I Am SO Fucking Fed Up With This Transgender Bathroom Shit!!!!

Attorney General Lynch and Principal Deputy Assistant Attorney General Gupta announce law enforcement action against the state of North Carolina in Washington
Attorney General Loretta E. Lynch (R) and Principal Deputy Assistant Attorney General Vanita Gupta, head of the Civil Rights Division, announce law enforcement action against the state of North Carolina in Washington, U.S., May 9, 2016. REUTERS/Joshua Roberts



The goddamn U.S. government is suing the state of North Carolina over some transgender bill that was recently passed into law and what the fuck???!!!

What is this bill about? Well now, if you were born a man and now you’ve decided that you were born wrong and you get a sex change and somehow, you obtain a goddamn vagina, fallopian tubes, a uterus, a clitoris and a cervix, (have I left anything out?) well, now, it is your new ‘identity’ and so therefore, you are not free to use the restrooms in the state of North Carolina that are designated for natural born females, those of us who have not picked a new ‘gender’ just’cause we can. Oh my bad! I am being extremely insensitive to those in the transgender community. Well, shut me the fuck up, I dare you because I don’t aim to go to ‘HorrorWood’ and try my hand at ‘acting’. So, I don’t have to ‘become’ gay or whatever the fuck for just such a purpose. I was born a woman and a woman I am, goddamn it!

You know, you can sit somewhere and mouth off all day and night about how wronged you folks are but it don’t fucking cut no ice with me, not one goddamn bit of it! I am tired of every single damn time I turn on my computer some goddamn stupid shit is staring me in my face that’s pertaining to some weirdo shit!

Now, it is my opinion that life was much better for us all when you weird fucks stayed in the goddamn closet, just a cozying up to one another. Why must your weirdo shit constantly be front and center when so many real issues are neglected because even the Feds want to shove this shit in our goddamn face, day in and day out?

Not one word has been said about suing police forces all across this shithole for filling Black bodies full of holes. Not one goddamn word has been said about suing the goddamn ‘white supremacist’ groups that foster hate all across this shithole to the point where white shits fill Black churchgoers full of bullet holes and get treated to a ‘Whopper’ of a meal at Burger King before being escorted to jail. Not one goddamn word has been said about suing every motherfucking state in the south and elsewhere that is consistently attempting to keep Black people from the polls. Not one goddam word has been said about suing every damn police force and the ‘legal’ system, otherwise known as the ‘Injustice System’ for chronic, systemic and endemic racism! Not one goddamn word has been said about suing the military for fucking poor people up, rendering them mentally ill and homeless when they come back from killing folks in the Middle East and elsewhere. And the goddamn list is endless. But to hell with that shit! We’ve got bigger fish to fry! We have got to make sure that some motherfucking man that couldn’t live another day as a man, changed his ‘sex’ and so now he should get to use the ‘ladies’ room and let’s all just join hands and praise this creature for his honesty and integrity in finding his new ‘identity’. Let him have at it. Let him enter any bathroom, he pleases,. Let him take his perverted ass into any goddamn bathroom he has decided on any given day that fits in with his ‘identity’ for that day and don’t you dare have a problem with it. Perverts and weirdos are not THE problem, so get over it already and let the damn ‘lady’ that used to be a ‘man’ use the goddamn restroom of his/her choice. That should make everybody happy.

Oh, you ain’t happy? Get over it North Carolina and any other state that’s got a problem with it because the U.S Department of Justice via Massa’s coonhead Loretta Lynch has stated, “None of us can stand by when a state enters business of legislating ‘identity’.”

Newsfuckingflash, coonhead Lynch, the goddamn federal government IS in the business of legislating ‘identity’. You ain’t seen your goddamn birth certificate? What the fuck ‘identity’ did the federal government give to you? Did the federal government ‘identify’ you as a ‘Colored Person’ or how about a ‘Negro’ or could ye be an ‘African-American’ or is your identity, ‘Black’ so says the federal government? So then, where is the lawsuit over YOUR own goddamn ‘identity’ as defined by the law of the land? You got no say over YOUR own goddamn identity, but you’re now going to sue over some transgender bathroom ‘identity’ shit because the ‘government’ of North Carolina should not enter into the business of legislating ‘identity’? That’s rich because you’re hundreds of years too goddamn late, coonhead! And you’re too goddamn stupid to even see the irony in the situation, U.S. Department of Justice Coonhead Lynch! But let some weird ass creepy shit come forward with some lame ass shit about how he ain’t a goddamn man, he is a motherfucking woman that can’t ever have a damn baby at all and his ‘identity’ has been threatened by the state and could you please sue for him? And yes, you will! But when are you going to get around to suing about YOUR ‘identity’ that the very same government gave to you because remember, you were born in North Carolina? Because, AGAIN, you didn’t choose YOUR own damn identity! Oh my bad! The ‘transgender identity’ lawsuit must come first His plight is so goddamn bad, it’s keeping ME up at night! I swear! I cannot make this shit up!

So now, the goddamn federal government is saying that weirdo creeps are so fucking important that they deserve a lawsuit in their honor because they can determine their own sex, although it was already pre-determined at birth, but that is of no consequence, he should be able to use any bathroom, ‘he’ so chooses, just as ‘he’ did with his previous ‘identity’. Next, this fucker is gonna declare that he is now a sheep. Make another bathroom sign that’s ‘sheep neutral’ and put a picture of a sheep on the goddamn door so that those who declare that they should have been born, a goddamn sheep can feel right at home alongside my ass when I’m attempting to enter a restroom. “BAAAAAAAA!” Dude says he’s now a dog, put a dog sign on yet another door and let dude go in and cock his leg up in the fucking air! “WOOF WOOF!”

Is everybody happy now? Are we leaving anybody out? Who wants the government to sue on their behalf because they have changed themselves from the ‘sex’ they were born and now feel slighted by a goddamn sign that you claim ain’t meant for you? You motherfuckers ain’t getting how ridiculous this bullshit really is? Talk about attention seeking whores, you motherfuckers take the goddamn cake and then some. Why don’t you shut the fuck up and sit the fuck down because I am sick to pieces of every goddamn thing being all about YOU!

We’ve got REAL HUGE ass issues out there, but we’ve got to concentrate on some made up shit that ain’t about shit! We have got children in homeless shelters. We have got seniors who are choosing food over their medicines. We have got innocent people cooling their heels in ‘for profit’ prisons. We have got a ‘school-to-prison’ pipeline. We have got gentrification running unchecked throughout this hellhole rendering people, homeless. We have got poisoned children in Flint, MI and elsewhere, poisoned by the goddamn water. We have got millions of Black people being denied the right to vote because they were felons, served their time and still, they cannot vote. We have got children in Detroit MI who have no water. We have got Black children getting gunned down and murdered in parks. We have got Black women getting escorted out of hospitals, only to die on the steps of the hospital or at the jail where they were taken AFTER having sought care for critical illnesses. We have got a Black woman who was found mysteriously hanged in a Texas jail and ain’t a goddamn thing wrong with that because we are going to concentrate our attention on a ‘transgender bathroom sign’. We are going to sue for some confused transgender motherfucker because THAT is the biggest goddamn problem we are facing today!! Goddamn it! Shut the fuck up over this gay rights bullshit SHIT already!!! It ain’t ALL about you!!!!

And if I stepped on some goddamn toes, goddamn it, get the fuck over it!!!


35 thoughts on “I Am SO Fucking Fed Up With This Transgender Bathroom Shit!!!!

    1. Skulz, you wouldn’t be the only one. What is it about this explosion of transgender/gay or whatever issues that continue to take front and center stage while other more important issues are rendered to the backburner? What the hell?!!! Why do we always focus on the most mundane shit and pass on what is impacting millions of poverty stricken, homeless, jobless, people who are lacking health care and the human right to lead-free water? The Federal Government has not stepped in and sued the goddamn state of Michigan for the serious water problems that are plaguing the poor people there. Oh no! Because they ain’t shouting for bathroom signs, they just need some clean, lead free water or they just need some water, PERIOD! But don’t let’s sue about that. A transgender ‘identity’ crisis of the highest magnitude is what we need to focus taxpayer money on. Because who do you think is going to pay for this lawsuit that the Justice Department has initiated against North Carolina? Exactly! I’d rather have my hard-earned tax dollars go to sue for some decent water for children to drink. I’d rather my tax dollars go to suing the hell out of these police departments all across this shithole that make it a known fact that racism will be tolerated in their precincts and the goddamn list is endless.

      But hell no! We don’t ever do what’s right! We are always on some fucking stupid time! I fucking swear! This shit don’t make no goddamn sense!

      I thank you for your comment Skulz!

      Liked by 2 people

      1. That is SO goddamn true, it ain’t even fucking funny and THAT was my point.

        We are always pointed to some made up shit that is insignificant but is touted as THE most important issue of the day when the shits in the government don’t want to do a damn thing about a damn thing. So, they know they’re going to get people all stirred up and pointed in a stupid direction as opposed to getting pointed in the direction where they should be looking; at how fucked by this government they’re getting!

        But let us not concentrate on the BIG shit, let’s follow the stupid dot to some transgender bathroom lawsuit! I swear! This fucking shit just continues to happen because AmeriKKKans are the most dumbest fucks on this planet! And I ain’t braggin’, I’m just sayin’.

        Thanks again for your comment, Skulz!

        Liked by 1 person

      2. A FUCKING MEN!!! I am from the old school and 40,30 hell even 25 years ago this shit would n-o-t be tolerated in the black community. We would not be defending or screaming for gay rights, it’s these dumbass progressive, pathetic, new age black feminuts and simps thinking everybody’s issues are our issues too. FUCK THAT SHIT!! Gay white people have never had our back and for these shitheads to run after them especially these goofy bitches on stupid websites like Racialicious or Clutch that spend every day of their life hating black men while disguising it as a so-called “crusade”. I will not one minute in my life stand up for gay whites or gay folks of any race and fuck no you can not just wake up one day decide you are now officially a male or female then use whatever bathroom you want. And yes fuck Obama for giving in to this bullshit LGBT spells fake, racist, assholes with their own agenda and axe to grind FUCK THEM SIDEWAYS!!!

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      3. LMAO! Tell us how you really feel, Lavern! You said it! I have often wondered why all of a sudden, it is the thing to do as in Black folks touting this gay nonsense as if it has anything to do with them unless it’s the ones who’ve decided to follow the whites over the ‘gay’ cliff.

        Black people, as a whole, was never down with this gay, transgender or whatever the fuck bullshit nonsense they’re calling themselves. We were never shouting that the so-called ‘plight’ of some weirdo fucks meant a goddamn to us. Who the fuck has ever helped us in our quest to be treated as human beings in this shithole? Certainly not some motherfucking man that’s claiming he’s a goddamn woman that ain’t never had a period in his damn life. Now, when he can come to me and tell me how bad his stomach hurts when his ovaries drop their damn load each and every month, then we can talk, but he fucking can’t come at me with that shit and so he can just get ta steppin’ with his goddamn nonsense about how he’s a damn woman. When a man can lay down and give birth, AGAIN, then we can talk, but until then, he’d best shut the fuck up with his too stupid for words bullshit!

        And if truth be told, Obama’s ass is probably having some white dude shoving dick in it because he is the most effeminate man I’ve ever seen. His goddamn ass was sporting ‘soccer mom’ jeans and looking ‘gay’ as all hell. He ain’t never looked like a real brotha in anything he wore and so it is no wonder that’d he take up the ’cause’ of some weirdo creepy fucks who go on and on about they being denied some goddamn rights. What goddamn rights are they being denied? Not a goddamn one. Ain’t nobody fucking them up, eight ways to Sunday like they’re doing to us Black folks and I will not have that shit grouped in with us. Like I said, “Never on MY motherfucking watch! It ain’t happening. And I don’t give a damn who don’t like it. We don’t fucking like getting racially profiled, but we do. We don’t fucking like getting killed for breathing while Black, but we do and I could go on and on while those useless weirdo fucks strut up and down the streets having their ‘gay pride’ parades in next to nothing and I’m supposed to get behind that and say, “I want that nasty ass shit in a bathroom stall next to me?” Fuck no!

        Lavern, I thank you for your spot on comment!


    2. Amen to that! But first let start off by saying I am gay woman I call myself a stud but at the end of the day I know and call myself a woman! And I absolutely cannot, shall not, will not ever be OK with this transgender crap! God made us who he wanted us to be period point blank there’s no mistake about that! #i refuse to ever call a trans person something they was not born to be I fought my own battles out of this fucked up gay community to just be excepted by my family and friends to be the lesbian I am! I fought hard and even got disowned by a few for years and now these wanna fuckn be’s come along with this bs!? I’m over all of the fuckery with this “LGBT” Community!!! I have not ever supported the gay community while coming out myself and from the looks of things #i made the right decision. I font believe in all that crap they pull such as transgenders, gay men and lesbians getting married! #all of that extra crap is just plain out fucking sick! So well said with this topic!!!!

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  1. Well said! I am just curious to how many transgender creatures live in the U.S.. it really can’t be that many where laws and signs need to be made. And if it’s that serious, why not make an entirely separate bathroom for them?

    Also, I think the whole suing of the state of NC is a crock, just a show to keep attention on the issue. Weren’t they the first state to put same sex options on some application? It seems to be the forerunner for freakiness. I just can’t imagine that many transgenders running around NC because they can’t find a non-discriminatory bathroom.

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    1. Thank you for the compliment on this one Kelley!

      The North Carolina bathroom bill, H.B. 2 requires people to use public bathrooms that correspond with the sex on their birth certificate rather than their ‘gender’ identity and North Carolina’s stance is that this bill will protect women and girls from predators. On the other hand, the transgender advocates claim the bill is unfounded and ignores a modern understanding of people who identify with a gender other than the one assigned at birth.

      And that’s stupid right there because no one was ‘assigned’ a gender at birth. If you came out with a penis, why it’s a boy, if not, why, it’s a girl! Nothing complicated in that. But oh no! It’s now time to complicate things and make a big issue out of a non-issue. And in my opinion, it is a non-issue or at least, it should be when compared to all the REAL and serious issues that are being ignored while we are forced to concentrate on this farce!

      Since I am from the South, I feel that I can speak knowledgeably on this. There are many, many Black people who live in the South including North Carolina and many of them are ‘gawd-fearing’ church going folk who don’t hold with this nasty weirdo tranny shit! Now, though I’m no ‘christian’, I’d even get behind them in support of this bill because we are bombarded with this LGBT shit to no end and it needs to stop.

      They are even now comparing this shit to the struggle for Civil Rights for Black people. We ALWAYS get thrown in with that fucked up nasty shit and I am having none of it! The only reason Black men are becoming emasculated is due to the prison industrial complex making faggots out of them. Black folks as a whole are still not accepting that ‘in our face’ transgender gay shit! And especially those who are in the South, they are NOT going to accept it and rightly so!

      But this shit is being hyped up so that we don’t concentrate on what we should be concentrating on. As usual, we are being pointed in another direction, away from the serious shit that’s going down. They are now starting to talk of another recession, as if we ever got out of the Depression of 2008. Jobs are going, going, almost gone. They’re hyping the shit out of that disaster called, Trump and any other circus act they can pull out of their hat. And this gay thing was just the THING! Hypnotize folks over some bullshit so they won’t know how fucked they’re soon going to be.

      We all know that that shit that wants in the ‘ladies’ bathroom ain’t got no right to be there! It ain’t a lady no matter how many operations are performed on it. Like I said, if it ain’t got a uterus, fallopian tubes, ovaries, a cervix and a vagina like ladies have; if it has no female reproductive organs, it is a goddamn man. And ain’t no escaping that fact! Into the MENS bathroom, IT should go! They can dress it up, put lipstick on it, but when all is said and done, it’s still a man in drag! Keep it the hell out of MY bathroom!

      I got the solution! If I come out of a stall and a goddamn man is standing there with a dress on, I’m going to jail because I’m shooting his ass. They can cut his dick off all day and all night, but they can’t do a goddamn thing about that big ass Adam’s apple bobbing up and down in his MAN throat!

      Kelley, I thank you kindly for your comment!

      Liked by 2 people

      1. Yea it’s nuts [pun intended].

        I clearly had the backwards information backwards, so thank you for the clarification and link. And it’s not the oddities that bother me but the fact that people are taking the time to actually debate over what’s right! And allow themselves to be distracted once again. It’s frustrating.

        Liked by 2 people

    2. Well you argue your point with passion.I will only say that as a Femi isn’t I will not accept a transgender claiming the right I a d other women fight so hard for.Do not invade my space declaring yourself as a woman dies not make you a woman.Ibce again men bullying women it’s called Patriarchy .


  2. Michelle visited several graduations in the past couple of weeks, but she only talked about the North Carolina law at the HBCU ceremony.

    Lynch invoked civil rights- you and I both know better about civil rights, but I am talking about the idea it was based on- and compared the situation to Jim Crow, which is completely false.

    Once again, this president works for all other groups than blacks. He does not care for us, and those backs need to realize it that still think he does.


    1. Well, I haven’t followed where that coonhead sell-out piece of worthless garbage visited. And I certainly would not have even bothered to listen to one goddamn word out of her twisted ass mouth. She is just as bad as her bootlicking husband, if not more so. And of course, she was going to speak on that transgender mess because she, like her lying, hypocritical, warmongering husband knows exactly who is going to butter her bread when they both slither out of the White House. They’re both coonhead sell-outs and I’d tell ’em to their face if the chance to do so ever came about.

      That Lynch piece of filth is worse than Eric Holder was. But some Black folks just gonna see a ‘Black’ face and think she is THE shit when all she is IS SHIT! She ain’t even got sense enough to hear herself spout out shit about ‘identity’ that pertains to her dumbass. I fucking swear, people can have degrees out the ass and no goddamn common sense. This coonhead is going to declare that North Carolina has no right to dictate a person’s ‘identity’ when the very same state, North Carolina, dictated hers!!!! She can’t even fucking see that! But has she sued the state of North Carolina over choosing HER identity for her? Hell no! Because that just ain’t her orders, nor is it on her radar that she has more justification to sue the goddamn state of North Carolina over an ‘identity’ issue than a man who ‘changed’ his sex has. AGAIN, I just cannot make this shit up!!!

      And like you, I am getting fucking fed up with them claiming that that gay rights shit is akin to the Black struggle in this shithole because it SO fucking ain’t! We ain’t fighting for perversion! We are fucking fighting for our survival and for the goddamn rights that whites have been entitled to for hundreds of years in this shithole, be they gay or straight. They are not going to keep throwing us in with those perverted bastards, not on MY motherfucking watch! It ain’t happening. And do I give a rat’s ass for hurting feelings? Hell to DA NO! Fuck that shit!

      I have attempted, time and time again to put it out there that Barack Obama is a piece of dirty, shitty ass filth that is not deserving of ANY respect from ANY Black person on this goddamn planet! He has done not a goddamn thing to help Black folks who are suffering tremendously in this shithole. And why many still laud him as the second coming of whatever, I don’t know! They’re goddamn fools for doing so! And I’d tell THEM to their face how goddamn stupid they are for believing that he practically walks on water. N.S., we can but put it out there, if they don’t pick up what we’re putting down, hell, that’s on them!

      I thank you most kindly for your comment! We fucking agree on this one! That’s for damn sure!


      1. Although, I am not a fan of profanity, I have never in all my years seen someone post my exact thoughts and arguments against the comparison of “special rights for the perverted few” to “basic God given equal rights for a race of people”. Wow!!!

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      2. Kc, welcome! And though my language on this here blog caused you to blush, I am damned fed up with this transgender shit leaping out at us every damn day as though that is THE most important topic to be discussed and that their imaginary plight is a tragedy. It just takes the goddamn cake, it does!

        As I pointed out in this post, there are many issues that have taken a backseat to this weirdo tranny mess because they want to scream and holler about how their ‘rights’ are being violated. Violated??!! Who is doing a damn thing to those weirdoes? No one is lashing their back. No one is burning a cross in their yard. No law enforcement agency is profiling them and shooting them down in the streets like dogs. All of these things have been and are being done to Black folks and so why the federal government will step in and sue for some weirdo fucks is just beyond belief when I have pointed out the serious issues that need the attention of the federal government but the federal government is too busy babying weirdoes. Shits that want to ‘transition’ into monsters don’t need lawsuits, they need some psych meds and a stint in a psych facility, that’s what they need.

        And I am so glad that I could express right here what needed to be said. I did my best; expletives, I felt, were necessary to show my disgust and outrage!

        I thank you for your comment.


    1. Like I always say Prince, “It is war! Ain’t no goddamn peace!” What the fuck is peace? I ain’t seen hide nor hair of it and don’t expect I will. Those of us who are just trying to go about the business of living and come up out of ‘survival mode’ are thrown to the wolves daily while shits that primp and prance about on some “Look at me, I’m a fucking LAAADEEEE today!” time is getting lawsuits started up to ‘help’ them deal with the baaaaad baaaaad people that just don’t quite get their ‘lifestyle CHOICES’! They are choosing to get their shit chop chopped and so somebody had better protect their right to decide to become something other than what is stated on their birth certificate and if the rest of us don’t get on board with their fucking bullshit, why, they’ve got the Feds all geared up to sue on their behalf. But to hell with the poor Black folks who’ve got no one in their corner when ugly ass racist shit is going down all on our ass every single goddamn day! To hell with us, is how it is!

      Yeah! We’re fighting an all out war against the shits on our ass alright and we are actually fighting our own so-called, ‘government’ which was never our ‘government’ from the ‘gitgo’ seeing as how it was the government that deemed us ‘three-fifths’ human, denied us equal protection under the law, initiated Jim Crow and segregation and some more shit! But we need to realize and understand that the rights of ‘transgender’ motherfuckers ‘trumps’ our rights, issues and our plight. Why, we got nothing to complain about because according to the government, a win for the LGBT community is a win for the Black folks. So, we are supposed to cheer their asses on! Fuck THAT shit!

      Like I stated to N.S., Prince, we can but put it out there, but ultimately, it is up to our people as to whether or not they pick it up and run with it.

      Thank you for fighting the ‘good’ fight and for your comment. It was right on time!

      Liked by 1 person

      1. You’re very welcome! We got to keep fighting the good fight. Although it does get frustrating at times. It can really wear you down. But I push on!


    1. Thank you so much Toritto! I have left a message on your blog and I also re-blogged your post because it is a must read. You have made some extremely valid points, as only you can.

      And yes we do have so many, many important things that we could be focused on and that our tax dollars could go to to help lift people out of poverty and despair, but instead, The U.S. Justice Department is determined to use our taxes to pay for erroneous lawsuits against states for non-issues. But the big issues of corporations getting away with paying NO taxes is fine. The issue of continuing to keep criminals in charge of banking and Wall Street is fine even after these same criminals caused the economic collapse of 2008. So many hard working people lost their homes and yet, there was no help for them. There was no lawsuit filed on behalf of these people by The U.S. Department of Justice against the banks that sold those people a bad bill of goods and then yanked it away.

      There has been no sweeping changes to the criminal justice system in light of the fact of systemic racism. There has been no accountability, whatsoever over the out-of-control cop rampages, daily. But let us focus on a bathroom sign for some transgender motherfuckers because that is THE most important undertaking of the day. SIGH! I just cannot make this shit up!

      Again, thank you so much Toritto for mentioning this post in your latest. It is much appreciated!


  3. Wow, Tubularsock isn’t much of a fan of intolerance. It wasn’t that many years ago that “Negroes” had their OWN public bathrooms and their very own drinking fountains. And all they did was bitch and complain that these facilities were separate.
    They even had “Colored Only” signs. Another sign of a privileged class, Tubularsock guesses.
    And all Tubularsock heard from “White” people when he attempted to explain those issues was “just get over it”!
    And then the Federal Government made an issue of this intolerance and things started to change.
    And all Tubularsock heard from “White” people was why isn’t the Federal Government doing more about important issues. And “. . . just why can’t THOSE “Negroes” just be happy for what they’ve got!”

    Years ago a nurse friend of Tubularsock explained that “more babies than you’d think”, she said, are born hermaphrodite and at the time of birth many times the doctor will arbitrarily decide (often without even consulting the parents) which sex that child will be assigned.

    Today a hermaphrodite is called an “intersex” birth and 1 in ever 2000 births are “intersex” births.

    Standard medical treatment has been to look at the genitals, make an arbitrary decision about the gender and then correct it surgically because they are born with both sets!

    But now, many are challenging the ethical basis of surgery, knowing that gender identity is complex, and doctors can sometimes get it wrong, not knowing how a child will feel about their gender assignment when they grow up.

    The bottom line is not “just get over it” any more than to tell a black child to “just get over it” because you don’t look like Disney’s Blond Headed Cinderella!

    Intolerance is NOT what is needed, knowledge and understanding will bring us together and what this world needs more than anything is LOVE!


  4. “Tubularsock isn’t much of a fan of intolerance. It wasn’t that many years ago that “Negroes” had their OWN public bathrooms and their very own drinking fountains. And all they did was bitch and complain that these facilities were separate.”

    Fuck THAT shit! You can consider me to be an ‘intolerant’ homophobe until the cows come home, go back out and come home AGAIN! I don’t fucking care! I am speaking of MY opinion and only MY opinion and once again, since we have been down this road before, if you take exception to what you see in here, you are free to move the hell along and never come this way again! Do you understand this???!!! I don’t give a goddamn for your fucked up opinion on this issue, nor did I seek it! If motherfuckers want to claim that their sex is not what they want it to be, all well and good. But I am sick to pieces of MY tax dollars going to fund erroneous lawsuits to enable some man who can’t fucking figure out what he wants to be from one day to the next, a new bathroom sign just for his confused ass.

    The signs for ‘Colored Only’ were not over some ‘gender’ issue and whether or not we were born with male and female body parts. What we have been subjected to in this shithole from the time our ancestors were dragged over here are far more horrific than is the case with a motherfucker born with male and female body parts, “1 in every 2,000 births.” Every single African that was dragged to this shithole to become a slave, was put through an indescribable hell. There was no “1 in every 2,000” Africans had to go through this. Every single goddamn one of them did and their ancestors to this day are following suit. So don’t you sit on your pink ass and compare what happened to our ancestors and what is happening to us to some “1 in every 2,000 births” of some motherfuckers that are born with both male and female body parts and in fact, I don’t even think that is where the problem lies and you don’t either. The problem lies in the fact that it has now become à la mode to claim that a motherfucker was ‘assigned’ a gender that he/she feels is not theirs. No one has lashed their back, shackled, enslaved, tortured or brutalized them for hundreds of years over their female and male body parts and you know this!

    So, don’t you dare come all up in here with your “nurse said this” and “nurse said that” about some goddamn shits that may or may not have been born with both male and female body parts because I can damn well believe that this is not at the heart of what we are seeing today!

    You will not come up in here and downplay the ‘Colored only’ signs that my ancestors had to deal with and this was AFTER the fact of slavery! No one is enslaving motherfuckers who were born with both male and female body parts! No one is going around burning crosses in the yards of motherfuckers born with both male and female body parts. No Ku Klux Klan was formed for the sole purpose of intimidating, lynching and otherwise fucking up those who were born with both male and female body parts!

    Don’t you goddamn EVER come back in here and I fucking mean that and I fucking swear that if I see one more goddamn comment from you, it will be deleted and you can rest assured that not another one will appear here, EVER!

    If you want to post about how ‘tolerant’ your ass is, then use YOUR goddamn blog for that purpose, but in here, I am all about Blackness! And if you can’t understand that, too goddamn bad! Get ta steppin’, you pink assed motherfucker!!!!


    1. Dang Shelby, you grilled his strudel good. I don’t know what kind of hippie bull ish this Tubular sock person is on, but sooner or later he was bound to show his ass and you kicked it good… In other news, did you hear about those two primary schools in the UK that are asking 4 year olds to choose the gender that they identify with?


      This shit has seriously gotten out of hand


      1. Thanks Nidotopianwarrior! As I stated earlier to Prince, I did my best considering what I was working with; a computer screen. And just as you say, “he was bound to show ass” and so I had to show mine. I don’t even know why those pink-assed motherfuckers even bother to come onto blogs like mine because we have nothing in common and their true colors always end up showing them up for what they truly are, racist right down to their goddamn rotten core!

        And I don’t know whether to thank you for the link or not because as you say again, ‘the shit has seriously gotten out of hand!”

        Again, I thank you for your comment!


  5. Since we are all so concerned with “identity,” here’s mine:
    I identify as a heterosexual male who likes women.
    I don’t want to cut off my balls, I don’t want to wear a dress or a tampon, and I don’t want to go to a doctor for that surgery. I think that our Creator is far better at “gender selection” than any doctor.
    Ever notice how the “foaming at the mouth” types at these anti-whatever political rallies never get too worked up over a guy who wants to geld himself and become like his mother or sister?
    I suppose they don’t find that weird?
    “Oh, live and let live.”
    I’ve heard that before.
    “We’re all human beings.”
    Right, and so is the guy that wants to bone your young son in the ass.
    “They just want to find themselves.”
    I’ve got news for you. If you hack off your jewels and take hormone pills to look like mom, you are never going to “find” yourself. You are WAAAAY off the path and even a GPS won’t get you back on track.
    Don’t make laws that support your non traditional and unnatural mode of living.
    Don’t impose your self loathing on us.
    If you hate yourself that much, perhaps you should have dealt with it earlier in your life with Mom and Dad and the school shrink.
    Stay the fuck out of the wrong bathroom.
    If you were born with a dick, use the mens room.
    Got a gash? Womens room only.
    Anything is a grey and stupid area that I and the very great majority of us should not have to deal with and pay for.
    Did any homosexual ever stop to consider that they might better advance their “cause” by simply not forcing their abnormal behavior on me?
    You know, the public tongue baths and crotch grabs that they make it a point to show the world during a parade or other demonstration.
    I don’t really care which orifice you put your tongue in, but I don’t want to see it.
    In fact, I don’t really want to see you or your pals anymore.

    Liked by 1 person

    1. Thank you Vic! You have said it all!! That is my major problem with those useless, nasty fucks is that they want to parade up and down the goddamn streets with next to nothing on, flaunting that shit in our faces. We don’t do that and so why is it that it is fine for them to do it? It’s not! And then to further add insult to injury, the feds want us to pay for a goddamn lawsuit that shouldn’t even be a lawsuit because no one is denying those worthless maggots, a goddamn thing. Why should my tax dollars pay for their perversion? They shouldn’t and they don’t think that their behavior is what is causing so many people to object to them? If they shut the hell up and stopped acting like everyone needs to kowtow to them, many of us would just ignore their nasty, vile habits, but that’s not what they want. They’ve just got to be front and center and everywhere in between, just a flaunting their filth! I don’t want to keep seeing that and I damn sure don’t think that my tax dollars should pay for them to take their confused ass into a bathroom that my daughter or myself is using. Sexual predators are everywhere and can pretend to be a tranny just so’s they can enter a women’s restroom and when all hell breaks loose, who are we kidding? Lawsuits will abound. Like I said before, it was better when those weird fucks were scared to come out of the goddamn closet. They can just get the fuck back in it and stay the fuck out of my face! I am damn tired of everything being about them. I didn’t cause their confusion and I sure as hell should not have to pay for lawsuits over it. To hell with ’em!

      I sincerely thank you again, for that spot on comment. It is as right as rain!!


  6. Comment from Anonymous:

    “I love u for this rant. Everything I feel, u have described word for word. Thank u”

    Thank YOU! I just tell it like I see it. And I am glad to know that there are likeminded people out there who still think for themselves and will not allow themselves to be indoctrinated into the ‘don’t say anything against transgender for fear of hurting their feelings’ fold for the sake of political correctness. If the shit is foul, I say so.

    Thank you again for stopping in and for your wonderful comment. It is much appreciated!


  7. Why couldn’t this be politically correct.? It’s exactly the way normal people feel, but are afraid to speak our minds in this twisted world. Transgender is the latest movement. People from both political parties have to agree to UNITE and fight back. Also as much as I enjoy Hollyweird, they are leading the pack on this strangeness. We – – all races–have to stop looking to them, Reality TV stars and the media for our moral compass .

    Liked by 1 person

    1. Exactly Kc! Hollyweird is leading the pack and they’ve got many followers, it would seem. I’m not one of them and hopefully, there are many more like me.

      We do need to unite against this aberration because its hell bent on shoving it in our faces, daily, whether we want to see it or not. They can’t just quietly go along about their business, they’ve got to make sure that everyone is made aware of their existence and in flaming outrageous parades and whatnot. And they have the nerve to wonder why someone would want to beat the shit out of them for perpetuating the lie that they are. I can’t blame a man for beating the shit out of what he thought was a woman, only to find a man, underneath all the paint and a dress. Everybody is not going to be down with a man who now says he’s a ‘woman’. You cannot just say that you’re a ‘woman’ and you are. Why they cannot understand that is for the mental health field to figure out, not us.

      And it is quite clear that many people feel the same way I do because this has been my top post for quite some time and it has been shared multiple times. I am glad that there is a dialogue about this and that people who are fed up are not quietly taking this perverted shit shoved down our throats.

      Again, I sincerely appreciate your comment. It is as right as rain!


  8. Great post Shelby! You made very valid points. We have much more important issues to deal with right now. Looks like Trump wants to get Amerikkka involved in World War 3 and we’re worried about men in dresses?? Where are our priorities?? Everything in this world is backwards! Thanks for another great post.


    1. Thank you Prince. It is true that Trump is hell bent on starting some shit that will start World War 3 and it is because this shithole; this Sodom and Gomorrah is done for! Retail stores are shuttering their doors in unprecedented numbers, fast food restaurants are moaning over the paucity of patrons and others are installing robots to replace humans and then economists are blaming the lack of spending at brick and mortar stores on online sales. Saying that people are not spending money at brick and mortar stores because they are feverishly perusing Amazondotcom and are buying everything in sight on that site. That is a bald-faced lie!

      Even those who are still somewhat in the middle class are not spending money and we all know that the poor are doing even more poorly than ever before, what with rents skyrocketing. They have no money to shop, on Amazon or anywhere else. And what does America do when all else fails and people stop believing the lies about the employment numbers? Why they invent an excuse for war and away to war, we go. They got nothing else going on and the masses are becoming more and more disgruntled and so now, all of a sudden, North Korea is a big bad bully and has to be dealt with. No, it’s not. It’s just the latest excuse for war and to keep the warmongers and the politicians’ pockets bulging because those bombs are costly, doncha know. Meanwhile, people are hungry, sick and desperate and this powder keg is about to blow and so now it’s time to beat the war drums. The script never changes.

      Prince, again, I thank you for your comment.

      Liked by 1 person

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