Why Such An Uproar About The Supreme Court Leak On Roe v Wade?? Because Nothing Gets White Women’s Fake Ass Outrage Going Like Abortion, Abortion, Abortion!


Here we go! The stupid Americans are all up in arms over the wrong thing AGAIN!

U.S. Chief Justice Roberts calls abortion draft leak ‘appalling’


ATLANTA (Reuters) – U.S. Chief Justice John Roberts on Thursday decried as “absolutely appalling” the leak of a draft decision indicating the Supreme Court is poised to overturn the constitutional right to abortion in his first public appearance since its disclosure on Monday.

The leak prompted an internal crisis at the nation’s top judicial body and ignited a political firestorm, with abortion rights supporters staging rallies outside the courthouse and at various locations around the United States.

“A leak of this stature is absolutely appalling,” Roberts told a judicial conference in Atlanta.

“If the person behind it thinks that it will affect our work, that’s just foolish,” Roberts added.


The shits at the helm of this lopsided, stinking sinking shithole know just what to do to get the stupid Amerikkkans to fall for their shit. Just leak something that has caused abortion clinics to be bombed and has been known to get reactions off the scale and voila, you turn the stupid Amerikkkans away from what they should really be focused on.

Joe Biden’s poll numbers are sinking faster than a boat full of holes, the Dems got nothing coming up onto the midterms since people were grumbling, whining and complaining on social media about how fucked up their situations are as they pertain to skyrocketing rents/mortgages, inflation, high cost of food, gas and every damn thing else and not to mention, the Biden Administration with the blessings of congress has been throwing billions of our tax dollars at Ukraine while we head to the food bank and try to locate an empty sidewalk to set up a tent.

But now, the Dems claim to have something to drum up voters for their base come midterms; ABORTION RIGHTS. Seriously???!! You people fall for this shit every single damn time and it’s a damn shame that you have a hive mentality; you’re nothing more than trained circus animals.

Why are you not on the streets screeching and wailing over the fact that you are standing in a long ass line at the food bank? Why are you not on the streets screeching and wailing over the fact that gas prices are ridiculous and you’re being price gouged due to GREED? Why are you not on the streets screeching and wailing over the fact that you are being put out on the street thanks again to GREED because corporations are buying up every piece of housing in sight, raising the rents above levels never seen before, blaming it on taxes and maintenance when that is a lie, but because its a corporation, they can get away with that shit? Why are you not on the streets screeching and wailing over the fact that the congress and the Biden Administration keeps sending billions of our tax dollars to Ukraine while ALL of the aforementioned is taking place???!!!!! What is wrong with you???!!!

This abortion mess is just a ploy to distract you from what you should be concentrated on and it is working. Why must you make their job so easy for them? Why do you continue to fall for it? The shits at the helm of this cesspool know exactly what buttons to press to send you howling to the courthouse steps in protest, but nary a word out of any of you about the state of the economy and your finances.

If you are so fucking concerned about abortion, keep your fucking legs closed. End of story. Because why would ANYONE want to bring a baby into THIS world? Have you stupid shits taken a good look around? Everything is fucked up! The world is on a downward spiral that’s not going to stop. There is nothing that is going to come along and right this shit! Each year, this earth gets warmer, the oceans are rising and if that is not bad enough, look at what the majority of the world’s people are going through. There are some rich shits, yes…but the majority of the people on this planet are fucking dirt poor and getting poorer. What is there to bring a child into this world for? There is nothing but chaos, pandemonium, bedlam, insanity, crime, war, hatred, depravity, evil, misery and suffering.

And if abstinence is not something that you can practice, then make that man get a vasectomy because he damn well should. It is about time that men are the ones to be responsible for contraception if women cannot keep their legs closed and don’t want to make use of contraceptives. Since it takes two to tango, then there is no reason in the world to expect that women should bear the sole responsibility of using contraceptives. This shit has been going on for too damn long and it should not still be a point of contention, this abortion mess. There are far more worthy battles to fight like the fight for YOUR existence because if you cannot exist in this world because of all the shit that’s going down, then certainly, no innocent baby can or should be expected to. Put that goddamn smartphone down and use that gray matter between your ears. You are being controlled by some vicious, corrupt criminals who should be in front of a firing squad and who have gotten you to get your ass all bent out of shape over an intentionally linked document that was meant to do just that. This shit is all staged; planned and some more shit. Don’t keep falling for the bullshit from criminal politicians and their fucked up shenanigans. The Supreme Court ain’t about shit. No one was all up in arms when the Supreme Court got rid of key provisions of the Voting Rights Act and we ALL know why that was because of who it impacted.

But what I cannot understand is why are white women all up in arms about abortion since it has been stated that Black women are the face of abortions? So why is an abortion ban bothering white women? Black women are being murdered during childbirth, their babies are being murdered and Planned Parenthood clinics are set up in Black neighborhoods and so, AGAIN, why are white women so fucking upset about an abortion ban???!!!

White women, when will you get upset about gentrification? White women, when will you get upset about the school-to-prison pipeline? White women, when will you get upset about mass incarceration? White women, when will you get upset over mass homelessness, income inequality, extreme poverty among non-whites, Black women being murdered during childbirth, Black women’s babies being murdered during childbirth? And the list is fucking endless.

I would really love for any white woman to come all up in here and tell me why they are pissing mad over an abortion ban. I’d really love to hear it!

When Confronted With Legislation About A Vasectomy Bill, Texas Republican Senator Ted Cruz Says, “YIKES!”


Ted Cruz does NOT want the government controlling the reproductive organs of men, but he has no problem with the government controlling the reproductive organs of women, hence his railing against abortion when women get pregnant thanks in part to the reproductive organs of men, but it is a case of “Yikes!” when the government proposes vasectomies for men in an effort to control a man’s role in reproduction.

Ted Cruz takes aim at Alabama vasectomy bill: “YIKES!”

Sen. Ted Cruz (R-Texas) took aim at legislation recently introduced in Alabama by a state representative that would, if passed, make it mandatory for certain men to get vasectomies – a bill that comes in response to legislation passed last year that seeks to ban abortion in the state.

“Yikes,” Cruz wrote in response to the bill on Twitter on Sunday morning. “A government big enough to give you everything is big enough to take everything…literally!”

The bill would require men to get a vasectomy after the birth of their third child or when they reach 50 years of age; whichever comes first. Alabama state Rep. Rolanda Hollis (D), introduced the legislation in response to Alabama legislation that prohibits women from seeking and obtaining abortions even in instances of rape and incest. And of course, Sen. Ted Cruz was all FOR the legislation aimed at restrictions on women’s reproductive control over their own bodies, but when it comes to men, well now, that’s a different story. According to Ted Cruz, the government does not have a right to regulate a man’s reproductive system because, uh….well…because…he’s says so.

So you white women who voted for the likes of Ted Cruz and Donald Trump, who can grab you by your pussy at any time, and also to the white women who donned pink pussy hats and marched in what you considered to be, a protest against Donald Trump, whom you elected to the presidency, get your pink pussy hats out again and go march in front of Ted Cruz’s office in protest of his obvious double standards when it comes to the government legislating women’s bodies while not having the authority to legislate men’s bodies. These are the worthless, misogynistic shits that you gave birth to and so hop to it.  But you won’t because these very same assholes uphold the system of ‘white supremacy’ from which you benefit. And you will screech and wail about how you should have the right to do to your body what you will, but that screeching and wailing ceases when it may affect the system of white supremacy. You’ll shut the fuck up then.

Also, I have covered this issue before and I am going to do something that I have never done and that is to include an entire blog post here and not just post a link because, FINALLY, someone got the memo.



I am going to be a mother
but I am just too young.
The father of my child
just stung me with his tongue.

He told me it was my fault.
Protection was for me to use.
How can I tell my family?
Their love for me, I’ll lose.

Oh where can I turn?
What help is there for me?
I heard about Planned Parenthood,
but will they help me out for free?

What services do they offer?
Should I seek advice from them?
Will they blame me for this shame?
Am I the guilty or the victim?

Answers, I need now
before it is too late.
The man can walk away
and leave me in this state.

Where’s the judgment on his ass?
What about Planned Fatherhood?
It takes two to make a baby!
That should be clearly understood!

Written by,
Shelby I. Courtland
©2015 Shelby I. Courtland

I am getting real tired of this double standard bullshit! It would seem that Planned Parenthood is all about the ‘female’ role in the making of a baby because the female is the one whose life is going to be turned upside down no matter what she decides to do with the baby. If she decides to have the baby and she is either underage or single, she is going to have to figure out what to do and society will look at her as the slut who couldn’t keep her legs closed while the man who had a hand in this, as usual, gets to strut away like a peacock, on to the next.

If she decides to get an abortion, this is frowned upon because “Oh my goodness! I am just so self-righteous and the good book(Bible)that is burning up in my sinful hands due to all MY sins, tells me that I should stone this fallen woman, this slutty, whore who is no better than she should be! My stars! Back in my day, sluts weren’t running loose, opening their legs to every Tom, Dick and Harry that wished to crawl between them. We wore chastity belts until marriage! What is this sinful world coming to?”

Yep, that about covers the ‘christians’ view of an unwed mother-to-be. Nothing whatsoever is said about the ‘father’ who most definitely had a hand in the reason why the female is pregnant. No one is planning to defund ‘Planned Fatherhood’ because in reality, ‘Planned Parenthood’ is all about the ‘female’ in the equation and don’t we ALL know it. Planned PARENTHOOD, my ass! Planned MOTHERHOOD is what it’s ALL about!

Oh, there are probably some pamphlets about the ‘male’s role in conception’ in the offices of Planned Parenthood, sitting somewhere collecting dust on a shelf in the basement, but the primary focus is on care for the female if she decides to carry the child to full-term or with help in aborting the ‘fetus’.

And now, we have many a republican blow-hard threatening government shut-downs over de-funding Planned Parenthood, but would the same hell-raising antics be displayed if this was all over an agency called, ‘Planned Fatherhood’ where the male’s reproductive role is the primary focus? Of course not! Those hypocritical conservative bastards would sit the fuck down and shut the fuck up! But women’s rights and agencies that help women with regards to reproduction is always up for grabs and great for capturing headlines and getting the so-called ‘christian right’ all up-in-arms.

Here is an idea republican blow-hards, if you want to stop getting all hypocritically bent-out-of-shape over Planned Parenthood, fetal parts selling, abortions and whatnot, then announce the launch of an historically new concept; that of Planned Fatherhood, placing the emphasis on male contraceptives, male sterilization and male education on birth control and the consequences of going without it. Let’s see how many men line up and head through the doors to take responsibility for their role in the creation of life. Because in here, men don’t get a goddamn free pass, not a bit of it!


Not one man is featured on this site. As usual, contraception or birth control is ALWAYS aimed at the female. Women have come SO far in the year of no lord 2015!

And now that we are all distracted from the REAL issues of child poverty, a school-to-prison pipeline, mass incarceration, a fucked up infrastructure, failed leadership, partisan politics, drone wars, refugee crises caused by U.S., police brutality, Mid East policy fuck-ups, a homeless epidemic, income inequality, low-wage part-time jobs, a shrinking jobs base and a host of other serious issues, we can continue to rail over the funding of Planned Parenthood. Meanwhile, Rome burns.

As you can see, I originally posted this blog in 2015  and here we are, 5 years later, still going around in circles. We are still sitting up listening to and putting up with the double standard bullshit hypocrisy from rich, old white men. They are still dictating to us all just what the hell should happen to our bodies. Regardless of whether or not you believe in a woman’s right to choose, remember this, it does indeed, take two to tango.

Men, get that vasectomy and shut the fuck up! And since Ted Cruz approves of the government  legislating a woman’s rights over her own body, then he should have no problem with the government legislating a man’s rights over his body by mandating vasectomies for men in order to stave off the need for women to seek abortions. If it’s good for the goose, it’s good for the gander.

What It’s Like at an Alabama Clinic Still Performing Abortions (HBO) – VICE News Published on May 20, 2019 — The Most Revolutionary Act


The day after Alabama Gov. Kay Ivey, a Republican, signed a bill that put her state on the path to banning almost all abortions, a 20-year-old woman from Tennessee walked into an abortion clinic with an ex-boyfriend and underwent the procedure. “I’m a single mom of three kids,” said the woman, who asked […]

via What It’s Like at an Alabama Clinic Still Performing Abortions (HBO) – VICE News Published on May 20, 2019 — The Most Revolutionary Act


I had promised myself that I was not going to get into this abortion debate since I believe that this mess was started up AGAIN to take the focus away from the serious shit that’s going down, worldwide, what with  the U.S. starting shit in Venezuela and minding those folk’s business while at the same time, threatening war with Iran simply because this shithole is collapsing, left and right what with half the country damn near flooded out and even as I type this, people are being rescued from raging flood waters and the fucked up list is endless. So, in order to get us distracted from the fact that WE ARE FUCKED, follow the bouncing ‘ban ALL abortions ball’.

First off, why are a bunch of white males figuring that they should have a say over women’s bodies especially since they are so depraved, some woman should have aborted their filthy asses in the first goddamn place? It takes two to make a baby and I have said this before, here and here and still it would seem that I must give a lesson on how babies are made. There is a dick involved in ALL of this and yet dick gets to go on to the next vagina, go all up in it and help make another baby. Not one of those white dicks that are screeching and wailing that there needs to be an end to abortion is screeching and wailing that dicks need to stay covered and never see the light of day in order to end up in some woman’s vagina.

And quite frankly, I am sick and tired of white women screeching and wailing about women’s rights when it is the shit that’s projected from between their legs that’s claiming to have the right to speak for us all. White females will vote in shit that believes they should just stay barefoot and pregnant and shut the fuck up and the sad fact is that many white women do just that. It is Black women who spearhead any and all movements that actually get any damn thing done. What the hell we need you white women for, I don’t know because all you bitches do is get in our way!

Although I have never had an abortion, I do believe that is not my business what another woman does with her body. I have heard of women having to get abortions because the man they laid down and got a baby with gave them the money to get an abortion because, apparently, it is much more cheaper to pay for an abortion than to pay for condoms. And though no method of birth control is completely reliable, save for sterilization of either the female or the male and in the male’s case, I am not exactly sure if a vasectomy is 100% reliable, it still beats doing nothing.

For one thing, it is way too easy to get pregnant. The reason why males and females are made the way they are is to perpetuate the species and this was made extremely easy to do. However, if a woman, for whatever reason, decides that she does not want to carry a baby to full term, then she should have the right to terminate said pregnancy. And for those of you who think otherwise, tell me….how many children have you adopted who are sitting somewhere in foster homes waiting to be adopted. You strut down the goddamn street with your big ass sign stating, “Thou shalt not kill!” and yet you don’t stand outside of a Texas prison with that same sign when Texas is about to execute someone for murder. Why is state sanctioned murder fine with you and yet what a woman does is not? Selective outrage, much? Why do you holier-than-thous not stand somewhere outside of police stations after the police just finished murdering yet another unarmed Black child, woman or man? I don’t see you standing there day after day after day with your damn hypocritical ass exclaiming to the police that, “Thou shalt not kill!” If you claim to stand on religious principles that “Thou shalt not kill!,” then you are the biggest hypocrite alive because you’re nothing but a showoff! You just want others to believe that you stand for something when you are nothing but a hypocritical blowhard hyped up on a fake ass sense of  self-righteousness. You’re not fooling me with your blatant and outrageous “All life matters!” bullshit. Nor are those fucked up white men who posture and self-congratulate themselves on having the ability to fuck with other peoples’ bodies just because they can. What the fuck has changed since the Salem Witch Trials? Not a goddamn thing!

The only women who I truly feel sorry for are young Black teens who find themselves in the ‘family way’ and Black women who are always put upon and who are told that they are the ‘face of abortions’. If they are, why would they want to bring a Black child into this world to suffer the same fate as they do? Why should another Black child be subjected to racism, bigotry, prejudice, poverty, discrimination, homelessness, drug addiction, incarceration, a school-to-prison pipeline and the fucked up list is endless? And for those of us who are born, we are subjected to the most vile shit to ever have been born and believe me, many of you whites should have been aborted. It would have saved us much trouble! Now, go print a sign about that and then strut down the goddamn street, you fucked up hypocrites!

Opinion: The Real Reason for All the Fuss and Rage Over Abortion from White Nationalist/Conservatives — Kreb Talk

I purposely did not post any news and stayed away from any discussion about the so-called “heartbeat” bill the Georgia governor signed into law today. As for the current governor of Georgia, I’m not in the mood to even mention the name of this lowdown, racist, cheating, irrelevant, illegitimate, shell of a man. In a […]

I’m sure many of you who reads pieces like this have heard about the serious negative population growth for Caucasians all over the world and in the U.S. When you top that with the opioid crisis, abortion, morning after pills, the methamphetamine crisis, declining sexual intercourse amongst millennials, the mainstreaming of LGBTQ people and lifestyle, etc., white men are having fits. Again, I’m not saying that the Global Majority community is not having some of these same concerns, but most of these concerns are ravaging the American white community and they want absolutely every white baby that can be born, be born. So, dear white conservative man: we are not fooled by your hidden agenda that you are so prolife for all people while committing and watching the genocide of my people at the hands of cops and the federal government. No, sir. You’re watching your numbers dwindle and you’re panicking. I don’t claim to be a religious scholar or anything; but, may I suggest you read a few of the religious holy books to help guide you on what your very near fate may be.

via Opinion: The Real Reason for All the Fuss and Rage Over Abortion from White Nationalist/Conservatives — Kreb Talk

The above paragraph hits the nail on the head! Those so-called white conservative male parasites are screeching and wailing because they don’t want ANY white baby parasite aborted. They want those things hatched because they are very much aware of ALL reports out that state that whites are in the decline ALL over the world. Why do you think that inbred ape ‘Mince’ Harry over in England married a half-breed, it is because they need that melanin because those redheads are the first to get melanoma diagnoses and so to counter that shit, what’s hatched by those two needed a bit of color and so in struts Meghan Markle’s half white ass to do the deed.

And former Minneapolis cop, Mohamed Noor was found guilty of murdering white-assed Justine Damond while cop Jeronimo ‘Guacamole’ Yanez was acquitted of murdering Philando Castile because only ‘white lives matter’! And Justine Damond was engaged and would more than likely have had a baby and since she was not allowed to do that, someone had to pay for that and so the ‘Blue Wall’ that’s protected kkkops when they kill people came crumbling down on Noor since he couldn’t get away with claiming that “feared for their worthless lives” bullshit. How dare ANYONE murder a white, but you can murder ALL other groups all day, everyday and nothing is done to your ass because if whites gave a damn about everyone getting murdered that’s innocent, Jeronimo Yanez would not have gotten off scot-free for murdering Philando Castile. He was just as innocent as Justine Damond.

So, of course you are correct in that the only reason white so-called conservative males are kicking up a fuss against abortion is because they don’t want WHITE babies aborted. To hell with anybody else and don’t we ALL know this! They are not fooling anyone with their hypocritical stance on abortion. They wouldn’t give a shit if every Black woman in AmeriKKKa aborted a Black child, since all whites do is attempt to kill every Black woman’s child anyway since that is exactly what they are doing. For why else are Black bodies showing up at the morgue in record numbers, put there because of having been shot dead for no reason by white-assed kkkops who get off on some bullshit about how they “feared for their worthless ass life?”

I am glad whites are on the decline because they need to be on the decline because they are parasites and the only thing parasites do is suck a host bone dry and that is what those parasites have been doing to ALL other people all across this godforsaken planet that they have managed to make damn near uninhabitable for us all! They cannot become extinct fast enough to suit me!

Thank you for this post!

So, You’re Pissed Because Black Women Are Raising Sons On Their Own? Whose Fault Is That?

Black women are not solely responsible for THAT shit and to say that they are is a complete and utter lie! Fuck THAT shit!




The post that I am referencing is not about feminism, it is about Black women and this person’s contempt for Black women. I can’t believe this shit! And I have the nerve to wonder why we are our own worst enemy? We cannot even pretend a united front against our common enemy!

Now, you Black women want to be independent. You really believe that you can do what these white women do and you simply cannot. That feminst movement left the black community in shatters.

Now, black women run the daddy of their child off and away because you’re a STRONG black woman right?

You may even put the man on child support KNOWING DAMN WELL…that he can’t afford it.

Now, you’re raising your son or daughter alone without their father.

You’re raising your SON… and you turn him into

an emotional beta male who…
cant make decisions
hes indecisive
he’s feminine
he’s completely pussy-fied
hes soft as cotton

Wait a goddamn minute! It takes two to tango and without a man involved, no woman, Black, white or blue could make a baby all by their lonesome. You give the Black man a free pass when you know why a Black woman is raising a son all by her lonesome. It is because Black men lie down with a woman long enough to implant his seed and then he is on to the next. How in hell is that on Black women? Black men are not stepping up to the goddamn plate and you know this. You are not blind as to what is going down today. No Black woman in her right mind should put up with that shit! And if a Black woman has a son by a Black man and he leaves her and goes on about his business, how is it her fault if the boy grows up and states that he’s gay? Black women don’t have to push Black men away. Black men are walking away from any type of Black family relationship because that is what some of them want to do because they act like dogs in heat; sniffing after every skirt within grabbing distance.

And if a Black man cannot afford to pay child support, then he should have thought about that BEFORE he pulled his dick out and inserted it into a vagina and sent his sperm up into it. If a Black man is too broke to afford a box of condoms, who is that on? And so once again, contraception must be all about the female and the male gets a goddamn free pass? Oh hell no! Not on my watch! You damn right, I’m putting his sorry ass up for child support and he can just figure it out because he had a hand in the making of that baby and so why should he get off just because you say that Black men can’t afford to pay child support? Tell those motherfuckers that! Why the fuck are you getting mad at Black women over something that a Black man also had a hand in? Are you saying that Black men are so damn stupid that they don’t understand what it means to insert unprotected dick inside vagina? You’re saying that they just did not believe in a million years, that by doing so, a baby could come from a Black man inserting dick inside vagina? You’re not giving Black men much credit either, are you? If a Black man is that goddamn stupid, then he is no man! And if he won’t ‘man up’ and take care of his own child, how is that the fault of the Black woman when she has to take it up with the court system in order to get him to pay what he knows he should be paying but because he is so damn selfish, he cares only for his pleasure and not about what he may have left behind?

Black women, it has been stated, are having abortions at record numbers and so they are in fact, attempting not to raise a child they conceive in poverty by their lonesome. And what’s been aborted certainly will not be receiving support. I know for a fact that Black men are indeed, stupid because my own nephew would rather pay for abortions than pay for condoms. He has about six girlfriends and every single one of them has been pregnant and was given money by my nephew to pay for abortions. And some of them have had more than one. But I guess, he gets a free goddamn pass because he is a ‘Black MAN’ in YOUR fucked up book!

I have a female family member who had a baby by a Black man who’d already had four other children by different women and so like I stated, these Black men are impregnating women and then going on to the next, but it is the Black woman’s fault? Only if she is too stupid for words and will put up with that shit! And yes, this family member did indeed, put this Black man up for child support and because her child was the last one conceived by that dickhead, she gets a grand total of one goddamn penny in child support each month. So, yeah! She is most definitely causing that Black motherfucker much grief! That sperm donor was already living with his aunt when he impregnated my family member and he is still living with his aunt. So how did my family member ruin his life? He ruined his own damn life because he couldn’t keep it in his pants and when he whipped it out, he refused to put a wrapper on that damn thing! But that’s the woman’s fault, ain’t it? She should have told him to be a man and act like one. Well, again…it takes two to make a baby and when both are stupid and refuse to use protection, then we have what we have; a slew of Black women raising sons all by themselves. And newsflash, white women are doing the same thing. Feminism, my ass! This scenario has got not a goddamn thing to do with feminism and everything to do with personal responsibility and stepping up to the plate when you make a mistake or have a lapse in judgment. But both are at fault, not just the Black woman, you Black woman hating asswipe! You’re just pissed that some Black woman had to put your worthless ass up for child support and you’re probably living with your aunt. That ain’t on the Black woman! That shit’s on YOU! “Man up!” motherfucker!

“Oh Dear, Bubba Dear!”

bubba dear and his flag2


As a southerner, I am neither appalled nor am I outraged over what Bubba Dear has done. ‘Homegrown’ terrorists like Bubba Dear are a dime a dozen here in the land of the stupid and the afraid; better known to most of you as AmeriKKKa.

Bubba Dear is giving us Amerikkkans, a bad name and that is a fact. I mean, for goodness sake, we just finished gorging ourselves on dead turkeys and now Bubba Dear comes along and makes a mockery of our ‘thankfulness’ over this Thanksgiving weekend. What a way to finish out this “We are all thankful for your bounty and for your blessings Oh Lord God on high and as we celebrate how thankful we are to be with friends and family, we look forward to the holiness of Christmas and the Christ child’s virgin birth yada yada yada. Damn! I just gagged my own damn self over that pile of horseshit! But thankfully, there’s that word again, ‘thankful’, thankfully we’ve got Bubba Dear to remind us just how thankful we ought be. I mean, here he comes ‘a riding in on his big white steed….uh…I mean, in his pickup truck just a gunning fer those awful sinners down at the Planned Parenthood clinic and snakes alive, Bubba up and kills a pole-eesmun and he don’t even get hisself full of bullet holes; he ain’t shot so many daggone times that he’s a looking like Swiss cheese. And the cops even stopped long enough to give us a word on why Bubba Dear commenced to killing folks at the Planned Parenthood Clinic. He was, according to the cops, upset about fetal parts selling. Even though it weren’t no fetal body part of any of Bubba Dear’s inbred offspring, he was still all het up over it and since he had been reading that magazine called, Southern White Supremacy Terrorism”, well Bubba Dear just got all sorts of crazy ideas and since all of us in the south and evuhwhere else in AmeriKKKa got at least 25 guns, well, it weren’t no problem a’tall fer Bubba Dear to pick amongst his cache and get ta shooting.

We is all surprised like, ’cause this don’t happen in Amerikkka on a regular basis. We is too busy going on and on about dat dar ISIS, which us in the south thought was a goddess, but we is catching up with the rest of the world and even though “The South Will Rise Agin!” we gone see to it that fetal body parts don’t get sold. Bubba Dear was just doing his patriotic duty by protecting ALL Amerikkkans agin the gubmint law that states that wimmins has the rights to kill bābeez! Now, don’t mine Bubba Dear’s lack of an edumacasion and the fact that Bubba Dear considers hisself ta be filled with the supremes ’cause he feels that he is supreme to Black folks. I’m gonna keep this clean and it is real hard ta do so since I just cum from a Klan meeting muself. I dressed in ‘white’ face ’cause I’m doing an article on ‘White Supreme Groups Who’s Who’. I must say that I certainly appreciate Bubba Dear here ‘outing’ hisself in ‘Who’s Who’ so’s I can check him off muh list since he is gonna be incarcerated fer a few days. Just long enough fer his comrade terrorists to ‘Go Fund’ him some bale monies. Don’t mine muh spelling. We ain’t too brite down here. Hell! Y’all see how Bubba Dear was living. He weren’t never one fer food stamps seeing as how dat dar is a gubmint run program and terrorists like Bubba Dear is agin a’seeking help especially since he said that Obama was gone personally brung him his food stamps if’n he applied fer dem. He said, “I ain’t abowt ta haf no nigger cum to my hawse and hand me no goddamn food stamps. I’d just as soon as hunt fer berries and shoot me a possum or two.”

But now that Bubba Dear has committed this heinous crime dat he don’t think is a crime, he’s gonna get fed by the very gubmint he was hell bent on being non-compliant to. Ain’t that something? Now, I gots to tell Bubba Dear’s homeys that he ain’t gonna be home fer supper tuhnight ’cause he’s  a dining in the big hawse. Dey should a told Bubba Dear to hold off of doing dat at least til after the Thanksgiving holeeday.

I want to say in closing that we is all thankful that Bubba Dear was cawt and dat he is where he belongs. However, please to consider that Bubba edumacated hisself and the only book dat he had was ‘See Dick Run’. Now, can you at least sympathize with the fact that his brain potential was nevuh fully realized? Can you come to terms with the fact that Bubba Dear thought that he was supreme? Unfortunately, dare are many mo Bubba Dears out dare and dey is gonna go off on a rampage and keel some folks.  Dey is worse den ISIS! So wave a webel flag for Bubba Dear tuhnight and say it wif me, “The Sawth Weel Rize Agin! Stop the selling of fetul bawdee pawts!” Now, ain’t we all ‘thankful’?

What About Planned Fatherhood?

planned fatherhood

I am going to be a mother
but I am just too young.
The father of my child
just stung me with his tongue.

He told me it was my fault.
Protection was for me to use.
How can I tell my family?
Their love for me, I’ll lose.

Oh where can I turn?
What help is there for me?
I heard about Planned Parenthood,
but will they help me out for free?

What services do they offer?
Should I seek advice from them?
Will they blame me for this shame?
Am I the guilty or the victim?

Answers, I need now
before it is too late.
The man can walk away
and leave me in this state.

Where’s the judgment on his ass?
What about Planned Fatherhood?
It takes two to make a baby!
That should be clearly understood!

Written by,
Shelby I. Courtland
©2015 Shelby I. Courtland

I am getting real tired of this double standard bullshit! It would seem that Planned Parenthood is all about the ‘female’ role in the making of a baby because the female is the one whose life is going to be turned upside down no matter what she decides to do with the baby. If she decides to have the baby and she is either underage or single, she is going to have to figure out what to do and society will look at her as the slut who couldn’t keep her legs closed while the man who had a hand in this, as usual, gets to strut away like a peacock, on to the next.

If she decides to get an abortion, this is frowned upon because “Oh my goodness! I am just so self-righteous and the good book(Bible)that is burning up in my sinful hands due to all MY sins, tells me that I should stone this fallen woman, this slutty, whore who is no better than she should be! My stars! Back in my day, sluts weren’t running loose, opening their legs to every Tom, Dick and Harry that wished to crawl between them. We wore chastity belts until marriage! What is this sinful world coming to?”

Yep, that about covers the ‘christians’ view of an unwed mother-to-be. Nothing whatsoever is said about the ‘father’ who most definitely had a hand in the reason why the female is pregnant. No one is planning to defund ‘Planned Fatherhood’ because in reality, ‘Planned Parenthood’ is all about the ‘female’ in the equation and don’t we ALL know it. Planned PARENTHOOD, my ass! Planned MOTHERHOOD is what it’s ALL about!

Oh, there are probably some pamphlets about the ‘male’s role in conception’ in the offices of Planned Parenthood, sitting somewhere collecting dust on a shelf in the basement, but the primary focus is on care for the female if she decides to carry the child to full-term or with help in aborting the ‘fetus’.

And now, we have many a republican blow-hard threatening government shut-downs over defunding Planned Parenthood, but would the same hell-raising antics be displayed if this was all over an agency called, ‘Planned Fatherhood’ where the male’s reproductive role is the primary focus? Of course not! Those hypocritical conservative bastards would sit the fuck down and shut the fuck up! But women’s rights and agencies that help women with regards to reproduction is always up for grabs and great for capturing headlines and getting the so-called ‘christian right’ all up-in-arms.

Here is an idea republican blow-hards, if you want to stop getting all hypocritically bent-out-of-shape over Planned Parenthood, fetal parts selling, abortions and whatnot, then announce the launch of an historically new concept; that of Planned Fatherhood, placing the emphasis on male contraceptives, male sterilization and male education on birth control and the consequences of going without it. Let’s see how many men line up and head through the doors to take responsibility for their role in the creation of life. Because in here, men don’t get a goddamn free pass, not a bit of it!


Not one man is featured on this site. As usual, contraception or birth control is ALWAYS aimed at the female. Women have come SO far in the year of no lord 2015!

And now that we are all distracted from the REAL issues of child poverty, a school-to-prison pipeline, mass incarceration, a fucked up infrastructure, failed leadership, partisan politics, drone wars, refugee crises caused by U.S., police brutality, Mid East policy fuck-ups, a homeless epidemic, income inequality, low-wage part-time jobs, a shrinking jobs base and a host of other serious issues, we can continue to rail over the funding of Planned Parenthood and over whether or not Kim Davis is right or wrong in her attempts to deny marriage licenses to gays. Meanwhile, Rome burns.

Abortion! Why Make It About Race?

abortions by race1

According to statistics, Black women have more abortions than whites and Hispanics and the reasons given are that many Black women are poor and are often uneducated about the use of contraceptives and therefore, make poor decisions.


We all know how pregnancies happen. Insert dick inside vagina and voila, here comes baby or maybe not. There are two parties that are inserted into the mix to make a baby and to continuously blame women for finding themselves pregnant all by their lonesome is ludicrous and then to further blame Black women for aborting their babies at a higher rate than white women and Hispanics is just icing on the cake. Black women can do nothing right no matter how hard we try and you know what statisticians, I don’t give a fuck what you say about Black women and why we have abortions because it takes two to tango.

But I digress, first things first. Since we all know that sex is too pleasurable to be denied, unplanned pregnancies are going to occur. There are no sure fire birth control methods other than abstinence, which ain’t gonna happen, and sterilization, otherwise known as tubal ligation or vasectomies. And please, feel free to enlighten me if you’ve had a vasectomy and still managed to impregnate someone, the same with tubal ligation. Now, when I was in school, we were not taught sex education and my mother was like Beaver Cleaver’s mother, ‘the stork delivered us’ was her take on how babies came to be. I knew nothing of how babies came to be until I became of age to attend the prom. I was then handed a pamphlet that explained the process in clinical detail and was told by my mother that there was no way in hell that I would be attending the prom, only to return home, pregnant. I was told that intimacy between a male and a female was so excruciatingly painful, that death was to be wished for more.

My sisters and I were the most sexually repressed females ever to walk this planet, add into the mixture, the hellfire and brimstone that would be rained down on us by ‘god’ and we were afraid to wear skirts for fear of sperm finding its way into our secret garden. Geefuckingwhiz here! We all wore chastity belts, believe me!

How shocked I was when one of my friends came to me asking me where the clinic was so that she could get birth control pills. I mean, how would I know? Maybe they got delivered by the stork or were inside the drug store right next to the Anacin that my mother took, religiously. But somehow, my friend found out and asked me to drive her to the clinic. Unfortunately, her information was wrong and when I got back home, my mother was telling me that my friend had asked me to come and pick her up. The clinic that she wanted to go to was on the other side of town. She informed me the next day that she had gotten her birth control pills and that she was ready for ‘S-E-X’. Of course, I was wide-eyed with wonder and since I had been indoctrinated into the “you are a bad, bad girl if you have dirty thoughts” religion, I had to try and save her soul. So I commenced to letting her have it but she was having none of it. She had heard that sex was a beautiful thing and she had a boyfriend that was eager to get on with it.

My mother did not suspect that this friend of mine was not ignorant like I was to the ways of the world and so; she let me go off with her one day. She had lined up a guy for me. He was a friend of her boyfriend and a seemingly nice enough fella until when we were at the park, he pulled out what I soon found to be a joint and they proceeded to smoke it. I was appalled. I just knew that mother could see all of this and I knew ‘god’ was looking. I demanded to be taken home and I was. Unfortunately, the guy had fallen for me, they always do, and my friend invited me over her boyfriend’s house and there he was. This time, the straw that broke the camel’s back was that they insisted on playing a GASP, sex video. As soon as I saw the first naked body, I screeched and stormed out, demanding to be taken home! The guy sent me flowers the next day. And I remember this quite vividly because I was in my room and my baby sister ran into my room shouting that a florist van was parked in front of the house and mother was telling the delivery man that no one had ordered any flowers. He mentioned my name and the flowers were eventually transferred from his hands into my mother’s. When I came downstairs, my mother was all eyes and shrieking about fallen daughters, blah, blah, blah. The card that was addressed to me read, “Shelby, please accept these roses as my apology for hurting your feelings.” Oh, they were beautiful! Twelve long stemmed red roses and of course, my sisters were giggling and having quite the time witnessing the show.

So, what I am trying to say is that back in my day, many of us were so innocent about sex and had no clue. And even though my friend got herself on the pill, not everyone can or will and the only thing that probably saved me from having a ton of babies was the fact that I had been scared shitless at even the thought of S-E-X. Today, even though we are more aware of what goes on between the two sexes at an early age, it still makes no difference because young people are going to experiment and they are going to make mistakes. We all do. Youth is fleeting as we know and to continuously blame people for something that they really cannot control is ridiculous. I realize that having a baby is a big deal. It is another life that has to be taken care of and the care of that life is expensive and when teenagers are having babies, it is especially hard on the entire family because in many Black households, there is no one home to take care of the baby while the teen mother continues with her schooling. And it is so much easier on the male that had a hand in the conception of the child, but will never show the unmistakable signs of carrying a baby, will not be the one who has to nurture the child from infancy to adulthood, unlike the mother. There are many young men, regardless of color that will not step up to the plate and by them not doing so, it is then incumbent upon the female to make a decision as to what to do about an unplanned for pregnancy.

We must stop shaming and blaming particular ethnic groups for what they do or don’t do. We need to be there for our children and support them when they ‘mess up’ and get into situations, whatever they may be and stop making everything about race when it is all about human nature. We are all fallible and not one of us can lay claim to never having made a mistake in our entire life. This nonsense of what one race does to their detriment over another race is counterproductive and useless in the grand scheme of things. No, people are not as naïve as I once was as well as many others, well, maybe not that many, but be that as it may, abortions for whatever reason are I am sure, hard enough as it is to deal with without making it a Black or a white or a Hispanic issue and point the finger and say, “see, those people are always having abortions because of this, this and that. When will they ever learn?” The question is when will we ALL ever learn about humanity and stop the goddamn judging?