So, You’re Pissed Because Black Women Are Raising Sons On Their Own? Whose Fault Is That?

Black women are not solely responsible for THAT shit and to say that they are is a complete and utter lie! Fuck THAT shit!




The post that I am referencing is not about feminism, it is about Black women and this person’s contempt for Black women. I can’t believe this shit! And I have the nerve to wonder why we are our own worst enemy? We cannot even pretend a united front against our common enemy!

Now, you Black women want to be independent. You really believe that you can do what these white women do and you simply cannot. That feminst movement left the black community in shatters.

Now, black women run the daddy of their child off and away because you’re a STRONG black woman right?

You may even put the man on child support KNOWING DAMN WELL…that he can’t afford it.

Now, you’re raising your son or daughter alone without their father.

You’re raising your SON… and you turn him into

an emotional beta male who…
cant make decisions
hes indecisive
he’s feminine
he’s completely pussy-fied
hes soft as cotton

Wait a goddamn minute! It takes two to tango and without a man involved, no woman, Black, white or blue could make a baby all by their lonesome. You give the Black man a free pass when you know why a Black woman is raising a son all by her lonesome. It is because Black men lie down with a woman long enough to implant his seed and then he is on to the next. How in hell is that on Black women? Black men are not stepping up to the goddamn plate and you know this. You are not blind as to what is going down today. No Black woman in her right mind should put up with that shit! And if a Black woman has a son by a Black man and he leaves her and goes on about his business, how is it her fault if the boy grows up and states that he’s gay? Black women don’t have to push Black men away. Black men are walking away from any type of Black family relationship because that is what some of them want to do because they act like dogs in heat; sniffing after every skirt within grabbing distance.

And if a Black man cannot afford to pay child support, then he should have thought about that BEFORE he pulled his dick out and inserted it into a vagina and sent his sperm up into it. If a Black man is too broke to afford a box of condoms, who is that on? And so once again, contraception must be all about the female and the male gets a goddamn free pass? Oh hell no! Not on my watch! You damn right, I’m putting his sorry ass up for child support and he can just figure it out because he had a hand in the making of that baby and so why should he get off just because you say that Black men can’t afford to pay child support? Tell those motherfuckers that! Why the fuck are you getting mad at Black women over something that a Black man also had a hand in? Are you saying that Black men are so damn stupid that they don’t understand what it means to insert unprotected dick inside vagina? You’re saying that they just did not believe in a million years, that by doing so, a baby could come from a Black man inserting dick inside vagina? You’re not giving Black men much credit either, are you? If a Black man is that goddamn stupid, then he is no man! And if he won’t ‘man up’ and take care of his own child, how is that the fault of the Black woman when she has to take it up with the court system in order to get him to pay what he knows he should be paying but because he is so damn selfish, he cares only for his pleasure and not about what he may have left behind?

Black women, it has been stated, are having abortions at record numbers and so they are in fact, attempting not to raise a child they conceive in poverty by their lonesome. And what’s been aborted certainly will not be receiving support. I know for a fact that Black men are indeed, stupid because my own nephew would rather pay for abortions than pay for condoms. He has about six girlfriends and every single one of them has been pregnant and was given money by my nephew to pay for abortions. And some of them have had more than one. But I guess, he gets a free goddamn pass because he is a ‘Black MAN’ in YOUR fucked up book!

I have a female family member who had a baby by a Black man who’d already had four other children by different women and so like I stated, these Black men are impregnating women and then going on to the next, but it is the Black woman’s fault? Only if she is too stupid for words and will put up with that shit! And yes, this family member did indeed, put this Black man up for child support and because her child was the last one conceived by that dickhead, she gets a grand total of one goddamn penny in child support each month. So, yeah! She is most definitely causing that Black motherfucker much grief! That sperm donor was already living with his aunt when he impregnated my family member and he is still living with his aunt. So how did my family member ruin his life? He ruined his own damn life because he couldn’t keep it in his pants and when he whipped it out, he refused to put a wrapper on that damn thing! But that’s the woman’s fault, ain’t it? She should have told him to be a man and act like one. Well, again…it takes two to make a baby and when both are stupid and refuse to use protection, then we have what we have; a slew of Black women raising sons all by themselves. And newsflash, white women are doing the same thing. Feminism, my ass! This scenario has got not a goddamn thing to do with feminism and everything to do with personal responsibility and stepping up to the plate when you make a mistake or have a lapse in judgment. But both are at fault, not just the Black woman, you Black woman hating asswipe! You’re just pissed that some Black woman had to put your worthless ass up for child support and you’re probably living with your aunt. That ain’t on the Black woman! That shit’s on YOU! “Man up!” motherfucker!