“Calling ALL Convicted Felons, If You Have 34 Or Less Felony Convictions, Lawyer UP!!!!”

If the white man says that Donald Trump can be president of the United Snakes of Amurderer, then lawyer the hell up because you can’t even rent a damn apartment, drive for Uber, Lyft, Door Dash and some mo shit because you’ve got felony convictions. If they want to scream and shout about folks being unemployable or not worthy enough to have a home simply because they went to prison, supposedly paid their dues for doing so, but get the fuck out and their crimes are still held against them, then lawyer the fuck up since Trump can get away with the shit, and get racists to pay for him earning THIRTY FOUR DAMN FELONY CONVICTIONS!!!!!

After felony convictions, Trump’s presidential campaign says it raised $34.8M

May 31 (UPI) — Former president and convicted felon Donald Trump’s presidential campaign said Friday his conviction on 34 felonies by a unanimous jury decision in New York resulted in $34.8 million being raised by the campaign.

In a statement, the Trump campaign said, “President Trump and our campaign are immensely grateful from this outpouring of support from patriots across our country. President Trump is fighting to save our nation and November 5th is the day Americans will deliver the real verdict.”

If this shit doesn’t show the blatant hypocrisy that IS America, then I don’t know what will. Black people are disproportionately locked up in numbers higher than any other group in this country when we have the lowest population count and that shit is done by design since the founding slave owners did not include slaves when writing the Constitution, but the amendment to the Constitution, the 13th Amendment which supposedly abolished slavery, did anything but, since it still calls for slavery if one is convicted of a crime and sentenced to prison. We all know the skin tone that’s found sitting up in prisons all across this shithole by the millions.

And the claim is that even if Trump is convicted, sentenced to prison and still manages to win the election, he can perform his presidential duties from behind bars while felonious Black asses cannot even drive for Uber, Lyft or rent a goddamn studio apartment in Cleveland, OH. What in the outrageous hell is going on?!! I have been saying that this shitshow called America is sinking like a stone and with this type of mess continuing to rain down, the pace is going to pick up!

Ain’t a damn thing us Black folks could ever get up to that could be more criminal, more felonious than what every damn white man/woman has gotten up to what with thieving, lying, murdering, warring all across the damn globe and as you can see, that fuck shit has not ceased, only revved the fuck up!! Hence why storm after storm after storm is fucking shit up, over and over again before these racists can even begin to get a breather and believe me, it is going to get worse.

These white bitches will not continue this criminal shit and there are no consequences. Check out the previous blog and you will see, more and more whites are sitting out on the streets, homeless than a motherfucker. I have a whole ass blog post with nothing but whites out on the damn streets, homeless. And believe me, they are out there because I am out on the streets, capturing the shit every single day! So, I know what the hell I’m talking about! Only some of the pictures make it onto my blog since I can’t show nude ass folks bent over doing their business and some more shit on this blog. But the sights I have seen would curl your damn toes!

Seniors Are Becoming Homeless At A Rate Never Before Seen. This Makes No Sense!

These white motherfuckers are homeless!


And this one!


And this one!

And this one!

And this one!

And this one!

And this one!

And this one!

And this one!

And this one!

And this one!



And these here!

Yeah, whites are joining our asses, sitting out on these mean streets. Whites are so damn vile; they have no problem throwing their own damn kind under the damn bus. So, it is no wonder that a flaming, draft-dodging, corrupt, felonious piece of racist filth who called a Black man who was on “The Apprentice,” a “nigger” could still be that fucking dirty and criminal and still get to continue his campaign for the presidency.

Donald Trump Used N-Word on “The Apprentice ”Set While Weighing Pros and Cons of Black Finalist, Producer Claims

Trump allegedly told those in the boardroom that he was disappointed in Jackson for not firing contestant Omarosa Manigault Newman when she caused trouble.

Showrunner Jay Bienstock then chimed in to tell Trump that firing people was his job, not Jackson’s, and Kepcher added that Jackson probably didn’t know he was allowed to fire anyone, Pruitt claimed.

Trump winced again, Pruitt said, and continued bobbing his head, before allegedly saying, “Yeah, but I mean, would America buy a nigger winning?”

This is the so-called, “nigger” that Trump was talking about! So, to those of you Black folks, who think that it would be a good idea to vote for one racist over another, I can tell you this, the only thing that ANY and EVERY Black person should do come this November, is sit this shit the fuck out! We lose either way! But then, what have we ever stood to gain from these vicious, criminal racists like Donald Trump and Joe Biden??!!

A former producer of “The Apprentice” was made to sign a non-disclosure agreement, but since the expiration date has passed, he doesn’t mind saying that, “Yes,” Donald Trump referred to this Black man as a “Nigger!”

Sipa USA via AP Kwame Jackson, runner-up on season 1 of 'The Apprentice,' speaks at an anti-Donald Trump event during the 2016 presidential election


This Black woman had worked for Trump in the White House, and she wrote a book on her experiences with this racist!

Matthew Eisman/WireImage Donald Trump and Omarosa Manigault Newman


In 2018, Manigault Newman — who had recently been fired from Trump’s White House — made similar allegations against her former boss, saying she had been told the Apprentice host was repeatedly captured on tape using the N-word in outtakes.

“My certainty about the N-word tape and his frequent uses of that word were the top of a high mountain of truly appalling things I’d experienced with him, during the last two years in particular,” she wrote in her book Unhinged. “Using the N-word was not just the way he talks but, more disturbing, it was how he thought of me and African Americans as a whole.”

Let this shithole called, “America” continue to crash and burn, Black folks! We have been used to getting shit from this shitshow, now whites are throwing their own damn kind under the damn bus and those pictures of the homeless whites on this blog are not even the tip of the iceberg, Whites are complaining in record numbers about their inability to pay their damn bills. The shit is hitting the fan on their asses right along with ours now. And we all know that whites don’t “do poverty” well at all. Just sit back, Black folks, and watch the show! It’s gonna be a “good” one!!!

And you Black felons out there, get to suing since a FELON WITH THIRTY-FOUR CONVICTIONS UNDER HIS BELT CAN STILL RUN FOR PRESIDENT OF THIS FUCKED UP COUNTRY WHILE YOUR ASSES CAN’T EVEN RENT A STUDIO APARTMENT OR DRIVE FOR UBER!!! Yeah, that’s some sick ass shit right there!!!! But that’s the damn white man for you!!!! This shithole is being destroyed and he is the one doing it. The whites sit up and talk about “mankind” destroying this planet when those fucks ain’t got no one to blame but their motherfucking selves for the destruction that they have wrought all across this godforsaken planet! They own that fuck shit that they have wreaked on us all, but want to blame “mankind” when it is those abominable parasites that are causing ALL our problems, the bottom-feeding, goddamn slugs!!!

7 thoughts on ““Calling ALL Convicted Felons, If You Have 34 Or Less Felony Convictions, Lawyer UP!!!!”

    1. What is that supposed to mean? Because what I am doing is telling the goddamn truth! Black people are disproportionately affected by having criminal records over bullshit while whites get away with that shit and Donald Trump is a prime example of that shit! How is it that a man with THIRTY-FOUR FELONY CONVICTIONS under his belt can still “legally” become the president of an entire nation while a Black man with a felony criminal record of having had on his person, a dime bag of weed, can’t rent a goddamn apartment or get a job because he has a criminal record that contains a felony and he was set up to fail by the white man that dragged our asses over here to this shithole in the first goddamn place?! We’re not fucking here because we fucking immigrated, we are here because our ancestors were dragged the fuck over here while minding their damn business over in some African country. But now, y’all whites want to talk about who is stoking hatred when you know damn well that skin head groups, the Klan and The Aryan Brotherhood, the Proud Boys and some more shit are the hate groups hell bent on hating, but when Black people get tired of trying that “kumbaya” shit with y’all and get to moving in the opposite direction of that shit, then all of a sudden, “folks stoking hatred out there!” Go tell that shit to the Proud Boys! Go tell that shit to The Aryan Brotherhood. Go tell that shit to the Ku Klux Klan. Yeah, the sound of crickets is chirping over THAT shit!!!!

      Yeah, y’all whites feel comfortable coming up to Black folks with that “stoking hatred” shit because you know we ain’t as vile, depraved, deranged and blood thirsty like you filthy fucks are. We’re not the goddamn problem, you and those who look like you are!!!!


  1. This rubbish was in my YouTube recommended section. It’s amusing to me when someone posts a vid speculating on who might win a war between Amerikkka & China. This is from a click-baity channel called “The Military Show”. 

    Never mind the fact that China GREATLY outnumbers Amerikkka. Or that Amerikkka’s cannon fodder is increasingly becoming obese, as you’ve pointed out


    1. Well, America certainly could not engage anyone in hand-to-hand combat. When they tried that shit in Vietnam, they got whipped, and had to slink off with their tail between their legs. And since we buy damn near everything from China, these stupid fucks over here are not about to engage in war with China since where would they get their toys to continue their mindless, hypnotizing games? This shithole is collapsing under the weight of its own filth, it doesn’t need any other country or ant farm to do anything but sit back and watch the collapse.


  2. I’ve seen in some online comment sections Amerikkka being referred to as a “rich 33rd world nation”. I’d say it’s an apt description


    1. Yes, I’d heard about that which is probably why Biden’s senile ass is disallowing medical bills to show up on folks’ credit reports. Our shit’s been hacked so many damn times, there shouldn’t even be credit reports since everyone has most likely been a victim of identity theft. And it is only going to get worse.


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