Things Are Not Looking Good At All!

Folks, even though I have not been blogging like I used to does not mean that I am not aware of what is going on. I know only too well since I am out on the streets, daily. And I see the mess that has been deliberately let loose on humanity; those of us who are just trying to make it from one day to the next.

Stellantis announces hundreds of layoffs for white collar workers during ‘mass firing’ call

A mechanical engineer knew something was wrong when the rumor mill at work began to spin: layoffs were incoming. 

They had begun to trickle into the office a couple of weeks ago. Then, around 8 p.m. on Thursday, about 400 workers at Stellantis got an email telling them not to come into the office on Friday.

Instead, it would be a mandatory remote work day. They were also told to attend an operational meeting at a designated time. That’s when the news dropped.

“It was a mass firing of everybody that was on the call,” the employee said.

I have been telling Americans that America is not owned by Americans anymore. Guess where Stellantis is headquartered? Amsterdam. Americans have been sold out by corporations that have merged with other corporations and all of them are headquartered overseas.

What are those people going to do who just got fired from Stellantis? Some of them may eventually end up on the streets, homeless like the man in the next picture.

Again, this is going to become all too familiar. In fact, it already is. Those who have been sitting, basking in the glow of their white-collar jobs are now having the rug pulled from underneath them. There were signs of what was coming and since many of those people knew what was coming and tried to prepare for it by initiating a job search, as you can see, the job search did not go very well since many had to remain at their jobs until they got a zoom call telling them not to come back to work.

Another sad situation is what’s going down with Tyson Foods since that company has been in the news lately over firing legal American workers and hiring illegals to take their place. And even though Tyson Foods is touted as an American-owned company, the Chinese are the majority stockholders and so in essence, it is a Chinese-owned company masquerading as an American-owned corporation.

Tyson Foods Sells Majority Stake To Chinese Company – CMHI

by Vallery – SEPTEMBER 29, 2022

“The China-based Shandong Bao Shuan Group has purchased a majority stake in the American chicken company, Tyson Foods. Shandong Bao Shuan will now own 79.5 percent of Tyson Foods, while the American company will maintain a 20.5 percent stake. This is the first time that a Chinese company has acquired a major American food producer. The deal was completed on Monday, and it is valued at $8.55 billion.”

As you can see, the plot thickens!

Tyson Foods Faces Boycott After Report Claims Company Hires Migrants

Tyson Foods faces boycott calls

Tyson Foods is facing boycott calls following a report that the company planned to hire migrants to work at its factories.

Now, even though Tyson Foods retracted a statement regarding hiring illegals after having fired legal Americans, the fact remains that Tyson Foods has not been upfront about who owns the company and so it is not a stretch of the imagination to believe that Tyson Foods would not lie about whether or not it was planning to fire legal Americans and hire illegals. It has been done before. And I have covered that on this very blog. Archive to your heart’s content.

HUL Announces Mass Layoffs: Over 7,000 Jobs To Be Cut, Magnum Ice Cream Business To Get Separated – Check Details

hul announces mass layoffs: over 7,000 jobs to be cut, magnum ice cream business to get separated - check details

FMCG major Hindustan Unilever (HUL) is set to lay off 7,500 employees and the company announced the separation of its ice cream unit into a standalone business as part of a cost-saving initiative, The company said in a press release that it is planning to complete the restructuring by the end of next year.

Are you beginning to get the picture?

Amid mass layoffs across the US, Dollar Tree announces nearly 1,000 Family Dollar store closures

Many of the stores to be closed are located in rural areas and impoverished towns and cities. The Family Dollar chain has 8,000 stores in the US and Canada and is owned by Dollar Tree, one of the largest discount chains of its kind. In many areas of the country, a Family Dollar store represents the only option for groceries and other goods, with larger supermarkets several hours’ driving away.

What is going on?

The full list of major US companies slashing staff this year, from IBM to Google and Microsoft

A slew of companies across the tech, media, finance, and retail industries made significant cuts to staff in 2023. Tech titans like IBM, Google, Microsoft, finance giants like Goldman Sachs, and manufacturers like Dow all announced layoffs.

2024 is looking grim too. And it’s only March.

Nearly 40% of business leaders surveyed by ResumeBuilder think layoffs are likely at their companies this year, and about half say their companies will implement a hiring freeze.

And yet, the Biden Administration has been secretly flying illegals into the U.S. for quite some time.

Biden DHS pressed for answers on 386,000 immigrants flown directly into US cities

EXCLUSIVE — House Republicans are pressing the Biden administration to provide information about a government phone app that allowed immigrants outside the United States to apply for permission to fly into the U.S. to be screened for admission.

In a letter sent to President Joe Biden and Department of Homeland Security Secretary Alejandro Mayorkas on Friday, 18 GOP lawmakers demanded information on the “advanced travel authorizations” program that has allowed immigrants from Cuba, Haiti, Nicaragua, and Venezuela to enter the U.S.

Has anybody figured out what the hell is going on yet? All I know is that the sheer numbers of newly homeless are skyrocketing. And laws are being passed in different states to criminalize homelessness as with the recent laws about to hit the books in Florida, whereas it is against the law for the homeless to sit and rest on sidewalks, parks and in other public spaces.

A look at how the new law banning Florida’s homeless from sleeping in public works

Florida’s homeless will be banned from sleeping on sidewalks and in parks and other public spaces under a law signed Wednesday by Gov. Ron DeSantis.

Remember these pictures?

Florida has just made that a criminal act. As if those who are inside a tent on the sidewalk can help their plight when you can see for yourself that mass homelessness is going to be the result of endless layoffs coming down the pike and so LEGAL Americans are all going to be sitting up in prisons all across America while illegals are working for peanuts at Tyson Foods, Unilever, Smithfield Meat Packing Plants, Chipotles, Taco Bells, Days Inn, Extended Stay Americas and the list is also endless.

Americans are being replaced which is why illegals coming into America were not met with masked health officials insisting on rolling up their sleeves and injecting them with Covid bioweapons as in what happened to millions of LEGAL Americans. Is this the “Great Replacement?” Are your votes even going to matter come November? Will you even have a home come November since a pink slip is about to meet you via a zoom call from your “former” employer? The writing has been on the wall for quite some time now and even though there has only been about four years to prepare for this. Is anyone ever really ready for the bottom to completely fall out?

Laws are soon coming to a city, hamlet, burg, village, township near you that will make it a criminal offense to prop a tent up when you have been fired from your job and evicted from your home. And when that happens, there goes your health because take it from me, I am still trying to recover lost sleep from when I was homeless for eight months last year. I do not think that I shall ever be the same, in fact, I am certain of it and yet despite all hell, I am out on the streets every single day, helping the homeless when and where I can. The next picture is what today is looking like and I was out there helping the homeless.

It is much worse now and will continue snowing at least until Tuesday morning. And if I can dig myself out, I will be out in search of those who need rescuing from homelessness and the snow tomorrow. I hope that those of you who read this will never need help from those of us who are trying to help the homelessness. May you never experience homelessness.

Tonight, it will not be a fit night out for man nor beast, but man will surely be outside in the midst of a deep and unrelenting snowstorm. Have mercy!

A Silent, Cold Embrace!




Fluffy white and soft,
it blankets me this night.

Hidden by powdery flakes,
are stiffening limbs of ice.

Gently caressing my face,
and melting in my mouth,
a silent, cold embrace,
it hides the ugly truth,
that I lie on concrete, hard.

No dreams I’ll ever know,
with open, staring eyes,
buried beneath the snow.

Written by,
Shelby I. Courtland
© 2013 Shelby I. Courtland

I pray none of you who read this will ever experience homelessness. I pray you don’t!



Uh Oh! It’s Gotta Be Bad When Corporate Lawyers Are Now Losing Their Jobs! HA!

😅😂🤣😅😂🤣😅😂🤣 Yes, I am THAT amused by this headline!

A Second Round of Coronavirus Layoffs Has Begun. No One Is Safe.

The first people to lose their jobs worked at restaurants, malls, hotels and other places that closed to contain the coronavirus pandemic. Higher skilled work, which often didn’t require personal contact, seemed more secure.

That’s not how it’s turning out.

A second wave of job loss is hitting those who thought they were safe. Businesses that set up employees to work from home are laying them off as sales plummet. CORPORATE LAWYERS ARE SEEING JOBS DRY UP. Government workers are being furloughed as state and city budgets are squeezed. And health-care workers not involved in fighting the pandemic are suffering.

“CORPORATE LAWYERS ARE SEEING JOBS DRY UP!” Thank you coronavirus! And Michael Cockson, this is dedicated to YOU! Even though your sorry, racist ass is a partner at FAEGRE BAKER DANIELS LLP 2200 Wells Fargo Center, 90 South Seventh Street, Minneapolis, MN 55402, I hope to hell that this virus closes down that law firm after what you did to your poor clients and that included my cousin. I hope your income dries up, BIG FUCKING TIME!

But as usual, I digress!

So, those who thought that they could comfortably work from home and still receive a paycheck since they were not restaurant workers, retail clerks, hotel desk clerks or maids or bus drivers, janitors or who worked at Amazon warehouses are finding themselves to be affected by this latest round of layoffs? How does it feel to at first think that your shit didn’t stink, but you now know that it does? You ain’t hardly happy about that fact, I’m sure. But sit your ass down and from the comfort of your home, while you’re still in it, click on the link to take you to the website so that you can sign up for unemployment benefits. Order your groceries and wait for your greatly reduced unemployment check to be deposited into your account because now you’ve joined the ranks of the expendables.

April’s jobs report, which will capture late-March layoffs, will show cuts to 3.4 million business-services workers, including lawyers, architects, consultants and advertising professionals, as well 1.5 million nonessential health-care workers and 100,000 information workers, including those working in the media and telecommunications.

Get the fuck outta here! Those well educated, highly paid architects, IT consultants and even advertising professionals, along with LAWYERS and even those in the health-care field are to receive their pink slips? Looks like everybody had better hope that their dumb ass racist-in-chief Donald Trump comes through for them in their hour of need, otherwise, there are no premium spots left for cardboard boxes. They have all been taken. Also, homeless shelters are closed, for…you know…that ‘social distancing’ thing. And there you have it folks, Amerikkka, the land of opportunity, the land of milk and honey completely shut down over a virus that we cannot even see.

AGAIN, let me repeat! Those who thought that they were safe from layoffs due to this coronavirus pandemic are finding themselves just as fucked as the rest of us. Oh, you may have a bit more money to tide you over and your situation is most likely why your lord and savior Trump is speaking on the lie that he IS THE ULTIMATE AUTHORITY when it comes to re-opening America, but he’s not. You see, he is NOT in control. The coronavirus is and with the news coming out that there are Thousands of health care workers sickened by COVID-19 and 27 dead, CDC report says. But there’s probably more. Oh yes, there are many, many more because another report has the number of health care workers sickened with coronavirus at 20,000. But nevertheless, with a serious lack of PPE and other necessary medical supplies for those workers, more and more health care workers are going to contract coronavirus and so Trump may as well take several seats because as soon as he claims that Amerikkka is ‘open for business’, the numbers of the infected are going to skyrocket. So go right ahead and listen to that useless bag of wind and you are going to drop in a matter of days since the sick health care workers will be bending over you taking care of your sick asses while making sure that both of you succumb to coronavirus. It will be a case of the sick caring for the sick.

Coronavirus is the PERFECT STORM to bring down this diseased whore called, “Amerikkka!” My ancestors are cheering in their graves over this! They may not have lived to see this diseased whore exposed for what she really is and brought to her damn knees, but I am damn sure glad that I have. And I am loving every goddamn minute of it!

You filthy ass whites have done nothing but drone on and on about how American descendants of slavery are the faces of coronavirus deaths and if that be the case, don’t you think for one goddamn minute that we are going to go out all by our lonesome. Your damn asses are going out with us because haven’t you heard? Domestic violence is making headline news because you motherfuckers are losing it. The wife’s nagging, the kid’s are getting on your nerves, screaming about that Disney vacation they can’t take and some more shit. Ain’t no damn ‘meat’ in the grocery store. You’ve long since lost the ability to wipe your ass because you can’t find any toilet paper and that’s itching like mad and so there you sit, squirming with your dirty ass and listening to ALL of that noise in your household that’s been on lockdown for too goddamn long and now, it’s DOMESTIC VIOLENCE TIME! I knew that shit was going to ramp up and in spades because normally, the kiddies would be in school, you’d have yourself at a game and the wife would be at the spa. And you’d not see each other until bedtime and back up at em the next day, but is that the situation? Hell fucking no! So, the wife gets clapped up side the head, she’s screaming on the phone to the cops and you’re sitting down to your second case of beer and the kiddies are beating the hell out of each other over a video game. I can just see this scenario playing out all across this godforsaken planet, but especially here in the states.

And let’s not forget the suicides that are sure to follow because whites don’t and can’t do without entertainment and fantasy and since pro sports are shut down and Disney fantasy land is closed, what the hell is there for you to do but fight with whomever is in your household or suck on a gun? You’ve got so damn many, the only question is, “which one to choose?” I wonder, are the authorities going to label suicides during this pandemic as COVID-19 cases? I mean, everyone who goes to the hospital seems to die from COVID-19. No longer are heart attacks, strokes, cancer, diabetes and aneurysms killing people. They’re all dying from COVID-19 according to coroners reports. Poor coronavirus is going to get the blame for everything from layoffs to domestic violence incidents to suicides, to heart attacks and not to mention, cannibalistic rats.

Oh, did you hear that since restaurants and some grocery stores have closed all over the country, rats are now without their daily meals? Apparently, Starving, angry and cannibalistic: America’s rats are getting desperate amid coronavirus pandemic. WOW! The article goes on to say that rats are starting to take over cities all across America and are eating their young and becoming more aggressive. There have been thousands of calls about rats from Baltimore, Md to New Orleans, LA to Washington, D.C. As if that isn’t bad enough, there are reports that the bear population in national parks has exploded now that ‘human’ visitors are on lockdown. So, I guess when Trump reopens America, we’ll be hearing of whites getting mauled to death by bears.

Folks! In case you have not noticed, Amerikkka is fucked; royally and totally fucked! Ain’t capitalism mixed with racism grand? Ain’t it nice to have such an incredibly intelligent and stalwart figure as Amerikkka’s president who takes responsibility when shit happens and acts in a timely manner to mitigate the damage? Damn! My fingers gagged on that lie!

But hey, racist Amerikkka, you voted for Donald “Grab them by the pussy” Trump because the racism from whites will always win hands down every time even over their own best interests because is it in your best interests that Trump closed down the agency that Barack Obama launched to go into effect in the event of a pandemic? Is racism going to keep you lawyers in your jobs? Is racism going to make that unemployment check look any bigger? Is racism going to keep you from contemplating suicide over the potential loss of your material possessions, WHITES? Is racism stopping you from going upside your wife’s head because you’ve got season tickets to pro sports games and yet, you’re stuck at home listening to your wife nag you about her fucked up nails and hair? If and when you whites start sucking on guns, before you do, remember, it was better to vote for racism because racism is what you voted for because you ARE Donald Trump; each and every last one of you whites. You are indeed, Donald Trump and so you know exactly what he thinks of YOUR fucked up situation. It’s not impacting him and so he doesn’t give a fuck. When you thought the shit was only going to impact people who look like me, you were fine with that, but now that you know that lawyers, architects, IT workers and AD execs are not immune to COVID-19 layoffs, it’s now time to do what? Yeah! File for unemployment and sit back and realize how fucked your racist asses are and then of course when you start losing your shit, time to suck on a gun, time to find a rope and get to swinging. It’s not just people who look like me who are impacted by layoffs. Your ass is grass, as well. I’m used to the shit. But your pasty asses? Hardly! HA! I’m loving it!

And the dude who said this, “The virus shock does not discriminate across sectors as we initially thought,” – Gregory Daco, chief U.S. economist of Oxford Economics, needs to lose his damn job because dude is dumb as hell if he thought that only those who are seen as menial laborers would be impacted by this pandemic because despite all of the rhetoric, it would appear that coronavirus does not intend to discriminate. Thank you coronavirus!