It’s All Done By Design!


When white men get beheaded,
it’s off to war we go.
They won’t ever behead Black men.
‘Cause even ISIS ain’t that slow.

Would ISIS behead a Black man?
If so, they’d need a new plan.
They know America wouldn’t go to war.
Are you kidding? What the hell for?

So even ISIS knows the deal,
that’s why no Black man did they kill.
Didn’t a white man’s chopped-off head,
cause hate for Muslims to spread?

To all Black men in the U. S.A.
don’t look at ISIS with dismay.
There’d be no ransom paid for you,
but you know that’s nothing new!

These are made-up enemies,
and for this year’s nominees,
ISIS went to the head of the line,
and it’s all done by design.

The media played its part,
’cause Americans ain’t real smart.
They sent a white man to sell this war,
and it worked just like before.

Written by,
Shelby I. Courtland
©2014 Shelby I. Courtland

Black men in America, this is one thing that you don’t have to worry about, getting beheaded by a made-up enemy by your so-called ‘government.’ They know how to get the American sheeple stirred up and there would have been no support for this war on Iraq and Syria if some Black journalists had gone and got themselves beheaded. This shit in America know just how to get people in line and as I’ve said, it works every time ’cause Americans are stupid and that ain’t about to change!

What Makes ‘U.S.’ So Damn Exceptional?


As bombs paid for by me, turn your home into useless rubble,
you wonder why I condone my government’s war with you.
How can you comprehend my willingness to scream, “More war!”
It is because I have been programmed by certain images to hate the things you do.

“thoughts of the brainwashed Americans*

When your western media plasters your entertainment devices with beheadings, you are shocked!
And yet what you refuse to find shocking is that your government’s actions caused those beheadings.

Why should I love you when you’ve destroyed my country over a lie?
What would you do if the same were to happen to your beloved homeland?

When will you realize that I am just as human as you are and my children too deserve to live?
Why can you not understand that when you bomb me, I am going to hate you?
Can you really not conceive of the idea that what you’ve done to me is not going to make me love you?

How foolish of you to sleep in your snug beds, driving around on oil from my country and scream when I retaliate for the victims of your white phosphorus in Fallujah,
when I retaliate for the women who have lost children thanks to your bombs,
when I retaliate for orphans who wander around crying because their family is dead.

What makes you so damn exceptional and so damn more important than we are?
Why do you feel this way? Is it because there is no one bombing your country?

You speak of your 911 as though that gives you the right to kill millions of my people.
Why are your 3,000 American bodies more important than any other bodies on this planet?

We do not find you to be exceptional and we will not kneel at the feet of your war machine.
And you know what America, fuck you and your exceptionalism and your arrogance.

Fuck you in your cells that you call homes and even now you think that you are free.
You are not free as you have only the illusion of freedom and one day even that will end.

I do not have to bring ‘terrorism’ to your country America just because you bring it to mine.
For one day, the seeds that you have planted in my country will grow and they are growing,
and your bombs and your drones will not stop us because when you kill me, there will be others.

And for every one of us that you kill, a thousand more is ready to take up the cause,
the cause of wiping your vileness off the face of this planet and we will America!

Count on it and see what you will reap for all the children that you have killed in foreign lands to get their oil,
and for all the mothers and fathers that you have buried with your lust for what is ours,
we will pay you back and we will be victorious because we are what you wish to destroy.
And though you try, you will never be able to defeat us because we are not afraid to die!

*thoughts of a ‘militant’ fighting back against invaders of his country*


I would like to take this opportunity to say that once again the U.S. and Great Britain lead the charge into Iraq and even though as of yet Great Britain has abstained from bombing Syria, those in Great Britain should be choking over the fact that they and the Americans are the reasons why ‘groups’ are hell bent on ‘terrorizing’ their way across Iraq and Syria and Libya and elsewhere in the Middle East. The destabilization of that region lies squarely with the ‘coalition of the stupid and the oil gluttons’ and the reason why, according to so many polls that point to Americans not having a problem with the continuation of genocide against the people of the Middle East is because of our dependence on foreign oil and because those who are sent into harms way to keep that oil flowing to the U.S. are not the sons and daughters of the rich nor are they the sons and daughters of the upper middle class. The cannon fodder is expendable because of who makes up the cannon fodder; the bodies that return in bags and the wreckage of once whole people who actually make it back end up on the streets, homeless or incarcerated, are the poor.

Everything ISIS aka IS aka ISIL aka al-Qaeda aka who the hell knows what group is next to be announced learned, they learned from the warmongers in the U.S. and Great Britain, the coalition of the wars-are-for-profit bastards that make a killing off war and they learned it well.

From the quagmire that was Vietnam, we learned not a damn thing because if we think that by doing the same thing that we did in Vietnam that we are going to get a different result, we are indeed, insane and quite frankly, we are! With every bomb that we drop, with every drone that we launch and it hits a target, we are fostering resentment, hate and a renewed fervor for revenge by those whom we have bombed to strike back and they will. If we kill one, a hundred more will take up where they left off. It will not end, not unless the U.S. and its coalition of the stupid manage to kill every single man, woman and child in the Middle East and even that won’t stop it because people are joining the ranks of the so-called terrorists as I type this from countries all over the world.

When will there be an understanding that the world’s people are not going to be bombed into the West’s way of thinking? And showing pictures of beheadings will gain sympathy as it was intended to do but that will still not make those who are alleged to have beheaded people to stop doing it. And those of us in the U.S. really have no clue as to who is doing what because we believe everything the media whores shove at us without question and just so long as no one is continuously bombing America, all is good. Well, it’s not because there is not a damn thing exceptional about Americans that is not exceptional about the Iraqi people who have been killed all over a lie. There is nothing at all exceptional about soldiers that killed Afghan civilians and pissed on their dead bodies, chopped off their body parts and emailed the pictures. Where is your outrage America over that? Where is your outrage over the torture of innocent Iraqi people in Abu Ghraib prison? Where is your outrage over America’s use of white phosphorus in Fallujah? Have you even cared to find out what white phosphorus does to the body? No, you haven’t because according to Americans, no one other than Americans are exceptional. Well, America, you are indeed exceptional. You are exceptionally obtuse, stupid, arrogant, brainwashed, hypocritical, depraved and vile and so long as you continue to think that no other people on this planet is worthy of living like you do, you WILL reap what you sow!

Don’t Mess With U.S. ISIS!

Question: Which picture 'depicts' Obama? Answer: Both
Question: Which picture ‘depicts’ Obama?
Answer: Both

“ISIS, as President of the United States, I am warning you that it would not be in your groups best interest to mess with the U.S. We don’t take kindly to other people messing around and threatening us. You guys and gals need to realize that the U.S. is capable of handling any threat that should land on our shores but we prefer to handle it in your backyard. And that is why we are going to take the fight to you in your neck of the woods because we know it so well after having invaded Iraq for no reason and bombed the hell out of that country and freed them from the evil dictator, Saddam Hussein. They’ve yet to thank us for that, but as always, we are willing to overlook the fact that no country has ever thanked us for trying to bring our form of democracy to it. We know very well what we are doing because we’ve bombed Iraq three times already and we haven’t been able to get anything done, accomplished, fixed, fixed up, stabilized and democratized. We know how to stabilize that region, we’re just testing the waters. Just ask the people of Afghanistan and Libya. Look at what great strides we have made in both places. Afghanistan is now a peaceful poppy heaven and since we murdered Muammar Gaddafi, things have settled down quite nicely in Libya.

We understand the difficult challenges that come with being the worlds’ police but we are up to the challenges. We are all up on our game and never think any different. We have formed a coalition of the willing to ‘degrade and destroy’ you. We will degrade you by pulling your pants down in public and spank you right in front of your mothers. We are sick and tired of you beheading people who are just reporting on the ongoing issues that we have been trying to get straightened out in the Middle East. You have no cause to behead people. Just because Saudi Arabia beheads people on an almost daily basis, that is no excuse for you to mimic their humanitarian form of punishment. We prefer that you water board them. Strip them naked and hook them up to electrodes and jolt them with say…50,000 volts of electricity. We also would prefer that you gently put them to sleep before murdering them by giving them a lethal injection that sometimes takes two hours from the time we give them a lethal injection to the time they wheeze several hundred times and finally die as that is the humane way to go about it. Just ask Joseph Rudolph Wood III. Oh, that’s right, we can’t as he finally did die after two hours of wheezing in his death throes. We are so humane.

And another thing ISIS, we produce thermo nuclear weapons of mass destruction and so again, you don’t really want to mess with U.S. because we ensure that no one; no terrorist, no group of crazed fanatics is going to ever have the means to infiltrate our superior and advanced high tech security systems that are used to guard any complex that houses our weapons grade uranium that we use in those thermo nuclear weapons of mass destruction. Just ask Sister Megan Rice, an 83 year old nun who, with her Geritol crew posse used some bolt cutters and a hammer and infiltrated the state-of-the-art high grade security at our nuclear weapons complex that was designed to ignore little old lady nuns with box cutters, hammers and human blood. How dare she deface our weapons complex in that fashion. But we showed Sister Rice and posse, oh yes we did. Now they are cooling their heels in one of our ‘for profit prisons’ and they ain’t hardly happy at all about making license plates. That’ll show ’em. You don’t mess with the U.S. because danggone it, we are always up on our game.

So, ISIS, who’s your daddy? We made you and we can break you! When you refused to continue to play by our rules, you signed your death certificate and now that we have shown those videos of you beheading Americans, well…everyone here in America is on board with us bombing the hell out of any country in the Middle East to get back at you because here in America, we are the ‘exceptional’, the few, the proud, the great ones. Feel our wrath as we bomb you into oblivion and to the Syrian people, you were warned before we started bombing you that we were going to bomb you. See how thoughtful we are? We didn’t have to give you guys a heads-up but we’re just so nice and all. But don’t mistake our niceness for weakness. Just ask Joseph Rudolph Wood III. My bad, I keep forgetting that he’s dead. Well in that case, write a letter to Sister Megan Rice. She’ll tell ya. Don’t mess with us ISIS!”

Nun Sentenced to 35 Months for Breaching Weapons Complex, Embarrassing the Feds

ISIS Is On YouTube!

ISIS video

ISIS is on YouTube
and they’ve got a Twitter feed.
The NSA can’t find them,
but they know I’m smoking weed.

When al-CIAda palled last year,
another scapegoat did they need.
So here comes ISIS to the rescue.
They’ll fill the bill indeed.

Who’ll be next, I’m not sure,
but I know they’ll make it good.
They’ve got to fan the flames,
like with the Muslim Brotherhood.

Obama’s lost his mind,
he and McCain are bat shit nuts.
They’ve got a trigger happy finger.
I wish they’d bang some nasty sluts.

Oh we’ll pay the price, we will
for the criminal minded whores,
when Putin turns off the gas,
the EU won’t toast no s’mores!

So, terror has a new name.
What will they think of next?
Why can’t the NSA find them?
Because with me, they are obsessed!

Oh, I’m flattered, yes I am
but that don’t cut no ice.
The bad guys get away
and someone’s head just paid the price.

Written by,
Shelby I. Courtland
©2014 Shelby I. Courtland

I Die A Thousand Deaths Each Day!


When will you stop killing me?
I die a thousand deaths each day.
You kill me over and over again,
and then another me, you slay.

We are all just one big family
but you don’t see me in that way.
You point your weapon at my chest
as though I’m just some hunted prey.

The blood that flows from me,
also pulses through your veins.
And as another me lies dying,
a thousand more of me remains.

So, kill each and every one of me.
And when you’re the last me left to stand,
then the killing will finally end,
when you die by your own hand.

Written by,
Shelby I. Courtland
©2014 Shelby I. Courtland

What difference does it make in the name that we give the latest excuse for war? There will always be a ‘group’ of people that will be perceived as evil incarnate and therefore, must be ‘bombed’ into oblivion. Must we ALL have to die for there to be no more war? Must there only be one so-called, ‘human’ left on earth and then what? What would that last ‘human’ do? Kill himself?, that is my guess because after all, what else are we wired for?

So, we’re going to bomb the ‘ISIS be-headers’ club because that will put an end to ‘terrorists’, right? It has worked SO very well thus far, hasn’t it? We ‘arm’ the ‘terrorists’. We train the ‘terrorists’ and then when they become ‘uncontrollable’, we ‘bomb them because they decided on a different course of action than what we initially intended. Sigh!! We never learn.

“It’s All Humanitarian!”


While the champagne’s chillin’
and the steaks are grillin’,
thought I’d type for a spell
and oh, what the hell!

We’re bombing in Iraq
’cause we got it like that.
It’s all humanitarian
we’re such a good Samaritan!

As Gaza gets shelled
Netanyahu ain’t jailed
for genocide and all
’cause Hamas just won’t play ball.

Nor will ISIS or ISIL, trained by the CIA
and Iraq’s security forces all went MIA.

Obama said to Martha, “It’s my vacation time!”
“That shit in Iraq, it’s such a fucking crime!”
“And Palestine, you go to hell and take the Gaza Strip”
“Israel, see to it and don’t let up or slip!”
“We’ve invested American dollars to help you out, my friend!”
“So hop to getting it done and as with Gaza, here’s the end!”

Written by,
Shelby I. Courtland
©2014 Shelby I. Courtland

While we here in America are attending a baseball game and gearing up for football and wining and dining, ‘exceptional’ shits that we are, people all over the world are getting fucked up by some shit that we started and either just can’t leave the hell alone or are busy instigating it by gifting millions to Israel to genocide all over the Palestinian people while we bomb Iraq for humanitarian reasons as stated by our piece of shit hypocritical, self-appointed, Emperor despot Obadrone, himself! Hail to the Chief! Emperor ’cause bombing IS the humanitarian thing to do!

“The extremists’ “campaign of terror against the innocent, including the Yazidi and Christian minorities, and its grotesque and targeted acts of violence bear all the warning signs and hallmarks of genocide,” said U.S. Secretary of State John Kerry. “For anyone who needed a wake-up call, this is it.”

Wow! That’s some deep shit right there! John Kerry is against genocide! Can you believe it? Uh…NO! Can you say, “GAZA!!!!????, ANYONE?! And as if what John Kerry, our Secretary of State said wasn’t bad enough, Obama had this to say,

Obama authorizes air strikes to prevent Iraq ‘genocide’

President Barack Obama says he has authorized US air strikes on Iraq to prevent a “genocide” by Islamist extremists against minorities.

So, Obama authorized bombs to prevent genocide in Iraq while giving Israel’s Netanyahu a free pass in bombing and COMMITTING genocide against the Palestinian people! The hypocrisy of the Obama Administration knows no bounds! Unbefuckingbelievable!!!!!! Apparently, there’s ‘good’ genocide and ‘bad’ genocide and the U.S. government gets to pick which is which and ain’t that a bitch!!! Fucking gag me with a goddamn bomb, why doncha!!!!!

Bombing people over and over has always solved SO goddamn much and if you can name one goddamn thing GOOD that a bomb has achieved, then leave your comment and don’t even bother commenting on how bombing the Japanese ended World War II because I’ve read time and time again, that Japan was defeated before they got hell unleashed on them by means of two atomic bombs. Goddamn it!

For nearly seven decades, the American public has accepted one version of the events that led to Japan’s surrender. By the middle of 1945, the war in Europe was over, and it was clear that the Japanese could hold no reasonable hope of victory. After years of grueling battle, fighting island to island across the Pacific, Japan’s Navy and Air Force were all but destroyed. The production of materiel was faltering, completely overmatched by American industry, and the Japanese people were starving. A full-scale invasion of Japan itself would mean hundreds of thousands of dead GIs, and, still, the Japanese leadership refused to surrender.

But in early August 66 years ago, America unveiled a terrifying new weapon, dropping atomic bombs on Hiroshima and Nagasaki. In a matter of days, the Japanese submitted, bringing the fighting, finally, to a close.

On Aug. 6, the United States marks the anniversary of the Hiroshima bombing’s mixed legacy.

…and so, bomb’s away! Here’s to genocide, destruction, chaos, pandemonium and some more shit!!!

The U.S. Navy Shot Down A Passenger Plane Killing All 290 on board, including 66 children and 16 crew!


“Iran Air Flight 655 was an Iran Air civilian passenger flight from Tehran to Dubai that was shot down by the United States Navy guided missile cruiser USS Vincennes on 3 July 1988. The incident took place in Iranian airspace, over Iran’s territorial waters in the Persian Gulf, and on the flight’s usual flight path. The aircraft, an Airbus A300 B2-203, was destroyed by SM-2MR surface-to-air missiles fired from the Vincennes.”

Did you fucking read that? The United States shot down a CIVILIAN PASSENGER FLIGHT KILLING ALL 290 ON BOARD INCLUDING 66 CHILDREN!! Where’s your fucking outrage over that, Amerikkka???!!!! Why aren’t you screeching about that Hillary skank ass Clinton, you nasty bitch!

…and now you hypocritical Amerikkkan fucks go bat shit crazy over wanting Vladimir Putin’s head on a platter claiming that he is responsible for the downed Flight MH17. Where is your goddamn petticoat junction outrage over the killing of innocent people by America’s military via navy whores? Why do they fucking get a free pass? Oh that’s right! Those people don’t matter. They were probably mostly Iranians anyways. So, why the fuck should we care? We’ve got an agenda and Russia ain’t playing along with it and just who the hell do they think they are? Not playing by the rules of the elite fucks in Amerikkka? We’re fucking ‘exceptional’ and all and why don’t they bow and scrape to us and act like they know this?

Hillary Clinton and her ilk only have to screech about what an atrocity the downing of Flight MH17 is and how Russia and Vladimir Putin is to blame and onboard the simple ass Amerikkkan brain dead jump! Never mind, the history of this shithole that gets conveniently ignored while we commence to waving the goddamn worthless ass stars and stripes and get all patriotic because even though we know that Amerikkka is fucked and was fucked by capitalist criminals, we don’t want to go down all by our lonesome. We’ve got to blame Russia for what we set in motion because then we can use that military might for which we spend so many goddamn billions on to get into the mess that Amerikkka fucking started in Ukraine. We don’t have any problems in Amerikkka. Who the fuck cares about a failing infrastructure? Who the fuck cares about an ancient power grid that’s on the verge of collapse? Who the fuck cares about all the droughts? Who the fuck cares about homeless veterans? Who the fuck cares about the millions who are jobless and who are without health care coverage? We’re about the business of minding the world’s goddamn business to the detriment of our own. We ain’t got a fucking care in the world, ‘exceptional’ shits that we are!

Mr. Putin has shown much diplomacy and tact in the face of outrageous and unfounded accusations to the point that I have much respect for him as a leader and as a person and I have not a goddamn thimble full of respect for Amerikkka or the shits that are at the helm of this lopsided, sinking stinking shithole barge and may it sink soon, drowning every ‘exceptional’ piece of Amerikkkan brain dead flotsam in the process is my greatest hope!

The United States government DID NOT FORMALLY APOLOGIZE to Iran.[11] In 1996, the United States and Iran reached a settlement at the International Court of Justice which included the statement “…the United States recognized the aerial incident of 3 July 1988 as a terrible human tragedy and expressed deep regret over the loss of lives caused by the incident…”.[12] As part of the settlement, the United States did not admit legal liability but agreed to pay on an ex gratia basis US$61.8 million, amounting to $213,103.45 per passenger, in compensation to the families of the Iranian victims.

Iran Air still uses flight number IR655 on the Tehran to Dubai route as a memorial to the victims.

Of course we don’t apologize! Apologize for what? We don’t do a goddamn thing wrong! We simply point fingers while fucking up this entire world and expecting everybody in it to bow and scrape to us and if they don’t, they get their ass handed to ’em on a bloody platter and on we go to the next!

May God damn Amerikkka to hell!!!,0,2924229.story



We sat shoulder to shoulder as we were both shipped off to war.
Two soldiers who for better or worse as on an oath, we swore
to fight for freedom and democracy and for the home we both love.
Who would have thought that I’d be here while he’s watching from above.

He was my comrade in arms and we had each other’s back.
But I made it home and he did not and that is one cold fact.
I don’t know why but they say to me that I am the lucky one.
Is it because I made it back or because still I hold this gun?

I remember the gritty sands of the desert was all we ever saw.
My wounds will never heal, they’re still open, sore and raw.
I see him standing over there in the bright sunlight of day.
There is sorrow in his eyes for there is much he wants to say.

He would tell his wife and newborn son how much he yearns for them.
I know why he comes to me, I know why I still see him.
When he died right next to me, he gasped and tried to speak.
I leaned real close to hear him, his breath fanned on my cheek.
He whispered clear these words and they were meant for me.
“I promise to haunt every soldier throughout eternity.”

Written by,
Shelby I. Courtland
©2014 Shelby I. Courtland

Blood Will Always Flow!


I look down at the weapon that I hold in my own hand,
standing over a lifeless body in a strange and foreign land.

I just took a life and I don’t even care!
But on my daughter’s head, I would not harm a hair.

What difference should it make and how could I ever kill?
And yet I look down at you and in death, you lie so still.

I stand here blaming you for the cause of your own death
and never think that who I kill for are those who hold the wealth.

They say that I am a soldier and that what I do is right.
I just go to the wars they start and then I begin to fight.

What use is there in wondering if it’s me who’s in the wrong.
I know that what I do ain’t right and I’ve known it all along.

But you see, it’s just a job to me, it’s not personal at all.
Remember, I’m just a soldier and your death was not my call.

If I take the fight to you, then you won’t bring it here.
They control us with their lies and say it’s you that we should fear.

You are dead and I’m alive but for how long I do not know.
The war machine continues on and someone’s blood will always flow.

Think about who the REAL enemy is! Yeah! I know, ‘thinking’ for yourself is a novel concept, but attempt it anyway!

Written by,
Shelby I. Courtland
©2014 Shelby I. Courtland

The Beast Must Feast!


She has a soul as black as coal.

And even in twilight, she is midnight.

She has a smell like the stench of hell.

And on the East that beast must feast!

She lays waste to a world that pays.

Her hunger is a never ending wonder.

She takes and never learns from her mistakes.

Such a beast is the vilest curse of peace!

Written by,
Shelby I. Courtland
©2014 Shelby I. Courtland