US Soldier Fought For Ukraine Before Switching Sides And Joined Up With The Russians. He Said, “All’s Fair In Love And War!”

A US soldier who stated that he was a communist and was, therefore, totally against fascism, was originally fighting on the side of the Ukrainians, but was hit with an epiphany and switched sides after having spied on the Ukrainians in order to report to the Russians as to what the Ukrainians were up to in the heat of battle.

Meet the US veteran that joined Ukraine but defected to Russia

A traitor through and through

John McIntyre served two years in the American military according to Newsweek’s Ellie Cook and joined Ukraine’s International Legion before switching to the Russian side in February 2023.

When asked in an interview with Russia Today’s Murad Gazdiev why he had joined Russia, McIntyre said he was a communist and had always planned to betray Ukraine. 

“I’m a communist”©Provided by The Daily Digest

“It’s the reason I came to Ukraine in the first place,” McIntyre told Gazdiev. “I’m a communist, I’m an anti-fascist, and we have to fight fascism everywhere.”

In a deep southern accent, McIntyre explained his original plan was to gather as much information as he could about Ukrainian forces before defecting to Russia. 

“When I came to Ukraine, I knew that I would try to get as much information as I could, anything that would be helpful, and defect across lines,” the former soldier said.

When asked what he would say to the people he served with during his year in the Ukrainian Armed Forces, McIntyre said: “All’s fair in love and war.”

😂😂😂 I cannot contain my laughter. Dude said, “All’s fair in love and war.” He is a communist after my own heart. And what’s more, I am also a communist. I am a leftist, socialist, anti-capitalist. Just see my Avatar. And if anyone has a problem with that, bite me!

Zelensky must be hopping mad! If it wasn’t bad enough that the US just sent him a note stating that he would no longer be receiving assistance in the form of fake ass greenbacks and slightly irregular missiles, guns and other assorted projectiles, now he has US troops defecting to Russia with valuable information for the Russians, who by the way, are already in receipt of what the Nazi Ukrainians are up to. Putin must be laughing his ass off. First, Snowden lands in Putin’s lap and now to know that a US soldier only joined up with Ukrainian forces to spy on what Ukraine was up to so as to be able to offer up a ‘spy’ report to Putin on the goings ons on the frontlines as it pertained to the Ukrainian soldiers’ performance on the battlefield along with weapons reports.

Oh, Putin is well aware that all able-bodied Ukrainian men from 18-24 are already dead, as are those in the age range of 25-62 because Zelensky had to order those who were in the hospital on their sick bed, to get up and hobble to the frontlines and sling shot rocks and broken bottles alongside their elderly female partners, towards the Russians, the situation is that dire in Ukraine.

With so much in the war against Russia hinging on refilling the ranks of soldiers, efforts are underway to draw more Ukrainian women into the army.

Two women wearing combat vests and helmuts and carrying guns.

Halyna Vynokur, a clerk in a hardware store in Kyiv, was shouldering a firearm for the first time. Iryna Sychova, a purchasing manager at a department store, disassembled and reassembled the jumble of rods and springs in a Kalashnikov rifle.

They were among two dozen women who turned out in a forest near Kyiv one recent weekend for a course in firearms and urban combat, training that included shooting rifles, finding booby traps and throwing hand grenades. They were spurred by a sense of duty, they said, realizing they might someday end up on the front lines.

Well, American feminists, you see the title of the above article. Get yourselves prepared to make like the Ukraine women and get suited up since as you can see, wars, will never cease and when the men have all been killed, it will now be your turn to continue to make sure that the war machine is revved up. Never mind the fact that humans just cannot seem to get along, cannot seem to find another way to settle their differences without resorting to war, just suit up and become just another mindless military whore for the warmongers to use. And if you make it through the battle, and your mind’s fucked up, the Veterans Administration won’t do shit to help. But you get your body ready for war because it is coming since the shit stirrers will forever be shit stirring and expect you to pony up and do their dirty deeds for them. And what’s more, you won’t balk, you will do as you are told. Suit up, ladies!

I Die A Thousand Deaths Each Day!


When will you stop killing me?
I die a thousand deaths each day.
You kill me over and over again,
and then another me, you slay.

We are all just one big family
but you don’t see me in that way.
You point your weapon at my chest,
as though I’m just some hunted prey.

The blood that flows from me,
also pulses through your veins.
And as another me lies dying,
a thousand more of me remains.

So, kill each and every one of me.
And when you’re the last me left to stand,
then the killing will finally end,
when you die by your own hand.

Written by,
Shelby I. Courtland
©2014 Shelby I. Courtland

What difference does it make in the name that we give the latest excuse for war? There will always be a ‘group’ of people who will be perceived as evil incarnate and therefore, must be ‘bombed’ into oblivion. Must we ALL have to die for there to be no more war? Must there only be one so-called, ‘human’ left on earth and then what? What would that last ‘human’ do? Kill himself? That is my guess because after all, what else are we wired for?

Regardless of which ‘side’ you are on, war is war, and it is always wrong. Switching sides, sticking with one side, it matters not. It is all so destructively wrong and a sad ass shame that in the year, 2023, so-called, ‘humans’ are still warring with each other over differences. What the hell??!!!!