Wal-Mart’s Shit Is Backed UP!


Wal-Mart has flung so much shit at customers and employees that when both threw the shit back at Wal-Mart, the piles of shit and bullshit caused massive plumbing problems that were felt in Wal-Mart stores from California, Texas, Oklahoma and as far away as Florida and the shit abruptly closed five Wal-Mart stores.

Employees were notified via a shitty letter from Wal-Mart’s corporate office that the stores were too knee-deep in bullshit and shit to remain open. Employees are aghast, not only over the stench but over the fact that Wal-Mart may in fact be lying as to why the shit hit the fan resulting in closed stores. Employees should know that ‘corporations NEVER lie! They just ‘shy’ away from the truth. It is not the same thing. *wink* *wink*


Word on the street is that Wal-Mart employees have been staging sit-ins for a living wage and that Wal-Mart’s official word is, “To hell with THAT shit!” “Close the goddamn stores and hang a ‘toilet is out-of-order sign on the goddamn door, NOW!” Something stinky this way comes. I suspect foul play because when the shit hits the fan, everybody should know to duck!


Employees of Wal-Mart lined up at Motel 12 to await further instructions from Wal-Mart management on the plight of the plumbing unknown bottom line corporate profits problems. Wal-Mart has assured all 4 full-time employees that they will be transferred to other Wal-Mart stores in Bangladesh and Madagascar. They must, however, pay their own travel costs and other expenses related to relocation. Thousands of part-time employees are on their own. Never has this much shit been known to close 5 stores in 4 states. Simultaneous massive plumbing problems of this magnitude are off the Richter scale! Even California is shocked and they are used to shitshock waves!


Seriously? How in the hell does Wal-Mart get away with closing 5 stores, simultaneously in 4 states and state that it is due to plumbing problems? According to reports, there have been no requests for permits for plumbing issues at any of the 5 closed Wal-Mart stores. The stores will be closed for at least 6 months. Also, at least, 2,200 workers are affected by the closures and at the Pico Rivera, CA Wal-Mart; the employees had staged a Black Friday protest over wages. And let us not forget that this was not such a jolly season for retail stores and they have been reeling ever since despite the bull roaring on Wall Street as we all know that that is just a magic act of smoke and mirrors and no substance.


Was it only a couple of months ago that Radio Shack filed for bankruptcy and most of those stores will close? JC Penny is barely holding on as is Sears and Kmart. I cannot wait to see how the government is going to skew the employment figures in the coming months and how economists are going to downplay Wal-Mart’s bullshit plumbing problems. Plumbing problems, my ass and pun intended!

“In Midland, Texas, where another store was closed, a plumbing inspector was turned away when he visited the store and offered to help secure construction permits.”

Does that sound like Wal-Mart has a ‘plumbing’ problem?














Vladimir Putin, Watch Your Back!



Vladimir Putin, watch your back! The West has got it in for you. I don’t know why you expected the shits here in Amerikkka to play all fair and square like when they’ve never done so before. You’re up against psychotic, rabid criminals otherwise known as demons, if you will and the only way to control the bastards is to vaporize them and you should have long since commenced to getting it done. Now, these demons are in a position to blame you for some more shit that they’ve engineered to cause your downfall. It was only a few months ago that I beseeched you to blow this shithole deeper into the pits of the christian’s hell. I have no idea why you have wasted time on attempting diplomacy with these psychotic demons. This shit over here ain’t human. You mean, you don’t know that by now? Have you taken a good look around at what these psychotic demonic shits have caused? Look at the carnage in Iraq and Gaza and Afghanistan and Libya and Syria and in Central America and anywhere else that trouble, strife, and brutal dying is in progress.


Don’t continue to wait for Yellowstone to blow. It will, but you don’t have time for that show to get started. You don’t have time for the final earthquake that will shake this shit up and turn it into a hot ass lava milkshake. They’re gunning for you because chances are, it was YOUR presidential plane that these psychotic demonic shits were after. You had a lucky escape THIS time but don’t think that your luck will hold out. And you know only too well why they have it in for you. You and Russia and the rest of the BRICS are about to put paid to the petrodollar and that puts paid to the demonic shits that hold their devil worshipping rituals and dance around naked holding their limp dicks in one hand and some Viagra in the other with a whore standing on each side of their worthless demonic ass. They know this shit is toast over here. Hell! Wal-Mart is crying the goddamn, “Where are my motherfucking poor ass customers with their foodstamps?.” blues. It’s that damn bad! It ain’t just Wal-Mart’s sales that are suffering, the rest of the retailers have joined in with their wailing and screeching and Target has even fired an executive over poor sales performance and let us not forget that Target is still reeling from that massive data breach over this past holiday season. And even Macy’s sales are plummeting. Go figure! The only thing that’s getting funding over here in this shithole is the military and that’s so we can continue funding the Israeli war machine and genocide on the Palestinian people because only Israel can claim the HOLOCAUST, you know, exactly what Israel is perpetrating on the innocent people in Gaza.


You see, Mr. Putin, Amerikkka has priorities and stealing and killing and plundering and pillaging and raping and enslaving are at the very top of the list of priorities and don’t forget while we’re engaging in all of that, we’re calling it humitarian intervention. We’re calling it bringing democracy. We’re calling it policing the world. We’re fucking hypocrites, always have been and always will be.


Mr. Putin, you are well aware of how this country was founded. The Indians were killed off, the slaves were stolen from Africa and a declaration of independence was finalized and can you believe it? In this declaration, it was written that, “All men are created equal,” and guess what? These demonic shits were slaveholders, now don’t that beat all? We’re fucking hypocrites. So that means, you can’t play nice with this shit. This demonic shit is having none of it. You better act like you know, get with the fucking program that this mess ain’t hardly playing with you. They are not sane. They are not even human. You’re ex KGB, surely you know some of this already.


I’ll let you in on a little secret, unless you destroy this shithole before it destroys Russia and every other country and nation on this planet, you will never get a moments peace from these demons and the reason why I am fearless in posting this is because I am Black and I was damned by these demons before I was even born and it only gets worse. So, it wouldn’t hardly fuck up my motherfucking day if you vaporized the hell out of this shithole. So get to it as there ain’t a goddamn ‘human’ in sight! If you really love Russia, you’ll do what needs to be done and stop tiptoeing around these worthless fucks. We’re already done for. We’re already dead here, they’ve seen to that. We have no representation. Hell! Look at our infrastructure, it’s already on the verge of complete collapse. A goddamn drought in California. Las Vegas is running out of water and that ain’t hardly a problem for me, a fucking ‘sin city’ should run out of water. Roads end in sinkholes. Bridges collapsing into rivers and lakes. Trains derailing crude oil into our drinking water. Hydraulic fracturing is polluting our drinking water. Mass shut offs of water is happening in a city that is right by the Great Lakes. The taking over of our water supply has commenced. Even goddamn China is syphoning water from the Great Lakes and buying up property by the neighborhood in Detroit, getting set for gentrification once they run the few remaining Black people up out of there. And if you seriously think I care what happens to this shithole, by all means, I ask you to please think again. If you can’t see that we’re already done for, then I don’t know what else to say.


I’ve stated this before and I state it again, unlike the demonic shits here in Amerikkka, you love your country and it shows. Unlike the demonic shits here, you practice restraint and have attempted to play fair and square with these demonic shits but you must understand, you’re going about it all wrong. I hope to hell that someone in Russia can wake you up to what you’re actually up against over here. It damn sure ain’t playing fair. It damn sure is out to ruin you and your country and it damn sure as hell ain’t fucking human!


Is It Too Late? You Tell Me!


U.S. Economy Contracted Almost 3 Percent in First Quarter

“The U.S. economy contracted much more than previously thought during the first quarter of this year, revised estimates show. Rather than the 1 percent growth the Commerce Department reported last month, gross domestic product fell by 2.9 percent, the worst performance in five years. That brings total growth down by 3 percent since the government first reported its estimates in April. There hasn’t been a larger difference between the second and third revised estimates in 38 years, the Commerce Department said on Wednesday.”


We ain’t doing so good! What a goddamn understatement. The American economy has ‘contracted’. Now what does that mean? It means that the American economy has shrunk, declined, dwindled, decreased, got smaller. It means that the American economy is fucked up and ain’t about to get off life support for some time to come. Actually, the plug is being pulled.

There is talk about inflation as if it hasn’t already hit. Uh…I was in the grocery store just the other day and I’ve got news for those lame ass media clowns, inflation was staring me all up in my not so astonished face. One woman told me that she had just left the meat case because she was sure that she’d need an ambulance to cart her away for having palpitations over the price of meat and she wondered just how people were feeding their families these days. Good thing some people are wondering about that because I’m sure that people who are trying to feed their families are wondering the same thing. What’s it going to be tonight? Ramen noodles AGAIN or rice. You see, the staple, peanut butter is out-priced for many. Have you seen the price of even an off-brand jar of peanut butter? It’s almost right up there with the name brand.

But then, I took a look at something else that just doesn’t add up. Take a look at this.
Updated: 06/25/2014 05:33 ET

DOW 16,867.51 +49.38
NASDAQ 4,379.76 +29.40
S&P 1,959.53 +9.55

The DOW is still at 16,000+ and yet, the economy is ‘contracting’. Inflation has reared its ugly head, food prices have skyrocketed and have you seen the price of gas recently? Why just two weeks ago, I was driven by the gas station and gas was $3.59 a gallon. That was in the morning. By evening, it was $3.69 a gallon. Today, it is $3.89 a gallon.

I did mention inflation, didn’t I? Well, what exactly IS inflation?
a general increase in prices and fall in the purchasing value of money.

So, as prices increase, sort of like what has been occurring in grocery stores all across America and wages have been stagnant again, all across America, this means that there is less and less purchasing power for the goods and services that have increased in price. No wonder I’m hearing that a great many Americans are holding onto their old vehicles and are having them serviced as opposed to heading to the dealership every two years to trade the old in for the new. Is this not a clear sign that we’ve never come out of the Great DEPRESSION? The lamestream media can hype shit up until the cows come home, go back and come back home again, but the truth will come out in some instances because empty wallets don’t lie. If you ain’t got it because by the time you’ve paid the mortgage/rent, electric/gas bill, phone, cable/internet, medical bills, food, car note/insurance, gas, there is nothing left over for discretionary spending. Family movie night is most likely a finger puppet show behind a sheet. Date night is probably a bottle of Boones Farm Strawberry wine and some Whitehall imitation cheese. Now, I gotta tell you about Whitehall imitation cheese. Don’t buy it! I don’t know what the hell it is. Years ago, when I had to seriously cut corners so damn bad that 50 cent imitation cheese looked good, I bought a package of this Whitehall ‘imitation cheese’ and let me tell you, this is the only thing that could make it unscathed through a nuke attack. I microwaved the shit out of that Whitehall ‘imitation cheese’, opened the microwave door and that shit was like, “is this all you got? Bring it!” I put that goddamn shit into the conventional oven, turned that sucker up to 450 degrees and can ya believe it? Forty minutes later, that fucking shit was smiling and completely unscathed.

You see, imitation this and imitation that is where we’re headed with the ‘contraction’ of the American economy. When Wal-Mart has been pissing and moaning over its dismal sales especially over its low sales of food items, the American economy is contracting. When Target is pissing and moaning and getting rid of top executives to try and rev up its sagging sales figures, the American economy is contracting. When car dealerships all across America are over-inventoried due to Americans holding on to their cars for as long as they possibly can, the American economy is contracting. When food stamps for millions of Americans continue to be cut, the American economy is going to contract. When rents are skyrocketing all across America, the American economy is going to contract. And let me repeat this, when wages all across America, remain stagnant, the American economy is going to contract and if anybody tells you that the ‘Great Recession’ is over, you say, “Whitehall! And I ain’t buying it, motherfuckers!”

And yet, if you look toward Wall Street, you would think that all is well and cozy here in the land of the hypnotized and the afraid. Don’t buy it, it’s Whitehall! It’s smoke and mirrors. It’s an illusion, it ain’t the real deal. Quietly, all over the world, governments are working tirelessly to put paid to the American dollar and as if we don’t have it bad enough already, it’s about to get worse and how! Oh, I’m not trying to scare anyone as there are so many who are already living a ‘worse case’ scenario. It’s just that millions more will soon join them and no, I am not liking this one bit. In fact, I was watching a video just yesterday about ‘going back to the basics’, living off the land and it was real interesting and it’ll probably get more and more popular as we head deeper into uncharted territory. I would recommend that you watch some of those videos of survival in the wild or surviving on nothing or ‘survival guide for the doomed’, or something like. I hope that you’ll never need it, but just in case, it could come in handy. Ya never know!

So, to my fellow Americans, try to remember what is really important, love, life and each other. We couldn’t understand that. But understand this, we have been heading towards a collapse for some time. The safety net has been gutted and yet, the Wall Street players are like the last dancers on the Titanic, wining and dining and having a great old time before the bottom drops out, pretending that we’re not sinking, we’ve just hit a temporary glitch and all will right itself soon. No indeed, that will not be the case. This ship is going down and there are no lifeboats for the millions who will drown in the sea of abject poverty, hopelessness and despair. America has fucked up too many times and has fucked over the world’s people, including her own, too many times for the shit to not come back and bite America’s ass. Unfortunately, the innocent will go down before the guilty do. That is the way it has always been because the guilty can still pay for the illusion while the rest of us behold reality. The reality of inflation, the reality of unpaid bills, the reality of standing in long lines at the food bank, the reality of no discretionary spending, the reality of choosing food over medicine, the reality of water shut-offs like what’s happened in Detroit. Detroit is having mass shut-offs of water for people who are jobless and can’t pay the water bill. This is just the beginning. Soon, there will be mass shut-offs of electricity. What is going to happen when winter sets in? What will people do? What city is next? This is our America people and it is truly sad that this country had so much potential for so many and yet so few took from the many and we passively let them and so now we come to this, a fool’s paradise, a rich man’s dream(for now) in our America.

Is it too late? You tell me….


Walmart Greed vs. Employee Need

No, this is not a charity asking for donations for the homeless holiday meal. This is a mega-billion dollar corporation asking for donations for its 'poor' employees holiday meal.
No, this is not a charity asking for donations for the homeless holiday meal. This is a mega-billion dollar corporation asking for donations for its ‘poor’ employees holiday meal.

Recently, I read something that does not surprise me. Wal-Mart employees in Canton, OH started a holiday food drive for other Wal-Mart employees. Heart touching, isn’t it? The working poor helping out the working poor while Wal-Mart raked in $17 billion dollars in profits last year and has a market value of $260 billion and yet the employees of this mega-billion dollar corporation need a food drive. Did Wal-Mart stop selling turkeys? Wal-Mart could afford to give each and every single employee, a complete holiday dinner and not be fazed one bit relative to their bottom line. But of course, a spokesperson for Wal-Mart is as usual, denying that many employees are just too poor to afford a holiday dinner and instead are spouting bullshit about why the need for employees to start a holiday food drive for other employees.

On Monday, a Wal-Mart spokesman said the Canton, Ohio, store has held similar food drives for the past several years.

“What these associates are doing is making sure if there’s someone out there with a special, critical, unforeseen need, that they’re being taken care of,” Kory Lundberg.
Workers in need may have lost their home to fire or had a spouse who lost a job, or be dealing with “something else you can’t plan for,” Lundberg said. Last year, 12 associates out of the roughly 300 employees at the store received help from the food drive.

“It underscores what the culture of this company is — it’s to take care of each other,” he said. “That Canton, Ohio, store is an example of it.”

I hate to point out the fact that if someone recently lost their home, they are probably not in a position to even ‘cook’ the traditional holiday dinner and if a spouse of a Wal-Mart employee has lost their job, why isn’t the Wal-Mart employee’s salary enough to cover the loss? Considering what Wal-Mart rakes in in profits, it would not be a hardship if the corporate skanks were not so greedy and according to Business Insider, Wal-Mart is one of the richest corporations in the world.

America’s corporations and investors have never had it better. The stock market is setting new highs, and corporate profits and profit margins are higher than they have ever been. Average Americans, meanwhile, have rarely had it worse. Wages as a percent of the economy are at an all-time low, and fewer people are working as a percent of the population than at any time in the past 30 years.

In addition to violating just about every conceivable ideal of community fairness and decency, this state of affairs is hurting the economy. Average Americans account for most of the spending in the country. And thanks to the refusal of rich companies like Wal-Mart to share more of their wealth with the people who create it, average Americans are broke.

This situation says everything about what’s wrong with the U.S. economy right now.

Read more: http://www.businessinsider.com/walmart-employee-food-drive-2013-11#ixzz2lDHX8fuA

Is this what America is coming to? Food drives in the workplace for employees who are too poor to afford food for the holidays or for any other days? Should we also start Health care drives for those in our workplace who cannot afford insurance? How about we start Clothing drives for our co-workers? Where will it end, this working poor helping the working poor because greedy corporations are getting away with paying out poverty wages and making excuses as to why Food drives are necessary when times have never been better for corporations and have never been worse for average working Americans?

It is quite apparent that we have not had enough yet because we keep taking it and expecting what to happen? The greedy to stop being greedy? The needy to stop being needy? You tell me.

Is This The New Employment Sign?

Part-time jobs=reduced purchasing power. To the corporate bigheads: Are you getting it?
Part-time jobs=reduced purchasing power.
To the corporate bigheads: Are you getting it?

I read an article earlier today stating that Wal-mart and other stores are recording lackluster sales. Is anyone really surprised when the only hiring signs are for ‘part-time’ positions with no benefits? We are told that the national unemployment rate stands at 7.4%. I say to that, “bullshit!” When determining who is ’employed’ the government includes part-time workers and also temp agency workers. Part-time jobs and temporary jobs are NOT gainful employment. Those types of jobs would barely keep a roof over a squirrel’s head. But to make the national unemployment figures look good, let’s count them anyway.

It seems to be a fact, full-time jobs with benefits that pay a living wage are fast becoming a thing of the past as so many Americans are employed in a limited capacity and then when statistics show that people are even cutting back at the so-called ‘low end’ stores, we wonder about it? Really? Part-time jobs and temporary jobs do not instill an awful lot of confidence in people when they look at their take home pay and what the bills amount to and figure out that there is no way to stretch their poverty wages to cover even the basic necessities. The sad truth is that things are only going to get worse. The times when people could walk into a company and literally start to work that day earning a decent salary, are gone. The steel mills have shuttered their doors. Those great jobs in manufacturing are gone and unfortunately, it is not as if we can re-open those old buildings and rev up our manufacturing base. We are hard pressed to find anything ‘American made’ anymore. That is the problem. When we got excited over how cheaply we could purchase junk made in sweat shops overseas, we did not realize that we were digging ourselves into a jobless hole from which we cannot escape. Unfair trade agreements also played a part in the annihilation of good paying full-time jobs.

And now the reality is that part-time, temporary, low wage jobs are the new norm. Unfortunately, it is not just fast food companies that are guilty of this. Many grocery store chains and retail chains are also guilty. Hell…everywhere you look, there are the same signs posted. “Help Wanted, Part-time!” It is too bad that decades ago, we did not see the clear signs of what led to the ‘signs’ we see today. I certainly hope that no one is expecting an epiphany from the corporate executives that the reason why people are not lining up with unlimited purchasing power is due to their unmitigated greed which in turn is causing ‘lackluster’ sales. Trickle down never did work, but it just might be that the inability to spend will eventually cause a ‘trickle up effect because when ‘consumers’ can’t ‘consume’, just what did the corporate executives at Wal-Mart and other companies think would happen? Exactly what is happening, a reduction in consuming which could eventually adversely impact the corporate bottom line.