy plants,
for a growing worldwide demand.
Yep, the good ole red, white and blue,
is still smuggling in contraband.

Now go sell it out on the streets,
so they can bust your ass real quick.
You’ve got to learn that it’s their game,
and they sell it, brick by brick.

There’s a methadone high just waiting,
for the junkies strung out so bad.
Get your ass inside a clinic,
you will make Big Pharma glad.

They’ve got everything you need,
because now you’re getting high.
You’re locked in good and tight,
and you can kiss your ass goodbye.

The government is just a cartel,
running drugs in every hood.
And if you think you can escape,
then the CIA ain’t doing what it should.

Oh, we’re the good guys, that’s for sure,
and you can take that to the bank.
Just don’t try to cash the check,
because it ain’t even worth a franc.

Written by,
Shelby I. Courtland
©2014 Shelby I. Courtland

Yeah, your doctors and your fucked up government are so goddamn worried about your heroin addiction that they are hell bent on making damn sure that those poppy plants in Afghanistan are well protected by your sons and daughters who are instrumental in seeing to it that those poppy plants get a nice safe plane ride to the states and shot right up in your veins. And then, your goddamn doctor is busily blaming your heroin addiction on your isolation and limited job prospects if you happen to be ‘white’. If you’re Black, well, the doc has assumed that you are predisposed to addictions and therefore, for your own good of course, has decided that he/she is not going to prescribe oxycontin for your back pain because you’d either sell it or become addicted to it. How fucking kind and considerate and thoughtful those vile ass bastards are!

Your fucked up government is busily pointing you in the direction of a made-up enemy when you could have no greater enemy than your own government. Don’t think so? Ask even one piece of shit congressional representative why AmeriKKKa’s military whores are still occupying Afghanistan. The Taliban that has been touted as AmeriKKKa’s enemy was totally against poppy production but since AmeriKKKa’s military whores arrived in Afghanistan, poppy production has soared and that is why Obama’s vile ass refused to exit ALL troops from Afghanistan. He is not concerned with assisting Afghan soldiers to fight the Taliban, he wants your ass overdosing on heroin because drugs are big business and big business is what is going to cushion his vile ass when he exits the White House. And yet, they are so goddamn shocked when statistics show a high rate of death by heroin overdose of white folks. Keep thinking that your government is looking out for your best interests and you’ll find yourself with a needle in your arm and dead!

Racism Is Why ‘Whites’ Are Dying From Heroin! Now, Ain’t That A Bitch???!!!



Just when I think I have seen it all, something else comes along and ties my knickers in a knot! Oh, for those of you out there who aren’t all in the know like I am, knickers are underwear. Read a book sometime, why doncha? But as usual, I digress. Back to the subject at hand. According to this recent article, Drug Overdoses Propel Rise in Mortality Rates of Young Whites, Black folks have the Hypocritical Oath keepers(doctors) to thank for their lack of drug overdoses. It seems that the good ole Hypocritical Oath keepers don’t prescribe oxycontin to their Black patients for fear that they will…well, read it for yourself.

Studies have found that doctors are much more reluctant to prescribe painkillers to minority patients, worrying that they might sell them or become addicted.

HA Dee Fucking HAHAHA!! Now ain’t that a bitch?! ‘White’ folks is ‘afraid’ that Black folks is gonna get hooked on some oxycontin like old Lush Plumbaugh did and need some rehab or better yet, sell their meds and pay their rent from the proceeds. Awwww! How thoughtful and considerate that the Hypocritical Oath keepers are, and for once, they claim to be looking out for the welfare and health of their Black patients and here I thought they didn’t really ‘care’ about us. But if you pay attention to the bullshit in this article, apparently, they is doing us Negroes a favor by not putting us on painkillers. They is giving ALL the painkillers to the ‘whites’ and now the moaning and groaning has begun because the Hypocritical Oath keepers could not have imagined in their wildest dreams that ‘white’ folks just might become addicted to all of those prescription painkillers that made them feel so damn good; too damn good to stop taking them. You see, according to the Hypocritical Oath keepers, ‘whites’ are not subject to addictions, oh not at all. They just take their medications as prescribed and when the bottle is empty, why, they just give up that ‘high’ they had been experiencing every time they popped that oxycontin and instead, picked up a lollipop and sucked on it. Suck! Suck! Lick! Lick! In fact, sales of Tootsie Roll pops just took off to DA moon! Yes, they did! Nope! No addictions in Whitey Whiteville, USA! But over by way of the ghetto and through the hood, the Black folks was just a hurting and some mo shit, but never was they prescribed some oxycontin for their sciatic nerve pain because Black folks are predisposed to becoming addicted to EVERYTHING, especially oxycontin otherwise known as heroin. You’ve all heard of heroin, right? It’s why the U.S. military is still in Afghanistan. Gotta protect those poppy plants so that the Hypocritical Oath keepers can feed the addiction of the ‘whites’ in Whitey Whiteville, USA.

Oh, the stories out of Whitey Whiteville, USA are horrifyingly horrible. They just tore at my heartstrings, they did. I think someone should report the Hypocritical Oath keepers to the FDA(Food and Drug Administration) and to the AMA(American Medical Association). Never mind, they are all in on it anyway. That’s my ‘theory’ and I’m sticking to it! Here is one story in particular that is just so hard to read. Get some tissues ready! You are going to need them.

Sad stories abound.

Maline Hairup died of a heroin overdose on Aug. 24, 2014. She was 38 and a Mormon, engaged to be married in the Salt Lake City Temple, near her home. Her religion taught her to spurn addictive substances — no alcohol, no caffeine. But that night, after years of taking prescription narcotics for chronic pain complicated by mental illness, she tried heroin, her sister Mindy Vincent said. Ms. Vincent believes it was the only time her sister used that drug.

Sister Mormon lady Hairup was ‘nextup’ on the overdose train to hell! Because folks, let me tell you, it’s got to be hell to be so addicted to something that you lose your religion over it. No amount of prayer could take away the addiction from poor Sister Mormon lady Hairup who was ‘nextup’ The saints did not come marching in to help Sister Mormon lady Hairup who was ‘nextup’ to ride the heroin overdose train to hell! Praise Gawd the Father-Elohim, Gawd the Son-Jehova and Gawd the Holy Spirit! Amen! Now, pass the collection plate. We need some assistance all up in here now ’cause lily white asses is dropping dead by the thousands over this here heroin epidemic and we cannot have that! What were we thinking, us Hypocritical Oath keepers? How could we have let this happen? It is unconscionable! Nice Mormon ladies should not be overdosing at the grand ole age of 38, especially when she had originally spurned the devil’s brew; alcohol. But it was her chronic pain and her mental illness of believing in a fictitious gawd and the Hypocritical Oath keepers prescribing her some oxycontin that was her undoing. Rest in peace Sister Mormon lady Hairup who was ‘nextup’ to ride the heroin overdose train to hell!

Keep those boxes of tissues handy!

There are men like Steve Rummler, who lived in Minnesota and died of a heroin overdose at age 43, taking the drug after becoming addicted to oxycontin, which was initially prescribed for a back injury. “He didn’t understand the risks,” said his mother, Judy Rummler.

Poor, poor Mr. Rummler who rumbled on down the line on the Express Train No. 9 headed straight to heroin overdose hell! He did not understand the risks of his addiction; an addiction that was sanctioned by the Hypocritical Oath keepers who gave Mr. Rummler the means to his end. Do not pass go Mr. Rummler. Do not collect $200! Just listen to Gladys Knight and the Pips and take that train, take that train, just not to Georgia, take it straight to heroin overdose hell as prescribed for you by the Hypocritical Oath keepers since it was known by the Hypocritical Oath keepers that only Black folks get addicted and should be saved from themselves by the Hypocritical Oath keepers that saw no need to worry about you suffering from an addiction to heroin and overdosing on it. And now, everybody’s knickers is in a bunch ’cause they just did not see this train coming. Sakes alive! ‘White’ folks is becoming ‘addicted’ to oxycontin aka heroin and is dying left and right! What to do! What to do! The sky is falling!

Researchers are struggling to come up with an answer to the question of why whites in particular are doing so poorly. No one has a clear answer, but researchers repeatedly speculate that the nation is seeing a cohort of whites who are isolated and left out of the economy and society and who have gotten ready access to cheap heroin and to prescription narcotic drugs.

“There are large numbers of people who never get established in the economy, who live outside family relationships and are on the edge of poverty,” Dr. Hayward said. Many end up taking prescription narcotics, he added.

‘Researchers are struggling’! Oh my goodness! They is struggling to come up with the answers as to why ‘whites’ in particular are doing so poorly. I got to climb down off the ceiling over THAT one! WHY WHITES ARE DOING SO POORLY? Did I read that right???!!!! Let me go and get my eyes checked. I know I didn’t read that correctly. White folks is doing poorly? Get the fuck outta here! Whodathunkit? I certainly didn’t thunk it! Some ‘white’ folks never got established in this economy? But I thought the ‘economy’ was doing so good! Ain’t that what Obombo would have us believe? Ain’t that what he said in his most recent lying ass SOTU? And if ‘white’ folks is doing poorly, how the hell is Black folks faring? That’s what I will save my boxes of tissues for, for the Black folks that are completely ignored over their plight in THIS economy. Let us concentrate on the poor ‘white’ folks that are left out of everything but the ability to get their hands on some oxycontin and overdose on it to the point where they ride the Express Train to Overdose Hell!

Black people are at the bottom of every single compiled statistical list with regards to employment, wealth, health care, living conditions; the whole nine yards but who is ‘struggling to come up with an answer to the question of why Blacks are doing so poorly? Not some Hypocritical Oath keepers, that’s for damn sure and certainly not any researchers that are now all up in arms over the so-called significant numbers of ‘whites’ that are dying from drug overdoses. Cry me a river and then catch a train to hell!

Talk about a new twist. Because racism is so systemic, it even defines what medical treatment Black people receive as opposed to what ‘whites’ receive. This has been perceived as the reason why Black people are not dying from drug overdoses at the same high rates as ‘whites’. The belief that Black people are more predisposed to addictions has been defined as the reason why Black people are not dying from overdoses and why ‘whites’ ARE dying from overdoses and the perception that Black people are more likely to abuse prescription painkillers has been defined as the reason why they are not dying because they are not being prescribed painkillers and why ‘white’ folks are is so disgustingly revealing of how racist this shithole called AmeriKKKa really is!

You motherfuckers are going to keep on overdosing because guess the fuck what? The ‘economy’ ain’t getting any better! So head on down to your local drug cartel; your doctor’s office and get a prescription to help you deal with the ‘pain’ of a fucked up economy and then hop onboard the train to hell! Sob fucking sob, sob sob! I really am crying a river for you bastards!

“Welcome To America, Refugees From Syria!”

Tell that to the shits that are the reason why my Negro ass was born in Amerikkka!
Tell that to the shits that are the reason why my Negro ass was born in Amerikkka!


As a descendant of African slaves, I want to take this opportunity to welcome Syria’s refugees to America. May you have a better time of it here in America than my ancestors did. And include those of us who are descendants of slaves, as well. I want you to know that even though Black families are seven times more likely to be homeless than white families, we still hope that you fare better than we do. And even though Blacks make up half of the U.S. homeless population, Syrian refugees, you will promptly step right into housing and what is so great about that is that millions of people are in line waiting on affordable housing to open up. They have been on waiting lists so damn long that many have given up and are homeless. But we have housing available for you, refugees from Syria. Ain’t that sweet?! So, you come right on over here and get at the head of the line, in front of ALL the people that have been waiting for years for affordable housing. Come on over here and we shall roll out the red carpet for you because we have no refugees over here in America. We have no homelessness epidemic here. We have no homeless tent cities in Detroit and in California. We have no Skid Row in Los Angeles because Los Angeles is NOT struggling to manage rising homelessness beyond skid row, now is it?

Homelessness in Los Angeles has spread far beyond the area known as Skid Row. The number of people living on the streets has risen 12 percent in the past two years. And now some parts of the city are struggling to manage big homeless populations they’ve never seen before.

Nope! Skid Row is just a figment of my imagination just as it is a figment of my imagination that homeless people are living underneath Las Vegas. And many are war veterans suffering from post-traumatic stress disorder and can you believe it? There are homeless children living in these tunnels as well. But refugees from Syria, they welcome you as well.

I want to state how very glad I am that Obama and the other war hawks and warmongers finally deemed it ‘humanitarian’ to host refugees from war-torn countries that were made so by said war hawks and warmongers. Never let it be said that a warmonger does not have a heart even while continuing to make refugees out of innocent men, women and children because these war hawks and warmongers like Obama and John ‘mad dog’ McCain and Lindsey Graham and every other piece of nasty and vile shit that IS the U.S. government is giving up their digs to host these Syrian refugees, are they not? Hell no! They are not! As American citizens, once again, we must overlook our own homeless refugees so that other refugees can come here and thrive and enjoy the good life that is Amerikkka. Never mind that almost two million Black people in Amerikkka call prison, home. Never mind the fact that child poverty in Amerikkka is at its highest point in 20 years, we have more than enough poverty to go around and then some, but we welcome you, refugees from Syria. We welcome you!

Over in Detroit, those poor, mostly Black folks have had their pensions cut thanks to corrupt city managers and criminal politicians, not to mention the massive water shut-offs that could affect 300,000 Detroit citizens.

Detroit’s Water War: a tap shut-off that could impact 300,000 people
“Every day, we’re shown that black lives, black quality of life, black communities, don’t matter,”

It is from this incredible web that a challenge to the water shut-offs is emerging. Community organizations have filed a human rights complaint to the United Nations, demanding Michigan state impose a moratorium on the shut-offs. UN experts have already responded critically.

Yes, refugees from Syria, the situation is so bad that citizens of Detroit appealed to the U.N. for help and for their efforts, they got nothing! But when you come to Amerikkka, you will more than likely have running water. You will not be homeless. Your pension will not get cut. Sweet, ain’t it? And the people of Baltimore, MD are experiencing the same thing and they are Black, also. The only thing that you will have to contend with is that pesky ‘terrorist’ thing. Yes, white Amerikkkans fear Muslims or anyone from the Middle East because their government via the media told them to because there are NO ‘homegrown’ terrorists in Amerikkka. When a racist kills a Black person, that is not terrorism. Racists burning down Black churches is not terrorism. Racists lynching Black people is not terrorism. Racists gunning down Black people as they sit in church is not terrorism. A terrorist has been defined as a ‘person or persons of Middle Eastern origin’. The white good ole boys that call themselves the Ku Klux Klan and the Aryan Brotherhood, The Aryan Circle and the ‘White Brotherhood Alliance’ and so forth and so on are AGAIN, just good ole boyz having fun. They are not extremist groups. They are protectors of the empire, Amerikkka. They keep us niggaz in our place; these slave patrols alongside the Amerikkkan gestapo pigs. But nevertheless, you won’t have to deal with them, refugees from Syria because they are too busy busting caps all up in Black asses. If you stay out of the South, the Dakotas and Texas, you should be fine; living it up in your nice house with a two-car garage in a nice section of Connecticut, New Hampshire, Vermont, Maine; you know, all the states that have less than a 1% Black population count.

I hear that several of you have already settled in Connecticut. Good for you!

Syrian Refugees Come to the U.S. to Find a Place They Did Not Expect

“Why did they bring us if they didn’t want us?” said the 33 year-old husband and father, recalling his initial reaction through an Arabic interpreter. “We are coming to an open country.”
“A country with freedoms,” his wife, 23, said.

“We felt rejected,” her husband said. “We were depressed. How could that be the freedoms that we hear about?”

The couple were driven instead to this Connecticut city of about 130,000 people, joining seven other Syrian refugee families who have come since July. Integrated Refugee and Immigration Services, a nonprofit organization that works with Episcopal Migration Ministries, one of the nine aid agencies contracted with the federal government, had swiftly arranged for their arrival.

Ahhh..don’t feel rejected! At least not until your ass is lying on a slab in the morgue so full of bullet holes, you look like Swiss cheese! Don’t feel rejected until you are driving down the goddamn street, minding your business and a cop stops you and hassles you for no good reason and the next thing you know, you’re found hanging in a jail cell in Texas and word is, “You were depressed, grabbed a handy trash bag and commenced to committing suicide.” “Why oh why did I not put on my turn signal? If I had, I would not be placing this bag over my head and asphyxiating myself!”
Do not feel rejected until your children decide to play in a park with a toy gun and the cops arrive and within two seconds, they are lying dead on the ground. Do not feel rejected until you sell a dime bag of weed to a white guy and you get thirty years for that inside a FOR PROFIT PRISON. Do not feel rejected until the unemployment rate for Syrian refugees is in the double digits. Do not feel rejected until you get called, “Mud people,” attempt to take out a conventional loan to buy a house, have excellent credit, qualify for the conventional loan but get steered to a subprime mortgage loan and lose said home and end up homeless solely because you are Black skinned. And thanks Wells Fargo from all the Black people that are out on the street, thanks to your racist ass lending policies.

So, refugees from Syria, you should do just fine because you are not a descendant of African slaves and therefore, Amerikkka SHOULD welcome you! Please step over or on us. It is what everybody else does. Join the pig force and riddle us with bullets or arrest us on bullshit charges. It is what everybody else does. Discriminate against us when the government gives you enough money to open your own business. It is what everybody else does.

And for anybody that has the nerve to think that I wrote this because I hate Muslims, go fuck yourself! I am writing this because I have been volunteering for years too numerous to count and I am sick and goddamn tired of the hopelessness I have seen and continue to see when we don’t help the homeless refugees in Amerikkka; when we don’t help those who are persecuted here in Amerikkka because of the color of their skin. Where is the goddamn assistance for them? These people have been waiting for someone to recognize their plight and do something to help them. Where were the agencies that quickly came to the aid of these Syrian refugees; the ‘Episcopal Migration Ministries’ when it came to helping this man?

ST. LOUIS, MO (KTVI) – A fire killed a homeless man Friday in his tent near the Mississippi riverfront north of downtown while he was struggling to keep warm with a propane heater.

A little before midnight on May 29, emergency personnel responded to a report of a burn victim under the Interstate 394 bridge at Dunwoody Avenue, according to police reports. Miller said police told him that a man walking nearby heard screaming and found his father on fire.

Or this man?

His father was taken to the hospital with burns on about 70 percent of his body, Miller said. The lower half of his body had to be amputated, and he was placed under heavy sedation. He was also put on life support.

Who helped him? His goddamn family didn’t even help him, but we have help for Syria’s refugees. Charity begins at home. Why overlook the people that are living like refugees right here in Amerikkka? What? Are these people less important or less worthy of help because they are not from Syria? These people are fighting a war every day, as well. It is called, “The War To Survive!” And it is a war! Ask any homeless person. Ask any Black person that has buried a loved one because of pure, unadulterated racism. Ask the poor in Detroit who are without running water. Ask the poor in Baltimore who are also without running water. Ask the Black men and women who are sitting inside a FOR PROFIT PRISON for selling a dime bag of weed. Ask the unarmed Black men, women and children who have been killed for no reason; no probable cause. Ask them about being refugees in a country that never accepted them as human beings, much less as citizens that enjoyed rights. Ask Eric Garner, Michael Brown, Jordan Baker, D’Andre Berghardt Jr., Tanisha Anderson, Rumain Brisbon, McKenzie Cochran, John Crawford, Denzell Curnell, Michelle Cusseaux, Ezell Ford, Akai Gurley, Dontre Hamilton, Jason Harrison, Darrien Hunt, Marquise Jones, Tamir Rice, Ernest Satterwhite, Yvette Smith, Cameron Tillman, Victor White III, Levar Jones, Vernicia Woodard, Freddie Gray, Walter Scott, and the goddamn list is endless. I had to stop somewhere but the racist ass pigs in blue or brown sure as hell don’t. But you won’t have to worry about this happening to YOU, Syrian refugees. Your skin does not have OUR deep melanin!

So, don’t bellyache about you coming to Amerikkka and not receiving the kind of welcome you were expecting. Be thankful for what you can get because all of those Black people named in the aforementioned paragraph did not get the opportunity to choose to come to Amerikkka thanks to these filthy white asses over here fucking up their country, their ancestors were kidnapped and dragged over here to become slaves and they and myself are unwanted. But you’ll fare better than they ever did. Count on it Syrian refugees!

Oh, and lest I forget, the Indians would also like to welcome the refugees from Syria because they too, are doing so great! You see, the plight of the Indigenous Peoples of America is so bad that the United Nations sent a special rapporteur, S. James Anaya to lead an inquiry, the first of its kind. What he found was a range of social ills, high rates of poverty, alcoholism, domestic violence and low educational attainment.

According to S. James Anaya, “these are a product of what’s been referred to as intergenerational trauma spanning decades, really centuries, since the founding of the country and before.”

The Indians would just love for some more folks to illegally enter this country that by rights, should be theirs, but that pesky little problem was solved by a little small pox, firewater, beads and genocide by guess who? The same shits that have turned Syria into a bombed-out shell of a country with people fleeing left and right; refugees of course. Whitey white ass just cannot contain his thirst for ALL things material, nor can he contain his blood lust. It must be sated. Indian blood has been spilled by the ton and that did not stop the white’s thirst for blood. The blood of Negro or Black people has been spilled by the ton and AGAIN, this has done nothing to stop the white man’s thirst for blood. Nothing can stop it! This is why you are refugees; people of Syria, and this is also why you are wondering why you are being rejected by the very same white filth that rendered you, homeless. Let’s see how you fare here at ground zero with us Negroes and  Indians! Yeah! Read the sign to see how well WE are faring here in AmeriKKKa!


Welcome to Amerikkka! Home of the stupid, the racist and the ignorant! And last but not least, the killers!

As The U.S. Military Continues To Protect The Poppy Plant In Afghanistan, Meanwhile….

prison in Afghanistan

…the Afghan Taliban just released hundreds of prisoners and nearly half of those ‘released’ were deemed to be a ‘ national security threat’.

The interior ministry said that 355 of the 436 prisoners had escaped.
Of those who got away, 148 were a “threat to national security and 207 were criminals”, the ministry said in a statement.

Taliban insurgents stormed a prison in Afghanistan on Monday, killing police and releasing more than 350 inmates, including nearly 150 deemed a threat to national security.

Let me just interject here for a moment. The Obama Administration left some 10,000 U.S. troops in Afghanistan to in his words, “We are essentially moving the drawdown pace over to the right for several months … in part because we want to make sure we are doing everything we can to help the Afghan security forces succeed, so we don’t have to go back, so we don’t have to respond in an emergency because terrorist activities are being launched out of Afghanistan.”

My question to Obama is “where were the badly needed U.S. military reinforcements when this Taliban prison busting event took place?” Oh, never mind! I think I found out what the U.S. military was engaged in while this prison breakout was occurring.

us military guarding poppy fields

Now, let’s get back to this ‘threat to national security’ by the freeing of these horrible criminals. So, apparently, those of us in the U.S. are to expect to be on ‘high alert’ because a few of these guys are going to get some more fake ass passports, board a plane from neighboring Uzbekistan or Pakistan, manage to get a ‘meet and greet’ with the captain and the co-pilot, sit in the cockpit with them throughout the entire flight all the while taking notes on how to fly an airbus. They are then going to land in America, take three more flying lessons, learn some judo and karate, board three more planes and with knives that are approved by the TSA, take over these planes and fly them into the White House, the Capitol building and the National Monument and mysteriously, one of their passports will be found in the wreckage, completely intact; identifying him as being a member of the Taliban and one of the escaped prisoners that was freed by the Taliban while the U.S. military was still occupying Afghanistan but was otherwise occupied by protecting the poppy plants that when harvested will be given a free flight straight to the U.S.

“Oh, I’m sorry! What did you say?”

“The escaped prisoners are a “national security threat” to Afghanistan!”

“How so?”

“Because they(the Taliban)would like to destroy the poppy plants and get those goddamn American drug peddlers out of Afghanistan.”

“And THEY(the Taliban)are the BAD guys? Get the fuck outta here!”

I found this to be quite interesting, although not surprising.

It is well-documented that the U.S. government has – at least at some times in some parts of the world – protected drug operations.(Big American banks also launder money for drug cartels. See this, this, this and this. Indeed, drug dealers kept the banking system afloat during the depths of the 2008 financial crisis. And the U.S. drug money laundering is continuing to this day.)

The U.S. military has openly said that it is protecting Afghani poppy fields:

As Wikipedia notes:

Opium production in Afghanistan has been on the rise since U.S. occupation started in 2001.

Indeed, a brand new report from the United Nations finds that opium production is at an all-time high.

Common Dreams notes:

The cultivation of opium poppy in Afghanistan—a nation under the military control of US and NATO forces for more than twelve years—has risen to an all-time high, according to the 2013 Afghanistan Opium Survey released Wednesday by the United Nations.

According to the report, cultivation of poppy across the war-torn nation rose 36 per cent in 2013 and total opium production amounted to 5,500 tons, up by almost a half since 2012.

“This has never been witnessed before in the history of Afghanistan,” said Jean-Luc Lemahieu, the outgoing leader of the Afghanistan office of the United Nations Office on Drugs and Crime, which produced the report.

Drug war? What ‘drug war’ is right!

So, to the stupid, clueless, brain dead Americans, get your head out of your ass and wake up to the fact that your stinking ass government is aiding and abetting in the cultivation, processing and distribution of the drugs that you are arrested for, especially Negro people. Your government is the reason why your son, daughter, niece, nephew, father or mother is strung-out on heroin.

The motherfuckers that you worship and hail as heroes are doing nothing more than babysitting some poppy plants and sending them over here to feed your addiction. Do your own research and find out why you’re fucked up and newsfucking flash, it’s got nothing whatsoever to do with some made-up enemy that the U.S. government has called al-Qaeda or the Taliban or al-Nusra Front or even ISIS or ISIL. Because you can thank your CIA for the growth of ISIS since they trained them, gave them weapons and let them loose and now can’t control them. So, the CIA then produced some real good videos of white men getting their heads lopped off and that got you back on board with shouting for more war games in the Middle East because those horrible brown-skinned insurgents are just so goddamn bad. Here’s another newsfucking flash, they are just as bad as those that trained them and Americans, take a good damn look in the mirror because you’re no better. YOU ARE ONE AND THE SAME! Don’t believe it? Wait for the next motherfucker to off his family or kill his own child. Yeah, read this and weep!

Still not convinced? Don’t worry, your turn is coming because you can ignore what you don’t want to believe but when your military hero worshipped killer busts some caps all up in your ass, that’ll make a believer out of you. When you’re shedding crocodile tears because your daughter just overdosed on heroin, that’ll make a believer out of you but then again, knowing how stupid Americans are, you’ll just continue drinking the Kool-Aid and blame it ALL on the Taliban!