I Was Not Going To Blog About The Passing Of Chadwick Boseman, Until I Came Across This…..

Chadwick Boseman recalled being fired from a TV show after questioning the racial stereotypes of his role

Boseman said the role — in a soap opera on a major network — was possibly stereotypical. He played a young black man “with a violent streak pulled into the allure of gang involvement” and with “barely a glimpse of positivity or talent in the character.” Boseman didn’t want to judge the character, but he brought it up in a meeting with the show’s executives after filming the first couple of episodes.

It didn’t go well.

“I was let go from that job the next day,” Boseman said.

The soap opera in question was not named by Boseman, but he had appeared in All My Children and was quickly replaced. His replacement was none other than the actor Boseman played opposite in The Black Panther, Michael B. Jordan. Boseman went on to state that when he questioned the soap opera’s executives, they didn’t much like being questioned about how they were casting a Black male actor on the show. They wanted a Black actor to play a violent Black man whose mother was on heroin and so he was in foster care. Of course the character’s father had abandoned the family some years past.

This is how white executives in Hollywood want American descendants of slavery to be viewed. We are nothing more than a stereotype to them; something to show that we have a violent nature and therefore, need to be brought to heel, which is what Hilary Clinton stated. Joe Biden damn near said the same thing which is why he, for hours on the senate floor, talked up his 1994 crime bill that resulted in extended sentences for millions of American descendants of slavery.

And even though Chadwick Boseman questioned his role in All My Children, I wonder why he did not question his role in The Black Panther Movie brought to YOU by Disney and Marvel Comics because I am quite sure that he knew what the REAL and TRUE Black Panther Party and Movement was all about. I am pretty sure that he knew that when anyone initiated a search for “Black Panther,” some Disney and Marvel Comics bullshit would pop up first. Not to mention, that Boseman’s character was an African and the same typecasting was used in that film as was used in All My Children since the very same actor who went on to play a role he previously questioned, played a similar role in “The Black Panther Movie.” Didn’t Michael B. Jordan play the role of an American descendant of slavery who had a violent nature and would kill anyone without hesitation, even women? I did not look at the movie, but I certainly read enough blogs detailing what it was all about and how vicious the only actor portraying an American descendant of slavery was made to appear.

Growing up with top marks in school, Stevens went on to attend and graduate from the United States Naval Academy and the Massachusetts Institute of Technology, before joining the United States Navy SEALs. Within the SEAL teams, Stevens was deployed to Afghanistan, Iraq, and Africa, where he had the highest count of confirmed kills amongst everyone from his unit. Stevens also participated in several stateside missions in the United States of America. Due to his ruthlessness, while serving within the military, Stevens eventually gained the nickname “Killmonger.”

So in other words, questioning stereotypes is non-essential when there is more money involved because I am quite sure that compared to what All My Children was offering as a salary was nothing in comparison to what Chadwick Boseman made from starring in “The Black Panther” by Disney and Marvel Comics.

I have no idea what had become of Killmonger’s mother since I did not watch that farce of a film, but if whites are going to front the money for this type of movie, even though the screenwriters are reported to be Black; Joe Robert Cole and Ryan Coogler, they had better make damn sure that they get full approval from the white man and his input had better take stage, front and center and it would seem as with “The Black Panther Movie” brought to YOU by Disney and Marvel Comics, that is exactly what happened.

Boseman may have had a problem when he was typecast in All My Children as having had a heroin addict for a mother, was vicious and a foster child, whose father had long since abandoned him, but he had no such qualms when it came to starring in a movie that had an even worse role for an ADOS; that of being an unrelenting, vicious killer, even of women whose sole aim was to take over a kingdom that could fight back against colonialism and use it to free HIS people while the African continued to look to the colonizer as a savior.

It is fine to be all holier than thou, but if you want to start out that way, stay the course, you’ll be more believable. And make no mistake, ALL Black women are NOT heroin addicts, nor are we all single mothers. My husband was the first man to know me intimately and my son had two parents and neither one of us smoked cigarettes, much less did we use heroin. My father and my mother were married when they had me, their first, and though my father drank and my mother smoked cigarettes, neither had ever used illegal drugs and there are plenty of other Black families who do not and will not fit in with the whites’ agenda of us in trying to make it seem as though we are the worst things walking when whites are so low, they should be slithering and crawling across this planet since they are damn parasites.

I seriously wish that Black people would stop seeking the white man’s money at the expense of their soul because it is not worth it. Chadwick Boseman, only two years after playing his so-called, most ‘iconic’ role, is now dead at the age of 43 from colon cancer. And though he will be widely known for his role in “Black Panther,” brought to YOU by Disney and Marvel Comics, I am sure many, as did I, did not even know that he had also played Thurgood Marshall, in “Marshall.” Thurgood Marshall was the Supreme Court’s first and in my opinion, ONLY American descendant of slavery to have the dubious honor of being a Supreme Court justice since I don’t even recognize that Uncle Tom Clarence Thomas as one of us. Thurgood Marshall was the best justice the Supreme Court EVER had or EVER will have, bar none.

So to the Black folks who donned dashikis, African head wraps and other African attire and headed to a movie theater to see Disney and Marvel Comic’s version of Black Panther, as you can see, there is no Wakanda, there is no vibranium, there is no magical kingdom in Africa that is hidden from the pasty-assed colonizers who are still colonizing Africa and are the reasons why our Black asses are in Amerikkka, getting shot in the back, in our beds, getting kneed to death, lynched and so forth and so on. We are still the faces of health care disparities since ‘they’ tell us that colon cancer is preventable, but Chadwick Boseman just died of colon cancer at the age of 43. We are supposedly the faces of COVID-19 and since we are, then we are also ‘collectively’ The Face of Death. The whites tell us that we Black women are heroin addicts and single mothers and so our children are predators, thugs and vicious killers when what could be more vicious, more predatory like than those pasty-faced creatures that have crawled and slithered ALL across this planet, raping, pillaging, destroying, colonizing, brutalizing, enslaving, stealing and waging war on entire continents with impunity while judging those who inhabited colonized regions as savages? Those monstrous creatures sit on their debased, slimy asses and judge others and deem them to come up short when you shameless shits should not even have the ability to slither up a blade of grass, much less walk upright since you come from Neanderthals; you cave dwelling devils.

Whites, if you think for one damn second that I would ever buy your bullshit or participate in the degrading, demeaning shit that you have Black actors and actresses starring in, you’d better don ‘black’ face and play those roles your damn selves. Your next movie, “400+ Years A Slave” had better see YOUR damn pasty asses all got up in ‘black face’ and with YOUR damn dyed black backs getting pretend whipped. You don’t have a problem donning ‘black’ face any other time, what with your minstrel shows and shit, but you’ll not find any takers here. I’d rather have rags draping my ass than accept your thirty pieces of dirty silver and have to call myself a “sell out.”

And for those stupid Black shits who are screeching and wailing that Chadwick Boseman has finally reached, “Wakanda,” seriously!! Shut the fuck up!!


2020 Is Going To Be A ‘Make Or Break’ Year: That, I Can Sense

The title of this post is taken from a comment that was posted on a blog dated December 29, 2019.

I have been blogging since February of 2013 trying to wake Black people the hell up. It did NOT work. Here is the comment that I posted in response to someone’s comment to me on this blog.

“Yes it is sad and it is only going to get worse. The shit that I’ve seen in just the last 5 years alone should have long since curled my toes. The future for ADOS is extremely bleak, it really is. If we don’t come together as a whole, we are done for. 2020 is going to be a ‘make or break’ year; that, I can sense. The shit the whites are doing to us, they have been ramping it up for years while we sit somewhere in movie theaters watching stupid, make believe shit produced by those racists, while we are still on some fake nails, fake hair and fake chicken sandwich nonsense. What the hell is wrong with us? We have lost SO much ground in the last two decades, it ain’t even funny.

When Tom Joyner signed off on his radio show, he said that “Black America was more woke 50 years ago. Today we are not woke at all.” He could not be more right. More’s the damn pity!

All I can say is, “We’d ALL better wake the fuck up!” It may already be too late. We shall see.”

2020 is proving to be exactly what I knew that it was going to be; a make or break year for American descendants of slavery.

I tried in ways too numerous to count to get those in my group, ADOS, to come up out of their hypnotic trance and get with the program that the whites ain’t fucking playing with us. They have NEVER been playing with us and why we did not understand that the shit was going to get worse for us, I don’t know because the signs were everywhere. And many of us who were already woke to the shit were trying to get the rest to wake the hell up and realize and understand that the stupid shit that many of you were about, needed to be fucking dropped.

While the whites have had most of you hooked, not on phonics, but on Disney and Marvel Comics bullshit, the whites were planning multiple ways to assist in OUR demise, just as they’ve always done. Do you seriously think that it is by accident that most of us ADOS are always on the frontlines of every goddamn horrible shitty shit to come down the pike? Do you seriously think that whites have EVER had our best interest at heart? Have you ever wondered why our mortality rates are, in comparison to whites, out-of-the-ballpark? I could continue as in our poverty rates, unemployment rates, home ownership rates, high school drop out rates, low higher educational achievement rates and don’t even get me started on income disparities when it comes to what American descendants of slaves earn and what whites earn.

Take a look at what everyone is doing as it relates to immigration and put what they are doing up against what we are doing and we are losing, hands down. Every single group that the whites have allowed to immigrate to this shithole have stepped above us, even the Africans who were responsible for ALLOWING the whites to sail off with our ancestors. The Asians are multi-billionaires as are those Hindu motherfuckers from India that’s got cows walking the streets. Those Hindu motherfuckers think more highly of cows than our Black asses here in Amerikkka. The Pakistanis are NOT our friend, nor are the Iraqis, Iranians, the Mexicans, the Spanish, French, Italians, Russians; no other group on this planet is our friend and yet we act as though we have no problems at all.

Look around you Black folks! What the fuck do you see? Article after article after article of Black folks as “The Faces of Coronavirus,” that’s what the fuck you see. And why is that? It is because of racism; filthy, savage, brutal racism! Black people are NOT “The Faces of Coronavirus” due to any underlying fucking medical conditions and these debased white shits know that. The reasons why Black people are “The Faces of Coronavirus” deaths is due to our jobs in that we are frontline workers and also the fact of racism. Tell me this. If a Black woman and a white man both went to the hospital in the same condition, coronavirus infected, tell me, which one would get the last remaining ventilator? But what’s even worse is that when Black people have gone to the hospital with coronavirus symptoms, they have been told to go home and take a goddamn aspirin. Even when they went to the hospital multiple times, they were still told to get out of the hospital and guess what. They fucking died! And the cause of death? COVID-19. But the REAL and TRUE cause of death was RACISM and don’t you ALL fucking know this!

So, while Black folks were sitting somewhere paying the white man for the dubious pleasure of watching Marvel and Disney’s version of “The Black Panther,” your asses were being set up. While Black folks were sitting somewhere in Asian-owned nail salons getting their fucking nails done, your asses were being set up. While Black women were running inside Asian-owned beauty supply stores, your asses were being set up. While Black people were lined up and fighting over chicken sandwiches at Popeye’s, your asses were being set up. While Black people were online buying the latest brand name in sneakers and apparel owned by whites and pimped by Blacks like Michael Jordan, LeBron James, Cardi B, Kanye West, P. Diddy and all of the other Black sell-outs, your asses were being set up. While Black folks were busy perusing Amazon, making Jeff Bezos even more richer than he already is, your asses were being set up. But you know what? Your asses were warned and you paid no heed and now, you are paying for that shit, BIG TIME! You are being touted as “The Faces of Coronavirus.” And when you’re not being touted as “The Faces of Coronavirus,” you’re being touted as “The Faces of the Hungry.’ You’re being touted as the “Faces of the Unemployed.” You’re being touted as “The Faces of the Homeless.” In Georgia, in Louisiana, in Michigan, in Ohio, in New York, in Washington, DC, Maryland and elsewhere, Black people are the faces of ALL of that and then some and what is being done about it? NOTHING!

But don’t a goddamn one of you say that you weren’t warned because you were, you just paid no heed and now, you’re paying the piper. I am so very sorry to know that the Black folks who were woke, died decades ago because what we’ve got now are “The Walking Dead” because you always underestimate your enemy. You want to be entertained and dolled up with fake ass shit..and to do what???!!! Go to your death, that’s what. Yeah! I’m sure the dead ALL look nice in their coffin, still with some fake ass weave in and fake ass nails on and probably still smelling like kung pao chicken. And I bet, GOFUNDME funds had to pay for the fucking funeral.

As for the whites, don’t you pasty fucks even think about grinning and believing that you’ve done us in while saving your worthless hides because you’ll soon be jumping out of thirty story hotel windows and even those whores and whoremongers in Hollywood are going to be doing the same because who is going to get next to whom and kiss and slob down in those goddamn dumb ass movies? What cooking show is going to have some damn contestants running around dripping sweat and coronavirus into dishes that’s going to be served to some damn judges that used to own restaurants that have now been closed because millions are still going to refuse to step foot inside a restaurant and even those that remain open for curbside pickup are not going to see the traffic that dine in restaurants saw.

When the casinos reopen, how many are going to be allowed inside to sit next to one another hoping that a slot machine pays out? And when ALL the hair salons and nail salons and barbershops open back up, how many are going to contract coronavirus from those shops? Already some Black women are getting clued in and are buying fake nails and learning how to put them on and are claiming that they are no longer going to head inside a nail salon. Some Black women are claiming that they are going to do their cousin’s hair so that they don’t have to go back inside a hair salon. That’s what you should have been doing all along. But as usual, I digress.

Back to the whites. So whites, tell me, how long do you think that you can hold out when it comes to getting your shit fully back up and running? Oh, you’ve got the money now to wait this shit out, but that’s not going to last. Some of you have already had your shit buckle and we all know that MONEY and POWER is everything to you and without it, you are NOTHING! So, coronavirus won’t need to take your debased asses out, you’ll gladly do yourselves in because you cannot do poverty AT.ALL. When your businesses fail and even bailout money is of no help, what are you going to do then? We ALL know the answer to that!

Black people may have been caught up in the first wave of this virus, but know this whites, your ass is grass, as well. Coronavirus is coming for your ass in a different way; it’s going to hit you where it hurts; your pocket, your business. So you just keep thinking that Black people are going to continue to be “The Faces of Coronavirus,” but your turn is coming. Even in an upscale area of New Jersey, the whites were lined up at a food bank while still sitting in their fancy, expensive cars. What sense does that make? Ever the ones to try and hold on to your status symbols even as you sit in line and wait your turn to collect some free cabbage and potatoes from a food bank. The fallout from this virus has not even begun to impact your ass, but it will. So you sit somewhere and think that you are going to be okay because just when you think that all has returned to normal, you’ll soon be thinking differently. Mark my words.

And finally, Black folks, I’m done with your asses as well. I have been silent on here because I have ordered me a slew of books and I’m going to get to reading and so this blog will be closed. None of you would take heed of a goddamn thing that had nothing to do with fun and games and entertainment. Well, I don’t think that it is very entertaining to be without a job, food, a home and sitting somewhere sick. Has fake ass ‘Wakanda’s Black Panther’ come to the rescue? Is that dashiki and African head wrap you put on, helping you deal with the shit that’s going down now? Those fake nails have long since fallen off and the weave is now either dreaded or has long since been discarded as you try and head for a food bank, for those of you who can still maneuver and have not fallen ill. Again, you were warned and you paid no heed. I’m done because just like Tom Joyner said when he signed off on his radio show, “Black America was more woke 50 years ago. Today we are not woke at all.” Well now, you get to sleep the sleep of death.

I See The NAACP Continues To “Shuck And Jive” For The White Man -2019 NAACP Image Awards Bullshit On Full Display

The National Association Advancing Corporate Coons otherwise known as the NAACP, but to keep it real, is in all actuality, the NAACC is doing fuck all about the serious issues that are plaguing the few remaining Black communities; issues such as mass incarceration, income inequality, gentrification, mass homelessness of descendants of slaves, food insecurity, a school-to-prison pipeline, drug addiction, gangs, violence, shootings and the fucked up list is endless.

“We at the National Association Advancing Corporate Coons bow and scrape to our white massas ’cause they hand us a bone every now and then to enable us to continue to host ‘Image Awards’ that highlight massa’s benevolence in giving some Black folks a job ‘shucking and jiving and ‘cooning’. We know we is still slaves, but since massa is allowing us a few more treats to make slave life just a wee bit easier for some of us to deal with, why we is gonna take it! Thank you massa SIR!” – NAACC Mission Statement

It was a night filled with many winners at the 50th annual NAACP Image Awards.

Hosted by Anthony Anderson, the stars stepped out to attend the annual celebration at the Dolby Theatre in Hollywood on Saturday, and to also take home some trophies.

Leading the pack was Black Panther with a total of 14 nominations, including Outstanding Motion Picture, Outstanding Actor in a Motion Picture and Outstanding Ensemble Cast in a Motion Picture, among many others. BlacKkKlansman, Crazy Rich Asians, If Beale Street Could Talk, Widows and The Hate U Give were also up for multiple awards.

On the TV side, Black-ish, Insecure, Seven Seconds, Atlanta and How to Get Away With Murder were among the most celebrated series at this year’s event. JAY-Z received the President’s Award during the ceremony, and Beyonce won Entertainer of the Year.

“Yes indeed, we here at the NAACC give a complete and loving shout out to Disney and Marvel’s racist ass shit for giving us Black Panther! No, not Huey P. Newton and Bobby Hutton or Assata Shakur, who is still in exile in Cuba, nor Eldridge Cleaver, Angela Davis, Elaine Brown, Kathleen Cleaver and many, many others, some of whom are still incarcerated while others have died. We don’t recognize the true heroes in the fight for racial equality. We give out awards that are fucking meaningless in the grand scheme of things because what the fuck do our worthless ass awards mean to a descendant of slaves who can’t get out of jail because they don’t have bail money and the only reason he/she is in there is because of some trumped up charge or because they allegedly stole some candy worth $5 and died in jail because they could not afford bail. We at the NAACC don’t give a shit about that!”

Black folks! Are you taking note of this shit? The NAACP has never had our fucking back and never will have our fucking back because the NAACP is owned and operated by coonheads who have ALL sold out to their fucking white massas! The true heroes are all a part of history and are actually, history! The white parasite has seen to that! Just look at our history in this shithole. Every organization that was actually trying to do some good for the Black community was destroyed by whitey pale-assed parasite and the only organization that is still running strong today is the NAACP? You don’t have a hint yet? The NAACP is allowed to operate because like I have already stated, it is doing fuck all about all of the important serious issues facing descendants of slaves in this shithole today. What the fuck is paying homage to some Black coonhead actors and actresses doing about the issues plaguing Black communities? When has hosting an ‘Image awards’ show did a goddamn thing to mitigate Black child poverty, racism, income inequality, prostitution, drug addiction, Arabs and Asians selling liquor and spoiled food in Black neighborhoods while taking their ill-gotten gains back to Muslimburg and Koreaville? What the fuck is the NAACP doing about ANY of that shit? Not a goddamn thing!

The NAACP is headquartered on Mount Hope Drive in Baltimore, MD and that city is off the chain! Drug addiction is so rampant that Baltimore has been designated, “The Heroin Capitol” of AmeriKKKa! Homelessness is rampant as is prostitution, gang activity and poverty so off the scale as to be a national disgrace for this shithole to call other nations and countries shitholes when this shithole is festering that shit on Black communities, nationwide! But it’s time to recognize and award some goddamn foolishness in Hollywood! Recognize some African motherfuckers for their outstanding cooning in Black Panther. What the fuck is giving Mexican-Kenyan Lupita Nyongo an Image Award doing for descendants of slaves in this shithole? Her fucking family is likely behind the reason why some of us are sitting here in this hellhole all fucked up and some more shit! You sit somewhere admiring her Mexican-Kenyan ass as she accepts award after award while there are true warriors and heroes in Black communities all across this shithole, tirelessly trying to effect change and they are never recognized for what they do for the simple reason that they are not somewhere cooning for massa in some fucking Twelve Years A Slave shit or some fucking Black Panther cartoon make believe bullshit??!!! Fucking seriously??!! And then I have the nerve to wonder why there are never any gains to make mention of in Black communities? This is why!!

And what the fuck does ‘Crazy Rich Asians’ have to do with Black Image Awards?

Crazy Rich Asians (2018) is all Asian-American casts Hollywood blockbuster since Flower Drum Song (1961). Its feature is not all Asian casts but it is all Asian-American casts

When those racist fucks aren’t somewhere receiving NAACP Image Awards, they are on every street corner selling liquor and fried rice to every Black man, woman and child that’s still living in the remaining ghettos of inner cities. Oh, they’re behind some fucking bulletproof glass cage, but they’re there selling that shit and don’t forget, Black folks are also busy buying up the hair care products sold by those Asians. In fact, Asians have cornered the market on Black hair care products. And if you go to Baltimore, MD and head to Lexington Market, damn near every stall is operated by one of those funky breath Asians. And they all pretend to not understand English when they’re getting interviewed, but they understand selling their nasty shit to descendants of slaves right enough! I have listened to them speak perfect fucking English at their Black customers and then when whitey parasite ass comes around, they, all of a sudden like, forget English. Well now we know that those funky breath fuckers speak English only too well because they are all up in our face on “Crazy Rich Asians” and have been recognized by the NAACPNAACC!

Descendants of slaves in AmeriKKKa are the ONLY group of people who cannot even tell that every other group on this planet is our enemy! We are the ONLY group who will try and award our enemies for fucking us up with their racist attitudes towards us. We are the ONLY group of people who are hell bent on helping whitey pasty asses and others to fuck us up until death do we part! We have got to be the craziest motherfuckers to ever live to die for whitey parasite asses! What is fucking wrong with you????!!!! No other group is on some dumb ass time like Black folks are! You hate those who look like you and try to help you, while glorifying those who are out to destroy you and yet you find absolutely nothing wrong with that.

The other day, I came across a video of a blogger I follow. He and his wife were doing something called ‘Muckbang’. And they were gorging themselves to death on Asian noodles, Mexican food and all sorts of fucked up shit. And I’m like, “Why in the world would you do that to your body?” I then find that this ‘Muckbang’ nonsense originated in Asian countries and has been taken up by the stupid AmeriKKKans.

“Mukbang, muk-bang or meokbang is a live online audiovisual broadcast in which a host eats large amounts of foods while interacting with their audience. Usually done through an internet webcast, mukbang became popular in South Korea in 2010. Foods ranging from pizza to noodles are consumed in front of a camera for an internet audience. Based on the attractiveness of real-time and interactive aspects, eating shows are expanding their influence in Internet broadcasting platforms.”

As obese as millions of AmeriKKKans are, do you seriously need to take up another bad habit that is ALL about overeating and then have the nerve to post it online for millions of people to watch??! You sit there and literally eat yourself to death in the hopes of getting ‘likes’ and ‘subscribers’. Fucking seriously???!! And then turn right around and wonder why you have high cholesterol, high triglycerides and have to ‘special order’ your ‘tents’ to drape yourselves in. But I am sitting somewhere wondering why “Orange Is The New Black” was nominated by the NAACP and why “Crazy Rich Asians” was also nominated for an Image Award while we hear nothing whatsoever about Marcus Garvey, The Black Panther Party and Movement and the Women of the Black Panther Party and Movement. Why the fuck am I wondering about ANYTHING that doesn’t make any damn sense anymore when Michael Ellner said it best!

“Everything is backwards, everything is upside down. Doctors destroy health, lawyers destroy justice, psychiatrists destroy minds, scientists destroy truth, major media destroys information, religions destroy spirituality and governments destroy freedom.” – Michael Ellner

And so while I am on the subject of what’s destroyed, I’ll add that the NAACP has destroyed Its credibility. What little it may have still had, that is. Although truth be told, the NAACP had no credibility since that was destroyed aeons ago!

Young black man jailed since April for alleged $5 theft found dead in cell

A young black man arrested by police in Portsmouth, Virginia, on the same day that one of the city’s officers fatally shot an unarmed black 18-year-old, has been found dead in jail after spending almost four months behind bars without bail for stealing groceries worth $5. Jamycheal Mitchell, who had mental health problems, was discovered lying on the floor of his cell by guards early last Wednesday, according to authorities. While his body is still awaiting an autopsy, senior prison officials said his death was not being treated as suspicious.

What a goddamn shame! The article also states that Jamycheal Mitchell was accused of stealing a bottle of Mountain Dew, a Snickers bar and a Zebra Cake worth a total of $5 from a 7-Eleven and was arrested for this, sat in jail for four months and then died from ‘natural causes’ AT 24 YEARS OF AGE, after having lost 65 pounds and was emaciated at time of death.

A man was in jail for FOUR goddamn months, on a $5.00 theft charge???!!!! Here is an idea! The NAACP can give out an “Image Award” to the KKKops that arrested a man for stealing $5.00 worth of outdated shit from an Arab. They can also give the Arab, an “Image Award,” and they can also give “Image Awards” to every prison official that was directly responsible for why Jamycheal Mitchell died in a Portsmouth, Virginia jail after having spent four goddamn months in there on an alleged $5 theft charge! Yeah! Keep those “Image Awards” coming NAACPNAACC!

And to ALL the Black motherfuckers out there who countenance this shit, FUCK YOU!

Police shot and killed an unarmed black man in his own backyard. All he was holding was a cellphone.

So, another young Black man is dead who was in his own yard and his crime? He was holding a cellphone. And yet, every single damn time there is a mass shooting or someone is sending bombs to people, they are white males and yet, when they are apprehended, the police don’t shoot them. Not a hair on their head is harmed. The only reason they get dead is because they shot themselves or blew themselves to bits while white folks sit around and bemoan the mental health system in AmeriKKKa! Seriously???!!!!

On Sunday, 22-year-old Stephon Clark was shot in the backyard of the home he was staying in with his grandparents. Police officers were purportedly responding to reports of a man breaking car windows.

According to a press release issued by the Sacramento Police Department, a helicopter tracking a suspect directed the officers to Clark, who ran towards the house after being confronted by officers. The police department said Clark turned and began to “advance forward with his arms extended, and holding an object in his hands.”

The officers, who are said to have thought the object was a gun, then fired 20 rounds at Clark. It’s unclear how many of the shots hit Clark, but other facts aren’t in dispute, and they’re disturbing: After the shooting, officers waited several minutes for backup before moving to handcuff Clark and beginning medical treatment. And the only item he turned out to have been carrying was a cellphone.

So, as you can see, those thugs in uniform, who have sworn an oath to ‘protect and serve’, did not do a goddamn thing to see if this young descendant of slaves could be saved. They left him to lie there and bleed out and die before even bothering to begin ‘medical treatment’. And I am unsure as to what ‘medical treatment’ those goddamn depraved racists would have attempted on a man that they swore an oath to murder with depraved indifference. And the police have been lying their racist asses off since this latest murder went down, what with changing their stories, several times over, on what caused them to shoot Stephon Clark.

At a city council meeting in Sacramentoon Tuesday, local activists argued that the police department’s multiple statements on the shooting have only added to the confusion. “They put one story out that he may have been armed. They put out another that he had a ‘tool bar,’ whatever that is,” Tanya Faison, founder of the Sacramento chapter of Black Lives Matter, told reporters.“Then they put out that he had a wrench, and then they put out that he just had a cellphone. They need to get it together.”

They shot the man dead because he was holding a cellphone(that’s probably a lie) and then had the audacity to lie about what he ‘may have been armed with’? So now, descendants of slaves are ‘armed’ with cellphones and need to be shot dead because the police ‘feared for their life’ over being faced with a descendant of slaves holding a cellphone in his hand in his own backyard? If that ain’t the goddamn end of enough!!!

We don’t have to go anywhere! We get shot dead in our own homes(Aiyana Stanley-Jones) or in our own backyards and those racist bastards will get away with murder because times have never changed for descendants of slaves in this shithole. The same shit that was going down when our ancestors were slaving away on plantations in this shithole is still going down today despite movements, marches and protests. What the fuck have they accomplished? Not a goddamn thing! And they will never accomplish a goddamn thing. Demanding justice at city council meetings will do what? AGAIN! Not a goddamn thing!

White folks! Why the fuck are we here?? We are here because YOUR ancestors were some of the most lazy ass, good for nothings who had no goddamn work ethic whatsoever and who refused to even plant and pick their own fucking vegetables, cook their own meals, clean their own homes or do any goddamn thing else and yet, you are somewhere pointing the finger at others and calling them ‘lazy’ when you worthless motherfuckers are descendants of the laziest sloths to ever slither and crawl across this god forsaken planet! Yet, you kill us because YOUR ancestors dragged ours over here! You are depraved lunatics who should be behind bars because you are a menace to this entire goddamn planet. Just look at what you are doing to every other being on this fucking planet! You are diseased, parasitic filth! Die already!

But meanwhile, white filth is somewhere sending bombs to innocent people, killing mostly….AGAIN, descendants of slaves and he has to blow himself up. Dylann Roof murdered nine Black churchgoers in South Carolina and he was treated to a Burger King Whopper when he was apprehended and the cops knew he had guns on his person, but was he shot up? Hell no! This latest mass shooting in Parkland Florida, the white male shooter who murdered 17 people and wounded 14 others fled the scene of the shooting, went to Subway and McDonald’s before being apprehended by police, who then escorted him to a hospital for ‘labored breathing’ before taking him to jail. “Labored breathing’? What the hell is that? What? He exhaled a deep sigh while waiting for his order to be completed in McDonald’s when the police caught up with him and so took him to the hospital just to make sure that he was not asthmatic? For the love of !!!!!

That wasn’t the case with Stephon Clark, though. Oh no! Don’t give that descendant of slaves any medical treatment after shooting him 20 times. “Just let him lie there and bleed out and die! That’s what we want, just another dead nigger! And we’ll get off scot-free because ‘WE FEARED FOR OUR LIVES!’, scared shitless motherfuckers that we are!”

And as for the other descendants of slaves who wanted some ‘feel good’ fake ass shit and paid Walt Disney and Marvel Comics, Hershey, Nestle and Orville Redenbacher a mint for the dubious pleasure of watching ‘Black Panther’ murder another descendant of slaves on film, you don’t see enough of that shit being played out FOR REAL, every goddamn day? You sat there and watched some supposed African, who was just like all the other Africans over there who are some selfish sons-of-bitches who enrich their coffers at the expense of other Africans, murder a so-called ‘African-American from Oakland, CA because he was pissed off to the max that that African ‘king’ wasn’t helping other African countries nor was he about helping those who were descendants of that shit from Africa who were rowed to AmeriKKKa to end up in places like Oakland.

In my post This Ain’t Wakanda!, I told you that when you exited the theater, the same shit that was going down before you entered it, would be going down when you finished getting your ‘feel good’ fix in that nothing would have changed. How in hell does seeing some dark-skinned coonhead sell-outs on the big screen do a goddamn thing for you? What did that shit do for Stephon Clark? Last month, Black Panther came out and a month later, Stephon Clark, who has more in common with you than those fake-assed coonhead sellouts you sat and watched for two hours, was murdered in his own damn backyard by skinhead racists in cop uniforms and what has those actresses and actors who starred in Black Panther had to say about this latest police shooting death of a descendant of slaves? Not a goddamn thing! You will come out in the millions sporting dashikis and African head wraps to focus on some shit that doesn’t even pertain to you because you ain’t fucking African, but what the hell do you do when Stephon Clark gets shot dead for being exactly what you are? Not a goddamn thing! Because you are still enveloped in the glow of “WAKANDA FOREVER GODDAMN IT!” You filthy ass stupid dark-skinned motherfuckers, I am SO done with trying to get through to you ignorant ass, clueless buffoons, it ain’t even fucking funny!

Now go take another look at your fucking stupid ass dashiki and African head wrap and use it to cover poor dead Stephon Clark because what else are they good for? Because Stephon Clark got “Wakanda Forever!” didn’t he? Stephon Clark didn’t get fantastical shit! He got shot dead! What super hero saved him? Did the millions of you who sat through Black Panther converge on the scene of where Stephon Clark was murdered? Why not? He represents your reality more so than those coonheads on that big screen you just sat and watched.

As I stated in another post, Every single day, you have less and less to lose and yet, you never gain any knowledge from your losses. More’s the goddamn pity!

The Trump Administration Proposed Billions Of Dollars In Cuts To HUD While HUD’s Director, Ben Carson Orders A $31,000.00 Dining Set For His Office


Why is that jackass, Ben Carson, still at the helm of Housing and Urban Development(HUD)? Why is his wife Candy allowed to act as interior decorator of Ben Carson’s HUD office?

Ben Carson, the US secretary for housing and urban development (Hud), has scrapped an order for a $31,000 dining set for his Washington office amid a growing ethics controversy.”

Helen Foster, former Chief Administrative Officer, alleged to a whistleblower-protection watchdog that she lost her job partly as retaliation for her refusal in January and February last year to find a way to exceed $5,000 in spending on improvements to Carson’s office.

She said she was told by Craig Clemmensen, who was Hud’s acting director while Carson went through the Senate confirmation process, to find more money for use by Carson’s wife, Candy, and that “$5,000 will not even buy a decent chair”.

Five thousand dollars will not even buy a decent chair??!!! Seriously??!!! Whose ass is so precious that only a chair costing over $5000.00 is good enough for it? The ass contains the shithole and so something that’s used to pass waste from the body needs to sit in a damn chair that costs over $5,000.00? Meanwhile, read this and weep!

Following Foster’s reassignment, the department spent $31,000 on a dining table and accompanying items for Carson’s suite. The findings came after Donald Trump proposed billions of dollars in cuts to Hud’s budget, reducing programs for poor and homeless people.

Yes indeed, while Ben and Candy Carson are spending thousands of taxpayer dollars on new furnishings for them to sit their bougie ass down in Ben Carson’s HUD office, Donald Trump has proposed cutting billions of dollars from HUD’s budget that would have been destined to house poor and homeless people, thus making sure that those poor and homeless people remain without a home or have their housing choice vouchers ripped from them due to the inability of public housing authorities across this country to maintain their voucher assistance programs since the money will not be there.

Here’s an idea. Since we all know that the Carsons are not poor, they can outfit Ben Carson’s office any way they see fit so long as they foot the bill in its entirety. Who the hell do these people think they are? Royalty?

And who  had a thought in their head that Donald Trump would fully fund HUD? When has poor people ever mattered to the filthy rich? The poor will never matter to the Trumps of this world, hence the reason why there are so many poverty-stricken employees working for low wages that wouldn’t even keep a hamster in feed. But the plot thickens!

Carson’s department also signed a contract last year to spend $165,000 on “lounge furniture” for its Washington headquarters from the retailer OFS Brands of Huntingburg, Indiana, according to federal procurement records.

The president and chief of executive of OFS Brands, Robert “Hank” Menke, has made donations to Republican politicians including Mike Pence, the US vice president, who as Indiana governor in 2013 appointed Menke to a “blue ribbon panel” on transportation and infrastructure in the state.

Here enters cronyism as well as fraud, bribery and just absolute complete corruption; white collar crime that is seldom, if ever prosecuted because what rich white man is going to seek the prosecution of another rich white man that’s committing the same crimes he is? Hell! When the Wall Street bankers caused the 2008 economic collapse, did any one of those thugs see the inside of a prison cell? Hell no!

Vice President, Mike Pence, committed outright cronyism when he appointed Robert Menke to a “blue ribbon panel” on transportation and infrastructure” in return for $49,000 worth of campaign contributions to republican campaigns in Indiana and another $35,700 worth of campaign contributions to republican campaigns on the federal level.

And yet, this thug, Mike Pence, did not see the inside of a prison cell, but sits in Washington enjoying the status of Vice President to yet another thug, who sits in the Oval Office as Draft-Dodger-In-Chief. I just cannot make this shit up!

You Americans have the audacity to think that these corrupt, rich white men give a shit about any of you? Keep thinking that shit while you start your search in locating an empty spot to set up your permanent camping equipment. And believe me, there are hardly any empty spots left because we are in the midst of a homeless epidemic of epic proportions! Hell! Camping used to be a fun activity. Now, with nothing but thugs at the helm of this lopsided, stinking, sinking, shithole barge, camping is the new homelessness! But we are okay with dumb ass ‘brain surgeon’, Ben Carson attempting to sit his stupid ass down on a chair that must cost OVER $5,000.00 even as he also lounges around his Washington, D.C. office in furniture costing $165,000 while poor, homeless folks are locating a bridge to park their tent underneath since Trump is cutting the HUD budget for those programs that were intended to keep the poor housed, while letting his pick for HUD secretary order almost $200,000.00 in furniture for his office.

Meanwhile, everyone is sitting in a movie theater watching the absurd go down, not even caring about the shenanigans of this government that will cause many of them to become homeless. So, while the rich laugh at your ass, cushion their ass in plush chairs costing hundreds of thousands of dollars, you are sitting somewhere inside a movie theater wistfully gazing at a screen depicting fake ass shit even as the mailman is bringing you notification of the loss of your Section 8 Housing Choice Voucher thanks to Donald Trump ‘de-funding’ Housing And Urban Development(HUD).

And did you know that HUD is so underfunded that families with children are being forced to move into 1-bedroom units? Those pesky fire code violations are being ignored so that families will not be put out of their units due to exceeding maximum occupancy limits. This is just one example of how bad things are going to get and so I would snap out of that fantastical shit if I were you, bring your ass back down to earth and get with the program that this shit ain’t playing with you! Is Ben Carson, YOUR Black Panther when he proceeds to use funds that  could have been allocated to fund housing vouchers, but instead that money went to cushioning his and his wife’s ass in plush comfort? Go and see if “Wakanda’s” got some homeless tunnels for you to live in. Las Vegas most definitely has them, but there is a “NO VACANCY!” sign on the entrance! How fictional is that? Go find out! And while you’re at it, ask Donald Trump if he will house your homeless ass at Mar-a-Lago! Start laughing because that was one big ass joke! Donald Trump, housing the homeless at Mar-a-Lago, Trump Tower? That is funny!

Walt Disney Told Our Story!



Black History Month is at an end
and Walt Disney told our story.
We learned about Wakanda
and Black Panther got the glory.

Wearing dashikis and head wraps,
we clapped and cheered for Wakanda;
that magical of all kingdoms,
it looks just like Uganda!

Now, Uganda is over in Africa,
and the poverty rate is high.
Healthcare is abysmal
and people with cholera, they still die.

The folks over in Somalia?
They ain’t looking so good.
Trump just bombed them again,
just like I knew he would.

But over by way of Ethiopia,
the folks there got a plight.
They ain’t eating at all.
And it ain’t about a hunger strike.

The African women of Liberia
have long been seen as slaves;
sex slaves to be exact
and that don’t get no praise.

What about over in Kenya?
They got educated folks
and still, some end up homeless
Look it up, this ain’t no hoax.

Now we come to Ghana,
is this a kingdom too?
It was once ruled by the British.
Does that give you a clue?

Libya is off the chain
and slavery is everywhere.
America and NATO
filled Libyans with despair.

But we celebrate Black History Month
with Black Panther to the rescue.
There’s a kingdom over in Africa,
where lives the privileged few.

Wakanda, is its name.
Its Black Panther leads the charge
against usurpers to the throne
within the kingdom or at large.

Vibranium is its weapon,
against enemies far and wide.
I bet real African nations
wish this kingdom was by their side.

Between fantasy and reality,
we choose fantasy every time.
and we’d rather pay Walt Disney
 our last hard-earned dime.

We don’t care about Liberia,
because that is just too real.
And we don’t live in Uganda
where cholera is a big deal.

We want to live in Wakanda,
fake as it can be.
But that is what we are,
fake people with a fake history.

This here ends Black History,
with many thanks to Walt Disney
who sat us down in Wakanda;
a kingdom; a magical fantasy.

Written by,
Shelby I. Courtland
©2018 Shelby I. Courtland

In my opinion, it is a shame that throughout this entire short month that has been set aside to showcase Black History, Walt Disney and Marvel COMICS took over the focus that should have been on REAL Black heroes and heroines who were on the front lines, battling  slavery, oppression, Jim Crow, segregation, voting rights, gentrification, mass unemployment, mass homelessness, a school-to-prison pipeline, mass incarceration, income inequality, substandard health care, cuts to education, inadequate housing, economic inequality, food insecurity, crime, violence, drugs, gangs, teen pregnancies and high homicide rates of Black youth in inner cities and the list is endless.

There was no focus on the above because Black people were so easily distracted into wearing African head wraps and dashikis because a movie was hyped about a fictional kingdom in Africa where there was untold wealth and a superhero to the rescue to protect his rich kingdom.

We would rather remain blind to the facts and to reality. We want, for two hours, to forget the realities we face because we need to be made to ‘feel good’ about belonging to some kingdom in Africa that isn’t even real. How pathetic is that? We want Walt Disney to hurry up and give us Part II of “Wakanda Forever” just in time for next Black History Month so that we can, again, focus on fantasy and not on our reality. How sad is that?

When have we ever lived a “Wakanda Forever” life here in AmeriKKKa? Do you seriously think that even with the links that I have provided in my poem, that the REAL Africa is anything at all like what Walt Disney would have you believe?

When you left the theater, did you see “Wakanda” when you stepped outside? Did you see “Wakanda” when you returned home? Did you see “Wakanda” when you checked out the local news where you live? Did you see “Black Panther” save any Black man, woman or child from being arrested or shot and killed by cops for playing in a park with a toy gun or for failing to use the proper turn signal or for selling loose, un-taxed cigarettes or for simply sleeping in their bed?

How did paying Walt Disney and Marvel Comics for the ‘pleasure’ of watching their distraction help you in any way? Did wearing your dashiki and African head wrap stop the police from pulling you over? Did wearing your dashiki and African head wrap stop your landlord from handing you an eviction notice because your neighborhood is about to be gentrified? Did the “Black Panther” swoop down and take you to “Wakanda Forever?” If you are reading this, Black man, woman, teenager(the few who can read), then the answer is “NO!”

Black History Month? Who needs it when we’ve got “Wakanda Forever!”

“Wakanda?” Forever!

“Thank you Walt Disney for supplying us with our REAL and TRUE History, THIS Black History Month! All hail Walt Disney!”

“This Ain’t Wakanda!”

This is right on time! I had to share!


So, to ALL the Black folks who spent your money on African garb and headdresses, paid a mint for popcorn and sodas and nacho cheese chips and Hershey bars and Nestle bars, and who left the movie theater after viewing “Black Panther” screaming, “Wakanda Forever!,”when you got back to the ‘hood’, that’s not yet gentrified, and you stepped on used syringe needles of Black heroin addicts and gazed upon the used condoms of johns that frequent drug-addicted prostitutes and when you got shot in the ass after having been caught in the crossfires of gang shootouts over drug turf, did “Black Panther” come down off that movie screen upon hearing you scream, “Wakanda Forever?”

There is no goddamn Wakanda! There never has been a Wakanda and there never will be a Wakanda. The only thing that’s going down over in Africa is the same shit that’s going down in America; the entire continent of Africa is owned by white men, the same as our asses in AmeriKKKa are owned by white men. And for Black folks to sit somewhere on your stupid asses getting all hyped up about some fiction shit when horrifying REAL shit is going down every day in Black ghettos and in prisons where almost 3 million Black men and women are slaving away for corporations, is just beyond ridiculous! I can only shake my head over the continuation of your cluelessness, ignorance and willingness to be made a fool of, daily!

There is no fake ass Disney Black Panther coming to save you from mass incarceration, police brutality, police murder of Blacks, gentrification, a school-to-prison pipeline, mass poverty, mass homelessness, income inequality, home foreclosures, sky-rocketing rents, poisoned water, water-shutoffs and the goddamn list is endless. But there you sit, proudly shouting and screaming with your fake ass African costumes on about some made up African kingdom while your son sits beside you, looking up at your awestruck gaze and at the foolishness on the screen and wondering why he does not live in “Wakanda!” You’re not even a “Black Panther” to your own children because when they head home, they get the video games out and to hell with homework for if not, then why is the school drop out rate for Black children so high? Is screaming for “Wakanda” going to help out with this?

With a goddamn flaming, racist, bigoted president that’s called all African countries AND Haiti, “Shitholes!” where the hell do you think you stand in this particular shithole? But “Wakanda!” to the rescue, right? Disney’s “Black Panther!” to the rescue, right? Some of you Black folks are dumber than a goddamn horse and that’s putting it mildly. Skinhead groups are gaining members daily. This president backs them up while you are sitting in a theater gazing avidly at a fictional kingdom in Africa when even if you was to drag your ass back to Africa, those Africans wouldn’t spit on you to put a fire out on your ass. In all these centuries past, when has an African country made a statement condemning the fact that Africans allowed other Africans to be stolen from that region? When has there ever been a call from any ‘kingdom’ in Africa for all of descendants of African slaves to come back to the glories of the motherland to be welcomed into the fold? Not ever! There are no African kingdoms. There are only corrupt African leaders in every region in Africa who are still selling out their own people just like in days of old. That is why our Black asses are sitting here looking at a goddamn stupid ass movie that in no way even pretends to depict just what the hell really is going on in Africa.

Black people always have to be entertained. You will spend your money on anything that will entertain you or to make you up to look as much like your oppressors as you can. Fake ass European hair weaves, fake ass braids, fake ass wigs, fake ass nails, fake ass makeup. That is all Black people are about, fake ass shit and fantasy while the rest of the world is fully cognizant of their plight while we want to be entertained. We want to believe that we are doing something by donning a dashiki with an African headdress and running inside a theater to look at more fake ass shit! We will even take up some holiday, talking about we’re celebrating Kwanzaa. What the fuck does Kwanzaa have to do with you? You’re fucking not African! Ever with the pretense that your history began in Africa. Your history begins with your own family here in AmeriKKKa. You can’t even manage to love the members of your own immediate family but yet, you want to get DNA tests done to see which fucking tribe you belong to in a land that lays no claim to your ass. How stupid is that? And what are you going to do if you find out that someone in your ancestral tree came from the Congo? Go over there and get raped, brutalized and terrorized like those women and  children who live in the Congo?

“In eastern Congo, rape and sexual violence are routinely employed as weapons to subjugate villages and terrorize entire communities. From old women to young children, the soldiers do not discriminate; the stories of their brutality and torture are so horrific that they rarely reach western ears. Inside the country, however, the locals have accepted mass rape as the status quo; even women who have been attacked will tell you: “This is just Congolese life.”

Yeah! That’s “Wakanda,” ain’t it? Did you read that? Even OLD WOMEN are not safe from being raped, brutalized and tortured. But your African head wrap and dashiki enables you to share their pain, doesn’t it? But they’re not supposed to be treated like that since they are living in “Wakanda!” being protected by their king, the “Black Panther” according to your dumb, stupid ass and Walt Disney Pictures!

“Decades of civil war before South Sudan became a nation and continuing to the present have left it one of the poorest countries in the world. Wracked by conflict, the young nation hasn’t been able to provide its people the basics of adequate healthcare, education, and income opportunities. Children are paying the price with their lives.

More than 5.7 million South Sudanese don’t have enough food to sustain themselves, and food insecurity continues to rise, likely reaching 6 million mid-2018. Nearly 4 million people are displaced because of conflict and hunger, including 2 million who have fled to neighboring countries since December 2013. Uganda hosts more than 1 million refugees from South Sudan; 60 percent of the displaced are children.”

This child in South Sudan wants to know “Where is Black Panther?” And where is “Wakanda?”

And I suppose, that’s also, “Wakanda?” It is quite apparent that I could continue in this vein, but the point should be well made. There is nothing for any Black person to feel ‘good’ about after having watched “Black Panther.” Let me ask you something. Did you Black men dress up like Tyler Perry did in all of his “Madea” movies when you went to watch them? Did you dress in drag to go see, say, “Madea Goes To Jail?” But for some strange ass reason, the whites release a movie about a non-existent kingdom in Africa where some supposed super hero is king and there you go, completely outfitted as though you, yourselves are royalty from a rich kingdom in Africa when you’re nothing more than weak, punk ass bitches who can’t even tell when you’re being used. How much of your money that you just gave over to see Black Panther will make it into the hands of Black people within their few remaining communities? NONE! Because Black people, even while living in their few remaining communities are still handing their money over to the Koreans, the Pakistanis, the Chinese, the whites; every one else but to another Black person.

I just recently moved from Baltimore, MD and I can tell you from first hand experience that there is no sign of “Wakanda Forever!” going on all up in Baltimore, MD. There is, however, plenty of heroin and crack addicts. There are plenty of Black people nodding on methadone. There are plenty who are mentally ill and homeless. There are plenty who have been shot by the cops and who actually survived, but who are wheel-chair bound and still full of bullets they’ll eventually die from. There are so many gangs, they’ve lost count. Baltimore recorded 343 homicides last year. Was this due to “Black Panther” coming in and ridding Baltimore of all the bad cops and bad, bad whitey? Hell no! These shootings were all about Black men shooting each other to death over drug turf or other Black people shooting each other just for the hell of it. One Black woman, who did not live in a kingdom, but lived in a housing project, was shot dead by a teenager simply because she called the police to stop this particular teenager from stealing her child’s bike, AGAIN! The Black teen shot this mother in her face, in front of her children, and calmly walked away. “Wakanda Forever!” Buy your dashikis here! If it were not so ridiculously sad, it would be funny to picture the lot of you sitting up in a theater looking as stupid as you could possibly look in your dashikis and African head wraps. I can only imagine since I will never be foolish enough to sit alongside you as you display your ignorance for all to see. Black folks, I don’t know why, but you continue to amaze me over how you are not even embarrassed at how stupid you really are, especially the so-called, adults!

This is Baltimore’s “Wakanda!” What a rich looking kingdom to be proud of, that is!

..and this is also Baltimore’s “Wakanda!”

Black people, just keep on heading in the direction that you are heading in and you will find something alright, but believe me, the last thing you will find is “Black Panther” coming to save you and take you to “Wakanda Forever!” Every single day, you have less and less to lose and yet, you never gain any knowledge from your losses. More’s the goddamn pity!

“Black People, Please Take Your Children To See The New ‘Black Panther’ Movie For Black History Month!”


First of all, let me start off by saying that this movie would NOT be in theaters this month if it were based on the REAL Black Panthers.

The Black Panthers, also known as the Black Panther Party, was a political organization founded in 1966 by Huey Newton and Bobby Seale to challenge police brutality against the African American community. Dressed in black berets and black leather jackets, the Black Panthers organized armed citizen patrols of Oakland and other U.S. cities. At its peak in 1968, the Black Panther Party had roughly 2,000 members. The organization later declined as a result of internal tensions, deadly shootouts and FBI counterintelligence activities aimed at weakening the organization.

The Black Panthers were not solely focused on violence. One notable program was Free Breakfast for Children. They fed as many as 20,000 children in the 1968-69 school year. This was portrayed by detractors as a propaganda and recruitment tool, as the children were taught party messages and ideology during the meals.

As I re-read the above paragraphs, what strikes me is this: “The Black Panthers were not solely focused on violence.” I don’t even know what that means because in order to fight against racism, hate groups and a government that is hell bent on our annihilation, how could it be otherwise? Non-violence did not work because if it did, the man who history lauds as one of the most peace-loving men to have ever lived would have lived out his natural life instead of having been assassinated and we all know who I am referring to; Dr. Martin Luther King Jr. That man tried in every way possible to bring about change, peacefully and what did he get for his efforts, he got an assassin’s bullet, that’s what he got for drawing attention to the plight of slaves in America. That’s right, I said, “Slaves!” Because that is what we all are and aren’t we reminded of it every single day.

Slaves make up only 13% of the population count in America and yet in 2014, slaves represented 34% of the prison population in America and that number is worse today.

Nationwide, Black children represent 32% of children who are arrested, 42% of children who are detained, and 52% of children whose cases are judicially waived to criminal court.

For as long as the government has kept track, the economic statistics have shown a troubling racial gap. Black people are twice as likely as white people to be out of work and looking for a job. This fact was as true in 1954 as it is today.

The most recent report puts the white unemployment rate at around 4.5 percent. The black unemployment rate? About 8.8 percent.

But the economic picture for slaves is far worse than those statistics indicate. The unemployment rate only measures people who are both living at home and actively looking for a job.

What do you think would happen if the unemployment rate for Black people included those who are incarcerated? Add in those who are incarcerated and the unemployment figures for Black men jumps to 18.6%.

The Black Panthers knew that there was no peaceful way to go about effecting change because those who made up the Black Panthers, had themselves been victims of white oppression as we are today. We only have the illusion of freedom because at any given moment, each of us could be killed for no reason whatsoever and this has been playing out on city streets all across America. The slave patrols are decked out in blue and brown uniforms and have been given legal authority by the government of America to round us up whenever it pleases them to do so. Some of us are actually locked inside cages, but those of us who are not actually IN a cage are just as caged. Go into the ‘wrong’ neighborhood and find out how free you are. Protest the murder of another slave for too long and see how fast Gestapo pigs are called out to initiate a curfew to get you off the streets and locked in at night because when you burn down the white man’s means by which he makes a profit, you see just how much a slave, you still are. Get sick and walk in the doors of a hospital seeking help and they will show you that a sick slave is of no use to them, here, and here.

So yes, it is most important that you, as adult slaves, take your children to see this new Black Panther movie that is set to come out in theaters everywhere during this celebration of Slave History Month. Continue to promote the ideals behind slavery, racism, bigotry, Jim Crow, mass incarceration, income inequality, mass homelessness, gentrification, a school-to-prison pipeline, low educational attainment, mass poverty and government sanctioned murder by cop because you are indeed promoting all of the aforementioned especially seeing as how this movie is produced by Marvel Studios and distributed by Walt Disney Studios Motion Pictures. And in order to understand how racist Walt Disney was is to read about Walt Disney.

The charge: Walt Disney was racist.
The evidence: These charges stem primarily from the use of racial stereotypes in Disney movies from the 40s: Dumbo’s black crows; Fantasia’s black servant centaurette; and Song of the South, a movie so offensive that the Disney company will no longer let it be seen in public. Then there is Walt Disney’s own behavior: Gabler cites a meeting in which Disney referred to the Snow White dwarves as a “nigger pile” and another in which he used the term “pickaninny.” The book notes that Disney anticipated the Song of the South controversy and attempted to make it less racist with a rewrite and meeting with the NAACP. The meeting never happened, and the movie was released anyway. There was also some controversy about the company’s unwillingness to hire minorities at Disneyland.

I see that I’ve got to change a few words, Slaves, take your “nigger piles,” your “pickanninies” to see Walt Disney’s Black Panther and while you’re there ask the theater to beg the Disney Corporation to re-release the movie, “Song of the South,” so that you can then return and view how happy and helpful slaves were to white folks when we were still needed to pick cotton, cook and clean for them and lie down with them upon demand.

This blog post is a direct result of another blog I read about how Black children should see this movie, “Black Panther” because it will show them that there were great Black kingdoms and it will show them that Black people can have super powers and everything will just be great. Seriously???!! So these Black pickanninies, once they’ve looked at this movie, will leave the theater thinking that they have the ability to fly to freedom, to escape poverty, to get into a leaky boat and head to some great Black kingdom, to understand that the reason their daddy, uncle and cousin is incarcerated is because they just refused to use their super powers to escape incarceration in a land where they will never be free, whether caged or not. Yes, give your pickanninies the illusion of “Black Panther,” produced and released by the same company that lovingly gave us “Song of the South.”

By viewing “Black Panther,” our pickanninies will celebrate Slave History Month like it should be celebrated. We will continue to enrich the coffers of our slave owners just as we’ve always done. We may no longer cook all Massa’s meals, we may no longer pick his cotton, we may no longer tend his fields from sunup to sundown, but by god, we shall surely give our hard-earned pennies to him during this month that he has set aside for us to celebrate his benevolence towards us by putting together a movie starring many who look like us and who are from a fake kingdom when the truth of the matter is this movie is not far off its mark because there truly was a kingdom and our ancestors resided there, but the Walt Disneys of this world saw an opportunity in your ancestors and so they took them, they took them to enrich themselves and you are a product of that enrichment and you are still enriching them today. Oh, I am pretty sure that it was just a major coincidence that “Black Panther” is coming out just in time for Black History Month, I am that naïve.

I am so very sorry that the strong Black people of yesteryear are no longer with us because the women of the Civil Rights Movement would not be taking their children to see a movie that will be released by the very same company that released “Song of the South.” Their children would take part in a boycott of this movie just as they took part in the Montgomery Bus Boycott.

The Montgomery Bus Boycott was a civil-rights protest during which African Americans refused to ride city buses in Montgomery, Alabama, to protest segregated seating. The boycott took place from December 5, 1955, to December 20, 1956, and is regarded as the first large-scale U.S. demonstration against segregation.

The Women’s Political Council (WPC), a group of black women working for civil rights, began circulating flyers calling for a boycott of the bus system on December 5, the day Parks would be tried in municipal court.

Dr. Martin Luther King Jr., and the Black women and men of his day, showed us all how to stick it to the white man; one word, BOYCOTT! And that is just something we have never been willing to continue because a movie is more important than mass incarceration, massive unemployment, income inequality, gentrification, mass homelessness, food insecurity, poverty, gangs, drugs and crime in ‘Black’ communities, inequality in health care, brain developmental problems in our children due to lead paint poisoning and yet, we are going to celebrate all of this by watching a movie because we just want a two-hour break from our reality and right afterwards, we will continue to piss and moan and whine about why we are still, slaves, and  treated as such. Ask your cousin Terrell if they are showing this movie in the prison he’s serving a 30-year sentence in for having on his person, a dime bag of weed. Ask your niece, Lakeisha if they’ll be showing “Black Panther” at the prison she is serving time at because she was arrested for prostitution and drug possession; drugs to feed her crack habit. Yeah! Ask them! And then go to the affluent suburbs of Atlanta and see how white affluent heroin addicts are treated. They’ll not be rubbing shoulders with Lakeisha since affluent white addicts that have engaged in prostitution to feed their habit are sent to rehab for as many times as it takes to get them back on the road to recovery. Meanwhile, Lakeisha sits inside a prison slaving away for pennies sewing shirts and pants for corporations because you see, she is inside a ‘For Profit Prison’ and when she goes to shower, some white male prison guard is watching her and then is making her perform sex acts on him and he is raping her. But by going to see “Black Panther,” we are doing her a world of good, just as we are also doing the Black man that’s doing time and submitting to homosexual acts, just as much good because when he gets out, his wife or girlfriend is going to understand what it means to have AIDS!

And don’t forget the popcorn as you sit back, relax and enjoy “Black Panther,” the movie.

Happy Black Slave History Month!