Let Me Make This Clear To You Whites Who Are Talking About How “We Are In This Together Thanks To Coronavirus” WE AIN’T IN SHIT TOGETHER!


Whites, I’m about sick of your bullshit! All of a sudden, now that coronavirus has reared its viral head, whites are screeching and wailing that “We are ALL in this together!” What.The.Fuck. I am NOT in shit with you nasty ass whites!

You pasty assed shits need to take several seats! American descendants of slaves were thrown under the bus by you pasty assed devils since FOREVER in this shithole, but now that this virus has your asses running scared while at the same time making you sit your damn depraved, debased asses down somewhere, quarantined in your McMansions, you ain’t got shit to do but think about the shit that you can’t fucking do! GOOD! But while you’re at it, don’t get the shit twisted. Those of us who are ADOS are NOT in shit with you! You fucking white assholes moved yourselves into gated communities to get away from us. You fucking raised the rents in our neighborhoods, thus rendering us homeless as you gentrified that shit and now that coronavirus is breathing down your damn pasty necks, we’re suddenly, ALL IN THIS SHIT TOGETHER???!!! Are you worthless fucks for real??!! You’ve got the fucking balls of bulls to come up with that shit! Fuck you!!!

Ain’t no ADOS in this shit with you funky, pasty assed, filthy white motherfuckers! You’re on your damn own! You cannot stand the fact that coronavirus cannot be bought. You cannot throw your credit cards at it. You cannot impress it with your white privilege. You cannot impress it with your fucked up sense of ‘white supremacy’. You cannot drone strike it away. You cannot bomb it away. You cannot sanction it away. Hell! There’s not a goddamn thing that you can do but wait your turn to come down with coronavirus and that’s scaring the hell out of you because ordinarily, you’d be in line at Disney World or at Disneyland with your screaming hellions, but you can’t do that because coronavirus has come in and put paid to that shit! I’m loving it! I am LOVING the fact that coronavirus has got your pasty asses on the fucking run. Yeah! Run to the Hamptons. Run to the desert. Run to the mountains. Makes no difference. Coronavirus is going to find your ass and all the money in the world is NOT going to keep your pasty asses safe from what is YOUR due! You refused to pay your dues and now coronavirus is here to collect and it will. And it is far from done. You refuse to do the right thing and so the right thing is going to do you. Welcome coronavirus! Every pasty assed motherfucker’s door is open and so just go on in and settle down for a spell. Enjoy yourself coronavirus because it couldn’t happen to a more deserving bunch of freeloading, scum sucking bottom feeders that got rich off the backs of my ancestors and now that they can do nothing with their ill gotten gains, they want to screech about how “We are all in this together!” Fuck you whites! We ain’t in shit together!

Finally, something is coming for your asses and there ain’t a goddamn thing you can do about it but wait for the inevitable. Shit must be getting to you right about now because you’ve been housebound for how long now? And your lord and savior, racist-in-chief Donald Trump knows that only too well. That’s why he’s encouraging your worthless asses to head inside a church on Easter Sunday and pray to your bullshit god to save your no account asses. It won’t do you any good because your bullshit god is just that, BULLSHIT! Unfortunately, you’ve got many ADOS going along with your fake ass religious bullshit because they’ve been fucking brainwashed by you filthy parasites, but not me. I spit on your religious shit, you goddamn monsters.

Oh you are running scared alright because this is not just a Black disease, this virus is taking your pasty asses out in droves. Life as you know is has ended. And believe me, nothing will ever be the same again, so you can just forget about that “back to normal” bullshit! This IS normal for me and those who look like me. Remember when I said in previous blogs that the poor Black homeless people who are dealing with typhus and hookworm and other major diseases would not be dealing with epidemics and shit of the like, alone? If you don’t then you can archive this blog to your heart’s content and you will most definitely find me stating that your turn was coming and voila! It’s here! Ain’t it grand? Having fun yet? I am!

Ask the ‘future’ king of England, Prince Charles, if he was rich enough to keep himself from contracting the virus. Ask the Prime Minister of the UK if he was rich enough to keep himself from contracting the virus. Ask multiple heads of state ALL across this planet were they rich enough or powerful enough to keep themselves from contracting the virus. So,  tell me whites, how’s your money helping you now? You can’t shop. You can’t go to Disney World. You can’t go watch a pro sports game. You can’t play golf. You can’t go to the spa. You can’t jet around the world and go skiing. You can’t go on a cruise. Your money is doing what for you now? You’re doing what now? Exactly! Your ass is on lockdown and pretty soon, you’re going to get antsy because having money and there’s nothing you can do with it is going to cause you to go nuts. What are you going to do when the months drag on, whites? Those parties in the Hamptons are going to get old. Those desert hideaways are going to get boring. Those mountain views are soon going to turn into raging fire views because fire season is coming. And so you are going to have to drag your pale asses down from those mountains and stop hiding out from coronavirus. So you may as well drag your dusty, pale asses on down off the mountains now and get it over with.

And in case you dumb ass whites cannot figure out why I am not upset or worried about coronavirus, it is because I have you to ‘thank’ for that. Because of YOU pasty assed monstrosities, my life has ALWAYS consisted of pain, suffering, torment, hunger, homelessness and some more shit of the like and so why should I be afraid of coronavirus?  I’m not, but you’re so fucking scared, you can hardly function. And so you will NEVER be able to understand how I can deal with this shit and millions of those who look like me are dealing with this shit because your life has not been ours. Your life has been filled with the opposite of mine and millions who look like me. I’ve lost a sister to crack that YOU pasty assed shits let loose on innocent people like me. I’ve lost multiple loved ones thanks to you pasty assed motherfuckers taking the HYPOCRITE OATH when it comes to practicing medicine on us and I could go on and on and on as in mass incarceration, a school-to-prison pipeline, income inequality, gentrification, mass homelessness, disparities in health care and the list is endless and so without further ado, let me just reiterate that we are NOT in this virus shit together white motherfuckers! As far as I am concerned, WHITES, you are on your own. Deal with the shit! You left me to deal with the shit you dealt me and so fuck you AND yours!


Another Good Girl Gone Bad!

Here we go, another ‘good’ girl gone bad.
And yeah, I know, the fucking world’s gone mad.

This is where I say, “I don’t give a shit!”
Who am I kidding? That’s it! I quit!!

I don’t give a good goddamn anymore!
What the fuck? I can’t even the score!

And hell no, my halo ain’t slipping.
To this fucked up world, the bird, I’m flipping.

This time I’ve just stopped giving a fuck.
To those in need, you are SO out of luck.

How many ‘good’ days have you ever had?
When has the ‘good’ outweighed the bad?

Me? I’ll never be mistaken for a SAP!
Sad and Pathetic, to hell with that crap!

Yeah, yeah, yeah, I’ve heard it all before!
We’ve got to feed the hungry and look out for the poor!

Go tell it on the mountain and then head to Wall Street!
And sit your ass down and accept the word, DEFEAT!

Write it all down and sell it if you can.
You ain’t fooling me, I know you got no plan.

Re-write history and what about the lies?
Who conquers who? I won’t wait for that surprise!

And who the hell says there is a human race?
I’ve looked far and wide, there ain’t a goddamn trace!

Talk shit to the dead who got nothing to lose.
They’re sitting in church, so go light the fuse.

The puppets and the zombies all dance to one tune.
All are kept in line by the goon’s platoon.

Step one foot out and you get your ass shot.
You can ‘care’ if you want, but it’s all for naught.

Written by,
Shelby I. Courtland
© 2013 Shelby I. Courtland

….and don’t come in here with no bullshit about how we’re ALL in this together. We’re not in shit together! We’re not doing a goddamn thing but pissing in the wind and as soon as you wake the fuck up and recognize, the better off your ass will be. It is fucking war! Ain’t no goddamn peace!!

As you can see, I wrote this in 2013 and not a goddamn thing has changed except that now that coronavirus is here, you whites are screeching about “We are all in this together!” FUCK IF WE ARE! I’m NOT in shit with you! This shit is coming mostly for your asses and I am damn sure NOT in shit with you white, filthy assed, no good, racist, parasitic creatures! So stop coming up to me on the streets talking that shit about us being in this shit together. You never talked THAT shit before, so don’t even fucking bother starting with that shit now! You are FUCKING ON YOUR OWN! Scared much?!! HA! I’m loving it!

What Was Achieved By All The Marching And Protesting By Dr. King And Others?


A few years ago, I wrote a poem about Dr. Martin Luther King Jr., and that poem elicited some comments that basically intimated that Dr. King and all the others who were part of the Civil Rights struggle actually made no gains, period. Now, we can argue over it all day and all night as to whether or not Dr. King and crew were successful in their endeavors, but one thing I would like you to do is to continue reading and decide for yourself. And I will give Dr. King one thing, he tried….. something. Whether or not it was the right thing? You tell me.

Of Dr. King, We Are Just So Proud!

Of Dr. King, we are just so proud.
That man, he always drew a crowd.
He paved the way to a much brighter day.
His dream is alive in every way.

Tamir Rice is here to tell his story.
And Sandra Bland has no need to ever worry,
that her life will be snuffed out in a cell,
because Dr. King, he rang the freedom bell.

Michael Brown is in college where he belongs.
Eric Garner is in church singing spiritual songs.
Walter Scott is still driving down the street.
Freddie Gray is sitting down to a meal to eat.

They all owe their lives to Dr. King.
He said, “Let freedom ring! Let freedom ring!”
On the mountaintop, he saw through space and time.
And yet, they killed him while he was in his prime.

We thank him for the debt he willingly paid,
and for all the sacrifices he and his family made.
But what we will never know for certain,
is how he would react when they finally raise the curtain,
on a show that is a tragedy of the darkest kind,
and where Blacks are still left so far behind.
This play will not have a happy ending,
for its ending is just like its beginning.

Behold, the face of slavery is still Black.
And as in days of old, we are under attack.
But a man had a dream for which he died.
Was it all for naught? I’ll let you decide!

Written by,
Shelby I. Courtland
©2016 Shelby I. Courtland

I want you to take some time to reflect on the question I posed. “Was it all for naught?” If Black people have made so many gains in the decades since the Civil Rights Movement, then where are they? If we as a people have ‘moved’ forward, then where are the results? #BLACKLIVESMATTER? Give me a break! If we as a people had moved, there would be no need for the #BLACKLIVESMATTER Movement, now would there? The incarceration rate for Black men is off the charts. Millions of Black people live in deep poverty and a ridiculously high number of them are Black children. Millions of Black people are jobless, homeless and hungry and lack healthcare. But here we are, about to celebrate Dr. Martin Luther King Jr., Day. Celebrate what, I ask you? Tell me! What is there to celebrate? Staggering unemployment figures for Black youth and young adults? A homelessness epidemic? Mass incarceration? A school-to-prison pipeline? Out-of-control racist KKKops brutalizing and murdering unarmed Black people? Grand Juries that refuse to hand down indictments on racist thugs with badges? Gun violence in Black communities that are so impoverished as to be likened to 3rd world nation conditions?

And yet the ‘whites’ sit back and gleefully point the finger at what is going down in communities of color and point to how ‘violent they are when they know why. Whites know that this is all done by design, but it is so easy for them to live in their little ‘white bread’ world and hurl invectives and “I told you sos” when ‘whites’ are hell bent on gentrifying neighborhoods that once housed Black people because the suburbs was once the place to be if you were ‘white’. You sit somewhere with your holier-than-thou attitudes as though your shit don’t stink. You shamelessly and callously wish death on a group of people who were not responsible for being dragged to this hellhole you call, America. You strut around like proud peacocks, puffing your chests out and pretending that you’re not rotten filth when you are actually worse than that. And you have the unmitigated gall to pretend to acknowledge Dr. King with your phony ass displays of righteous indignation over the brutal treatment he received at the hands of you ‘whites’. You have the nerve to speak his name, to post his “I Have A Dream” speech as though you ever did a thing to help bring his dream to fruition. You’ve done everything possible to see to it that his dream was never realized and you are not fit to read his name, much less speak it. Why you have not burst into flames upon speaking his name is a complete and utter mystery to me because all that should be left of you is ‘white’ ash!

The above is what I also posted along with the poem and next, I am going to post a comment about this particular post and my response.

hunglikejesus wrote:

I’ve always looked at MLK with curious eye because my parent were both Black Panthers when I was growing up and Dr. King was almost forbidden in my house. I only saw him as an on bent knee begging white people for some table scraps and to please not hit us anymore. Though growing up, I’ve come to understand him a bit better and my only thought now about the man is, “praying has brought Black peoples nothing but dirty knees and empty pockets.”

shelbycourtland’s response:

HLJ, this isn’t so much about me revering Dr. King as it is about exposing the blatant and outrageous hypocrisy of the ‘whites’. They are the very ones who go on and on about Dr. King’s ‘dream’ when it is quite obvious that they gave not a damn for the man nor his dream. They spout useless rhetoric each and every time the holiday in his name comes around and that is all they do. And while they are doing this, the continuation of enslavement of Black people continues, the continuation of the Negro status as that of 3rd class ‘citizen’ continues. We aren’t even tolerated in this shithole. We are incarcerated and murdered and yet the ‘whites’ go on and on about how thankful Blacks should be since we are supposedly living in the ‘greatest nation on earth’. I fucking beg to differ with that assessment. Black people are a people without a country. We are enslaved in a system that is corrupt to its core and is filled with racist filth and we are expected to subjugate ourselves to criminals of the worst kind.

Dr. King was but a tool and he was used to put down any attempt at an insurrection, a rebellion or a revolution. The ‘whites’ condoned the actions of Dr. King because he was their namby-pamby house Negro; the same as Barack Obama and all the rest of the coon head sell-outs that bow and scrape to the ‘white’ motherfuckers and lick their boots clean while scrabbling for their table scraps at the same time. I am not giving any accolades to Dr. King because he was no revolutionary, he was a stooge. My poem is a sarcastic and antonymous portrayal of Dr. King. That is why I stated that because of Dr. King, Sandra Bland, Tamir Rice, Freddie Gray, Michael Brown and Walter Scott and so many others have him to ‘thank’ for their lives. My point is to also show how far we have NOT come even with these so-called ‘movements’ that are merely fake assed props that are put in place to give Black people the illusion that they are actually doing something constructive to put a stop to the genocide of them by the ‘whites’. Nothing could be further from the truth.

Dr. King was just a figurehead, a prop; complete with suit and tie and bible. He was the ‘white’ mans house nigger and he did a fine of job of spreading the ‘white’ man’s propaganda of telling Black people to go about effecting change, all peaceful like. And when his usefulness was over, they fucking killed him just to show that a gun is aimed at us at ALL times because we are still their property! Fuck ’em!

I thank you for your comment.

And another great comment I thought I should add.

Good post. A lot of us at least have some idea of the real deal with him but too many don’t. They could start looking at what really happened with the march on Washington. They should ask themselves why do we only hear of one person from that era? I also think someone else wrote most of his famous speeches? While he stayed with mostly the same approach, Dr. King had doubts about a lot of what he had said earlier before his death.

How long will we keep marching? Those of us who are marching need to stop. When will we get to the “Dream”?

Is this another white Jesus thing? To be fair, there were black Christians who pretty much can’t be criticized but his approach seemed to be pulled straight from parts of the Bible that even those who believe in the BIble find hard to justify(I myself don’t believe in those passages or the books that contained them).

shelbycourtland’s response:

They can consider Dr. King to have been a figurehead, a Civil Rights leader, a scapegoat or what have you, but his sole purpose was to misdirect Black people’s anger away from fucking shit up but instead focused it on ‘peacefully’ marching down the goddamn street of every pothole filled city in this shithole. You don’t hear the ‘whites’ screaming and jumping up and down about setting aside a day in which to honor Malcolm X. And you won’t! Malcolm X was not going on and on about some ‘peaceful’ this and ‘peaceful’ that. He had some harsh words for those vile ‘white’ shits that have firmly planted their boot on our Black ass and refuse to lift it.

Malcolm X was a revolutionary who believed in violent resistance, he believed in getting things done ‘by any means necessary’. That is why he said, “It’s got to be the ballot or the bullet.” The ballot ain’t worked. And we ALL fucking know what it would take but the revolutionaries of the ’60s are either dead or still locked up and so we just dutifully continue with the useless ass marches and protests with signs dating back 50 years when not a goddamn thing is going to change simply because we are holding up a sign. What has #BLACKLIVESMATTER accomplished? Not a goddamn thing!

Thank you for your comment N.S.

As I have stated before, peruse this content to your heart’s content and then think about the state that Black Amerikkka is in today and you tell me, did ALL of that marching and protesting lead to ANY gains? And if so, how so? Where are they? Black people are more asleep today than than they were in the  60s thanks to dumb ass rap music, pretend beefs among so-called Black celebrities, Youtube madness, Twitter and Facebook mess and the like is endless. There is only moaning and whining coming from Black Amerikkka when Black people do eventually look up and realize how fucked we are that is until another distraction down the pike; another Black Panther Movie or Madea bullshit movie from the likes of Tyler Perry’s faggot ass! That shit, we don’t need. Hell! Damn near half of Black Amerikkka has no idea why today is being ‘celebrated’. Check this shit out!

Just skip to the five minute mark when she says, “The kids are out of school on Monday and we don’t even know why.” Also, her sixteen year old daughter did not even know why she is out of school today. Seriously???!!!! Too busy staring down at shit on a phone, most likely is the reason and the mother is just too dizzy for words.

This is what we have to work with these days and it is quite obvious, that we have nothing to work with. So you tell me, what was it all for? Cluelessness? Ignorance? Gluttony? Youtube channels? Twitter? Facebook?

Black Amerikkka is dealing with rabid racism, gentrification, income inequality, mass incarceration, a school-to-prison pipeline, disparities in healthcare, child poverty, a homeless epidemic, crime infested neighborhoods, drugs and gangs and prostitution that is out-of-control and the list of the like is endless and yet, here we are ‘celebrating’ Dr. Martin Luther King Jr., Day. For what? And in less than two weeks, we shall be expected to ‘celebrate ‘Black History Month’. Why? Because I have just described  ‘Black History’ up to present day and so what is there to celebrate? You tell me. I can’t wait.



As The Tributes Pour In Over The Now Deceased U.S. Rep. Elijah Cummings Of Baltimore’s 7th District….


….Elijah Cummings’ Baltimore is off the chain. There are many who have lauded the work that Cummings has done for the City of Baltimore and yet, I am wondering, just what did he do for Baltimore? Get a handle on the gun violence? The murder rate?

‘Out Of Control’ | More Than 20 Shot In 4 Days In Baltimore; Murders, Shootings Rise From 2018

BALTIMORE (WJZ) — Baltimore has seen increasing violence with more than 600 non-fatal shootings since the beginning of the year — a number that has skyrocketed more than 20 percent compared to last year.

There have been 638 non-fatal shootings so far in 2019. Last year at this time, there were 524. The number of murders is up as well from 243 at this point in 2018 to 273 in 2019.

Baltimore has seen more murders to date than New York City, which has had 249. New York has almost 14 times the population. Chicago, with more than four times as many people as Baltimore, has had 413 killings.


This bastard shot a 2-year old in the stomach over a road rage incident.

He already had a lengthy criminal record and yet was out of jail and shot a 2-year old over a road rage incident. This IS Baltimore!

This mess has been going down since before I ever stepped foot in Baltimore and that was in the mid 90s. What did Cummings do about this? Obviously nothing since this shit has been going down the entire time that he has represented Baltimore’s 7th district.

Did Cummings do anything about the epidemic of outrageous poverty in Baltimore? Check out the video and see for your self.

Poverty Rate for residents of Baltimore city, Maryland born US Citizens vs Foreign-Born
Residents of Baltimore city, Maryland who were born as US Citizens have a higher poverty rate than those who were born citizens of a country outside of the United States.

Over 23% of Baltimore’s residents live in poverty. And it should come as no surprise that Baltimore’s Black population is over-represented when it comes to having incomes that are below the poverty level.

What did Cummings do about Baltimore’s drug epidemic?

The opioid epidemic is increasingly killing black Americans. Baltimore is ground zero.

The white GMC truck, open four mornings a week and parked outside the city jail, is an attempt to close a gap in the city’s struggling addiction treatment system. But as the breakdown showed, even the attempts to plug holes in the system sometimes themselves have holes. With the van out of service, doctors and nurses took to their own cars to see patients, some of them already skeptical about getting treatment.

White Amerikkka’s emphasis is on opioid addiction of whites, especially rich whites while poor Black people who live in inner cities like Baltimore are being left to figure it out as best they can. My cousin watches a show titled “Intervention” and it is about intervening when people are killing themselves while on drugs and/or alcohol and he told me that he could count on one hand the number of Black people he has seen on that show. Whites don’t give a damn about Black people and our problems and yet Baltimore had a Black congressional representative that did fuck all about the many societal ills that afflict that city’s people who mostly look like him.

And don’t even get me started on what Cummings failed to do about rampant police corruption and police brutality in Baltimore. Remember the Freddie Gray riots? That was just the tip of the iceberg. Even after the riots, the chaos in Baltimore never really ceased and the corruption pouring from every office in Baltimore continues. Two mayors have had to resign in disgrace after having been embroiled in scandals. I have posted blog after blog highlighting the shit that I have seen and it just gets worse.

If I included the homeless epidemic in Baltimore and the child hunger problem in Baltimore and the off the charts prostitution and STD statistics in Baltimore and the problem of Asians operating liquor stores on damn near every corner in Baltimore, this blog would never end. I have even documented the urban blight here and here and yet, Elijah Cummings is being hailed as some sort of towering giant that stood up for Baltimore and improved the conditions of her citizens when nothing could be further from the truth. And it is almost poetic justice, that the same institution that violated Henrietta Lacks, was also the same institution whereas hundreds of Black women were violated by a Black gynecologist who filmed them without their knowledge during pelvic exams and who allegedly killed himself is also the same institution that Elijah Cummings breathed his last in; Johns Hopkins.

Johns Hopkins’ Disturbing “Hidden Camera” Gynecologist Lawsuit Is Finally Over


Dr. Nikita Levy worked as a gynecologist in the Johns Hopkins Community Medicine system for nearly 25 years. During that time, he secretly photographed and videotaped his patients’ gynecological exams, according to a class-action lawsuit filed in 2013. Now, more than 9,000 plaintiffs will get their due, as Johns Hopkins agreed to a $190 settlement over Dr. Levy on Tuesday, marking the largest class-action settlements of its kind.

The lawsuit was brought against America’s leading health system in October 2012, about seven months after Johns Hopkins terminated Levy’s position. The plaintiffs alleged that the hospital should have known about Levy’s pervasive illegal videotaping, but instead failed to act and protect their patients


Johns Hopkins had to have known about what was going down because I had the opportunity to speak with several of the women who were a part of this lawsuit and they told me that Dr. Levy’s office was set up like the set of a movie. There were lights resembling what you would see on the set of a movie and yet they did not believe that a doctor they trusted and a hospital with a reputation for being world renown would engage in such activity. They were wrong. And of course, Johns Hopkins settled the lawsuit, but the women received a mere pittance when all was said and done and Johns Hopkins maintained that it had no idea of the shenanigans of a doctor that worked for their hospital system and inside their very doors. Yeah! I’m believing that. Uh huh.

And yet, Elijah Cummings was as silent as the grave his dead body is headed for over all of this. And now, he seems to be yet another ‘victim’ of Johns Hopkins. Poetic justice, indeed.

I don’t know who will take Cummings place. No doubt it will be someone equally as dubious in character as Cummings and equally as unconcerned about the plight of Baltimore as Cummings. I can only hope that I am wrong, but with what has been leading Baltimore and representing Baltimore for decades, I am not overly optimistic. And so no, I will not be joining in with those who heap praises, accolades and tributes on Elijah Cummings’ dead carcass because they are as undeserved as they are unwarranted.

A poem about Baltimore.

Sirens Are Our Lullabies!

Shots ring out every night
in this city gushing blood.
And in daylight, it’s the same,
awash in a crimson flood.

Sirens are our lullabies;
a crime scene, our parade.
We stand and stare at the dead,
then into a grave, they are laid.

None of it makes any sense,
Black men killing their own kind.
And I just make excuses
as though to reality, I am blind.

I blamed it all on poverty;
a lack of jobs and single moms.
And I threw in for good measure
that so many are bearing arms.

I thought I had all the answers.
Open a store or two in the hood
that catered to the poor,
but that won’t do us any good.

What is needed, I don’t know.
I throw my hands up in the air.
Our murder rate is off the charts.
And it would seem that we don’t care.

Another day, another murder.
And sometimes, more than one.
We’re just mowing each other down,
and hell, there ain’t nowhere to run.

More babies without fathers,
more mothers without their sons
because we have lost our minds,
when to solve our problems, we use guns.

Written by,
Shelby I. Courtland
©2017 Shelby I. Courtland

Again, what did Elijah Cummings do about ANY of that? Not a damn thing! Rest in piss, you useless piece of shit!


Trump Says Baltimore Maryland Residents Are In ‘Hell’! True! And Sell-outs, Cummings And Sharpton Know Why!

It has taken Donald Trump to shine a light on Baltimore, MD that should have long since been in the spotlight over corrupt Black misleadership. While Elijah Cummings has been going after the Trump Administration for everything from collusion with the Russians to corruption and tax evasion, Cummings coonhead ass has been looking the other way over the shenanigans that he and others in the political arena in Baltimore have been engaging in. Cummings has learned how to play the game well; distract, distract again and deflect. And right out-of-the-gate, here comes Al SharpCON and crew shooting “You’re racist!” arrows at Donald Trump for stating the obvious about Baltimore’s Black misleaders. I would wager that every single Black politician in Baltimore is corrupt. Every agency headed by a Black person in Baltimore is filled with corruption from the state’s attorney’s office headed by Marilyn Mosby to the mayor’s office headed by Mayor, Jack Young and we ALL know that the mayor’s office and city council is ‘corruption headquarters’.

Again, Trump is absolutely right; billions of federal dollars have been poured into Baltimore and yet, Baltimore schools are rat infested, lack heat and air conditioning, lack textbooks and computers and so where did the money go? Into the pockets of the Black misleaders in Baltimore, that’s where. And now those same jackals are loudly exclaiming that Trump is just picking on Baltimore because he is feeding the frenzy of his rabid racist supporter base. They are already in a frenzy and so he has no need to feed a frenzy that has taken them over since our ancestors were dragged to this shithole. Those like Cummings and SharpCON and Black misleaders in Baltimore are trying to distract and deflect from the truth of Trump’s accusations. They don’t want to own up to the fact that they have willfully looked the other way over Baltimore’s out-of-control homicide rates, other violent crimes rates, appalling drug addiction rates, abject poverty rates, deplorable unemployment rates and a homeless epidemic that is on par with Los Angeles. Not to mention, nothing has been said by Elijah Cummings or by Al SharpCON about the fact that the NAACP is headquartered on Mt. Hope Drive in Baltimore, MD doing not a goddamn thing to mitigate the serious issues that have plagued Baltimore for decades. The NAACP has done absolutely NOTHING. Because hosting awards shows for the Blacks to showcase their cooning for the whites is not helping Baltimore in any way, shape or form, nor is handing Lifetime Achievement Awards to racist NBA owners as it did with Donald Sterling for being a stomp down, flaming racist.

President Donald Trump resumed his criticism of a prominent black congressman from Baltimore, saying Tuesday that people there are living in “hell” and that it’s a “corrupt city.”

Trump said billions of dollars have been stolen and called on the lawmaker, Democratic Representative Elijah Cummings, to investigate the city. Cummings is chairman of the House Oversight and Reform Committee, which has been focused on investigating Trump and his administration.

“It’s a corrupt city, there’s no question about it,” Trump said of Baltimore. He said Cummings has an “iron hand” on city.

On Monday, Trump said on Twitter: “Baltimore, under the leadership of Elijah Cummings, has the worst Crime Statistics in the Nation. 25 years of all talk, no action!”

What Trump said is SO true, it ain’t even funny. People in Baltimore are “living in hell!” And what has Al SharpCON’s sell-out ass done for Baltimore? Not a goddamn thing, but he sure knows how to turn a situation to his advantage. Pretend to decry Donald Trump’s racism over calling out the shit that goes down in Baltimore every day and get some ‘air time’ while trying to look like some sort of defender to Baltimore’s residents against racist Donald Trump. Al SharpCON sold out Black people, decades ago when he agreed to work for the FBI in its efforts to infiltrate the Civil Rights Movement in order to get dirt on the leaders of the Movement, namely Dr. Martin Luther King Jr. Al SharpCON is no friend to Black people in Baltimore, Detroit, Los Angeles or any place else. His prime directive is to look out for his ass and only his ass and you have only to look around at what he has accomplished; being a snitch for the FBI and a coon for MSNBC.

And Elijah Cummings has not a goddamn thing to say for himself since what has he done FOR Baltimore? Not a damn thing. He used Baltimore to get where he is today and never once did he attempt to help even one Baltimorean out of poverty, drug addiction, homelessness, prostitution or gangs. He has done not a goddamn thing to reduce crime, homicides, child hunger and poverty, failing schools, a fucked up infrastructure that is failing daily what with streets blowing up or dissolving in sink holes. The light rail is out of commission more times than it isn’t. The metro transit system is a failed experiment. The subway stations are overrun with rats and yet Cummings is attempting to take Trump to task over his alleged crimes? Seriously??!! You fix up your own home before you attempt to get others to fix up theirs and Baltimore is the home that Cummings should to get to work on. But Baltimore has served its purpose and Cummings has no further use for Baltimore because it has already been the means to an end which is his exalted position as the chairman of the House Oversight and Reform Committee. Cummings loves to exclaim over how many years he has been in politics and that would be fine except for the fact that he has nothing to show for those years in Baltimore City.

Cummings has no moral leg to stand on when he gets to sermonizing over Trump speaking the truth about Baltimore. Those people in Baltimore ARE living in hell. They have been living in hell the entire twenty-three years that Cummings has represented them in the 7th district. There have been no improvements to the lives of Cummings constituents and so he most definitely needs to sit the fuck down and shut the fuck up because I’m with Trump on this one. How about we take a deeper look into what irons Cummings has in the fire? How about we shine a light on the shit that Cummings has been doing because there is certainly no reflection on what he has been doing for the good of those whom he represents in the 7th district and so who has benefited from his representation? Ask the people of Baltimore. Oh that’s right, they did!

Robert, a 33-year-old security guard from West Baltimore, says he thinks Elijah Cummings is failing at his job.

“I just want to ask Elijah Cummings one question: What in your twenty years in office have you done for this city? This city is decaying and crumbling,” Robert said.

And Devon Temorgan, a 26-year-old Baltimore resident, noted that on Monday he was on his way to a funeral for a friend who was shot because he was at the wrong place at the wrong time in Northwest Baltimore. He said the city’s youth lacks guidance and have grown “uncontrollable.”

“A lot of people don’t have their fathers because they’re dead or in jail,” Temorgan told Newsweek. “It’s a dangerous place. It’s a beautiful place, but at the same time it’s dangerous.”

Cummings, answer the man’s question. “What in your twenty years in office have you done for this city?” “A city that is decaying and crumbling?” I’ll tellya, not a goddamn thing and yet other Black misleaders are crawling out of the woodwork, coming to Cummings defense even when they know the score. Black-assed motherfuckers who have so-called ‘made it’ are not our friends. They don’t ‘represent’ us. They turn their backs on us the minute they are thrown the scraps from the white man’s table and they got there by cooning for the white man. Black folks, know who your friends are and just because he/she is sporting a ‘Black’ face, does not mean that he/she is your friend. Our own ‘kind’ will throw us under the bus for the white man’s table scraps and Al SharpCON is exactly what he looks like; a relaxed haired, bloated head coon that got his fill of the white man’s table scraps for selling us out; in other words, snitching on us for the white man. And if he is taking up for Elijah Cummings, then Cummings is exactly what SharpCON is; a sell-out coon. The true Black warriors are either still in prison, in exile or dead and so you know that Al SharpCON and Elijah Cummings are on some bullshit time because no assassin’s bullet has found their tired old ass, nor are they cooling their heels inside a For Profit Prison, nor are they in exile in Cuba. If they were about something, they’d not be free to walk the streets pretending to give a shit about Black people and that’s for damn sure!

I want Cummings and SharpCON to ask these people what they are doing for them because photo ops just don’t cut it!

This man is a Baltimore citizen and most likely lives in Cummings’ district and yet, he is in Lexington Market, nodding on methadone, an opioid derivative What are you doing for this man Elijah Cummings?

What are you doing for them Cummings?

Here is a poor homeless man sitting in a wheelchair in Cummings district. This man is sick Cummings and so what are you doing for him? He wants to know!

What are you doing for them Cummings?

Another homeless man in Baltimore wants to know why Cummings hasn’t done anything for him in over 20 years as a representative of the citizens of the 7th district of Baltimore.

What are you doing for them Cummings?

A poor homeless woman walking around the harbor looking for Elijah Cummings to do something for her since she is one of his constituents.

Why is Baltimore looking like this Cummings? Because it shouldn’t since like Trump said, Baltimore has received billions in federal aid? What happened to the money Cummings?

There is row after row of this in Baltimore. This is what Elijah Cummings has done for Baltimore.

Where did the billions go, Cummings? Here?

Yeah! People should want to live there.

Or here?

Why didn’t Al SharpCON come here to do his photo op? His big pus head with its relaxed curls would look good against such a horrible backdrop.

Or here?

Urban blight. The roof on the far right building is gone. Cummings, here is a building in YOUR district that needs a new roof, new walls, floors; the whole nine yards. Now use some of those billions that the Feds gave you to fix up Baltimore. Can’t find it? Then let’s start an investigation into YOUR shenanigans. Why don’t we?

And Cummings, while you’re explaining what you’ve been doing FOR Baltimore for over 20 years, explain why there is the need for this methadone distribution truck to sit right inside YOUR district?

This is a methadone dispensary truck that’s sitting in Elijah Cummings 7th district because to get the heroin addicts off heroin, they give them the government’s version of heroin in the form of ‘methadone’. I guess this is what Cummings has been doing for the people in his district. Yeah! Good job, Cummings!

Yes indeed, I can speak on what is going down in Baltimore because I have lived there and Elijah Cummings name has never been on anyone’s lips at any time that I have lived in Baltimore. He has done NOTHING and I do mean ABSOFUCKINGLUTELY NOTHING for Baltimore. And so this is yet another time that I must agree with Donald Trump. Those people in Baltimore are living in hell, a hell created by useless Black politicians like Elijah Cummings and exploited for gain by con artists like Al SharpCON. Baltimore deserves better, but unfortunately, she won’t get it. Not with the likes of those jackals descending on Baltimore for political points in what is a game to them, but what to Baltimoreans is a life and death struggle in hell!

I Hate To Admit It, But Trump Is Right About Baltimore Being Rat Infested. He Should Know Because Jared Kushner Owns Hundreds Of Rental Properties That Have Failed Housing Code Standards, But Trump Is Also Right About Elijah Cummings

Now before you shoot the messenger, remember that I am quite often IN Baltimore and the shit that I have seen would curl your toes. In fact, this blog has more posts about Baltimore than I can shake a stick at. You can go here and here and here and here and here and read all about Baltimore. Now, what did Trump have to say about Baltimore, MD?

I was just in Baltimore last week. In fact, I put up a post about what I saw because what I saw made me mad as hell! And before anyone gets any bright ideas and gets to screeching and a hollering that I need to live in a place and not merely visit in order to write about it, I have lived in Baltimore, MD multiple times. The last time I lived in that city was September 2016 to August 2017 and I got out of there like the hounds of hell were chasing me; the crime is THAT bad.

When I used to go down to the subway station, big ass rats had practically overtaken the place. The so-called ‘World Famous Lexington Market’ has had to be shut down by the health department on at least two occasions for rat infestation. And the last one was recent. In fact, Lexington Market is so filthy, I refused to use the restrooms. But when I went back in April of this year, Lexington Market had been cleaned up and cleaned out. Most stalls were closed. The drug addicts had been sent packing as well as the Korean stall keepers. There were more Black stall keepers and I had not seen them since the mid 90s when the Koreans were running the Food Court at The Harbor Pavilions at Baltimore’s Inner Harbor and Black people were operating the stalls in Lexington Market. The whites decided to run the Koreans out of the Inner Harbor and by doing so, they ran the Black stall keepers out of Lexington Market by increasing the rents so that the Koreans could afford to open the stalls vacated by the Black people. Whitey parasite ass knows how to move us around like chess pieces on a board and that shit continues to this day. But I digress.

Even though Donald Trump cannot take the high road since we have all heard that migrants in southern border facilities are drinking out of the toilet, he is right in that Cummings should take his tired old ass back to Baltimore and figure something out because Baltimore is in decay and in decline. When we were there last week, we could not take the light rail to BWI airport because of a sinkhole in downtown Baltimore on Pratt Street. When I lived there, that same area had a street blow up and spew asbestos everywhere. Homicide averages are 300+ yearly. Drug addiction is off the charts. Baltimore has been declared ‘The Heroin Capitol’ of the U.S. Homelessness is also off the charts as is prostitution, gang violence and high school drop-out rates. You cannot pass by a person who has not been shot up or who does not know of a person who has not been shot up. The Department of Justice had to issue a consent decree because of rampant police brutality against Baltimore’s citizens. We all remember the Freddie Gray riots. So, Trump was not off base. In fact, he is not the only politician to expound on the evils of Baltimore, MD. Bernie Sanders did as well. But what Trump failed to say was that his own Housing and Urban Development Secretary, Ben Carson, is not doing his job since Baltimore, MD has the worst public housing complexes in America. Yeah Trump, focus on that! Your failed leadership has something to do with what ails Baltimore and so look inside your own filthy, stinking closet and clean it out! And throw yourself out because you’re garbage as is your HUD Secretary, Ben ‘had a lobotomy’ Carson.

Conditions in Maryland Public Housing Worst in the Country

Almost a third of public housing inspections in Maryland have resulted in failing health and safety scores. According to an analysis of federal data by The Associated Press, that’s the worst performance in the country. Old, rundown complexes in Baltimore are the main culprit. Federal and city data show that 22 of 37 Baltimore sites failed their most recent inspections.

And so that makes what Bernie Sanders said about Baltimore, all the more true as well.

But just a few years ago, Sen. Bernie Sanders — a candidate seeking the Democratic Party’s 2020 presidential nomination — took his own shots at Baltimore, a struggling Northeast city grappling with high rates of violent crime, drug abuse, poverty and political corruption.

“Anyone who took the walk that we took around this neighborhood would not think you’re in a wealthy nation,” Sanders said during a visit to the city’s West Baltimore section in December 2015, the Baltimore Sun reported. “You would think that you were in a Third World country.”

The independent U.S. senator from Vermont also referred to Baltimore as “a community in which half of the people don’t have jobs.”

“We’re talking about a community in which there are hundreds of buildings that are uninhabitable,” he added, according to the Sun.

I don’t recall hearing a blow up after Bernie Sanders made this statement because what he said is absolutely true and in fact the public housing inspection report backs Sanders up when he said, “hundreds of buildings are uninhabitable,” including public housing buildings. What is not being said is the fact that politicians like Cummings are NOT doing a damn thing to mitigate the many societal ills that are plaguing Baltimore or her citizens. Even the NAACP is headquartered on Mt. Hope Drive in Baltimore and is doing not a damn thing to help anyone in that city of mostly Black residents. In fact, I never heard of one positive thing that the NAACP has ever done FOR Baltimore. Add to that the fact that not one, but two of Baltimore’s Black mayors has had to step down amid scandals and so again, as much as I hate to admit it, Donald Trump is absolutely right in his depiction of Baltimore.

And just to show you exactly how accurate his assessment is, let’s get on with it.

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There are two Baltimores; the one the tourists see and the one I see and so once again, despite the fact that I hate what Trump said about Baltimore, he did speak the truth as did Bernie Sanders. Elijah Cummings is too filled with a sense of political power and has long since gave up on improving the city where he got his start in politics. Baltimore’s Black politicians should be ashamed of themselves, but they’re not. The people of Baltimore deserve better than what they are getting and yet it took Donald Trump to point out the obvious in order for Baltimore’s politicians to spout useless rhetoric about what they are doing FOR Baltimore. They are not doing a goddamn thing FOR Baltimore. They have only used her to further advance their political careers and when she was of no further use to them, they discarded her like she was a worn out whore who has been on the streets for too goddamn long.

The whites want that city for themselves and they don’t care who they have to crawl over to get it. They don’t care who they have to move out of their way to get it. And make no mistake, even though the political face of Baltimore is Black, whites are ALL over that city like flies on shit! And as you can see from the pictures that I have posted, I have been ALL over Baltimore and so don’t fucking tell me that Trump is wrong because the proof is above. Baltimore is indeed, a tale of two cities and the neglect of one of those cities is appallingly shameful and you know which one I’m talking about!

So shut the fuck up Trump and Cummings unless you are going to help a city that is being allowed to die by design. Fuck both you motherfuckers!

I just had to add this!

Jared Kushner owns lots of apartments in the Baltimore area. Some were infested with mice.

In a now-viral tweetstorm on Saturday, President Trump characterized Rep. Elijah E. Cummings’s Baltimore-based congressional district as a “rodent infested mess” where “no human” would want to live.

His criticism rang with a particular irony in Baltimore County, where the president’s son-in-law Jared Kushner owns more than a dozen apartment complexes that have been cited with hundreds of code violations and, critics say, provide sub-standard housing to lower income tenants.

Kushner Companies, which started operating in Maryland in 2013, has owned almost 9,000 rental units across 17 complexes, many of them in Baltimore County, the Baltimore Sun reported earlier this year.

The properties generate at least $90 million in revenue annually. Kushner stepped down as CEO of the company in 2017, when he became a senior White House adviser.

In 2017, Baltimore County officials revealed that apartments owned by Kushner Cos. were responsible for more than 200 code violations, all accrued in the span of the calendar year. Repairs were made only after the county threatened fines, local officials said, and even after warnings, violations on nine propeties were not addressed, resulting in monetary sanctions.

That bastard’s properties were cited for mouse infestations, mold problems and maggots. And even though tenants tried to file a class action lawsuit, a ‘white’ judge denied their request. It wouldn’t have made any difference because my cousin was involved in a similar lawsuit and for his pains received $724.15 and this was considered a ‘windfall‘ by the attorney that is suing for more of the class action settlement in Attorney’s Fees. Poor people don’t stand a chance against these goddamn worthless ass racist vultures! And don’t even act like you don’t know who Jared Kushner is. He is Trump’s son-in-law; married to that bitch daughter of his named Ivanka and so he has not a goddamn leg to stand on when screeching or tweeting about the living conditions of people in Cummings district and Cummings has nothing to say for himself because he knew about this shit and yet said nothing! I am TOO fucking through!

Because Your Ass Is White! A Re-post

Standing on the corner,
I’ve got these drugs for sale.
I turn a teacher into a ho
and I send her straight to hell.

Don’t put the blame on me.
I’m just a businessman.
I’m trying to make a living
the only way I can.

You don’t hate the motherfuckers
that sell you alcohol.
It’s all the same thing
but I’m the one who takes the fall.

My time on this here corner
maybe short, but it ain’t sweet.
I got the cops all on my ass
until I’m just a piece of meat.

I must represent my gang
so don’t cross onto my turf.
Respect the line that’s drawn.
I’m just another serf.

The white man says to me,
“nigga, keep your nose clean!”
as he steals my crack and money
and kicks me in my spleen.

I ain’t got a fancy office
like the thugs on Wall Street.
But I got to live somehow.
Everybody needs to eat.

So, I shot a motherfucker.
And a child got in the way.
I didn’t set this shit in motion.
You know who called the play.

I’m on the evening news
I took a bullet to the head.
I’m just a motherfucker
lying in the morgue, dead.

The shit won’t stop with me.
That just ain’t how it works.
They gone keep those drugs coming
because of all the perks.

How you think I got the drugs?
Did you ever wonder why
I can get a gun and drugs
and make your ass so high?

I was low on the totem pole
and I always knew the score.
Get your head from out your ass.
You know why I was poor!

I was born to be a loser;
to end up dead or in the pen.
You know the goddamn truth.
I was never meant to win.

Blame me for the corruption
that comes down from the top.
You know who calls the shots
and who protects a dirty cop.

But it’s convenient to blame me
for the violence in the hood.
And ignore the burning cross
or the Aryan Brotherhood.

You can turn and look away
from what it’s all about
because in your little white bread world,
you’ll get yours without a doubt.

There ain’t no hungry bellies,
nor are there crack hos on the prowl.
You’ve got the sweetest little setup
while the rest of us live foul.

You sit nicely in the pew
on a fine Sunday morning.
You smile and pay your tithes.
You’ve got no reason to be mourning.

Your brother, he ain’t dead
from a drive by in the night.
You don’t live that kind of life
because your ass is white!

Written by,
Shelby I. Courtland
©2015 Shelby I. Courtland

This one bears repeating because it is just as true today as the day I initially wrote it back in April of 2015. What the fuck has changed? Not a goddamn thing except that the situation has gotten worse. Whites commit crimes and are considered “too important to jail,” and yet that shit has never been stated when it comes to descendants of slaves. Whites put ALL of this shit in motion and then sit back and exclaim over how Black people are having to survive. We were set up from the beginning of our fucked up existence in this cesspool of crime and corruption perpetrated by the whites and yet we are the ones who are behind bars; millions of us while whites get off scot-free on every criminal act they commit.

Since slavery, which continues to this very day, we have stood not one goddamn chance in what the whites have turned into a shithole what with their fucking fracking, nuclear waste dumps, cancer causing weed killer, GMO garbage that’s passing for food these days and the fucked up list is endless and yet they continue to pat themselves on their depraved backs like they’re doing everyone a goddamn favor. There is no such thing as healthcare. There is no such thing as a great standard of living for millions. There are homeless tent cities all across this cesspool. Plagues are making a comeback and will only get worse seeing as how entire towns have been flooded and their drinking water that was already loaded down with toxins has been made even more toxic by the fact of flooded waste treatment plants.

Depraved white parasites have doomed us all with their killer technology that is aimed at killing the vast majority of us and our only saving grace is the fact that the shit cannot remain up and running thanks to the hundreds of storms and tornadoes that are busily tearing that shit down. I can only hope the storms continue.

But know this whites, as you try and take us out, millions of you are going first. Millions of you will lose what you have stolen. You have seen to it that we have nothing to lose and that is exactly why I laugh when I see your shit fucked up and floating down the river. I laugh when I read the reports that state that capitalism has been ground to a halt thanks to flooded rivers that once made it possible for your products to make it to consumers. I laugh when I can only see the roofs of your palatial homes because Mother Nature decided to re-gentrify your shit with water. She’s moved your ass out of the way to make way for water. I laugh when I see pale asses sitting up in tents waiting on some federal funds from the Trump Administration and if you ever receive any funds, you’ll more than likely have been hit with yet another storm and Trump is going to get tired of bailing even your pale asses out. Just ask those who live in Puerto Rico.

And yeah! Drugs have made their way into rural areas, upscale areas and other areas that were not saturated with drugs since whites originally dumped massive amounts of crack and other drugs in Black communities and watched the shit unfold. Now the shit is unfolding in your communities and you ain’t hardly happy about that shit. Neither were we when you saturated our neighborhoods with that shit, but your nasty ass didn’t even blink over it. And I’m not even blinking over your plight. Now, you’ve got hungry bellies, growling and some more shit since your beloved racist Trump cut the hell out of the food stamp program but because he stands for exactly what you are, you still support him even though he would not even spit on your ass if it was on fire to help put it out.

Thankfully, the day has come that more and more whites are finally reaping what they have been sowing for hundreds of years. You could turn and look away at one point in time, but not anymore. That shit’s now your problem to deal with. Sink, motherfuckers, sink into that lovely brown water that’s flooded a great deal of this shithole and it shall continue because your ass is white!

I See The NAACP Continues To “Shuck And Jive” For The White Man -2019 NAACP Image Awards Bullshit On Full Display

The National Association Advancing Corporate Coons otherwise known as the NAACP, but to keep it real, is in all actuality, the NAACC is doing fuck all about the serious issues that are plaguing the few remaining Black communities; issues such as mass incarceration, income inequality, gentrification, mass homelessness of descendants of slaves, food insecurity, a school-to-prison pipeline, drug addiction, gangs, violence, shootings and the fucked up list is endless.

“We at the National Association Advancing Corporate Coons bow and scrape to our white massas ’cause they hand us a bone every now and then to enable us to continue to host ‘Image Awards’ that highlight massa’s benevolence in giving some Black folks a job ‘shucking and jiving and ‘cooning’. We know we is still slaves, but since massa is allowing us a few more treats to make slave life just a wee bit easier for some of us to deal with, why we is gonna take it! Thank you massa SIR!” – NAACC Mission Statement

It was a night filled with many winners at the 50th annual NAACP Image Awards.

Hosted by Anthony Anderson, the stars stepped out to attend the annual celebration at the Dolby Theatre in Hollywood on Saturday, and to also take home some trophies.

Leading the pack was Black Panther with a total of 14 nominations, including Outstanding Motion Picture, Outstanding Actor in a Motion Picture and Outstanding Ensemble Cast in a Motion Picture, among many others. BlacKkKlansman, Crazy Rich Asians, If Beale Street Could Talk, Widows and The Hate U Give were also up for multiple awards.

On the TV side, Black-ish, Insecure, Seven Seconds, Atlanta and How to Get Away With Murder were among the most celebrated series at this year’s event. JAY-Z received the President’s Award during the ceremony, and Beyonce won Entertainer of the Year.

“Yes indeed, we here at the NAACC give a complete and loving shout out to Disney and Marvel’s racist ass shit for giving us Black Panther! No, not Huey P. Newton and Bobby Hutton or Assata Shakur, who is still in exile in Cuba, nor Eldridge Cleaver, Angela Davis, Elaine Brown, Kathleen Cleaver and many, many others, some of whom are still incarcerated while others have died. We don’t recognize the true heroes in the fight for racial equality. We give out awards that are fucking meaningless in the grand scheme of things because what the fuck do our worthless ass awards mean to a descendant of slaves who can’t get out of jail because they don’t have bail money and the only reason he/she is in there is because of some trumped up charge or because they allegedly stole some candy worth $5 and died in jail because they could not afford bail. We at the NAACC don’t give a shit about that!”

Black folks! Are you taking note of this shit? The NAACP has never had our fucking back and never will have our fucking back because the NAACP is owned and operated by coonheads who have ALL sold out to their fucking white massas! The true heroes are all a part of history and are actually, history! The white parasite has seen to that! Just look at our history in this shithole. Every organization that was actually trying to do some good for the Black community was destroyed by whitey pale-assed parasite and the only organization that is still running strong today is the NAACP? You don’t have a hint yet? The NAACP is allowed to operate because like I have already stated, it is doing fuck all about all of the important serious issues facing descendants of slaves in this shithole today. What the fuck is paying homage to some Black coonhead actors and actresses doing about the issues plaguing Black communities? When has hosting an ‘Image awards’ show did a goddamn thing to mitigate Black child poverty, racism, income inequality, prostitution, drug addiction, Arabs and Asians selling liquor and spoiled food in Black neighborhoods while taking their ill-gotten gains back to Muslimburg and Koreaville? What the fuck is the NAACP doing about ANY of that shit? Not a goddamn thing!

The NAACP is headquartered on Mount Hope Drive in Baltimore, MD and that city is off the chain! Drug addiction is so rampant that Baltimore has been designated, “The Heroin Capitol” of AmeriKKKa! Homelessness is rampant as is prostitution, gang activity and poverty so off the scale as to be a national disgrace for this shithole to call other nations and countries shitholes when this shithole is festering that shit on Black communities, nationwide! But it’s time to recognize and award some goddamn foolishness in Hollywood! Recognize some African motherfuckers for their outstanding cooning in Black Panther. What the fuck is giving Mexican-Kenyan Lupita Nyongo an Image Award doing for descendants of slaves in this shithole? Her fucking family is likely behind the reason why some of us are sitting here in this hellhole all fucked up and some more shit! You sit somewhere admiring her Mexican-Kenyan ass as she accepts award after award while there are true warriors and heroes in Black communities all across this shithole, tirelessly trying to effect change and they are never recognized for what they do for the simple reason that they are not somewhere cooning for massa in some fucking Twelve Years A Slave shit or some fucking Black Panther cartoon make believe bullshit??!!! Fucking seriously??!! And then I have the nerve to wonder why there are never any gains to make mention of in Black communities? This is why!!

And what the fuck does ‘Crazy Rich Asians’ have to do with Black Image Awards?

Crazy Rich Asians (2018) is all Asian-American casts Hollywood blockbuster since Flower Drum Song (1961). Its feature is not all Asian casts but it is all Asian-American casts

When those racist fucks aren’t somewhere receiving NAACP Image Awards, they are on every street corner selling liquor and fried rice to every Black man, woman and child that’s still living in the remaining ghettos of inner cities. Oh, they’re behind some fucking bulletproof glass cage, but they’re there selling that shit and don’t forget, Black folks are also busy buying up the hair care products sold by those Asians. In fact, Asians have cornered the market on Black hair care products. And if you go to Baltimore, MD and head to Lexington Market, damn near every stall is operated by one of those funky breath Asians. And they all pretend to not understand English when they’re getting interviewed, but they understand selling their nasty shit to descendants of slaves right enough! I have listened to them speak perfect fucking English at their Black customers and then when whitey parasite ass comes around, they, all of a sudden like, forget English. Well now we know that those funky breath fuckers speak English only too well because they are all up in our face on “Crazy Rich Asians” and have been recognized by the NAACPNAACC!

Descendants of slaves in AmeriKKKa are the ONLY group of people who cannot even tell that every other group on this planet is our enemy! We are the ONLY group who will try and award our enemies for fucking us up with their racist attitudes towards us. We are the ONLY group of people who are hell bent on helping whitey pasty asses and others to fuck us up until death do we part! We have got to be the craziest motherfuckers to ever live to die for whitey parasite asses! What is fucking wrong with you????!!!! No other group is on some dumb ass time like Black folks are! You hate those who look like you and try to help you, while glorifying those who are out to destroy you and yet you find absolutely nothing wrong with that.

The other day, I came across a video of a blogger I follow. He and his wife were doing something called ‘Muckbang’. And they were gorging themselves to death on Asian noodles, Mexican food and all sorts of fucked up shit. And I’m like, “Why in the world would you do that to your body?” I then find that this ‘Muckbang’ nonsense originated in Asian countries and has been taken up by the stupid AmeriKKKans.

“Mukbang, muk-bang or meokbang is a live online audiovisual broadcast in which a host eats large amounts of foods while interacting with their audience. Usually done through an internet webcast, mukbang became popular in South Korea in 2010. Foods ranging from pizza to noodles are consumed in front of a camera for an internet audience. Based on the attractiveness of real-time and interactive aspects, eating shows are expanding their influence in Internet broadcasting platforms.”

As obese as millions of AmeriKKKans are, do you seriously need to take up another bad habit that is ALL about overeating and then have the nerve to post it online for millions of people to watch??! You sit there and literally eat yourself to death in the hopes of getting ‘likes’ and ‘subscribers’. Fucking seriously???!! And then turn right around and wonder why you have high cholesterol, high triglycerides and have to ‘special order’ your ‘tents’ to drape yourselves in. But I am sitting somewhere wondering why “Orange Is The New Black” was nominated by the NAACP and why “Crazy Rich Asians” was also nominated for an Image Award while we hear nothing whatsoever about Marcus Garvey, The Black Panther Party and Movement and the Women of the Black Panther Party and Movement. Why the fuck am I wondering about ANYTHING that doesn’t make any damn sense anymore when Michael Ellner said it best!

“Everything is backwards, everything is upside down. Doctors destroy health, lawyers destroy justice, psychiatrists destroy minds, scientists destroy truth, major media destroys information, religions destroy spirituality and governments destroy freedom.” – Michael Ellner

And so while I am on the subject of what’s destroyed, I’ll add that the NAACP has destroyed Its credibility. What little it may have still had, that is. Although truth be told, the NAACP had no credibility since that was destroyed aeons ago!

Young black man jailed since April for alleged $5 theft found dead in cell

A young black man arrested by police in Portsmouth, Virginia, on the same day that one of the city’s officers fatally shot an unarmed black 18-year-old, has been found dead in jail after spending almost four months behind bars without bail for stealing groceries worth $5. Jamycheal Mitchell, who had mental health problems, was discovered lying on the floor of his cell by guards early last Wednesday, according to authorities. While his body is still awaiting an autopsy, senior prison officials said his death was not being treated as suspicious.

What a goddamn shame! The article also states that Jamycheal Mitchell was accused of stealing a bottle of Mountain Dew, a Snickers bar and a Zebra Cake worth a total of $5 from a 7-Eleven and was arrested for this, sat in jail for four months and then died from ‘natural causes’ AT 24 YEARS OF AGE, after having lost 65 pounds and was emaciated at time of death.

A man was in jail for FOUR goddamn months, on a $5.00 theft charge???!!!! Here is an idea! The NAACP can give out an “Image Award” to the KKKops that arrested a man for stealing $5.00 worth of outdated shit from an Arab. They can also give the Arab, an “Image Award,” and they can also give “Image Awards” to every prison official that was directly responsible for why Jamycheal Mitchell died in a Portsmouth, Virginia jail after having spent four goddamn months in there on an alleged $5 theft charge! Yeah! Keep those “Image Awards” coming NAACPNAACC!

And to ALL the Black motherfuckers out there who countenance this shit, FUCK YOU!

A Tale Of Two Coons

First up, we have old school coon Jesse Jackson, who is all bent-out-of shape over what Donald Trump served the Clemson Tigers at the White House.

Jesse Jackson: White House serving Clemson a fast-food meal was ‘disgraceful’

The Rev. Jesse Jackson said he was “offended” that President Donald Trump served fast food to the Clemson Tigers at the White House after they claimed the College Football Playoff national championship.

“The national champions deserved better,” said Jackson, a native of Greenville, South Carolina.

With the White House staff on furlough because of the federal government’s partial shutdown, Trump paid to have a buffet of burgers and pizza brought in Monday to feed the Tigers.

Now, I will admit that I couldn’t give a shit for sports. Hell, I didn’t know anything about the Clemson Tigers down to the fact that they played football. But quite actually, I don’t care about what is fed to some grown ass men who are chasing some ball around in the hopes to head to the NFL. If they didn’t want the shit Trump served them, then they did not have to eat it. What I do care about is the fact that there are people about to lose their housing assistance and their food stamps and that will impact many, many children who are already living in poverty. What has Jesse Jackson’s coonhead ass said about that? Not a goddamn thing and he won’t because he has never been about a damn thing that counted because if he was, he would have been assassinated long before now. Any so-called pro-Black civil rights leader or Black nationalist from the 60s who is still walking around, free as a bird, is a coonhead sellout. Because the true warriors for Black people have all been either assassinated or are sitting up in prison or have died in prison or are in exile. Jesse Jackson’s ass does not fit the profile of a ‘true warrior’ for Black people.

Jesse Jackson finds it ‘disgraceful’ what some mostly white men were served at the White House when he is not concerned at all about the plight of millions of mothers and their children who will be sitting out on the streets if there is no end to this government shutdown, who will go hungry if there is no end to this government shutdown. Apparently, that is not ‘disgraceful’ to him because he ain’t about shit! Why did he have not a goddamn thing to say about the fact that those rich whites in congress and in the White House are sitting all up on the dole and are still receiving their ill gotten gains while those who also paid taxes to this shithole, since everything in this bitch is taxed, are about to lose their housing assistance and some paltry ass food stamps that don’t even extend throughout the entire month, because if they did, I would not be carting people to food pantries to supplement what their low wages and food stamps don’t cover? And some of the people I haul around are working two jobs and yet, they are shamed as though they are living the good life, sitting back feeding their children filet mignon while living high off the hog. That is so not happening. I am almost in tears when I see what is sticking out of the tops of the grocery bags because it’s not fit for children to eat, but since it stretches, that’s what they eat; cheap hot dogs, peanut butter and jelly, white bread, hamburger, Hamburger Helper, Ramen noodles and more shit of the like. And what’s sitting at food pantries is hardly any better. And I have seen white folks in those places begging for toilet tissue to wipe their ass, it’s that bad since obviously food stamps don’t pay for toilet tissue and so food pantries stock some and they run out of items of that nature real quick.

This is why the Black community is in horrible shape because the so-called Black leaders use the ‘bully pulpit’ for ALL the wrong reasons. Instead of calling out congress and the president over this childish display of foolishness in that Pelosi called for Trump to reschedule the SOTU wherein Trump responded with grounding Pelosi’s plane from taking her to Afghanistan and elsewhere, Jackson instead admonished Trump over what he fed some well-fed football players completely ignoring the immense impact this shutdown will have on millions of innocent people including children. Someone asked me the other day, “Are there any adults in the room?” To which I responded, “Quite actually, no and more’s the damn pity!”

And now we come to another old school coon, Gladys Knight, who just commented that she is most proud to sing the National Anthem at the Superbowl.

Gladys Knight Comments on Colin Kaepernick and Super Bowl: ‘I Am Here to Give the Anthem Back Its Voice’

“I understand that Mr. Kaepernick is protesting two things, and they are police violence and injustice,” “It is unfortunate that our National Anthem has been dragged into this debate when the distinctive senses of the National Anthem and fighting for justice should each stand alone.

“I am here today and on Sunday, Feb. 3 to give the Anthem back its voice, to stand for that historic choice of words, the way it unites us when we hear it and to free it from the same prejudices and struggles I have fought long and hard for all my life, from walking back hallways, from marching with our social leaders, from using my voice for good — I have been in the forefront of this battle longer than most of those voicing their opinions to win the right to sing our country’s Anthem on a stage as large as the Super Bowl LIII.

“I pray that this National Anthem will bring us all together in a way never before witnessed and we can move forward and untangle these truths which mean so much to all of us.”

What is unfortunate is how stupid Gladys Knight really is in that she thinks that a song that symbolizes what this nation stands for which is theft, slavery and genocide, in her opinion, “needs its voice back, uniting us when we hear it, bringing us all together.” Who the fuck is she kidding and how many times was she dropped on her damn head? Oh yes, she will sing the first stanza of the Star Spangled Banner, just as ALL who’ve gone before has done. But what she will not sing is this!

No refuge could save the hireling and slave
From the terror of flight or the gloom of the grave,
And the star-spangled banner in triumph doth wave
O’er the land of the free and the home of the brave.

And so what does the above mean? It meant that slaves joined up with the British to fight against their tormentors; their ‘owners’. And isn’t that what white men are called in the NFL? Owners of those mostly ‘Black’ players? Indeed!

The orders given to the Royal Navy’s Admiral Sir George Cockburn read:

“Let the landings you make be more for the protection of the desertion of the Black Population than with a view to any other advantage. … The great point to be attained is the cordial Support of the Black population. With them properly armed & backed with 20,000 British Troops, Mr. Madison will be hurled from his throne.

Whole families found their way to the ships of the British, who accepted everyone and pledged no one would be given back to their “owners.” Adult men were trained to create a regiment called the Colonial Marines, who participated in many of the most important battles, including the August 1814 raid on Washington.

So when Francis Scott Key penned “No refuge could save the hireling and slave / From the terror of flight or the gloom of the grave,” he was taking great satisfaction in the death of slaves who’d freed themselves. His perspective may have been affected by the fact he owned several slaves himself.

After the U.S. and the British signed a peace treaty at the end of 1814, the U.S. government demanded the return of American “property,” which by that point numbered about 6,000 people. The British refused. Most of the 6,000 eventually settled in Canada, with some going to Trinidad, where their descendants are still known as “Merikins.”

Francis Scott Key got his ass kicked by a regiment of Black slave Colonial Marines and he didn’t hardly appreciate that fact and so penned that vile shit and called it, “The Star Spangled Banner” and yet many Black singers have bellowed that vile shit out and they had to have known about this verse as well even if they did not take the time to read up on the history of that disgusting pile of shit of a song. The British refused to turn over what the U.S. government deemed its ‘PROPERTY’! And what the fuck has changed? Not a goddamn thing because descendants of slaves are still viewed as PROPERTY by this hated and most viciously vile ass government. You stupid, dumb ass Blacks like Gladys Knight, Beyoncé, Jennifer Hudson, Diana Ross and yes, even dead ones, Natalie Cole, Luther Vandross, Whitney Houston and Aretha Franklin just to name a few have all sung a song that stands for a nation steeped in the blood of Indians and slaves dragged from Africa. A nation that proudly, to this day, confirms that it still stands for slavery and genocide seeing as how there over 2 million descendants of slaves incarcerated which is more than were original African slaves and the Indians are still segregated on reservations experiencing hunger, illness and abject poverty while the descendants of those who put them there are still waging war on the descendants of slaves and the Indigenous population.

So no, Gladys ‘dumbass’ knight, by your singing that shit, it will NOT bring us ALL together. It will NOT unite us. It will just make you look like the fool you are; massa’s fool and he will laud you for it even as he laughs at your stupidity. But since you’re obviously so played out that you need the gig, go right ahead. Step right up and display your cooning abilities since that is what many Black people are good at, especially those who can stand and say they marched for Civil Rights and against Jim Crow and yet will sing a song that calls for the return of ‘PROPERTY’, meaning slaves you are descended from. Yeah coon, your massas are loving the fact that they can get Black people to do anything! Hand them a few dollars or the ability to sell some of their music thanks to their face at the Super Bowl and they can forget and forgive slavery, Jim Crow, three-fifths, the one-drop rule, discrimination, racism, bigotry, police brutality, gentrification, mass homelessness and income inequality visited on Black people, not to mention the introduction of crack into once vibrant Black communities that left them devastated. Gladys Knight can overlook ALL of that for her 15 minutes upon the stage to sell a few songs on iTunes. You go with your coonhead ass Gladys Knight. Until those of your era die out, we will continue to see coons do fuck all when given an opportunity to speak from the bully pulpit.

No refuge could save the hireling and slave
From the terror of flight or the gloom of the grave,
And the star-spangled banner in triumph doth wave
O’er the land of the free and the home of the brave.

Sing that verse, why don’t you Gladys Knight and see how fast your mic would get cut the fuck off. But you don’t have the balls to do that, coonhead!

Key got his ass kicked by many a slave,
who valiantly fought, each was so brave.
What Amerikkka wanted was for them in a grave
but they boarded a ship and from a distance did wave.

There! I fixed it for them! Now sing that, you lousy coonhead fucker! Two coonheads who could have used the bully pulpit to shed light on the plight of those who look like them if this government shutdown continues, but instead, one decided to take umbrage over what Trump served some game playing motherfuckers at the White House and the other goes on to defend a racist national anthem. And I have the nerve to wonder why Black America has made no gains. With shit such as this in our corner and white enemies on our asses daily, is it any wonder??!!

What Was I Thinking?

I went from this:

to this:

Indeed, what in the world was I thinking?

Going from this?

To This?

Oh hell nawwww!


Since coming to Baltimore, I have experienced more crazy shit than I can shake a stick at. I have never seen anything like what I have seen for the past 10 months, that’s 10 months. I cannot even survive a year in this hellhole!

As some of you may know, I have been carjacked, bus robbed, shot at and someone tried to break into my home. I was taken to the hospital twice and never made it out of the hallway into a room and my head was up against the restroom door. When I was taken back to the hospital, I was taken to the same exact hallway, placed on a bed outside the exact same restroom door, directly from yet another crime scene. And as out of it as I was, I thought the nurse said she was giving me Demerol, only to find out that she had hit me up with Fentanyl. That was the most horrid drug experience ever. I thought I was dying and yet it did nothing for the pain I was in from having hit my head over trying to dodge bullets by falling down a flight of stairs. Why they give people Fentanyl is a mystery to me because it only makes you high, but does nothing for the pain you’re in.

For anyone that is reading this, I am strongly advising that you STAY OUT OF BALTIMORE MARYLAND!!! Never even visit this place! My shit is being packed as I type this and the moving truck has been ordered! If you’ve ever thought to experience what hell is, it is here in Baltimore, MD! Never, ever come here! And as bad as it sounds, it is far, far worse!!!

I cannot believe that I was so naïve to think that I could come to this cesspool of filth, corruption and crime and make a difference. Again, I have no idea what the hell I was thinking, but I am soon to be outta here! I can’t leave fast enough!

Ducking and dodging bullets is NOT my idea of having a good time, nor is it entertaining. For the love of !!!!!

I Spent Thanksgiving In Atlantic City

atlantic-cityThis is why I love living on the East Coast because in a couple of hours, I can be just about anywhere! And so, instead of heading south to deal with family members that I loathe, I headed for Atlantic City instead and stayed at Bally’s.

what-a-day-012And I strolled by the Wild West Saloon right off the boardwalk and they were not serving turkey, but you could certainly get your drink on and your gambling. For myself, I had been imbibing ‘free’ champagne while at the Bally’s slots and decided to stagger down the boardwalk and came across this joint.

wildwestI believe in doing just what the signs says, “Go WILD!” LOL! Damn! Am I on the ‘strip’ or the boardwalk? Oh well, it was too cold to take the plunge and so I headed back inside and down the hatch it flowed, champagne, that is!


However, I do want to say that Atlantic City has become a really sad city. The people who worked in the casino/hotel were telling me that they were surprised to even see people looking enthusiastically around Atlantic City because there is just nothing to come to Atlantic City for these days. I could not get them to understand that I come to stand by the ocean and just watch the wild waves crash on the shore and that the best time of the year for me to enjoy doing this is when it is cold because I can be sure that I am not amongst a crowd, jostling for a space on the beach. There was much laughter following this because I was told that there are no crowds even at the peak of summer.

It did not used to be this way. My uncle, bless his soul, is dead now but he spent all of his retirement years in Atlantic City; he and his wife. They both had gambling fever and would lose their shirt every time and yet every month, they’d be back in Atlantic City to do it all over again. One time, my ex-husband and I went with them and I was in the casino watching my ex-husband lose his money when I heard my name over the casino loudspeaker and I was wanted at the cashier station. I found the cashier station and there stood my uncle. He had requested that I be paged because he wanted to ‘borrow’ some money from me because his money had all been gambled away and so had his wife’s. He got no money from me! I’ll never forget, on the bus ride back home, when the bus driver pulled into a restaurant so that we could get some food, I was the only one who got off the bus and got back on with food and everyone groaned when the smell wafted through the bus because they were all broke. My ex-husband looked at me when I sat down beside him and he asked me wasn’t I going to give him some of my food. HA! I laughed in his face! I tortured those broke gamblers all the way back to our hometown. It was so much fun!

But as usual, I digress. Atlantic City is just sad, like so many other American cities that have had their heyday and no one invested in the city or its people. From what I understand, crime is off the charts thanks to a lack of jobs, poverty, homelessness, prostitution, drug abuse and the list is endless. Why is this endemic to almost every major American city? What is wrong with the politicians when they can see this as problematic and would still rather have big developers come in and further add insult to injury to  the already poverty stricken by building upscale dwellings and opening upscale fancy named stores that people who are jobless cannot shop at? And then proceed to go on and on about the high crime rates as if they don’t know that poverty and high crime rates go hand in hand? Back in the day, Atlantic City catered to people like my uncle who would go to Atlantic City, religiously and not only gamble, but would go to the restaurants and spend money in the little shops that were lined up and down the boardwalk, taking back home with them, cheap souvenirs and $1 boxes of salt water taffy. Now, you’ll find only high end stores in the mall on the boardwalk. Pier shops is what its called and there you’ll find Wolf Fine Jewelry, Tiffany & Co.,  bebe, Louie Vuitton, Michael Kors, Marshall Rousso, Glow Gold, Burberry and other stores of the like, but you’ll not find what used to be there; Dollar Tree, McDonalds, Burger King, Payless Shoe Source, The 99 cent Taffy Store, The Everything’s A Dollar Gift Shop and more of the like. And back then, Atlantic City was thriving, but there still was a problem of no investment in Atlantic City beyond the boardwalk and the casinos. I noticed this decades ago and I thought, “If this continues, this city is going to go into a decline.” And it has, big time!

Casinos are now vying for customers to the point where I was able to receive $25 in the form of a voucher after having paid $30 for the bus ticket to Atlantic City. So, it only cost me $5.00 to go to Atlantic City and back. Of course, I had to use the voucher in the casino, the $25.00 wasn’t given to me in cash, but what was even better, I discovered while sitting at the slot machine that I could order any drink I wanted. They even had champagne! I could not believe it! I sat at that slot machine and pressed the button to order champagne for hours. They even gave it to me in a champagne flute. The music was playing overhead and I was just a giggling and enjoying my ‘free’ champagne in my gifted new flute and was winning too! Now how great was that? I finally staggered on out of the casino and to the elevator to go up to my room, only to fall into bed and get up a few hours later and start all over again. Good heavens! Did I enjoy Thanksgiving or did I enjoy Thanksgiving? I enjoyed Thanksgiving.

But then, I thought of all the people who were just a mere couple hundred feet beyond the casino doors, hulking in the shadows, shivering and hungry while I was being courted as a desirable customer at the casino. I thought, “Oh, what a hypocrite, am I!” I write about all the injustices that are going on today and then someone only has to hand me a champagne flute  and continuously fill the flute for as long as I can sit without falling down drunk. Right then and there, I pledged to do better. I pledged to try and do what I can to find solutions and to stop forgetting even for a few hours that there are people beyond the doors, homeless and shivering; that there are people, who once worked in that casino but because so few come there anymore, their jobs were terminated and that I am being courted not because I am valued, but because I am one of the few who will still come back to a city that is virtually, a ghost town; a city that needs its politicians to revitalize and give hope to a population of citizens who have been neglected thanks to indifferent politicians, broken promises and vulture capitalists.

Atlantic City will soon have much company.