Elon Musk Has Publicly Stated That Coronavirus Vaccines Are Causing Heart Attacks

Even though I loathe, detest and despise Elon Musk, the fact that he is not going along with the official narrative that those coronavirus vaccines are safe, effective and some more bullshit, has caused me to put aside my lack of feelings for Elon Musk enough to write about what he has to say regarding those coronavirus vaccines aka Covid vaccines aka Covid ‘clot shots’.

Elon Musk Slammed Over Anti-Vax Claims After LeBron Son’s Cardiac Arrest

Elon Musk Bronny James


Elon Musk is facing backlash after appearing to link the cardiac arrest of 18-year-old basketball player Bronny James to claims of deadly side effects from coronavirus vaccines pushed by conspiracy theorists.

The Twitter CEO, who recently rebranded the platform to X, has faced criticism from doctors, fact-checkers and commentators after noting that myocarditis—an inflammation of the heart’s muscle tissue—is a “known side-effect” of the jab, and questioning whether it was a “rare or common” one.

Elon Musk is very much aware that those who control the narrative over those bioweapons in the form of Covid vaccines and boosters, are killing people, but the official stance must continue since the agenda is depopulation. Everyone has now become “a useless eater,” and so we must be destroyed. According to those of Bill Gates’ ilk, who have nothing better to do with their billions of ill-gotten gains than try and destroy people and this planet, ‘we the people’, have been classified as “useless eaters” who need to be destroyed. They think that there are just too many of us. They are afraid that at some point, we will rise up and come for their asses. If only that were true. But Bill Gates and crew fail to realize that billions of people are just incapable of rising up from their seats due to obesity and health related issues as a result of obesity. 

The reason so many people are obese is due to the western diet. The fact of the matter is, corporations have figured out a way to feed each other, and so one corporation feeds another. Case in point, the toxic ‘food’ industry feeds big pharma by producing bioengineered weaponized toxins and calling them, “food.” Then when the body sickens from the continued consumption of bioengineered toxins on a daily basis, the body breaks down and becomes ill, thus the person heads to a quack and is promptly handed yet another bioweapon and told to take it to relieve the body of the symptoms of the bio weaponized ‘food’. Of course, pretty soon, the bioweapon received from the quack, causes the body even more problems and so back to the quack you go, and you are issued yet another bioweapon to take to relieve the side effects of the previous bioweapon that you were given by the quack. Is everyone following this because it’s getting a bit convoluted, but, in a nutshell, every corporation is out to destroy us. What need have they for us when robots are about to come down the pike?

It is no secret that people have been dying thanks to those Covid ‘clot shots’ and yet anyone who states this is accused of providing ‘disinformation’, ‘misinformation’ and some more shit because the narrative of unhinged lunatics must prevail when they say that those Covid ‘clot shots’ are safe and effective when we all should know by now, that they are not, for how could they be when one cannot sue the pharmaceutical company when they get fucked up by those bioweapons that were released after the Covid bioweapon was first released. And you can expect more bioweapons to be released, because, like I have already stated, we are up against unhinged lunatics, and they do not have our best interest at heart; quite the contrary.

Film Director, 56, Dies Suddenly of Heart Attack


Sanjay Gadhvi, known for his work on the highly successful ‘Dhoom’ series, died Sunday in Mumbai, India

Filmmaker and director Sanjay Gadhvi, known for his work on the highly successful Hindi-language Dhoom franchise, died on Sunday. He was 56; just three days short of his 57th birthday.

According to the Times of India, Gadhvi was taking a morning walk in his Mumbai suburb when he experienced chest pain and was rushed to the hospital, where he reportedly died of a heart attack.

Gadhvi’s daughter Sanjina reported that her father had been doing fine and was “perfectly healthy” prior to his death.

Perfectly healthy people, who have been exercising and taking care of themselves are suddenly keeling over from heart attacks, and so we are to believe that these sudden heart attacks in healthy people are just a mere fluke, that they have nothing to do with those Covid ‘clot shots? Don’t be naive, people. Don’t be fooled by those thugs who are for achieving depopulation on a massive scale. Remember, they think of us as the “useless eaters,” and it matters not if you are a basketball player, a film director, a fast-food worker, or even a doctor because you see, ALL can be replaced by robots. There is no job that a robot cannot do. You have heard of the explosion of AI (Artificial Intelligence), I am sure. Well, that is why people are not needed anymore, hence the term, “useless eaters” was born.



Basketball Player Óscar Cabrera Dies Of Heart Attack, Previously Blamed COVID Vaccine For Myocarditis


Basketball player Óscar Cabrera Adames died Thursday of a heart attack while undergoing a stress test at a health center in Santo Domingo. He was just 28 years old.

Dominican sports commentator Héctor Gómez announced the news on Instagram.

Cabrera suffered from myocarditis, a disease that can reduce the heart’s ability to pump blood.

Following his death, social media posts surfaced where Cabrera claimed the heart condition came from two doses of the COVID vaccine — which he was required to get for work.

As you can see, a pattern is forming here, but those who put this shit in motion, want you to believe that these are mere coincidences so that you do not connect the dots that lead to those coronavirus clot shots as the culprit, which they are. Make no mistake, those Covid vaccines and boosters are what is killing these people, many of whom were young and healthy and had no risk factors. Oh they claim that the elderly and those with underlying health conditions need to line up quick, when even that is not true. Those are the people who most definitely should not line up. What killed your elderly loved one was not that they contracted that bioweapon named Covid, what killed them was the other bioweapons that the quacks used to ‘cure’ them of Covid, which were severe bioweapons themselves, couple that with the fact that we are all eating bio weaponized toxins masquerading as food, and you have a recipe for what? DEATH! And that is exactly what is happening.

But those of us who are telling you the truth, have been consigned to mere ‘conspiracy theorists’ because….well…what do we know? We know enough not to stand in line, roll up our sleeves and take that bioweapon called, “Covid vaccines and boosters.” We know enough to look at the labels in the grocery stores to try and find real food as opposed to bio weaponized toxins posing as food. I posted a blog here about how to find out if that shit in the grocery store is in fact food, or a bio weaponized toxin. I also posted a blog here on where to find non-bio weaponized toxins masquerading as food. 

Folks, take care of yourselves. Go the extra mile to look out for your health and that of those whom you love. There are plenty of people who are trying to clue you in on the war that is being waged against us all, even across the globe by dangerous, corrupt, lying criminals who do not have our best interest at heart. Black folks who are descendants of slaves in America have been hip to the shit since forever. Many of us do not fall for the vicious lies and we are denigrated for that, but even so, we will continue to refuse to comply. We’ve been educated on what these unhinged lunatics have been up to whether we wanted to be or not, but now, they are coming for the rest of you as well. We tried to warn you all, but we were paid no heed. Since it is now “in your face,” maybe you will take note. I can only hope.



2 thoughts on “Elon Musk Has Publicly Stated That Coronavirus Vaccines Are Causing Heart Attacks

    1. Indeed it is Kenneth. I remember when this Covid or coronavirus mess exploded, people were reading the fine print on those cans of Lysol and were observing that Lysol was touted as killing coronaviruses. But then, folks were told that Covid was a NEW coronavirus, and that Lysol could only do so much. The lying by what I refer to as, unhinged lunatics, is at a whole other level. Covid 19 is a bioweapon. It was designed to murder and Robert F. Kennedy Jr., says that Covid 19 was aimed at whites and Black folks. That may be so, since Biden almost jumped up and down in frustration over Black folks refusing to roll up our sleeves and take that ‘clot shot’. Millions of us refused since we have a history of knowing just what the US government is up to when it tries to get us to roll our sleeves up. We have never forgotten The Tuskegee Syphilis Study, as well as others and we won’t.

      And now, the US military is begging former soldiers, who it told to get out for refusing to take those ‘clot shots’, to come back to the US military, so what does that tell you, when those of us who remain unvaccinated were touted as scapegoats for not getting vaccinated and the vaccinated were told that the unvaccinated were the cause of the vaccinated contracting Covid. They couldn’t even make that shit make sense. And to this day, it doesn’t which is why more and more people are refusing to line up and take any more of those clot shots. Tis no wonder.

      Welcome in here and thank you for your comment.


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