Whites Gentrified South And Central America! But Now, White Bitches Are Complaining That Those Displaced Through GENTRIFICATION Are Running To The States! Seriously??!!!

Dude in the article is an American, who moved to Mexico and is now attempting to take to task, other whites like him who went to Mexico, gentrified the hell out of it and now want to talk about how bad the locals have it thanks to the whites gentrifying Mexico. Meanwhile, the Mexicans, Hondurans, Columbians, Ecuadoreans, Venezuelans etc., are heading to America since their shit’s been GENTRIFIED! Ain’t that a bitch!

I’m an American living in Mexico. I’ve seen the effects gentrification has on the locals and wish other expats would stop doing these 5 things here.

Courtesy of Jeremy Albelda

  • Jeremy Albelda moved from the US to Mexico City in 2015.
  • Albelda says the recent exponential gentrification has taken a toll on the local population.
  • He says Americans moving to Mexico need to stop staying in older Airbnb units among other things.

While living in Mexico, I did content writing and worked in marketing. Then, I opened a British-themed pub and got involved in more restaurants and real estate there. After the COVID-19 pandemic, things changed.

There appeared to be an influx of mostly white Americans moving into Mexico. The recent exponential gentrification has taken a toll on the local population.

Let me repeat that!


You damn right it has taken a toll on the local population, but then when has that ever bothered the whites? This entire fucking country has already been GENTRIFIED by the whites and not to mention, damn near every Central and South American country as well since when the whites go in with their ill-gotten gains, they begin lording it over the locals, displacing them and then taking their shit over.

Years ago, when I sought to leave this shithole, hoping to find somewhere less racist, I purchased a subscription to “International Living” magazine and in that magazine was nothing but story after story of WHITE EX-PATS from America, Australia, Europe, all WHITES, talking about their wonderful experiences of GENTRIFIYING South and Central America. They spoke of nothing but their newly erected homes, tennis courts, golf courses, spa centers and how the locals were just so gracious and welcoming and some more shit! They also talked about the low cost of having a local for a gardener, maid, cook, nanny; the whole fucking nine yards and how they saved so much money paying the locals mere pesos and how grateful the locals were to receive a mere pittance for waiting hand and foot on those pasty-pink assed parasites! 

The World’s Best Places to Retire in 2024

The climate is nearly perfect, so utilities are a fraction. Taxes are a fraction. We have full-time housekeeping/gardening help and have become very spoiled.
— Dwight H., who left Santa Fe, New Mexico for an arts-rich town in the world’s #3 retirement haven.
And how about this one.
We are mortgage-free half a mile from the beach…
say James and Jeanne B. from their perch in a little coastal town set at the edge of a long stretch of white sand in the world’s #1 retirement haven for 2024.
Or how about this one!
We rent a house with ocean view in [#2 retirement haven] for €500 a month. Only a 10-minute walk from our doorstep, there are five different beaches to choose from. In the States, a property like that would be quadruple the price at least.
— Expat Rick S.
Those shits displaced a local with their sense of entitlement obtained via their ill-gotten gains that someone else slaved away for and those worthless entitled white bitches proceeded to GENTRIFY entire communities, disrupting the lives of millions and then expected that nothing untoward would happen as a result.
Ecuador was touted as the most friendly and worthwhile option for WHITE ex-pats since their currency was dollar-based. Cheap, cheap, cheap was touted in so far as real estate was concerned, as well as labor costs, food, entertainment, medical expenses; the whole nine yards.
But what is occurring in Ecuador today, eh?

There’s widespread violence in Ecuador — what’s behind it?

Police officers arrest one of the unidentified gunmen who burst into a studio of the state-owned TC television while live, in Guayaquil, Ecuador, on January 9, 2024, a day after Ecuadorean President Daniel Noboa declared a state of emergency following the escape from prison of a dangerous narco boss. Gunshots rang out on live TV in violence-torn Ecuador as armed men carrying rifles and grenades stormed the studio shortly after gangsters vowed a "war" against the president's plans to reclaim control from "na

(NewsNation) — Ecuador has been shaken by widespread violence this year, terrifying its citizens and leading the government to take swift action.

It hasn’t always been this way. Before this, Axios writes, Ecuador had not seen the major crime other Latin American nations dealt with from insurgent groups and drug-trafficking cartels.

Yes indeed, blame the violence on gangs and drug traffickers, but what is behind the rise in gangs and drug trafficking? FUCKING POVERTY brought to a country, nation and ant farm thanks to vicious, depraved WHITES, who consider themselves to be so damn benevolent and humanitarian when they are consigning local populations to jails, prisons and poverty while the WHITES sit back and soak up some sun, sip rum punch, bask in the delights of their white privilege while locals wait on them, hand and foot in Columbia, Ecuador, Venezuela, Belize as they sit on the beach on land that once belonged to the locals but since WHITES had their ill-gotten gains handed down to them from generation to generation thanks to SLAVERY, LAND THEFT, ENTIRE THEFT OF COUNTRIES AND THEIR PEOPLE, WELL NOW, JUST KEEP THAT MOMENTUM ALIVE!!!! 

Does that shit sound familiar? It should! It’s the same playbook the WHITES have used since they first slithered and crawled all around the globe doing that exact same shit wherever their damn vile asses landed. They STOLE slaves out of Africa, and brought them to America, which they STOLE from the Indians. The whites STOLE Australia, the WHITES stole NEW ZEALAND. The WHITES STOLE the Caribbean Islands and the Mariana Islands, the WHITES STOLE Hawaii; the whites STOLE any and everywhere that a tan or Black foot resided. And those worthless pasty-pink assed shits are still at it to this day, but then want to sit back and complain about the fuck shit that they set in play! Shut all the fuck the way up, WHITES! Don’t nobody want to hear your fucking whining!!! You set this shit in motion! Now deal with the damn consequences!

All across the globe, every Black, Brown and Tan body is rising up and is beating back against the WHITES which is why the WHITES set in motion a COVID PLANDEMIC TO TRY AND ANNIHLATE THE WORLDS’ BLACK, BROWN AND TAN PEOPLES because the WHITES knew that we were going to, collectively, come for their WHITE PASTY-PINK ASSES! That is happening, NOW!! You white bitches were not going to continue to get away with the foul ass, vicious, fuck shit that you’ve ALWAYS been up to. The worlds’ people have had enough of your RACIST THIEVING ASS WAYS!!!! I am so damn glad that I can barely contain myself!!! It took a long time in coming, but it is here! And your asses are going to go the route of the damn dinosaurs, WHITE BITCHES! And good fucking riddance!!!!!

And the so-called illegals are going to fuck your shit up, WHITES!! And there is not a goddamn thing that you can do to stop them. I am going to seriously stop complaining about the illegals because as long as the illegals continue to cross the border into this shithole, the more likely a WHITE bitch is going to suffer an attack of apoplexy and drop the fuck dead since Maine is giving illegals FREE, luxury housing. The illegals in New York have already been able to obtain SUVs and pickup trucks. The illegals in Chicago have nice winter coats and the mayors of several cities that have received illegals are continuously stating that they intend to keep helping the illegals to get on their feet, not to mention that there is also a move to get voting rights established for the newly arrived illegals just in time to help them vote for the Democrats come this December! I am loving it! Keep coming, illegals! You’ll soon make the WHITES, the illegals, especially since the WHITES have all but taken over YOUR damn countries, but are now screeching, wailing, whining and moaning that since they displaced you, you shouldn’t be here, giving them any grief! Fuck those white bitches! And keep coming! It’s fucking up their goddamn day and if a motherfucker is fucking up a white bitch’s day, then I am all FOR it! Keep the fuck coming, ILLEGALS!!!!!


Migrants receive 2 years of rent-free living at new Maine apartments

Migrants receive 2 years of rent-free living at new Maine apartments

The Maine State Housing Authority recently opened new apartments at a former naval air station base in Brunswick that will provide migrants with up to two years of rent-free living, funded by the state’s taxpayers.

According to WCSH-TV, the city is opening 60 new apartment units in five buildings. The units, 24 of which are already completed, will provide up to two years of free housing to migrants waiting for work permits.

One migrant residing in the apartments told the news outlet that her new unit feels like a “palace.”

The rent for these units will be paid using state funds approved by the legislature. Once migrants living in the units are approved to work, they will be expected to allocate 30% of their income to rent, WGME reported.

The Maine State Housing Authority, an independent state agency, is leading the project. After the two years expire, the program will either be extended, or the units will be converted into market-rate and affordable housing.

Yeah whites! You figure out what’s behind “other” whites giving your tax dollars and MY tax dollars over to illegals who can’t even work and have no income. Figure that shit out, whites!! Disabled veterans are sitting out on the streets, homeless and fucked up in the head and no housing authority has provided free, luxury housing to them, not to mention to Black-assed folks who look like me, but that’s a given. Black folks are used to getting fucked up by you soulless demonic freaks, whites, but your own kind is getting the shaft by those who also look like you. Explain THAT shit! Explain why illegals are receiving carte blanche even as you sit back and exclaim over that shit! Yeah! And you get back to me when you come up with an explanation for that shit, whites!!! Meanwhile, you fucking white bitches get what the hell you give!!!