The Meat Investor: Serving Man — billziegler1947

The year in review Livestock stocks ended the year strong as the present and futures markets overwhelmingly outperformed vegan stocks to bring a hefty profit to all our investors. “Serving Man” remains out motto for 2019, it affirms a self-serving stance that is forward-looking and alert to market opportunism. The meat of the matter is […]

via The Meat Investor: Serving Man — billziegler1947


Bill also wrote this comment on another blog that I think is extremely relevant here.

“The whole sick charade begins with children’s books about barnyard animals living happy lives from cover to cover, the meal that isn’t a meal unless it has a meat entree, the propagandists in the advertising world, the willingness of consumers to suspend disbelief… No mention of the factory death camps that kill by the billions (trillions of fish at the seafood corner of the stupormarket).”

And this one!

” Then there is what a meaty diet does to the only planet available, you can’t buy a replacement planet on Amazon Prime. 7.7 billion people eat 77 billion land-based animals and trillions of fish per year. This is the same species that drove the Passenger Pigeon into extinction, simply because it was the fast food of the day. Shoot into the air, bring home, dress, cook. Go out for more the next day. Martha, the last surviving one died at the Cincinnati Zoo: about 10 miles from this keyboard.
Meat means greenhouse gases. Here is a graphic representation of the role played by meat:
As if that were not daunting enough, there are very many graphic representations from the same amazing website “our world in data”:
Meat is death.”

Bill is an intellectual genius; a brilliant, highly educated intellectual and a caring and concerned human who believes that ALL creatures, those deemed human and animal should live. One should not be killed and consumed for their parts by the other for what that is consumed dead is healthy for the living? And yet mass propaganda campaigns are waged day in and day out by those who make a fortune from getting humans to view animals as a ‘THING’ to be slaughtered and placed on their dinner plate for consumption while other ‘animals’ have been slated for their enjoyment as pets. And those ‘animals’ that are viewed as pets would never be slaughtered and placed on the plate by its owner. Oh no! Never in a million years must Fido or Fluffy ever be considered ‘food’. But since a cow, pig, Atlantic Croaker or Haddock, chicken and turkey have been rendered valueless as pets and are raised in areas far remote from humans, they are fair ‘game’ for killing and eating.

Those who brainwash us and lead us down the primrose path know exactly what it is they do. They are relentless in their pursuit to gain riches at the expense of both the land animals and marine life butchered for human consumption and they know full well the toll on human bodies this will take and their friends in the pharmaceutical industry also make out like bandits in their laboratories concocting toxic ‘prescriptions’ that also undermine what little health is left in their patients.

You have seen the commercials for the prescriptions you take to combat the diseases you acquire from eating dead animal products and byproducts. They are damn near as bad as the disease and can also cause death.

Here are the top 10 health concerns linked to meat consumption.
  • Heart Disease.
  • Cancer.
  • Stroke. Because meat causes blockages in blood vessels, it’s no surprise that it leads to strokes. …
  • Diabetes. …
  • Obesity. …
  • Harmful Cholesterol. …
  • Acne. …
  • Erectile Dysfunction.

We, those of us who have decided that we don’t want heart disease, we don’t want cancer, stroke, diabetes, obesity, high cholesterol, acne and the rest and some of this we know that we can prevent, have chosen life over death. We have chosen the path that leads to an animal’s right to live just as we believe in a human’s right to live. And make no mistake, we did not choose to not consume dead animals merely for our health. We chose to not eat dead animals because we are ‘human’. We have a heart and we believe that all beings; animal, plant and human have the right to co-exist and one not be consumed by the other for its choice parts, filet mignon, porterhouse, rib-eye, bacon, ham, spareribs, crab legs, lobster tails, haddock fillet. What right have we as ‘humans’, as horrible as we treat other ‘humans’, to determine the fate of any sentient beings? We should not and yet we do so and thanks to apathy and complacency, our compliance and tacit consent is taken for granted in the slaughtering of animals for human consumption, not to mention the fact that we are loaded down, car deep at the McDonald’s drive-through window, Burger King’s, and Wendy’s as well and don’t even get me started on the All-You-Can-Eat buffet. Millions of Americans alone, are so obese, seat belts have added extensions. Airplane seats are having to be widened, scales at our doctor’s offices are having to be replaced with scales that weigh animals. And this is all because we just cannot understand that we are what we eat. There are programs on TV that showcase thousands of people needing gastric bypass surgery because they are unable to get out of bed since they weigh 600 lbs of mostly dead animals and other processed foods. Look it up! It’s called “My 600 Pound Life!” This shit’s not funny!


Yeah! That’s YOU! Because you ARE what you eat!

Me? I’d rather have this!



And I’ll leave you with a little poem that I wrote. Something else for you to ponder.


Don’t Mess With Fido!

Don’t mess with Fido and I love Fifi’s “Meow!”

But I don’t mind if you slaughter India’s sacred cow.

Sentient being or not, that pig’s going on my plate.

And little does she know, with a knife, she’s got a date.

Humans think they’re decent, compassionate and kind,

But when it comes to certain animals, to their suffering they are blind.

Thinking for themselves is just something they won’t do.

Why they’ve got a brain? They haven’t got a clue.

They’ll put cashmere on a dog and feed Fluffy, ‘Fancy Feast’.

But over the plight of barnyard animals, they don’t care in the least.

String that animal up and gut it with a blade.

As it was led to slaughter, so what if it looked afraid?

It was just a stupid cow and a pig should know its fate.

One was bound to end up bacon and the other, a rib-eye steak.

But my dog, you don’t touch and my cat is family.

What happens to cows and pigs? I have no sympathy.

The fish, deep in the ocean are caught up in a net,

and will end up as sushi, they’re not a cute and cuddly pet.

God gave man dominion and said, “You own all of this!”

But instead, we place our sins on a serpent’s vengeful hiss.

If we have freedom of choice, then it is we who choose to harm

every bird in the air, every creature in the sea and every animal on the farm.

poem written by,

Shelby I. Courtland

©2019 Shelby I. Courtland



6 thoughts on “The Meat Investor: Serving Man — billziegler1947

  1. Thank you for the very kind words, Shelby. They are profoundly appreciated and humbly accepted. Change is *always* resisted by the entrenched elite that benefits from the enforcement of their imposed value system. Enslaved animal beings do not choose slavery and exploitation. Independence means “shaking off the yoke” (the actual meaning behind the Arabic word “intifada.” Of course, it gets translated to serve the ones who apply the yoke). Western Civilization roots in a mindset that relies on unquestioned adherence to what I call “Whiteous” virtues. Eternal colonial ambition delights in its celebration of decadence. Justice never springs voluntarily from those who exploit everything in sight to squeeze the marginalized, to squeeze them for their marginal resource value in a mad-man marketplace where every operational decision gets greased by capital. Capital deals in resource opportunities: human, animal, mineral — things to exploit, enslave and mine.

    Liked by 1 person

    1. I don’t want to! LOL! Because as far as I am concerned, that is “MALE CONTRACEPTION!” And about time! All the damn time, women must carry the weight to stop procreation while the men get a free pass. Let the buggers become sterile and when their ‘better half’ cant’ conceive, then they can just head to the doc and find out that it’s THEIR fault. The doc can then go over with them what could be the cause as in “THEIR DIET.”

      But I do see your point. If men find that they are sterile, then since it is men who are basically behind the reasons why there is mass production of toxin-filled animals for human consumption, then maybe, just MAYBE, they’ll think twice about continuing to promote what is causing them to become sterile. We are ALL walking toxin factories thanks to this and so is it any wonder that erectile dysfunction is a symptom of eating dead, toxin-filled animals? Not to mention the fact that girls are also developing earlier than they are supposed to and I do believe that the hormone injections in animals for slaughter are to blame and also we are hearing more and more about antibiotic resistant diseases and since animals slated for slaughter are given antibiotics, there ya go. There are hundreds of great reasons to stop eating dead animals and not one adverse reason that I can think of.

      Excellent comment. Thank you Dr. Bramhall!

      Liked by 2 people

    2. Indeed, Dr. Bramhall. A dysfunction that fits right in with shortened attention span — now that I have your attention, meet your meat — something that men actually care about, an organ that already does most of the thinking behind their actions. 🙂

      Liked by 1 person

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