Americans, Prepare For War And Possible Conscription. America’s Military Is Overwhelmed!

Things aren’t looking so good if you are an American these days. U.S. forces are already under attack in Iraq, never mind, Iran. America doesn’t even have enough troops to counter all of the folks America has fucked up and fucked over in the Middle East and around the world. Even the Africans may get in on this!

U.S. Forces Under Attack in Iraq Amid Escalating Middle East Tensions

United States forces stationed at Iraq’s Ain al-Asad base have been met with the harsh sound of weapons echoing in the desert. As reported by Lebanese media outlet Al-Mayadeen, the U.S. military was under attack, struck by an arsenal of weaponry, a stark reminder of the escalating tensions in the Middle East.

The Pentagon has dispatched warships and aircraft, with the USS Carney, a guided missile destroyer, intercepting an unexpected barrage of 15 drones and four cruise missiles near the Yemeni coast. Additionally, 2,000 U.S. troops have been put on heightened alert, prepared to deploy at a moment’s notice.

Simultaneously, this escalation has sparked protests and riots near U.S. embassies throughout the region, marking the intersection of diplomatic and military tensions.

I suspect that Yemen will attempt to get in on the action since the U.S. military has dropped so many drones, murdering so many of Yemen’s people, the U.S. government as a collective, should be going before the ICC (International Criminal Court) for war crimes.

Americans, how do you feel knowing that you have so many enemies, the world over? If you seriously think that only those Americans who live or are traveling abroad need worry about some terrorist activity, remember that Biden’s open border policy has let millions in who hail from Yemen, Syria, Iran, Iraq, Saudi Arabia, China, Ethiopia, The Congo, South Sudan, Mozambique; just to name a few and they ALL have the same grudge, America fucked them over and they are all ready to pay Americans back for that shit. But wait! There’s more GOOD news for America!

Chinese Media Issues Ominous War Warning to US: ‘Global Scale’

A Chinese newspaper has given an ominous warning to the United States, claiming it is “inciting the risk of war on a global scale.”

Americans, your military is not prepared for a big ass war! You want to know why? Read it and weep!

If You Are Mentally Ill, A Drunk Or A Drug Addict, The Army Wants YOU!

Army Now Accepting Recruits With Serious Mental Illness!

WASHINGTON – People with a history of “self-mutilation,” bipolar disorder, depression and drug and alcohol abuse can now seek waivers to join the Army under an unannounced policy enacted in August, according to documents obtained by USA TODAY.

The decision to open Army recruiting to those with mental health conditions comes as the service faces the challenging goal of recruiting 80,000 new soldiers through September 2018. To meet last year’s goal of 69,000, the Army accepted more recruits who fared poorly on aptitude tests, increased the number of waivers granted for marijuana use and offered hundreds of millions of dollars in bonuses.

Because the Army is having problems meeting recruitment goals, the Army has now lowered its standards even further to include those who self-mutilate, are bi-polar, suffer from depression and abuse drugs and alcohol. So, I guess Army recruitment centers will now be set up in mental health clinics all across the United States. Army recruitment centers will be set up where Alcoholics Anonymous meetings are held. Army recruitment centers will now be set up where Narcotics Anonymous meetings are held and where folks line up to get their methadone.

But according to the Veterans Administration, 20 veterans commit suicide a day. In 2014, the latest year available, more than 7,400 veterans took their own lives, accounting for 18 percent of all suicides in America and this occurred BEFORE this new ban was lifted.

So, Americans, your stupid, drug addicted, drunk Uncle Louie is manning the torpedoes, so to speak and he needs some help because the military has been having such a horrific time recruiting new cannon fodder, it is likely to be just a matter of time before Slow Joe pipes up and calls for “conscription.” Are you Americans ready to put your money where your mouth is? You’re bad asses when you can hide behind a keyboard and talk smack about other people in foreign countries, but when it comes to suiting up and facing those who hate your guts with a passion that has boiled over for eons, have you the guts to face a world of enemies? Oh, I know the answer to that because Americans are cowards down to the very last one of you. Oh, you’re tough Tonys when it comes to kicking Black people who are already down and we all know that you don’t have a problem with illegals over here because you can just send their asses back when you don’t need them anymore, but when it comes to facing people on their turf, what is your ass going to do when you find yourself confronted with an enemy that is out for more than your blood alone will satisfy and behind your ass in the troops, you see your buddy, shooting up while drinking rot gut and you realize that your ass is grass, regardless? Ha! I’m loving it!!!

The shit is coming home to roost ALL up your asses, Americans and it couldn’t happen to a more deserving bunch of deranged, lunatics who have been in denial so damn long, they reek of it. The world is on fire thanks to you because everything that is done in your name by those corrupt shits in congress has had the full blessings of your asses for if not, you would have taken to the streets in protest of that shit, but you remained silent. You can protest when you want because you sure as hell have been out protesting over Palestine and Israel, but where have you been when your government sanctioned the drone strikes on wedding parties in Yemen? Where were you when your government sanctioned the murder of innocent camel herders in Afghanistan? This little boy was murdered because a drone struck him since he had been deemed a terrorist by some fake ass information from the damn CIA funded terrorists. He and his father were killed. Look at him! Killed while herding their camels!



Your blood will be shed for the innocents that you slew!!!

13-Year-Old Boy Who Lived In Fear of US Drones, Killed by CIA (DRONE) Strike in Yemen


‘In their eyes, we don’t deserve to live like people in the rest of the world,’ said the victim ahead of his ultimate death, ‘and we don’t have feelings or emotions or cry or feel pain like all the other humans around the world.’

That is what that child said and shortly after that, he was struck by a drone while out herding camels with his father. Oh, America! You are most definitely going to get what’s coming to you!

Read it AGAIN and AGAIN and AGAIN! Read what he had to say and then call him a conspiracy theorist because what did he know? He knew enough to be afraid, very afraid because what he feared would happen, did. He lived in constant fear that he too, would be killed by a drone just as his sisters and brothers and fellow countrymen live in fear each and every day that what happened to Mohammed Saleh Tauiman, will happen to them. Are you living in mortal fear that a drone is going to strike you while you pump gas into your SUV? Are you living in mortal fear that a drone is going to strike and kill you while you are shopping? Are you living in mortal fear that a drone is going to kill you just as you are about to enter the tanning salon? Are you living in mortal fear that a drone is going to kill you because you are driving home from the bar, drunk? Are you??!!!

The child in the picture was thirteen years old when he was killed by a drone. Look at him! He was a human being that was just trying to live in HIS country and a drone operator paid by our tax dollars here in the United States of America, home of the free, land of the brave, punched a button and killed him because he was suspected of being a terrorist. Again, his name was Mohammed Saleh Tauiman! Yes, he had a name and again, it was Mohammed Saleh Tauiman. Look at his picture and remember his name and that he was afraid that he would be killed by a drone, and wouldn’t you just know it, he was!

World! Destroy this shithole!! I beg of you!!!! Ain’t shit worth saving in this western whore called, “America!”

Blood Will Always Flow!


I look down at the weapon that I hold in my own hand,
standing over a lifeless body in a strange and foreign land.

I just took a life, and I don’t even care!
But on my daughter’s head, I would not harm a hair.

What difference should it make and how could I ever kill?
And yet I look down at you and in death, you lie so still.

I stand here blaming you for the cause of your own death.
and never think that who I kill for are those who hold the wealth.

They say that I am a soldier and that what I do is right.
I just go to the wars they start and then I begin to fight.

What use is there in wondering if it’s me who’s in the wrong.
I know that what I do ain’t right and I’ve known it all along.

But you see, it’s just a job to me, it’s not personal at all.
Remember, I’m just a soldier and your death was not my call.

If I take the fight to you, then you won’t bring it here.
They control us with their lies and say it’s you that we should fear.

You are dead and I’m alive but for how long I do not know.
The war machine continues on, and someone’s blood will always flow.


Written by,
Shelby I. Courtland
©2014 Shelby I. Courtland


Think about who the REAL enemy is! Yeah! I know, ‘thinking’ for yourselves, Americans, is a novel concept, but attempt it anyway! But your blood’s going to flow too, Americans. It’s time to pay the piper and he will get paid, in blood, yours!

13 thoughts on “Americans, Prepare For War And Possible Conscription. America’s Military Is Overwhelmed!

  1. “Rand Paul ain’t sending no more money to Ukraine and he won’t let the Prez do it”. Good start looking back inwards into the problems of their own citizens at election time or because no more money for Israel too?

    Liked by 1 person

    1. Rotimi, this shithole is so broke, it can’t even pay the interest on the over $17 trillion dollars of debt it has accumulated and that’s probably not even accurate, it’s probably more. They are starting to whoop and holler about disbanding Social Security and Medicare claiming those are the biggest expenditures when that is a bald-faced lie. The situation is so bad over here that the senate has now decided to take over from the House of Representatives because the world will have gone up in a mushroom cloud before those in the House of Representatives can elect a new Speaker. I honestly believe that this is payback by the Republicans for the shit that the Dems subjected the Republicans to when they were the majority. You see, the politicians over here are childish ass pieces of shit, who when voted in, do tit for tat and get big britches and when it’s not their turn to bang the gavel, they are sore losers, when in reality, it’s the stupid Americans who become the losers because we have to contend with government shutdowns, federal workers not getting paid, national parks get closed down and you have to remember, it’s a big thing when national parks are closed because so many Americans depend on national parks to remain open because thanks to homelessness, many Americans live in RVs and depend on national parks to get discounts on boondocking.

      We are fucked up over here and I’m working on another blog now showcasing just a sample of how fucked up we are.

      Thank you for your comment.

      Liked by 1 person

      1. I pray it gets worse! This shithole needs to be wiped off the face of this planet and I do believe that is going to happen. The only way the world will get on with the business of living is by the destruction of this shithole. I know it’s coming. I can feel it!!! And I am NOT one bit upset about it. These whites over here have prepared me for DEATH my entire life because they have been hellbent on MY destruction. So, now it’s THEIR turn!!! It couldn’t happen to a more deserving bunch of arrogant, conceited, racist cretins who think they are better than anyone else, the world over!! World, get on with the business of ending this shit over here!!!!


    1. Oh, these shameless, scared ass shits would get up off their bloated, fat asses then and take to the streets!! There would be so many requests for HEEL SPUR deferments, the squawking over heels spurs would be deafening! Americans are pussies! That is why they decided to build weapons that you can sit, huddled in your mother’s basement and kill people with. How brave is a damn drone operator when all he has to do is sit in his mother’s basement, hone in on a “target” which is a “HUMAN,” and send that HUMAN to his/her death? How brave is THAT shit?

      The same scared shits that make up the military also make up police departments all across this shithole for why else have police departments all across this shithole requested and received military equipment from warzones in Iraq and Afghanistan, to be deployed on the streets of America? It’s because these lousy ass males over here, both white and black are scared shitless, wet their pants, momma’s boys and when actually confronted by a REAL man in a foreign country, they’d wet their pants, turn and run if they were faced with hand-hand combat and that is the TRUTH! No lies detected. Some shit’s about to start that these heathens ain’t fucking ready for! I am GLAD, “GLAD,” I say!!!


  2. Good post. Amerikkka’s real enemies are the goons in DC, the Pentagon & Wall St. But perhaps they’re doing their part in helping put this shithole out of its misery. Cuz the nation is fucked either way. After all, no empire or civilization lasts forever, & now the bell tolls for Amerikkka

    Liked by 1 person

    1. Oh, the bell is tolling, indeed!!! All over this blog, I told the stupid shits over here that if they didn’t get their shit together, all would be lost. And ALL will be lost. There are still a few who believe that they cannot be touched. They believe that because they are still able to live in relative comfort and don’t have to confront the millions over here who are living in FIFTH world conditions due to mass homelessness, they think that they will just continue on as though nothing can touch them, but they are in for a rude awakening.

      This empire is most definitely collapsing. Black people have demanded reparations for decades for what our ancestors and for what we are putting up with over here, what with the whites enslaving our ancestors, initiating Jim Crow, the slave patrols morphed into racist police departments. Our children were lynched and are still being murdered for their organs. Black women are murdered while giving birth. Indians are living in homeless encampments, and I have showcased that on this blog. Black people are still being experimented on. COVID vaccines, which are BIOWEAPONS, were aimed at Black people because Joe Biden stated, point blank, that he was getting fed up with Black people not stepping forward, rolling up their sleeve and taking that “clot shot.” Even now, there is news coming out about that bioweapon, COVID and the vaccines that are not vaccines that are maiming and killing people. I am preparing a blog on that as well because now that some judge somewhere stated that it was unconstitutional to continue to keep the lies about that COVID mess under wraps, people are finding out the serious dangers of those mRNA bioweapons that were injected into them and the lies that were told in that what was in those syringes, remained localized, when in all actuality, it spreads throughout the body and is causing cancer to spread rapidly. Americans are in for it; no matter which way they turn. They should have done the right thing, but since they refused, this is the result and what’s more, there is not a goddamn thing that they can do to stop what’s here! I am THAT glad, I am!!!


    1. Go China is right! I’m behind Russia and China, Bangladesh, Mozambique, Iran, Iraq, Syria, Madagascar, Yemen, Afghanistan, Haiti and even the people of the Marshall Islands need to see this shithole get what’s coming to it for testing atomic weapons on them and causing them untold horrific cancers and other diseases. This shit’s got so much to answer for, and you can bet that these candy assed Americans are already hiding out in their panic rooms with their prepper shit that’s going to do them no good. I am LOVING this, absofuckinglutely LOVING IT!!!


  3. US troops in Iraq, Syria, Iran, Japan, Germany and countless other subject countries are there in violation of international law. The US needs to close its 1,000+ overseas bases and look after its own people and crumbling infrastructure.

    Liked by 1 person

    1. Dr. Bramhall, as much as that needs to happen, we both know that it isn’t. This shithole over here can no more mind its own damn business than it can get bi-partisan approval to, as you say, “look after its own people and crumbling infrastructure.” Yet another train just recently derailed and killed people who were going about their business of making a living. We have nothing but crumbling infrastructure over here and not a gnat’s ass worth of fake ass smoke and mirrors taxpayer money is being created out of thin air to throw at it. If you go through the Washington, D.C. subway stations, the leaks and corrosive shit is glaringly obvious. That shit’s about to cave in on folks and it is going to happen. It’s happened before and nothing was done to improve that shit. And when it happens, there’ll be “thoughts and prayers,” and then, “that’s all folks.” That’s how we roll over here which is more than likely one of the reasons you got the hell out. You saw the writing on the wall and wasn’t liking what you were seeing and bounced. Good on you! The rest of US are in for it and most deserve it!!! But we’ve got over a 1,000 military bases to make sure that America stays looking like shit and collapses from within while missiles are pointed at the world which has now decided to call AmeriKKKa’s bluff. Good on them! May the rest of the world WIN this last war!!!!

      Thank you for your comment.


      1. The daughter of that truck driver called the derailment/bridge collapse a “freak accident”

        “This is just such a freak accident, I’m still trying to process what is really going on,” said Henderson’s daughter Triana James.

        Now let’s look @ the definition of “freak accident”

        “An incident, especially one that is harmful, occurring under highly unusual and unlikely circumstances.”

        Nothing “unlikely” about how this occurred.

        Aging infrastructure + long-time neglect = LIKELY disasters

        Liked by 1 person

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