A Torn And Bloodied Flag!



The eyes of men behold

A torn and bloodied flag

They lied unto themselves

That it was more than just a rag.


You satisfy its thirst for blood

Not theirs per se, but yours

And gladly will you die

In endless, senseless wars.


Unfurl that hated symbol

Of the oppressed and of the dead

Pledge allegiance to your slavery

Upon your blood, that flag is fed.


Salute the stars and stripes

But know what it is you do.

Those stars are bombs and drones

And the stripes are a slave’s tattoo.


Its tattered tales of glory

Are shredded by the truth

And as its seams are ripped apart

You feed to it, your youth.

Written by,

Shelby I. Courtland

©2015 Shelby I. Courtland

Keep feeding a symbol that stands for stolen lands and lashed backs and for the spilled blood of all the other innocent human beings that have been murdered, all over a lie! The lie IS America! This country was never about freedom and democracy and justice. Look at its history. When has freedom, democracy and justice ever reigned in this hell hole? It never has. You are fed patriotic bullshit. You are made to stand and salute a tattered and bloodied symbol that symbolizes everything that his country stands for; rape, genocide, torture, war crimes, hypocrisy, enslavement and all things vile, obscene and barbaric. There has never been one shred of decency that IS or WAS or WILL ever be America. Salute that blood stained and tattered shit of a flag, if you will, but count me the hell out! I spit on it!




Death Of Love!

love rip


Can you believe that once my heart was filled with love?

Now, it is a hardened shell and all that is left is bitterness.

I am consumed by the flames of hatred and I know no shame.

When I look at you, it is through a sea of swirling red,

 that pours from my eyes and flows down my face,

to pool around my feet and spread in an ever widening circle,

encompassing everything in its path, carrying with it, my hatred.

From the sky above, there are no doves that I can see to give me hope,

only vultures, circling overhead, awaiting the so final death of love.

Love, RIP

Written by,
Shelby I. Courtland
©2014 Shelby I. Courtland

I Die A Thousand Deaths Each Day!


When will you stop killing me?
I die a thousand deaths each day.
You kill me over and over again,
and then another me, you slay.

We are all just one big family
but you don’t see me in that way.
You point your weapon at my chest
as though I’m just some hunted prey.

The blood that flows from me,
also pulses through your veins.
And as another me lies dying,
a thousand more of me remains.

So, kill each and every one of me.
And when you’re the last me left to stand,
then the killing will finally end,
when you die by your own hand.

Written by,
Shelby I. Courtland
©2014 Shelby I. Courtland

What difference does it make in the name that we give the latest excuse for war? There will always be a ‘group’ of people that will be perceived as evil incarnate and therefore, must be ‘bombed’ into oblivion. Must we ALL have to die for there to be no more war? Must there only be one so-called, ‘human’ left on earth and then what? What would that last ‘human’ do? Kill himself?, that is my guess because after all, what else are we wired for?

So, we’re going to bomb the ‘ISIS be-headers’ club because that will put an end to ‘terrorists’, right? It has worked SO very well thus far, hasn’t it? We ‘arm’ the ‘terrorists’. We train the ‘terrorists’ and then when they become ‘uncontrollable’, we ‘bomb them because they decided on a different course of action than what we initially intended. Sigh!! We never learn.

“Michael, Oh Dear Michael!”


Sleep, sleep the sleep of peace.
For eighteen years, your heart did beat
and it only took a few moments to end your life
with your blood flowing down a Missouri street.

You lie so still and so cold where warmth used to be.
We stare down at you with hands raised in the air.
The remembered good times and your smiles
will always stay with us and your death is just not fair.

What can we do to stop another mother and father
from going through this pain and anguish and fear
that your brothers and your sisters may know the same.
We cannot let you down and I hope that you can feel us near.

Michael, oh dear Michael, you were born in innocence
but what you had to know so quickly, was hate.
And you never got the chance to smile down at your son
as I look down at you and silently scream at fate.

Written by,
Shelby I. Courtland
©2014 Shelby I. Courtland

“Michael, we love you!”

Michael Lies Dead!

Michael Brown

A heart was beating,
blood coursed through veins
Bullets pierced skin
and now chaos reigns.

Hands raised skyward.
Michael lies dead.
In Ferguson Missouri,
his blood flowed red.

Burn and loot,
tear it all down!
Display your anger,
destroy the town.

His mother cries,
and his father too.
He was their child.
Retribution is due!

Written by,
Shelby I. Courtland
©2014 Shelby I. Courtland

I don’t give a damn who will condemn those who burn shit and fuck it up! It is past time that people stopped being polite about murder. Since violence begets violence, what the hell did people expect? I’m not going to continue to meet murder, tear gas and rubber bullets with my hands raised, I’d eventually realize that it is time that I do some fucking up! No, it’s not going to bring Michael Brown back and nor will it bring back all the others who were murdered just as he was, but at the same time, where has peaceful gotten us? Just ask the Reverend Dr. Martin Luther King Jr., about that. Oh! Right, we can’t! He was murdered but not before he was spied on by his own government. But actually, he had no government because if he did, he would not have had to get jailed, get hosed down with high powered water hoses and get dogs let loose on him for trying to obtain the same rights as whites had just for being fucking white assed! He and many, many others peacefully marched and protested to end racial segregation and discrimination against Black Americans and enforce constitutional voting rights to them.

…and the Supreme Court just recently gutted the hell out of the Voting Rights Act of 1965. So, what did doing it the ‘peaceful’ way get us? Not a goddamn thing! Black people built this shithole and we damn sure as hell shouldn’t have a problem burning it down. To hell with this shithole!

If ‘whites’ Were Not Allowed?


The white savages killed off so many Indian tribes.

They stole their land with firewater and worthless beads as bribes.

The Indians never stood a chance against savages with a gun.

A bullet will always out pace a horse, even at a run.

An entire continent could not escape the thieving ways of man.

They plundered Africa’s wealth and stole its people for their plan.

With blood dripping everywhere, the savage whipped the broken slave.

We know who fucked the world up and who no good could ever save.

White savages will forever enslave all Black and Brown folk,

and if they rise to try to fight, they’re hindered by their yoke.

No good did ever come from the white savages rule on earth,

as they seek, destroy and kill amidst such peals of mirth.

Is it funny to this day, what those savages have wrought?

Do you find the time to laugh since in slavery, you’ve been caught?

When they finally destroy this world with their nukes and fracking sites,

and since the people have been cowed and deprived of all their rights

will the last to close their eyes see beyond the mushroom cloud,

to what this world could have been like if ‘whites’ were not allowed?

Written by,
Shelby I. Courtland
©2014 Shelby I. Courtland

I know that this world would NOT be as fucked up as it is now. Everywhere on this planet that a ‘white’ foot has stepped; devastation, disease, plunder and death has followed. No other group has managed to crawl all around the world bringing with them that much destruction.

On August 2, 1939, just before the beginning of World War II, Albert Einstein wrote to then President Franklin D. Roosevelt. Einstein and several other scientists told Roosevelt of efforts in Nazi Germany to purify uranium-235, which could be used to build an atomic bomb. It was shortly thereafter that the United States Government began the serious undertaking known then only as “The Manhattan Project.” Simply put, the Manhattan Project was committed to expediting research that would produce a viable atomic bomb.


The brilliant light from the detonation pierced the early morning skies with such intensity that residents from a faraway neighboring community would swear that the sun came up twice that day. Even more astonishing is that a blind girl saw the flash 120 miles away.

Upon witnessing the explosion, its creators had mixed reactions. Isidor Rabi felt that the equilibrium in nature had been upset as if humankind had become a threat to the world it inhabited. Robert Oppenheimer, though ecstatic about the success of the project, quoted a remembered fragment from the Bhagavad Gita. “I am become Death,” he said, “the destroyer of worlds.” Ken Bainbridge, the test director, told Oppenheimer, “Now we’re all sons of bitches.”

(Not true! You’re worse than mere ‘sons of bitches’!)

After viewing the results several participants signed petitions against loosing the monster they had created, but their protests fell on deaf ears. NATURALLY! The Jornada del Muerto of New Mexico would not be the last site on planet Earth to experience an atomic explosion.

The Story of Hiroshima

Immediate Aftermath

In less than one second, the fireball had expanded to 900 feet. The blast wave shattered windows for a distance of ten miles and was felt as far away as 37 miles. Over two-thirds of Hiroshima’s buildings were demolished. The hundreds of fires, ignited by the thermal pulse, combined to produce a firestorm that had incinerated everything within about 4.4 miles of ground zero.

To the crew of the Enola Gay, Hiroshima had disappeared under a thick, churning foam of flames and smoke. The co-pilot, Captain Robert Lewis, commented, “My God, what have we done?”

‘God’ had nothing to do with it!

Beware! Beware!



The silence of the grave was disturbed by howls of fright.

Witches, ghouls and goblins are on the prowl tonight.


They’ll trick you or they’ll treat you, a chance you’ll have to take.

‘Tis not for the faint of heart; be safe for goodness sake.


The pumpkin’s hideous grin; a cavernous, gaping hole,

will suck the life right out of you and steal your very soul.


Bony claws will grasp; they seek to claim the warmth of flesh.

And the foulest stench of death escapes a skull that’s not so fresh.


Beware! Beware the ghostly knock and open not your door.

The vampire will come in and from your throat, the blood will pour!


They’ll look for you by dawn’s first light and they will find you not,

for nights will be your stomping ground; the search for blood, your lot.


Written by,

Shelby I. Courtland

© 2013 Shelby I. Courtland