“This Ain’t Wakanda!”

This is right on time! I had to share!


So, to ALL the Black folks who spent your money on African garb and headdresses, paid a mint for popcorn and sodas and nacho cheese chips and Hershey bars and Nestle bars, and who left the movie theater after viewing “Black Panther” screaming, “Wakanda Forever!,”when you got back to the ‘hood’, that’s not yet gentrified, and you stepped on used syringe needles of Black heroin addicts and gazed upon the used condoms of johns that frequent drug-addicted prostitutes and when you got shot in the ass after having been caught in the crossfires of gang shootouts over drug turf, did “Black Panther” come down off that movie screen upon hearing you scream, “Wakanda Forever?”

There is no goddamn Wakanda! There never has been a Wakanda and there never will be a Wakanda. The only thing that’s going down over in Africa is the same shit that’s going down in America; the entire continent of Africa is owned by white men, the same as our asses in AmeriKKKa are owned by white men. And for Black folks to sit somewhere on your stupid asses getting all hyped up about some fiction shit when horrifying REAL shit is going down every day in Black ghettos and in prisons where almost 3 million Black men and women are slaving away for corporations, is just beyond ridiculous! I can only shake my head over the continuation of your cluelessness, ignorance and willingness to be made a fool of, daily!

There is no fake ass Disney Black Panther coming to save you from mass incarceration, police brutality, police murder of Blacks, gentrification, a school-to-prison pipeline, mass poverty, mass homelessness, income inequality, home foreclosures, sky-rocketing rents, poisoned water, water-shutoffs and the goddamn list is endless. But there you sit, proudly shouting and screaming with your fake ass African costumes on about some made up African kingdom while your son sits beside you, looking up at your awestruck gaze and at the foolishness on the screen and wondering why he does not live in “Wakanda!” You’re not even a “Black Panther” to your own children because when they head home, they get the video games out and to hell with homework for if not, then why is the school drop out rate for Black children so high? Is screaming for “Wakanda” going to help out with this?

With a goddamn flaming, racist, bigoted president that’s called all African countries AND Haiti, “Shitholes!” where the hell do you think you stand in this particular shithole? But “Wakanda!” to the rescue, right? Disney’s “Black Panther!” to the rescue, right? Some of you Black folks are dumber than a goddamn horse and that’s putting it mildly. Skinhead groups are gaining members daily. This president backs them up while you are sitting in a theater gazing avidly at a fictional kingdom in Africa when even if you was to drag your ass back to Africa, those Africans wouldn’t spit on you to put a fire out on your ass. In all these centuries past, when has an African country made a statement condemning the fact that Africans allowed other Africans to be stolen from that region? When has there ever been a call from any ‘kingdom’ in Africa for all of descendants of African slaves to come back to the glories of the motherland to be welcomed into the fold? Not ever! There are no African kingdoms. There are only corrupt African leaders in every region in Africa who are still selling out their own people just like in days of old. That is why our Black asses are sitting here looking at a goddamn stupid ass movie that in no way even pretends to depict just what the hell really is going on in Africa.

Black people always have to be entertained. You will spend your money on anything that will entertain you or to make you up to look as much like your oppressors as you can. Fake ass European hair weaves, fake ass braids, fake ass wigs, fake ass nails, fake ass makeup. That is all Black people are about, fake ass shit and fantasy while the rest of the world is fully cognizant of their plight while we want to be entertained. We want to believe that we are doing something by donning a dashiki with an African headdress and running inside a theater to look at more fake ass shit! We will even take up some holiday, talking about we’re celebrating Kwanzaa. What the fuck does Kwanzaa have to do with you? You’re fucking not African! Ever with the pretense that your history began in Africa. Your history begins with your own family here in AmeriKKKa. You can’t even manage to love the members of your own immediate family but yet, you want to get DNA tests done to see which fucking tribe you belong to in a land that lays no claim to your ass. How stupid is that? And what are you going to do if you find out that someone in your ancestral tree came from the Congo? Go over there and get raped, brutalized and terrorized like those women and  children who live in the Congo?

“In eastern Congo, rape and sexual violence are routinely employed as weapons to subjugate villages and terrorize entire communities. From old women to young children, the soldiers do not discriminate; the stories of their brutality and torture are so horrific that they rarely reach western ears. Inside the country, however, the locals have accepted mass rape as the status quo; even women who have been attacked will tell you: “This is just Congolese life.”

Yeah! That’s “Wakanda,” ain’t it? Did you read that? Even OLD WOMEN are not safe from being raped, brutalized and tortured. But your African head wrap and dashiki enables you to share their pain, doesn’t it? But they’re not supposed to be treated like that since they are living in “Wakanda!” being protected by their king, the “Black Panther” according to your dumb, stupid ass and Walt Disney Pictures!

“Decades of civil war before South Sudan became a nation and continuing to the present have left it one of the poorest countries in the world. Wracked by conflict, the young nation hasn’t been able to provide its people the basics of adequate healthcare, education, and income opportunities. Children are paying the price with their lives.

More than 5.7 million South Sudanese don’t have enough food to sustain themselves, and food insecurity continues to rise, likely reaching 6 million mid-2018. Nearly 4 million people are displaced because of conflict and hunger, including 2 million who have fled to neighboring countries since December 2013. Uganda hosts more than 1 million refugees from South Sudan; 60 percent of the displaced are children.”

This child in South Sudan wants to know “Where is Black Panther?” And where is “Wakanda?”

And I suppose, that’s also, “Wakanda?” It is quite apparent that I could continue in this vein, but the point should be well made. There is nothing for any Black person to feel ‘good’ about after having watched “Black Panther.” Let me ask you something. Did you Black men dress up like Tyler Perry did in all of his “Madea” movies when you went to watch them? Did you dress in drag to go see, say, “Madea Goes To Jail?” But for some strange ass reason, the whites release a movie about a non-existent kingdom in Africa where some supposed super hero is king and there you go, completely outfitted as though you, yourselves are royalty from a rich kingdom in Africa when you’re nothing more than weak, punk ass bitches who can’t even tell when you’re being used. How much of your money that you just gave over to see Black Panther will make it into the hands of Black people within their few remaining communities? NONE! Because Black people, even while living in their few remaining communities are still handing their money over to the Koreans, the Pakistanis, the Chinese, the whites; every one else but to another Black person.

I just recently moved from Baltimore, MD and I can tell you from first hand experience that there is no sign of “Wakanda Forever!” going on all up in Baltimore, MD. There is, however, plenty of heroin and crack addicts. There are plenty of Black people nodding on methadone. There are plenty who are mentally ill and homeless. There are plenty who have been shot by the cops and who actually survived, but who are wheel-chair bound and still full of bullets they’ll eventually die from. There are so many gangs, they’ve lost count. Baltimore recorded 343 homicides last year. Was this due to “Black Panther” coming in and ridding Baltimore of all the bad cops and bad, bad whitey? Hell no! These shootings were all about Black men shooting each other to death over drug turf or other Black people shooting each other just for the hell of it. One Black woman, who did not live in a kingdom, but lived in a housing project, was shot dead by a teenager simply because she called the police to stop this particular teenager from stealing her child’s bike, AGAIN! The Black teen shot this mother in her face, in front of her children, and calmly walked away. “Wakanda Forever!” Buy your dashikis here! If it were not so ridiculously sad, it would be funny to picture the lot of you sitting up in a theater looking as stupid as you could possibly look in your dashikis and African head wraps. I can only imagine since I will never be foolish enough to sit alongside you as you display your ignorance for all to see. Black folks, I don’t know why, but you continue to amaze me over how you are not even embarrassed at how stupid you really are, especially the so-called, adults!

This is Baltimore’s “Wakanda!” What a rich looking kingdom to be proud of, that is!

..and this is also Baltimore’s “Wakanda!”

Black people, just keep on heading in the direction that you are heading in and you will find something alright, but believe me, the last thing you will find is “Black Panther” coming to save you and take you to “Wakanda Forever!” Every single day, you have less and less to lose and yet, you never gain any knowledge from your losses. More’s the goddamn pity!

I Am In Baltimore!


I have arrived! Greetings, fellow bloggers! Baltimore and I are an item. I boarded a plane and flew first class to  Baltimore on the  7th And so therefore, I am not on “the no fly” list. Thankfully, I was not going to be driving when I landed because I needed some Dutch Courage and of course that means I got my drinky drink on. Was I missed? I am going to pretend that I was. I missed you guys so much I bought a cheap little smart phone so that I could send you pics of my first days in Baltimore. Unfortunately, I took the pictures on my IPod and I can’t find it.

Bear with me as I am not used to working with such a small screen and keypad. I was at Lexington Market yesterday getting my soul food fix. There were so many unbelievable characters there, my head was on a serious swivel.  My furniture has arrived and internet service will be  connected on the 22nd.

Baltimore, has been everything I expected and so much more. She has welcomed me back with arms opened wide. I have already made new friends. The first day, I was invited to Atlantic City by a new acquaintance. The everyday people are so sweet, helpful, warm and real. The horrors are business people, but I am handling that shit!


And so I stop here, but I shall return!