This Shit Is Why The NAACP Is Irrelevant!

I have been saying for years all over this blog that the NAACP is totally useless when it comes to doing a goddamn thing about the issues that are plaguing the few remaining Black communities. What is the NAACP doing about gentrification, the school-to-prison pipeline, mass incarceration of American descendants of slaves, outrageous statistics of homelessness among American descendants of slaves, huge disparities in income, housing, medical care, infant mortality rates and the fucked up list is endless? The NAACP can’t do a goddamn thing about ANY of that because the organization is ALWAYS embroiled in scandal after scandal after scandal.

Ex-NAACP leader ‘deeply sorry’ but denies sexual assault

RALEIGH, N.C. (AP) — A former North Carolina NAACP leader has softened his denial of sexual misconduct accusations.

In a written statement given to The Associated Press, the Rev. Curtis Gatewood says he never intentionally harassed anyone, but realizes his actions “may have been received as sexual.”

Gatewood says in the statement issued Tuesday that he’s “deeply sorry,” but denies committing any kind of sexual assault. No criminal charges have been filed.

Jazmyne Childs alleges that she was assaulted and harassed when she was employed by the North Carolina Chapter of the NAACP(National Association for the Advancement of Colored People). She states that she told her parents and asked the NAACP for help when the alleged incidents occurred when she was a 17-year old intern.

It is alleged that Deacon Reverend Doctor Bishop Pastor Curtis Gatewood, while performing his duties as a ‘man of the cloth’ at the NAACP, could not stop giving Ms. Childs, flirting looks, as in lowering his head and batting his mascaraed eye lashes at her. He could not stop touching her(other wise known as ‘laying on hands’) and making comments to the tune of “Lord have mercy child, the Lord has blessed you with the curves that tempt a ‘man of the cloth’ to go where no ‘man of the cloth’ should go!”

At first Deacon Reverend Doctor Bishop Pastor Curtis Gatewood denied the allegations, but then spoke with ‘God’, who apparently, told him to at least admit to flirting, touching and commenting on Ms. Childs looks. Although this ‘man of the cloth’ has admitted that much, he still denies any wrong doing. Apparently, we are to believe that in his duties as a ‘man of the cloth’ for the NAACP, the Lord did not give this ‘man of the cloth’ the fortitude to withstand the ‘temptations of the flesh’. The temptation was too much for him to handle and so he could not contain his ardor for the 17-year old Ms. Childs. I suppose, in his eyes, she should have been star-struck that a ‘man of the cloth’ found her just entirely too irresistible to the point whereas she made him lose his religion.

Those who are members of the NAACP are staunchly supporting Deacon Reverend Doctor Bishop Pastor Curtis Gatewood, just as they initially supported Rachel Dolezal when she was perpetrating a fraud by pretending to be Black. They also initially supported their decision to give lifetime achievement awards to a stomp down, flaming racist named Donald Sterling. The NAACP continues to give achievement awards to folks who aren’t even Black. And so this latest scandal to come down the pike was to be expected.

American descendants of slaves have not received ANY real help or relief of any kind from the NAACP in decades. As I have also stated multiple times on this blog, the NAACP is as useless to American descendants of slaves as taking a teaspoon of water to put out a raging inferno. If that organization was about shit, it would have been shut down by whitey pasty ass just as whitey parasite ass shut down every organization and movement that was about anything that helped American descendants of slaves; just think of the Black Panther Party and Movement, The Civil Rights Movement, MOVE and so forth and so on. Dr. King and others were on FBI watch lists and deemed,’enemies of the state’ and were spied upon, were jailed, had their meetings disrupted and to this very day, any organization that would benefit American descendants of slaves is shut down. And the only ones still standing are the NAACP and the Urban League and again, both are useless and that is why they are still standing.

You can see what the NAACP is all about; shucking and jiving for the white man, employing ‘men of the cloth’ who allegedly sexually harass teenagers, give lifetime achievement awards to stomp down, flaming racists and take up for a white bitch who deceived the members into believing that she was Black and made that bitch, Rachel Dolezal, president of the Spokane Washington Chapter of the NAACP. So, you tell me how the NAACP benefits the average American descendant of slaves? Yeah! I can’t wait for that short ass list.

Meanwhile, Deacon Reverend Doctor Bishop Pastor Curtis Gatewood has had his membership suspended from the NAACP and so I guess that’s that folks. Why should he be held accountable for his actions over an alleged sexual harassment accusation? He will not since those at the NAACP are staunchly supporting this horny snake oil salesman.

Such as Deacon Reverend Doctor Bishop Pastor Curtis Gatewood is exactly why you won’t find me sitting up in a so-called ‘palace of worship’ listening to some horny clown spout bullshit about “What a friend we have in jesus” with his hypocritical ass! How Black people can even sit up and listen to that tripe that was handed down to us by the most depraved pasty slugs to ever slither and crawl all across this planet is a complete and utter mystery to me, but it would seem that we just love taking up what our enemies have thrown at us. Look at how fucking evil they are. Do you really believe that anything good could come from the likes of that pasty-assed lot? Ask Deacon Reverend Doctor Bishop Pastor Curtis Gatewood since he seems hell bent on following in their footsteps all the way to the gates of hell and beyond! And he can take those worthless shits who make up the NAACP with him!

I See The NAACP Continues To “Shuck And Jive” For The White Man -2019 NAACP Image Awards Bullshit On Full Display

The National Association Advancing Corporate Coons otherwise known as the NAACP, but to keep it real, is in all actuality, the NAACC is doing fuck all about the serious issues that are plaguing the few remaining Black communities; issues such as mass incarceration, income inequality, gentrification, mass homelessness of descendants of slaves, food insecurity, a school-to-prison pipeline, drug addiction, gangs, violence, shootings and the fucked up list is endless.

“We at the National Association Advancing Corporate Coons bow and scrape to our white massas ’cause they hand us a bone every now and then to enable us to continue to host ‘Image Awards’ that highlight massa’s benevolence in giving some Black folks a job ‘shucking and jiving and ‘cooning’. We know we is still slaves, but since massa is allowing us a few more treats to make slave life just a wee bit easier for some of us to deal with, why we is gonna take it! Thank you massa SIR!” – NAACC Mission Statement

It was a night filled with many winners at the 50th annual NAACP Image Awards.

Hosted by Anthony Anderson, the stars stepped out to attend the annual celebration at the Dolby Theatre in Hollywood on Saturday, and to also take home some trophies.

Leading the pack was Black Panther with a total of 14 nominations, including Outstanding Motion Picture, Outstanding Actor in a Motion Picture and Outstanding Ensemble Cast in a Motion Picture, among many others. BlacKkKlansman, Crazy Rich Asians, If Beale Street Could Talk, Widows and The Hate U Give were also up for multiple awards.

On the TV side, Black-ish, Insecure, Seven Seconds, Atlanta and How to Get Away With Murder were among the most celebrated series at this year’s event. JAY-Z received the President’s Award during the ceremony, and Beyonce won Entertainer of the Year.

“Yes indeed, we here at the NAACC give a complete and loving shout out to Disney and Marvel’s racist ass shit for giving us Black Panther! No, not Huey P. Newton and Bobby Hutton or Assata Shakur, who is still in exile in Cuba, nor Eldridge Cleaver, Angela Davis, Elaine Brown, Kathleen Cleaver and many, many others, some of whom are still incarcerated while others have died. We don’t recognize the true heroes in the fight for racial equality. We give out awards that are fucking meaningless in the grand scheme of things because what the fuck do our worthless ass awards mean to a descendant of slaves who can’t get out of jail because they don’t have bail money and the only reason he/she is in there is because of some trumped up charge or because they allegedly stole some candy worth $5 and died in jail because they could not afford bail. We at the NAACC don’t give a shit about that!”

Black folks! Are you taking note of this shit? The NAACP has never had our fucking back and never will have our fucking back because the NAACP is owned and operated by coonheads who have ALL sold out to their fucking white massas! The true heroes are all a part of history and are actually, history! The white parasite has seen to that! Just look at our history in this shithole. Every organization that was actually trying to do some good for the Black community was destroyed by whitey pale-assed parasite and the only organization that is still running strong today is the NAACP? You don’t have a hint yet? The NAACP is allowed to operate because like I have already stated, it is doing fuck all about all of the important serious issues facing descendants of slaves in this shithole today. What the fuck is paying homage to some Black coonhead actors and actresses doing about the issues plaguing Black communities? When has hosting an ‘Image awards’ show did a goddamn thing to mitigate Black child poverty, racism, income inequality, prostitution, drug addiction, Arabs and Asians selling liquor and spoiled food in Black neighborhoods while taking their ill-gotten gains back to Muslimburg and Koreaville? What the fuck is the NAACP doing about ANY of that shit? Not a goddamn thing!

The NAACP is headquartered on Mount Hope Drive in Baltimore, MD and that city is off the chain! Drug addiction is so rampant that Baltimore has been designated, “The Heroin Capitol” of AmeriKKKa! Homelessness is rampant as is prostitution, gang activity and poverty so off the scale as to be a national disgrace for this shithole to call other nations and countries shitholes when this shithole is festering that shit on Black communities, nationwide! But it’s time to recognize and award some goddamn foolishness in Hollywood! Recognize some African motherfuckers for their outstanding cooning in Black Panther. What the fuck is giving Mexican-Kenyan Lupita Nyongo an Image Award doing for descendants of slaves in this shithole? Her fucking family is likely behind the reason why some of us are sitting here in this hellhole all fucked up and some more shit! You sit somewhere admiring her Mexican-Kenyan ass as she accepts award after award while there are true warriors and heroes in Black communities all across this shithole, tirelessly trying to effect change and they are never recognized for what they do for the simple reason that they are not somewhere cooning for massa in some fucking Twelve Years A Slave shit or some fucking Black Panther cartoon make believe bullshit??!!! Fucking seriously??!! And then I have the nerve to wonder why there are never any gains to make mention of in Black communities? This is why!!

And what the fuck does ‘Crazy Rich Asians’ have to do with Black Image Awards?

Crazy Rich Asians (2018) is all Asian-American casts Hollywood blockbuster since Flower Drum Song (1961). Its feature is not all Asian casts but it is all Asian-American casts

When those racist fucks aren’t somewhere receiving NAACP Image Awards, they are on every street corner selling liquor and fried rice to every Black man, woman and child that’s still living in the remaining ghettos of inner cities. Oh, they’re behind some fucking bulletproof glass cage, but they’re there selling that shit and don’t forget, Black folks are also busy buying up the hair care products sold by those Asians. In fact, Asians have cornered the market on Black hair care products. And if you go to Baltimore, MD and head to Lexington Market, damn near every stall is operated by one of those funky breath Asians. And they all pretend to not understand English when they’re getting interviewed, but they understand selling their nasty shit to descendants of slaves right enough! I have listened to them speak perfect fucking English at their Black customers and then when whitey parasite ass comes around, they, all of a sudden like, forget English. Well now we know that those funky breath fuckers speak English only too well because they are all up in our face on “Crazy Rich Asians” and have been recognized by the NAACPNAACC!

Descendants of slaves in AmeriKKKa are the ONLY group of people who cannot even tell that every other group on this planet is our enemy! We are the ONLY group who will try and award our enemies for fucking us up with their racist attitudes towards us. We are the ONLY group of people who are hell bent on helping whitey pasty asses and others to fuck us up until death do we part! We have got to be the craziest motherfuckers to ever live to die for whitey parasite asses! What is fucking wrong with you????!!!! No other group is on some dumb ass time like Black folks are! You hate those who look like you and try to help you, while glorifying those who are out to destroy you and yet you find absolutely nothing wrong with that.

The other day, I came across a video of a blogger I follow. He and his wife were doing something called ‘Muckbang’. And they were gorging themselves to death on Asian noodles, Mexican food and all sorts of fucked up shit. And I’m like, “Why in the world would you do that to your body?” I then find that this ‘Muckbang’ nonsense originated in Asian countries and has been taken up by the stupid AmeriKKKans.

“Mukbang, muk-bang or meokbang is a live online audiovisual broadcast in which a host eats large amounts of foods while interacting with their audience. Usually done through an internet webcast, mukbang became popular in South Korea in 2010. Foods ranging from pizza to noodles are consumed in front of a camera for an internet audience. Based on the attractiveness of real-time and interactive aspects, eating shows are expanding their influence in Internet broadcasting platforms.”

As obese as millions of AmeriKKKans are, do you seriously need to take up another bad habit that is ALL about overeating and then have the nerve to post it online for millions of people to watch??! You sit there and literally eat yourself to death in the hopes of getting ‘likes’ and ‘subscribers’. Fucking seriously???!! And then turn right around and wonder why you have high cholesterol, high triglycerides and have to ‘special order’ your ‘tents’ to drape yourselves in. But I am sitting somewhere wondering why “Orange Is The New Black” was nominated by the NAACP and why “Crazy Rich Asians” was also nominated for an Image Award while we hear nothing whatsoever about Marcus Garvey, The Black Panther Party and Movement and the Women of the Black Panther Party and Movement. Why the fuck am I wondering about ANYTHING that doesn’t make any damn sense anymore when Michael Ellner said it best!

“Everything is backwards, everything is upside down. Doctors destroy health, lawyers destroy justice, psychiatrists destroy minds, scientists destroy truth, major media destroys information, religions destroy spirituality and governments destroy freedom.” – Michael Ellner

And so while I am on the subject of what’s destroyed, I’ll add that the NAACP has destroyed Its credibility. What little it may have still had, that is. Although truth be told, the NAACP had no credibility since that was destroyed aeons ago!

Young black man jailed since April for alleged $5 theft found dead in cell

A young black man arrested by police in Portsmouth, Virginia, on the same day that one of the city’s officers fatally shot an unarmed black 18-year-old, has been found dead in jail after spending almost four months behind bars without bail for stealing groceries worth $5. Jamycheal Mitchell, who had mental health problems, was discovered lying on the floor of his cell by guards early last Wednesday, according to authorities. While his body is still awaiting an autopsy, senior prison officials said his death was not being treated as suspicious.

What a goddamn shame! The article also states that Jamycheal Mitchell was accused of stealing a bottle of Mountain Dew, a Snickers bar and a Zebra Cake worth a total of $5 from a 7-Eleven and was arrested for this, sat in jail for four months and then died from ‘natural causes’ AT 24 YEARS OF AGE, after having lost 65 pounds and was emaciated at time of death.

A man was in jail for FOUR goddamn months, on a $5.00 theft charge???!!!! Here is an idea! The NAACP can give out an “Image Award” to the KKKops that arrested a man for stealing $5.00 worth of outdated shit from an Arab. They can also give the Arab, an “Image Award,” and they can also give “Image Awards” to every prison official that was directly responsible for why Jamycheal Mitchell died in a Portsmouth, Virginia jail after having spent four goddamn months in there on an alleged $5 theft charge! Yeah! Keep those “Image Awards” coming NAACPNAACC!

And to ALL the Black motherfuckers out there who countenance this shit, FUCK YOU!