Meanwhile, “The Paris Of The Middle East” Is Forgotten!

flag of Lebanon


My apologies to the people of Beirut that have been forgotten in all of the hoopla over the Paris, France attacks. I understand that the CIA/ISIS deployed suicide bombers and killed dozens and wounded hundreds of people in the city of Beirut. So, please accept this as MY display of solidarity with YOU and though I know it does not rival in any shape or form, the displays of love and peace and “we are with yous’ that Paris has been inundated with, nevertheless, mine is more heartfelt because I am a non-conformist. I think for myself and I don’t jump on the Twitter and Facebook bandwagons. Nor am I just another blind sheep to be led around by the nose. I know what it is like to have your plight ignored and to see how valueless your life is according to the world.


The Islamic State extremist group, which controls parts of neighboring Syria, claimed responsibility for the attack. They are of course, the moderate rebels terrorists that the U.S. trained with the blessings of U.S. taxpayers and don’t worry, you will read more on this. Wait for it.

On Thursday, November 12th, two suicide bombers killed at least 43 people and wounded over 200 in Beirut, Lebanon, but of course, my reader has not been inundated with outpourings of support and ‘hail marys’ and prayers and with stories of world leaders stepping up and with glaring hypocrisy, displayed solidarity with the people of Beirut as  was the case with the people of France, a France that..well, read it while I weep!

14 African Countries Forced by France to Pay Colonial Tax For the Benefits of Slavery and Colonization

Did you know 14 African countries continue to pay colonial tax to France since their independence till today! Those who do not pay get coups and/or the assassination of their president. the very archaic Ministry of Finance and Budget of France and the Ministry of Foreign affairs of France depend so much on the taxes that they are not only a threat to Africa, but to the French themselves. It’s up to us as African to free ourselves, without asking for permission…African countries are paying the colonial tax only for the last 50 years, so I think one century of payment might be left!”


France is still forcing African countries to pay France for slavery!!! Seriously? And as a descendant of slaves, I am going to stand in solidarity with France? Get the fuck outta here! You dumb ass, stupid American Black sheep are sitting somewhere hash tagging solidarity with non-humans that are to this very day making the countries that you more than likely were abducted from, continue to pay for slavery. And you’re stupid because you don’t even know just what the fuck you’re doing. You never do, because AGAIN, you’re too stupid to even begin to think about first educating yourselves BEFORE you jump on every goddamn bandwagon that floats in a parade down the street right by your stupid and clueless ass!

“JE NE SUIS Paris!”

And so once again, France is in the news. Apparently, the U.S. CIA trained ISIS ‘good rebel terrorist’ group has taken responsibility for the recent attacks in France. Remember this!

Obama seeks $500 million from Congress to help moderate Syrian rebels

President Barack Obama, under pressure from some lawmakers to provide more help to Syria’s opposition, asked the U.S. Congress on Thursday to approve $500 million to train and equip moderate Syrian rebels terrorists seeking to oust President Bashar al-Assad.

A White House statement said Syrian rebels would be “appropriately vetted” before being given assistance, in what amounts to an effort to assuage concerns that some equipment provided to the Syrian opposition might ultimately fall into the hands of U.S. enemies.

Obama has been under strong pressure from some lawmakers, such as Republican Senator John McCain Of Arizona, to increase assistance to the Syrian rebels. Some members of Congress have accused Obama of being passive and indecisive, allowing Assad to repulse the threat to his government.

And France and other countries are wondering why they are under attack by these CIA trained and properly ‘vetted’ terrorists, uh..I mean, rebels? Seriously? John McCain has not yet stepped up and claimed responsibility for the attacks on Paris? I mean, he is the one that called on Obama “to increase assistance to the Syrian terrorists, uh..I mean, Syrian rebels,” that he must have personally vetted to make sure that they would only attack on command against Syrian President Bashar al-Assad’s rag-tag army; an army that has been fighting these ‘moderate’ rebels for decades.

But, remember, Barack Obama has delivered his, “you guys have had a really rough time of it in Paris and my  worthless ass thoughts and prayers are with you and please expect more because we cannot contain what we have unleashed and since you guys are really at ground zero and we here in the U.S. are not, well, now what else can I do but give a lame ass speech about how wrong this all is and please know, people of France, we got yo back. If you folks want to come over and attend a beer summit with me, then please contact my staff and let them know and I’ll try to make myself available to exactly two of you that survived this heinous attack that U.S. shit stirring set in motion. I’m ALL heart, doncha know?! Yes indeed! Now, I’m late for my golf game!”

Oh and lest I forget!

The Empire State Building is dark in sympathy for the people of Paris after more than 120 people were killed in Friday’s series of shootings and explosions.

Saturday marked the second consecutive night the 102-story New York landmark was not lit up.

The 408-foot spire atop One World Trade Center was lit again Saturday night in the colors of the French flag. New York Gov. Andrew Cuomo says the spire will remain lit blue, white and red on Sunday.

New York City’s Mayor Bill de Blasio says an arch in Manhattan’s Washington Square Park was also illuminated with the French colors on Saturday.

But where is the display of solidarity with the people of Beirut? What is the glaring difference between the people that were murdered and wounded by the CIA trained ISIS in Beirut as opposed to those that were murdered and wounded by the CIA trained ISIS in Paris? Their location? Their religion? Their choice of toothbrush? I am just trying to figure out why the people of Beirut are not receiving ANY attention; no constant mainstream media coverage, no social media solidarity or otherwise over what happened to them while the people of France are overwhelmed with displays of support from national monuments going dark, to getting lit the fuck up to Facebook activating for the first time, a feature called, ‘Safety Check for an emergency other than a natural disaster’. “There has to be a first time for trying something new, even in complex and sensitive times, and for us that was Paris,” wrote Alex Schultz, the company’s vice president for growth.

So, since the whole world did not jump on board with displays of solidarity, love and brotherhood for the people of Beirut, there was no reason whatsoever for Facebook to initiate Operation ‘Safety Check’ because those who lost love ones in Beirut, those whose loved ones survived but were transported to the hospital did not need to know if their loved ones were alive and…well…..because no one told the world that #LEBANESELIVESMATTER! No one told the world to jump on the PEACEFORBEIRUT bandwagon! And with the not too distant Charlie Hebdo attack in France, well now, France just cannot catch a break. Neither can Iraq, but that’s irrelevant. Neither can the drone struck in Yemen, but that’s irrelevant. Neither can the dead that got themselves dead because the U.S. military blew up a hospital in Afghanistan, but that’s irrelevant. Neither can dead brides and grooms in Yemen thanks to U.S. drones striking wedding parties, but that’s irrelevant. There is no one telling us to make a big deal over any of these atrocities and so we won’t. Just like with what occurred in Beirut. Nothing to see here, so move along folks. Our sights are set on Paris, France. Climb aboard! No thanks! I’ll pass! France has enough well-wishes and prayers. Now Beirut, Lebanon on the other hand, not so much! Go figure!

ISIS Is On YouTube!

ISIS video

ISIS is on YouTube
and they’ve got a Twitter feed.
The NSA can’t find them,
but they know I’m smoking weed.

When al-CIAda palled last year,
another scapegoat did they need.
So here comes ISIS to the rescue.
They’ll fill the bill indeed.

Who’ll be next, I’m not sure,
but I know they’ll make it good.
They’ve got to fan the flames,
like with the Muslim Brotherhood.

Obama’s lost his mind,
he and McCain are bat shit nuts.
They’ve got a trigger happy finger.
I wish they’d bang some nasty sluts.

Oh we’ll pay the price, we will
for the criminal minded whores,
when Putin turns off the gas,
the EU won’t toast no s’mores!

So, terror has a new name.
What will they think of next?
Why can’t the NSA find them?
Because with me, they are obsessed!

Oh, I’m flattered, yes I am
but that don’t cut no ice.
The bad guys get away
and someone’s head just paid the price.

Written by,
Shelby I. Courtland
©2014 Shelby I. Courtland

Punk Ass Bitch!

Obama and Putin talk

Yeah, Obama is a punk ass bitch! He didn’t see the eggs coming that were about to get plastered on his lying, stupid face? Sanctions? Against the Russians? For real? Really? That useless, clueless fuck Obama has gone and cooked our goddamn goose for sure. You see, Vladimir Putin had the upper hand this entire time. He played that punk ass bitch Obama like a fiddle. Obama’s handlers ain’t got shit on The Putin. You see, Vladimir Putin’s been around the block and ain’t no parliament or hangers on gonna tell him what to do, he’s always one step ahead and he also knows that as much as the shits in America are out to destroy America, he ain’t gonna see ‘em throw his people and his country under a goddamn bus ‘cause he’s caring see! He ain’t hardly gonna stand still for no one messing around with his beloved Russia and I gottta hand it to Mr. Putin, he does indeed care about his country, unlike the shits in America who don’t give a goddamn for America and Americans, that’s for sure. The Putin can undermine the entire economic system of this here Divided Snakes of Amurderer and the Chinese as well. “Sanctions!,” that punk ass bitch Obama says to the Russians. Oh, really? Has he even taken a look at the big picture? Methinks not or he wouldn’t even go there! Talk about a punk ass bitch getting burned and taking a whole goddamn country down with him. Way ta go punk!

The last time that Obama came up against The Putin, he got egg in his face and it taught him not a goddamn thing because he just had to go back for more. Now, if I was egged one time, hot damn if I’d put myself in the same predicament to get egged AGAIN! Remember Despot Obama’s ‘red-line’ with Syria? Yeah? No? Regardless! Vladimir Putin stepped in and ‘red-lined’ Obama’s punk ass and left him standing with his soccer mom jeans bunched up around his ankles. Yeah, he looked THAT ridiculous AND clueless. Presidential material? Yeah, if you’re president of the cupcake club. I guess that’s why so many eggs are always handy when it comes to America’s little despot getting it all over his old ass looking mug. Have you taken a look at America’s despot lately? Looking a little green around the gills, I would say. Well, when you’ve gone up against an opponent twice and that opponent was more than a match for you and then some and when that opponent swatted you as easily as he would a fly and all while the world watches, yep, I think I would look a little green myself. In fact, Obama is looking so bad, I hear tell that Harvard is about to issue a statement in essence saying that Obama’s law degree was issued in error. Yeah, he’s even making Harvard look bad. And I also hear tell that even the other Chicago crooks who are languishing behind bars are taking some heat from the other inmates. In fact, I have it on good authority that Chicago’s former governor, Rod Blagojevich has had to give up all of his commissary to Bubba Bodkins because according to Bubba, “these white collar Chicago shits are some weak ass punk bitches!”

Now, it is quite apparent that Obama’s punk ass bitch status is having a far reaching impact on many and the only problem with that is that this impact is not affecting the intended targets, the Russians, who have been hit with the biggest whopper of them all, GASP! Sanctions! No, the problem is that according to an unnamed source, John Rabid Dog McCain was rushed to the vet this morning and has been diagnosed with an advanced case of rabies and that the only course of treatment at this stage would be to allow him to continue to foam at the mouth and jump up and down in impotent fury over Punk Ass Obama’s failure to bring the Russians to heel. A glass cage is being erected in the Senate so that the foam and spittle emanating from John Rabid Dog McCain will not infect the other members of congress. Methinks, it’s too late for that. This is quite all mindboggling and I must say, I find it hard to believe that what we are witnessing is our elected representatives in action and not a show, titled The Stooges, which would seem to be more fitting.

In closing, I would just like to add that even though America has a punk ass bitch for a president, he’s our punk ass bitch and I for one, don’t want him. I am ashamed to call that clueless, inept fool, my president. And what many don’t seem to realize is that Obama’s complete and absolute ineptness could get us into a World War and that would mean that the shits that are hell bent on running this Titanic into one of the few remaining icebergs, would get their ass toasted too. How could they continue to rape, pillage, decimate and plunder when all is a vaporized cloud? Those shits pretend that they are above human failings, but they have to breathe and live on this planet the same as the rest of us and though they plot to destroy it, their own demise would be imminent. They’d better fucking figure it out and get with the program that Russia ain’t about another Iraq, nor another Afghanistan, nor another Yemen, nor another Pakistan. Russia can make their ass just as toasted as it can mine. And that punk ass bitch in the White House better think on that because the Russians ain’t even looking cross-eyed over some stupid useless ass ‘sanctions’!

…and President Vladimir Putin, thanks man!!!!!!