Race Relations Are Deteriorating


Nooooo! Say it ain’t so!

A majority of the nearly two dozen poll respondents reached by Reuters, including Cartagena, Mami and Dees, said they have recently sensed an unsettling rise in racial hostility – or at least a greater willingness by some Americans to express it.

It’s not just minorities who say they’re feeling unnerved. Dees, the painting contractor from Many, Louisiana, a town of about 2,700 people, said he sensed rising anger among black residents after Trump’s unexpected victory.

It did not take the election of Donald Trump to get me to speak out on race relations. I have been speaking on race relations for years. When you drag people from a continent, enslave them, supposedly ‘free’ them only to make sure that there is no way for them to compete on a level playing field for jobs, housing; the whole nine yards and you systematically incarcerate them by the millions, thus ensuring that this country will always have slave labor, what did you think was going to happen?

When nothing has been done to rein in hate groups by at least calling them ‘terror organizations’, what did you think was going to happen? When you display only racism, bigotry and prejudice to a group of people who are in AmeriKKKa through no fault of their own, did you think that they would grow to love their oppressors? Let me clear up one thing, white folks, the majority of us hate you with a passion that words cannot do justice to and each and every single day we long for your death and we hope that you die in the most horrible way possible. That’s the truth. As much as you hate us for being here thanks to your lazy ass ancestors who had no work ethic at all and hence, that is the reason we are here, your hatred for us pales in comparison to ours for you. Just because some coonhead sellouts will lie down with you, wed with you and give you accolades does not mean that the vast majority of us fall into that category. The vast majority of us despise and loathe you with every fiber of our being. Yeah! Let that sink in. Let it marinate because you see, we have been seething for over 400 years now and like a kettle that’s brought to boil, we’re likely to boil over like this dude did.

Fresno shooting rampage: Suspect who shot dead 3 wanted to kill as many [white] people as possible, police say.

Police said the man who killed three people on a shooting spree in downtown Fresno, California, on Tuesday while shouting “Allahu Akbar” wanted to kill as many [white] people as possible after a warrant was released for his arrest in the murder of a motel security guard last week.

Muhammad went by the nickname “Black Jesus” and has made posts against white people and the government on his Facebook page.

On what appeared to be Muhammad’s Facebook page, he repeatedly posted “#LetBlackPeopleGo” and encouraged “black warriors” to “mount up.” A flurry of posts emerged in the past day.

And another Black warrior did ‘mount up’ and shot dead 5 KKKops in Dallas, TX.

DALLAS — The heavily armed sniper who gunned down police officers in downtown Dallas, leaving five of them dead, specifically set out to kill as many white officers as he could, officials said Friday. He was a military veteran who had served in Afghanistan, and he kept an arsenal in his home that included bomb-making materials.

Sound familiar? You bet it does! What is with these Black men who set out to kill ‘white’ people and only ‘white’ people? What could they possibly have against those who constantly speak of freedom, rights, justice and humanitarianism? White folks, shut the fuck up because you are the worst hypocrites slithering and crawling across this planet spreading your vileness and your atrocities with relish. You have managed to fuck up an entire planet and yet, you think your shit don’t stink and that it’s such an atrocity when someone turns around and does to you what you are doing to an entire planet. Keep sitting back and thinking that the chickens are not going to come home to roost all up your depraved asses. What you have read here is only the beginning because believe me, people with nothing left to lose are some dangerous motherfuckers and you have made sure that millions of people have nothing left to lose while you sit back and pour salt into the wounds of those you have enslaved, made poverty stricken and homeless but who are here through no fault of their own. What god you lay claim to is no god because you’ve made yourselves, god and you use a non-existent god to keep every other group pliable to what you’re doing to them. On some of us, it is no longer working and this is fast catching on.

You can no longer lull us into believing in your fictional lord and savior because how in the world is the likes of you heading to some paradise after you croak what with all that foul shit smeared on your funky asses for all the world to see? There ain’t enough prayers or psalms in the Bible to get you through even your fake ass pearly gates because the evil that is you would have long since singed any precious metal or glow right off a pearl and off of anything else you’ve managed to vomit up. Death is finally stalking your ass and you don’t know when it’s coming, but it’s coming. So, go right ahead and continue wreaking havoc across this shithole and the world and what you give is most definitely what you are going to receive! It’s going to be the gift that keeps on giving. And just so you don’t forget, re-read these block quoted words. And just keep in mind that “rising anger among black residents!”

Dees, the painting contractor from Many, Louisiana, a town of about 2,700 people, said he sensed rising anger among black residents after Trump’s unexpected victory.

A “rising anger” indeed! Yeah! We’re goddamn tired of printing signs and wearing out the soles of our shoes waiting on you to get something you’ve never had and never will get; a heart, compassion, empathy, sensitivity, thoughtfulness, humanity, love and mercy. Not one of those words is synonymous with ‘whites’. ‘Christian love and charity’, my goddamn ass! You don’t even believe your own lies. So why should we?  But it’s quite obvious that we’re not standing for your shit anymore! This is war! Ain’t no goddamn peace! You’ve seen to that!