Punk Ass Bitch!

Obama and Putin talk

Yeah, Obama is a punk ass bitch! He didn’t see the eggs coming that were about to get plastered on his lying, stupid face? Sanctions? Against the Russians? For real? Really? That useless, clueless fuck Obama has gone and cooked our goddamn goose for sure. You see, Vladimir Putin had the upper hand this entire time. He played that punk ass bitch Obama like a fiddle. Obama’s handlers ain’t got shit on The Putin. You see, Vladimir Putin’s been around the block and ain’t no parliament or hangers on gonna tell him what to do, he’s always one step ahead and he also knows that as much as the shits in America are out to destroy America, he ain’t gonna see ‘em throw his people and his country under a goddamn bus ‘cause he’s caring see! He ain’t hardly gonna stand still for no one messing around with his beloved Russia and I gottta hand it to Mr. Putin, he does indeed care about his country, unlike the shits in America who don’t give a goddamn for America and Americans, that’s for sure. The Putin can undermine the entire economic system of this here Divided Snakes of Amurderer and the Chinese as well. “Sanctions!,” that punk ass bitch Obama says to the Russians. Oh, really? Has he even taken a look at the big picture? Methinks not or he wouldn’t even go there! Talk about a punk ass bitch getting burned and taking a whole goddamn country down with him. Way ta go punk!

The last time that Obama came up against The Putin, he got egg in his face and it taught him not a goddamn thing because he just had to go back for more. Now, if I was egged one time, hot damn if I’d put myself in the same predicament to get egged AGAIN! Remember Despot Obama’s ‘red-line’ with Syria? Yeah? No? Regardless! Vladimir Putin stepped in and ‘red-lined’ Obama’s punk ass and left him standing with his soccer mom jeans bunched up around his ankles. Yeah, he looked THAT ridiculous AND clueless. Presidential material? Yeah, if you’re president of the cupcake club. I guess that’s why so many eggs are always handy when it comes to America’s little despot getting it all over his old ass looking mug. Have you taken a look at America’s despot lately? Looking a little green around the gills, I would say. Well, when you’ve gone up against an opponent twice and that opponent was more than a match for you and then some and when that opponent swatted you as easily as he would a fly and all while the world watches, yep, I think I would look a little green myself. In fact, Obama is looking so bad, I hear tell that Harvard is about to issue a statement in essence saying that Obama’s law degree was issued in error. Yeah, he’s even making Harvard look bad. And I also hear tell that even the other Chicago crooks who are languishing behind bars are taking some heat from the other inmates. In fact, I have it on good authority that Chicago’s former governor, Rod Blagojevich has had to give up all of his commissary to Bubba Bodkins because according to Bubba, “these white collar Chicago shits are some weak ass punk bitches!”

Now, it is quite apparent that Obama’s punk ass bitch status is having a far reaching impact on many and the only problem with that is that this impact is not affecting the intended targets, the Russians, who have been hit with the biggest whopper of them all, GASP! Sanctions! No, the problem is that according to an unnamed source, John Rabid Dog McCain was rushed to the vet this morning and has been diagnosed with an advanced case of rabies and that the only course of treatment at this stage would be to allow him to continue to foam at the mouth and jump up and down in impotent fury over Punk Ass Obama’s failure to bring the Russians to heel. A glass cage is being erected in the Senate so that the foam and spittle emanating from John Rabid Dog McCain will not infect the other members of congress. Methinks, it’s too late for that. This is quite all mindboggling and I must say, I find it hard to believe that what we are witnessing is our elected representatives in action and not a show, titled The Stooges, which would seem to be more fitting.

In closing, I would just like to add that even though America has a punk ass bitch for a president, he’s our punk ass bitch and I for one, don’t want him. I am ashamed to call that clueless, inept fool, my president. And what many don’t seem to realize is that Obama’s complete and absolute ineptness could get us into a World War and that would mean that the shits that are hell bent on running this Titanic into one of the few remaining icebergs, would get their ass toasted too. How could they continue to rape, pillage, decimate and plunder when all is a vaporized cloud? Those shits pretend that they are above human failings, but they have to breathe and live on this planet the same as the rest of us and though they plot to destroy it, their own demise would be imminent. They’d better fucking figure it out and get with the program that Russia ain’t about another Iraq, nor another Afghanistan, nor another Yemen, nor another Pakistan. Russia can make their ass just as toasted as it can mine. And that punk ass bitch in the White House better think on that because the Russians ain’t even looking cross-eyed over some stupid useless ass ‘sanctions’!

…and President Vladimir Putin, thanks man!!!!!!

26 thoughts on “Punk Ass Bitch!

  1. I have just posted this to my Facebook page. This is the most cogent analysis on Ukraine I’ve read. I am sick to death of all the dithering in the corporate media. You nailed it Shelby. Thank you.


    1. WOW! Dr. Bramhall! I feel truly honored, you have no idea. A comment like that coming from you has me over the moon!! You must be quite popular too ’cause I see Facebook looks all over my stats page.

      I gave this my best shot because I too, am sick to pieces of reading bullshit from corporate media spewing lies left and right. There ain’t no fair and balanced reporting nowadays. Those of us who blog and who consider ourselves to be citizen journalists portray a more accurate picture of what’s going on than that corporatized shit. And the sad part is that we don’t get the viewing that their blatant outrageous lies get. It’s sickening!

      Again, thank you SO much for that wonderful comment. I’ll always treasure it!!! Believe me!


    1. Have mercy Jeff! I read that and it’s hard to take in! How that shit could still be active in this day and age and our government officials having something to do with that shit is just the end of enough! And they have the nerve to try and come down on Putin? After installing shit that’s worse than Hitler’s gang? Seriously? WTF!! Where in the hell will this all end? I’ve been saying for it seems ages that dark days are ahead, but little did I know, just how dark they’re likely to get.

      Thanks for the heads-up Jeff. I’m just shaking my head over it all! For the love of …..!!!!!


      1. This is reminiscent of post-Qaddafi Libya when the NATO/US-backed “rebels” began openly executing dark-skinned, Libyans and African immigrants.

        Here was H. Clinton’s reaction following Gaddafi’s being gutted on the streets of Sirte by the “rebels”…

        And some people think she should be our next POTUS.


    1. Thanks 1EarthUnited! As you can see, I don’t pretty it up! LOL!! Hell, I’ll most likely end up in Guantanamo and I keep telling everyone that if they hear that Shelby Courtland committed suicide while hang gliding in a 4ftx4ft cave, it SO ain’t true! They’ve carted my ass off and I’m in an orange jumpsuit. They’ll have to pull my tongue out to shut me up! And that’s the goddamn truth!

      Thanks for your comment and so glad you stopped in!


      1. Your blog is like a breathe of fresh air, I love the smell of truth in the morning.
        BTW, have you mirrored this site yet? “They” may not suicide you, but can and will
        silence u’r blog. I’ve recently noticed many anti-establishment WP and Blogger
        sites disappearing “in the middle of the night”.
        Let me know if you need help backing up u’r awesome posts, I’m enjoying them
        tremendously! *Peace*


  2. Nice going Shelby. Great post. But do you realize how much responsibility a president of a cupcake club has to deal with? Really. The negotiations about the frostings alone ………


    1. Well then Tubularsock, our little punk ass bitch can just step down as the “presidential fuck up” and get started on sorting out frostings. The only thing that he should have a say over is, “will that be chocolate or strawberry frosting?” I am not ready to have my ass vaporized due to some shit that I didn’t start and nor did I condone. It is fucking ridiculous that we must vote in shits that do everything in their power to fuck us up and we have to deal with the consequences of their fucked up actions.

      So, yeah, let that punk ass bitch negotiate over some damn frostings and exit stage left OR right, I don’t hardly care which. I just wish he’d get the fuck off the stage!

      …and thank you for your comment!


      1. The only thing that he should have a say over is, “will that be chocolate or strawberry frosting?”
        I want caramel frosting please. 😉


  3. @1EarthUnited, I would like to know more about the ‘mirroring’ thing because I would hate to lose all that I’ve done here. I do realize that with the surveillance that we are all under and if this site ever became extremely popular, it could vanish in the night. If there is a way for me to ‘put’ this somewhere else I’d dearly love to get it done. I just hadn’t thought about any of this until you mentioned it and I am so glad that you did.

    When you get a chance, let me know what it is I should be doing to make sure that I don’t lose all of this.

    And thank you SO much again for your comment and for bringing this to my attention. It is much appreciated!


      1. You have been more help to me than you will ever know! Where’s your goddamn paypal account because I need to pay you for services rendered. I am now absolutely unafraid of surveillance ruining my motherfucking day(I am SO polite). Hell! The time for ‘politeness’ is WAAAAY past gone with the shit we’re facing, but I digress.

        Thank you SO very much for posting that! I’ve finished, completed, done it and got it going on! I bless the day you came here! Never doubt it for a minute! You’ve a fan for life!! For what it’s worth! But I thank you kindly all the same!!! Yes, I’ve most definitely joined YOUR fan base!!


      2. Hey that’s great Shelby, one less thing to worry about. I really like your blog because you express exactly how I feel, and together as conscientious citizens of humanity, we can expose injustices of this hellhole ‘MeriKKKa & (hopefully) wake up enough ppl to affect change. To paraphrase Gandhi, “Be the the change you wish to see in the world, otherwise STFU!!!”
        — Oh, my name is Maddie btw, so glad I can help out, and huge fan of yours as well, keep up great work! *Peace and Blessings be with you*


  4. @Jeff, we will be just as doomed if that skank Hilary Clinton ascends to the presidency. I was disgusted by her reaction to the murder of Muammar al-Gaddafi. That U.S./NATO shit killed that man and for no reason and now Libya is in chaos, but you don’t hear a word about it from that ‘lamestream’ media, oh not a word. Lamestream media is in bed with those useless, rutting whores in Washington. If only he had known that he had target on his chest when he came to America in 2009 to address the UN general assembly, but then what happened would most likely still have happened. I remember remarking on the fact that Hilary Clinton got up and walked out almost as soon as Gaddafi started to speak. How in the hell do you reconcile with inviting someone here to speak and then walk out on them? And then guffaw over the fact that the U.S. murdered him. Oh, yes, that bitch Hilary Clinton is all heart. No wonder Bill Clinton had to get sex from intern Monica Lewinsky. Hilary Clinton is about as sexy as a decaying buzzard and just as ugly, filthy ass bitch that she is!

    Jeff, as you can see, that vile skank would never get a vote of mine and I hope to hell that skanky ass bitch never sits her dried up ass in the oval office. And thanks for the video Jeff. It’s hard to watch that piece of filth!


    1. Hi Shelby, sorry to clutter up your great post with the video of H. Clinton. If it’s too much, I understand if you choose to delete it. I probably wouldn’t want her contaminating my blog, either. 😉


      1. Jeff, it’s fine! I want people to see what filth they would be electing if they chose that shit as the next president of these Divided Snakes of Amurderer! If we think we’re in deep shit now, the shit can get deeper. Although, most of us will have drowned in shit by the time we’re ready to pick another worthless piece of lying filth to sit in the oval office. Yeah, we’ll get the pick of the litter. Dog number 1 or dog number 2 and actually, we’ll get both because they’re all one and the same.

        And Jeff, post whatever you like, I don’t censor you! Again, people need to know what a filthy skank that sexless bitch Hilary Clinton is. Hell! That bitch got more cock than Bill does and he didn’t appreciate that and so Monica Lewinsky, it was! I can’t say as I blame him, but hell! He married that buzzard!


      2. Yes Jeff — I too want to thank you for putting up that vid — I haven’t eaten in 2 days thanks to how angry and sick it made me! 🙂 And in case you’re wondering, and even if you’re not, once we females of the species pass menopause all we have to do is think about food and we gain 5 pounds, so your vid was just what I needed! 🙂


  5. “The only thing that he should have a say over is, “will that be chocolate or strawberry frosting?”
    I want caramel frosting please.”

    Wolfess, now you know we can’t overtax our little befuddled, hypocritical, lying, clueless despot punk ass bitch Bush Dark Obadroner. Now, your throwing caramel into the mix is just gonna confuse him even more. Remember, with ineptitude of THAT magnitude, we gotta keep it simple. So, let’s not make it difficult for our naked ass clueless emperor since he’s still reeling from Russian President Vladimir Putin’s knockout blow!

    We’re going to get him some help with making cupcake frosting decisions and so very likely, your order will have to be placed with our little naked emperor’s assistant, Pee Wee Herman Holder! Hell! I wouldn’t even want the goddamn cupcake after all that! I’d just take a goddamn lollipop and move along. It’ll go that much easier, I tell you!


    1. I agree, and if you could make my lollipop with pot I’d be ever so grateful! 🙂
      Oh, and about your outstanding description of our little dick-traitor — every time I read it I have a little climax! 🙂


      1. Now see how you are? You have such a marvelous way with words — especially when it comes to bush-dark, our little dick-traitor! 🙂


  6. Wolfess, I just wish that We the Peons would realize that WE actually have ALL the goddamn power! Those fucks would be useless without US. If there were no one to ‘man’ the goddamn torpedoes, so to speak, then our warmongers couldn’t threaten anyone with anything. If those who signed up to ‘serve and protect’ would figure out that they could potentially be fucking up their own granny, then maybe they would climb the fuck on board, but the problem see, is that people think that they are still immune to what’s going down and they ain’t. Even the goddamn police and military personnel have to take off their uniform every once in a damn while and become, WE the Peons and if they think that they couldn’t possibly get their ass handed to them, they’d better fucking think again! We’re all fucking sinking into shit together and it need not be that way, but you can’t get the stupid shits to see that! More’s the goddamn pity!


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