Justice For Justine Damond? Was There Justice For Philando Castile?

I cannot wait to see how this plays out!

Minneapolis officer charged in shooting of Australian woman

MINNEAPOLIS (AP) — A Minneapolis police officer who shot and killed an Australian woman in July turned himself in Tuesday after a warrant was issued for his arrest, his attorney said. A jail roster said he was held on third-degree murder and second-degree manslaughter charges.

Officer Mohamed Noor shot Justine Ruszczyk Damond, a 40-year-old life coach on July 15 minutes after she called 911 to report a possible sexual assault in the alley behind her home. Damond’s death drew international attention, cost the police chief her job and forced major revisions to the department’s policy on body cameras.

African immigrant police officer shoots white Australian immigrant to death after she calls 911 to report a possible crime and since July, he has not been made to open his mouth about his actions and today, he is finally being charged with a crime. Because of the hoopla surrounding this and because other ‘white’ people who lived in this woman’s upscale south Minneapolis neighborhood demanded action, the police chief, Janee Harteau was forced to resign and there were also calls for the mayor, Betsy Hodges to resign over this and now, charges have been filed against African immigrant police officer, Mohamed Noor, who is from Somalia and no, that is not next door to Wakanda and so I do not believe that it is incumbent upon ‘Black Panther’ to send Officer Noor some ‘Vibranium’ to help get him out of jail.

I want to see if Officer Noor is going to go the route of the police officer who killed Philando Castile who was charged with second-degree manslaughter; two counts of dangerous discharge of a firearm and the verdict? NOT GUILTY! Officer Jeronimo Yanez, better known on the Minneapolis police force as ‘Mr. Guacamole’ was just the salt on margaritas of the earth seeing as how it was alleged that he volunteered, extensively, in the Latino community. But you see, he too, played on the old adage of “I feared for my life even though I pulled over the wrong man because there was a report of a robbery by a wide-nosed man and Philando Castile fit the profile and I pulled him over and asked him for his ID even as he informed me that he had a permit to carry a concealed weapon and whereupon hearing this, I shot him because, AGAIN, I feared for my life because a Black man had a gun, goddamn it! Everyone knows Black men are big scary men and they should not be allowed to carry guns and so there! No harm! No foul! And that is why I got off scot-free! Now, give me my badge back!”

Both of these cases are/were high profile cases and both victims had actually done no wrong, including Philando Castile, who, just as Justine Damond, had no rap sheet. And the cop that shot Philando Castile shot inside a vehicle where sat a woman and her 4-year old daughter and I am pretty sure that if either of those two had got shot dead, the verdict would have been the same.

But here lies Miss Australian Goldilocks, murdered by Minneapolis’s finest Somali cop and I will be dissecting this situation until the Fat Lady sings. And I am already pretty sure that glaring differences as to how these two cases are handled will be forthcoming. Count on it. If I was so inclined to eat popcorn and drink soda pop, I’d be getting me a big bowl of popcorn and a Big Gulp soda right about now as they bring in the clowns for this latest circus of horrors show.

And lest some have forgotten the handling of the Philando Castile case, here’s a reminder.

The case against Officer Yanez — believed to be the first time in Minnesota history that an officer was charged in an on-duty fatal shooting — hinged on one central question: Did the officer have reason to fear that Mr. Castile was reaching for a gun that he had acknowledged having with him when he was pulled over by the officer?

Officer Yanez testified that he feared Mr. Castile was grabbing for the gun, but Mr. Castile’s girlfriend, Diamond Reynolds, said he had merely been reaching for his identification to give the officer.

Though there was dashboard camera video of the events, as well as the live-stream video that Ms. Reynolds began taking after the shooting, there was no video clearly revealing the crucial moments in the front seat of Mr. Castile’s car — and how precisely he had moved his hands before the officer fired.

Valerie Castile, Philando Castile’s mother said, “The system in this country continues to fail black people and will continue to fail us.”

How right you are Mrs. Castile. How right you are. But now that Justine Damond, a white woman who also lived in an upper class neighborhood has been killed by an African, let us see if there will be any difference in how this plays out. Will Officer Noor get away with stating that he shot Justine Damond because he feared for his life and that of his partner’s who has stated that he was absolutely STUNNED when Officer Noor shot Justine Damond and so if that is the case, then where was the fear?

Welcome to OUR world, Justine Damond! Welcome to OUR world; the world of ‘death by a cop who feared for his life’! A more fearful bunch of murdering motherfuckers you’ll never find unless you add in the U.S. military. What I don’t get is why do the most cowardly shits join the police force? If you are that fucking scared, then get a job where you can work on a computer from your mama’s basement threatening people who don’t pay their bills. It’s called, ‘collections operators’. That’s the job for you scared shitless cops who always ‘fear for your lives’ to the point where you will kill first and don’t have to answer questions later since that was the case with this here Officer Mohamed Noor, who has yet to be made to speak on what he did to Justine Damond. Assholes such as this one here, are nothing more than a bunch of damn cowards hiding behind a badge and a gun. Take that gun away from those cowardly bastards and they’d all quit the police force in one fell swoop and wouldn’t we all be the better for it? Indeed we damn well would!

5 thoughts on “Justice For Justine Damond? Was There Justice For Philando Castile?

  1. For what it’s worth, Shelby, my view is that this type of injustice relates partly to deeply ingrained institutional racism but also to the adversarial type of justice system employed in the US, UK and other English speaking countries. In an adversarial system the outcome of a trial depends almost entirely on the skill and personality of the attorneys – ie the side that has the best attorney nearly always wins. I’ve come to the conclusion that justice rarely happens – not only for Black people but for women who have been physically or sexually abused – under such a system.

    I’ve been doing a bit of reading about the inquisatorial system that they use in non-English speaking European courts. In this system, when a crime is committed an impartial investigating judge is assigned to develop the facts in a the case – which is then presented to a trial court (with a different judge) where the points of law are decided.

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    1. Thank you for a most informative comment Dr. Bramhall. You always bring relevant information to any topic. The judicial system in AmeriKKKa is already stacked against poor Black people and women because most times, public defenders are representing them and they are paid by the state and so we all know what sort of representation they’ll get and that is why most of them are just told to plead guilty even when they are innocent. They are advised not to seek a trial by jury and just have a judge sentence them. That’s not right either and I’ve actually seen cases of out and out criminal acts committed by officials of the court where they have fabricated evidence and brought in bogus witnesses to falsely testify against defendants. The whole judicial system all across AmeriKKKa is corrupt to its very core or foundation. And that is never going to change.

      Again, I thank you for your comment.

      Liked by 1 person

    1. “White Lives Don’t Matter!” to me and that is a FACT that I make extremely obvious on this here blog. I don’t give a shit for those pasty-assed demons. The only thing a white motherfucker can do for me is drop dead!

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      1. I know right, I can’t stand them and I also would love to see terrible things happen to them as well. I won’t care whatsoever for their miserable and pathetic lives. Amen! 😀


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