Trump Is Obama’s Legacy!




Decades from now, Obama will be thought of as the president that ushered in Donald Trump. Forget about the ‘first Black president’. Forget about Obamacare. And there really isn’t anything else of note to even bother mentioning, is there?

In January, Obama will hand over the reigns to Donald “You’re Fired” Trump! And basically, that is what the American people told the democrats. “You’re fired!” For many, many years, the democrats, Obama included, took the Black vote for granted. They took the ‘poor’ vote for granted. It mattered not if the poor were Black or white, their vote was taken for granted because the democrats ignored their constituents until it was time to keep a senate seat or a house seat or keep the presidency under democrat control. The democrats spouted the same old tired ass rhetoric, decade after decade and they weren’t really listening to it anymore because it was all recycled garbage; the same message that they’d always used and it did work for a long time. But now, the fat lady has sung for the democrats and for Obama’s legacy.

I will not remember Obama as the first ‘Black’ president since I cannot name a single thing his Administration has done to improve the lives of Black Americans. I cannot think of a single stroke of his executive pen that improved the lives of Black Americans. From day one, that Kenyan born asswipe turned his back on the very people who overwhelmingly voted for him. He turned his back on people who he knew voted for him in the hopes that he would recognize what we all know and do something about helping us take down a deck that has been stacked against us since our ancestors were dragged here. Even though we knew that he was born of a man from Kenya and a white mother, we knew that he had a Black wife and together they produced Black children. We thought that he would look into his wife’s eyes and into the eyes of his daughters and see our daughters, our sons but he did not. He feathered his nest and that of his family’s and left the rest of us to make it as best we could with odds so stacked against us that no bookie would even take the bet.

He promised transparency in government and then turned right around and held secret meetings with insurance companies when putting together the details of Obamacare. He promised us a single payer health care system and we got skyrocketing premiums and little options and now companies are bailing on Obamacare, left and right. He promised jobs and then turned around and held secret meetings over the Trans-Pacific Partnership Agreement(TPP) that would have strengthened corporate strongholds over entire nations with the ability to bankrupt them and take their natural resources, impoverishing the nation’s people.

Obama said he was “opposed to dumb wars” and yet, US troops are in Afghanistan to this day, protecting poppy plants that when harvested are given a free flight straight to the U.S. and into the veins of addicts in every city in America. Iraq is still seeing heavy fighting between U.S. trained insurgents and ‘the other guy’. Libya, which was not a hotbed for terrorist activities is off the chain thanks to policies put into play by the Obama Administration and with loving approval of his former Secretary of State Hillary “We came! We Saw! He died!” Clinton when speaking of the murder of Libya’s former leader, Colonel Muammar Gaddafi. That warpig, Hillary Clinton guffawed over the senseless and needless murder of Gaddafi and with all else that was attached to her filthy ass, she actually thought that Americans wanted any more to do with her or with the Administration she was attached to? We showed you!

Obama did nothing; not one damn thing about the school-to-prison pipeline unless you think ignoring it is doing something about it. Inner city children are kept ignorant, on purpose because they are being groomed to feed the ‘for profit’ prison slavery system. Our children lag behind children in most other developed nations in just about every subject, especially math and science. Many cannot even find other countries on a map. There are so many who cannot even read, the calls for tutors and mentors are ear piercing. Is this another Obama’s legacy? Indeed, it is and not a proud one; not at all.

Barack Obama did more for gays than for any other group. Lit the White House up in rainbow colors when the Supreme Court approved gay marriage. Was the White House lit up in somber colors when twelve-year old Tamir Rice was gunned down two seconds after cops showed up at the park where he was playing? Was the White House lit up in somber colors after Trayvon Martin was executed by a racist who is still walking around grinning and having a good time after killing that child? Did Obama light up the White House in somber colors after Sandra Bland was found mysteriously hanged in a Texas jail cell after having been arrested for failing to make a proper turn signal? Was the White House lit up in somber colors when Freddie Gray breathed his last after having been arrested for doing nothing wrong and in the process had his neck mysteriously broken while being carted to jail in the back of a police van? No! No! No! No! No and NO!

And yet, the Obama justice Department by way of his next favorite coonhead Loretta Lynch is suing the state of North Carolina because North Carolina does not think that men who have ‘transgendered’ should be able to enter restrooms that are designated for females. Black people have been systematically butchered by racist cops and there was no reason in the world to make a stink over that, but along comes a transgender bathroom sign and it is time to get the justice department to sue over it. But to hell with ‘murder by cop’ of unarmed Black men, women and children. Does that give you a clue as to what Obama thinks of you, Black man, woman and child?

Not one asshole on Wall Street saw the inside of a prison cell for bringing entire economies to their knees thereby causing a Depression and yet then Obama Administration’s Justice Department head, Eric Holder stated that, “Bankers were too important to jail!” even though they had engaged in fraud, money laundering and other nefarious deeds, they were indeed, too important to jail. And yet, over two million Black men and women are sitting in prison for being caught with a plant(weed). Is this also part of Obama’s legacy? You goddamn right it is!

This so-called ‘first Black’ president has nothing to show for his presidency but Donald Trump and mass protests in the streets. And before that, there were mass protests in the streets over the murder of Black citizens by racist cops. Is that also an Obama legacy? You bet. Is that something to be proud of? Hell no! But he must own it because it is surely his to own.

History will indeed, remember Barack Obama and we shall as well and when history ‘whitewashes’ everything as it inevitably does, we will tell the truth. We will make sure that our children know why a racist bigot succeeded the so-called ‘first Black’ president. We will tell our children how we were lied to, ignored and thrown underneath the bus, time and time again and still many in Black communities all across this country, looked up to him. I certainly hope that they learned their lesson. Never make more of a man than he is for when all is said and done, he is still just a man and some are even less of a man than others. Obama is the lesser man and that is why his legacy to end all legacies is Donald J. Trump!

Transgender Rights, But No Rights for Black People

American hypocrisy





As Margaret Kimberley of Black Agenda Report so succinctly states:

“If you are Black in America, “driving, walking, riding a bicycle, being in a public space at the wrong moment, or even calling the police for assistance” can get you killed. President Obama doesn’t care about that, yet he puts the full force of the federal government behind transgender bathroom rights. “Obama loves to wade in on the side of a small segment of white liberal concern instead of helping the people who love them the most.”

“There is nothing new about people being transgender or using the restrooms they choose. They have been doing so for years. In contrast, black people risk death constantly just because they exist in this society. Driving, walking, riding a bicycle, being in a public space at the wrong moment, or even calling the police for assistance can get them killed. Yet Obama’s FBI doesn’t even maintain a record of killings committed by the police.”

Margaret Kimberley could not be more right!

And as I have been stating over and over again, this president has shown nothing but contempt for Black people in America and yet millions willfully remain ignorant to that contempt and disdain that he displays for them.

I recently tackled the subject of this transgender bathroom mess and fell out with a fellow blogger over it and rightly so as once again, the plight of Black people in this shithole gets equated with some transgender issue that is in reality, a non-issue. Real issues like police brutality against Black people, a school-to-prison pipeline, gentrification, mass unemployment and wage stagnation, voting rights, homelessness, mass incarceration and unmitigated poverty remain back burner issues that will never see the light of day for a ‘fix’ by the Feds. And continued ignorance will be spouted out about how Black people should just shut up already and be thankful that we are no longer seeing ‘Colored Only’ signs and be glad that transgender rights are being highlighted and that we must accept this as a ‘win’ for our corner. Never that! Not on my watch!

When I posted “I Am SO Fucking Fed Up With This Transgender Bathroom Shit!” I never thought that one of my readers would post such a disrespectful comment, but ‘humans’ never cease to amaze me with their thoughtlessness, ignorance, racism and obnoxiousness.

Without further ado, here is the comment in question.

Wow, Tubularsock isn’t much of a fan of intolerance. It wasn’t that many years ago that “Negroes” had their OWN public bathrooms and their very own drinking fountains. And all they did was bitch and complain that these facilities were separate.
They even had “Colored Only” signs. Another sign of a privileged class, Tubularsock guesses.
And all Tubularsock heard from “White” people when he attempted to explain those issues was “just get over it”!
And then the Federal Government made an issue of this intolerance and things started to change.
And all Tubularsock heard from “White” people was why isn’t the Federal Government doing more about important issues. And “. . . just why can’t THOSE “Negroes” just be happy for what they’ve got!”

Years ago a nurse friend of Tubularsock explained that “more babies than you’d think”, she said, are born hermaphrodite and at the time of birth many times the doctor will arbitrarily decide (often without even consulting the parents) which sex that child will be assigned.

Today a hermaphrodite is called an “intersex” birth and 1 in ever 2000 births are “intersex” births.

Standard medical treatment has been to look at the genitals, make an arbitrary decision about the gender and then correct it surgically because they are born with both sets!

But now, many are challenging the ethical basis of surgery, knowing that gender identity is complex, and doctors can sometimes get it wrong, not knowing how a child will feel about their gender assignment when they grow up.

The bottom line is not “just get over it” any more than to tell a black child to “just get over it” because you don’t look like Disney’s Blond Headed Cinderella!

Intolerance is NOT what is needed, knowledge and understanding will bring us together and what this world needs more than anything is LOVE!

And here was MY response of which I am SO fucking proud!

“Tubularsock isn’t much of a fan of intolerance. It wasn’t that many years ago that “Negroes” had their OWN public bathrooms and their very own drinking fountains. And all they did was bitch and complain that these facilities were separate.”

Fuck THAT shit! You can consider me to be an ‘intolerant’ homophobe until the cows come home, go back out and come home AGAIN! I don’t fucking care! I am speaking of MY opinion and only MY opinion and once again, since we have been down this road before, if you take exception to what you see in here, you are free to move the hell along and never come this way again! Do you understand this???!!! I don’t give a goddamn for your fucked up opinion on this issue, nor did I seek it! If motherfuckers want to claim that their sex is not what they want it to be, all well and good. But I am sick to pieces of MY tax dollars going to fund erroneous lawsuits to enable some man who can’t fucking figure out what he wants to be from one day to the next, a new bathroom sign just for his confused ass.

The signs for ‘Colored Only’ were not over some ‘gender’ issue and whether or not we were born with male and female body parts. What we have been subjected to in this shithole from the time our ancestors were dragged over here are far more horrific than is the case with a motherfucker born with male and female body parts, “1 in every 2,000 births.” Every single African that was dragged to this shithole to become a slave, was put through an indescribable hell. There was no “1 in every 2,000” Africans had to go through this. Every single goddamn one of them did and their ancestors to this day are following suit. So don’t you sit on your pink ass and compare what happened to our ancestors and what is happening to us to some “1 in every 2,000 births” of some motherfuckers that are born with both male and female body parts and in fact, I don’t even think that is where the problem lies and you don’t either. The problem lies in the fact that it has now become à la mode to claim that a motherfucker was ‘assigned’ a gender that he/she feels is not theirs. No one has lashed their back, shackled, enslaved, tortured or brutalized them for hundreds of years over their female and male body parts and you know this!

So, don’t you dare come all up in here with your “nurse said this” and “nurse said that” about some goddamn shits that may or may not have been born with both male and female body parts because I can damn well believe that this is not at the heart of what we are seeing today!

You will not come up in here and downplay the ‘Colored only’ signs that my ancestors had to deal with and this was AFTER the fact of slavery! No one is enslaving motherfuckers who were born with both male and female body parts! No one is going around burning crosses in the yards of motherfuckers born with both male and female body parts. No Ku Klux Klan was formed for the sole purpose of intimidating, lynching and otherwise fucking up those who were born with both male and female body parts!

Don’t you goddamn EVER come back in here and I fucking mean that and I fucking swear that if I see one more goddamn comment from you, it will be deleted and you can rest assured that not another one will appear here, EVER!

If you want to post about how ‘tolerant’ your ass is, then use YOUR goddamn blog for that purpose, but in here, I am all about Blackness! And if you can’t understand that, too goddamn bad! Get ta steppin’, you pink assed motherfucker!!!!

Now then, I wonder what it is that gives Caucasians the right to think they can just overstep the bounds of propriety and just come out and say whatever they damn well please? Oh, that’s right! It’s called ‘white privilege’. Well in here, check your ‘white privilege’ at the goddamn door or I will check it for you and relish doing so! As you can see from the above comment. I have told you time and time again, that I don’t care if I write to my goddamn self, I will not have this shit in my face from Caucasians who have no right to speak on what they absolutely know nothing about.

You have no firsthand knowledge of what it means to be a Black person in AmeriKKKa and for you to come up in here and speak on this as though you are some sort of authority tells me all I need to know about your racist ass! It tells me more than I want to know which is why when you do so, you will get ta steppin’! I don’t give a good goddamn for followers. A damn war is being waged against us and in the midst of battle, the last thing I need to see is a comment of that sort from the likes of you! Shits like you are the reason why I am in the midst of battle. And make no mistake, your professions of “I am not a racist!” don’t cut no ice with me because shits like you sit up and condone what other racists say and do because if you didn’t, maybe so many ‘openly’ racist motherfuckers would no longer consider it to be a la mode to continue to parade down the goddamn street in white sheets. Maybe, it would no longer be business as usual in this shithole of denying Black people, access to good paying jobs, decent health care, a decent education, drinkable water and flourishing neighborhoods. But all we hear about is how bad Detroit and New Orleans and Chicago and Baltimore are doing. Like you don’t know why! But you’re ‘all good’ because you pronounced to all and sundry that “I am not a racist!” Like hell, you’re not! You are the epitome of racism and to suggest otherwise would be a goddamn lie! It is eating you from the inside out and you couldn’t die from it soon enough to suit me!

And yet, you want to sit somewhere on your pink asses and preach to us about LOVE?! Are you fucking serious? Since when have you gone to Ku Klux Klan Central and preached to them about LOVE? Since when did you go to the Aryan Brotherhood and preach to them about love? You know just what the fuck you would get for your worthless ass efforts. But you have no problem coming at me with that bullshit as though you are doing me a favor by telling me about LOVE! Something of which you know absolutely nothing about because if you did, you’d be preaching it to your damn self. But you don’t! Because your damn worthless ass ain’t fucking human. You are no different from the motherfucker that dons a sheet. You are one and the same! I am fighting against your ass the same as I am theirs. You are both two peas in a pod! And you mean, you didn’t have a clue as to what would happen if you spouted your racist ass bullshit to me? Did you fucking think that I was the one to put up with it? Really? Yeah! Bring some more filthy racist ass shit up in here and see just what the fuck you get for your efforts. If you don’t slither the fuck up out of here on your own, I’ll bounce your candy ass on up outta here. Count on it!

N.S., Thank You For Posting THIS Reality!! This Cannot Be Consigned To Oblivion!

Black power 1


N.S. Your comment is a ‘must read’! And, so without further ado!

Some blacks are having sense come back into them.

I am not on twitter, but apparently the phrase #not my mule has been coming up lately on black Twitter. It means that they do not want to go and fight all out for another group. Aside from the fact that they know we are the ethnic group most against homosexuality and transgenderism, those pushing homosexuality and transgenderism use only black people, NEVER any of the many other groups here in America for their purposes.

What black people here have been through cannot be compared to any other group except those other blacks who have been sent on slave ships. It is on a completely different level. Most of what we see in the so-called history books about what happened to us is so watered-down it is not really true. There is no good conventional explanation for why we are still here or not all completely insane. Yet despite what we go through, we have the lowest suicide rates, we are not insane, we don’t go around intentionally shooting everyone in a school, we are the most friendly group to everyone else(especially white people), etc(though some of us are a little too overconfident and are ignoring obvious signs, but that is a subject for another day). is a link-not that you need it- by an Irishman historian showing that ‘the Irish were slaves too story’ is almost completely untrue; the last few paragraphs is good for anyone wanting a quick read)

Someone said (this is definitely non-PC): Black people get this in your head. You are hated more than Isis when they are defeated they will be given loans and live here in America in prosperity. You are hated more than any enemy this country has ever had. Yet you’ve never tried to destroy this country but ask for fair treatment. You are hated the most yet you have the least. This country revels in your misery and suffering. The more you suffer and experience anguish the happier they are.

As for who we are…look, everyone can see it but some of us. Whatever our identity is, we are definitely not inferior. I am not going to talk about it all today, but a few American historians here are finally admitting the obvious truth: America became a wealthy nation first off the slavery of “blacks”-and only “blacks”- and their work. Even afterwards, Lincoln couldn’t get us out the country after the civil war and Garvey was stopped during his “back-to-Africa” campaigns. The U.S., if it really did not need us since they claim we have always been a burden, many times could have sent us away but they haven’t. Even past slavery, blacks have been essential to the country.

According to declassified documents, the FBI declared the Black Panthers( a relatively small and non-violent group) was declared the number one threat during the Vietnam War and the battle against communism. Today, we have the fake “war on cops” and all the claims of riots that must require the governors calling in the National Guard when riots by whites-their team winning or losing an important game, a college tradition, Joe Paterno being fired- within the last ten years have caused far more property damage and loss of life(no one called in the National Guard). The strange this is we,as a group, do not hate the country.

N.S. that is your comment in its entirety from my previous post Black Power, If It Did Arise, Would Be Scary As Hell!

I posted this because it must not be relegated to the bottom of a page. It needs to be seen. I absolutely agree with everything that you have written.

Now, I am not on twitter either and so I don’t know anything about Black twitter or white twitter or what, but I am glad to see that some Black folks are coming to their senses and are finally recognizing that we are constantly being used for nefarious purposes by anyone with a fucked up agenda. Why would a Hungarian billionaire care about Black lives? There is an agenda there also. But Black folks hopped on board and away they went with it. Now, I do understand that since I live in the middle of nowhere, surrounded by farms and only occasionally am privy to a horse galloping by, I am not ‘with it’, not to mention that I also don’t own a TV, but be that as it may, I have seen nothing coming from that #BLACKLIVESMATTER group, lately. So, I don’t know what the fuck is going on with them.  But when they first started screaming and yelling, the group claimed to be totally inclusive, especially to those in the LGBT community. I don’t hold with that, but that is not the only reason that I could not get behind that group. Something is fishy and rotten when a white billionaire is going to sponsor a group for Black folks and at the head of the group are some ‘Black’ folks who work for him. It’s a bit too cozy for my taste. But Black folks jumped on board and went with it anyway.

What that group has done about anything that has been a problem in Black communities everywhere, I don’t know because I fail to find one single thing that #BLACKLIVESMATTER has done to improve the situation for Black folks ANYWHERE in AmeriKKKa! So-called ‘celebrities’ have thrown money at the group, but where is the bite to this group? Because I have only heard their bark and not a peep of a bark have I heard lately from them.

You are also correct when you state that “What black people here have been through cannot be compared to any other group except those other blacks who have been sent on slave ships. It is on a completely different level. ” That is oh SO true! There is a reason why I bring attention to the plight of the Indians even though I am under no obligation to do so since the only reason I am here illegally is due to the whites having dragged my ancestors here, so the Indians should have no beef with me. They know who to thank for my Black ass sitting over here looking cross-eyed. I bring the plight of the Indian up because I want it front and center in the ‘white’ man’s face just what the fuck his ancestors did to get that land he claims has been in his goddamn family for centuries. It’s fucking stolen land and he loves to forget that shit because he goes on and on about how hard he has worked and broke his back over clearing his land and blah blah chop chop. Fuck that shit! He didn’t do a goddamn thing to earn those acres he claim are his. What he fucking did was steal this land, claim it for his own and then kidnap our ancestors and cart them over here to toil over it and some mo shit! The ‘white’ man didn’t build a goddamn thing. He just prospered from theft and slavery and now wants to sit back just attempting to take the high road and blame the Indians for their plight and blame Black people for ours. I say to that, “Hell No!” I am putting it in his damn hypocritical lying ass face! That is why I stated that the Indians had it rough because a genocide was perpetrated against those people and we all know this. What is in the history books about them is not entirely true either.

Look at how these fools celebrate Thanksgiving; hanging pictures up of pilgrims graciously offering plates of food to the Indians. Talk about changing history, these useless pink fucks have been doing that since the beginning of time. If there ever was a Bible, you can damn sure bet that those pink fucks changed every goddamn word so that what applies to looting, stealing, enslaving and otherwise fucking people up and absconding with their shit would seem nice. But we are to believe in how saintly, good, kind and benevolent those worthless assholes are now and have always been and will forever be! I be damn it if their filthy ass shit is going to be forever whitewashed on MY motherfucking watch. To hell with that shit!

And these filthy pink fucks cannot understand why we are not the first ones to jump off skyscrapers at the first sign of trouble??!! Hell! Trouble is all we know! You’re also correct when you state that “we have the lowest suicide rates, we are not insane, we don’t go around intentionally shooting everyone in a school, we are the most friendly group to everyone else(especially white people” because these things we do not do, but we’re the problem????!!! Seriously? For real? These fucks would have everyone believe that Black folks are the problem. They point to the high murder rate in Chicago and whoop and holler about ‘Black on Black crime’ but what about ‘white on white’ crime? Who is always in the goddamn news for murder/suicides? Yeah, they be ‘white’. When I see an article about that, I don’t even have to wonder if they’ re ‘white’. I know they are. Those nasty fucks don’t even care about their own goddamn families! Oh my bad! They cared so damn much, they decided that it was the right thing to do to ‘off’ the family because if their life wasn’t going so great, may as well take ’em all out. So then, how can a thing like that ‘love’? It can’t, but it sure as hell can fuck shit up and blame it on those who it fucked up. Now, that’s rich!

And for the record, the Irish that IMMIGRATED to AmeriKKKa were not slaves. They ‘indentured’ themselves and that was on them. If they wanted to come to America so damn bad that they decided to sign on the dotted line to work a certain number of years to ‘work’ off their passage to America, then that was most definitely on them. But they did not come here in the bowels of a stinking slave ship, shackled to an African. That did not fucking happen. And I dare anyone to come all up in here and say it did. I’ll mop the cyber floor with your ass!

Someone said(this is definitely non-PC): Black people get this in your head. You are hated more than Isis when they are defeated they will be given loans and live here in America in prosperity

Hell! I can believe that! It would not be a stretch for the shits in this shithole to turn around and do that. According to some news reports, ISIS has already been invited over here. The ISIS hype is just that, hype. The government via the CIA is ISIS and every other convenient so-called ‘terror group’ that is formed, daily. You notice that they’ve got to invent names for them, there’s so many. And this fucked up government claims that it can do absolutely nothing with ISIS, but had no problem killing or jailing the majority of the Black Panthers. And The New Black Panthers are nothing like the original because if they were, shit would be popping off, unchecked! But nothing fucking doing!

The Somalis have been kidnapping folks and fucking up shit and yet, they are here, living in prosperity. I see descendants of slaves standing at the bus stop while the Somalis drive by in SUVs. I see descendants of slaves standing in line at the homeless shelter while Somalis are moved into townhomes. This continued ‘in our face’ shit is perpetrated deliberately by the white shits that want to make sure that descendants of slaves know just where we stand. Those worthless motherfuckers have never hid their disdain and hatred for us and I will never hide mine.

You say that many Black people love this country? Well, I cannot speak for them but I can say that it does not apply to me. Many Black people have taken up arms in defense of a shithole that would rather see them dead. That’s not me. I wish to fuck one of those useless bastards would come at me, talking about signing me up to protect this shithole because if they did, then the ‘christians’ hell hath no fury! I’d sign on the dotted line to fuck this shithole up, but never would I fuck another’s country up in defense of what I don’t even see as ‘my’ country because quite frankly, I am without a country. This shithole does not have to claim me because I disclaim it! And the NSA can be all over me like flies on shit, but I take the right to bear arms just as seriously as a goddamn skinhead does!

Absolutely, you are dead on the money over how Black folks get the National Guard called out on us for protesting over outright murder of one of our own by KKKops and yet those pink-skinned motherfuckers riot all the goddamn time over some damn basketball games and not a goddamn thing is said, much less will the National Guard get called out. This is not just a double standard, it is business as usual in this shithole! We cannot protest that an innocent man was murdered by KKKops without having the National Guard put a stop to it and initiate a goddamn curfew already, but let some white motherfuckers get all bent out of shape over their ‘team’ losing, bust shit up, roll cars over, set ’em on fire and some mo shit and that gets conveniently ignored. But there ain’t two sets of laws, is it? Of course not! It is all in our mind. To hell with that shit! We should ALL be crazy, but the fact is, we’re ALL too busy trying to survive to have time to be crazy! I’ll leave that to the pink motherfuckers since they just love to pack heat and then suck on it!

And so again, N.S., I thank you most sincerely for that spot on comment of yours! It is right on point! 

Black Power, If It Did Arise, Would Be Scary As Hell!

black power3

Exploitation from Africa to America
Gentrification, another form of annihilation
Exterminate the Negro and plunder his home
Subjugate the male and dominate the female

Fill their minds with false religion
Imprison their bodies behind thick walls
Poison their blood with toxic vaccines
Sterilize the queen and the hive will die

Read them no rights that they never had
Employ against them, our gestapo guards
Litter their environment with hypodermic needles
Shoot them up in Chicago and choke them in New York

They still walk amongst us despite Planned Parenthood
The guns that we gave them, did not finish the job
Hate groups we formed, have failed to intimidate
Black power, if it did arise, would be scary as hell!

Written by,
Shelby I. Courtland
©2016 Shelby I. Courtland

And it so fucking would be if we only knew what to do with the power that we have. We don’t even know our own strength and that is sad. We continuously allow ourselves to be depicted as the poster child for some weird motherfucker’s shit when we’ve been on our own for hundreds of years in this shithole. When will we wake up and stop taking the shit that is slung at us every damn day? When will we stop allowing other groups to hone in on our struggles and tell them just where the fuck to go? When will we ever realize that no one can ever know what we go through but us? We are not some hashtag, nor are we some other motherfucker’s stepping stone to some goddamn rights that they ain’t even denied!

This shithole has been waging war against us ever since they dragged our asses over here and still it continues to this day. Don’t bow down to this ‘politically correct’ bullshit! If you ain’t down with it, tell these shits that you’re not. If something goes against your moral principles, make that fact well known because you are not obligated to like every goddamn body and their fucking shit that’s attached to them.

We are constantly being told that the ‘gay rights’ struggle is OUR struggle. Hell no! It ain’t! We’ve been struggling for rights long before those snakes crawled out of the closet and we continue to fight and now they want to co-opt our struggle and make it their own. Ain’t happening. Not on my motherfucking watch. It ain’t happening. Stand up for you! Don’t let anyone diminish what we are fighting for because goddamn it, we are not fighting over a CHOICE! That’s right, I said, “CHOICE” over whether or not we want to wear a dress today or a suit and tie. We are not fighting for the right to enter a bathroom just because we say that we’ve changed our sex. We were segregated because of the color of our skin and not because we were born with a dick and now, we want it chopped off and so everyone must recognize that we are now, ‘gender re-born’. Hell no! That shit ain’t us! We had no fucking say in coming over here and we damn sure had no say over how we have been treated by this shithole. But now, let some motherfucker with a big ass Adam’s apple claim that he is now spiritually, and cosmically, a woman and break out the federal lawsuits already to get his ass inside a woman’s restroom.

We have men and women who were jailed, hosed down, bitten by dogs, lynched and shot just because they were Black and speaking out against slavery, Jim Crow; the whole nine yards. They were not speaking out against being discriminated against for wearing a goddamn dress with a folded up dick underneath it. We cannot continue to let these creatures get away with suggesting that their perverted cause is our cause because, goddamn it, it ain’t! And don’t you give a good goddam who don’t like it. We don’t like what we have to deal with, but we deal with it every single day. If it don’t sit right with you, then don’t accept it! I’m not and that’s a fact!

You have the power within you, but you just don’t use it. Black folks, don’t keep kowtowing to this shit! We’re better than this! Keep the shit real!!

I Am SO Fucking Fed Up With This Transgender Bathroom Shit!!!!

Attorney General Lynch and Principal Deputy Assistant Attorney General Gupta announce law enforcement action against the state of North Carolina in Washington
Attorney General Loretta E. Lynch (R) and Principal Deputy Assistant Attorney General Vanita Gupta, head of the Civil Rights Division, announce law enforcement action against the state of North Carolina in Washington, U.S., May 9, 2016. REUTERS/Joshua Roberts



The goddamn U.S. government is suing the state of North Carolina over some transgender bill that was recently passed into law and what the fuck???!!!

What is this bill about? Well now, if you were born a man and now you’ve decided that you were born wrong and you get a sex change and somehow, you obtain a goddamn vagina, fallopian tubes, a uterus, a clitoris and a cervix, (have I left anything out?) well, now, it is your new ‘identity’ and so therefore, you are not free to use the restrooms in the state of North Carolina that are designated for natural born females, those of us who have not picked a new ‘gender’ just’cause we can. Oh my bad! I am being extremely insensitive to those in the transgender community. Well, shut me the fuck up, I dare you because I don’t aim to go to ‘HorrorWood’ and try my hand at ‘acting’. So, I don’t have to ‘become’ gay or whatever the fuck for just such a purpose. I was born a woman and a woman I am, goddamn it!

You know, you can sit somewhere and mouth off all day and night about how wronged you folks are but it don’t fucking cut no ice with me, not one goddamn bit of it! I am tired of every single damn time I turn on my computer some goddamn stupid shit is staring me in my face that’s pertaining to some weirdo shit!

Now, it is my opinion that life was much better for us all when you weird fucks stayed in the goddamn closet, just a cozying up to one another. Why must your weirdo shit constantly be front and center when so many real issues are neglected because even the Feds want to shove this shit in our goddamn face, day in and day out?

Not one word has been said about suing police forces all across this shithole for filling Black bodies full of holes. Not one goddamn word has been said about suing the goddamn ‘white supremacist’ groups that foster hate all across this shithole to the point where white shits fill Black churchgoers full of bullet holes and get treated to a ‘Whopper’ of a meal at Burger King before being escorted to jail. Not one goddamn word has been said about suing every motherfucking state in the south and elsewhere that is consistently attempting to keep Black people from the polls. Not one goddam word has been said about suing every damn police force and the ‘legal’ system, otherwise known as the ‘Injustice System’ for chronic, systemic and endemic racism! Not one goddamn word has been said about suing the military for fucking poor people up, rendering them mentally ill and homeless when they come back from killing folks in the Middle East and elsewhere. And the goddamn list is endless. But to hell with that shit! We’ve got bigger fish to fry! We have got to make sure that some motherfucking man that couldn’t live another day as a man, changed his ‘sex’ and so now he should get to use the ‘ladies’ room and let’s all just join hands and praise this creature for his honesty and integrity in finding his new ‘identity’. Let him have at it. Let him enter any bathroom, he pleases,. Let him take his perverted ass into any goddamn bathroom he has decided on any given day that fits in with his ‘identity’ for that day and don’t you dare have a problem with it. Perverts and weirdos are not THE problem, so get over it already and let the damn ‘lady’ that used to be a ‘man’ use the goddamn restroom of his/her choice. That should make everybody happy.

Oh, you ain’t happy? Get over it North Carolina and any other state that’s got a problem with it because the U.S Department of Justice via Massa’s coonhead Loretta Lynch has stated, “None of us can stand by when a state enters business of legislating ‘identity’.”

Newsfuckingflash, coonhead Lynch, the goddamn federal government IS in the business of legislating ‘identity’. You ain’t seen your goddamn birth certificate? What the fuck ‘identity’ did the federal government give to you? Did the federal government ‘identify’ you as a ‘Colored Person’ or how about a ‘Negro’ or could ye be an ‘African-American’ or is your identity, ‘Black’ so says the federal government? So then, where is the lawsuit over YOUR own goddamn ‘identity’ as defined by the law of the land? You got no say over YOUR own goddamn identity, but you’re now going to sue over some transgender bathroom ‘identity’ shit because the ‘government’ of North Carolina should not enter into the business of legislating ‘identity’? That’s rich because you’re hundreds of years too goddamn late, coonhead! And you’re too goddamn stupid to even see the irony in the situation, U.S. Department of Justice Coonhead Lynch! But let some weird ass creepy shit come forward with some lame ass shit about how he ain’t a goddamn man, he is a motherfucking woman that can’t ever have a damn baby at all and his ‘identity’ has been threatened by the state and could you please sue for him? And yes, you will! But when are you going to get around to suing about YOUR ‘identity’ that the very same government gave to you because remember, you were born in North Carolina? Because, AGAIN, you didn’t choose YOUR own damn identity! Oh my bad! The ‘transgender identity’ lawsuit must come first His plight is so goddamn bad, it’s keeping ME up at night! I swear! I cannot make this shit up!

So now, the goddamn federal government is saying that weirdo creeps are so fucking important that they deserve a lawsuit in their honor because they can determine their own sex, although it was already pre-determined at birth, but that is of no consequence, he should be able to use any bathroom, ‘he’ so chooses, just as ‘he’ did with his previous ‘identity’. Next, this fucker is gonna declare that he is now a sheep. Make another bathroom sign that’s ‘sheep neutral’ and put a picture of a sheep on the goddamn door so that those who declare that they should have been born, a goddamn sheep can feel right at home alongside my ass when I’m attempting to enter a restroom. “BAAAAAAAA!” Dude says he’s now a dog, put a dog sign on yet another door and let dude go in and cock his leg up in the fucking air! “WOOF WOOF!”

Is everybody happy now? Are we leaving anybody out? Who wants the government to sue on their behalf because they have changed themselves from the ‘sex’ they were born and now feel slighted by a goddamn sign that you claim ain’t meant for you? You motherfuckers ain’t getting how ridiculous this bullshit really is? Talk about attention seeking whores, you motherfuckers take the goddamn cake and then some. Why don’t you shut the fuck up and sit the fuck down because I am sick to pieces of every goddamn thing being all about YOU!

We’ve got REAL HUGE ass issues out there, but we’ve got to concentrate on some made up shit that ain’t about shit! We have got children in homeless shelters. We have got seniors who are choosing food over their medicines. We have got innocent people cooling their heels in ‘for profit’ prisons. We have got a ‘school-to-prison’ pipeline. We have got gentrification running unchecked throughout this hellhole rendering people, homeless. We have got poisoned children in Flint, MI and elsewhere, poisoned by the goddamn water. We have got millions of Black people being denied the right to vote because they were felons, served their time and still, they cannot vote. We have got children in Detroit MI who have no water. We have got Black children getting gunned down and murdered in parks. We have got Black women getting escorted out of hospitals, only to die on the steps of the hospital or at the jail where they were taken AFTER having sought care for critical illnesses. We have got a Black woman who was found mysteriously hanged in a Texas jail and ain’t a goddamn thing wrong with that because we are going to concentrate our attention on a ‘transgender bathroom sign’. We are going to sue for some confused transgender motherfucker because THAT is the biggest goddamn problem we are facing today!! Goddamn it! Shut the fuck up over this gay rights bullshit SHIT already!!! It ain’t ALL about you!!!!

And if I stepped on some goddamn toes, goddamn it, get the fuck over it!!!