…And The Reverend Says, “My Black Congregation Can No Longer Afford To Pay Tithes Thanks To Joe Biden’s Anti-Black Policies.” And The Congregation Says, “Amen!” 🙏

🤣🤣 I cannot stop laughing! Now, even the preacher man is stating that the price of a vote for Joe Biden is just too damn high when his congregation cannot continue to pay outrageous tithes in order to keep the “good” reverend clothed in the finest cloth, shod in the best leather and driven around in the most expensive of vehicles.

Black voters flocking to Trump, can no longer ‘afford’ to vote for Biden in 2024, reverend says

President Biden speaks during a Black History Month reception at the East Room of the White House on Tuesday in Washington, D.C. Alex Wong/Getty Images


Black voters can no longer “afford” to vote for President Biden, one reverend argued, citing his record on the economy and the border crisis as he battles dwindling support in the key voting bloc ahead of November. 

Rev. Jesse Lee Peterson accused the Democratic Party of abandoning Black voters during “Fox News @ Night,” saying more voters who previously would not have considered supporting him are now considering a vote for the 45th president. 

Reverend, deacon, doctor, bishop Jesse Lee Peterson is hopping mad that his congregations’ tithes are drying up faster than an animal carcass in Death Valley, CA. The “good” reverend cannot have that. What’s a “good” reverend to do when he can no longer fleece his flock since his flock’s pockets are to let?

According to some news outlets, Biden got 94% of the Black vote, but he damn sure did not receive a vote from me, but neither did Donald J. Trump. Neither warmongering racist is going to get a vote from me because either way, my shit is fucked up regardless. And Black folks should just sit this sideshow out since we don’t benefit either way. What is the point of voting for one rich old white racist over another one? And if that is not bad enough, remember the fact that the majority of Black folks voted for Obama and what is there to show for his flaming, warmongering ass having sat inside the Oval Office? Not a damn thing of note, that’s for damn sure. But we are to stand in line in November and vote for a rich, white racist warmonger to continue this shithole down the path it is headed and there is nothing and no one that can stop the collapse of this shithole.

We can only help ourselves and since we refuse to do that, we will continue to look to rich, racist white warmongers to do what for us? Exactly what they have been doing; fuck all!

Either way, our asses are grass, and the situation is not going to get any better even though Trump claims that he will end the war between Ukraine and Russia by refusing to continue to throw billions at Ukraine, but he is all FOR the continued bombing of Gaza by the Zionists. So, both candidates for president are warmongers. I don’t back warmongers since those same warmongers are waging a war against my ass, and I ain’t hardly liking that fact. I’ve been fighting my whole life and ain’t a damn white ass ever helped me. Quite the damn contrary. They’re the ones I’ve had to sue damn near every day.

And the lawsuits continue! 

Just two weeks ago, my life and the lives of everyone who was on a metro bus was threatened by a lunatic who got on the bus in a wheelchair and who proceeded to get up out of the wheelchair and cuss us out while threatening to kill us after killing the bus driver first. The bus driver called the cops who refused to come, claiming that they were just too busy. Thankfully, the lunatic saw that none of us were moved by him digging around in his pants for whatever weapon he claimed to have, asked to be let off the bus, picked up his wheelchair, threw it off the bus and exited behind the wheelchair.

As if that wasn’t bad enough, my apartment sent a notification around letting us know that the elevator would be down for a week.


We received one day’s notification, and I promptly called a lawyer and according to the lawyer, per state law AND the lease, management is supposed to put us up in a hotel or give us another unit to live in if we are to be left high and dry if we are disabled by the elevator being down for repairs for a lengthy period of time. They must think my ass is dumb as hell since they did not send any notification telling me that they would put me up in a hotel. After the lawyer did his thing, the management office called me and told me to pack my shit, and what hotel did I want them to prepay for me for the week?

And yes, I chose that fucked up hotel only because of its convenience to transportation since I refuse to buy another vehicle and I was only going to be staying from Monday checking out on Friday. Hell, I’ve stayed in worse. And if you are living in America, that’s all there is, worse!!!

Why these people play with me, I have no fucking idea.

As I type this, there is no hot water, the laundry room on my floor is pitch black as both lights have blown out. I notified management on the 10th of this month that the lights were out in the laundry room and as I type this, they are still out. I have already contacted code enforcement and they are on their way out here today to cite them for no hot water and the lights out in the laundry room and by the time code enforcement arrives, I am pretty sure that there’ll be something else to add to the damn ever growing list.

However, as usual, I digress. Someone send this blog to preacher man and tell him that even though I am suing everyone I come into contact with, I still have no tithes to pay his ass since I am still helping homeless people like these!

This homeless dude was trying to make the cops and security that patrol this shopping center to understand that he is merely reading a book while taking a breather from shopping since if he were to outright lie down and sleep, he’d be given the old heave ho, and so he has a book in front of him to make it look as though he is merely reading while actually nodding over the book. I stopped to help him.


This dude finally obtained his food stamps and went to work on opening two cans of La Choy Chow Mein noodles and proceeded to chow down. The situation is becoming more and more dire as every single day passes. There has been another murder at a homeless encampment that was slated for closure but has not been closed as of this blog posting since as soon as the encampments are broken down by the city, another pops up. And there are those of us who are helping the homeless pop them up until we can find affordable housing and other services that they need. We need to be able to find these people and having them grouped together makes it easier to find them and offer necessary services.

The city has multiple vacant lots that it has enclosed in fencing when the city disbands a homeless encampment. They are all around the city. Companies that make fencing are making a killing off this city alone since that is the city’s approach to removing homeless encampments; disband the camp by bulldozing folks’ stuff and then erecting a fence around the area.


Fenced-off area

Another fenced-off area.

Another fenced-off area

Yet another fenced-off area.

A huge homeless encampment used to be where that fence is, however, the encampment was disbanded, but now illegals have saturated the area, and no one has told them to “Keep it moving!” Why the hell not?! Oh, my bad! They are LEGAL American replacements.

So, folks, shit has been hitting the fan and that is why I have not been blogging. Homelessness is skyrocketing and me and my band of helpers are still at it. I just took a quick moment to give those of you an idea of what has been going down, but what I have stated on this blog is not even the tip of the iceberg.

I hope everyone is well. Take care and I also hope that you are blessed to have a home. If you are, enjoy it!!!!! Too many don’t have one. For the love of!!!!!!

Things Are Not Looking Good At All!

Folks, even though I have not been blogging like I used to does not mean that I am not aware of what is going on. I know only too well since I am out on the streets, daily. And I see the mess that has been deliberately let loose on humanity; those of us who are just trying to make it from one day to the next.

Stellantis announces hundreds of layoffs for white collar workers during ‘mass firing’ call

A mechanical engineer knew something was wrong when the rumor mill at work began to spin: layoffs were incoming. 

They had begun to trickle into the office a couple of weeks ago. Then, around 8 p.m. on Thursday, about 400 workers at Stellantis got an email telling them not to come into the office on Friday.

Instead, it would be a mandatory remote work day. They were also told to attend an operational meeting at a designated time. That’s when the news dropped.

“It was a mass firing of everybody that was on the call,” the employee said.

I have been telling Americans that America is not owned by Americans anymore. Guess where Stellantis is headquartered? Amsterdam. Americans have been sold out by corporations that have merged with other corporations and all of them are headquartered overseas.

What are those people going to do who just got fired from Stellantis? Some of them may eventually end up on the streets, homeless like the man in the next picture.

Again, this is going to become all too familiar. In fact, it already is. Those who have been sitting, basking in the glow of their white-collar jobs are now having the rug pulled from underneath them. There were signs of what was coming and since many of those people knew what was coming and tried to prepare for it by initiating a job search, as you can see, the job search did not go very well since many had to remain at their jobs until they got a zoom call telling them not to come back to work.

Another sad situation is what’s going down with Tyson Foods since that company has been in the news lately over firing legal American workers and hiring illegals to take their place. And even though Tyson Foods is touted as an American-owned company, the Chinese are the majority stockholders and so in essence, it is a Chinese-owned company masquerading as an American-owned corporation.

Tyson Foods Sells Majority Stake To Chinese Company – CMHI

by Vallery – SEPTEMBER 29, 2022

“The China-based Shandong Bao Shuan Group has purchased a majority stake in the American chicken company, Tyson Foods. Shandong Bao Shuan will now own 79.5 percent of Tyson Foods, while the American company will maintain a 20.5 percent stake. This is the first time that a Chinese company has acquired a major American food producer. The deal was completed on Monday, and it is valued at $8.55 billion.”

As you can see, the plot thickens!

Tyson Foods Faces Boycott After Report Claims Company Hires Migrants

Tyson Foods faces boycott calls

Tyson Foods is facing boycott calls following a report that the company planned to hire migrants to work at its factories.

Now, even though Tyson Foods retracted a statement regarding hiring illegals after having fired legal Americans, the fact remains that Tyson Foods has not been upfront about who owns the company and so it is not a stretch of the imagination to believe that Tyson Foods would not lie about whether or not it was planning to fire legal Americans and hire illegals. It has been done before. And I have covered that on this very blog. Archive to your heart’s content.

HUL Announces Mass Layoffs: Over 7,000 Jobs To Be Cut, Magnum Ice Cream Business To Get Separated – Check Details

hul announces mass layoffs: over 7,000 jobs to be cut, magnum ice cream business to get separated - check details

FMCG major Hindustan Unilever (HUL) is set to lay off 7,500 employees and the company announced the separation of its ice cream unit into a standalone business as part of a cost-saving initiative, The company said in a press release that it is planning to complete the restructuring by the end of next year.

Are you beginning to get the picture?

Amid mass layoffs across the US, Dollar Tree announces nearly 1,000 Family Dollar store closures

Many of the stores to be closed are located in rural areas and impoverished towns and cities. The Family Dollar chain has 8,000 stores in the US and Canada and is owned by Dollar Tree, one of the largest discount chains of its kind. In many areas of the country, a Family Dollar store represents the only option for groceries and other goods, with larger supermarkets several hours’ driving away.

What is going on?

The full list of major US companies slashing staff this year, from IBM to Google and Microsoft

A slew of companies across the tech, media, finance, and retail industries made significant cuts to staff in 2023. Tech titans like IBM, Google, Microsoft, finance giants like Goldman Sachs, and manufacturers like Dow all announced layoffs.

2024 is looking grim too. And it’s only March.

Nearly 40% of business leaders surveyed by ResumeBuilder think layoffs are likely at their companies this year, and about half say their companies will implement a hiring freeze.

And yet, the Biden Administration has been secretly flying illegals into the U.S. for quite some time.

Biden DHS pressed for answers on 386,000 immigrants flown directly into US cities

EXCLUSIVE — House Republicans are pressing the Biden administration to provide information about a government phone app that allowed immigrants outside the United States to apply for permission to fly into the U.S. to be screened for admission.

In a letter sent to President Joe Biden and Department of Homeland Security Secretary Alejandro Mayorkas on Friday, 18 GOP lawmakers demanded information on the “advanced travel authorizations” program that has allowed immigrants from Cuba, Haiti, Nicaragua, and Venezuela to enter the U.S.

Has anybody figured out what the hell is going on yet? All I know is that the sheer numbers of newly homeless are skyrocketing. And laws are being passed in different states to criminalize homelessness as with the recent laws about to hit the books in Florida, whereas it is against the law for the homeless to sit and rest on sidewalks, parks and in other public spaces.

A look at how the new law banning Florida’s homeless from sleeping in public works

Florida’s homeless will be banned from sleeping on sidewalks and in parks and other public spaces under a law signed Wednesday by Gov. Ron DeSantis.

Remember these pictures?

Florida has just made that a criminal act. As if those who are inside a tent on the sidewalk can help their plight when you can see for yourself that mass homelessness is going to be the result of endless layoffs coming down the pike and so LEGAL Americans are all going to be sitting up in prisons all across America while illegals are working for peanuts at Tyson Foods, Unilever, Smithfield Meat Packing Plants, Chipotles, Taco Bells, Days Inn, Extended Stay Americas and the list is also endless.

Americans are being replaced which is why illegals coming into America were not met with masked health officials insisting on rolling up their sleeves and injecting them with Covid bioweapons as in what happened to millions of LEGAL Americans. Is this the “Great Replacement?” Are your votes even going to matter come November? Will you even have a home come November since a pink slip is about to meet you via a zoom call from your “former” employer? The writing has been on the wall for quite some time now and even though there has only been about four years to prepare for this. Is anyone ever really ready for the bottom to completely fall out?

Laws are soon coming to a city, hamlet, burg, village, township near you that will make it a criminal offense to prop a tent up when you have been fired from your job and evicted from your home. And when that happens, there goes your health because take it from me, I am still trying to recover lost sleep from when I was homeless for eight months last year. I do not think that I shall ever be the same, in fact, I am certain of it and yet despite all hell, I am out on the streets every single day, helping the homeless when and where I can. The next picture is what today is looking like and I was out there helping the homeless.

It is much worse now and will continue snowing at least until Tuesday morning. And if I can dig myself out, I will be out in search of those who need rescuing from homelessness and the snow tomorrow. I hope that those of you who read this will never need help from those of us who are trying to help the homelessness. May you never experience homelessness.

Tonight, it will not be a fit night out for man nor beast, but man will surely be outside in the midst of a deep and unrelenting snowstorm. Have mercy!

A Silent, Cold Embrace!




Fluffy white and soft,
it blankets me this night.

Hidden by powdery flakes,
are stiffening limbs of ice.

Gently caressing my face,
and melting in my mouth,
a silent, cold embrace,
it hides the ugly truth,
that I lie on concrete, hard.

No dreams I’ll ever know,
with open, staring eyes,
buried beneath the snow.

Written by,
Shelby I. Courtland
© 2013 Shelby I. Courtland

I pray none of you who read this will ever experience homelessness. I pray you don’t!



Housing And Urban Development Head, Marcia Fudge Is Resigning Claiming That HUD’s Budget Of $3 Billion Is Not Enough, $70 Billion Is Needed. How Much Has Biden Thrown At Ukraine?

I have to hand it to her; Marcia Fudge tried her best to improve the lives of those who are poverty stricken and cannot afford to pay rent without badly needed assistance from Housing and Urban Development.

HUD Secretary Marcia Fudge to resign, says affordable housing is ‘an American issue’

Housing and Urban Development Secretary Marcia Fudge says the agency prioritizes "climate resilience."

Fudge worries there’s not enough funding for all the work still needed, including building more affordable housing and repairing aging public housing developments.

She wished the agency had gotten more than $3 billion to improve public housing and multi-family housing. The need is more than $70 billion, she said.

Now, how much imaginary American taxpayer dollars has Joe Biden thrown at Ukraine so that Zelensky could purchase multi-million-dollar yachts, and multi-million-dollar condos in Dubai?

$113 billion: Where the US investment in Ukraine aid has gone

President Joe Biden welcomes Ukrainian President Volodymyr Zelensky at the White House on September 21, 2023.

In August, as part of a larger request that included domestic disaster relief funding, the White House asked Congress to approve another $24 billion for Ukraine. This money would go to a variety of things, including replenishing the Pentagon’s arsenal with equipment sent to Ukraine.

It is crystal clear that the Biden Administration is not about the business of helping American citizens who have descended into abject poverty thanks to outrageous inflation, overpriced garbage in grocery stores masquerading as food, over-inflated rents due to greedy corporations raking in the dough from skint Americans who cannot afford to pay rent, put food on the table, pay daycare expenses for their children while they work; the whole nine yards. Because it is essential that U.S. defense and military contractors make out like the damn bandits they are by being thrown our imaginary tax dollars.

Boeing, Lockheed Martin, RTX Corporation, Northrup Grumman Corporation and other manufacturers of the war machines are making a killing hand over foot by being continuously supplied with our tax dollars to crank out weapons of war, while housing homeless people is consigned to a mere afterthought by indifferent politicians.

Housing and Urban Development could have been fully funded, and no one need sit out on the streets, dying because they are homeless, but because war will always win out, profits over people will always take precedence, wars will be funded first and foremost to the detriment of humankind.

I have posted picture after picture on this very blog of homeless encampment after homeless encampment. I have depicted “The Homeless Memorial March” that took place back in December, whereas we marched through the streets holding a sign with a dead homeless person’s name on it and many were elderly people and even a homeless baby was depicted on one of the signs.

Meanwhile, the Biden Administration is trying to get Americans to understand that Americans need to re-elect Biden when we did not elect his ass in the first place since the election was stolen from Donald Trump. And it is highly likely that the same scenario is going to play out again. Nothing that is going on today makes any sense at all. We have keyboard warriors holding forth telling us that they need to continue to sit at the keyboard and with microphone hooked up, tell us to take to the streets while they merely remind us that our shit is fucked up when no one need be reminded of that shit since people like me are out on the streets doing the damn leg work while the keyboard warrior crew beg for donations and superchat money on Youtube videos. I don’t ask y’all for a goddamn thing because I don’t believe in capitalism. Capitalism can kiss my ass! You will never find me with begging cap in hand asking for a damn donation so that I can continue to sit on Youtube and post video after video lambasting others for not doing a damn thing about a damn thing when I’m not either.

I take my ass out on the streets, daily, helping homeless people find a place to stay at night, giving them money for a hot meal or even buying the hot meal for them. I wear the soles of my two pairs of shoes out marching to showcase the homeless who died for lack of a home, and I ask nothing of anyone for doing so. My Black ass sat out on the streets, homeless for eight damn months during the coldest part of the year and I never begged a soul for anything even though I went days and weeks without eating, weeks at a time without sleeping. But never did I beg for one damn crumb, but I will not demonize those who do beg. They are just not as stubborn and stupid as I am because when they are hungry, they know to beg to see if they can get fed. I have given bus fare to those who did not have it and the bus driver refused to give them a “courtesy ride” and it was cold as fuck outside. I am not tooting my own horn, but I am showcasing the difference between being all talk and walking the damn walk. Those of you who merely sit somewhere in the comfort of your home, get your asses up and walk the walk and stop merely talking about what needs to be done. Nothing gets done by merely talking about it. That helps who?

You can see that the damn government is not going to step in and do a damn thing since the focus will always remain on finding countries to make war against as opposed to putting our money where it will do the most good and housing homeless people would do the most good which is why Housing and Urban Development will never be fully funded, but you can bet your candy ass that the Department of Defense will continue to receive a bloated budget to fund wars started by this shithole!

As to Marcia Fudge stepping down, I don’t blame you. You did what you could with what you had, and you are to be commended for lasting as long as you did because it cannot have been easy seeing so much need and trying to make such a limited budget, work. My hat is off to you, Ms. Fudge. At the age of 71, you most definitely deserve to retire and spend time with your elderly mother. And you are right when you say that “Affordable housing is an American issue.” It is not just a Black issue; it is not just a white issue. It is an American issue, especially since I have showcased that fact on this very blog. There are millions of homeless Black Americans as well as homeless white Americans. Don’t believe it? Check out the pictures of these homeless people.




Homeless man sleeping on the ground since HUD will never be fully funded since the Biden Administration and each presidential Administration before and after will continue to fund wars to the detriment of America’s most vulnerable. Homelessness is NOT a Black or white issue, it is an “American issue.”

Homeless, thanks to poverty and the fact that Housing and Urban Development will never be fully funded.

Homeless and strung-out on drugs. Remember the crack epidemic that decimated Black communities all across this country? Now, we have fentanyl that is killing everyone.

Homeless thanks to a lack of affordable housing and HUD’s budget is woefully inadequate to keep up with the need for affordable housing.

We continue to march through the streets carrying the signs depicting the names of the homeless dead since housing is not considered a “human right.” War rights are more important!

Homeless encampments will continue to grow all across America thanks to elected officials’ complete disregard for the health and wellbeing of America’s citizens.

And to think, our ancestors built the White House, and this is not far from the White House, and this is where the descendants of those who built the damn White House have to reside, a damn homeless shelter.

More Americans will end up in fucked up homeless shelters like the one pictured above whereas I had to stay when I was evicted for paying my rent for five goddamn years, paid it early each month and still got evicted and ended up in that fucked up homeless shelter. Racism and war will never end.

A homeless encampment full of American descendants of slavery.

This is what happens when people have no home. This is what happens when we ignore mass homelessness. It grows. It would cost less to house people than to continue to encourage homelessness to explode. Do you think that homeless people are healthy and since they are not, what happens? They cost more money with emergency room visits; crime is higher as well since people with nothing will get by somehow. But yet, the mainstream media blames these people for being too broke to afford the outrageous cost of housing.

How in the world are Indians homeless? The sign says it all!!!

Believe me, we will ALL regret not demanding fully funding Housing and Urban Development. We will ALL regret continuous wars. When we refuse to help the least of us, the most of us will soon follow. Wait for it. Your turn is coming. No one is immune to this. No one.


Mass Surveillance Is No Longer A Deterrent To Crime In America As Crime Surges In ALL Cities In All States

Even as I type this, the sirens are blaring. It is nonstop. Crime is increasing and there is nothing that anyone can do about it including the cops since the cops are getting their asses handed to them especially in New York City and the illegals have joined in with legal Americans in kicking cops’ asses.

Chaos Reigns In The Streets Of America As An Epic Crime Wave Terrorizes The Nation

If you were hoping that the United States would become a lawless society, you have now gotten your wish.  Some of the numbers that I am about to share with you are just mind blowing.  For example, I had no idea that police in New York City were injured by criminals thousands of times last year.  All over the nation, law enforcement is losing control and violent criminals are getting the upper hand.  We have never seen anything quite like this before, and I am entirely convinced that this crime wave is only going to get worse as economic conditions deteriorate.  Even in our capital city, crime is completely and utterly out of control.  If you can believe it, the number of carjackings in Washington D.C. was up 97.9 percent last year.

Even though this article was taken from a conservative right leaning website, I have perused local news out of Washington, DC, and crime is on the rise. Lawlessness is going to become an epidemic since so many people are broke and are always out on the streets due to the fact that they are homeless. The poor are not robbing the poor since the poor recognize the poor. Why would a poor person try and rob another poor person? That would be insanity as well as useless since you can get nothing from nothing. Add to that the fact that the rich continuously flaunt their wealth in the faces of the poor and that is a recipe for crime impacting an upscale neighborhood near you. 

I just read that cops are being shot, left and right because cops are no longer a deterrent to crime. Folks with nothing left to lose will act the part and it matters not that there are cameras everywhere. Cameras like these.

Those things are damn near everywhere! In Southeast and Southwest Washington, DC, in ALL Black communities, those things can be found. DC’s Black citizens are under constant surveillance and that hasn’t made a difference in deterring crime since while those things are watching the Black folks in DC’s Black areas located around Blue Plains Waste Treatment Plant, as those are the areas the whites, Asians and their ilk refuse to live, the poor Black folks are heading to the neighborhoods that have the rich people in them and they are going the fuck off in those areas, and with good reason. If whites want to strut around Georgetown in coats worth thousands of dollars, then they make themselves a target.

And I can honestly say that the only time I had a problem when I was homeless in Washington, DC, was when I was at a bus stop and some Black man was looking at me and getting a hard-on, the filthy bastard, other than that, no one tried to rob me since even though I had a decent coat on, it wasn’t worth thousands of dollars and folks with keener eyes than mine can size up the cost of shit at a nano second’s notice. Me? I can’t tell what’s high end and what’s not since my entire life I’ve never spent money on high end stupid shit. It was always bargain-basement discount, blue light special for me and I never did get what the hoopla was all about in having someone’s name written across your shirt or trousers or shoes. That mess is dumb as hell.

Just over the weekend, there was a report detailing that over forty robberies took place, and this was deemed, unprecedented, especially seeing as how the city is trying to make everyone understand that crime is down when that is a big lie. How in the hell is crime going to go down when the cost of everything is going up, the jobs report is a lie since this country has been steadily losing jobs and even losing jobs in upper pay level positions, as in the big tech sector and even the banking sector as bank branches are closing left and right? In many cities all across this country, stores are shuttering their doors thanks to a massive uptick in crime and homelessness, not to mention, rampant drug use. I saw a video the other day that was just horrendous when it came to showcasing the overwhelming numbers of people who are strung out on drugs.

This was sad to watch. The people in America are absolutely without hope and have descended into a living hell. There are record numbers of Americans hooked on various street drugs, and to try and list all the different drugs would be a herculean effort and I just don’t have the energy to even bother. This is just horrific, and people wonder why I am trying to learn Russian so that I can get the hell out of here? All morning, I have been studying the Russian language, and I may be studying it on my way to Russia since it would seem that there is not going to be enough time to become fluent in any language before all hell completely breaks loose here in America. “Get out!” It is not just a movie!

But while the cops are surveilling all legal Americans, I found this to be quite strange. 

What is missing in this picture? Surveillance cameras. Why no surveillance cameras where illegals hang out daily?? Any cops care to explain THIS?!

And this is what is being encouraged to take over America. Every single time I pass by this area, the illegals standing around that area, increase in numbers. The metro city bus company has even stopped bus pickup at the bus stop that is a mere few feet from where these illegals hang out, day in and day out. The illegals that hang out in this area are all to a one, military age men, and so how is this a coincidence that all of these military age illegals are asylum seekers? They don’t look busted up to me as though they were persecuted in their countries of origin. Denver, Colorado is all set to make illegals, police and firefighters. People who are in this country, illegally, are set to “police” legal citizens. What sense does this make?

Whatever is behind what is going down in America, they are deliberately speeding up the collapse. Because none of this is by accident. And this summer is going to be unlike any summer we have ever seen. I just read an article yesterday that said, “The New American Dream Is To Leave America!” Now that, says it all. 

‘The new American dream is to leave’: Most in the US don’t believe hard work will get you ahead and would take a pay cut for a better quality of life.

The American dream has turned into a fantasy for many people living in the U.S.

At the heart of the national ethos is the belief that anyone can achieve a happy life through hard work and perseverance. This was often symbolized by raising a family in a large house surrounded by a white-picket fence with two cars in the driveway.

New American dream

The Association of American Residents Overseas (AARO) estimates that at least 5.4 million Americans lived abroad in 2023. The biggest share of expats (40%) are thought to live in the Western hemisphere — Canada, Central and South America — or Europe (26%), while 14% headed to East Asia and the Pacific.

Yes, this is an indication of just how bad things are in America when the “New American dream” is to get the hell out! And that, is exactly what I am trying to do!

I Almost Got Arrested For Trying To Cover The Disbandment Of A Homeless Indian Encampment! The Police Are Outrageous!!!

I knew some mess was going to go down and so I deliberately did NOT carry on my person, any identifying documents in case of arrest. If questioned as to my identity, I would have stated, “I am Diana Ross.”

Why in the world would someone who is merely walking down the damn street be accosted by the cops, talking about, “Where are you going?” A cop had the audacity to ask me that question when I have walked that route many times since it is on my way to my dentist and never before had I been accosted by a cop demanding to know where I was going. I told that cop, “None of your business!” The cop came over to me as I proceeded to keep it moving and told me that I could not walk down the sidewalk and I told him that if I am committing a crime, arrest me, otherwise, I am walking to where the hell I want to walk.

The problem was, regular non-citizens, according to this racist ass government, like my Black ass in AmeriKKKa, was supposed to NOT be allowed to cover what went down at a homeless Indian encampment that was slated for demolition, disbandment or whatever you want to call it, because when I got to the homeless encampment, I saw plenty of WHITES standing around watching the results of COLONIZATION that THEY enacted against those whose homeland this is and the fact that the Indians are still getting EVICTED IN THEIR OWN DAMN HOMELAND!!

Those bitches were more in evidence than the Indians who were getting evicted from a homeless Indian encampment.

If we don’t stand up to those thugs in blue uniforms, they will continue to try and get away with telling us that we don’t have the right to walk down the goddamn street! Fuck those bitches!!

But as usual, I digress!

There has been a lot of local news coverage about the fact that a massive Indian homeless encampment was to be shut down despite the fact that almost 200 people if not more had made this encampment their ‘home’ since this past spring and I covered this encampment on this very blog back in the spring and yet the whites are only just now talking about getting those homeless Indians out of that encampment because it is unsafe, unsanitary and dangerous and there have been shootings and drug use. Well, if that were the case, they’ve had all damn spring AND summer to get those people housed and yet, they wait until it is cold as ice outside before going in and destroying those peoples’ shit, all the while exclaiming that they tried to provide them with housing which consists of emergency shelter in fucked up homeless shelters that should be shut down because they are themselves, unsanitary and unsafe and I should know, having just crawled out of many of them myself.

I have hospital records stating that I was bedbug bit the fuck up in a homeless shelter and I had never had bedbugs bite me in life until I crawled through the doors of the Mitch Snyder Homeless shelter in downtown Washington, DC. I showcased the shit I had to put up with, but the solution, according to city officials is a damn fucked up homeless shelter for NATIVE INDIANS since they refuse to help those people find housing.

And to think, our ancestors built the White House and this is not far from the White House and this is where the descendants of those who built the damn White House have to reside.

Inside THAT damn homeless shelter is where I was bit the fuck up by bedbugs, but they tell us that fucked up homeless shelters are the answer to homelessness. Get the fuck outta here with that bullshit!

But this is what I encountered while trying to bring the plight of the homeless Indians to the forefront and expose what Fox News would not, to expose what ABC and CBS news would not! They didn’t show THIS on the damn news!

That shit was called for to evict Indians from a homeless encampment??!! Why didn’t Fox News show this?

Look at this shit! Just to evict Indians!

That bus in the above picture was a “warming bus” for the damn cops!! And the fuckers onboard had the goddamn nerve to wave at me! They got the fucking finger because like I said, I was prepared to go to jail!” Fuck those pigs!”

They even had a bail enforcement motherfucker there! What the fuck!!!

The damn city even had helicopters flying over later, but I had already left at that point since that occurred during the night while the Indians were still trying to remove their belongings. This shit does not make any sense. Like I’ve stated, there was more of police presence than there were homeless Indians.

Seriously???!!! All for an eviction of a homeless Indian encampment! For the love of!!!!!!

And again!

That was absolute overkill because a police presence of that magnitude was unwarranted!

And we know damn well just who the pig force protects and serves; the so-called, “elites” because there are more of us than there are of them, and it is certainly high time that we stopped standing for this fuckery! I’ve already started, and I am well aware that I am on my damn own, but that won’t stop me! Someone has to have some damn balls even if they have to borrow some! If we keep letting those thugs get away with accosting us on the damn street just for walking, what’s on the table next???!! You scared ass bitches had better be glad that there are still Black folks like me who are willing to stand up against this shit because if it wasn’t for us, your asses would be inside cages alongside our Black asses, but it’s coming!

Look at that shit!! Was all that really necessary??!! Hell no!!

All to remove some homeless Indians who were just going about the business of packing up their belongings for removal.

As the Indians were removing their belongings, look at the cops just standing around, making a show of force just because they could.

Those homeless people were watched over by the cops as though they had done something wrong, just as I was accosted by the cops just for walking down the goddamn street!

What in the hell were those people doing wrong? This is the type of ‘society’ we live in today when homelessness has been consigned to a ‘criminal act’, where people are forced to move from place to place simply because they can be forced to when it is widely known that homelessness has skyrocketed in the past three years, exponentially. And the situation is getting worse as I type this, but the solution is to keep them moving and persuade them to do so by a horde of pig cops descending on them, as though they are overseers making sure that the slaves do what they are told, no questions asked!

Where the hell do they expect these people to move? Off the damn planet?

What a sad ass shame!

The sign reads, “HOMELESSNESS WAS CREATED BY COLONIZERS!!!” How fucking true and the COLONIZERS were out in full force making sure that the COLONIZED still knew just who was in control; the COLONIZERS!!!!

The signs say it all!

Yeah, you white bitches are screaming about “End the Genocide of the Palestinians by the Zionists,” but what the fuck are you saying about THIS GENOCIDE THAT IS RIGHT IN YOUR DAMN BACKYARDS??? Fucking crickets are chirping over THAT shit!!

Cops ‘lording’ it over the TRUE NATIVES of this stolen land!!!!

The Indians were sitting around a campfire trying to stay warm while a “warming bus” was in the vicinity, however, only COPS could use it. Meanwhile, multiple cities like New York and Chicago provided “warming buses” for Illegals, while those who are the ONLY LEGITIMATE people in this fucking country are to sit outside and be moved from pillar to post by the COLONIZER’S GOON SQUAD!!

What a damn sad ass shame, AGAIN!!! How do you motherfuckers sleep at night??!! Because I know I have a hard time doing that shit! Oh, that’s right, I’m fucking HUMAN! What you bitches are, I don’t fucking know!!!

Still removing their items! And the so-called “street outreach” teams on scene were completely useless. I got video evidence of that which I will be posting just as soon as I get it uploaded. I got tons of video. Fox News wanted to say something to me so bad, dude just couldn’t stop glancing in my direction as I spoke more than a few home truths of the situation. I blasted every news reporter there! And I was standing side by side with those useless fuckers!

The camera set up in this picture is from Fox News, the guy who I pissed off works for Fox News.

I loudly proclaimed that Fox News wouldn’t showcase the massive police force presence that was called in just to evict some homeless Indians on whose land all of our asses are sitting. Dude’s face was unappreciative of THAT, and I kept it up!!

Just sad!

My blood is boiling! I am seriously wondering why I have not been a victim of spontaneous combustion. I keep wondering about that because my anger has boiled over and over and over!!! Who needs an outside ‘heat’ source when my inner furnace should have long since blown several times over??!!!

Where are they to go??!!!

Where is the help for these people???!!!

And again!

Unfortunately, those words fall on blind eyes!

Yeah, evictions kill, which is why in December, I was marching to memorialize the “homeless dead.” We marched “The Homeless Memorial March” to showcase those who had died for lack of a home. And still, no one is damn listening! Go fucking figure!!!!


And they continue to fall on blind eyes!

All of their belongings, packing it up and they’ve been here since spring.

And so yes, I braved the cold, brutal cops questioning my right to walk down the goddamn street, asshole reporters and indifferent so-called, “outreach teams” that did not a damn thing to help those people. In fact, I was talking with one of the Indians who stated that she had had to move back to the Indian reservation, but she had just got housing in the area and was there to drive any Indians back to the reservation who wanted to go, but that things were no better on the reservation and she hates it that people think all Indians have money just because of a few casinos that are owned by some tribes. She told me that all tribes are not a part of the casino action and, therefore, do not receive revenue from the casinos. Just so you bitches out there don’t get any ideas that the Indians want to live foul like this because they are drinking and drugging their ‘casino’ money up when that is not the case. And if you’ve ever been homeless out on the streets for more than a week, you’d be driven to doing something about taking the edge off your damn selves. Yeah, try that shit and get back to me on how you handled it!


And more!

But we got to put up with this! Or not, since I refused to be bullied by those thugs in blue!

All of THAT to evict some homeless Indians! For the love of!!!!!!!!!!

Really???!!! Seriously??!!!!!

And if you whites think that your asses are not becoming homeless by the nanosecond, ask these HOMELESS WHITE PEOPLE HOW IT FEELS! Those in the next pictures are HOMELESS WHITES!!!

Your fucking grandpa!


Your fucking grandma!


Your fucking uncle, cousin, nephew, father, brother. You don’t recognize him?

Homelessness is coming to YOU as well, whites! And you are so NOT ready for it!!! Believe me, you will NOT handle it well!!!!



White Folks, Come Get Your Homeless Grandpa!

Homeless white grandpa dude is next in the series on the “Homeless in America.” Dude is also a homeless veteran, sitting on a bus and he damn sure wasn’t heading to the airport. Dude was heading to a homeless encampment.

Homeless dude has been waiting on his Veterans benefits to come through and even though he has a lawyer helping him with his case, since he could not pay the rent and the landlord did “thank him for his service to this fucked up country,” before setting him out on the streets, dude was set out on the street. 

He told me that he had spent Christmas with a buddy who was also a veteran, but that his buddy had to be hospitalized due to a severe bout of Post Traumatic Stress Disorder. Apparently, his buddy woke up in the middle of the night and was experiencing some sort of battlefield re-enactment in his head and went berserk, trashed the apartment, the police had to be called and he was hauled off which meant that dude in the picture had nowhere else to stay since he has been abandoned by his son and his wife because they claim that they are too broke to feed and care for him while waiting on some income to come through for his Veterans benefits.

Grandpa dude heard about the homeless encampment nearby and is hoping to claim a spot. I told him that there were mostly Illegals and a few Black folks living in the encampment already and he said that he had no problem with that since he would keep to himself. His only hope was that he would be allowed to live there while waiting on his Veterans benefits to come through.

So, my question, white folks, is why are you not out on the streets, massively protesting the fact that your grandpa is sitting out homeless on the very streets that you are out on, screeching and yelling that the Zionists need to stop fucking up the Palestinian people when you should be putting that same energy into squalling about the fact that your VETERAN grandpa should not be homeless in JANUARY? Where is that energy that you put forth for the Palestinians? Why isn’t it being used to support your veteran grandpa in his attempts to make it in off the streets? You don’t understand that elderly people hardly make it off the streets since old age comes with many physical issues, then add to the fact that dude is a veteran, and his issues are compounded? Now, I don’t normally support ex-military whores, but it was colder than a bitch outside and I would hate for anyone to have to sit up in a tent in 19°F weather, and the wind was fucking blowing. Yesterday was not a fit day out for man nor beast. And even though whites are beasts, your asses still don’t have enough fur on you to keep you from freezing. 

Come get your homeless veteran grandpa whites! It was not that long ago that I beseeched you to come get your homeless brother, cousin, nephew, uncle, father and you obviously didn’t bother since now your damn veteran grandpa has joined THIS dude, homeless on the streets!

This homeless WHITE dude was snoring his head off. Lying on the ground homeless while those who look like him, massively protest ANY situation that the lamestream media shoves at them but refuse to massively protest this that is right in their FACES, and not thousands of miles away!

Now, I just marched in honor of the homeless dead. It was called, “The Homeless Memorial March,” and we marched through the streets, carrying a sign that had the name on it of a person who had died just because they had no home. Now, I don’t know if the dude in the above picture was a name on one of those signs because I never did get dude’s name. I just showcased him as one of the faces of the homeless in an attempt to try and get you folks to take this shit as seriously as you take what it is going down between the Zionists and the Palestinians and it is quite apparent, that you are failing to do so since your veteran grandpa has joined your brother, cousin, nephew, father, uncle in homelessness. I am going to assume that dude has found another spot of ground to sleep on somewhere and was not on a sign one of us carried around while marching to recognize the homeless dead.

What is it going to take for you to understand and to realize that even though Black people in America are the faces of the homeless, white folks are joining our Black asses in experiencing homelessness in record numbers. It would do well for you to recognize that this situation is only going to get worse and for those of you who have checked out the dudes in this blog and have found them not to be a family member of yours, remember, they are someone’s family member and someone should be fighting for these people to get off the streets just as you are fighting to end what the Zionists are inflicting on the Palestinian people.

Right in here in your own backyard, there are people who are tired, they are homeless, they are losing hope, and they cannot fight this battle alone. Homeless veteran grandpa was falling asleep on the bus even as he was trying to tell me his circumstances. I understand that extreme tiredness all too well since my ass was recently homeless and despite sitting up inside a casino in Oxon Hill, Maryland, I was so damn tired, I managed to fall asleep while at a slot machine and security had to come over and wake me the fuck up and ask me if I was okay. At least, they did not put me out, however, I did collect myself and left to wait for the next bus so that I could fall asleep while riding around on the damn bus. You sleep where you can, but when the bus comes to the end of the line, you’ve got to get off and, unfortunately, I had fallen asleep on the bus, the bus was at the end of the line and the bus driver had to come wake me up to tell me so. He was very apologetic because he knew that I had no business at my age, being homeless. How I managed to make it through those eight months of homeless is still a complete mystery to me, but I must tell you, it wasn’t easy. And your veteran grandpa is not having an easy time of it. Of that I am most certain.

Again, whites, come get your homeless veteran grandpa off the streets. If you shameless shits claim to be so humanitarian and benevolent, then make that shit obvious because from where I sit, the opposite is obvious. You don’t give a damn about the veterans or the fact that your grandpa is damn homeless during the coldest part of the fucking year!

Next year, will the old dude in the picture at the top of this blog make it onto one of those signs depicting a former homeless person who is now deceased? Will someone be marching with the name of YOUR dead relative on a sign, dead because you couldn’t be bothered to be concerned enough to get up off your ass and protest or do SOMETHING, ANYTHING about the fact that people are dying for lack of a home?

No one WANTS to be homeless! And you can sit somewhere and talk about how folks who do drugs WANT to be homeless all you want if that will make you feel better about not even pretending to bother about the down and out, but it may behoove you to know that many people are homeless through no fault of their own. My ass was certainly NOT homeless because I was doing drugs, my ass was homeless due to racism since I had paid my rent for FIVE goddamn years and paid the damn rent EARLY each month but was still handed a notice to vacate by a racist landlord. So not ALL people sitting out on the damn streets are there because of booze and meth, crack and heroin. But if a person sits out on the streets for any length of time, it would be no wonder if they turned to drugs, it would be no wonder if they became mentally ill. Yeah, you try sitting out on the streets for two days and then come talk to me about how you don’t need something to take the edge off especially when the temperature is 19°F and this is only the beginning of January.


2024 Is Already Looking Fucked Up!

I was out again today and stumbled upon some more mess, as usual.

I cannot go in ANY direction without stumbling upon the homeless. This woman was sitting in a wheelchair. She’s been ‘living’ in a homeless shelter in the downtown area for over a year, can’t afford even a studio apartment and is waiting on an appeal for Disability Benefits, but it is an uphill battle even with having a lawyer and her sitting up in a wheelchair, needing all up and down on assistance in some form or another. The claim is that the system is so overwhelmed with applicants, there are backlogs as far as disability claims go. So, people are to sit out on the streets or inside fucked up homeless shelters, waiting on their appeals to be heard for disability benefits. But meanwhile, in California, this shit is happening.

Illegal migrants to get free healthcare in California while locals struggle thanks to Bidenomics

It appears the state of California will be providing free healthcare to the illegal immigrants coming to the United States. However, with many struggling during this near recession time, Americans are unhappy with this news. Furthermore, some are even accusing the government of favoring outsiders rather than Americans themselves.


I have showcased on this very blog, a multitude of issues that LEGAL Americans are facing and have been facing for decades and nothing is being done about that even as we are being told that inflation is on a downward trajectory. They can stuff a sock in that shit because from where I sit and millions of other broke ass Americans sit, ain’t shit inexpensive. Not one damn bill that I have to pay has been on a downward trajectory. That shit is increasing in amount; the fucking rent, the electric bill, food and I haven’t bought myself a decent pair of drawers since I don’t know when. I’ve got two goddamn pairs of pants, 9 shirts and one pair of shoes, and though I have proudly displayed champagne bottles, that shit’s cheap compared to food prices, clothing and whatnot. I don’t eat much because the shit ain’t food, but that does not mean that others want to follow in my footsteps. They are not eating much because they damn sure as fuck can’t afford it.

But as usual, I digress! Back to the poor, homeless woman sitting outside a Target store.

This homeless woman was sitting out in front of Target, and unfortunately, I had no change to give her and so had to go inside Target to, GASP, buy something just to get change.

Upon buying something and heading to the checkout, guess what was checking my shit out!

That’s a man, and that’s all I’m a say about THAT! For the love of!!!

After handing the woman some change, I hopped on a bus since I had to pick up my thyroid medication and encountered this!

This dude was sitting there carrying on a conversation with folks that only he could see and hear. Now, I don’t know if this dude is actually crazy or just pretending because when I was homeless, I met plenty of people who pretended to be crazy just to keep people from bothering them. One white lady claimed to be the Queen of England’s ‘lady-in-waiting’ whenever she would end up in a particular homeless shelter and talk nonsense about the Queen and her duties and so forth and so on since she was a white woman who had to be around a lot of Black women. But in one particular shelter that had a few white women in it, that woman was quiet as cat piss. I heard nothing about the queen, nothing about her being a “lady-in-waiting,” and another time when she was standing in line at the soup kitchen, she was also, quiet as cat piss. Folks know when to shut the hell up and when to pretend to be crazy. Some Black folks thought that she was a ‘plant since whites have, down through history, planted shits in our movements and organizations to spy on us. Now I didn’t take it as far as that, I just assumed that this particular white woman was terrified at having to be around so many Black women and so pretended to be crazy in order to be left alone. Not that any Black women were bothering her since we were too busy with our own issues.

However, with that being said, dude did not care who thought he was crazy, just as long as he got to his destination without being bothered. I don’t know his story because the mess coming out of his mouth was just too disjointed to be able to get a clue.

After exiting the bus, I come upon this!

A welcome mat/rug outside of a tent. More homeless folks lined up and the situation continues as we head into 2024.

How can we even begin to address this crisis in an effort to put a stop to it?

And all of this, the first day of 2024! Ain’t that a bitch!!!

Meanwhile, Ukraine’s Nazi lunatic president is telling Ukraine citizens that they will be producing more weapons while receiving more assistance from the US since the Biden Administration would rather throw fake ass billions at Ukraine and prop their sorry asses up over dealing with the multitude of crises occurring in this collapsed shithole. 

Zelensky vows more Ukraine-made weapons in speech

Mr Zelensky said Ukraine would produce "a million" extra drones in 2024

President Volodymyr Zelensky has promised a sharp increase in the amount of weapons Ukraine produces next year.

He said Ukraine would produce “a million” extra drones in 2024 – something he said earlier this month – and that F-16 fighter jets would be delivered by Ukraine’s Western partners.

“Our pilots are already mastering F-16 jets, and we will definitely see them in our skies,” he said. “So that our enemies can certainly see what our real wrath is.”


You know who those “western partners” are, US. That bastard even looks fiendishly corrupt and evil. I can’t stand even looking at him. He exudes corruption, depravity and not to mention, stupidity. He looks like a damn snake, which he is! And my damn tax dollars are going into his pockets and those of his close associates! That shit is infuriating!

Just because one calendar has been exchanged for another one and folks were out celebrating in Time’s Square and elsewhere, waiting for some damn ball to drop, did not mean that the horrific shit that’s been going down, ceased. There was not a damn thing to celebrate since we are also heading into a presidential election year and that is not going to be a pretty sight after the smoke clears, that is, if we even make it to November without a seriously major calamity befalling this shithole.

We still have this to contend with! Where is the money to resolve this! Over in Israel!

Where is the money for this? Over in Ukraine!

Where is the money to eradicate this? In the pockets of the corporate executives at Boeing Lockheed, you know, the makers of the war machines!

Expect to see more of the above since our priorities are indeed, fucked up!

WELCOME TO 2024!!!!




Homeless In America: One’s Bike Just Got Stolen And Her Teeth Knocked Out, The Other One Just Moved In With Africans


My continuing series on the homeless in America. Today finds me with two folks, one just recently got housed, that would be the Black man in the picture. He says that he finally got housing with a bunch of Africans. Apparently, the building that he recently moved into was housing for Africans, you know, the Africans from Somalia that the whites flew back to America to sit all up on our tax dollars while Black Americans and white Americans walk the streets, homeless?

After much wailing and screeching by the public, thanks to those of us who go to city council meetings and raise hell, a few housing units opened up in buildings that previously only housed AFRICANS FROM SOMALIA. Let that shit sink in! They are eyeball deep in the building that I reside in and are why the building is loaded down with roaches and rats. The city inspectors are on speed dial on my phone, coming out here, citing the management company for that shit! I told y’all that immigrants coming here don’t have one damn idea about hygiene, cleanliness and some more shit. The Somalis throw on so damn much perfumed oil, they believe that it hides their funky ass stench. And they just throw their garbage anywhere which brings in rats and roaches. Don’t ever live amongst that lot if you don’t have to and believe me, I am already on the lookout for new digs.

The white woman in the picture works for Burger King, but because Burger King does not pay a living wage, she finds herself still homeless. And until recently, she was able to ride her bike to work, but unfortunately, due to homelessness and not having somewhere to properly store her bike, it was stolen. The thieves also beat her up and knocked the rest of her teeth out, which many of her teeth had been missing anyway due to drug use. She stated that she has been clean for 5 years, but that it is tough experiencing homelessness as a female and having to go through abuse because you lack shelter to escape it. She is afraid that if she is not housed soon, she may lose the willpower it takes to not use.

And the weather is looking like this today!

The current temperature is 29°F, snowing and windy. Not a good day to be homeless, not that any day is a ‘good’ day to be homeless, but when it gets to snowing, the temperature dropping, factor in the wind and it damn sure ain’t a ‘good’ day to be homeless.

Yeah, snow is pretty if you only have to be out in it for a little while, but if you have no home, it gets old quick. 

The lady in the top picture had been residing here.

But the city just came through with yet another homeless encampment sweep and forced the homeless to leave. They had nowhere to go and so back to sleeping in doorways, this lady has gone.

The lady in the picture is aware of THIS homeless encampment, but the city is about to sweep these people out of their encampment.

The above is a homeless encampment that ‘houses’ mostly Native Indians. They are about to get evicted. These are INDIANS! Let that sink in! The city refuses to pick up the trash because they want an excuse to go in and put those people out. INDIANS ARE HOMELESS, WHAT IN THE FUCKING WORLD??!!! That makes sense, HOW??!!

Those who live in that area, in houses, are of course, complaining that the people are causing crime and other issues in the neighborhood. I have spent much time in that area and I saw no rise in crime or any issues that those who live there are talking about. Things are getting extremely contentious at the meetings because there are those of us who are trying everything that we can to try and get people housed, but it takes time. And some of the people who are now living in housing in that area, were once, homeless, themselves and now seem to have forgotten where they came from. That is something that I will never do, which is why I have been hell bent on trying to be a solution as opposed to part of the problem. 

On Thursday, December 14th, I will be attending the “Homeless Memorial March” and I will be taking pictures of the event to showcase on this blog. I may even take video if I am able, but it is extremely difficult to maneuver a walker while trying to also film. The “Homeless Memorial March” will begin at 5:00pm and we will march, each of us holding a sign with the name of a person who died because they did NOT have a home. We will then head back to where the marching started and hold a memorial service in honor of the homeless who did not survive homelessness. After that, there will be a meal served. I don’t care if it is snowing buckets and pigs, I will be marching, trudging through the snow with my walker, but I will be attending this event. Would that there was no need for an event such as this because we HUMANS refuse to allow ANYONE to die for lack of a home! But shameless shits that we HUMANS are, we ALLOW people to DIE for lack of a HOME!

I don’t even know how my old ass survived homelessness because I was sitting out on the street last winter, with the wind biting, bitterly cold and had only a thin pair of socks on and worn-out shoes, but I survived an entire winter shuffling between nasty, filthy homeless shelters and bus stop benches and it could happen again. This is AmeriKKKa and I am Black, the perfect recipe for THAT shit!

A Silent Cold Embrace



Fluffy white and soft,
it blankets me this night.

Hidden by powdery flakes,
are stiffening limbs of ice.

Gently caressing my face,
and melting in my mouth.
A silent, cold embrace.
It hides the ugly truth,
that I lie on concrete, hard.

No dreams will I ever know,
with open, staring eyes,
buried beneath the snow.

Written by,
Shelby I. Courtland
© 2013 Shelby I. Courtland

So, the next time you are sitting back in your warm, comfortable home, forget as you always do, the fact that some poor soul is out in the elements because this is a capitalist’s heaven and a poor person’s nightmare hell!! Don’t no poor person have to die in order to go to the christian’s hell, they are in a living hell, it’s called poverty, hunger and homelessness. 


Americans Say, “Free Palestine!” Sit The Fuck Down, You Are NOT Free Your Damn Selves!

Again, I was out and about, and I ran across this!

Now, how do you propose that Americans free Palestine when Americans are not free, their damn selves? Look the fuck around you! Do you see hide or hair of ‘freedom’? Let me give you a clue as to why you need to shut the hell up about “Free Palestine” when you have no freedoms whatsoever in this shithole called, “America.”

When was the last time you walked down the damn street and not one surveillance camera was mounted on a lamp post watching your every move? When was the last time you walked inside an airport and was not molested and/or radiated in order to board an airplane? When was the last time you were told that either roll up your sleeve and take a bioweapon called a Covid vaccine and booster or lose your damn job? When was the last time you were told that your ass is on lockdown and you weren’t exactly in a prison or a jail cell, but were in fact, in your own damn home? When was the last time your politicians told you that your tax dollars were going to fund a collapsing America as opposed to starting wars in Iraq, Afghanistan, Syria, Ukraine, Yemen and the fucking list is endless? Did you have a say over ANY of that shit? So then, tell me, how are you going to “Free Palestine” when your asses are just as under siege, because step your ass out of line and they’ll blow you to bits just like what’s been going down all across the globe and guess who started ALL of that shit, America!

Next to the “Free Palestine” sign was this!

So, the REVOLUTION is going to be fought, how? By using a keyboard? By using a sign? By using a flag? What do you hope to accomplish by posting such as this around town? You want to call attention for the need to “Free Palestine,” and for calls for REVOLUTION, when y0u just need to sit your dumb ass down because you cannot free yourself nor can you revolt against the shit that’s got you plastering and painting signs and words all over the place.

Yeah, get organized and then sit your asses down because there is no such thing as getting organized in this day and age and getting anything done when the only thing you are willing to do is to plaster signs around town, march for a day and then go home and shut the fuck up. That really started a revolution, right? Yes indeed, you really wish it were that simple because you see, the people of today lack stamina, they lack sense, they lack initiative; they lack everything it takes to actually accomplish something because they want things done the easy way. If they’ve got to actually get hurt and go out and fuck shit up and continue to fuck shit up, they won’t budge. Even with nothing to lose, you will sit on your asses and wail and whine that shit’s fucked up. Of course, shit’s fucked up and shit’s fucked up because for decades you saw this shit coming down the pike and you sat back and did nothing because they handed you a smartphone, told you that it was smarter than your dumb ass and you took that shit and ran with it. And now look where you are, hosting a revolution while sitting on your ass, holding a smartphone while looking dumb as shit!

When you did nothing about mass homelessness, the school-to-prison pipeline, mass unemployment, mass underemployment, income inequality, low-wage jobs, gentrification, mass incarceration of an entire ethnic group, rampant police brutality and more shit of the like, you lost out on any hope of getting shit done because when the least of us is getting fucked up, the most of us will soon follow. So, again, sit your dumb ass down because there is absolutely nothing that you are going to accomplish by posting a scannable piece of shit on a pole about starting some damn revolution that consists of you squawking, wailing and whining. That don’t get shit done.

What have you done about this?

This homeless WHITE dude was snoring his head off. Lying on the ground homeless while those who look like him, massively protest ANY situation that the lamestream media shoves at them, but refuse to massively protest this that is right in their FACES, and not thousands of miles away!

You’ve done not a goddamn thing!

What have you done about this!

A homeless couple

What are you doing about this? A homeless couple trying to sort out their meager belongings before heading who the hell knows where, but you are going to “Free Palestine!” Again, sit your dumb ass down, you can’t even free your damn self!


My Advice to Dems, Stop Being Punk B!tches! — WriteSomeShit

OFF TOP: EXCUSE MY LANGUAGE. I HAD TO SAY IT LIKE I FELT IT. Yesterday the Democrats got their asses kicked, and rightly so. Am I shocked? No. Black people can always smell the rain coming, and we knew this would happen. Undoubtedly many people will study the election results, and potential candidates will hire…

My Advice to Dems, Stop Being Punk B!tches! — WriteSomeShit
But…but…but…when Joe Biden was declared the president-elect, the writer of this blog did this!
the official call was made that former Vice President Joe Biden was The 46th President-Elect of the United States of America. I immediately let out a yell and a deep sigh of relief! […]
You should still be yelling and sighing in relief that Joe Biden is the president and the Dems are still head of the House. What’s the problem now???!!!!!
Stop Treating Black People Like The Side Chick. You got this thing twisted. We ain’t the side chick. We are the main chick. We shouldn’t be an afterthought. We should be aforethought. Yall treat Black people like a 2:00 am booty call, and now you are shocked when we are like, “New phone. Who dis?”
SHUT.THEE.HELL.UP!!!!!!!! This is what you wanted; this is what you let out a yell and a deep sigh of relief over and now, you’re cussing and carrying on as though you had no idea that this shit was coming. Who the hell are you fooling? I told you what was what when I reblogged your post, “They Live Among Us!” and yet, there you are, blowing a gasket for what YOU voted for, let out a yell for and gave a deep sigh of relief for! That shit’s on YOU! It doesn’t make a gnat’s ass worth of difference who is at the helm of this lopsided, sinking, stinking ass Titanic, ain’t no goddamn body gonna do shit for American descendants of slavery and in fact, Joe Biden is planning on giving….WAIT FOR IT….REPARATIONS TO ILLEGALS WHO HE CLAIMS WERE SEPARATED AT THE GODDAMN BORDER FOR DRAGGING THEIR ASSES OVER HERE. HOW THE FUCK DID WE GET HERE? WE DID NOT COME HERE WILLINGLY AND YET HOW ARE WE BEING TREATED IN COMPARISON TO SOME MOTHERFUCKERS WHO THREW THEMSELVES OVER HERE? GOP blasts Biden for $450K per person payout to illegal immigrant families
Republican lawmakers are blasting reports that the Biden administration is discussing paying almost half a million dollars per person to illegal immigrants who were separated from their families at the southern border during the Trump administration — calling it “insanity,” “unacceptable” and a “slap in the face.”
It’s a goddamn slap in the face alright! A slap in the face to every single American descendant of slavery, but this is what you wanted since it has been stated that, as usual, Black people fell in line with the Democraps and voted for their asses, overwhelmingly and probably like this here Hannah Drake, yelled in joy and let out sighs of relief when Joe Biden was announced the president-elect. But now, your asses are sitting somewhere looking stupid as hell because I get to say, “I TOLD YA SO!” You dumb Black motherfuckers ain’t got the brains God gave a gnat, sitting somewhere letting out yells and sighs of relief because one flaming, stomp down racist president was exchanged for another one and this one promises REPARATIONS FOR ILLEGAL MOTHERFUCKERS WHO ARE HERE BECAUSE THEY CHOSE TO BE HERE. AMERICAN DESCENDANTS OF SLAVERY DID NOT CHOOSE TO BE HERE, BUT WE ALWAYS GET NOTHING WHILE OTHERS, INCLUDING ILLEGALS GET REPARATIONS!!!! That’s some sick ass shit that is supposed to insult us and some more shit, but you fools want to cheer on a Biden presidency, thinking that’s better than a Trump presidency. And what’s more, you dumb asses are most likely still thinking that shit because you fucking never learn and I’m not apologizing for my language. I said what I said and I fucking meant it; every goddamn word!!!!! And Hannah Drake, I’m fucking done with you because you claim to be so educated, so woke and knowledgeable, but you are stupid as hell because you can’t see the forest for the trees and get to yelling in glee and sighing in relief over a motherfucker who gets elected and promptly tries to hand over $450,000 to EACH AND EVERY SINGLE ILLEGAL while claiming at the same time that AMERICAN DESCENDANTS OF SLAVERY ARE OWED NOTHING!!!! Sit your ass down and shut the fuck up!! You and those like you who voted for that bastard and celebrated it are part of the problem. We don’t need y’all shuck and jive motherfuckers to say shit because y’all ain’t got a fucking leg to stand on. So just shut the fuck up already! In fact, take several seats because your asses look stupid as hell and you should fucking know that, but you’re too dumb to see it!!!! AS FAR AS JOE BIDEN IS CONCERNED, AMERICAN DESCENDANTS OF SLAVERY FOR REPARATIONS, GET HOMELESSNESS AND MASS INCARCERATION WHILE ILLEGALS GET $450,000 A PIECE! NOW, WHEN YOU SIT YOUR ASS DOWN, HANNAH DRAKE, LET OUT A YELL OF GLEE AND A SIGH OF RELIEF ABOUT THAT SHIT, WHY DONCHA???!!!! Piss off!!!! And once again, you sure as hell do, WRITE SOME SHIT!!!!! Lastly, in case you forgot, I am reposting the comment that I left on your blog “They Live Among Us,” when you let out a yell and a sigh of relief when Joe Biden was declared the president-elect.
I cannot understand why you are celebrating. You want more immigrants and yet, it is a known fact that American descendants of slavery have had to train their immigrant replacement and go home, jobless. In fact, 60 Minutes did a segment about that and I blogged about it. Ask Robert Harrison if he is celebrating. But I think I know the answer to that. He’s not, because he had to train his replacement from India, was given a severance package that amounted to nothing and was told that he no longer had a job. And yeah, he was a Black man who had a family to take care of. I guess they are sitting up in a homeless shelter right about now. And tell me, who was president when Eric Garner was caught on tape exclaiming, “I can’t breathe?” Was it Trump? I’ll give you a clue, dude had a permanent tan. Michael Brown, Eric Garner, Sandra Bland, Freddie Gray, Walter Scott, Philando Castile, Tamir Rice, and Akai Gurley are just a small sampling of black people who died during President Obama’s watch and what did he do about rampant, out-of-control racist cops murdering Black people? Obviously nothing since you’re speaking of George Floyd, talking about how he couldn’t breathe under the knee of Derek Chauvin. But Obama gets a free pass? Not to mention, white supremacists were doing what they’ve always been doing even under Obama’s watch and I guess you’ve forgotten about this: avowed white supremacist, Dylann Roof massacred nine Black churchgoers in Charleston, South Carolina, during a prayer service in 2015. That was also on Obama’s watch and what did he do about that? Why he attended one of the victim’s funeral and sang a song penned by a known flaming slave trader by the name of John Newton. The song he screeched out was “Amazing Grace.” Remember that? Over Reverend Pinkney’s dead body? And why does Biden illicit cheers and tears of joy when millions of American descendants of slavery are still sitting up in prisons thanks to Biden railing for hours on the senate floor stating that Black children were predators who needed to be locked up and thanks to the Clinton/Biden 1994 crime bill, that is exactly what happened. Kamala Harris called herself, “Top Cop” when she was the top prosecutor in California and locked up broke Black mothers for their child’s truancy and laughed about it. Was against the legalization of weed, but is now for it. Seriously? She locked so many Black men up for misdemeanor drug crimes, it should have been a shame and then sent them out to fight wildfires when they had no formal training and many died. But that’s all kosher now, I suppose. So, it’s time to get out the balloons, confetti and believe that Biden/Harris are going to be what Trump was not. Not one Black person in America was under any delusions BEFORE Trump about racist whites and that those racist whites are not just the ones who march through the streets in sheets and hoods, but are in fact our doctors, lawyers, judges, bankers, CEOS of every single corporation and the list is endless. This did not just become problematic during the Trump Administration. Racism defines America; always has and always will. However, there is not a thing to celebrate and you of all people, should know this.
And I finished it with: When there was no pandemic and no need for mass mail-in voting ballots, the Democrats cried, “FOUL!” for four goddamn years, but now, there ain’t a gnat’s ass worth of voter fraud, interference or fucking problem AT.ALL??!! But those like Hannah Drake are so thirsty for what she thinks will be a Utopia under Biden/Harris that they cannot look past the smoke and mirrors, lies and deflection because the media has been making Trump out to be the absolute BADDEST RACIST MOTHERFUCKER TO EVER EXIST. Let those like Hannah Drake continue to buy into that bullshit and watch when their world really does completely and absolutely collapse and the smoke clears and the mirrors crack and they finally see reality. Talk about ‘racism’ then, Hannah Drake, if they leave you in any position to talk at all. Because what’s going to come from this Biden/Harris nightmare is going to be something that none of us can wake up from because they are going to bring us a nightmare reality. Cheer and shed tears about that. You’ll soon wish you hadn’t. Beware of racists in sheep’s clothing for they are worse than unapologetic racists. I’d rather a racist proudly proclaim his racism than have a racist motherfucker like Joe Biden go on a apology tour only because he needs votes when he wouldn’t change a damn racist act he engaged in. No one would ever find me cheering and dancing in the streets over a Biden/Harris ‘victory’ because that only spells more doom for those of us who were born into this nightmare reality of white supremacy with eyes wide open, but go ahead, shut them now because you think that Biden/Harris are your saviors. More the dumb ass you are. And if you are in any position for an immigrant to take your job, my advice to you is, buy a tent. You’re going to need it! But we ain’t even finished with 2021 and Hannah Drake already crying, “Buyer’s remorse!” That’s what you fucking get!