Derek Chauvin Continues To Cost Taxpayers Money Because He Wants To Get Out Of Prison For Murdering George Floyd. The Supreme Court Said, “In Prison, You Shall Remain!”

Serve your 22.5-year prison sentence and shut the hell up, MURDERER!!!!

Supreme Court Denies Derek Chauvin Appeal Challenging Prison Sentence

Former Minneapolis police officer Derek Chauvin addresses his sentencing hearing and the judge as he awaits his sentence after being convicted of murder in the death of George Floyd in Minneapolis, Minn., June 25, 2021 in a still image from video.(Pool via Reuters)

The Supreme Court denied former Minneapolis police officer Derek Chauvin’s appeal of a lower-court ruling sentencing him to more than 20 years in prison for the murder of George Floyd.

Chauvin’s legal team filed the appeal last week, arguing that the Minnesota cop’s trial was held during a contentious time in the country, leading to concerns about the jury’s impartiality.

Chauvin is currently serving his 22.5-year sentence after a Minnesota court’s jury found him guilty of second and third-degree murder in April 2021. The Minnesota Court of Appeals and the state supreme court both upheld the lower-court ruling before the case was raised before the U.S. Supreme Court this month.

Derek Chauvin had a fair trial. Everyone on the jury was impartial since Derek Chauvin’s legal team examined each witness BEFORE signing off on them to participate as jurors and so why Chauvin is continuing to state that he did not receive a fair trial is a damn mystery to me. He was tried and convicted by a jury of HIS peers. Won’t no Black folks sending his ass to prison, he sent his own ass to prison and he probably should have been sent to prison years ago for the vicious and illegal shit he had been up to the entire time he was on the Minneapolis Police force. That shit is so criminal that the Justice Department, put in a place, a consent decree, and what’s more the shit is still fucked up. 

Derek Chauvin’s skin-head Klan ass is right where he should be and what’s more, he should have been given more time to serve, but being all pink-assed and his victim, being all Black-assed, no one with more than two brain cells connected and working was so delusional that they figured he would get more time, which he surely deserved. He’d better have been glad that my ass wasn’t on the jury because the jury would still be out since I would have been the lone hold-out on his ass getting a FIRST-DEGREE MURDER CONVICTION! So, be grateful for small favors, bitch!

Derek Chauvin’s ass would not have been able to sue ALL the way to the fucking Supreme Court if he was footing the damn bill for his legal services, but since taxpayers are paying for that shit, he is still getting carte blanche when it comes to legal services since his shit made it all the way to the Supreme Court when there are many more serious cases that the Supreme Court refuses to even hear. He’s still getting the ‘kid glove’ treatment, as far as legal services and in prison, no doubt. I am quite sure that that skin-head is not eating what regular convicts are eating since his ass is segregated because he would surely, by now, have had BIG CALVIN land on HIS damn neck, with malice aforethought! But I shall certainly keep hope alive that his neck gets ‘Knee’d’. He’d be no great fucking loss. The world would stand to gain when his ass is no longer sucking air.

Chauvin has some nerve talking about how he could not have received a fair trial when his victim cannot receive his life back and those yahoos are still trying to say that Chauvin did not murder George Floyd since some piece of shit is claiming that ‘methamphetamine and fentanyl contributed to Floyd’s death’. What the fuck??!! How the hell did meth and fentanyl contribute to George Floyd’s death when neither meth nor fentanyl was kneeling on Floyd’s neck at the time of his murder? Derek Chauvin was doing that shit. I said before this shit even went to trial that George Floyd’s death was going to be caused by everything under the sun OTHER than Chauvin’s knee on his neck. I stated that Floyd would have been accused of kneeling on his own damn neck, while also expiring from vicious gout, flaming Gastroesophageal reflux disease, chronic toenail fungus and ferocious whiplash. And I have since, been proven right. 

Now that the Supreme Court has weighed in and has the final say, maybe that bastard can sit the fuck down and shut the fuck up and ruminate on why his ass is so damn racist. Oh, never mind! My bad! He is still pretending as though he had absofuckinglutely nothing whatsoever to do with George Floyd’s murder. Flaming racist skinheads will never rein their fucking racism in and will continue to blame their victims for the vile ass criminal acts that flaming racists commit. Rot in prison, bitch! Rot in prison or better yet, I hope a knee finds his damn neck!

I know You White Bitches Did Not Think That Other White Bitches Gave A Shit About You Being Sexually Assaulted. Get Real!



And so it would seem that Brett Kavanaugh is ALL set to be confirmed as the next Supreme Court ‘justice’. But for some strange ass reason, Amerikkka’s version of ‘pussy riot’ has been putting on quite the display of support for Judge Kavanaugh’s accuser, Christine Blasey Ford, who testified before congress that Kavanaugh was a drunkard who groped her, sexually, sometime during their high school days while his friend, Mark Judge was a witness, who claimed he wasn’t a witness because he was too drunk himself to witness any damn thing that his drunken buddy, Brett Kavanaugh was doing to Christine Blasey Ford who remembers every detail except for date and time because, well, that is just something you want to forget. Don’t even tell your mother, who probably could not care less anyway, and certainly don’t tell your father because he’d more than likely sexually assaulted some woman in his salad days. Don’t dare tell the school counselor or a therapist about it. And don’t dare write about the episode in a journal because even though her parents couldn’t be bothered except to send her to a posh school, why would they be interested enough in the affairs of their daughter to go snooping through her diaries or journals? They would not because you see ‘white’ parents think that ALL is well so long as Christine and Brett are attending the poshest schools and have the most luxurious vehicles to drive and have everything that money could possibly buy at their disposal. That is the ‘whites’ definition of childrearing.

However, I digress. Maine Senator, Susan Collins, who is supposedly, female, stated that she would vote to confirm Kavanaugh and she did. The lone republican who refused to vote for Kavanaugh’s confirmation was Senator Lisa Murkowski of Alaska.

“In a 45-minute speech, Collins said she found Ford’s testimony last month describing Kavanaugh’s alleged 1982 drunken assault as “sincere, painful and compelling: but added: The facts presented do not mean that Professor Ford was not sexually assaulted that night or at some other time, but they do lead me to conclude that the allegations failed to meet the more likely than not standard.”

So, in other words, Collins was saying, “I believe Christine Blasey Ford was assaulted, but I don’t believe that Brett Kavanaugh actually assaulted her because I was not in the room when it happened and so therefore, the allegations failed to meet the more likely than not standard. Three cheers for White Women’s Rights. Now get the fuck out my face!”

Now let me get this straight, white women remember what happened when Anita Hill accused Clarence Thomas of sexual harassment and which one of you white bitches believed her? None! Because there sits Uncle Tom assed Clarence Thomas in the highest court of the land and the deaf and mute motherfucker has not had one word to say for himself since he took his seat. But “you are WHITE, you say and so that should make a difference. Well did it? You’ve spent so much time jumping up and down, exclaiming to ALL and sundry that you believe Kavanaugh sexually assaulted Ford because you, yourselves have been sexually assaulted by those parasitic men of yours who look just like you and so stop the presses, stop the confirmation of another parasite that’s just another entitled, drunken sexual predator because he had the nerve to sexually assault another who looks just like you. Well, Collins just told you white bitches to, “Suck it!” 

You white bitches are getting exactly what you deserve because not a one of you has ever stepped up to bat for what Black women have been put through by your depraved parasitic vermin you call, white men. Since from the days of slavery, our ancestors were raped and brutalized by your fucked up ancestors and Black women to this day are more likely to be victims of sexual assault than white so-called females are. But you want to get all bent-out-shape because no one is taking your claims of sexual assault seriously enough to prevent a confirmation of a judge who has been accused of doing just that. Well join the fucking club. No one has ever believed that Black women are the victims of sexual assault. You white bitches think we beg for what we get while you are just innocent flowers that have had their buds burst open with force. Hell if you are! Ask Harvey Weinstein and Oliver Stone about the fact that all they had to do to get you to open your legs or your mouth was to offer you a part in a movie. And now you want to cry, “victim!” You want someone to listen to your cries that you had sex against your will. You opened that door to Harvey Weinstein and allowed him to have his way with you even though you didn’t want him to and yes indeed, you got the part, but now, decades down the road, it’s rape.

Donald Trump openly admitted to being able to grab you whores by the pussy and now he is your fucking president. You didn’t have a problem with that because you knew about this BEFORE the election and what the hell??!!! You fucking voted for him anyway. So why in hell would ANYONE take you white bitches seriously after that??!! I damn sure as hell would not! You get what you ask for and you asked for Donald Trump because you voted for him knowing what he stood for and so why now are you surprised that he picked someone just like him to head to the Supreme Court? Sit the fuck down and shut the fuck up, every last damn one of you crazy ass white bitches and take your damn Prozac!

Christine Blasey Ford was at a party. It was attended by others of her circle; the privileged, pampered wastes of oxygen that ALL whites are and she had no idea that alcohol mixed with privilege would lead to sexual assault? She had no idea that someone like Kavanaugh would eventually ascend to a position of authority? She never came forward until now to tell her story when if she had, at least the likes of Kavanaugh would not be headed to the Supreme Court. Another douchebag would, but it wouldn’t be him. But does it really matter? Because in the end, those like Kavanaugh always come out ahead. They are always on top since isn’t that what Christine Blasey Ford was accusing Kavanaugh of, of being on top of her, groping her, drunkenly? Privileged shits like Kavanaugh are the judges who judge the innocent and find them guilty. They are the perpetrators of genocide. They are the means by which the ‘white’ man stays on top. They are the puppets who do the bidding of their masters. White bitches, you know your ‘men’. You know what they are and so how dare you pretend to protest that which you know has never been any good, will never be any good, but is what you revere because if not, Donald Trump would not be standing before us today, the champion of sexual predators who is championing ALL other sexual predators to the point where he is nominating them to preside over the innocent and white ‘women’, you are some THING alright, but innocent, you are NOT. So sit the hell down and shut the hell up because you brought this shit down on us all when you walked into that voting booth and marked an ‘X’ beside Donald J. Trump and Mike Pence. You own this just as you own the vile place in history you try and whitewash and cover up. You smell worse than 10,000 skunks taking a shit and no bottle of Chanel No. 5, 6 or 85,000 is going to make you smell like a fucking rose, bitch! You fucking put Trump in office and you fucking put Kavanaugh on the Supreme Court. Now deal with the shit he is going to dish out! It couldn’t be no worse than the smell emanating from you, you bunch of hypocritical, dried up, putrid smelling whores!

Whites Call The KKKops On Black People ‘Just Because’ And You Say, “I’m Not Racist!” Really??!!


Into the Oval Office struts Donald J. Trump, dripping bigotry, racism and hatred towards anyone not of his ‘orange-white’ complexion and whites go bat shit nuts and head over heels in displaying outlandishly racist acts and with no apologies since they apparently, had to keep that shit in check until someone just like them descended to the presidency.

A white woman called police on two Black men who entered a Starbucks and who requested to used the restroom and when told they had to order something, they sat down and the barista proceeded to call 911  to state that two Black men were”sitting down while Black” and here comes the police who promptly arrested them. They were charged with, “sitting while Black,” but because of all the hoopla, they were released. You see it turns out that many ‘white’ people came forward to announce that they too, had strolled inside a Starbucks, failed to order something, used the restroom, sat down and never had the police called on them. Go figure!

A white female graduate student at Yale called the police on a Black student who fell asleep in the common area of a dorm, sparking a nationwide conversation about race after videos of the incident went viral. After the white woman called the police on the Black student, the police promptly arrive, questioned the Black student for over 15 minutes, asks to see her ID which states that she too, is a student at Yale. The 911 call in this instance was for being guilty of “Sleeping while Black.”

On April 29,  a white woman reportedly called police on a few black people who, she said, were using a charcoal grill in an area where it was banned, and the police promptly arrive for the case of guilty for “BBQing while Black.” Does anyone really believe that if the folks using a charcoal grill had been white, that the police would have been called? Or actually showed up?

White woman calls police on a Black real-estate investor who was taking pictures of a house he was interested in buying. The police promptly arrive for the 911 call of guilty for “Taking pictures while Black.”

White store employees at Nordstrom Rack called the police on Black teenagers after falsely accusing them of shoplifting. The police promptly arrive and conclude that no crime had been committed. Nordstrom Rack President Geevy Thomas met with the teenagers and their families on Tuesday, the company said in a statement.  This is the case of guilty of “Shopping while Black.”

Someone ‘white’ called the police last month on a black firefighter who was participating in a safety inspection in Oakland, California. Someone(white) else filmed him and asked him to produce identification. Kevin Moore was one of a number of firefighters carrying out legally mandated exterior inspections to determine if vegetation posed an extra risk to homes in the event of a wildfire, the San Francisco Chronicle reported. Working in an upscale area of the Oakland hills, Moore was in uniform and carrying a clipboard and a radio, with his station’s fire truck parked nearby. Based on a ‘white’ resident’s call to 911, a dispatcher called Moore’s fire station to inquire as to whether or not he was indeed, a firefighter. This is the case of guilty for “Doing your job while Black.” And yet this man said that he does not look at race when he goes to a fire, he’ll rescue your white ass even if you’ve called the damn cops on him. Whites questioned this man, filmed him and called the cops on him for doing his goddamn job!

White woman dubbed, “Permit Patty” is alleged to have called the police on an 8-year old Black child for selling water without a ‘permit’. I wonder if she would have called  the police on little white children for selling lemonade without a ‘permit’. Actually, no I don’t because she wouldn’t have. “Permit Patty” now admits that she only bluff-called the police but if she had called the police, the police would have responded to the complaint of “Selling water while Black.”

There you have it Black folks. We cannot sit in Starbucks, that’s a crime. We cannot attend college, that’s a crime. We cannot barbecue, that’s a crime. We cannot go shopping, that’s a crime. We cannot take pictures of houses we’d like to buy, that’s a crime. We cannot do our job of inspecting for safety issues as it relates to fire hazards because, that’s a crime. We cannot sell water even while little white children sell lemonade all over the place because when we sell stuff, that’s a crime.

No wonder millions of Black people are locked up inside ‘For Profit Prisons’ since there’s not a goddamn thing we can do that won’t get us locked up. And let us not forget that Trayvon Martin was walking home from a convenience store and so since he was “Walking while Black, he was murdered. And just recently, Antwon Rose was “Running while Black” and he got himself shot in the back by the cops and now he is dead and buried. Never forget Freddie Gray, who was “Talking while Black” and that got him chased by the cops who then broke his spine. Tamir Rice was playing in a park and the police were called and he was shot dead for “Playing in a park while Black.” And we must never forget 7-year old Aiyana Stanley-Jones, who was shot while asleep in her home. This was the case of “Guilty for sleeping while Black.” This child was shot by a cop and charges were dropped against the ‘white’ cop who shot her dead. Our lives are meaningless to dead white filth. Never forget that! But then, maybe we have since the only thing we do about this is to continue to print protest signs and march down the street right up to the door of Klan headquarters because make no mistake, no matter what building you enter, be it a doctor’s office, a courthouse, a department store, a grocery store, a restaurant or a farmer’s market, you have entered Klan headquarters for if whites are not actively participating in Klan rallies, they know who are and they are kin to many of them, but do they denounce that shit? Hell no! And they won’t. They are just like them.

And now the Supreme Court has delivered another triumph to that bigot in the White House, a Muslim travel ban at the same time that Central and South American migrant children are being separated from their parents and the parents deported. However, those of us who are descendants of slaves, have no dog in that fight since not one of those groups has ever spoken up on our behalf. We go it alone and they must as well. Why any of them would want to come here completely mystifies me for they must not read the news.

Yet we hear from the ‘whites’ all the time that we are being purposefully divided by ‘their elites’. ‘Their elites’ look just like them and so who the hell is doing the dividing? Take a look in the mirror because as a Black person, if I call the cops on you, what is going to happen? Nothing or if they do come out, they’d probably arrest me for wasting their time on a bullshit 911 call. Black people are busy getting arrested for just breathing and so when do we have time to fight for some screaming migrant children who are separated from their parents or for some Muslims who, despite all hell, want to come to this fucked up shithole? We are too busy answering questions from the police as to why we are sitting up in Starbucks. We are too busy answering questions from the police as to why we are having a barbecue. We are too busy answering questions from the police as to why we are exhausted and taking a nap in a common area of a college dorm we’re paying tuition at. We are too busy getting falsely accused of shoplifting and being confronted by the police only to be told that there was no reason for the police to be called in the first place. We are too busy getting shot dead for running. We are too busy getting shot dead while sleeping. And ‘whites’ are the reason why, even if we did have the desire to help out another group, whites refuse to get up off our ass long enough for us to help anyone else because if we are not answering questions barked at us by racist cops, we are attending funerals for those who were shot dead by racist cops.

So save that ‘divided’  talk nonsense and go eat shit! You’ll find plenty of it because this here country is nothing but a shithole from one end to the other!




The Gates Of Hell Just Opened To Admit Supreme Court Justice Antonin Scalia! YAAAAAY!!!!

WASHINGTON, DC - OCTOBER 02:  U.S. Supreme Court Justice Antonin Scalia speaks at the American Enterprise Institute (AEI) October 2, 2012 in Washington, DC. The American Enterprise Institute and the Federalist Society held a book discussion with Justice Scalia, who co-authored the book "Reading Law: The Interpretation of Legal Texts."  (Photo by Alex Wong/Getty Images)
WASHINGTON, DC – OCTOBER 02: U.S. Supreme Court Justice Antonin Scalia speaks at the American Enterprise Institute (AEI) October 2, 2012 in Washington, DC. The American Enterprise Institute and the Federalist Society held a book discussion with Justice Scalia, who co-authored the book “Reading Law: The Interpretation of Legal Texts.” (Photo by Alex Wong/Getty Images)


Justice Antonin Scalia was found dead at a resort in West Texas. The cause of death is still under investigation but is thought to be death by natural causes; otherwise known as rattlesnake bites. It is the case of ‘A Snake Bit A Snake’.

Rattlesnakes were sent as a gift to Scalia from George W. Bush from his ranch in Crawford, TX. The former president was not a guest at the resort at the time of Scalia’s death, but there was a note found on the nightstand beside the grotesque dead body of Antonin Scalia that read: “I know of your fondness for fresh rattlesnake meat and so please accept this gift with my compliments, bon appétit!” signed, your special friend, George W. Bush. It is unclear why Justice Scalia failed to alert the chef at the resort that he preferred his rattlesnake meat to have been cooked. As to how the rattlesnakes escaped from their cage, that is yet to be determined.

Justice Scalia, as we all know, was appointed to the Supreme Court by Ronald ‘forever may he rot in hell’ Reagan. Staunchly conservative, he was also extremely racist. Scalia’s comments regarding the ability or lack thereof of Blacks to achieve excellent grades in highly competitive colleges came under fire by civil rights activists and Black lawmakers.

“There are those who contend that it does not benefit African Americans to get them into the University of Texas where they do not do well, as opposed to having them go to a less-advanced school, a slower-track school where they do well,” Scalia said.

Scalia went on to say that African-Americans would surely excel at schools such as Carvard Cooking School, Brinceton School for Butler Education and Texas Maid Service University but as far as academic achievement in the math and sciences curriculum, well, fuggitaboutit!

And as for the death penalty, and we all know Texas just loves putting folks to death, Scalia had this to say,

“Mere factual innocence is no reason not to carry out a death sentence properly reached.”

So as you can see, Antonin Scalia was all heart. Why let the mere fact of innocence get in the way with seeing that justice is served if ‘a death sentence has been properly reached’ especially when the defendant is Black even if the facts speak of innocence? “Kill the poor motherfucker anyway because ‘justice prevailed and a death sentence was properly reached’. “Well, ain’t that just some shit? To hell with innocence, it has no relevance in the halls of ‘justice’. Fry him! Poison him! Innocent though he be, kill him anyway because ‘a death sentence has been properly reached’.

And since this racist garbage was appointed by Reagan, anything that Reagan appointed was without a doubt, racist just as he was. Reagan was also a liar and a corrupt, evil, twisted bastard! And yet, conservatives laud him to this day as though even his shit didn’t stink.

But the sad fact is that whatever gets to appoint the next Supreme Court Justice will likely appoint some filth that is just as depraved and racist as ole Scaly was.

To say that I will not be mourning that gelatinous mountain of racist insensitive putrid mass would be the understatement of the year. Not only am I celebrating, but I have a special reserve bottle of champagne sitting in an ice bucket at this very moment. Let the celebrations begin! I propose a toast to the demise of this piece of garbage that had the nerve to die later rather than sooner. It is a shame that we had to be subjected to this racists vile and rancid comments for this long. My wish would have been that he croaked decades ago!

But for now, I celebrate! Justice Scaly, I hear ye be, maggot food! And to the maggots, bon appétit!






“Freedom Rider: Gay Still Isn’t the New Black”

black is the new black



If “gay is the new Black,” then it would follow that gays would now be dedicating their collective lives to the struggle against mass Black incarceration, gentrification, austerity, war and capitalist predation. Don’t hold your breath. “Fighting these issues means taking on the ever present elephant in the room, the persistent belief in Manifest Destiny and the right of white Americans to control whatever and whomever they want.”

There is nothing amusing about the expression “gay is the new black.” In essence it means that any concerns about the persistent violation of black Americans’ citizenship rights are supplanted in favor of another group. Very powerful people made marriage equality a reality but they show no inclination to eradicate inequality of any other kind.

The Supreme Court decision took place on the same day president Obama eulogized State Senator Clementa Pinckney, a victim of the Charleston, South Carolina church massacre. Even as the world mourned a victim of American race prejudice the president felt compelled to speak of Confederate “valor” during the Civil War. While infuriating, his words weren’t at all surprising. His ability to make white people feel comfortable is in large part responsible for his rise to the presidency.

While gay rights are on the rise, black rights still languish. The president lit the White House in the rainbow colors that symbolize gay pride while giving only the most cursory attention to black lives. None of the killer cops or vigilantes who have stolen black lives have been prosecuted by the Obama Justice Department. Waving a rainbow flag is much easier.

Black people have struggled mightily to win some measure of justice. Any future advancements require an acknowledgement that the system we live under is incapable of protecting our rights. If few others are radical then we must certainly be. The path to gay rights victories will not work for black people. It won’t work to end wars, austerity or capitalist predation. Those fights will require a bigger and much more fundamental struggle over the very foundations of this society.” -continue reading here:

By Margaret Kimberley

Margaret Kimberley’s Freedom Rider column appears weekly in BAR, and is widely reprinted elsewhere. She maintains a frequently updated blog as well as at Ms. Kimberley lives in New York City, and can be reached via e-Mail at Margaret.Kimberley(at)

 And as many times as my reader has been inundated with articles from Black Agenda Report, this one hasn’t managed to surface, not even with  Ms. Kimberley in agreement with the Supreme Court’s decision and over this, I will strongly disagree with Ms. Kimberley. However, she makes many serious and valid points on which she’ll get no argument from me, especially on the point, “While gay rights are on the rise, black rights still languish.” And they will continue because the very foundation upon which this shithole was built, was on racial inequality and it is so very easy to overlook a perversion and grant that as an accepted right, but since this shithole continues to make money off the many Black people it incarcerates, steals outright from in the form of payday loans and furniture rental stores, continues to thrive off making Black people have no choice but to enlist in the army of the warmongers, what has changed? Oh, that’s right! Gays are now ‘free’ to marry while Black people are choked for selling loose, untaxed cigarettes, are getting murdered by white supremacists, are having their churches burned down by white supremacists. Where are the  now ‘free’ to marry gays that have declared that their fight for rights is likened to the Black struggle for rights? My bad! Just as soon as they finish tying the knot, they’ll eventually get around to remembering that Black people are still struggling for the ‘right’ to live. Meanwhile, I won’t hold my breath.

All Hail, The Mighty Supremes!

supreme court justices



The Supreme Court has blocked Obama administration rules designed to sharply limit the hazardous air pollutants that spew from the nation’s power plants.

The justices by a 5-4 vote agreed with the coal industry and Republican-led states that said the forced cutbacks were too costly and could lead to power outages.

Justice Antonin Scalia, speaking for the majority, said it was not reasonable for the Environmental Protection Agency to proceed with the new rules without weighing their cost, estimated to be about $9.6 billion a year.


So, let me get this straight, we can only have clean air, water and food if it is cost-effective to do so and if it is not cost-effective, then to hell with clean air, water and food. We are certainly in good hands thanks to those ever so environmental-friendly Supreme Court justices. The planet which sustains life is being destroyed as are we because it is not cost-effective to reduce the pollution that is killing the planet and all living things on it. This leads me to ask a question. When will someone figure out that the Supreme Court justices should be locked up in a psychiatric hospital? I ask this because it is extremely clear to me that they are insane and what is equally clear is that they are receiving bribes and kickbacks from the coal industry and every other polluting industry and that this in turn has rendered the Environmental Protection Agency, impotent. There is to be no protection of the environment because to hell with the environment, only bulging pockets should be protected. I suppose the Supreme Court justices all live in a bubble and do not breathe the same air that we do, they must not eat the same foods that we do, nor drink the same water that we do since it is quite apparent, that they are not at all concerned about what goes in their pie hole and up their goddamn nose. Let us all celebrate our imminent demise.


And speaking of imminent demise, the Supreme Court also decided that those who are on death row can just writhe in agony as they are put to death thanks to their support of a drug that has been known to have no efficacy in controlling pain during surgery and cannot be used, but this drug is acceptable to be used on those who are cooling their heels on death row when the time comes for them to be put to death because killing people always solves everything. It brings ‘closure’ to the victim’s family, I suppose. There is no ‘closure’ more final than death, but to take a life for a life could never make it right. State-sanctioned killing should be as unacceptable just as if I walked up and killed my neighbor.

The conservative majority ruled that to prohibit the use of midazolam, a sedative that has left some death row prisoners seemingly able to feel pain from the next two drugs in a three-drug cocktail, would have unfairly tied the states’ hands.

Justice Samuel Alito wrote the 5-4 decision for the argumentative court. All four liberal justices dissented vehemently; two said capital punishment is probably unconstitutional and urged the court to consider a broad challenge in the future.

WOW! Two Supreme Court justices stated that ‘capital punishment is probably unconstitutional’ but the law of the land still calls for capital punishment by means of a drug that doesn’t even work. The Supreme Court is on a roll, indeed.

And so we come to the greatest ruling of all, same-sex marriage; now the law of the land. Get out the banners, march in the parades and line up at city hall or whatever church will have you and join in ‘wholly’ matrimony. Those of you who are celebrating same-sex marriage, don’t breathe too heavily a sigh of relief because the air is filled with toxins, thanks in part to those same Supreme Court justices that granted you the right to marry also deemed it too expensive to keep you healthy, while allowing death row inmates to writhe in agony. Enjoy your time with each other while you can for death creeps ever closer and if by some chance, your love fades for your lover, try to desist from killing him/her, especially in a state that still allows for the death penalty because again, the same Supreme Court justices that granted you permission to marry also maintains that there does not have to be put in place, a way to send you off to your reward, humanely.